#Other friend K is in an awful relationship like I actually NEEEED that man to suffer as much as possible I'm not kidding
sevicia ยท 2 months
My friend M had this guy friend B and they went like best friends -> open relationship/situationship -> set-in-stone dating -> broke up pretty chill but went absolutely 0 contact -> B is now blocked and hated by everyone
Cuz while in the open relationship/situationship stage this dude ended up having sex with his ex gf and yeah sure open and all but it turns complicated when it's his Ex Girlfriend and also it's just not that simple in practice, then my friend finds this out through HER friends who know both him and his ex, then he's like "Sorry I know that was shitty" and M is like "Well he IS sorry. And I AM kinda in love with him" so they decide to start dating.
They dated for two whole weeks before he broke up with her saying that he was "too insecure" and would "hurt her in the long run" like okay #WasteHerTime2024... But then my friend finds out through the same friends as before that he'd LIED and DENIED being together with her WITHIN those two weeks when this one girl hung out with them at like a music thing (idk they're all in the humanities side of things it's very alien to me) and saw him reaaalllyyy close to my friend (because they were dating.), so she asks him like "What's the deal with that girl? Also I really wanna be your gf" (not that direct but. basically that.) and he said "Nahh she's just a friend. Also I am physically and emotionally attracted to you but I wanna stay friends" LIKE. OKAY.... And the girl he told this to said all of this to my friend in person because it was like, a chain (M -> Friend 1 -> Friend 1's Friend -> Girl going thru it), and M said "She looked so shy and guilty and her voice was shaking even though she did nothing wrong" like OKKK when do we end his life๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Then my friend sends him a Series of Texts which contain some of the most brutal truths I have ever read like it's CRAZY!!! I love her sm LOLL and the dude was NOT taking it seriously like full offense your """apology""" should not include emoticons such as ":c" or any of its cousins.... Then M blocked him and he unfollowed/blocked everyone that he knew had ever interacted with her.
Rambling about this as I am astonished at the loser levels some guys can reach. Not sure how to phrase it accurately but me personally if I dated any of my friends (who I do love very much but are more like. creatures I choose to grow on like mold) I would NOT fumble, especially not that fucking bad. CHRIST
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