katsukiizmoon · 10 months
Nerdy men with stupid big glasses. Fluffy hair that makes you wanna kiss them stupid and straddle their lap. I wanna leave a kiss mark near his collar and watch his face heat up.
Sitting and reading together for no reason other than you feel like it. Letting him ramble on about his interests and favorite things. Spouting off your favorite facts and watching documentaries. Khakis that are gonna be ruined from grinding and a makeout session.
Like yes baby I do wanna know what deep dives you’ve been on and the books you recently read. Tell me more about your favorite classical musicians and your love for the arts. No it’s not a problem that you wear lots of polos— lemme fix your collar for you. Come teach me something I keep forgetting over n over. Do you want a new pullover sweater?
Oh isn’t this your favorite sci fi show? Tell me more about it. Yeah, how’d you find it again? Oh that’s cute. No, I don’t mind, let me get some popcorn.
It’s so fucking stupidly cute it makes me wanna scream. I just wanna make him flustered and breathless and kiss the space right under his big ass glasses. Oh no I’m sorry I got lipstick on your polo, lemme get the tide pen— ghHgHHhHH
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queenie-official · 11 months
Okay so you’re one of the only ones I’ve seen mention AJ recently so I wanted to come to you with this thought. You know the ‘write a prisoner’ website it went around tiktok for a little? Well I was thinking, in a universe where his ending is different (no spoilers just in case your other followers haven’t watched it) reader finds him on the write a prisoner site and they become penpals. You’re able to develop a genuine connection with one another and he’s able to talk and vent to you about everything that’s gone wrong/right in his life and you’re able to do the same thing. He ends up writing you sappy little poems and love notes eventually cause he realizes you are more than just a penpal to him. At some point you end up surprising him with an actual visit and it just solidifies his feelings being able to finally see you in person. If we’re going off of the mafia!au for him, then maybe he ends up having some of his men on the outside start to keep tabs on you..solely for protection purposes of course not because he wants to make sure he’s the only guy you’re talking to. There’s a couple videos I saw where the girls were still able to be surprised with flowers on the doorstep somehow by their penpal and I definitely feel like he’d do the same thing. There’d be a line in one of his notes afterwards of like ‘Did you get my little surprise, sweetheart? Just wait till you see how much I can really spoil you once I’m out of here.’ Ahhh maybe it’s just me that gets all giggly at this idea. Idk just a little thought 😅
main masterlist
okay so ima break this up a bit because it’s easier for my brain to focus 😭 will start with looking at it from Aj’s character and then from if it was Mafia!Ani
(i’d also like to state idk how the ‘write a prisoner’ website works exactly but i feel like it’s pretty self explanatory so ima just roll with how it works in my mind)
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Aj: becoming pen pals with a prisoner and bonding is a lot easier then you went into the website thinking, you only really go in with the fact you’ll be speaking with a criminal. once you see his photo your interest is peaked (i mean how could it not look at him)
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anyway you guys start off with simple topics when messaging like favorite hobbies and Aj mentions to you that he has a love for playing the piano- (idk about you guys but there’s nothing hotter then a man who can play an instrument and play it well) maybe he even makes a promise to you that when he gets out he’ll play for you.
and Aj is such a sweetheart he so would write you poems maybe he starts off with something simple and sweet that can be interpreted in a friend way because for as confident as a guy he is you make him nervous. he only started writing you poems once you two where close enough for him to feel safe and be open with his thoughts and how he got into this situation. and honestly you don’t think he’s to bad of guy after all he never went out of his way to kill anyone during a heist and he always made sure to donate a percentage to charity organizations, so you’re able to push the fact he’s a criminal aside.
as your relationship with him progresses and his friendly poems slowly turn into something more you realize how badly you want to visit him. to see his pretty face in person (even if it is behind a glass frame) and to hear the voice you’d been imagining in your head. so with all the courage you can muster you do some digging and make plans to surprise him. Oh boy are you grateful you went through with it- seeing him in person was almost surreal. somehow he was more handsome in person and furthermore his gravely voice was definitely hotter then you ever could of imagined. he’s a smooth talker, seemingly more bold in person then he was through a screen (which shocked you since with most people it’d be the opposite). oh and when he sees you… sees your smile- the way you flutter your lashes when listening to him speak- he knows he’s done for, knows that there’s no one else he wants more in his life and even more importantly he cannot wait for his release date.
you make the effort to visit him as often as you can…
Mafia!Anakin: we all collectively agree Ani is a possessive man- even if he doesn’t always show it but Mafia Ani, oh that man isn’t afraid to show he’s possessive in fact as far as he’s concerned he owns you. so to no one’s surprise he 100% has men on the outside looking after you. making sure you’re safe, single unbothered by those around you.
Anakin has connections everywhere, i mean he’s the top boss. so if he wants to surprise you with something he will, and he’s got the money for it so honestly what’s stopping him?
waking up and getting ready to start your day only to here your doorbell go off, opening your front door to see a huge bouquet of flowers. it really confuses you at first- i mean you don’t really talk to other guys (probably because every time you did they suspiciously disappeared- if you had their number and messaged them all they’d say is they moved away) so who are they from. taking them inside and seeing a note on the ground that must of fallen out of the bouquet your question is answered.
‘Hope you like them Pretty girl’
it’s not even signed but you know exactly who it’s from. of course you confront him at your next visit, and once you do all he does is give you a sly little smile through the glass as you both hold the phone next to your ears.
‘just wait till you see how much i can really spoil you once i’m out of here’
ugh that resonantes with me sm 😩 he 100% would say that and then swiftly move the conversation along as you blush silently, something about how he said it or maybe it’s the look in his eyes that leaves you flustered.
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i think i ranted a bit to much about this 😀 my apologies huns 😭 but anyways you’re so real for this and thank you for dropping it in my asks 🫶🏼
you’re actually my first ask too so 🤭🤭 thank you for the absolute serotonin boost this gave me Xx <3
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itsmepage · 3 months
Worth it
Clouis || They…,,, they.,,.. they have been rotting my brain my entire summer they’re all I think about I love sm I HAVE to write them <33 (this is based my play through btw)
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Summary: During the Winter Clementine got sick and Louis takes care of her; despite the warning, he too, got sick
Warnings: Tennessee’s death mentioned, common cold symptoms such as sore throat, stuffy nose, fever etc, kissing, lots of coughing, swearing, Louis being a helpless cheesy romantic & Clem having survivor guilt
Louis lay coughing in his now old room since he moved in with Clem and the little dude’s approval. Due to his stubbornness of not wanting to leave Clem’s when she got sick a few days ago. Stubbornness may have not been the right word to describe it, in Louis’s eyes: he wanted to share an intimate moment with her while she was forced to stay in bed. ‘Taking care of his girl.’ his words.
“Whoa hey- what are you doing?” Clem asked the freckled boy over her as he was inches away from her face. “What? Can’t kiss my girlfriend?” Louis said raising his eyebrow, Clem
Chuckling at his normal expression, whenever he was flirting that is, “No, not when she’s sick you may not.” Clem shot back at him, smiling when he gave a small pout. “Come on! A little Coughing isn’t gonna due me in, besides getting sick by your hand would probably make it totally worth it.” Louis said giving her a wink making her giggle just a little, but that slight giggle turned into a slight coughing spree.
It was winter at the time, the season of snowball fights, snowmen, Christmas, and seasonal sickness all gone for the new world except for answer D. Clem being Clem, wanted to double-check that the kids would make it through the harsh three months. Getting a small cold in the process according to Ruby.
Louis quickly grabbed the water next to her almost as soon as the fit started, helping her drink it. Clem took the bottle from his hand sitting up steadily to drink properly. Clem released a sigh when she was done, finding her airway again, laying back down. “You okay?” Louis asked with worried eyes touching Clem’s forehead to check her temperature. “Still no fever, that’s good.” Clem lean into his touch smiling through the uncomfortable pain in her throat and the snot building up in her nose. “I’ll be fine Lou, Ruby said it's just a cold and it’ll pass.” Louis nodded taking his hand away. “AJ was asking about you, by the way.”
Louis began taking the bottle and placing it on the desk next to them. “About?” Clem asked. “Just to see how you’re doing-“ Then his expression changed; Louis’s hazelnut eyes were mixed with warmth and sadness. “-and start working on the house, when you feel better.” Clem's eyes widened, nearly hating herself for forgetting her and Louis’s outrageous house they planned that day. “Holy Shit.. I can’t believe I forgot about that.” Clem laughed. “Honestly me too-“ Louis laughed along. “With everything that happened.. I just..” Louis sighed in sadness remembering what happened that day, what happened with Tenn.
God with everything happening up to that point, the lives they lost, the sacrifices, the risk, just to end up here. Clementine wanted to mourn to honor, to cry over the tragedy, especially with sweet, innocent, Tenn, but she could only be thankful to the foolish boy sitting over her his soft hands holding her rough ones that rested on her stomach hands that had been stained with blood and tears. She almost thought she was selfish for thinking that, for when recalling such painful memories, weeks before: she remembered following Louis into his piano room for a project. It was a hazel memory, but when Clem was younger before the world went to shit she remembered watching romantic movies with her parents, and looking back on that tender moment of the two beings alone in the piano room in dark candle-lighting, it felt a scene from one of those movies and to this day she still couldn’t figure out if was intentional by Louis or everything just fell in its place. Either way, she was happy.
Happiest she’s ever been.
“We’re building that house.” Clem told Lou with confidence despite her sick nature. “Damn right.” Lou bounced back matching her eyebrow raise. “After you get better.” Louis said after Clem begin coughing again. She smiled and for what seemed like a few minutes, they stared into each other’s eyes being in the grace of one another presence. Their moment was interrupted by the knock and voice of Aasim. “Hey, Louis! When you have time, come out and put on a scarf and coat, we need your help with something!” Louis rolled his eyes “Be there in a second!” Louis yelled back. “Killjoy..” he mumbled under his breath making Clem giggle… while coughing. “Ugh, guess I have to go, you, get some rest.” Louis said laying down quick enough to place a kiss on Clem’s forehead before getting off the bed. “Louis!” Clem ‘yelled’ but he just smiled, making her eye-roll. “Fine, your funeral.”
“See? I told you so.” Clem, who was better, now hovering over him now, touching his forehead for a potential fever. Louis smiled his Charismatic smile. “Worth it.” He said while coughing, jumping into his own coughing fit; Clementine giving him water. “Better?” She asked. “Better.” He answered the door swung open to reveal AJ. “AJ..” Clementine warned, “I know, I know, don’t go past the door frame.” He said repeating Clem’s warnings. “Hey, Louis!” He called out to Louis whose whole frame was out of his viewpoint. “Hey, little dude!” Louis, attempted, to call back with his weak voice. “I just wanted to tell you, Willy and I told this abandoned home not so far from the school, I figured, maybe.. you wanted to check it out! for your treehouse I mean.” He told excitedly, brightening up when he saw the approval on Clem’s face: she looked back at Louis with a similar look. Lou gave a thumbs up for AJ to see. “Sounds cool we’ll-“ he begins coughing again, Clem placing a hand on his shoulder to get him to stop trying to speak. “Thanks, kiddo, we’ll look into it, go back to the other kids for now. I’ll see you in a second.” AJ nods his head in understanding closing the door on the couple.
“Seems, like we have a lot of work to do soon.” Louis commented. “Yeah maybe but get better first.” Clem said, standing up from her knees. “No kiss goodbye?” Louis asked with puppy-dog-eyes. “You’re sick.” Clem fought back “so?” Louis countered “I gave you one!” - “Yeah, but I told you no because you were going to get sick, and now look where we are.” Clem laughed at him. “That’s was your decision, not mine.” She finished. “Fine! Fine! fair enough.” Louis said defeated, settling into the bed. She looked back at Louis’s rested nature before leaving, gushing over how cute he was in silence, getting an idea, she ran after AJ and probably the other kids about the house, hoping to give Louis some kind of surprise when he gets better. Clem hoped to fix up the house or build the treehouse or.. make a skylight.
That’s it! She’ll surprise him by planning a skylight, truth be told she wanted the treehouse, in hopes even if she won’t like it again, AJ will for the right reasons. But Louis most definitely wanted the skylight, he wouldn’t mention it if he didn’t. The thing is how to build it, or how to build the whole damn thing up together. It’ll be hard, it’ll take muscle work and a bit of patience. But, for him..
It’ll be totally worth it.
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ballpitbee · 2 months
[Climbs through your wall and stares at you like a cool bug] May we have some facts bout our boy Franky? Methinks he’s a neat character :0
OFC! I love my Franky!
He's autistic and dyslexic but cause he's middle-aged and from an older generation- he has no idea and never got anything checked. (No intention to either).
