#Out of Fox [OOC]
ninyard · 4 months
Hellooo i saw that you were asking for asks (that sounds funny) and I wanna know some of your hcs on Kevin and Allison being besties/ kevjean relationship
This is my chance to finally share some Allison/Kevin hcs so I'm gonna seize this opportunity with both hands and give you this total MESS of a brain dump
- Allison is the only fox that doesn't make fun of Kevin's eating habits. Kevin KNOWS his relationship with food is fucked up because of the nest and Allison knows it too, so she refuses to make bets or make fun of the way that he eats. Kevin only realised because she once tried to quietly tell Nicky to knock it off when he was pushing Kevin to have dessert or making fun of what he'd decided to have instead.
- Kevin also knows not to talk about the numbers or macros in front of her, too. They have a weird unspoken mutual respect RE: food and they both appreciate each others efforts on that front without ever actually mentioning it. they also have a gesture for each other that's code for "i want a snack do you have anything" and they'll throw each other protein bars if they're out/on a long bus journey etc.
- they are the BEST drinking buddies. Whenever the team starts drinking/partying/clubbing more together post-TKM, they are literally CHILDREN when they're drunk together. Kevin gets tired of the monsters being boring when they go out and there's only so much dancing he can do with just Nicky and Aaron alone. So Allison pulls him up to the bar one night to do a tequila shot, and they literally have the most unexpectedly fun night ever. Kevin loosens up a whole lot without the threat of Riko etc post tkm, and when I tell you he is such a fun drunk. now he doesn't really drink THAT much during the season but off-season? oh he's a party animal. I could write thousands of words about him and Allison getting drunk together and becoming literal best friends as soon as they have a drop of alcohol in their systems but here's some things I think they've done drunk
stole a shopping cart and sat in it as they pushed each other down the road in it (and fallen out of it and laughed so fucking hard) ((but were bruised up as fuck the next day because of it)
he's sat her on his shoulders - while dan sits on matt's - as the two girls try to push the other one off
he's really easily convinced to do things by her. another shot? sure. and another shot IMMEDIATELY after that? alrighty! karaoke? well, okay. jockeyback? stealing traffic cones? pulling pranks and fucking with the other foxes? acting like actual teenagers? okidokie!
she's probably the only person in the world who has successfully convinced kevin day to sing
he holds back her hair if she has to puke
she convinced him to let her do his makeup once. full glam. like a serious look, fully beat, full coverage look. there's a picture out there somewhere of it that she saves for blackmail.
fucked. make out sometimes. strip poker. they dance together :)
he never lets her walk alone anywhere when she's drunk. if she can't find one of the girls to accompany her to the bathroom at a party she'll take him.
she's taught him full dance routines
she was joking that there's no way the raven warmups could be that different to theirs, and bet him that she'd be able to do them without breaking a sweat (he won)
they've both ugly drunk cried in front of each other (but they never talk about that sober)
she's pretty light so he's bench pressed her before
- They know each others drink orders/favourite shots
- if Allison is out, say she's with her friends and not with the foxes, and she has to wait alone for a taxi or walk somewhere alone, she'll call him and he'll stay on the phone with her until she's safe
- They make fun of each other and bully each other like there's no tomorrow (affectionate). the whole "Allison hates Kevin" thing WAS true for a while, but once they get closer, she just pretends to hate him. he's like an annoying brother to her
- Allison is really easily frightened, and Kevin thinks it's funny to scare her. she's never safe walking around a corner or into a room if Kevin is there and in a good mood.
- they're not BEST FRIENDS. like they're not in each others pocket all the time and laughing and joking ALL THE TIME but she can read him like a book. she knows when he's having an off day, or thinking about something too much.
- She also knows when he's being serious and when not to joke around. She knows when he doesn't want cheering up or to joke about something and knows when to back off. The same with him - he knows when she's having a mood that requires being cheered up, or a mood that requires him to leave her the fuck alone.
- He's a big reason why she puts a whole lot more of herself into Exy post tkm. She's always been invested, but once they talk more, and they consider each other friends, she listens to him talking about Exy and it really clicks for her. his dedication. and also how fucking talented he really is. She doesn't do the night training with him but they'll occasionally go to the gym together or start practice a half an hour early to run some basic raven drills.
- They're iconic when they get together to do press after games. they bounce off each other like nothing else. they're just so funny. and he's also like andy murray in that he will ALWAYS defend her, dan, and renee's talent if interviewers start to focus more on him instead of the girls. he'll step in if an interviewer says something shitty or misogynistic. she LOVES directing objectifying and misogynistic questions his way.
- She calls him a bitch and makes fun of him for being a nepo baby. He calls her an asshole and makes fun of her for being a rich kid.
- Have gone to banquets as each others date.
that's just a few random thoughts off the top of my head but yes. Allison and Kevin. Literally the only Two Pretty Best Friends ever to exist.
