#One day i will have friends and we'll go somewhere together and something will crack i think
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darknessandasong · 4 months ago
funny how Yeah i yearn every day for physical affection. No i wont touch anyone what the fuck
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satureja13 · 5 months ago
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A campsite at Tartosa, just before the crack of dawn. Jack, whispering loudly: "Vlad! Sai! Wake up!" They quickly scrambled out of their sleeping bags and out of the tent. Sai: "Jack! Kiyoshi! What happened? Is something with Jeb?" Vlad's heart clenched: "Or Ji Ho?" Jack: "What? No. No, no, no. Not something like this."
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Jack: "I just saw this on Grim's Social Bunny feed. He's worried about his Job ö.Ö' We need to help him!"
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Jack: "Do you happen to know something about Ambrosia?" Vlad: "Argh! No, I don't! If we only had a computer to research it!" Sai: "Oh wait! We actually do have a laptop here! I think it's somewhere in Jeb and Ji Ho's tent."
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Jack: "My good mate Kiyoshi and I are going to fetch it!" Vlad: "But don't you wake Ji Ho! It's going to be an exhausting day for him!" Sai to Vlad: "Don't you think their sleepwear is a bit inappropriate for mates, just mates?" Vlad: "Jack's choker is a bit much? But it was a christmas present from Kiyoshi... and together with the pyjama..." (TMI: Jack wore this pyjama when we made the fake porn bot profiles for them ;) We had so much fun!)
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Jeb and Ji Ho's tent, at the crack of dawn. Jack, whispering loudly: "Jeb! Wake up! But don't you wake Ji Ho! It's going to be an exhausting day for him!"
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But of course Ji Ho woke up. And so they went over to the patio while Jeb was searching for that laptop. Jack and Ji Ho were checking Grim's Social Bunny again, closely this time. They are so excited! Ji Ho: "Oh! We are even going to get rewards!" Vlad and Sai couldn't help but laugh at their antics and find them adoreable.
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Jack: "Look at that cute Freezer Boney! The perfect friend for Logan and Wicket (their plushies)!" Skully: "And me!"
(A guide to the Reaper's Rewards event is -> here at the Sims Community.)
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Jeb finally found the laptop and brought it over. First, Sai ordered the requested pack with flower seeds. They were delivered immediately, wow. Then he began his research about the Ambrosia. Jack: "So, Grim also needs us to plant some of these flowers. Jeb and I will go over to the garden and start with this." (Jeb and Jack are in charge for their garden and greenhouse in Tomarang.)
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And while Kiyoshi started to make breakfast and Ji Ho fed the goats, Vlad stopped in his tracks and took the scene in. He wasn't able to recall when they last had such a carefree morning together. He's so happy - and he knows it.
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Meanwhile Jeb and Jack set up a little bed and planted and watered the requested flowers for Grim.
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Now they need to research a plant. But only fully grown plants can be researched. And they don't have time to wait since they have to leave soon to meet Ms Coombes and athena... Jeb: "Just you wait and see, Jack. I have an idea." And then Jeb cast a spell. Jack: "Wow, Jeb. You really look so hot when you do your magic!" Even the Little Bunny hobbled over to watch him in awe. And really, the lily plant grew in an instant!
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Jack started his research: "So, what do we have here... this is obviously *he scribbled* ... a lily plant. With lots of ... long ... leaves. No blossoms yet... What else?" Jeb: "It's poisonous, so don't eat it, Little Bunny." Little Bunny: 'Ach! Why do you plant it then, when I can't eat it?' Jack added 'poisonous' on his pad: "... poi-so-nous..." After Jack finished his essay, he tapped the pen loudly on the pad - to make a point.
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Then it was finally time for breakfast. Skully and the Little Goats couldn't wait and already unboxed the Grimophone, one of their rewards. Skully: "Sounds a bit tinny, but I like it!" Little Goat: 'Which song shall we listen to first?' They pondered for a while... Little Goat: 'Don't fear the Reaper!' Little Goat: 'Awesome!' They started the song and Skully sang along:
'All our times have come Here but now they're gone Seasons don't fear the reaper Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain We can be like they are
Come on, baby (don't fear the reaper) Baby, take my hand (don't fear the reaper) We'll be able to fly (don't fear the reaper) Baby, I'm your man
La, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la'
Don't fear the Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult
to be continued
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From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-28
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offtorivendell · 1 year ago
Some Friendly Teasing...
🌸 Elain Archeron Week 2023, Day 2 - Sister and Friend 
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This headcanon/theory is based on a few things:
This brilliant crack theory by @wingedblooms, and the subsequent thoughts reblogged by @ladynightcourt3, which posit that Elain may have shifting powers, and have taken the form of Balthazar in ACOSF's Blood Rite (the OP), as well as the priestess Ananke during Valkyrie training (the reblogs).
This corresponding crack theory by @psychologynerd, which hypothesises that Nuala and Cerridwen may be Roslin and Dierdre, two of the other training priestesses who are frequently seen with Ananke.
I highly recommend reading both theories by these supremely lovely and talented people, they make a lot of sense! But let's go...
Azriel’s presence helped. He now trained the newest recruits, quiet and gentle yet unfaltering, and if she didn’t know better, she’d swear at least two of the priestesses—Roslin and Ilana—sighed every time he walked past. - ACOSF, chapter 40
I can't think of anything more appropriate for a trio of besties than for two of them to tease the third - lightheartedly, of course - when they discover a crush. Now I know the names Roslin and Ilana don't match up exactly with Roslin and Dierdre, but this could be explained by one of a few things:
The wraiths don't always wear the same bodies, and at this point they were Roslin and Ilana.
Only one of the twins, as Roslin, was teasing Elain at this time, and Ilana just has good taste.
Ilana, which means "torch, beautiful, light, bright, shining," is Elain (or she was on this day, instead of Ananke).
In the beginning, Elain thinks she's slick, asking for information about Azriel, like his favourite foods, or whether he has any aversions. Nuala and Cerridwen see through her falsely casual interrogation in an instant. But hey, we all have to start somewhere.
I can just imagine the glee lighting up Nuala and Cerridwen's eyes when they realised for whom Elain was developing feelings. Their boss, of all people! Who they probably know well and have a fairly good relationship with after a few centuries of being his personally trained spies, so I anticipate Azriel will cop his fair share from them in an Elriel book, too.
Nuala may have suggested that Elain train as a way to improve her balance for stealthy walking (if she is Ananke then she was as bad as Nesta initially) and self defence, but she conveniently forgot to warn her that Azriel would be taking the other priestesses through their exercises, not Cassian.
Cue the silent snickers and not-so-subtle looks when his back is turned, and Elain's ever blushing face.
That's something she'll obviously have to work on, pipes in Cerridwen.
Elain doing her best to balance, planting her feet in the dirt, yet still toppling over, only for Cerridwen to accuse her of doing it intentionally when Az is looking the other way, saying that she just wanted Azriel's undivided attention.
And when Elain does finally begin to improve, Nuala will give her a teeny, tiny nudge, just to see if they can get her to falter.
And maybe blush some more. For spy training.
At which point Cerridwen will say, deadpan, that Elain may be great at keeping others' secrets, but she sure as shit wears her own on her face.
I am really and truly hopeful that we'll finally get to see the two spies who masquerade as Rhys' own handmaidens at home and abroad for who they really are, through the eyes of their good friend, Elain, rather than someone who doesn't know them well. I think they'll have a lot of fun together, and we'll also see them all open up about their pasts, and their hopes and dreams for the future.
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archiveoftara · 2 years ago
Hi! Can I get a request? The reader is a freelance agent but she is friends with Lockwood and Co. If a case is dangerous or so, they call each other for backup just in case. One day, the Lockwood and Co and reader are in an old house and the person who owns the house, lied to them and told them that the house is stable but while on the second floor, the floor collapsed and the reader falls through and she goes unconscious. She wakes up in to the hospital and Lockwood is there. And rest can be up to you. Thanks.
White Lies
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Hii. Sorry for the extreme delay. I was not in the right headspace. I'm sorry if the story is a bit cringe. I tried my best to finish it as fast as I could. Anyways, hope you like it!! Do let me know in the comments
Word count: 1125
"Are we at the right place?"
I stood in front of an old two storey house which reminds me of some Victorian period drama. I heard Lockwood say.
"83 downhill road? yes, we are."
Slowly I made my way into the house, keeping my wits together. One must stay alert when it comes to deal with a visitor, especially a nasty one. I close my eyes, tuning into the surroundings.
"So the owner said a visitor has been bothering them for a while. They didn't know it was haunted till they moved in." George explained.
"Heard anything, y/n?" Lockwood asked.
"Nothing, yet." I take a quick glance outside, golden lights slowly disappearing under the dark shadow. "We better find ourselves a ghost."
I knew Lockwood from the fencing classes. We were like two peas in a pod and during the training we promised each other to work together in an agency.
Sadly, circumstances led us to our separate ways. Until one rainy day, I found him standing at my threshold. From that day, we back each other up. Whenever he needs more help, he rings me up. The more, the merrier.
"How's the temperature George?" Lockwood's enquiry broke my train of thoughts.
"Let me look around" I took a step forward.
"Be careful" Lucy said.
"I'll go with you. We'll go upstairs meanwhile you guys look around here. Let's meet there after fifteen minutes." Lockwood points at the hall.
I kept my hand on the hilt of the sword, ready to strike the visitor at any moment. Lockwood was just a few steps behind me, looking for any ghoulish substance.
I raised my hand to stop him "I think I heard something...someone's walking..it knows we're here."I heard a sound of metal drawn, while I tightly grabbed my rapier.
A faint light started to build up in front of my eyes before I realise I fell on the ground.
"Are you alright?" Lockwood gives me a hand.
"I'm fine. It's getting strong."
Lockwood fights the visitor while I try to regain my position. I join him shortly.
With a final slash, I kept the visitor at bay. It disappeared. For now.