That being said he knows he struggles- but he thinks it's just cause he's fine and everyone else is especially weird.
Some of Frankys traits are that he likes to jut his lower jaw out and puff his chest our- he loves it SM. He adores being this kinda big tough goon guy.
Given his closeness to Nick, he's the underboss in the Toxide mob. And though he's eccentric and very loud and outspoken and kinda does not know when to stop talking- all his men love him. He knows everyone in their mafia family and they know him. He's kinda the wacky 'zio' to his fellas.
He can play piano real good!
Even if he was a deviant little guy as a kid and skipped school a lot, his ma made SURE he took his piano lessons. He felt he kinda owed it to her since she was paying for them- and he couldn't let his ma dish money out for him when they were already struggling.
Which is also why he got into crime. He struggled a lot holding jobs- so figured crime was the easiest avenue for getting cash quick.
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dietmountaindewbae · 9 months
I hope you're doing wellll,,,I'm missing u girl
Could you do more of those Teacher Alex x reader fics?? i just love that kinda scenario sorry 😭😭
Small question too,where do you get those pictures for the story banners? I got kinda curious
Hope you're doing well!! take care ♡♡
xx. lights, camera, action
alex turner x reader
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word count: 9428
summary: Alex (tbhc!) is your theater teacher, and you earned the part of Juliet for your final play at high school, but he isn't so glad about it, he thinks you lack emotion, and today at private rehearsals you get your chance to show it.
warnings: spitt*ng, chock*ng, slapp*ng, spank*nd, denial of org*sm, teasing, age g*p, roughness, manipulat*on
song recommendation: put me in a movie by lizzy grant
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You crawled out of your bed waking up extra early to get to school, the classes went by in a daze, you knew by lunch maybe the time would go by quicker, and you went through today's lines over and over in your head during lunch, memorizing them so you didn't make a single mistake at saying them. Mister Turner wasn't so glad you somehow managed to get Juliet at the school play, people said you deserved it, and your audition was the best of them all, no stuttering, no doubting, but Mister Turner didn't make you feel like you did, because he said you missed a crucial thing, he just made you feel helpless and dumb whenever he stared at you with a scowl or he looked away while you were saying your lines, in your head you asked yourself over and over 'what am I missing?'. He never told you what you were doing wrong.
Rehearsal began and your heart was beating so fast you could feel your ears warm, and your mouth started to get dry, today you had to practice Act 2 Scene 2, meaning, one of the hardest scenes you had to do, the balcony scene.
"Cut!" Mister Turner said as you were holding Charlie's hands, the boy who played Romeo in your class, you were glad it was him, he was your buddy. The teacher walked up the stage and rolled his shirt sleeves, crossing his arms and standing like a tall tree.
"What did we-" He stopped at Charlie, glanced at you, and sighed, looking at you with disapproval.
"You've got to stop being so stiff, you love him!" He yells and it echoes through the whole stage and in your heart, "You better start acting like my Juliet otherwise I'll cast someone else, 'cause yer not makin' the cut" He saw your bottom lip trembling and your eyes and cheeks turning red.
"But I-"
"I could understand that you're young, and you're innocent and pretty, whatever you think you are, but so is Juliet and it amazes me that you can't do something as simple as letting go," Your eyes began to water, "So you're going to do this or what?" He asked you with his hands on his hips, and you stayed silent, your eyes glassy and about to let the tears roll down your face.
"I am you girl" That's all you managed to say before you went running out of the stage to cry, why was he so rude? Other days he was just sarcastic and let you do whatever, but today he was furious at you, and you just wanted to do things right to avoid him yelling at you like today.
After 10 minutes in the bathroom, you found the whole place empty, "I asked 'em to leave, I need to work with you" He walked up to you with his hands in his pockets, and from his left pocket, he took out a handkerchief, and gave it to you to wipe your tears.
"Thank you," You said, as you grabbed the handkerchief.
He sat down on the piano's chair, legs and arms crossed, and he sighed "I notice that this scene and Act 5 cause you problems, care to tell me why that happens miss?"
"I don't know" You whispered, he closed his eyes slowly, and nudged his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Right.... you don't" He crosses his arms, "Have you ever felt love? And I'm not just talking about that type of fraternal love for your friends or your mummy and daddy, I'm talking about the real deal, raw love" You thought about it and nodded your head slowly, he eyed you up and down, "Think about this love for a boy, that could never be blessed, because your family and his family despise each other so you see him in secret, but one day you make a plan to stay with him for good, and it fails, both of you die for each other because the other one cannot bear to live without the other, and it impacts people when they find out the truth about this suicidal love, a young girl and boy, that loved each other so much it made them... kill themselves"
"I understand-"
He cuts you up, "No you don't" He jumped on the stage with you.
"Imagine I am the one that you're madly in love with, we meet and we dance" He took your hand and closed his fingers with yours, his other hand gently holding your waist, he wasn't so far away from the truth, you look straight into his eyes, they're filled with darkness as you begin to dance, you could feel something inside you rise, that you once didn't allow to do, fighting itself with you, he pressed you closer to him, "Lay your head, and relax... you're still tense... c'mon, it's ok"
You did as you were told, you put your hand by his chest as he rocked you, he danced very well, and that made you feel a little dumber and unuseful, "I'm sorry if I'm not doing it right... I have never danced like this before" He smiled at you, a true sweet and gentle smile.
"Well, what else haven't you done before?" He asks you, making you blush at the thought, "I know there's a rule by society that you shouldn't be alone with me, out of respect we shouldn't have a friendship, but we are at late hours of school, so fuck it" You both chuckled at the same time, "You can trust me" He said with confidence and you nodded.
"I-... haven't been with anyone, haven't kissed anyone in a while, I've never had a boyfriend but I do like boys a lot, when I try to flirt it's just-," You sigh, "So, I guess I can't say these lines because it makes me think it would be so embarrassing for me to act in love when everyone thinks I'm just playing a princess as a joke,"
"Tell 'em to piss off" He spat, "Are yeh going to be my Juliet or not?" He asked you sincerely breaking up the closure.
"I-I mean" You stuttered taking a step forward, making him get angry just like last time, and he sighed, he was disappointed.
"Go home" He orders walking away from you but you stop him, pulling him back close to you.
You were growing angry and desperate, you needed him to know that no other girl could give more than you, could be as willing as you, "I want this, truly! I want you to put me in this play! As your Juliet, I won't allow any other girl, they won't take this as seriously-"
"That doesn't matter, show me you can do it and I'll keep you, but if you don't-" He pointed his fingers at your face, you wanted to cry again, but instead, you did let go, had set free of any chains or thoughts that you said weren't appropriate, in love everything is right, being selfish is right, being scared it's alright too, so you were bold, and pecked his lips, the touch and feel of your lips lingering, his eyes become as dark as the night and that tiny kiss quickly turned into a hungry and sloppy tongue kiss from his part, gripping your arms too tightly, you swear that you can feel the bruises.
You kissed until you felt your lips were about to fall off, your little cherry gloss was all over the corners of your mouth and sticking in his lips, "I am your girl" You panted.
He puts his hands behind your hand, caressing the front of your hair, and clasping it to the side, his face is so close to your neck that his breathing was tickling you, he memorized the smell of your perfume and gently laid a kiss on your skin, you swallowed the lump in your throat, he looks at you with a smile, a perverted one, and you didn't understand why'd you like it so much.
"You've got such a sweet little face that any man wishes to provoke only evil, lips so pouty and plump, you only wish to kiss them until they're bleeding," He folds your lower lip down with his thumb, and you smiled, as he slowly puts his fingers inside your mouth pushing your teeth to make a hole for him to dig in your warm mouth, he was amazed by the way your tongue instinctively moved around in circles on his fingers, you smiled feeling both ashamed and excited, "You know what you're doin' aren't you?" His fingers squished your face hard, you pulled back but he pulled you in.
"What do you want from me?"
"To understand why every time I yell at you you look at me as if you wanted me to yell at you more, to at least say something to you, you worked hard to get me attention, and now you have it, I've always watched you push yourself to be perfect, but when do you let go? Where do you start and where do you end? Do you even feel?... I have so much fun trying to figure you out, little girl" He pushed your hair to the side, "You're beautiful, you know that?"
You nodded and looked at him weary-eyed, he knew you were lying he could see it in your eyes and the way your chin twitched, there was no hiding from him, "Make me feel beautiful" You asked him caressing his shoulders, "I just wanted you to see that I could do it"
"You always were, I knew it from the moment I saw you, that you and I are alike, that you should be with no one else but me, you know you need me, you do" He assures you with great pressure, you smiled and nodded your head, this is what you wanted from the beginning. Him. You smiled at him, and he pressed you up against him, hand on his cheek as he caressed it, and he kissed you with a passion that made you sigh, his lips touched yours with love and tenderness as if he was deeply in love with you. His arms hug your waist, and your hands caress his soft long hair, your fingers twisting around the end of his brown hair, his beard lightly tickling your cheek, your heart flutters when you feel him smiling and his hand cups your cheek, you get so deep into the kiss losing yourself entirely in his arms, focusing on the noises of your mouth when you kissed him, the taste of his lips, his nose on your cheek and his hand that gets lower to your hips, you moan into his mouth by picturing what could happen next, you felt it in your core, something in between your legs was getting so wet, palpitating even.
"I really like you-" He lets go of your hand and takes a few steps away from you, you raise your eyebrow at him, puzzled.
"I want you to go home and think about this, I won't touch you, or kiss you anymore, not until you've shown me that you're capable of earning and demolishing that role, show me what you're made of" You look at him so confused about what had happened, how could he kiss you, and say that you were the same as him, that he liked you and then tell you that you still didn't convince him, you went back home running to cry unto your pillows, had no one to talk about what happened because you wanted it to happen again, people would look at you like an absolute mad person, you wanted him to touch you again, to rock you against his body, you wanted him to want you again.
During the last few rehearsals for the show you were doing good, but you kept pushing yourself to make it better, Mister Turner seemed to pay more attention to you but he kept talking to other girls and staring at you as you looked at him with your eyebrows furrowed, it was a whole week of running back home with tears in your eyes, and at night your mind couldn't stop creating scenarios of your and him, you touched yourself over and over again, he made you love him madly with a few kisses and simple words, but after tomorrow when the play launched this suffering would be over.
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You went to get ready two hours before everyone was there, they were still setting up the stage while you were out in your long and folded ancient dress, hair, and makeup ready, lines memorized like a bible that you prayed into every night, "Hello" A voice echoed thru the room, it was him with his thick Yorkshire accent and voice, approaching you slowly.
"Hi," You said back, he stood behind you, looking at you through the mirror of your vanity, he stared at you like a perfect painting, and your breathing got stuck in your throat when he leaned forward to your ear.
"Thought you'd be here earlier... come with me little girl" He ordered grabbing your wrists and pulling you up, you swallowed down a big lump in your throat and he walked you inside his office, you shut the door behind you carrying your dress in your hands to keep it clean, "Sit down" He pulled out a chair for you and his hands lightly caress your hair, twisting in his index finger the shape of your curls, he grabbed your hand signing you to stand up, and he cupped your cheek, your turn your head to the side and closed your eyes as you feel his lips on top of yours, you thought he would kiss you just like the day that your lips touched his, and his fingers would be inside your mouth feeling how warm and tiny it was, you whimpered as he pulled back, you felt both embarrassed and a bit turned on, because you remembered yourself at night, touching yourself like an idiot to a faint picture of him.
"You know why you're here, right?" You said no with your head, "I want you to remember what it's like to be sent to heaven and dragged down to earth, I want you to feel the despair for another kiss, would you do anything for another kiss?"
"Yes," You firmly answered, "I need it, please... I need you so bad" His eyebrow twitched at the way your voice sounded so desperate.
"Unpatient, aren't we?" He giggled at you, opening the door of his office for you to leave, you went outside with your head to the floor "Give me your everything, and I'll see you after the play is over"
You had convinced yourself to give your best for him, convinced yourself about your true love and admiration for him, you would do anything to please him, anything to make him smile at you even for a split second, you'd do anything to make him love you, and to make him stay with you, because that's all that you wanted, for him to keep you like a bunny in a cage.
"You're such a good girl you know that? I mean it" He raised your chin with his finger, and you nodded your head again, "And you'll make me proud right little girl?" You said yes with your head, "Good"
And indeed the show was a success, everyone threw you roses at the end before the curtains closed, you tried to put a picture to your emotions through the way you spoke, added more emotion to what you said, and how you said it, you were confident from start to end, and you made some people cry with the way your love for Romeo simply got more complicated to come true, and at the end when you die you hear a standing ovation coming from the chairs, you wait for the curtains to close and you run to hug Alex, pushing him to a dark corner to kiss him with a passion, your lipstick smudging his lips and biting down aggressively on his bottom lip.
