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the-sevensins · 7 years ago
Starry Eyed; Chapter 1/Min Yoongi
Summary: Y/L/N Y/N is progressing through her final year of college. As part of her final grade and work placement grade her college offer a paid internship at a record label of their choice. When Y/N works here shes met with the harsh world of the music industry, hate, friendship, money and love. What will fate plan out for our starry eyed student?
Hey guys! This story has no exact number of chapters in mind. I know how this will end up to be but as of right now it’s just going with the flow. Requests are open. 
Warning(s): Angst, Fluff, Cursing                                                                       
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader                                                              
Type of AU: College!Reader, Producer/Artist!Yoongi
Word Count: Approx. 2758
Just for reference the song that Y/N performed is Navajo by Masego and the song that Nari sang was Erykah Badu’s remix of Hotline Bling Cell U Lar Device
Was it possible for someone’s eyes to look so bright at the sound of music? Their eyes shining as they looked as music software through the harsh lights of the monitor. It was as if she was part of the computer, her eyes trained over every single pixel of the screen, following the music play along, making touches here and there. This was her dream, she was almost there, all most at her peak.
Her professor watched her intently as her head moved slightly to the beat of the music. Every flick of a switch or push of a button had the crowd of student gushing with talk. The change of the beat, the spin of the turntable it was all noted. Her gentle voice boomed through the speakers. She felt alive. This live performance wasn’t anything any of the music professors had seen. Usually, for live exams, students would pre-record a song and create a new mix using it to be careful not to mess it up but Y/N? She was brave. Just minuted beforehand, as she was setting up her station with the help of Hansol she carefully but confidently spoke into the mic and said: “I haven’t pre-recorded anything, I’m making my song from scratch.” She shot a small, sweet smile towards the panellists and professors whose mouths had been left hanging open. The students in the crowd looked at her warily but had a quiet chatter among them.
A group of her friends, stood quietly a few feet away from her, watching her with proud eyes. They were certain she’d get this internship and if she didn’t get it they’d always pull a few strings and give her one at their own company. They eyed the three panellists that were from the company of the internship. Wearing black from head to toe, one was wearing glasses, the other two had hats to cover their eyes, they all wore face masks to conceal their identity. It was obvious who they were to Y/N and her friends. Having been friends with a group of idols and not knowing who their friends were, was a bit idiotic to them.
She could feel their gazes burning into her face, watching her every move. Her heart thumped along with the music but she had told her self to remain calm, to stay confident and she would get this. A smile had graced her face as the crowd began to yell words of encouragement and one student in particular who had started dancing. She almost threw her head back in laughter as more students began to dance along as she continued singing. Looking over at the culprit her best friend shot her a thumbs up and continued to dance.
‘Everything is going fine’ she thought to herself.  By the time the song was nearing to an end and the beat had begun to slow down, the whole crowd erupted in cheers, except for the other students who were partaking in the exam looked at her in bitterness and defeat. A triumphant look took over her face as she bowed and thanked the professors and panellists. Her friend
Nari pushed through the crown and fell into Minghao’s arms almost embarrassingly causing Y/N and Hansol to erupt in laughter.
“Dude, stop, it’s not funny! You too Hansol,” she whined as she punched both their arms and bowed towards the other boy whose ears had turned a bright pink.
“You did so well Y/N! You didn’t even tell me you were going to do it from complete scratch.” She pulled her friend into a tight hug and continued to babble on.
“I did you probably zoned out and started thinking about Ming-.” Y/N groaned once the initial sting of earning a slap to the mouth began.
“You better shut the fuck up, or I swear to god.” Y/N laughed as she began to gather her equipment from the tables and made her way to the seats, Nari hot on her tail. Their conversation went on for a couple more minutes before the head of the music department of Seoul National University tapped the mic to command silence. Y/N received a pat on the shoulder from Seungcheol.
“This is it Y/N, I know it’s you.” She shot him a grateful smile and played with the frayed ends of her jeans.
“Can I have your attention, please? Thank you. Firstly I would just like to thank everyone that has joined us today. Whether you part of the music department or not we really do appreciate your efforts of being here and supporting us. Every year for 5 days our fourth year’s and master student’s we hold live exams which are broadcasted on our website and on our YouTube Channel. This week we’ve had 150 students take place in this exam and the student or students that get the highest points are offered a paid internship at a given music company. The companies that have decided to work with us are SM Entertainment, Pledis Entertainment, YG Entertainment, JYP Entertainment and BigHit Entertain-,” a loud gasp interrupted the professor and the whole crowd began to talk. Y/N fidgeted nervously and impatiently waiting for him to continue talking.