"We have to find the source quickly. It must be somewhere in here."
Lockwood gave me a confused look.
"What? You don't really ask for help anyway." Before he could say anything, Lucy and George joins us.
"Where is it?" George pants.
"Somewhere in here. The man disappeared in one of those doors." I pointed at the furthest door.
Turns out, the room was a library. The visitor was an author who died in there and the source was his writing pen.
Luckily, Lucy secured the source just in time. It was already getting dawn. We all settled in the kitchen to have some tea.
My hand fell on my wrist when I found my bracelet was gone. It's my lucky bracelet.
"I have to go upstairs, I think I dropped my bracelet there." I didn't wait for anyone to respond and rush to look for it. Everyone knows how precious it was to me.
I stepped on the landing of second floor when I heard a crack. I didn't pay attention, might be some broken window or something. I found a shiny bracelet peeking through the carpet.
"Ah ha! There you are."
Suddenly, everything went black.
Where am I?
My eyes hurt someone please turn off the light.
"Oh my god she's waking up."
"Someone call the doctor."
I look at the person who called my name.
"...where am I?"
"Are you alright?"
"Who are you?"
Lockwood's pov
"Who are you?"
She doesn't remember me... It felt like my whole world shattered in front of my eyes.
Y/n has been in coma for two months.  The owner of the house lied to us. The house was haunted AND unstable. I already sued him.
His mistake costed me almost losing y/n.
"We're your friends. I'm Lucy, that's George and Lockwood. Don't you remember us?" Lucy mumbled.
"Um..hehe..hahaha." she broke into a hearty laugh.
"You guys should have seen your faces. Oh god..Ouch my head hurts."
The audacity of this girl to get on my nerves even after waking up from a coma.
"Well looks like someone's doing fine after the accident." George snorted.
"What accident?"
"You fell-"
"You fell from the stairs." I gave a quick look to Lucy. She doesn't need to know.
George and Lucy gave me a confused look but didn't say anything.
We took y/n to Portland Row first, she still needs rest and I want to take care of her (not because I'm head over heels for her), she lives alone and she needs people around her so she can recover faster.
Y/n was asleep in Lucy's room while the rest of us were in the kitchen.
"Why didn't you tell her?" George ask.
"And scare her? She doesn't need to know that a whole ass house fell on her and sent her to a coma for two months. She's already been through a lot, George. It will only cause her more pain."
I heard someone clear their throat, I looked up to find Y/n standing at the door. She had her signature poker face which is more terrifying than a ghost.
"Can I talk to you for a minute Lockwood? Alone?"
George gave me a light pat on my shoulder while Lucy gave a sympathetic smile. 
I gesture y/n to sit beside me. She took it, silently.
"How much did you hear?"
"Pretty much everything."
"I'm sorry."
"You should've told me. I'm not that same vulnerable kid you met in the academy, anymore. I can take care of myself."
"I almost lost you."
"But I'm here. I'm fine." She held my hand against her cheek. "see?"
I lean onto her warmth "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."
"Stop blaming yourself. It must have been so hard for you too. I'm sorry for being reckless."
"Hey, it's my job to be reckless."
She chuckled at my response. I gently brush a strand of hair from her face. "I missed you."
She puts her forehead against mine, longingly looking at my eyes "I missed you too. Please don't lie to me again."
"I won't." I gently kiss her forehead. I pull her closer to me. I feel her leaning on my shoulder and going to the dreamland.
I will tell thousand white lies just to keep you safe, I'm sorry.
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alinalioness · 9 months ago
Alina in Wonderland 5 Chapter:We found each other.
Near the entrance gate of the castle, two guards guarded it.
Guardian№1:Listen, can we play some cards?
Guardian№2:That would be weird. Cards are playing cards.
Guardian№1:Yeah, that's right (He started laughing, but he was beaten and forced to fall).
Guardian№2:What are you?
Later, the second one was beaten up. It turned out that Bruce had hit them with a cane when he was invisible.
The heroes come out of the bush. They nodded and entered the castle unnoticed. They slowly walk through the corridors looking for the basement where Balan and Lance should be.
Leo:(Whisper) And how do we find the basement if we don't know?
Alina:(Whisper) We'll have to look for it. The main thing is not to get caught in front of your eyes.
Quad Cannon:Someone is coming.
They hid behind another corridor. They saw the guards walking past them and fortunately they didn't notice the heroes. Happy blaster noticed that one of the torches was not hanging straight.
Happy blaster:It's not in order, it needs to be corrected.
As soon as he turned it over exactly, the wall and floor turned over. This caused the heroes to fall in the hall with prisons.
Tornado Wolf:Well done, you touched it without asking.
Inkabelle:I think we're in jail.
The heroes immediately stood up and realized that they were really in the prison area.
Emma:Maybe this is the basement?
Cal:Although it is not said, but it may be called that.
A man's voice№1:Are you guys (The Heroes scared)?
Alina:Who said that?
A man's voice№2:Don't you recognize us? We're in a dark cell.
Leo:In what dark cell?
The heroes noticed the darkest camera. The BWW were ready to go, but Alina stopped them.
Alina:It could be a trap for me.
A man's voice№1:Of course I understand how careful you are, but it's true. If you see us when we get to the bars.
Emma:I recognize them...
When the silhouettes approached the grid, the heroes were shocked to see the real Balan and Lance.
Heroes expect Balan and Lance:Balan. Lance (Hugging them).
Balan:We are glad to see you too.
Alina:How could you be here?
Cass:Did you do something wrong?
Balan:(He shook his head) In fact, on the unscrupulous business of the Queen.
Lance:When we went to look in her saloon, we met her. She offered to live and work on it, but we refused.
Balan:And she put us in jail.
Alina:It's not fair to my loyal friends.
Cal:That's the feeling.
Leo:And how do you get out?
Haoyu:Of course, the key, but somewhere there must be either nearby or somewhere.
Balan:You're lucky it's not everywhere, otherwise you'll get confused.
Lance:Because the world is confusing, and the Queen cunningly just gives the guard away from us.
The heroes just saw a sleeping guard with a key. But the heroes were a little scared if they woke him up.
Alina:(Whisper) Okay, let's get to work.
Alina, Leo and Emma approached the guard. They nodded at each other and Alina quietly takes the key. Suddenly, the guard bent down and the trio grabbed him while holding him.
Aero Acrobat:Are you okay?
Alina:Not really, we need help. (Jose, Tornado Wolf, Barktholomew and Ace help the trio sit down on the guard's chair. She grabbed the key) Now let's go.
Suddenly Leo accidentally stepped on a branch. This caused it to crack and the guard woke up with alarm.
Guard:What? Where? (He saw the heroes with displeasure) Where are you going?
Alina:I can tell you a story. There was a boy named Leo who was better off without friends. (Her friends were surprised and looked at each other) Suddenly one day he saw the entrance to the theater and disappeared. She forgot the name, but with the help of residents who have long lived in a world of wonders, his name was Streetbeat. Later, he found out that the one he met turned out to be a villain and, together with friends including Emma and Balan, defeated him, saved the world of miracles, returned home and lived happily ever after.
Guard:A good fairy tale, only a strange one and- (Fell asleep falling to the ground)
Barktholomew:It was lucky that he turned out to be stupid.
Water Blaster:Is this a fairy tale about us?
Alina:Yes, although it's actually a novel and it's a long one.
Cal:It's still interesting.
Emma went to the bars to free Balan and Lance. When she opened it, two maestros came out.
BalanWe're free, all we have to do is go home.
Lance:Yes, but they'll notice us.
Alina:You'll need a disguise here, but you just need to find a wardrobe.
Air Cat:Whose footprints are these?
The heroes immediately noticed purple footprints that lead somewhere. Alina has already guessed who it belongs to.
Alina:I know. Follow me (Running in the footsteps).
Emma:Alina, wait for us.
Alina's best friends followed her until a familiar voice spoke.
???:I hope everything goes according to plan to bring them home.
Later, someone's familiar, toothy smile appears.
To be continued...
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jamsunstone · 3 months ago
Dug In
(This is for my friend's writing project. The overarching prompt was: "The Machine")
Day 0.
We've arrived at the coordinates. They've led us to the entrance of a sandstone cave, as expected. The outside arch has no abnormal features, and the rock samples appear typical for this area. The surrounding area is devoid of any interesting features, it's a completely empty desert. This better not be a dud. Anonymous tips don't tend to have a high success rate and I doubt this is any exception, but the chief seemed to think this would be different somehow. We had to cross borders for this so I damn hope they're right. Before we make our way fully inside, we're going to set up a perimeter. Can't risk some group or another getting in behind us, we don't know for sure that we were the only one sent that tip. We'll use one of our Harlan "Safety Nets". DNA locked, so nothing is getting in or out without my say-so.
There's been a ringing in my ears lately. I just can't seem to shake it. Should get the doc to check it out, maybe some sand got in.
The cave's atrium is enormous. It's all sandstone, but striped in various shades of red and orange. The ceiling is at least 20 metres up, and is eerily smooth. Our geologist says that's because this cave was probably formed by wind erosion, which explains all the holes in the walls. Those things give me the chills. There are two open paths that lead further in. After some exploratory testing, they both seem stable, thank God, the last thing I want is to be buried in here. For now we'll set up camp in this atrium. Maybe we should set up some bug zappers too, I hear buzzing.
Day 1.
Bad start to the day. Both of our potential routes further in are blocked. The left path (tunnel 1) goes forward for around fifty metres before stopping, seems to have caved in at some point. We could maybe reinforce the ceiling and dig through, but our geologist said no. She's worried that even after reinforcing the rock, the instability could just get transferred elsewhere and end up blocking us further down, or even cutting us off from the surface. Our other option (tunnel 2) goes further, but it's a complete dead end. The tunnel winds back and forth all the way through, making it hard to judge its length, before getting smaller and then just ending with a smooth curved wall. The good news is that in this corner, our devices go haywire. Which I'll admit doesn't sound good, but it means that there's something strange going on down this path, and "strange" is exactly what we're here for. We're going to set up our mobile drill and dig through this way. Our geologist still isn't happy about digging, but she's going to have to deal with it.