"I'm so proud of you bunny, you're the best... my little princess, my Juliet" You blush hard and he sends you running back to the stage to let the curtains open, flowers landing at your feet, your mom and dad standing in the front row clapping as loud as they could.
In the end, everyone took pictures with you, your name being praised was echoing through the room, and some hints of jealous mothers talking about how their daughters would've been just as good, but then Mister Turner walked across you with a smirk splattered on his face. You smiled at the camera and convinced your mother to let you go out to dinner with some friends just so you could be alone with the man you cherished the most.
After the people had disappeared through the halls you quickly took your clothes off in the changing room and then, all of a sudden, you jumped when you heard a loud knock on the door.
"Who is it?!" You said with fear.
"It's me," He says, "I'm coming in" He pushes the door open and you cover yourself up with your dress as best as you can, hiding your body, he comes in with roses and a big gift box with a baby blue bow wrapped around it, he smelled like his cigarettes. His eyes room down your body, and your scared puppy face, he drops the flowers and begins to kiss you hard, you smile to yourself when you finally taste his bitter cigarettes, "Let go of the dress bunny, tonight you're mine, say that you are...." He begs as he whispers to your mouth, you drop your dress to the floor, you wore a white see-through long corset and a thin cotton pair of matching panties and knee socks, he smiles at the look at your body, running his hands down your curves, and gently kneading your ass, "Let's go to my office"
"But I am-" He picked you up like a bride and covered you up with a rope that was hanging next to you.
"Don't worry, no one will see us" From the changing rooms to the stage he walked down some steps and swung open the door of his office, sitting you down at his desk, locking the door, "Get that rope off, let me see you put a little show for me" You stood up from his desk, and he leans over it with his legs crossed and hands behind his back on the desk. He looked just like a king wearing his all-black suit, ready to rule your world.
You stood up, letting the rope fall to your feet, and you do a little spin so he could see your everything, and he didn't miss a single spot as you turn, the little dimples in your back, the curve of your breasts and ass, you skin smooth and soft as velvet, your eyes glimmering in the darkness, the shyness within you, you put your everything on him, "Come here little one" He orders and you follow like a puppy.
"Yes?" You ask him sweetly.
"Sweetheart, I ain't gon' lie to you my love, I think you did spectacularly, and I'm proud of you for listening to me, but I know what you're missing, I know exactly what you're missing, and it's something I'm missing too..." You look at him strangely, what could he possibly miss? you lacked everything while in your eyes he was like a god.
"You're missing me, and I'm missing you, no one would understand you and your feelings better than me, no one could be able to see your potential better than me, but would you be able to bear with me?" You smile brightly as his hands turn you to gently undo the bows at the back of your corset, leaving you only in your pair of white panties and knee socks.
"Yes, I can," You said, he pushed your hair to the side over your head, a wave of your hair falling in beautiful honey-colored curls, he kissed your mouth softly, running his soft fingers against your lips like a soft feather. Cupping your face with your index and middle, mesmerized by the delicate features of your face, so pure, so weak, so innocent.
"You're gonna behave? I need you to say it" His eyes were dark and lustful.
You smiled and said, "I'm going to behave"
"You're my angel" He whispers to you, and when he leans forward you turn your face away from him, a kiss landing on your shoulder, he giggles and puts his hand on his hip, still mesmerized by your body and your figure, and you smiled, "Like what you see?"
"Enough with the silliness," He says to you, and you do as he tells you, and approach him slowly, once your face is resting in between his hands, he is still fully dressed, and you can feel how soft and warm his clothes were, you hug him and he runs his hands down your body, wrapping your legs around his torso and laying down at his desk, "Open your legs for me babe" He drawled, as he leaves a trail of kisses down your tender skin, his hands slowly massaging your breasts, you sigh as his thumb pressed down at your ribs and tummy, his lips trailed down to your belly, your fingers slowly slide into his hair, scratching it and pulling on it as he tears your panties from your pussy.
"Please..." You sigh.
"That's the prettiest cunt I've ever seen, so tiny and so fucking tight" His mouth was parched and he opens it widely to kiss your pussy, his tongue rimming in circles inside your hole, making your legs quiver and pull his hair, "So fucking good..." His tongue flicked and circled your clit in a gentle and teasing way, you were losing control over the noises that spilled out of your mouth, and then he cut you up entirely, leaving you breathless, you leaned in forward and you watched him licking your pussy lazily, and you grunt. His hands feel the soft material of your knee socks that he went crazy for.
"Please... I need more, please" You whimper as he started to suck and kiss your clit again, you let out girlish moans from your mouth, "Oh god-"
"Quiet down, won't you?" He spat on your clit making it impossible for you to keep your cool as you watch him devour your pussy with hunger and carnage, you whined and cried in silence, bitting down on your hand until your teeth sunk into your skin, your lower abdomen was tense and you felt something come out of you, and Alex sucked and swallowed down every single drop of your release as you came, but he kept going, it had become too much for you to handle but he put the flame back up, your hand gently tracing circles on his scalp while the other trailed down in between your legs, doing circles on your clit, you closed your eyes feeling in your room once more, moaning his name and feeling your skin cover in goosebumps, and he observed you, your fingers desperately rubbing your clit as your hips rock against your touch, "Fuckin' 'ell... you don't need me anymore"
"What?!" You quickly opened your eyes, his eyes glimmering as he had seen you get so carried away, "No, I'm-" He brushed away the little dust off his knees, "Wait, no I'm sorry, I just-"
"You just what?" He spat, "Care to tell me? You think you can please yourself better than I can?" You furrowed your eyebrows, "Cause I don't think you know what I can do to you, what I can show you"
"And what can you show me, Mister Turner?" You asked with a grin on your face, "You left me hanging for more, I needed to ease it somehow," You whispered, he dragged you closer to him by your legs, caging you right in between his arms.
"You have an attitude, don't you?" You raised an eyebrow.
"You said we're alike, didn't you?" He hummed as a yes biting down on his lip, "Seems like you don't even know me," You purred, he liked you, he liked that you didn't submit as easily, that you gave a fight before you did.
"I do know you, I've been inside that tiny little virgin hole of yours," He said with a smirk, you looked at him through your lashes.
"Is that so?" You whispered, and he hummed as a yes, "Not entirely"
"I see you like it the hard way, don't you?" He flipped you to be on your back, spreading your legs open as he takes out his belt, you waved your ass at him spanking it, blushing on your own because of your cheekiness, you tried to be as wild and fun as you could, "You naughty fuckin' bitch" You heard the sound of his zipper, "Just a warning..." He pulled your long hair to raise your head, and he said between greeted teeth, "I'll show you what hard is, and if you won't be able to handle it-"
"Give me all of it," You said, he threw your head back and forced himself inside you, your walls stretching painfully and you grunt and weep as you feel the burning, your pussy wasn't ready for such a fucking stretch, him and his massive cock, so thick it made your eyes water but your mouth to scream from the pleasure, he left your mouth and probably your pussy gape, his hand pressed down flat on your lower back, pounding your pussy profoundly, your nails scratching his wooden desk.
"Too much for you little one?" You gasped as he pounds you, the feeling of his cock between your legs growing a bit easier to bare with every thrust, "You took it well... you must be a little fucked up... right here" He taps harshly on your head.
"Aren't you?" He only made things harder for you, he kept pushing himself deep inside you, you were crying nonstop as your mouth was wide open but making no sound at all, just little chocked moans, you were feeling a tight knot forming in your lower abdomen, and he made you feel closer to coming undone beneath him but then, he pulled out of you like a sword into your limbs, "Wait... w-what happened?"
"You're being a cocky little fuck, now if you're gonna keep misbehaving like that, you're gettin' nothing, and I'm gonna leave you empty and wanking in your bed thinking about how good me cock feels, now... are we going to behave or are you just going to keep acting like a little fuckin' brat?" You smiled at him and laughed at his face, he pinched your cheeks together, "Do you think I'm takin' a piss or what?"
"It's just funny watching you get so angry" You kept laughing uncontrollably, his face in a big frown, jaw locked, nose trails opening wider with every exhale, his lips pushed together.
"And it's gonna be even funnier to watch you get punished since that's what you want, isn't it?" You answered with a smile, he pushed you away, slapping you so hard it knocked you to the floor, you looked at him scared, your smile had faded away, "You like learning the hard way, I'm gonna teach you a lesson, look where your mouth has gotten you little one... come up here" You flinched back when he tried to help you get up but you accepted his help since your legs couldn't work properly.
He carries you in his arms and lays you down on his leather couch, "I'm sorry, I swear I'm gonna be good now"
"You know swearing is bad, right? You must keep your promises, otherwise, I won't trust you, and believe me, you're giving me plenty of reasons to not," You looked away and bit your bottom lip, "Are you going to behave?... and I'm not gonna ask again"
"Yes" You stated, "I am"
"Atta girl" He kissed your temple, "But saying that you are doesn't mean I'm not going to punish you, you can't make fun of me, you hear me?" His voice is so demanding and scary, you look him in the eye and nod your head, he stands up and unzips his pants, enjoying the view of your body and your stare on his, you stretch and your rips pop out, and you move around in the couch, watching him take out from his boxer his swollen and wet cock, it was red and twitching, veiny and thick, you swallowed, "That's what you're going to do, and after you swallow me cock I'm gunna cum in your face and I'll think about what's gonna happen to you later, understood?"
"Understood" He pushed open your mouth as wide as possible and put his knee next to your head, "I'm making that throat wider just for me cock to fit in," He forced his cock inside your mouth, and you had a coughing fit and splashed saliva all over your face, but he kept reaching deep inside your throat until he settled in, and pushed his cock out and back in slowly, no matter how much he wanted to provoke pain on you he didn't want to hurt you after all.
"Ah!- I can't" You choked and your eyes watered as you gagged, he pulled out of you and you coughed loudly.
"Toughen up," He said and threw your head back, pushing his cock inside your mouth and fucking it, you felt the bone in your throat rail up and down as he kept fucking it, and you heard sick and obscene noises coming out from the bottom of his throat while you fought the need to let your fingers wander down to your pussy, the noises were so rich and spectacular that you kept your self in place, imagining him biting down on his lip and the taste of his soft cock on your mouth was delicious, it made you wet, never in your life would you think sucking a boy's cock would be a turn on, but this wasn't a boy, this was a man, enjoying himself thanks to you.
You kept coughing and spitting saliva but he used it to his advantage, smothering all of it on your face, destroying your makeup completely, the tip of his cock was soft and hot while the rest of his meat was warm and palpitating, his balls touching your chin, you couldn't resist it, you wanted to touch them, and when your fingers came to lightly pinch them he let out a low grunt, and you felt something was leaking out from him, he pulled out of you quickly, "Are you?-"
"Shut the fuck up" He patted your cheek signing you to open it, and this time you grabbed his balls with confidence, playing with them a little in your hands, "Oh fuck!" He moans and thrust his hips inside you just as if he was fucking your pussy again, for him you were a massive hole he could use to dump every fluid that came out of him, "Keep grabbing 'em... harder" You squeezed him a little bit more but it was right about enough for him to pull out and cover your face in his warm cum, you watch everything come squirting out of him, every warm drop that landed on your face was smothered in your face, "You love it huh? you like your reward bunny?"
"I do," You said licking the corners of your mouth.
"Turn," You laid on your chest and he got on top of you, sliding his cock in, "Got so wet from suckin' it hard" He digs your head to your cushions, suffocating you into the leather, and he continued his assault to your body, fucking it with no mercy, your walls accommodate and squish him inside, to keep him just like he was, the friction of his dick, the feeling of his veins on the walls of your hole coursing you to see blurry and your mouth to drool, you feel in heaven as you feel yourself slowly start to finish all over him, and he harshly drags his cock back denying your orgasm.
"Alex, please! I'm begging you" You weep.
"Didn't say you can cum yet..." He panted.
"You're asking too much Alex" He dragged your hips back and propped your ass up, kneading it and spanking it until your ass cheeks felt warm and tender for him to grope, and your eyes were bloodshot, the taste of salt in your mouth from your stinging tears.
"You think that's too much?!" He yells into your ear, you drown out a scream and he spanks you hard again, "Come on little girl! Thought you said to give you everything, thought you were strong enough" You cry out into the couch, "You're weak and pathetic" He saw you weeping into the leather, your eyes swollen and your whole body shaking like a little puppy, he puts you down gently, hugging your body to make you lay down on his lap.