“Alright. Alright. Throughout these 5 days, major producers and artist from these companies have come to visit the live exams and they will help to give our judgement and pick our final 10. I would like to give a warm welcome to today’s panellists; BigHit’s PDogg, Supreme Boi, Slow Rabbit and Bang PD.” Everyone stood up, cheered and clapped as the professor introduced them. They bowed and greeted us for a short moment before the speech continued.
“I would also like to give a very big welcome to BigHit’s RM, Suga and J-Hope who had taken time out of their very busy schedules to come here.” The crowd erupted once again but even louder as the three boys removed their accessories and bowed towards us. Towards the back a girl fainted causing a few people to start smirking and giggling, Y/N and Nari included.
“Settle down, please. Thank you. I’d like to thank the BigHit producers, artists and staff members for being here. I know that your timetable must be hectic, it really is an honour. Now that we’ve got all of the good news out, let’s get to the bad news. If you don’t already know only 10 students will be selected for this program. Two students from each day. It will be a tough decision, every single student’s hard work has been and will be taken into consideration. So for that, we’d like to hold those thirty who had performed today for an extra thirty to forty-five minutes.”
“I swear to God, I might just pass out like that girl if we get to meet them,” Nari said, fanning her face earning a low whine from Hansol.
“You never acted like that when you met us.” He pouted when she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah because it’s you guys, why would a freakout.”
“Hansol, don’t worry. She hid in her room for the whole day before she met you guys. She was freaking out. 'Y/N my hair! Y/N make-up isn’t that nice! Do you think Minghao lik-.” Y/N groaned for the fourth time that day, holding her mouth again for the second time.
“Keep fucking talking I dare you.” Nari glared at her causing Hansol and Seungcheol to snicker.
“You know it’s out of love.” Y/N shot her elder a sweet smile, causing Nari to sigh in defeat.
“The final ten should be picked by next Monday. Do keep believing in yourself. Every single one of you is talented. I wish I was like you guys when I was in college. Anyway, enjoy the day! Study hard!” We all clapped for the professor as he walked off the podium and watched as the other years and other teachers piled out of the doors taking a few glances at the panellists.
“I’m going to go say hi to Namjoon, it’s been awhile,” Mingyu said, brushing his pants as he strolled down the stairs. The other’s followed shortly after him.
“Being friends with other idols must be freaking amazing.” Nari sighed as her trained over the thirteen boys that each did a man hug with the three Bangtan boys.
“Yeah, maybe. It must be kinda stressful because they’re all racing for the top but their all friends. I don’t know about you but I’d never talk to you again if it meant being number one.” Y/N giggled with Nari as they watch Joshua trip over a cable.
“Hey,” Nari took her hand and squeezed it slightly. “The both of us are at a race to the top and we’re still the best of friends. If they can do it so can we.” She laid her head on Y/N’s shoulder, the both of them watching intently with the other students.
“Hey, Y/N, Nari?” They both turned their heads behind them to see a group of other music students sitting behind them.
“What’s up? You guys did brilliantly by the way.” Nari said, sending them a soft smile but in return got a scowl.
“Why did you guys even partake in this exam let alone the whole course if you’re already friends who can basically bring you into the industry.” Y/N recognised the girl that spoke almost instantly. Y/N envied her but she was never bitter about it. Jae-Eun was always on top of her game. Always handed in assignments on time, produced songs left, right and centre had every staff member of SKY University on her side. Not to mention she worked a full-time job and also had the time to party and go out on dates, Y/N, however, struggled with her assignments, part-time job, producing music and never even laid a finger on the dating lifestyle ever since she began college. So she was surprised by a such a perfect girl to have such bitterness in her voice.
“I don’t need to rely on other people to make it far. I need to work hard on my own first. I do get help when I really need. Nari and I both do but we do work hard on our own.” Jae-Eun crossed her arms and scoffed.
“So you’re telling me you brought the Seventeen, one of the hottest Korean boy groups at the moment just for no reason?” She eyed Nari and Y/N once more before looking at her “posse” and laughed.