The ringing is getting louder. It's pervasive. I tried that trick where you smack the base of your skull with your fingertips. Usually works for my tinnitus, but it's doing nothing to this.
We've made it about 10 extra metres in. With our electronics all on the fritz we're not sure what time it is, and with the HSN against the entrance we can't tell if there's sunlight either, but both the crew and the equipment are getting fatigued, so we're stopping for the day. This rock is a lot harder than we were expecting. Our drill keeps getting caught on chunks instead of just breaking through, like certain parts of the sandstone are more strongly compacted together. Still, we're making progress. Hopefully our target isn't too much further, but if it is? We're in this for the long haul.
Day 2.
I had that dream again last night. I sit on a raised bank above a vast lake. The wind is strong, but the water's surface is completely still. It reflects every star in the night sky, pinpricks of light bouncing off this mirror and illuminating the world. I kick my feet, lightly scraping my toes against the shallows. Then all at once, somewhere deep down below, I hear a grinding, a crunching, a cracking. The water starts making popping sounds, and small divots open up across its surface, rippling from the shore to the horizon. A gust of wind whips sand into my eyes and blinds me momentarily. When my vision clears, the lake has changed. There's a hole. It's an enormous black wound carved into the water's body. The lake is seemingly unaffected by its presence, water just moves around it instead of falling in. I don't want to look into it. It's terrifying and fascinating all at once. I want to leave but I'm stuck to the bank. I need to see what's in there I have to swim out I have to go I don't want to go I have to I need to, I drop into the water NO I DON'T yes I do and I start swimming. Pieces of me are tearing off as I go, sucked into smaller empty spaces that have begun populating the water's depths. I keep swimming. Every night it takes me a little longer to wake up. Every night I get a little closer.
Today was relatively uneventful. We drilled some further distance into tunnel 2, mostly forward and down. We're using the static from the radios as a guide for which direction to travel. It generally stays in one place, but occasionally our signal suddenly gets better and we have to re-orient ourselves to find the dark spot. Maybe the anomaly is shifting location? Wouldn't be the first time I've had to deal with a moving anomaly and I'll catch it like I did the others, whether it likes it or not. Wish chief has sent us out with some better equipment, this drill is a piece of shit. Keeps overheating and making a horrible clicking, whirring sound.
Day 3.
No significant updates. Progressed at a steady rate. Drill is still being an arse.
Day 4.
Our drill route has gotten more and more winding. The dark spots keep moving and forcing us to change direction. Getting back and forth from camp is taking longer. Well, obviously, but I mean it feels much longer than it actually is because of all the turns. The dark doesn't help either, all of the lamps are electronic, which means they're constantly flickering in the tunnel. The crew's also started hearing things. One thinks he heard whispers, which is pretty standard to be honest. In places like this, your brain likes to pick up the smallest noises, turn them up to full blast, and start playing a single player audio version of Pictionary. So the whispers don't worry me. The weird one is the woman who thinks she's hearing numbers. She tells me it's like one of those numbers stations. She used to listen to them when she was a girl, said it helped her sleep. I've told them all to ignore them and push through. They're just hallucinations. We keep going.
Day 9.
I've neglected to update my entries for the last few days, but today we finally hit something. The anomaly finally decided to stay still for once, and we made half a day's progress in a straight line until we broke through a wall. Our tunnel now opens up into a huge chamber. It's shaped like a flat cylinder, the ceiling is about half the height of the atrium but it's much longer and wider. The room is populated by hourglass shaped pillars of sandstone that connect the ceiling and floor. Otherwise, it's empty. On the exact opposite side of the room, the wall is recessed, just like the spot where we started drilling. We're going to move our camp into this room and continue from there.
When I was a kid, I had this hourglass. An old antique thing, probably passed down from my grandma or something. I used to sit at the table, flip it, and just watch the sand fall. Then when it was over, I would start all over again. I loved watching that thing. It was the only thing that kept me grounded when the world was getting too much. I loved the way the first few grains would bounce as they hit the bottom. I loved the subtle sound it made, that swishing sound of sand falling and the twinkling when they landed. I miss watching the pit start to form in the middle, seeing the solid layer suddenly collapsing and the sand falling in. I would literally watch my time tick away. And I was happy, because I didn't have to live any of it.
Retrieved our camping supplies with only minor incident. On the way up to the atrium, someone got lost in the tunnels. Which should be impossible, we only drilled one route. Guess they got turned around, because we found them back in the chamber with the pillars. They claim they got lost down a side route, but there are no side routes. Idiot. Speaking of idiots, someone thought they heard a sound coming from the other tunnel in the atrium, the one with the cave-in. "Like a wall cracking," he said. I said "Maybe it's the fucking rocks falling down, ever think of that?". Well, maybe not "said". More like "yelled". I think this place might be getting to all of us. We're all set up in the pillar chamber now. We will continue drilling tomorrow.
Day 11.
The walls have metal in them. How did we not notice before? It's the reason the drill's overheating so frequently, silver and black chunks of metal are jamming it. It's all through the tunnel we dug earlier too. How the fuck didn't we notice? The geologist is freaking out about the rock in the walls. She says they don't make sense, that the layers are all jumbled up. Old layers above new layers, and even newer layers below those, then back to older layers again, et cetera. And I've noticed something else. The pillar chamber, it's mirrored. I couldn't see it at first because of the angle, but from the east and west walls you can see that every pillar has an exact replica pair on the other side of the cavern. I made a scratch on one pillar and it appeared in the same place on another. It's weird. Everyone wants to get out. They won't give me reasons, they just want to leave. They're saying they need to. They're staying until we're finished.
Every time I come back from a job, the ringing gets louder. It's getting more textured too, the ringing turning into a buzzing into a whirring into a low hum that pools in my skull and fills my ears. I've learned to filter it out most of the time. My wife says it's stress. She said to me, "Hannah, I don't want to see you like this. I want you to be happy. But that job is killing you." She ran her hands through my greying hair with one hand and cupped my cheek with the other, tears in her eyes, "I don't want you to leave me forever." She's right, of course. But she doesn't know my real job, and she doesn't know I can't leave. Not until The Work is done.
Day 14.
I've been drilling alone. I don't need the others, I'm strong enough by myself. Forward and down, twisting back and forth. I don't use the radio static anymore, I can feel where I need to go. I broke into an existing tunnel. I walked its length for what felt like hours, until it opened up enough that I could stand up. Ahead of me, there had been a cave-in. It wasn't going to stop me. I'd left the drill behind, so I went at the rocks bare-handed, scraping and pulling and cracking pieces between my fingers. After a while, I'd managed to open a small crack in the rubble that I could just barely see through. I shined my torch through to the other side, and there was someone there. A woman. Standing awkwardly, turned away from me like she'd heard something behind her. Tangled hair reaching down to her waist in sandy knots. Broad shouldered, strong arms, wearing a tank top and cargo trousers. Her hands were bloody and raw. She turned, she saw me. I see her. She looks terrified. Her eyes are the same as mine. She always said I have beautiful eyes. She screams and sprints towards me, ramming herself against the wall of debris. I'm close enough to hear a bone crack, it makes me feel sick. I want to throw up but I can't, I shouldn't, I have to go. I throw myself back into the tunnel behind me. It's more cramped than it was before, I have to crawl on my stomach now to get through. The woman is still screaming, a raw, wet scream. Her throat sounds like it's giving out. I ignore it. I can't ignore it. I've made it back to the pillar chamber. I can't breathe, my lungs won't properly fill with air, they're filled with gunk. She hasn't followed me. Thank god. I think it's time to leave.
Day 19.
It's cramped, it's dark, there's no lights, I've hit so many dead ends, there aren't supposed to be any dead ends in here, I've been crawling for hours and I CAN'T FUCKING SEE. It feels like I'm crawling up a fucking mountain. And I haven't seen a single fucking bug in here so why do I still hear this goddamn BUZZING. The water is still but I can't get back to shore. I won't let myself swim upstream. Towards the void, that's where it wants me to go.
Day ?
Chief got an anonymous tip about an anomaly. They seem really excited about this one for some reason, there's this sparkle in their eyes when they talk about it. They keep saying "This must be fate, this is where all our work has led us," and shit like that. I don't see what's so special about this tip in particular, but I've never understood the Chief's methods. I'm to go in alone, to be as covert as possible. They'll shoot me with a cocktail of Class-J anomalous drugs, should make me competent enough to do the work of a whole crew by myself. It's the usual stuff, though a bit stronger than usual. It's all for The Work.
I can't leave. The DNA-lock on the Safety Net isn't responding to me. I think I've been in here too long. I can see my knuckle bones, and they aren't the right colour. There's a ringing in my ears, a buzzing, a clanking and a whirring, a mechanical jolt from my limbs whenever I take a step. Chief said I wasn't made to dream but I keep dreaming. Something's wrong with me. I shouldn't feel anything but I feel so much. My head is splitting open down the centre, I ignore it. It hurts, it hurts so much. My memories are fighting against each other, I can't tell what's mine and what was put here by that THING.
I don't think my name was ever Hannah.
But it is.
I'm back in the pillar chamber. It took about ten minutes, the tunnel was a perfectly straight line, and plenty tall enough for me. This is where it wants me. Who the fuck am I to say no. You can get out. I promise you, you can get out if you try. The hourglass pillars are softly glowing, washing the room in a dim blue light. It's so much bigger than I remember. The oranges and blues are mixing into purples and stretching into the horizon, an infinite aurora. It's beautiful, I know. But there's so much beauty outside of here, you just have to get out. The drill is still here. The centre of the room is now a shallow pit. I feel it pulling me down. You don't have to do this, please. It's going to eat you alive. I can't lose you. If this place is a spiral, then I'm gonna rip a fucking hole right through the middle.
