#Oogway was waaaaaay older than him when it was Oogway's Time To Go
escarlatafox · 2 years
Since he has never been the biggest fan of being a voice actor do you think its possible shifu will die/ascend in the fourth movie ? He's a great character but his time/role in the franchise is probably over with
(Link to an obligatory disclaimer post since people in this fandom are actually getting harassed for discussing this possibility, and that's not very cool at all. As a hardcore Shifu fan, I don't endorse that. Fans should be free to discuss and theorise about something like this however they please without receiving harassment for it!)
I think it may be a bit too early to speculate too much at this stage and we'll have to wait until we get more information about the upcoming movie first - if only because we don't currently have any clear picture on what kind of direction the next movie is going to take yet, which has a huge influence on the odds.
I think it's definitely possible though! A lot of people, including myself, feel like it seems to be a bit of an "obvious" choice storywise. But the "obvious" choice might not be the one that DreamWorks decides to go with...
But if he did die/ascend, if it's like how Oogway died and he simply goes to the Spirit Realm (assuming it's not a different kind of more permanent death) then it would kind of be like the equivalent of retirement, wouldn't it? I talked about this on discord...
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I'm not sure how much influence Hoffman would really have though (or if he will cave in to sign on to kfp4 in the first place, hahaha)
If Shifu did get sent to the Spirit Realm, it would be nice if we still got to see him chilling there after the ascension or w/e. But that may just be my bias showing :P
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