“Actually no, we came on our own accord to support both our friends but I guess you wouldn’t have thought of that, right?” Seungkwan raised his eyebrow at the shocked look on Jae-Eun’s face.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to come across as rude. I’m Jae-Eun nice to meet you.” Jae-Eun’s face turned hot and red with embarrassment. She was starstruck.  Y/N heard the snicker of Seungcheol behind them and smirked to herself.
“Seungkwan, nice to meet you too. Nari, Y/N? They want to meet you now.” The pair nodded at him and waved at the girl who now had her hand on her chest beating heavily.
“I don’t like her.” He said as he helped them gather their things, handing the heavy equipment to their staff members.
“Neither do I,” Nari replied. “She’s a bitch.”
“You can’t say that Ri,” Y/N pouted as she elbowed her.
“She is, dude and you can’t say you disagree because you’re always saying how jealous you are of how she can top her work and that’s she still a bitch.” Y/N shrugged in defeat.
“I guess but honestly she had no reason to come at us like that. We didn’t do anything.”
“Yeah but rightfully speaking you’ve had the best exam they’ve seen in a couple of years. I mean making a beat from scratch? And recording it live? They’ve never seen that before, you’ve basically confirmed your position.” Nari looked at her with a proud smile.
“You deserve it too. Come on, you fucking sampled Hotline Bling, a song that’s been dead for the past 2 years and made your own fucking lyrics. If you’re not guaranteed a place, I’m not taking it.” Seungkwan dropped his bag and gasped.
“Y/N you can’t say that.”
“I can because Nari would do that for me.” She smiled at her as they walked down the stairs.
“Safe to say that you guys are fucking nuts.”
Y/N twitched nervously before she walked into the meeting room where everyone was. Her friend and various other students said they were indescribably nice and you get an apparent picture, according to an almost sobbing Nari.
Y/N didn’t know what she had to say or do. She wondered if they were going to ask her questions or do God knows what but she was nervous. Extremely nervous to the point where she had to wipe her clammy hands off her jeans. She knew she’d have to shake hands with at least one person and what kind of impression would she give off if her hands were sweating. She tapped at her forehead vigorously with blotting paper to get rid of any sweat pushing through her make-up.
Y/N almost jumped out of her seat at the sound of her name, unsure if she should walk in straight away or wait maybe half a minute. It took one her classmates to push her towards the door, causing her to almost topple in. 'Great,’ she thought. 'Now they’ll think I’m clumsy.’
As the door swung open, she noticed that all of their staff members were dotted around the large room chatting among themselves. The music department reviewing files with the CEO of BigHit and some of the producers. The rest of the producers were either talking to the staff members or the three artists they had brought with them who say quite comfortably in their seats, letting the rotating chair’s spin playfully as they laughed among themselves.
Y/N let out a light cough to indicate her presence which she had deemed as too quiet but it had indeed gained the attention of the people gathered in the room and the exploded with applause. She bowed gratefully and stood awkwardly to the side of the door that was now shut. 'No escaping now. You’ll make it through.’
“Please Miss Y/L/N take a seat.” He motioned to now the only empty seat, next to J-Hope and next to his own seat. She sat down quietly and offered a small smile to the now beaming J-Hope.
“You’re exam was outstanding. We’ve never seen anything like it in years. It really was something else.”
“Thank you, Mr Chang, I did work really hard for this.” She gave him a grateful smile.
“We could tell. It was very well produced you didn’t skip any steps you did everything just like any producer would do. We could tell you worked hard to keep it up.” She nodded and looked at the desk where several files had been laid out in front of her.
“We obviously haven’t chosen anyone yet but we just want to let you know that you are in the top section of people we do want to select. Every single one of your assignments have been perfect. The songs you produce are very much liked by everyone here and of course, everyone here except anyone from SKY is taken aback by your talent.” Y/N felt the heat rush to her face as all the professors agreed with Mr Chang. Bang PD has pointed over at Suga who had his hand up to add something to the conversation.
“Just to ask was, what’s the song called?” He asked.
“Navajo, I’ll put it up on my Soundcloud soon.”
“I’m really intrigued by the lyrics. They seem really deep much like your other songs actually. You are very talented.” He explained as the heat rose to her face.
“Thank you.”
“I’d also like to say I listened to some of the other tracks you have up on SoundCloud, you’re rapping skills and singing skills are amazing,” RM said. “You have very unique style. You’ll go far.”