There's nothing down there, Hannah. We know there isn't.
0 notes
park-jimin-isnt-real · 2 years ago
𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂
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♡ pairing: jungkook x reader (soulmates) ♡ rating: G ♡ genre: drama, fluff, a touch of crack ♡ au: high school ♡ tw: n/a ♡ wc: ~1.3k ♡ track: Just One Day ~ BTS: “Just one day, if I can hold your hands. Just one day, if I can be with you. Just one day, if only we can be together…”
♡ summary: Jungkook has literally been counting down the days until he could meet his soulmate, but when the day comes he only has 24 hours to find you.
♡ an: @thebadassmotherofmyshotas, this one's for you bae. thank you for putting up with my constant nagging to read my shit lmao 14 Valen-tans Days masterlist ♡♡ main masterlist
Today was the day. Today was the day. Today, the magic tattooed timer on Jungkook's wrist would show that he had 24 hours remaining to find his soulmate. Today he would finally meet them.
"Jungkook-ah!" His mother called from down the hall. "It's time to leave for school!"
"Coming, eomma!" The teenager responded. He swung his backpack onto his shoulders and fussed with his hair for one more minute in the mirror, then rushed out of his room. "I'll be home late tonight," he told his mother, "today's the day!"
Mrs. Jeon smiled, knowing just how excited her son was to meet his soulmate. She recalled the same excitement back when she was a teenager and it came time to find her own soulmate. "Keep me updated on where you're at throughout the day," his mother said, "and make sure one of your friends is with you."
"Yoongi-hyung offered to drive me around today." Jungkook grabbed an apple and then hurried towards the front door. Slipping on his shoes, he waved goodbye. "I'll let you know when I find them!"
Jungkook's plan for the day was to spend a few hours at school—the timer would hit 24 hours during lunch—and if he didn't feel that pull that told him you were somewhere in the building, then he'd text Yoongi to meet him in the parking lot. The elder was the only graduated one in their friend group who was okay with Jungkook skipping school for this, and was subsequently the only one who offered to help.
The day seemed to pass excruciatingly slowly. Jungkook kept catching himself glaring at the clock on the wall, then down at the timer on his wrist. Every second was slower than the last. He was so caught up in trying to will time to move faster that he almost missed when the teacher excused them for lunch.
It was almost time.
He met Jimin and Taehyung at their usual spot, and let the two soulmates shove food into him, preparing him for the search that was about to go down. The two of them were lucky, having met each other when they first started school together a few years ago, and becoming inseparable since.
"We'll gather up your homework for you," Taehyung told him as Jungkook chowed down on a spoonful of rice.
"Don't worry about school, okay Kookie?" Jimin added, handing him a water bottle. "You just work on finding them."
"And driving Yoongi-hyung crazy," Tae threw in, getting a smile out of the youngest. There was a small vibration on Jungkook's wrist, and he looked down.
Jungkook quickly looked up, and started looking around. There was something inside him, like a small, thin string, pulling him in a specific direction. "I have to go!"
"Good luck bunny!"
Jungkook raced off, barely remembering to grab his backpack (only because it had his phone in it and he promised his mother he'd keep her updated). He ran a basic lap around the school, just checking to see if they were already there. It would save him time searching if they already were.
The invisible string inside him kept pulling him away from the school building. His soulmate wasn't a student at his school, so Jungkook sent the s.o.s. text to Yoongi and shot towards the parking lot. He got a response almost instantly:
already here, on the bike
Jungkook decided to leave out that detail when he texted his mother, along with the fact that he was leaving school in the middle of the day. His eomma didn't like when he rode on the back of Yoongi's motorcycle. It made sense why he brought it instead of his car though: it would be easier to weave around in traffic and make quick turns.
"Hi hyung!" Jungkook greeted, nearly barrelling into Yoongi as he leaned against the vehicle. His arms wrapped around the elder in a tight hug. "Thank you so much for doing this!"
"Yeah, yeah, get off me kid," Yoongi grumbled, even though he did briefly return the hug. "Do you know where we're going?" he asked as he passed Jungkook a second helmet.
"Umm..." Jungkook looked out, away from the school, and gestured broadly. "That way?"
"Specific." Yoongi climbed onto the bike, Jungkook following suit, and the elder started it up. The bike roared to life, and Yoongi looked over his shoulder before donning his own helmet. "Just point in the direction you want me to go in, okay?" Jungkook nodded. Yoongi slipped the helmet onto his head, and the two took off.
Jungkook tried his best to guide Yoongi, but he barely understood where he was being pulled. It took a few hours, but they had driven around nearly every part of the city, and still Jungkook felt no closer to his soulmate. Eventually, Yoongi pulled over and parked outside a convenience store. "Dinner. Come on."
Though he was grateful that Yoongi was paying for food (that he dearly needed) he was getting discouraged. Time was ticking, and they hadn't gotten any closer. The whole city had a vague not here feeling, but he wasn't sure if Yoongi would be willing to venture outside it. He glanced down at the timer on his wrist again.
His mother had given him a curfew; Jungkook needed to be home no later than midnight, regardless of soulmate status. That only gave him another four hours tonight.
Dinner was a quiet affair; Yoongi wasn't usually one for talking, and Jungkook wasn't feeling very chatty himself. It was in the middle of a bite of ramyeon that he felt a stronger pull, one that was clear.
"Hyung! I know where we need to go!"
Yoongi groaned. "Can't I finish my food first?"
"Okay, okay, let's go." The two left the store and quickly jumped back on the bike, Jungkook directing Yoongi where to go. After a few minutes and several turns here and there, and Yoongi pulled up in front of an arcade. "They're in here? You're sure?"
"I'm sure, hyung," Jungkook said. He'd never been more sure of something in his life. "I'll be right back." He jogged up to the doors and entered, instantly surrounded by neon lights and video game sounds. This was the kind of place he and Jimin and Taehyung would spend their time at after a well-taken exam.
A group of laughter caught his attention, and he looked over. A group of people had surrounded a dancing game, and two girls were currently going at it in a tense, yet amicable, competition. He wandered over to join the onlookers. The string had pulled him in this direction but wasn't sure who in this group was his soulmate.
One of the girls was doing considerably well, and Jungkook couldn't hold back a comment. "Damn, you're good."
The girl whipped around to look at him, game forgotten. Jungkook felt frozen in place and felt another vibration on his wrist. "What did you just say?" A smile pulled at her lips, and she had a hopeful gleam in her eye. Jungkook didn't answer immediately, instead glancing down at his wrist. The timer had stopped counting down.
"Y/N!!" The other girl whined, trying to shake her friend's shoulder to gain her attention, but it was firmly locked on Jungkook. He looked back at you.
"Um, I said 'damn, you're good'?" Your smile grew wide, but Jungkook couldn't understand why. "Why do you ask?"
You held up your wrist in response. There, in the same magic ink he had on his wrist, were the words he had said scrawled across yours. It only took him a moment to make the connection. Jungkook's lips turned up (in what Tae would call his bunny smile). "It's you."
"It's me," you said, giggling just a bit.
"Oh my god," your friend interjected again, "is this your soulmate??" You both nodded, not looking away from each other.
"I'm Y/N."
"Jungkook. I have to get home soon, but can I have your number?" He eagerly held his phone out for you to take, excited that his efforts from the day hadn't gone to waste.
"Do you wanna meet here tomorrow for a dance competition?" you asked him, a gleam of mischief in your eyes. It was Jungkook's turn to laugh.
"Oh, you're on."
tagging: @daydreamer-writing
thanks for reading!!
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torotoro0 · 3 years ago
⟬ Childhood Comrades ⟭
Henry Creel x Reader
•Chapter 4•
[Click this for the chapters]
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Summary: You got kicked out of Henry's household when you didn't even do anything wrong... I know, I know, I wondered around his house without consent. But that doesn't mean he can kick me out for that reason.... Right? (・᷄-・᷅)
A/N: sorry for the late post, I made this chapter extra long for my babies ˙ᵕ˙
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If your confused of what the style was trending in Henry's era/year click the link below. When you arrive there scroll down for more good ones.
Click Here
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Your Pov
"Don't come back here EVER!"
His words kept ringing in my ears up until now, ever since that day, he has never spoke to me, or even at least threw me a single glare of his.
To think about it, I may have trespassed his abode, but doesn't friends do that to their fellow friend's houses?
I've seen one of them even sleep in their comrade's house. Whilst I only hid inside his attic. Like what's the worse that can happen?
I woke up with a slight headache, my hair was of course unappealing and grotesque. I stand up stretching and yawning here and there.
"I'm so tired ..." I attempt to crack my fingers but only some of them did. Yesterday I was outside the Creel's house, like always, waiting for Henry to come out. And as always, his sister or even his mom, would always come and pick up my doorbell ringings.
I proceed to fix myself as a lady would do herself.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
After I was done with my business I went downstairs. Of course breakfast is important to me.
"Why don't we just bring her with us?" I faint voice was heard as I slowly made my way to the kitchen.
"We can't Diane, she'll just stay with them until we arrive back here." I hear Father reply. What are they talking about? Are they going to abandon me? Are they going to sell me? Or worse.... give me to some other family who needs a donor for their sickly child or whatever.(ꐦ°д°)
"What are you guys talking about?" I slowly reveal from myself from where I was eavesdropping.
"Oh! Good morning darling" Diane smiles. "Morning, so what were you guys talking about?"
"Y/N..." Father solemnly turns to me. "Me and Diane has to go somewhere for a business trip..." He gently holds my shoulder.
"And we have no idea where we have to put you throughout our trip, we were thinking of bringing you with us, but that'll just affect the investor's interview, so we thought...." He gave Diane a quick glance which she replies with a nod.
"We thought that, we'll leave you under the Creel's care for a short while." He weakly smiles, thinking that I'd be saddened by the idea, BUT THIS IS THE GREATEST IDEA YET!