"I hate you" You felt both used and somehow loved in a very strange and significant way, it was like people say, tough love, you hug him tighter and tighter, and he runs his fingers through your cheeks to clean your tears.
"You know I do this because I love you" You heard the honesty in his voice, he looks at you with utter tenderness and sweetness, his fingers crossed your hair to your ear, "Do you love me?"
"I love you" You whispered, no matter what he did to you, what was harder to love him was to hate him, he was the first man to ever truly kiss you with passion, and you always wore your heart on your sleeve, he understands you, he shows you how much he likes you, he desires more than just your body.
"You're ok, quiet down now" He rocks you into his arms, naked, exposed, weak, "Do you know what I'm doing to you?"
"Fucking me up" You hear him chuckle and deny it over and over with his head.
"Making you mine" You smile at him, "You're mine, me girl, no one else's, you don't belong to anyone else... just me, I need you to say it"
"I don't belong to anyone else just you" You affirm. He nudges his nose with yours, pecking your lips sweetly.
"That's good, so good..." He sighs as his little pecks turn into hungry kisses, both of your desperate for more than just teasing, he pulls you on top of him and stands up, you secure your legs around him while your arms hug his shoulders, and you can feel his slippery and warm tip in between your legs, sliding inside your hole, you moan and bite down on his shoulder as he thrusts his cock inside you, balls slamming on your pussy as he thrusts in and out of you, the sounds and the feeling were delightful, all piling up on you, it wasn't just the noises that came out of his mouth, it was him entirely that turned you on, how hard he was grasping your body, and you watched him with his eyes firmly fixed on yours with his lips parted as he feels so close from feeling so warm, and tight inside you, feeling your hole contract around his cock, it felt so good for him, so good he was crazy for more, you were in awe as you are eager to see how his cock enters your pussy, you only get wetter as you watch your bodies collide into a sweet satisfying melody.
"Fuck! I'm so- close..." You warn him as if something inside you were about to detonate, explode, you lose control over your body, your head feeling lighter and lighter as you push on your abdomen hard to squeeze out every bit of your juices and smother it all over his cock, "Does that feel good?" You pant.
"You haven't got a clue" He chokes out, "Oh... I'm gonna cum too"
"Cum inside me, please" You whine and beg, like a bratty child for on ice cream, "Fill me up, please"
"I can't" He grunts as he digs his cock deep inside you, "It's not a good idea" His eyes search for hope in yours, you kiss him deeply caressing the back of his head with your fingertips, he relaxes and you buck your hips forward, fucking yourself into his cock.
"Don't you want to?" You whisper to his lips, "Don't you want to dump your cum inside me?" He hisses as you jump on his cock again and again, he bites down on his lip until they turn pale, "Don't pretend like you don't" Your tongue licks his bottom lip and you nibble on it gently, your walls push him deeper in, getting tighter and tighter as you feel him getting more worked up, "Dump it inside me, I want it bad, please Mister Turner" He moans into your mouth, you let your tongue slip inside it, warm and tasty, he keeps it open with his thumb to spit into your mouth. You feel him get rowdy, and his skin is covered with goosebumps, drenched in a cold sweat, his balls tightly pressed up against your pussy until he was buried deep inside your hole and his cum covered up your walls in a warm coat of his cum, his pupils dilated, and you smiled as you felt it leaking out from your pussy, you hugged him tightly as he peppers your head with kisses, you feel pure bliss "Thank you" You whisper to his ear.
"You're fuckin' insane, you know that?" He gave you a smudgy kiss on your cheek.
"But you love it, don't you?" You both giggled to each other, his forehead pressed against yours, the tip of his nose brushing yours.
After cleaning up your body gently and making sure you weren't bleeding, he carried you back to the dressing rooms, he settled you down in your chair and you began to clean your face, your eyes wide open as you saw yourself in the mirror, the makeup that you spent so many hours in was completely trashed, there was eyeliner and mascara everywhere but in your lashes and eyes, your lipstick smudged all over your face and even down on your neck, your throat felt bruised and it was a bit hard to swallow, then you heard him coming inside the room with the same box he carried an hour ago and a cup of water, you snatched the mug from his hands, "Drink up babe"
"Thanks," You say to him, "What's that?" You smiled taking the gift from his hands.
"I knew you were going to do great, so I bought summat for you" Inside the box there was a tiny bunny plushy, and a little china doll dressed just like Juliet, deeper in, you take out a beautiful baby blue dress.
"It's gorgeous!" You threw yourself into his arms, hugging him tightly, and he kissed your now clean face, "Oh! I love it so much" You kick your feet into the air and he spins you around like a little girl.
"Put it on doll, so I can take you out" You smile at him brightly and as you grab your things to change in the other room, before you left he stops you, "Do it here," He sits down on the chair you were in and watched you try on the dress, it fitted you like a glove.
"Wait, where are my panties?" You ask him with genuine curiosity, "Aren't they at your office?"
"Already cleaned it up, I just found your bra" He looks down at the floor and then at you, spreading his legs as he looks at how beautiful that dress fits your little silhouette, ruffled at the top and the ends of the dress shaped like a flower, you fix your hair and your knee socks, you put on nude heels that your mom told you to wear with your other change of clothes, "You look like a doll, babe" He pats his thigh for you to sit in, and you do, wrapping your arms around him.
"Where are you takin' me?" You ask him with a silly but bright smile.
"It's simple but I think you're gonna be pleased with the place"
He helped you carry your bags out, sneaking out of the school together, and running outside to the parking lot, you grabbed your tiny purse and your big makeup bag in your hands, and you heard the alarm go off from his black and shiny Cadillac, private catholic schools seemed to pay him very well, after all, he was the very best of the teachers here, he had fame, and money, thought at your school whenever he wasn't busy doing plays in Europe, or Broadway, you wanted him to see your potential, and whenever he yelled at you, you couldn't help but love him more, he opened the door of his car for you, and buckled you in place, you smiled and felt your heart speed.
"Thank you for the dress, I love it... you shouldn't have-"
"Don't say that, you know I'll do anything for you doll" He took off from the school, you smile to yourself but quickly snap back to reality when you see the reflection of your face with no makeup, you quickly curl your eyelashes in place and flick your wrist as you brush your mascara wand to your eyelashes, praying to not stain your eyes, you feel his warm hand land on your knee, you turn to look at him, he's busy driving thru the  streets, and your feel in a dream with that brilliant man's presence, you finish your makeup as fast as you could to quickly fix the mess that was your hair, into a beautiful half up and down, letting some baby curly hairs fall on your face, you line your lips pink and pat some lipstick on your lips and gloss to make them plumper.
He glances at you and smiles brightly, "Is something the matter?"
"No, I just think you look lovely" You put your hand over his, and he turns up the volume of the radio, Lana del Rey on the station, and you smile brightly the whole road, his hand little by little sneaking up your thigh until it felt dangerously close to your inner thigh, you blush hard.
"Mister Turner..." You say to him, he snaps his eyes back at you, he digs his nails into your flesh, and your hand strokes his cock gently, he spreads his legs open and you smirk, feeling just a little control over him.
"I think I'll just have you for dinner if you keep goin'," You bite down on your lip, your hand pulled back to his knee.
"That isn't such a bad idea, is it Mister Turner?" You tease, and he sighs, smiling to himself.
"You can call me Alex babe doll, it's alright with me" His hand grabs yours to kiss your knuckles, and his thumb caresses them.
"Ok, Alex"
He made a turn and you arrived at your favorite dinner, it was almost half empty, you leaned over to kiss him deeply, "Surprise!" He giggles.
"How'd you know?" You were amazed, not many people knew about that dinner, just your close friends and you, it made you wonder how he managed to know that. And what else does he know about you? he got out of the car, fixing his coat and hair before he opened your door, unbuckling your belt and taking your hand for you to take a gentle step out of his black Cadillac.
"I've got me ways babe doll" He kissed your temple and grabbed your purse, locking the car and sitting down at a booth next to you, the purple and pink lights deem as a romantic melody the old jukebox the restaurant had rocks you, the dinner was 60's themed, and the nice old lady looked at you and Alex strange, sitting so closely together, you looked so little, and he looked too old for you, he almost looked like your dad or... more like a daddy.
"What can I get you?" The lady with a notepad and pen in her hand asks.
"What would you like angel?" He asks sweetly, putting his arm around you, his hand landing at your bum as you sit cross-legged and you lean in closer to him, your fingertips tapping on your chin.
"A classic burger and some fries... and a strawberry milkshake please... and you Daddy?" You joke, watching the lady's face go pale, and Alex's eyes get dark, a smirk on the corner of his lips.
"I'll get the same as her too, and a vanilla shake" You both kindly smile at her, and he looks at you with the brightest smile.
"Yes?" You ask sweetly and innocently, blinking repeatedly.
"I like the sound of it, daddy..." He says referring to what you said, "Keep callin' me like that princess" He kisses you on the side of your head, gripping your thigh.
"You can be my daddy, right Alex?" You both lean in to kiss each other losing track of time, and the same lady with grey hair comes back, she cleaned her throat to grab your attention and she puts down your milkshakes at the table, you smile at her kindly and receive your milkshake, Alex sunk his finger into your shake, and you grab his wrist sucking his pinky clean. The lady runs back to the kitchen.
"I love you" Your bodies close the minimal space that was between you, you watch him smile and lean in forward and close his eyes to kiss you tenderly, you get deep into the kiss, and he pulls you in to sit on his lap gently by putting his hand on your waist, you feel the butterflies come alive and you giggle when his long beard tickles your chin and your nose, "What's so funneh?" He pecks your lips.
"Your goatee tickles me" You chuckled and pecked your lips and you both turned your heads as you heard the elderly woman have a little stroke when she saw you kissing your man, she was shocked, and she just left the food on the table and left, "Hungry?" You slide the plates with the warm food and give a bite to your delicious hamburger.
The rest of the night you spend it talking about everything, his favorite films, his favorite directors and writers, his new big ideas that you were excited about, and he kept wondering about college on your side, "I think you're meant for summat great my love" He says as you gently wipe his face with a napkin.
"I don't know what to do with my life... honestly, it's ridiculous, everyone tells me to study whatever I want but then they tease the idea of med school, and I'm curious about it but that doesn't mean I like it" You ramble about what your parents tell you in your head, but talking to Alex was a relieve, he seemed to always choose his word wisely.
"Why don't you come and live with me? Leave this town, you don't need to worry 'bout anything else if you stay with me, no hurries, no pressure..." Your mouth falls open, you don't know if this is reality or if you are in a daze, "After your graduation, I'll talk to them 'bout the idea of you living with me,"
"Don't play with that" You spoke to him very seriously, and he sounded serious too, "You mean it?" You asked, almost feeling tears in your eyes.
"You're only 18, why do people think you must have the world figured out? Leave this town, come to live with me in LA, and we can find the perfect career for you my darlin' I'll put you in the best college, and I'll take good care of you..." You kiss him deeply, you love that man like nobody can.
"I love you Daddy" You peck his lips with love.
"Finish your meal little one," You hum as a yes and while you were eating and finishing off your meal, you remembered you had strict catholic parents who thought you were having dinner somewhere else with your best friends, and you were about to have your head cut off if you didn't finish your meal in... you glance to your clock, "Shit" You mutter under your breath.
"What?" You finish your meal stuffing your face.
"I 'ave to hurry up" You muffled, your mouth full with your fries, he chuckled at the sight of your cheeks full, he couldn't stop laughing and you smiled, "What? If you don't get me home now I'll get locked up for good in my room"
"You look like a bunny just like that" You roll your eyes at him, and he glances at your clock, "We still have an hour and a half left doll, what's the matter?"
"I'm being serious, if I'm not at my door at the time my mom told me, she will leave me outside in the cold, freezing my tits off"
"I'll warm them up" He gave you a sneaky kiss on your neck.
"Bastard" You tease.
Mister Turner paid the dinner and gave a generous tip to the old lady who simply looked disturbed, Alex pinches your bum on the way out and buckles you in as you sit on his leather seats, he drives fast, turning the volume to the top as the strokes play in the radio, he does a quick stop at a pharmacy near your house, you wait for him inpatient, he only took 5 minutes to come back with a little plastic bag on his hand.
"Got you some pills, and these" He gifted you, your first box of condoms, and you blushed hard.
"W-Wait, I can have these at my house, it's too dangerous" You would get exiled if your mom were to find them.
"It's ok, don't worry, I just don't wanna take risks" He explained the use of the plan B pills, you promised to take it, and he drove back to your house.
