#PK Rosy achievements
castleaudios · 1 year
Hi Castle! First and foremost, I absolutely adore your channel and characters. I will be keeping my promise to relisten to the Glenwood playlist and come up with as many questions as possible, and you can expect art of speakers/listeners at some point in the future.
That out of the way, I was wondering how you achieve the vocal effect for when Rose is using her telepathy and/or Beth's thoughts while shifted. I've been trying to troubleshoot and figure it out for my own work but haven't had the best luck. If you have the technical words to describe what you do to the audio while editing, that would be lovely. But if not, no fuss no foul, I know I'll figure something out (/lh)
(Also the Abby Body Double audio and the "Director's Cut" of CW's Reaction to the Beth tailoring audio are two of my new favorite videos when I'm feeling understimulated. I lose my mind whenever I relisten to them /pos)
Hi PK!! I'm so happy you're enjoying the stories!! I can't wait for all the questions and art!!! 💛
Absolutely, I'll try to explain as best I can, I'm still trying to teach myself as I go!
I use Audacity right now as my Digital Audio Workspace (DAW), which has been serviceable up until now but I'm looking to change that soon.
As for Rose and the Shifter internal monologue: I overlay a Reverb effect onto the dialogue and that's all I really do in terms of editing. To avoid that metallic sound in the reverb, I'll limit the size of the space t about half. I included what the levels look like for the telepath effect that I've saved. It's really a lot of trial and error to see what sounds best for the effect you want!
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(like fr I could not explain what wet/dry gain means, I just know it sounds ok XD)
(Those are two of my favorite audios as well!! The Director's Cut was juts absolute chaos and nonsense but CW and I will be doing more again in the future once we're in the same state again!
Be on the lookout for another body doubling audio but this time it'll be Reading with Rosie 💛)
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