"Of course I'd love to! I've never been in a sleepover my whole life!" I hug him while giggling uncontrollably which made him chuckle as well. "Huh, we thought you'd feel upset that were leaving you, but turns out we were expecting the complete opposite" He turns to Diane with a big grin.
"That's great and all but..." She approaches me. With something behind her back. "You wouldn't want to go there bringing a musty old luggage bag right?" She then reveals a newly released bag form the market.
"Wow! Is this the newest one in town? The one in the commercials that has a big capacity of bringing at least your dog?!" I squeal.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you Diane!" I hug her. "Now, now, you wouldn't want your bestfriend to be waiting yeah?" Father chimes in.
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
"Is everything ready now? No missing things or toys?" Diane reassures. "Yes, yes everything's here now" I was so excited It felt like my butt was going to explode in rainbows.
We finally arrived at the Creel's residence after seconds of driving. I was greeted by Mrs. Creel and his husband together with Alice.
"Y/N!" Alice rushed and hugged me tightly. "I'm so excited today, I can't believe were having a sleepover!" She exclaims.
"Me neither! I can't wait!" She laugh. "Why wait when we can already start now!" She pulls my wrists leading me to her room.
"Thank you for this favor, I don't even know how to repay you guys." Diane bows. "Oh! Nonsense. You don't need to pay us, plus. Henry has been all sulky , I hope inviting Y/N over can change that" Mr. Creel chuckles.
"Well- better get going now, or else we'll be late" Father bids goodbye and flees the scene.
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
"So what do you do for fun?" I ask her. "I would always be reading or playing with my dolls, and playing with... Ah Henry" She hesitates.
"You know something's has been going on with Henry lately.." She starts with her face filled with concern for her brother. "He has been all sulky and upset about everything" She looks at me.
"What did you guys do that day, that he became like this?" His fault I guess, An attic is the perfect place to hide, Why would he be so angry about that?
"I don't really know, all I did was..."
╭┉┉┅┄┄┈•◦ೋ•◦❥•◦ೋ Explaining to her. •◦ೋ•◦❥•◦ೋ•┈┄┄┅┉┉╯
"Ahh so that's what happened" She nods slowly like she heard some mathemathical explanation.
"You know...." She sits beside me. "The attic was Henry's signature place of his." She started.
"What do you mean?" I tilt my head in confusion. "That's like his sanctuary, where he sits down and does whatever he wants to, it's his comfort place. Weird right? An attic for his comfort place" She chuckles.
"Yeah..." I muttered. "What can I do to make him forgive me?" I turn to her.
I groan as I get up from my bed. The past few days I've been.... lonely. I was avoiding Y/N up until now, I was just so worked up last time when she went inside the attic.
No one has ever entered there, excluding me. She even went down to touching MY stuff there. But...
I feel so guilty, shouting at her like that, dragging her without her knowing what she did wrong. I sigh as I look at the clock.
"Oh? It's already 7:30 p.m.?" I guess time passes by fast when you contemplate about some things.
Suddenly I heard some faint shouting just outside my window.
"Ah! stop that!" It sounds like....
"Y/N?" I whisper as I worriedly approach my glass. "What the heck is she doing at this time?".
She was chasing some kind of rabbit in the backyard. "Fucking shit, I'm gonna get you, just you wait!" I chuckle at her phrase.
"What th-" Just before she can catch the animal she trip on something and fell down, Her [color] colored nightgown on her knee was slowly getting stained with fresh red blood.
"Ow ow ow" I hurriedly went downstairs going into the outside. ヾ(゚Д゚;ヾ)
"Hey are you okay?!" I rush to her side. "It's fine, just a little scar is what happened."
"FINE?! Your bleeding! Let's get you inside!" I hastily picked her up and carried her in piggy-back style as to NOT raise the tension between us.
"Who would have thought the so-called twink can carry a girl." She chuckles as I scoff. "Good for you that you can joke around at this time"
"Oh come on Henry, it's not like I have to undergo surgery to heal" She jokes.
After we arrived, I deliberately went and find first aid materials and went back to her.
"Be careful of yourself next time." I scold. "There's a next time to this?" She giggles.
"What! no! I'm just saying it in case it will happen again"
I was busy disinfecting her wound when she stopped my hand. "Henry" She calls out.
"I'm sorry for anything I did that had upset you..." She confesses, My heart was beating so fast that it can explode any second now. "T-that's ok, Its was clearly my fault-"
"It was my fault, I trespassed without your consent I'm sorry Henry"
"No it's-"
"You guys are sooo romantic, I'm so jealous right now" Alice comments behind us.
"Stop that Alice!" I shot back.
"ooh! I'm so scared that I'm starting to pee my pants!" She laughs.
"There they go again." I hear Y/N chuckle.
A/N: Was this long enough for my babies?
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lady-amethyst18 · 3 years ago
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(The four kids look around inside the theater. Haoyu drags his finger across the table that was coated with dust.) Haoyu: Man. When was the last time you cleaned this place? Balan: Forever, I guess. I tried to keep it tidy by myself, but then one thing became another, and soon I lost my touch. I don't have the funds to patch up the cracks or make repairs. And I haven't figured out how to do it myself. Cass: And what about those little guys? (points at the little bird creatures) What are those? Balan: I'm... Not sure. They just showed up one day after my theater closed. I don't know what they are, so I've decided to call them tims. They stuck by me when no one else would. Emma: (picks one up and pets it with two fingers) Well, they sure are cute. At least you have some form of company. Balan: Yeah...
(Balan smiles sadly when suddenly everyone hears a loud growl.)
Yuri: (startled) What was that? Balan: (holds his hand over his belly) Sorry, I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything today. (looks at the tims) These little guys usually try to help me find some form of food. If any at all. Leo: (he thinks for a bit before heading towards the door) Balan: (worried) L-Leo? Where are you going? Leo: I'm going to get you something to eat. I promise I'll be back. You guys stay here with him. I shouldn't be gone long. Balan: ... Ok... Cass: (holds Balan's hand) Don't worry, Mr. Balan. We'll keep you company.
(Balan smiles at the girl while clasping his hand around hers. Almost tighter. Leo exits the alley until he turns to the donut shop. Luckily it was still open. Not the healthiest idea, but it would be some sort of food for the maestro. He walks inside and finds that the line is long.)
Leo: Ugh! Great... I'm going to be here forever.
(He stands there for a few minutes until he peers at two men sitting at a table playing chess. One had thick purple hair and was wearing what looked to be a business coat, while the other was sitting in a wheelchair. Curious and seeing that the line would take forever, he decided to take a closer look.) Leo: Hey guys, sorry to intrude, but would it be alright if I watch you play. The line's going to take its sweet time anyway. Cal: Sure thing, kiddo. You ever play chess? Leo: Not really. I mean, I know the basics, but I never really played it myself. Eis: Care to learn how to play? Leo: I would like to, but I'm kind of in a hurry. I have to gather food for my friends. Cal: (nods, but there's a hint of disappointment in his eyes) Alright, suit yourself.
(Leo watches the two play for a while. He notices Eis' face.)
Leo: Sorry, but... Have we met somewhere before? Eis: Uh... I don't believe so. What's your name, boy? Leo: Leo. Eis: (shrugs) Not a name I'm familiar with. But I'm Eis, and this is my buddy, Cal. We play chess here every now and then. Leo: (thinks) Eis... Oh! I remember now! You were on the news a couple weeks ago! Eis: Oh. So you've heard about that fire at that apartment building. Leo: Yeah! Man, what a rush! I heard you were a hero when you saved that kid. Eis: (looks sad) Yeah, well... I was a hero. Until the accident happened. Leo: What do you mean? Eis: It's true I saved that kid and the fire was put out. But it was at the cost of my legs. A piece of debris landed on me and crushed me from the bottom down. I couldn't walk, so now I'm bound to this wheelchair and I had to resign from my job. Leo: (shocked) Oh... Cal: I've been keeping in touch with him. Trying to keep his spirits up. Leo: Well... I'm sorry if it was a touchy subject. Eis: Naw, you're ok, Leo. I'll be fine.
(Leo sees that the line has finally passed. So he goes up to order his food. He askes for a dozen donuts, several kolaches, and bottles of water. When he paid for the food, Cal and Eis notice him struggling to carry it all.)
Cal: Um... Need some help, kiddo? Leo: (carries one of the bags in his teeth) No thanks. I got it. (drops one of the bottles) Cal: (picks it up) I think you do need some help, Leo. Where are you and your friends eating? Leo: Uh... Behind the alley. We like to picnic there sometimes. Eis: Why don't you set the box on my lap, Leo? I can carry it easily. Cal: And I'll be happy to hold one of the bags or water bottles for you. Leo: (sighs) Well... Ok. But don't question why we like to eat in the alley.
(The two nodded. Cal gathered his chess set and helped Eis out the door while carrying the bags and a bottle of water.)
So here's the context
Haoyu, Yuri, and Cass were getting to know Balan until he got hungry. Seeing as how he didn't eat anything today, Leo goes to the donut shop to get some food for him and the others. Though the place was busy, and Leo had to wait in line. Until he met Cal and Eis playing chess together in the dining room of the shop. Seeing as how the line was going to take forever, he decided to watch them play. Cal is actually a champion at chess, but it's a dying game. People were more interested in playing video games more than family games. Which breaks his heart a bit. As for Eis, he's a "retired" fireman after getting injured. The man was put on home health and is bound to a wheelchair. Can't walk worth squat. When the line shortened, he got his food, realizing it was a little too much to carry. So Cal and Eis help him bring his items back to the alley. Unknowing of who they were going to meet. This is my Lonesome Maestro AU. When Balan's first show was a disaster, and everyone left him. He's become very lonely and sad due to no one being around. Until Leo and Emma showed up and try to change his life for the better.