You stared at it from the window, the lights of the living room were on, which could only mean that your mother was waiting for you on the couch, you sighed and stared at him with puppy eyes, "I don't wanna go in"
"We still have 30 minutes to spare" His eyebrows wiggle making you giggle, "I could go for some dessert"
"Mmm, I don't think it's a good idea, we won't make it back on time" He puts his hand on your inner thigh, you look at his hand massaging your thigh and then back at him.
"I'm not talking about that type of dessert" You sigh as his lips kiss your mouth slowly, putting you in a trance, his mouth tastes like sweet vanilla with a pinch of saltiness, and his tongue slips in as he tastes sweet strawberries and whipping cream, your heartbeat goes thru the roof as his hand sneaks in between your legs, you had forgotten you weren't using any underwear, "All ready for me"
"Mmm... fuck me Daddy" You moan into his mouth, pushing yourself back and crawling to the back of his car, you push your dress up, and spread your legs open, he had the nicest view of your pussy, dripping and glimmering.
"Gunna make it a quickie then" He jumps to the back, and you lay flat on your chest, pushing your hips up, arching your back, chest on the seats, "Eager, aren't you?" You hear him getting ready for you, spitting on your pussy hole and spreading his spit and your wetness all over your pussy. You moan loudly as his tip enters you, sliding in, and hitting the right spot at the first thrust of his hips, "Shut the fuck up, you're gonna wake up the whole neighborhood" He takes out from his pocket your pair of lost panties.
"You had them this whole time?!" You were amazed, you didn't think he would keep them, "You're a perv" You joke.
"But you love what this perv does to your pussy," He licked your earlobe, pushing your panties inside your mouth, "I was gonna get a good taste of that, rub it all over me cock, have it as my little souvenir" You rolled your eyes as he locks your arms behind your back, grinding his hips, railing your pussy, slapping his meat against your ass, he heard you say something he couldn't quite figure out, he took out the panties from your mouth, "What did you say?" 
"Do you do that to other girls?" He stops,'fuck'  You scream into your head, you were getting so close,  you regret ever saying something but you also wanted to know. 
"You just have something, little one, something that just makes me want to keep you, want to have you in me pocket," Sounds like he's obsessing over you, he gets more aroused, and you feel him getting harder inside you, "I wanna have you at all times in my bed since you're always crawling around me head, and cumming inside you... fuckin' hell, making that tight little cunt all mine, hell... I would hold you hostage if I had to"
"Then make it yours again, Daddy," He bucked his hips back pushing your panties back inside your mouth, rimming his cock on your pussy, those noises coming from his mouth were terrific, just enough to make you see stars, his veiny hands turning into fists as he slides back inside, his strong arms contracting, you close your eyes, feeling his cock twitching and loading up your cunt with his cum, and he finished you up, making you cum desperately all over him, he crashes on top of your body, and you sigh feeling only his weight, his heart beating just as fast as yours, his lips brushing against your ear, "That was fast" You muffled.
"I committed to it" You both giggle, and he pulled out of your pussy, watching his cum drip out of your tight hole, he's in awe, at how that little hole could be filled up with that much, he was fascinated, "For fucks sake..." He was getting worked up again, but he couldn't keep you for longer.
He quickly grabs a tissue and helps you clean up his mess again, taking out your panties from your mouth, and gently tossing them in his chair to keep them, his hands brush your hair back and tighten up your hairdo, you smile at him getting out of the back of his car helping you out, the cold air hits your face, and so does the cold reality, you sneaked your bags to your front door, running up the steps leaving your bags there so it could be easier for you to throw yourself into his arms for a last goodbye, he picks you up from the ground with no effort, his arm around your waist and his hand gripping your bum, making you both laugh, and you kiss him, hard, breaking away from the kiss with such sadness, "I'll miss you"
"Better start packing your bags babydoll," You already pictured your life with him, and before you left you made sure to exchange numbers, laughing at him because he didn't know how to do it, he made sure twice to have your number before you left, at exactly the time your mom asked you to be home you opened the door of your house.
"Hi," You said breathlessly.
"Hello," She says looking at you strangely, "Why is your face all red? And who gave you that dress?! I told you to not-" You took a step back the moment she tried to pull on the ends of your dress, you felt your heart about to spill out of your mouth.
"No, no, Mom, I swear I bought it with my friends before we went to dinner" You smiled, "One of them wanted to get something from the mall so we all went, and I just liked the dress" She scans your face, clearly you were feeling tense since you couldn't just walk away from her but eventually she let you go, still not trusting the words that came out of your mouth but when does she ever, you were glad Mister Turner was kind enough to keep the box while you hid his presents in your bags, Jesus, you didn't know what would your mother do to you if she were to find out what was beneath your dress.
That night you got a few sweet messages from Alex, you couldn't get him out of your head, what would your life be like with him, you felt a warm feeling in your stomach, a tight knot you always felt in your tummy, was now gone, and he makes you the happiest girl, and you would make sure to keep him the happiest man.
Sorry for not updating in a bit, had a rough couple of days, but happy New Year's everyone, I have a lot in store for you and me this year, hope you enjoy this wrap with one of the most claimed shots of all, Mister Turner has came back, lots of love from your girl. I hope all of your wishes and manifestations come true this year!
And to answer your question I get all of the pictures from pinterest and tumblr, here is my pinterest in case you wanna check it out!
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡{Number 12}♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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Camping date (Alphonse + Seth)
{♡} requested
- A camping date w the boys :D poly bittersweet
How wrong they were huh?
{♡} requested
Incorrect Quotes:
Oh boy smooching time!
canon event
called him my husband so there's that.
packin heat
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Sleeping in
{♡} requested
- Seth and Boo cuddle while Alphonse has to leave </3 poly bittersweet
Crazy eyes
{♡} ask
- jeepers creepers where'd you get those eyes!
{♡} ask
- dw Seth I don't fuck w spiders either
Running like hell
{♡} personal
- So bc I wanted fucked up bittersweet we torture Boo.
US flag shirt
{♡} personal
- this is so stupid that I love it sm
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Fluttering kisses
{♡} requested
Mine mine mine
{♡} requested
- so, Casper is very protective of what's theirs-
chew toy
{♡} ask
- hes basically a squeaky chew toy.
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Body comfort
{♡} requested
- Finn comforts Sunflower who is being a bit too mena to their body.
damn he fine
{♡} ask
Incorrect Quotes:
four leggeds
who's driving the car?
like a sinner in church
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Yandere Faust
{♡} personal
- oh this bitch kinda crazy
Gaming with Pookie
{♡} personal
- He died and is singing California girls by Katy Perry.
Incorrect Quotes:
not bitchy nice
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Pathetic Obession
{♡} requested
- did you really think that'd work?
Demon and Priest (suggestive)
{♡} requested
- Yeah let's corrupt the Priest- OH!! HES PULLING HIS COCK OUT-
Oh lord it's teenager me-
{♡} requested
- Rook meets younger Auron. Older Auron is contemplating life rn.
Help from some Cherubs and Cupids
{♡} requested
- Camp AU I wrote about that a moot made! Kids and the other adults help make a date for the couple!
Fav out of the trio
{♡} ask
- ngl I can see him liking Boo more
{♡} ask
- honestly could be batman but has both parents
Didn't make it in time
{♡} personal
- so, psychological torture anyone?
Office Siren
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes:
I'm here no matter what
place is fancy
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Bed ridden
{♡} requested
- Lucien takes care of sick Angel
{♡} ask
- it's rough out here man
Ew Meatloaf
{♡} ask
- i actually despise meatloaf
Better myself
{♡} ask
- Lucien making people's lives better fr
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Incorrect Quotes:
*pulls out comically large piano*
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After care
{♡} requested
- Alphonse and Seth being after care kings.
Awe a little baby!
{♡} requested
- So, reader has a kid, how would Faust, Auron, Lucien and Jack react to that?
Tiktok trend (All boys)
{♡} requested
- So the listener's nails look like the boy's tip-
Cuddle position's (All boys)
{♡} requested
- Cuddle positions I think they'd love!
Tattoos (All boys)
{♡} requested
- How would the boy's react to Listener having tattoos?
Love songs
{♡} requested
- what if Alphonse, Seth, Charlie and Auron were love songs?
Poly Bittersweet NSFW HCs
{♡} requested
- Just like the title says!!
Scary movie
{♡} ask
- Alphonse and Seth being assholes
NSFW stand on things (for asks in the future)
{♡} ask
- just as title says!
Boo's garden
{♡} ask
- Boo with a garden would be so cute
{♡} ask
- Cool idea's!!
Dynasty/Emperor Au
{♡} personal
- Either Listener is Emperor w a big Harem. Or Auron with a Harem he help's get together w their boys
Pirate Au Not so happy introduction
{♡} personal
- The first one is Listener Pirate crew and the other is the start of how Seth meet the Crew.
Feast for the bubblegum Prince
{♡} personal
- Yandere Seth scene inspired by Arcane Jinx table scene.
Fic Idea Bittersweet trio
{♡} personal
- Time reversed too far and now young Boo is trying to get back ot their boys.
YV Twitter PT16 PT17 PT18 PT19 PT20
Incorrect Quotes (Multi character):
lock in lock in
The porn star?
*pulls out of inventory* want one?
go on
♡•♡•{Please consider following}•♡•♡
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aachria · 3 months
right so, firstly, sssbmty is absolutely amazing and I binged the whole of it in around five days. I love Ed and their character development as well as the relationships they have with the crew it’s all ugh, so masterful.
secondly, while the entire thing is giving me immense brain rot and i’m foaming at the mouth about the tarot card foreshadowing, I just cannot stop thinking about that mysterious father/weird uncle figure that was apparently on Gol D. Roger’s crew who hasn’t been mentioned since the wedding (sorta).
i’m minorly obsessed with this random, unnamed person who looked at a tiny cabin boy Shanks and went, “this dude needs to know the Macarena yesterday.” and probably also taught Shanks (and i’m guessing most, if not all of Roger’s crew) “Piano Man” and more than likely introduced a slew of other Earth pop culture things that almost certainly have no business being in the One Piece Universe.
also, the fact this guy knew that Ed was also going to be there??? the implications of that is crazy alone. how do you know these things sir? is this guy tied in with the voices Ed hears and dreams Ed experiences whenever they’re incapacitated? did weird unknown uncle have strange dreams as well?
but i also can’t help but wonder, was this guy also isakai’ed with the same suddenness that Ed was? just randomly dying one tuesday morning and waking up in a strange place with zero explanation? Did he get swept up by Roger one day like Luffy swept up Ed, and this mystery guy decided “fuck it, we ball” and went along wholeheartedly with Rayleigh and Roger and never looked back? was he spending the whole time quietly mourning roger cause he knew just how this story would end? did he not change anything because he knew Ed was coming and left everything up to them?
this shit is bouncing around my head like a million pinballs set loose, it’s chaos in here. also, these questions are 80% rhetorical and i just need to inform you that is nameless character of yours has moved into my head and refuses to leave.
and with that little rant out of the way, i wish you good day, good luck, and i can’t wait to devour the next chapter. toodles.
First; oh em gee thank you sm… you got me gigglin n twirlin my hair n shit…
Second; me and you, we’re living on the same wavelength. Pseudo dad/uncle lives in my head rent free and the way I would absolutely LOVE to answer all of these questions—
But I must hold my tongue. Here’s a special little something to tide you over though; I’m writing the last chapter of Sabaody rn and bro this arc… I lied about it being shorter than the party good Jesus it’s like 8ish chapters and the man the myth the legend is at the very least mentioned in like FOUR OF THEM. HAAAAAALF OF THEM. So like. Yaknow. GET FUCKING EXCITED.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
…Wind Breaker
I have a hc for the drabble event that between Choji and Togame, Choji is more ticklish than Togame. But I like to think that since Choji’s the strongest out of the two of them, Togame gets wrecked more🫶
I love Togame sm it’s unhealthy😭
But if you’re not up for it, pls feel free to decline!
(Headcanons to Dabbles: OFFICIALLY CLOSED)
LEE TOGAME YAAS!!! Fun fact- I have a fic of these two coming out in July! I just adore this sloth man so much! Thank you for the opportunity to write for him, anon!
In theory- Togame should win more often.
Choji was much more ticklish- and he was bigger than him. In theory- it shouldn’t be a problem capturing their leader and tickling him until he was breathless and not so quick to fight.
Alas; This was Choji Tomiyama. Theory didn’t apply.
“Oh, you wanna play, Kame?” Something glittered in the smaller boy’s expression after he felt his side get poked. “Okay! Play time!”
That’s where Togame found himself, his balance being shifted as his friend climbed him like a tree. “Cho-JI!” He yelped, arching as fingers dug into the spots just below his armpits. “Whahahit, wahahahit coohohme on!”
