litany-of-trust · 2 months
please pray for my best friend. She and her husband had their miracle baby after being told that they couldn't have children because of her past health issues, but now she's in the icu because of post partum pre-eclampsia.
Let us pray. 🙏
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powdermelonkeg · 5 months
Hi, this is @jcniper-backup from my other account. Just wanted to say thanks for the follow but also what do you like most about worldbuilding? I love world building as well and would just love to fangirl about it tbh
Oh that's such a hard question. I think...creating species, because it has such a tumble-down effect. Like, once, I made giant fluffy foxes that lived in a continent-sized desert. My roommate (rightfully) pointed out that fluff wouldn't work with a desert environment, because they'd overheat.
So I made the desert cold, all the time. And the desert is constantly cold because there's a gigantic tree in the center of it that's spread out so far its shade reaches everywhere. Then I started making things the giant foxes prey on, and species related to it, and an animal that it has a rivalry with for prey. Everything led to making more adaptations and more animals until I had an entire ecosystem.
And THEN I put people in it. And I built their culture around it.
Reverse-engineering species is awesome.
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thanatos-comic · 1 year
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das-feuerrad · 2 years
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nonperfect · 6 months
Perder el oremus...
Hablo sin saber lo que digo. He verbalizado “perder el oremus” y al momento, he pensado: ¿”Oremus????” Sé lo que significa  : si pierdo el oremus, pierdo el sentido (el norte?), me despisto…pero no sé nada del tema “oremus” . Investigando un poco, encuentro dos explicaciones posibles. Como parece obvio, es una de esas expresiones católicas que ha arraigado en el lenguaje popular. La invitación a…
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benilos · 7 months
Ty's dark has alastor levels of cockiness but actually has the sheer power to back it up
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lord-here-i-am · 11 months
Frieden, den diese Welt nicht geben kann.
Pater Georg Winter, aus Jerusalem.
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litany-of-trust · 3 months
Please pray for my little brother? He may have to fo dialysis for his kidney infection. He’s feeling good and feels healthy but his functioning is lowering and it’s just so weird. Please pray for successful procedure and recovery.
Let us pray. 🙏
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mauriziomarco7 · 9 months
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Feast Day:
The Forty Holy Martyrs, Ora Pro Nobis
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music-in-my-veins14 · 23 days
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mitchipedia · 1 year
AI chatbots lose money every time you use them. That’s a problem.. By Will Oremus at The Washington Post
Businesses are laying off writers because ChatGPT can do the job. What will those businesses do when AI companies stop giving away the product?
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maria-teresa-2023 · 1 month
Buenas noches Marie Teresa soy yo Oremus Amén besos hasta mañana gracias besos ✝️😇🙏❤️😘💋👍❤️😘💋
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powdermelonkeg · 6 months
(insp by what you just posted about potion ingredients) is there some lore for any of your fics that you've thought up but never been able to fit in a story anywhere? For any of them. I just know I've got tons of lore I've never fit into stories but that I love in concept
Oh my god so much. Sadly not for any fics I still have access to, but I once built this entire planet called Oremus that was originally specifically to throw characters of Fullmetal Alchemist into, and I've led dozens of campaigns for my roommate to play through in that setting. And it never came up, but the moon over Oremus that has these magic flowers that give specific abilities was part of a much larger planet that exploded. I have basically an entire universe of various planets that center around those flowers.
Sometimes it'll be little things, like "the reason this doctor is a guy is because the mom friend specifically requested it for the runaway drow who's terrified of women," or "this guy loves spiced wine and hates super sweet things and I'm making him be picky in exactly 2 scenes as a side character."
With this one specifically, I'm putting a witcher into the world of D&D. Witchers need their potions. However, a lot of those potion ingredients are completely made up. So they need replacements, and this witcher is an accomplished alchemist, so HE would know how to replace it, so therefore I have to know, even if nobody is ever going to sit through a lecture on why Sword Coast mandrakes have to be steeped in spoiled root wine in order to make an equivalent to Continental mandrake cordial.
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