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Californian Dream (Pt. 05 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
<- Previous part (04)
Next part (06) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
On the next morning, you're still feeling a little anxious, afraid of what he said last night was just to keep you from moving out. But, since you were sleeping on the couch, you woke up just when he was leaving for work, and you were so relieved when he didn't just say ‘good morning’ and left. He asked if you slept well, and said that you can try and sleep a little more on the bed now. It's just a little thing, but it's different from before. And you hope it lasts. You also got the chance to tell him not to bring anything for dinner. He has been spending too much money with that, so you told him you'd cook something yourself.
And that's what you doing now. The chicken breasts are in the oven, almost ready and you focus on finishing the potato salad, adding mayo, a drizzle of olive oil, and seasoning it, mixing everything together. You're happy with what you could come up with, and it did help you pass the time since there's nothing to do here other then watch the news, and that only makes you anxious. After checking the chicken once again, you sit on the table, pinning your hair up on a ponytail, and that's when Billy comes back, your eyes immediately finding him on the door as he closes it shut.
“Hey.” You mumble, running your fingers through the ponytail. For the first time, you notice the uniform he has to use. A nice, black polo shirt with the logo of the company on the left side. On all of those days, you were avoiding looking at him, since he seemed like he didn't want anything to do with you. “You look like such a good boy in this shirt.” You know he doesn't usually wear stuff like that. Billy doesn't know it, but you went through his wardrobe a couple of times, and there is nothing like that that shirt in it.
“That's company policy.” He sounds a little annoyed, and you can tell he doesn't like to wear it. “It smells nice in here. What are you doing?”
“Lemon roasted chicken with potato salad.” You gesture at the oven. “It's almost done.”
“You... Can cook?” Furrowing his eyebrows, Billy comes near the table, giving the oven a look. “Like, actually cook?”
You get what he means. The girls don't usually know how to cook since they'll always have someone to do that for them. “Well, in my house, my parents always choose what we'll have for the meals. So I figured out if I wanted something different, I'd have to cook it myself.” Shrugging your shoulders, you stand up to check the oven again. “So Amelia taught me everything I know.”
“You're a box full of surprises,” Billy mutters, so low it makes you wonder if he wanted you to hear it. “I'll shower. If you wait we can eat together.”
“If it's not in an uncomfortable silence, I'll accept the invitation.” Leaning on the countertop, you give him a look.
“Good.” He stands there for a few seconds before moving away, and you can't help but try to understand why he always does that. It feels like he wants to say something, but he never does.
You patiently wait, and when he comes back, hair still damp, you both serve yourselves and take the usual seats on the table, across from each other. Billy takes a look at his place and squints his eyes, right before staring at you. “(Y/N)?”
“Where did you get these peas?”
You didn't think he'd notice. “Uhm... There's a nice grocery store just around the corner.” It sounds like a question, but before he can say anything you raise a hand. “I know, I know. But I do look different and I borrowed your sunglasses just to be sure. I didn't speak to anyone... Well, I did chat with this old lady, but that was it.”
“You gotta be careful. I know it's far from your neighborhood, but even so.”
“I was careful, I just... It sucks being in here all day doing absolutely nothing.” You didn't want to rant about it, but it just comes out. “And, inevitably, I will watch the news channel.” Then, you're not hungry anymore... Despite skipping lunch again.
“Did they find anything yet?” Silently, you just shake your head no, deciding to push the food in, even though the heavy sensation on your stomach. “Sorry.”
“Don't apologize, it's not your fault.”
Then the silence hits again, and it goes on for way too long for your taste, a leg bouncing nervously. “It's really good, by the way. Much better than what I can come up with.”
“Thanks,” you mutter with a smile.
“I've been meaning to tell you. I usually go to the gym with some friends a couple of times a week. I've been coming straight back because–”
“No, no. Please, go. I don't want to mess with your routine. More than I already did.” Reassuring him, you feel relieved when he nods. “Oh, you mentioned something about college. What do you study?”
“Marine Biology.”
“That's so cool.” You exclaim, imagining what Billy could work with. California has a lot of opportunities for marine biologists. “I bet it's amazing.”
“It is. What about you?”
“It's not that cool.” Warning him, you can't help but feel bored just to think about it. “Law. At Cali's Elite Academy, obviously.”
“It doesn't sound like you enjoy it very much.”
“I don't.”
“Then why do you do it?” As he speaks, Billy moves to the fridge, muttering something when he opens it. And you know why. “You also bought soda.”
“Yup.” Turning towards him, you take the can he offers you, cracking it open and taking a sip. “You know why I do it. Mom wanted me to, father is a lawyer already, so you get the picture.”
“I hope to be around on the day you decide you had enough of this shit and rebel against everyone who tells you what to do,” Billy says as he goes back to his chair, his eyes focused on you. Sometimes it feels his eyes can see right through you, even the parts you try to hide from yourself. The places you rather keep secret, locked deep inside. He also brings to life things you didn't even know existed. A true need to break free from everything you can't take anymore, everything that has been drowning you, suffocating you.
“Maybe it won't happen.” You burst out, pushing your plate away, still half full. “You said it yourself on the night I came here. I'll probably just slip into anything my mother wants me to do and be as frustrated as she is. With nothing in life but some millions in the bank.” There's a lump in your throat, a cry you're holding back. You don't want to be like your mother. Or like anyone else from her circle. But would you be able to shake this away? You're so used to doing this, avoiding conflicts and being the good, obedient daughter... Could you be more?
“Don't you remember what you said after?” Billy leans forward, elbows on the table, those ocean blue eyes burning through your skin. “That you'd leave California before she forced you into being another stupid girl pushed into a loveless marriage just to add up to the family's fortune.”
“I remember.” Whispering, you look down at your hands, hoping he can't see your teary eyes. “I get brave when I'm sleepy, that's why I say those things but... I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to just leave like that.”
“I came back here a year ago. My father forced me to move to Hawkins, Indiana, a dipshit small town that I hated more than anything.” His words and the weight behind them makes you raise your eyes again, meeting his stare. Billy never told you anything about his past, and you want to hear it. “I have no good memories of that place, and the moment I turned eighteen and got my High School diploma, I got into my car and left.” There's power in him, courage. You know there's more to the story, but you won't push him into sharing it if he doesn't want to. But you can picture it, Billy running away from somewhere he hated, hitting the road and leaving it all behind. You're mesmerized by it, you're not sure why. “And I came back here. I came back home.”
“California never felt like home to me.” That you remember saying. “I... I really wish I had a place where I could feel–”
“Free?” Billy finishes off for you, and you nod. “I don't think California is the problem. I think–”
“Me. I'm the problem.” Crossing your arms, you sigh. You have no idea why you're telling him all this, or how he so skillfully stormed through your walls, but you feel like Billy is the only person who can understand. Who won't think you're stupid or crazy. “I feel so... Lonely and desolated, even when I'm in my bedroom. I feel better when I'm at the beach, all alone than when I'm in the comfort of my bed. I know it's insane, but it just... It's just what it is. Of course I wish I could run away like you, but maybe I can't.”
“It's not from California you have to run away, it's from this person you pretend to be just to please everyone.” Billy stands up, taking both your plates and moving to the sink. But you stay there, motionless, thinking how you could do that.
“Tell me how and I'll do it.”
“Be the girl you were at the party.” He says, and you decide to stand up as well to help him with the dishes... But also because you want to be near him as if he's the only one who could help you do this. What exactly, you don't know. But Billy was brave enough to do something you wish you could. “The girl who doesn't care if her company is just the pool guy, who doesn't care if she almost hits a waiter, and doesn't mind having to suck some chocolate off her thumb.” Billy glances at you, and you start taking the dishes and drying them with a dishcloth. “The girl who ran from a very important beneficial gala and was very happy about it.”
“Yeah, but if you weren't there, I would never do that.”
“I might have given you a little push, but you made the decision.”
You'd never take Billy for the guy who would say these things. By what people told you about his behavior, you'd never think he'd be this... Kind. “Are you always this nice with girls?” Trying to light up the mood after the emotional conversation, you ask him, chuckling.
“No, I'm not.” He passes you the last fork, and you dry it and put it on the drawer. “Definitely not.”
“I get it.” Lying the dishcloth down, you shrug your shoulders. “Guess some girls like the bad boy.”
Billy giggles, taking the dishcloth to dry his hands. “What about you? Good boy or bad boy?”
“A guy like you would be nice.” Wait. What? It takes a couple of seconds for you to process what you just said, and what it means. “Uhm... I'll... I'll organize some of my stuff.” You quickly manage to say, turning your back at him and leaving the kitchen.
When you reach the bedroom, you shut the door behind your back, wondering what the hell just happened to you. It's completely out of question to start liking Billy. You're literally living with him for who knows how long, it would complicate things to such a high level that you would really have to move out. You're already too lucky he doesn't bring girls here, but out there... Suddenly, the names Gisele gave you start flashing through your mind, and you groan, throwing yourself on the bed.
“Don't be stupid.” You mutter, pulling the sheets over your head and expecting a calm, dreamless night.
• • •
Before, you were anxious. Worried. Now, you're just angry. Another week has passed, and nobody knows anything. A bunch of people were abducted, in huge black vans, and nobody knows where they went. It's plain stupid by now. You're already up when Billy opens the bedroom door to shower and change for the day, and you move to the living room, putting on the news channel again and letting yourself fall on the couch. The boredom won't help either. Besides going to the grocery store, you're locked in here, doing absolutely nothing other than housework.
You're by the window when Billy comes out, already in the company uniform. Turning around with your arms crossed, you stare at him. “We gotta talk because I'm losing my mind.”
“Does it has to be now? Because if I don't leave in five minutes I'll be late.”
Then, the best idea you ever had in days comes to your mind. “Take me with you.”
“What?” He bursts out, eyebrows furrowed.
“Take me with you. Where are you going today?”
“William's. The mansion by the cliff.”
“They don't know me very much, my parents hate them. Please, take me with you. I can't stand being in here all day.” Walking over him, you grab his hand. “C'mon, Billy. I can help with something.”