“Thank you again.”
“I listened to some of your songs also. Your lyrics are very simple but deep. It’s easy to understand what you’re trying to convey. I like your techniques, they’re really cool.” She thanked them again before being asked to get a picture with them. She thanked everyone and left, her shoulders dropping like one brick was lifted off her shoulders. She had fewer things to stress about now.
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almostdangerousdreamer · 4 years ago
Life goes ON, NO life must go on.
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Throughout their active years as artists, BTS have proven that they are not cowards when it comes to tackling issues close to their hearts and to ours. Many of their lyrics have addressed depression, anxiety, low self esteem, negativity and relationships, as well as education, materialism and consumerism. The fact that the boys often write these lyrics suggests that they are drawing on their own experiences. This establishes a different kind of bond between BTS and Army that extends beyond that of an artist and their fans. The ability to identify so closely with their struggles creates a sense of familiarity that enables Army to see them not as idols, but as peers. BTS have laid their hardships bare on several occasions, both through their music and in conversation. Some of the most notable difficulties (among many more) that have been referenced are:
1. Yoongis battle with his self, touching upon anxiety, depression, possible intrusive or suicidal thoughts, and social phobia. His Agust D mixtape was a tough listen in places, he spoke candidly about things that some don’t dare speak about. Army see inspiration and comfort in Yoongi’s journey, because while nobody knows how he is really is now, he is still here and he is thriving, and proof that you can rise from rock bottom.
2. Jimin’s low self worth is something that many Army empathise with. No matter what age you are, body confidence and self-esteem are delicate and easily destroyed. Jimin was honest about starving himself to lose weight to live up to unrealistic expectations of others. He came out the other side, and realised that what he was doing was not healthy. While he still may not be 100% confident, he is certainly trying, and knows now to eat well and approach his self-image in a sensible way.
3. Namjoon’s recent playlist Mono focuses heavily on loneliness. There a lot of Army who feel lonely. A lot. They find sanctuary in BTS and in the community because they lack close relationships in their lives. For Namjoon to be surrounded by people, with money and success, but to still admit that he struggles with loneliness and empty times lets Army know that they are not alone.
4. The entirety of the Love Yourself era addressed hardships of love, loss and self-worth. Army have embraced this message with open arms, and have found a purpose in spreading the message of self love, encouraging each other to recognise their worth, while endeavouring to find their own contentment within their self.
5. Go-Go, although a light hearted fun song with cute playful choreography, was actually despairing at the materialistic society we live in and the falsity of squandering money we don’t have just for fun.
Tackling these issues is important and shows courage from the boys to talk/sing about them.
I was going to put talent, but then I realised, talent is defined as a natural gift or flair. Some people who are skilled find the label of “talented” a little insulting, it detracts from the years of hard work they put in to perfect their craft when it is assumed as a gift and not an achievement. That is the same with Bangtan. I am not for a moment saying that they do not have talent, it was clear from his first audition that Jungkook already had a pleasant singing voice, and I am sure that Hoseok had natural rhythm and Namjoon a way with words, but to become as good as they are now? Jungkook’s live vocals on Euphoria? Namjoon’s recent lyrics on Mono? Well, that is not just the result of talent. That is the result of endless hard work, effort and persistence. The boys all have a personal strength, some vocals, some dance, some writing, but year after year each of them are becoming more rounded performers and artists in all areas. The rappers are singing, vocalists are writing and producing, less accomplished dancers are being placed at the front of routines. Their work ethic is not only inspirational, but it is also highly commendable and difficult to ignore.
The trainee process is relentless, akin in some ways to the stage schools of the west, but generally the artists bred from these schools emerge with maybe one or two promising fortes, whereas I believe trainees must excel in many of the arts or their chances of debuting are slim. This process meant that long hours and strong will has been instilled in them since they were teens and it is evident in the way they are improving with each passing year.
BTS is a true underdog story. BigHit, a small agency with little reputation in comparison to the famous “Big 3” (JYP, SM, YG) or even the middle agencies (Pledis, Cube etc) nobody expected them to succeed, but they persevered. Even their peers and parents had their reservations. They had set backs, negativity, and doubt yet here they are, five years on, surpassing every single artist on all of their rivals books. Their heart and determination to carry on is admirable. It’s not that they found the strength to carry on, it’s that they carried on when they didn’t have the strength.
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