“No way! You only poke me if you want to play! Come on, Kame! Fight back!” Choji laughed brightly, clinging to him like a parasite as he wiggled his fingers into the brunette’s ribs, making him stumble about like a drunk. “Fight fight fight!”
“Yoohohou alahhaways wahhhahanna fihihihihght! Aheahahhaha!” Togame wheezed, his giggles increasing as he tried doubling over to protect himself. That just gave Choji more spots to reach. “Dooohohohon’t- coohohohome ohohoohhon!”
“Oo, going down!” Choji laughed as Togame fell to his knees, scrunching up his shoulders as his neck and ears were attacked. “You should cut your hair, Kame- it’d make tickling you here way easier!”
“Mahahhaybe I wihiihhll- bhuuhuhut nohohohot for thahahhat!” Togame would consider it further had he had the chance to think. He curled up on his side, giglging helplessly as Choji poked and prodded at his ribs like a piano. “Choohohohoji, pleaahhahase! Lehehehet me uhuhuhup!”
“Hmm…” The smaller boy thought about it. Then he grinned, pulling his hands back. Togame let out a small sigh of relief through his giggles.
It lasted for five seconds.
“GAH NOOHOHOHO!” His laughter shot up by an octave when Choji grabbed his leg, squeezing rapidly along his thigh. “CHOHOHOHOJI I I GIHIIHIHIHVE! I GIHIHIHIIVE!” He pleaded, cheeks red and eyes starting to mist over.
Choji laughed brightly, turning back to Togame as he released his leg. “Okay! Hehe, thanks for playing with me Kame! That was fun!”
The brunette groaned softly, suddenly too tired to speak. Instead, he gave a weak thumbs up.
Well- at least Choji was happy.
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doukeshi-kun · 3 months
Hey do u fw drummer!nikolai or band!nikolai? ⭐_____⭐
(tmi i can't sleep rn, then this idea came up in my mind.... I have a hc that he could play drum, bass, guitar and other instruments. Perhaps he might play piano or violin as well uhhh he seems he could do anything. Anyways i love your works sm! Please keep going (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧)
i fw with band!nikolai. specifically guitarist!nikolai who exclusively play a white electric guitar with diamond patterns on that and a pompom charm at the end
although, i don't think he could play modern music instruments like guitar or bass.. since he was pretty clueless about band in general (he thought a band is like orchestra.. silly boi). but i do think he's a quick learner and can play an instrument well after he learns it in a short moment :3
and thank you for liking my works (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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nevernonline · 11 months
hihi! its the anon that requested the 14th member in another gg and performing a sexy concept!! i loved the ones u wrote recently and i was hoping (pls dont feel pressured to do it!!) of u could continue with the rest of the members. ur writing is so nice btw🫶
bubu, hi!! yes, ofc!! it's sort of long bc im insane, but thank u sm. ily. (srry this took so long lmao?) 🖤☘️
svt reactions to member and their gg and their sexy debut concept (cont.):
Wonwoo was always somewhat of a protector for you. He took it upon himself to shield you from the bad side of being an idol. Comments, questions, people trying to get in your pants. It’s common for a female idol to be burned in the spotlight, especially when they’re around 13 guys a lot of the time. Between dating rumors, fans' assumptions that you HAD to be hooking up with at least one of them, he always shut it down even before you or the company had the opportunity to do so. The night of your debut showcase the company threw a small album release party, family only which included a lot of the members from various groups between pledis and hybe. Your group's videos and concept were plastered playing on the large LED display, which was catching the eyes of some male company staffers and idols. Wonwoo was sitting across the room from you, watching as people praised your hard work and talent. He didn’t think much of it until someone asked him if they thought you’d give them your cell phone number so they could ask you on a date. He wanted to tell them no for you, but figured you should be able to fight that battle yourself so instead he beat him to it. A text pinged in your phone from Wonwoo telling you to meet him outside on the patio just so he can congratulate you, instead of just asking you out himself. Not just as friends, but much more.
When your team manager and the ceo sat jihoon down for a conversation, he definitely did not expect to be asked to help produce a song you wrote for your new group's debut ep. He would have done it in a heartbeat even without the company’s executives praising him and ready to bed for his music expertise. He was always willing to work and help out a friend. When the day came and you stepped into his sacred studio space, he was nowhere to be found, you’ve been in the light colored room often, but never alone. You took your time getting comfortable on his couch, playing with your phone while you awaited the arrival of your close friend. When the door alarm buzzed and unlocked, revealing Jihoon and his arms full of snacks and sodas for you both to enjoy.  “Sorry I'm late, I tried to text you but I left my phone in here before stepping out.”  “No worries, Hoonie. Is it just us then?”  “Yeah, everyone’s a little busy today. That’s cool?”  “Obviously. So before we get started should I tell you the concept?”  “That would be helpful, y/n.”  Jihoon was always a jokester especially with you, it was easy to play around with him.  “So, well, okay. It’s basically a song about seducing someone, we’re trying a sexy siren concept.”  Taken a back slightly, Jihoon couldn’t recall ever having to be sexy or seductive in a concept before, even as trainee’s when the company had you do battle of the sexes.  “Do you have some lyrics?”  “Yeah, here.”  ‘Fear not my temptation, but deliver me from the thoughts in my own head. Using my voice, I’ll promise to make these boys wind up dead.’ “So you’re basically using boys as playthings and then killing them, praying mantis style?”  “Basically, yes.”  “Want to hop into the booth and try some stuff?”  Hopping up from his couch and placing the heavy black headphones on your ears, a sultry piano and bass riff played. You sang the lyrics both you and Jihoon were coming up with on the spot, not realizing the way you were swaying under the pink lighting of his booth. Touching your body slightly, getting into the groove of the song.  “Uh, y/n?”  “Yeah?”  “Can you stop moving like that? I mean I like it, but it’s a little distracting.”  “Oh my god, sorry I didn’t even know I was doing that.”  “You’re lucky you’re cute.”  “So the seduction of the song is working, is what you’re saying though?”  “A little too well.” 
Seokmin was the most supportive friend you could ever ask for. He wasn’t shy to tell you how amazing you did while performing or how beautiful you looked in and out of your stage costumes. When he took his seat next to the rest of the boys in the glass box of the arena for your debut showcase. He wore the merchandise and clung onto the picket with your face on it out of anticipation to actually get the opportunity to watch you perform without him. As soon as the lights went down on the stage, the crowd began cheering your fan chant, he studied their words and joined in himself, forcing the rest of your team to do the same. The pitch black room filled with screams made his heart pound fast. Why was he so nervous? You came into his view, the bright stage lights bouncing off of your glowing frame, he noticed your smile as the song began to play. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, he watched your interactions with the rest of the girls, the fans, and even the sneaky look up to him. He truly felt like your fan girl, singing along with you, dancing the choreography, and shouting your name louder than anybody in the room. The rest of the members tried to get his attention, but he was so intoxicated by watching you that he didn’t hear them. His fixated gaze on you had others watching him watch you. When it was all finally over, Seokmin couldn’t leave his seat for a good five minutes, his heart was beating faster than it should. The guys pulled him backstage to congratulate you. His hands were sweating now, pulling up to your door. Seeing you open it, now in a matching gray sweatsuit, halfway done with taking your makeup off. You hugged the various members and saved Seokmin for last. Whispering in his ear how grateful you were for him. The rest of the guys sat around teasing your biggest fan, laughing at the videos they took as he watched you. You caught a glimpse of his face, a pretend smile clearly embarrassed for the things they were saying.  “Okay, guys I’ll meet you at the restaurant. I’m going to take a shower and I’ll be there soon.”  With various goodbyes and see you laters you tugged Seokmin back into the room.  “Wait. Hold on, mister. You okay?”  “Yes, I’m good. I’ll see you at the restaurant, y/n. Good job.”  “Stop it. I could tell you were embarrassed by them. Why?”  “Not exactly, I guess I should’ve been more careful how I was reacting out there with all your fans. If they have those videos then someone else does too. I’m sorry.”  “Why are you sorry? Those are the sweetest videos ever. You looked so happy, Seok.”  “I feel like I embarrassed you or something.”  “You? You could never embarrass me. I love you. Wait here? Come to the restaurant with me.”  “ I’ll wait for you always.”  “Good. Let’s keep it that way.”  And with a peck on Seokmin cheek, you both spent the night reading all the comments about how sweet his support for you was. 
Mingyu got the opportunity to be a special MC for the week of your group's new debut, meaning he would get many opportunities to see you and your friends in action on stage and interview you during the broadcast. When the time finally came and you were waiting for your interview he was prompted by the producer to take the side of the interview stage next to you, simply because fans would love it. Watching you parade onto the stage in your small denim shorts and corset top adorned with black ribbons and lace, made Mingyu’s heart swell. The way your newly blonde hair cascaded down your exploded back was distracting him from his duties as host, just up until the slate came into his view.  “Hello, everyone, welcome back we’re here celebrating a new debut today, please welcome Spice. Hello hello.”  Claps rung through the studio as your eyes linger on Mingyu’s exposed fangs.  “Mingyu, what is it like seeing y/n up here with a group other than Seventeen? Jealousy? Happiness?”  Jungwoo’s comments made the rest of your team giggle, watching the over six foot man still tower over you while you stood on the riser next to him.  “Jealousy, for sure”  “And y/n or the rest of spice how do you girls feel having a self proclaimed kpop fossil in your midst, how are you dealing with her ex-members? Are they in your business all the time? Do they offer advice?”  “Well, I know Mingyu’s lying when he says he’s jealous. He actually texted me last night and told me he was proud of me and excited I’m out of his hair now.”  Your members agreed with you, stating they saw the text too while you were all preparing for your showcase.  “That’s not true. The pride was, but we miss having y/n around to keep us in check.”  “Okay, Spice members, we wanted a sneak peak of your debut stage for your song ‘Red Lips’ which one of you would like to give us a little tutorial on the choreography and an intro to the song?”  Unanimously your members chose their leader, you to give the two boys a sneak preview of your new track.  “Spice’s famous leader y/n, let’s go. Music Queue.”  You began the point dance by squatting, tracking your movements with your hands up your body, before spinning your frame around so your back was facing the camera with your hurt in full display. When the clip ended Mingyu put his large frame in front of you so the camera couldn’t hold the shot too long, protecting the last of the innocence you once had when he met you.  When your interview was finally over you and Mingyu ended it with a tight hug where he picked you up off your feet  that was caught on camera.  Safe to say the internet shippers went wild for a long time after that.
Minghao was doing an interview for a fashion magazine alongside the other 97’ members where they were being asked about some of their favorite things. Mingyu brought up your group's new song ‘Pure’ and Seokmin brought up how beautiful the music video was, both of them talking over each other about how fun the song is, and how it makes them feel excited when they work out. Minghao was just sitting nodding along, non-verbally agreeing that your group had some of the best new music in the industry and that you’ll be the next breakout idol group. The interviewer then asked other than the newest song by you, which song was their favorite, just keeping the conversation going. Mingyu still answered ‘Pure,’ Seokmin said it was the ballad of your album called ‘Skeletons.’ And Minghao said your first title track, ‘All Over.’ Which was actually banned in many schools for being too addictive, mainly due to the content of the video or maybe the explicit lyrics. When he was asked to elaborate he just simply said that he loves when people feel confident enough in themselves to do whatever they want. The clip was circling the internet, making silly jokes about how maybe Minghao sits around, watching you do scandalous moments for his own pleasure. Which was far from the truth, but he didn’t mind. Getting the opportunity to perform at the same time as you on a music show meant he would get to see the song live for the first time. He watched your group parade around the stage in small skirts and button down tops, imagining himself doing the partner choreography with you instead of the dancer you got assigned. When it was finished you came off the stage, right into his view.  “Better in person?”  “Maybe. I don’t think you're very into your dance partner though, no chemistry.”  “Really? He’s cool and not bad on the eyes, but yeah he’s not very interesting. Kind of a wet blanket actually.”  “A wet blanket?”  “Yeah, you know no substance. Soggy, whatever.”  “Maybe you should ask to swap to someone else?”  “No, it’s alright. He did try to ask me out at practice the other day though, literally in the exact moment we were doing that wild floor part, not really the best moment to ask someone out when they’re on top of you. But, go off.”  “He asked you out?”  “Yes..”  “Why? What the hell. That’s unprofessional.”  “It’s okay, Hao. I told him no.”  “You really should get a new partner.”  “Like who?”  “Me. I can think of lots of other stuff to ask you if you’re on top of me.”  “Oh my god.”  “Wait, that came out so wrong. Not what I meant.”  “Are you sure? I was a little excited.”  “Oh. Well in that case, meet me later in the practice studio. Let’s try it out.”  “You’ve got yourself a deal, partner.” 