“I don't think it's a good idea.” He looks down at you, a thoughtful expression on his face. “If anyone recognizes you it could be dangerous. Everyone thinks you were taken too.”
“See? Nobody will hope to see me hanging around.”
“I swear to God if you don't take me I'll head to the beach and stay there until sunset.” It wasn't a plan, but now it is. Stepping back, with both your hands on your hips, you wait for Billy's reaction.
“Is it a threat?”
“I don't make threats, only promises.” Shrugging your shoulders, you cross your arms. “So?”
“You have three minutes to change out of these sweatpants.” He's still speaking when you're moving, quickly taking your pj's off and putting the first thing you find. Short jeans and a black T-shirt that's a little bit similar to Billy's. Not so much, but it's the best you can do.
When you're back in the living room, dramatically putting Billy's sunglasses on, you rush through the door when he opens it, more than eager to spend the day somewhere other than in the apartment.
And, as if on purpose, Billy takes one of the most beautiful roads of California. At least in your opinion. On your side, you can see the ocean, and since the waves here are more violent, the beach is empty, except for some surfers. Billy has the windows open, and the wind messes with your hair. But you like it. Closing your eyes, you stretch your arm out, feeling the wind brushing in between your fingers. Maybe it's the speed, or the daylight, or the fact that you're finally outside after weeks of confinement. Maybe it's the company... But this feels good. Almost overwhelming. There's a smile on your face that doesn't look like it's leaving anytime soon, and for the first time in... Since you can remember, you have no worries. You allowed the wind to carry them all away.
“I forgot how beautiful this place is.” You tell Billy, holding your hair out of your face so you can look at him.
“Beautiful.” He says, his eyes on you instead of on the ocean outside the window. You squint your eyes, just about to ask what he's looking at when he clears his throat, eyes on the road again. “But we're almost there. Look.”
Some miles away you see the William's house. Huge, way bigger than yours, built by the cliff, which gives them an amazing view of the ocean.
A few minutes later, you're being guided inside by one of their employees. There's nobody home, and by what the old man said, they'll only be back by nightfall, when you and Billy will be far away. So there's no danger. You're taken to the pool, and Billy starts moving around.
“What do I do?” You ask, taking a look at the enormous pool. It's so big it has an isle in the middle. The last time you came here, you were a kid, and you didn't remember it to be so big.
“I'll start with emptying the pool skimmer.” He looks around and then points at the skimmer net. “Think you can get rid of those leaves floating?”
“Yup.” Moving to get the skimmer, you start with your task.
As you move around the pool, catching the leaves and placing them on a plastic canvas Billy lied on the deck, you notice him giving you a few glances. But you only know that because you're also staring every now and then, as he comes and goes from the supply closet. Soon enough, you get so nervous about it that you can't help but giggle as you walk to the plastic canvas, dropping some more brown leaves on it. Since he's coming your way, you wait there, using the pole to sustain some of your weight, your free hand on your hip.
“Getting tired, princess?” Billy mutters in a mocking tone, and you roll your eyes. “Still half of the pool to clean.”
There's that pet name again, and at the very mention of it, you feel something on your stomach, like tickles. “I'm alright so far.” You mumble, hoping you're not blushing. As soon as he walks by, you resume your task.
The truth is that you're very tired already, and the skimmer is heavy. And the wind starts blowing the leaves all around, which makes you walk around the pool too many times. It's past 1 pm when Billy is over, and you decide not to get the four leaves left in the water.
“Let's go.” He says, and you get up from the wooden bench you've been seated for the last five minutes after he locked the supply closet, following him.
“I'm starving.” You mumble, letting your hair down from the ponytail as you get into the car again. “Where do you usually have lunch?”
“In a restaurant associated with the company. Which means employees don't pay.” He glances at you. “And I guess you didn't bring any money, so...”
“I would have if you told me that.” Pulling the door close, you take a deep breath. “Just buy me an ice cream and I'll be fine.”
“Absolutely not.”
“I'm fine. You did the hard work.” You buckle up when he speeds away, once again hitting the road. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath when you feel the fresh wind on your face. “What are you doing next?”
“Got a fancy car to fix.”
“Uhm...” Opening your eyes again, you look at Billy's side, taking in the beach. It's completely empty now. But your eyes wander to Billy. In this perfect light, he looks amazing. Breathtaking. His grip on the wheel is loose, and he has a hand out the window, looking carefree. Billy loves this place, you can see it on his eyes, on his posture. He's home. “Do you think we have a few minutes to spare?”
“What for?”
“I just wanted to take a walk on the beach. But it's ok if you can't.” Looking away, you focus on the road ahead. But Billy is slowing down, pulling over to the side of the road. Biting your lip, you wait for him to stop before stepping out of the car. You're already crossing the road when you notice Billy is still in the car. So you stop, turning to look at him from the middle of the road. “Hey! Aren't you coming?”
“It sounded like you wanted some alone time.”
“I had plenty of alone time in the apartment.” Rolling your eyes, you gesture for him to come. “Let's go.” Reaching out your hand, you smile when he leaves the car, patiently waiting for him. You were just about to put your hand away when he takes it, rushing you to move since there was a car coming that you didn't see. It makes you giggle a little, your other hand coming to hold on to his forearm. “Seriously, you have to stop saving my life.”
“Then stop putting your life in danger.” It takes a little too long for him to let go of your hand, your fingers brushing against each other.
“I'll try.” When you get to the edge of the road, you don't see any steps leading to the sand. Only a rock that someone placed here to offer some help, but it's still a little too high for you. “Isn't it a buzz killer?”
“I'll help you.” Billy easily jumps to the sand, not even using the rock. “Come.”
“If I fall, I swear to God...” Sitting on the edge, you try calculating if you could just jump to the ground.
“You won't fall. C'mon.” Billy comes to stand right in front of you, both his arms raised to catch your fall.
Taking a deep breath, you push yourself forward, closing your eyes on the process, so you only feel when you collide with Billy. His hands are quick to hold your waist, sustaining your weight, and not allowing you to reach the ground. The sudden change makes you open your eyes, and you immediately take in how close you stand. His face is only three inches apart, and as he pulls you down, you hold tightly on his biceps. Billy's eyes are locked on yours, and even after you're safe on the ground, he doesn't move. His hands remain on your waist, his face still close enough to kiss, if only you were brave enough to stand on your toes. Your stomach feels funny, and your heart is trying to beat its way out of your chest.
But a car passing by snaps you out of it, and you both move at the same time, stepping back.
“Sorry.” You mutter, clearing your throat. “But thanks for not letting me fall.”
“I told you I wouldn't.”
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @clockworkballerina @infinitelycharmed23
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qianinterprises · 4 years ago
Well Worth the Wait {Ten x Reader}
Author's Notes: This idea was given to me through a conversation I was having with a friend, @merinaart. While she didn't request this, I made this for her! Love ya hun! This is also my first smut so I apologize if it isn’t good.
Synopsis: Your wedding day with the man of your dreams
Paring: Ten x Reader
Warning: Smut warning!!! Not appropriate for minors
Word Count: 5700
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The delicate texture of soft flowers brushed against your cheeks and you leant to take a small sniff of the colorful bouquet clasped in your fingers. The gentle smell of lilies and jasmines calmed your trembling nerves.
"It's almost time, beautiful, you ready?" your best friend, Tori, asked, placing a gentle hand on your bare shoulder.
You took a deep, shuddering breath, shoulders trembling as the piano upstairs began playing, welcoming guests and officially starting the ceremony.
"Can I really do this?" you asked, voice wavering.
Tori wrapped an arm around your shoulders, stroking the skin softly, careful not to ruffle either of the dresses.
"You love him sweetheart. Don't you?" she asked.
"Of course I do! More than anything!"
A smile formed across Tori's face.
"Then you're ready for this sweetheart," she spoke softly.
Your heart hammered in your chest, but a rush of calm washed over you. You took a deep breath and let the flowers drop down to rest comfortably in front of your waist.
"It's time," the call from the director rang down the hallway.
You jumped but, you were ready. You took a shuddering breath and nodded, giving Tori a bright smile. Tori rubbed your shoulder softly before picking her own, smaller bouquet up from the vanity and stepping out the door.
The walk down the hallway heading toward the staircase that would lead to the main event was a long journey. Your breathing was shallow as nerves gathered in your stomach. However, as the groomsmen waited on the stairs for the bridesmaids, and Jena slid her arm through YangYang's, your heart calmed. You were about to get married to the man of your dreams. Nothing was scary about spending the rest of your life with him.
Jamie looped her arm through Kunhangs, as YangYang guided Jena down the aisle. When they were halfway, Kunhang and Jamie started down. Jena and YangYang separated, YangYang going to stand on the grooms side, Jena on the brides. Donna slid her arm through Dejun's. Chelsea slid her arm through Yukhei’s and Julie’s through Sicheng’s, and finally, when they were halfway down, Tori made her way down solo, Kun already standing by the side of the groom, his best man.
When Tori was at the alter, you took a deep breath and, joining arms with your father, made your way down the aisle. The guests stood, some teary-eyed, others sporting wide grins, but their reactions didn't faze you. Your eyes were glued to the man standing at the alter, his eyes wide as they trailed over your body.
Your wore a long, flowing, strapless white dress that stuck tight against your torso, flowing out into a long ball gown at your waist. The lacy train flowed behind you, gliding along the floor.
As you reached the alter, the preacher greeted you and, you released your fathers arm and handed your flower bouquet to Tori before taking both of Ten's outreached hands. He closed them around yours as you both took the two steps up onto the alter. His eyes trailed over your face, eyes filled with love.
"I welcome you all here today for the marriage of Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul and (y/f/n)," the preacher greeted.
You squeezed his hands softly.
The ceremony went on. As the preacher spoke and the guests watched, your eyes never left Tens. Your heart beat softly in your chest.