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stellarfoxian · 6 months
if you needed her, she’d be there.
whether you just need her to listen, to cuddle you, to just be there, tingyun would do it. you are the love of her life, and she would do anything if it meant that you’d be okay.
so when you come to her crying, she’s immediately at your side.
“baby, what’s wrong?” she asks softly, her worry plastered all over her face.
she’ll hold you if you need, opening her arms wide and wrapping them around you tightly. she’s warm, she’s soft, she’s comfortable, she’s your safe place. she feels like home, her tail brushes against your lower back. it feels soft and comfortable. her hand rubs circles on your back while you cry, and she nuzzles you sympathetically. she’ll stay like that for as long as you need, even helping you to the bed.
if you’d rather just talk, she’d be all ears. she helps you sit down somewhere. wherever it is, she’s right next to you, her eyes resting on your face and her ears angled towards you to show that she’s listening. she’ll offer advice if you ask her, trying her best to be reasonable yet respectful to your feelings. tingyun validates how you feel, and makes sure you are heard and understood.
want to sit in silence? that’s fine with her. she’ll get comfortable nearby and busy herself with work things, personal projects, whatever. when you’re ready to talk, if you’re ready to talk, she’ll drop everything and be ready to listen. you’ll notice her ears angled slightly towards you even while she’s facing away. even if she seems busy, she’s more focused on you than anything else.
to tingyun, you’ll never be a burden. she loves you, and she’s vocal about it. she’ll always be by your side.
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foxyfrolic · 8 months
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Ive been listening to too much Kesha (impossible)
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Any chance the emeralds could help out the situation? Or are those currently too far gone of a hope to try and go for at the given moment
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Tails: that would actually be pretty smart… but currently no one actually knows where all of the emeralds are.
They have a sorta mystical repellent as a sort of regulator, since chaos energy is powerful and unpredictable, the emeralds being separated keeps things balanced unless they have a vessel to channel through like sonic.
But looking for the chaos emeralds to use to heal is not a bad thought… hmm
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aonokumura · 29 days
left my fast food on the counter for like 1 minute to go pee and came back to my cat eating my french fries 😭
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battle-subway-ghost · 5 months
// ooc post- Hi! As much as I love the drawn out format of Greyed Walls, I will unfortunately have to stop. it's probably very easy to tell my motivation for this Completely Fucking Died, which- fair enough! It's been over a month... good lord.
Future posts will be in an entirely written format, much more detailed than the dialogue-only posts from before however!
I did want to continue drawing things out- because I've had so many ideas, but those ideas haven't been able to see the light of day because of my lack of motivation... and honestly I think if I continued trying to draw for this event it would never finish.
BUT. @ghostplasmas asked if they could make a comic for the ending, and so far it's been absolutely amazing. Thanking them forever for their help Please give them lots of love, annd look forward to that! :3
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((I’ll be continuing the event dw but I’m going ahead and making the Strade account bc I REALLY wanna be strade rn, just pretend it’s sometime after the event 🚶))
-Fox Mun 🦊
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 3 months
I have to think more on it but if I added a zzz verse for chenhua she'd be a fox Thiren who works for Victoria Housekeeping :3
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tymptir · 29 days
tempted to add a Green supporter to the roster after testing Corlys and Harwin already and tempted to make that Gwayne Hightower . . .
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kitpine · 8 months
So how do you feel about Kim?
Y’know, the non fox version of you (and also technically my mom)
-🐇 (She’s extremely scared talking to her)
Can't say that I've met her, but she seems to be making questionable decisions, if she's really me.
I mean. Ew. Children. Just generally.
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But also a bunny as a child? Hah! How... sad. Is the poor thing alright?
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eorzeashan · 11 months
eighthunter dynamic is hard to parse for me. i wrote it a long time ago and several times over. i could call it toxic yuri. but most of the time it was haha :^) this game we're playing is so fun! *gets to the end, eviscerates his entire order like a fox that broke into a henhouse* ah, but the game is over. it was always going to end this way. we really were alike, but only winners get to decide that, don't they?
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foxyfrolic · 8 months
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// W the leather jacket bc I love them
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aonokumura · 1 month
just a heads up I'm probably gonna reply to stuff kinda slow for the next few months 'cuz I've got a lot of credit hours for the first half of the semester, and I'm trying not to lose to adhd too quickly and fall behind in my studies ghsjfklsdkl so plz know it's nothing personal I'm just trying to pace myself and not get too distracted from schoolwork
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tenrai-no-ame · 3 months
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A dragon, who while unlikely to eat anyone... Could easily make them quite crispy if the need should arise--
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dvilsdesire · 23 days
// Not me having a good laugh about how my hair is similar to Raphael's when it used to be as short as his. Look at those ridiculous curls X'D
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