After watching your debut, Seungkwan was wildly proud and supportive. He’s watched your confidence grow an exceptional amount alongside him. The praise from the fans felt like it was for him a little bit too, not in a selfish way but just because you blossomed into adults together. A few of the idols from your company got asked to be a part of a reality show about a day in the life of an idol, you and seungkwan both agreed knowing it would be fun to do together, especially since you haven’t had many opportunities to interact due to your busy schedules. For promotions of the new season you were paired together for interviews with various magazines and online programs. In the interview with Marie Claire the journalist had you play a game of truth or drink where you sat facing each other and the table between you had stacks of questions. You both were doing well, laughing, getting slightly buzzed on the shots of tequila that were provided until Seungkwan pulled a truth question, trying to buy himself a chance to skip a drinking turn. “What would you do if another idol was making a pass at the other player in front of you? How would you react?”  “What kind of question is that? Drink, Kwan” “Can I pick another one?”  You and Seungkwan were giggling and laughing over the prospect of someone making a pass at one of you in front of the other, the PA prompted him to either answer or move on, he wasn’t able to pick another option.  “Ok, I’m going to drink.”  “Ah, come on. Now I’m curious.”  “I’ll tell you later.”  Seungkwan and you finished up the last of your interviews and headed into the black suv parked outside of the studio.  “So tell me now about that question.”  “It’s just weird to think about anybody asking you out, I mean I know some have tried, but you’ve always turned it down. If someone did it in front of me? Damn. I’d probably laugh in their face first of all, which is rude I know. After that I’d probably yell at them how disinterested you would be.”  “But, what if it’s someone I’m interested in?”  “Please, who are you interested in, you've never said anything before?”  “You.”  “No way. Stop fucking around, y/n.”  “I’m serious. Deadly actually. I’ve always had a crush on you, why would any sane single person turn down half of these guys that are asking me out unless they’re interested in someone else.”  “You’re sane?”  “Shut up. I’m being serious. Stop being an ass, I’ll cry.”  “Then if I send your manager a card asking for permission to date you, will you accept it?”  “Why not just ask me yourself?”  “I’m a traditionalist.”  “Then you’ll just have to see what she says when you do.” 
Naturally Vernon wasn’t a jealous guy, he was just some dude that couldn't care less what other people were up to. He was so excited when he heard that you’d be debuting with new girls at the company, proud that they chose you to lead them with all of your experiences alongside him and the other members of your group. You and Vernon always had a special bond being the same age, having similar stories of how you became an idol, he appreciated having someone around who could understand him only through body language as did you. He came to surprise you and your new team on the day of your debut, carrying coffees, helping the staffers with luggage’s, bandaids, holding the hair and makeup team's bags. He really just wanted to show you he cared and was excited that you were moving on to bigger and better experiences in this industry. Vernon was never one to ask too many in depth questions about concepts and costumes, he knew the company would take care of you and he didn’t want to spoil the surprise for himself. As you were getting ready to take the stage, your manager asked him if he wanted to take a seat with them backstage and watch the view from the side. He told them no, mainly because he didn’t want to be a distraction and also everybody knows the side view is never exciting to see for the first time. As the team filtered out of your holding room Vernon took his place on the leather couch, watching your unit get into their positions. He never noticed your outfit until now, a black leather jacket, tight white tank top, and a pair of tight leather shorts with garters attached running the length of your bare legs all the way down to your chunky loafers. It’s not that he never thought you were beautiful before, but something changed now. He decided to open his Twitter app, seeing what people were saying about your group as you continued your performance. Vernon wished he hadn’t seen the comments about you made by men over half your age about what they’d like to do to you after seeing your bare legs. Suddenly he realized he wasn’t the only one gunning to be with you, but he was the only one who stood a chance. 
Chan always made you feel special, when he heard your group's new song it gave him an idea to beg your production team for a cut so he could create a Danceology as a surprise. Something big and dramatic to make you feel good and maybe a little to impress you. He enlisted the help of his friends Yeonjun and Changbin to make it extra fun for his fans to see three well liked idols performing a sexy girl group choreography made by him. The day came where it was about to be uploaded, so he arranged a small get together with the two of you to watch it’s release on YouTube, you weren’t sure why he asked you to come hangout with his friends and do a weverse live with him, but you never missed a chance to see him especially now with your busy schedules.  “Hello guys. So we’re doing this very special live for y/n actually. I have a surprise.” “A surprise? It’s not my birthday, channie.”  “Doesn’t matter. I may or may not have made a very special danceology episode for you.”  “What the fuck, oh sorry. What? Why did you do that?”  “Because I wanted to, the reason we’re here on live with everyone is to watch it before it goes up and you can see it before they do. Sorry everyone.”  “Okay, yes. Thank you, show me, show me, show me.”  “Alright, y/n may I present to you a special danceology to Spice’s ‘Pitch Black.”  The pair of you both clapped your hands as your manager pressed play revealing Chan, Changbin, and Yeonjun wearing black tank tops and different shades of ripped jeans, a match from the music video your group had just released.  “Oh my god. This is insane.”  Chan didn’t say anything back, but just kept watching you watching his gift for you, until he noticed your eyes click to one of the other three in the trio. A gut feeling had him knowing that your attention wasn’t only on him, but he shoved it down until the fade out of the song came on.  “Wow. You guys killed that shit. Yeonjun and Changbin thank you guys too, it was amazing. Thank you.”  “You liked?”  “Chan, it was so good. That part where Yeonjun came into the front and did the hip swivel thing? Iconic.”  “What about me?”  You ruffled his hair, laughing confused why he was so serious after you made the comment about his tall friend.  “You looked very cute.”  “Cute? That’s it.”  Aware you were still broadcasting live, you pulled your phone out to text Chan and remind him of it, he told the fans that you guys will come back after going out for some dinner to talk more and reminding them to watch the video before you go live again before saying goodbye.  “What was that, y/n?”  “What? It was amazing, I told you? Did I say something wrong?”  “It’s nothing, just nevermind. Let’s go get some food.”  “No come on, no angry eating. What’s wrong?”  “Just, I guess I’m jealous. I did all of that for you and you were stuck watching my friend. I’m sorry.”  “Because I complimented him on one part over you? That doesn’t mean anything, you were so good. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you the entire time aside from that. You were amazing.”  “Yeah, emphasis on cute huh?”  “If I tell you how sexy you look, will you stop pouting and buy me dinner?”  His award winning smile crept onto his lips.  “Only if you tell me ten more times.” 
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yournowheregirl · 1 month
first lines tag!!
i got tagged by the always lovely @seths-rogens <33
RULES: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions
from: in paper rings, in picture frames, in all my dreams
The apartment is dead quiet when Eddie returns from yet another successful Hellfire night. 
2. from: wear me like a locket around your throat (with @sidekick-hero)
Steve has always been possessive in his relationships.
3. from: tell me it's love, tell me it's real (also with @sidekick-hero)
Playing the piano has always been Steve's favorite way to relieve stress - even before he had cigarettes, alcohol and sex, he had the soothing motion of his hands flying over the keys.
4. from: wildflower
Blame it on his former Boy Scout days, but Steve loves a good hike in nature.
5. from: i'm shaking (i wish i had you near me now)
Eddie is freaking out.
6. from: slipping through my fingers
It’s a beautiful Spring day and everything is running smoothly.
7. from: just as you are
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that finals week is hell on earth.
8. from: andante, andante
After four years of studying Linguistics, Robin is in desperate need of a break.
9. from: (I just) died in your arms (with @legitcookie & @sidekick-hero)
This is so dumb.
10. from: knee socks
Nancy’s late.
ahhh this was so fun to revisit my old fics! i loved writing them sm!!
tagging: @sidekick-hero @judasofsuburbia @sharpbutsoft @corrodedbisexual & @kkpwnall (and whoever wants to join in!)
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didderd · 9 months
Just my semi-anual tourettes boys simping. Hope you're all well. :) I have more questions!!! I saw your post about snaps with cats. Needless to say I am absolutely in love with him. That reminds me though, what are tic tac and tous hobbies? How do they feel about cats? Hope you're having a wonderful day Alex <3
(Que me making googly eyes at tac specifically)
:'> ty. am having a good day. hope u r too <333
am glad u like Snaps sm :3
i did talk a lil about this one time, but that was a while ago, so i will again. with more detail, and Tou this time ofc.
Tic loves music. He got into the hobby of mixing stuff with his buddy Napstablook, and eventually started doing it on his own as well. Him and Blooks would be a killer DJing duo on stage, but he's not interested in that. Most he might do is live streams. maybe. He's also great with a keyboard piano.
Tac got into welding, and the like, when he watched his Grillby weld together his necklace for him. He might get into glassblowing, maybe as a job, once on the surface. He also likes to cook (and bake, but you didn't hear that from me). He def has a "kiss the cook" apron.
Tou ironically went to a wine tasting one time, but he actually enjoyed himself. The people were pretty nice, and the wine was good, so he kept going. He loves physical activities. He'll get into pretty much any sport, but he actively runs and works out, and he loves volleyball. Him and his brother play basketball sometimes too. He also carves little figures sometimes, as a more relaxing at home hobby. His first was of his brother. It's not very good, at least in his eyes, but his bro holds it very dear, and keeps it, along with his other figures (most from his brother) on a shelf in his room. (He'll carve with his left hand at times when his right is sore from tics. He is actually pretty good with his left at this point, but still better with his right.)
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prof-ramses · 5 months
Reviewing the Hollow Sorrows soundtrack
I did this back with the TADC pilot an had a great time with it, so I'm back with the latest addition to the SM score
Foolish Sinners
I really like the variety on display here, the spider's presence being underscored by frantic strings being a particular highlight. Short and sweet opening track.
The Garden's Guardian
Given that Gregor is the featured character of the episode, it's really important for his theme to be both effective and non-intrusive, as it plays several times in the episode. The actual feeling of the song is a great example of "showing the character's truth", as in, encapsulating Skid and Pump's first impressions of the father.
I'm Glad I Picked This Job
One of those fun bit tracks we get every so often in SM, and with a lovely chip-tune feel. My only complaint is that it makes me more bitter about the fact we won't get a proper sci-fi themed episode.
Sweet Enough
This one I'm a bit mixed on, we didn't really need another variant of Sweet & Sour, especially since we actually get 2 in this episode alone. It's not bad by any means, it just felt a bit unneeded.
Holy Sweet
I like how deliberately out of place this song feels, it feeds into the sense that Gregor is new and not used to the town's "local ways". Again, this also calls back to a character's truth, with Kevin's immediate dislike of Gregor.
Vessel's Parasite
I love the way this song unfolds like a summoning ritual for Moloch, it helps in setting just how much of a threat he really is. There's little else to say, just a great horror track.
The 9th Circle
So, this is the first appearance of what I've dubbed the "exorcism motif", but only later into the song, after it expands on Vessel's Parasite. This is followed by the emotional interlude, which I'm somewhat disappointed didn't feature the Happy Fella motif. The piano segment following this is the exorcism motif I alluded to earlier.
Valley of Shadows
I love this track, easily my favorite for this episode, it conveys a very unique energy that I feel it could only really be accompanied by a monster rampaging through town. I also like how it just so happened that the first SM episode to release after Undertale Yellow features what's easily the most Toby Fox-esqe track in the whole series, at least up to this point. I can't be the only one picking up the Dummy motif, right?
Ashes to Ashes
I'll just say what we're all thinking, I wish we got more of the evil Spooky Swings at the beginning, but alas, that isn't what the scene called for. Then we get the more intense version of the exorcism motif, which leads into the final confrontation. Said confrontation just amps up the drama of the melody, but in a very natural way.
Ruega Por Nosotros
I really like this simple track is composed of 2 neat segments, Gregor's motif and the exorcism motif. It helps sell the feeling of a literal hollow victory.
This really is just great eldritch ambience to be a cultist too, but that's all it needs to be. It also helps show Eyes as a genuine threat for the first time.
First off, I find it interesting that the title isn't "Disbelief", but "Disbelieve", as if it's an order. Which would be fitting, as this is the first time we see the boys in genuine emotional pain and confusion. I'm very interested to see if this theme's motif will make any future appearances or quotes.
Judgement Hour
A really solid credits theme, it doesn't quite top Compliments to The Chef, but the way it starts as a Friendly Nightmares remix, before the Ooga Booga break and then goes into it's own thing is really creative and makes for a unique experience.
Now for the tracks outside the main episode.
I enjoyed this year's variation of the Newgrounds theme, and it's interesting how you can almost make out a genuine melody in title_missing3, like it's foreshadowing a theme for the Candy Dealer. Tubular Swings is nice, but nothing to really write home about.
