#Orimet's on the back burner till further notice
humblemooncat · 1 year
06.  the lovers  :  how important are relationships to your muse ? do they value having a significant other ?
(for all or any)
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Gonna forgo Orimet for now since I still gotta figure out his whole thing, but I definitely have answers for my cat boys. <3
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Ki'to: I may sound like a broken record at this point, but Ki'to greatly values relationships. Not only is he a very affectionate man, but his patron deity presides over love and relationships. What better way to give thanks to her than to love and be loved in return?
He adores having s/o's in his life as he feels they make his life far richer just for having known them and been in their presence. And he hopes he makes them feel the same.
Y'rhala: Relationships are important to him, but not in the same sense as Ki'to. Rhala values any and all relationships in his life because there was a time where he isolated himself in Labyrinthos to focus on his studies and when he returned to the real world (after a good 5 years, mind) he couldn't even bring himself to speak to people at first. It all felt so foreign after being his only companion for so long.
Thus, relationships are an important part of his self-care. To nurture his relationships with his friends and family is to nurture himself. And like a garden it needs to be tended often lest everything wither.
Gods, I don't think he'd know what to do with himself if he actually found himself a significant other. He definitely admires from afar, but to actually approach a man with intent to court him? Mortifying. Heaven forbid. The very thought would make him freeze up.
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That said, I have every intention of shipping him with an NPC later on if I don't find an rp partner to ship with before then. :3c
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Thank you so much for the ask, Mimble! I always appreciate it. <3
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