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obsessedwithceleste · 3 months
You already know i had to do one
Im around 5’8, with wavy brown hair. I have sort of caramel like highlights. slightly curvy, dimples (IDFK BAHAHA)
My style really varies. It mainly fluctuates between modern grunge- ish (think baggy jeans, docs, mesh tops, smudged eyeliner) to ‘i have a trust fund’ (very scandi style). Lots of trench coats and dramatic blouses aswell.
I’m very very blunt. I get told by everyone i seem like a bitch because i have a rbf, and i’m passive aggressive. When i get to know people well and i open up, i become friendly, and my love language is bullying.
That being said, I am confrontational. I won’t hesitate to make situations awkward if somethings wrong, and will cause a fight if it’s necessary
If you asked someone who didn’t know me to describe me they’d say rude, blunt and unapproachable but if you ask my friend they’d say funny, unserious and caring. Like, my outside appearance is far from who i really am.
Forced to be a cunt but born to wear pretty sundresses and pick tulips 😔😔😔
Nerd. 300% a nerd. Always revising, massive impostor syndrome, can never know enough. Huge over achiever and always working for the best (even if it takes its toll on me.)
Love playing the piano. I’m super into philosophy and read abt it on the daily.
On the inside i am a huge softie. I love physical contact, it’s a big thing for me. A hopeless romantic but i don’t really show it.
Cat person. Favourite colour is deep red.
My music taste is mainly Jeff Buckley, TLSP, cocteau twins, elliot smith (peak male manipulator music)
I love doting on people. I need it to be reciprocated at times but my way of showing my love to someone is by doting on them!
I can’t think of anything else really, aside from the fact that i’m super sexy and really cool
"i’m super sexy and really cool" - I love this for you sm
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo is the definition of golden retriever puppy disguised as a Doberman. Cool, edgy, snarky, but secretly a huge softy. (Someone please give this boy a hug).
He's also the most emotionally constipated of all the Slytherin boys. None of them are good with emotions, but Mattheo has it the worst. Love just isn't something that's ever been displayed in his life so it's quite foreign to him.
When Mattheo first met you, he was intrigued. Usually girls just giggled and flirted with him. But you were willing to go toe to toe with him, and it took him aback. He probably spent weeks watching from a far in quite admiration, not quite able to get a read on you.
When he finally works up the courage to talk to you, he's shocked by how well you both get on. You're able to stand your ground against him with ease, and even push right back.
He loves your fierce bluntness, your confidence, and your willingness to go to war for people you care about.
He also doesn’t open up to people easily, but your soft side and love for physical affection crack him right open.
He'll never admit it, but he loves that he's the only one that gets to see your soft romantic side.
Speaking of affection, this boy needs someone to dote on him. He’s eating out of the palm of your hand for a crumb of attention and learns how to dote on you right back. (He likes leaving you silly notes in your text books, but will vehemently deny it when confronted about it)
This boy is an absolute slut for physical affection though. He has his hands on you at all times whether it be a hand in your pocket, on your waist, an arm wrapped securely around you, he will not leave you alone.
When he learns that you play the piano, he asks you to teach him because he wants an excuse to spend time with you. He's extraordinarily bad. But he like listening to you play and would sit there with you for hours if you asked him to.
He also likes having your full, undivided attention, often poking and prodding you while you study because he thinks it’s just so funny when you’re cross. (He loves your grumpy face)
Some might find your constant bickering to be concerning, but you keep each other on your toes.
The first time Mattheo is fully convinced that he might just be in love with you is when you snap back at a group of students who are talking their usual shit. Normally Mattheo would beat them to a pulp, but this time he’s the one holding you and your biting words back.
He thinks you’ve never looked more beautiful btw.
After that incident, you both go back to his dorm. He's not really sure what to say. No one has ever really gone out on a limb for him. Showed that they cared. All he knows is that one minute you were ranting about "how bloody ignorant" some people can be, and the next he had you wrapped in his arms with his lips on yours.
Once it's official, he can't wait to make sure everyone knows that you're his. He's wildly overprotective, but never lets you see it because he doesn't want you to feel smothered. (He knows you could beat his ass)
He makes sure you're at every one of his quidditch games wearing his jumper, or his jersey, or his thick Slytherin scarf. He likes to show off for you. His favorite thing though, are the post game make-out sessions under the stands.
He also has a nasty habit of sneaking into your dorm room after hours for a quick (or not so quick) late night cuddle.
The boy is disgustingly obsessed with you and does everything in his power to make sure you, and everyone else knows it. He didn't grow up feeling loved, and wants to make certain that it's not something you'll ever feel.
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doug-meat · 11 months
parts of the npmd soundtrack that scratch my brain perfectly (act 2)
again its all under the cut. i hope this is comprehensible its longer than the last one. idk what else to say
dan's whole bit at the start. just the way he says everything. so good
the ahh ahh ahhs
the electric guitar <3
curt's voice for bailey esp the growl
the smoooothness of corey's voice and the way he sings things auuauauuau
the harmonies on man down down down down
the little plinky organ melody in the backround that comes in halfway through the chorus UAUUAUAUA
the way jon says donna
donna's "DAN!!!"
i certainly dont LOVE killing!
the harmonies on "bailey's/barry's on the loose and he's got a gun" (im talking mainly abt the soundtrack and not the proshot so bailey is more applicable here but both r so good)
fits the bill! it fits the bill!
the who's swingin the hatchet now harmonies
bryce's solo <3 all of it is so good
BOY JERRY <3 and gerald monroe ig but i love jerry
kim's little opera bit
the final in hatchet town harmony <3
this whole song in general btw. i love ruth fleming so so so so so so so so so much this song was such a silly contemperary theatre tribute
NO, i haven't seen your grill brush, MAURY. huh YEAH! i used it to BRUSH MY HAIR this morning CANT YOU TELL. ugh
DONT LEAVE ME OUT HERE WITH THE MEAT, MAURY! medium WHA? how can something be medium AND WELL, MAURY?
ugh. maury.
*sigh* i turned 40 today.
the piano coming in
the synthy strum
the way lauren sings the word saturday. her voice throughout this whole song just scratches the brain itch so well
the way she says window, right, dream, and had
they never win
and LIIIIIFE is FULLL of all of the Trappings of The Well to Dew
god i love ruth. i love this song i love this song.
the slight tonal shift (thats not the right word ugh) for the choruses.
the way lauren says ensnared
and of the two who's the worse for wear (ME.)
the tambourine
idk what that instrument is in the bg of second chorus it sounds like a saxaphone but also synthy???? idk but i love it
the clarity of lauren's first oh UAUAUA
all 3 just for onces esp the last one with the riff
THE WAY THAT BEHIND THE JUST FOR ONCES YOU CAN HEAR THE "if i can finally be cool i will know that i'm not a loser" MOTIF AUUAUAISUAUUAISIAU
the way the tone calms back down but its still like so vulnerable... uuuuuauu
the way she says every word in this last verse
i used to dance :(
joey's general tone in this UAUAU so good
mariah's deeper voice HEART EYES AUUUU
i just love lautski this song is so good i can barely pick things out bc this whole song scratches my brain
joey's lil growl on "oh babe i'd let u know"
OOOO! i guess we'd better save the date!
need a lover MAYUN
i love when jeff blim crams a lot of syllables into an amount of time like that its so fun
the harmonies <3
wake me up when u turn 18!!!
if i IF I!!!!!
the repeating round style of singing in order to come together eventually I lov them
dissonance <3
the way the lords names are sung i love it sm
the lords names being whispered in the background
tNOY karaxis
the woah ohs and the drums kicking in
the music cutting out
the we will build a portal motif
the laughter
just the whole little lord verses its so discordant and fun and i love it so much i love the voices they put on i love the lyrics
the book has all but closed on ur life!
blinky's we've been watching u gracie
the way curt says spankoffski and toy box
tinky's laugh
jon's wiggly voice
the drums
swallow his soul i wanna lick it!
i wanna see thaaaat
AAAAUHGUGH there IS something!
something FUN!!!
the lords in black the lords in black call us...
what do u want steph...
do it... or DIE
what's in your pocket STEPH-A-KNEE
i love this whole song its so silly and crazy
that last "the lords in black the lords in black call us"
this one makes me really sad :( still so good
one of us is in love :(((((((((
it doesnt TAKE a detective
the violins coming in again
is it really a crime if you get to live your life to the fullest :((((
the i love u i know :(((((((
ur not as cool as u think u are! :(
i will know that you have to do it :(((
joey's lower register for this last little if i loved u chorus :(((
loved u more than the stars above :(((((( (how many sad faces can i use)
the pause before could've :((((
i cant even say anything more abt this one it makes me too sad
ok yes i can the i never wanted you anyway breaks my heart
the guitar
the needy beast esque pronounciation of words idk how else to say it i just love it
we hurted!
the harmonies on town and down
this song is just so fun
it's like you knew me b4 u knew me! that whole bit! i love it!
never gonna fall!
the echoey verse in the back at the end Auuu so good
the ending note harmony
the souls of the pervs make me strong
her laugh
everything she sings here sounds so incredible
i just love this reprise its so so good
i cant point out specific parts bc its just all incredible
when the ensemble comes in heart eyes
run pervs RUN
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tortoisebore · 2 years
fav wolfstar fics?? yes i’m looking for new reccs and i’m also rlly curious
omgggg i have so many how can i chooseee 🫢 i feel like a lot of these are staples so you might’ve already read them but here are my all time favs (in no particular order except Blends/Names is absolutely my #1)
Blends (and the WIP sequel Names) by rvltn909
ugh such an OG & one of the first wolfstar fics i remember reading!! one thing ab me is i’m going to absolutely devour a coffee shop AU. throw in a university AU on top of it?? bitch i’m seated. because this was my first wolfstar fic i feel like these characterizations are the blueprint, every other remus & sirius are knockoffs of these two. this remus is just like me fr i love him & his stupid little angry self-loathing anxious brain so bad. also the sirius POV in Names is to die for, mans just won’t stop talking i love him sm
A Black Mass Over Highway Ninety by greenvlvetcouch
oh my GOD i subscribed to this one when green posted like chapter four?? or five?? and legitimately screamed my head off every time i got the emails. like i was blowing off work and reading ao3 on the job when this shit updated. i love toxic codependent wolfstar so bad i ate this up like a dying man i’m so serious i’ve already reread it once since it was completed like two weeks ago lmfao, every new thing green posts i make it my new religion
Impossible Things by accioromulus
this one ojhmygod i feel like i reread it about once every three months. they are so 🤲 jdhffhfh god i love losers who pine so bad they feel on the verge of death
Beneath a Big Blue Sky by eyra
i reread this like??? once every two months??? everything eyra writes is in my bookmarks bc i love their work so so much but this one in particular gets lodged in my brain so bad omfg. this remus is my sweet precious grumpy little angel and this sirius is so sweet and soft and caring he makes me cry?? Hollow Places is my other fav from this author, their writing style just makes my brain buzz in the best way, they are a huge huge inspo for me
Hard to Find by accioromulus
another one of the first i remember reading! little summer road trip with a big ole side of pining and yearning and sharing a lil couch to sleep?? yes please. the banter between the four boys is my favvvv in this one, they are so stupid and dumb i love them
there are exactly two (2) exes getting back together fics i can stomach and this is one of them. this remus & me are the same person i think, reading his journey throughout this fic was sort of healing in a way?? i initially started it bc i’ve played piano my entire life and love a lil music AU moment, but this fic genuinely revived my love for classical music and liszt’s compositions in particular. it is a masterpiece
Staying Strangers by 3amAndCounting
i am not kidding i’ve been subscribed to this fic since like??? the 10th chapter? i pride myself in having been on board w this one before everyone else lmfao. this is literally the only ‘texting fic’ i’ve genuinely loved, these characterizations are so sweet and perfect and i will protect this sirius w my entire life 🤺
This Is Not Your Year by montparnasse
i think this is the only canon-compliant in my entire ao3 bookmarks bc i enjoy being delusional and i require a happy ending or i will d*e. however comma, i cannot overstate how much i LOVE this one. this writing is absolutely devastating oh my god i’m not an angst person (re: delusional) and this one is so angsty but ugjshfjffj it’s so gritty and real and raw and it makes my heart ACHE for them
note: i am about to embark on a journey and start crimson rivers. i’ve avoided it since like last summer bc i wanted to wait until it was completed but then it turned into a 700k beast, so here we are. i am not (!!!!) a jegulus person but what i’ve seen of this fic is so so good so i’m going to do it for the wolfstar & bc i’m a hunger games stan
tyyy for the ask!! i always love reading other people’s recs but i’ve never made a list myself, this was very fun
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