"It's time for the vows. I was told that the bride and groom would like to write their vows," the preacher spoke. "We'll start with the bride."
Tori stepped forward behind you and unfurled a small, folded note from the folds of her dress. She passed it to you and, with shaky fingers, you opened it, reading the words you'd written a few months back.
"Ten, my husband, my partner, my friend. I will love you to the ends of time. We've been together for three years and they have been the best three years of my life. I can't imagine myself with anyone else. And I am incredibly excited to spend the rest of my life with you, until death tears us apart," you spoke, your eyes glassing over and your voice cracking.
"And now the groom."
Ten tried to hide the swipe of his eye, wiping away a tear as he turned around to take his own folded note from Kun's hand.
He unfolded it and cleared his throat, glancing at the words before looking up into your eyes.
"From the moment I met you, I knew you were the one I wanted to settle down with. It took me time to admit it to myself. It may have even taken a well-deserved (but painful) smack in the back of the head. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I promise, for the rest of my life, I will show you every day how much I love you. I will never stop loving you, even in death," he spoke.
You were less discreet in hiding your tears. Tori pulled a tissue from somewhere and passed it to you before your mascara could run. You dabbed your eyes and passed it back to her.
"Have you the rings?"
Kun pulled your ring from his pocket and handed it to Ten.
Ten took your hand softly in his and began sliding the ring down your finger.
"Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, do you take this woman, (y/f/n), as your wife?"
Ten looked you in the eye. "I do."
The ring rested in front of the beautiful engagement ring. A smile brightened up your face and, you wiped another tear away, before turning and taking Ten's ring from Tori.
You took his hand and slowly slid the ring onto his finger.
"(y/f/n), do you take this man, Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, as your husband?"
You met his eyes. "I do."
The ring rested at the bottom of his finger where it would stay, forever marking him as yours, the man you had fallen in love with and had chosen you.
"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."
You had always thought about how your first kiss as husband and wife would be. Would it be a soft, sweet kiss? Would it be filled with tangible passion? Would it be a kiss that would leave you breathless? As it turns out, it was all three.
Ten's hands immediately wound themselves around you, one around your shoulder, tipping you back, the other around your waist, supporting you. Your leg lifted into the air as his lips found yours in a searing, sweet, passionate kiss. Claps and cheers filled the air and Ten brought you back to standing, smirking as he found you breathless.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul!"
Cheers erupted again as you linked arms with your new husband and he escorted you down the aisle, Tori and Kun following closely behind.
As soon as you and you new husband made your way out of the church, bridal party not far behind, the photographer was waiting for you.
Your first pose was a kiss. Ten pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you tightly and pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes were closed, but you still saw the flash of the camera. When the kiss ended, Ten didn’t pull away, he kept his face pressed against yours, a bright, loving smile blossoming on his features, a smile you happily returned. The camera flashed again.
The next pose was you with your ladies, standing in the center as they gathered around you, all holding your flowers and giving the camera soft, glowing grins. Ten and the men took an image just like it, flowers included.
The other poses ranged in weird to sweet. Some involved the ladies holding Ten up sideways, which was a bit of a struggle in long dresses, especially since no one was prepared for it. You got the same kind of phone with the other members of WayV, however, as Yukhei and Sicheng grappled with your upper half, one of their hands snagged the fabric as they shifted you and, before you knew it, the top of your dress concealing your breasts feel down. You squeaked but, thankfully, none of the men noticed and Tori quickly fixed it, covering your strapless, white bra.
Once it was fixed, the photographer snapped the photo and the boys set you back on the ground carefully.
After a few more photos, Tori clipped your dress train to the clip on the back of your dress to hold it off the ground and make it easier to move around in. Then, she linked arms with Kun and the two followed the wedding party parade into the refreshment hall where the reception was being held.
As soon as YangYang pulled the door open, the jazz style music that had been playing faded away and the DJ's voice rang through the crowded hall.
"We welcome the Leechaiyapornkul Wedding Party!"
YangYang and Jeni paraded in, doing silly dances to the music before moving off to the side to let the others in. Finally, after Tori and Kun were standing off to the side, discreetly still locked arms, the DJ's voice came on again.
"I present to you, for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Leechaiyapornkul! Although I've been told they're going by Mr. and Mrs. Lee!"
That had been something the two of you had had a long, drawn out discussion over. Ten had gotten used to spelling out the length of his last name, but you could just imagine signing (y/n) Leechaiyapornkul over and over again, running out of room on the documents. So, you had proposed he take your last name, something he rejected almost immediately and, although you didn't fully understand why he refused when it was a perfectly normal thing to do, he would have preferred to use his own. So, the two of you came up with a compromise. On legal documents, you would keep Leechaiyapornkul, but on other, less legal documents and mail, you would abbreviate it to Lee to save time and space.
The crowd applauded loudly as Ten led you through the door. He twirled you around and brought you back to his side, pressing a kiss to your cheek as the DJ spoke again.
"It is now time for the bride and groom's first dance."
Yet again something that had required a long discussion. You did not have near the dance capabilities as Ten. Ten, who as everyone knows, was an animal on the dance floor. You... clumsy and not quite as elegant or graceful, had a hard time following simple moves, much less wearing heels and a heavy dress. So, you had suggested a very slow song that wouldn't require any theatrics. Ten, of course, was absolutely appalled, insisting no wedding of his was complete without dance theatrics and he would not be outdone by YangYang! So, yet another compromise. You settled on a song you both loved, “Say Yes,” by Seventeen, which, incidentally, also happened to be the song WayV had sung for you on the night Ten proposed, but that’s another story.
Theatrics was something Ten lived for so, six months before the wedding, he and Sicheng had choreographed the perfect dance, a dance they had presented to you for the first time with YangYang wearing a yellow sundress and dancing your part (which had been so hilarious you’d struggled to pay attention). After six months of rehearsing and practicing, you’d finally gotten the dance down pat.
As the music began playing, Ten took your hand and brought you close to kiss your lips before twirling you again and the dance began.
There were dips and turns, you lifted off the floor several times before, finally, the music came to a slow stop and you both stood in your ending positions, both breathless, although you weren’t entirely sure if it was from the dancing or from the beads of sweat collecting on Ten’s head and neck, gliding down his face and under his clothes, into uncharted territory.
You swallowed thickly and your eyes flicked back to Ten who was smirking at you.
“And now a dance between the bride and her father!” The DJ announced.
Ten released you and moved to stand on the other side of Kun. Your father wrapped an arm around your waist as a new song began.
Your father, thankfully, had the same dancing skill as you, which led you both to finishing the song awkwardly swaying and whispering to one another.
The next dance was meant for Ten and his mother. The woman approached her son with an identical smile on her face and wrapped her arms around him. The music began and the two began swaying, Ten moving carefully and casually so that he wouldn't hurt her or cause her to twist something. Halfway through the song, she kissed him on the cheek and moved back to her seat. Ten began moving back to stand by Kun, but his sister stepped forward and held out a hand to him. He gave her a grin and slid his hands around her waist, spinning her slowly.
Ten loved his little sister. They spoke almost weekly. She would call about random updates or get advice on something. Every so often, she would call to cry over some horrible boy who had broken her heart, a boy he threatened to maim, which she would laugh at. (What she didn't know was, he was serious).
As the song came to an end, she returned to the side of her mother, bowed to him before taking her seat.
After the dances, the rest of the reception went by in a blur. Food was served and afterwards, there were speeches.
"I remember the day (y/n) told me about this random guy she'd bumped into on the street. A guy whom she had accidentally spilled coffee all over. And, as she was telling me this story, I questioned why she was getting all sappy over a guy that was probably going to hate her for ruining his clothes. However, they met again a few days later at a coffee shop where (y/n) had agreed to buy him a coffee. That ended up being their first date, the first of many. See, (y/n) knew from the moment she met him, I think, that he was something special. He was different.
When she told me she loved the man she'd spilled coffee on, I couldn't have been happier because, after meeting Ten, I knew he felt the same. His eyes would never leave her face, in fact, they still don't. For that reason, being in their presence is almost overwhelming, because their love for each other is so strong, so passionate, it consumes the air around them. There is no doubt in my mind that these two are soulmates, destined to be together, and together, they will love each other eternally."
As Tori finished her speech and placed the microphone down, you had to dab your eyes with a handkerchief Ten handed you from the breast pocket of his suit.
Kun took Tori's place and picked up the microphone, holding it to his lips before clearing his throat.
"When I met (y/n) for the first time, I wondered how Ten had managed to whoo someone so pure and sweet. But that first day, I may not have known why she was with Ten, but I knew why he was with her. She lights up his world. I see it blossom on his face every time he looks at her or someone mentions her name. It's an expression I can't quite describe, but an expression that I have never seen before. There is no doubt in my mind that he fell in love with her the second she poured coffee on him, and today, I stand up here at their wedding, my heart swelled with pride because, my best friend has married the girl of his dreams, a girl that I know will make him eternally happy. So I would like to toast them, and wish them well into this new chapter of their lives," he spoke.
He lifted his glass of champagne into the air and everyone followed suit.
"To Ten and (y/n), may you live a long and happy life together, forever encompassed in the comforting blanket of love."
He raised his glass a little higher before bringing it back down to his lips and taking a small sip, everyone else doing the same.
You placed your champagne glass back down on the table and Ten's hand found yours. You squeezed his fingers softly and he leaned in close.
"I love you," he whispered against your ear, causing shivers to shoot down your spine.
As the reception came to an end, the both of you made your way out into the parking lot where everyone else was already waiting in two lines, making a path leading to an open limousine. As you walked down the path, cheers erupted through the air as rice was thrown over your heads.
You laughed and smiled as your guests wished you off before Ten opened the limousine door and you slid in. He slid in behind you, closing the door, shutting you both off in a world of your own.
The driver pulled away from the spot and, for the first time, you and Ten were venturing into the world for the first time as a married couple.
His arm wrapped around your waist and you sat, snuggled against his chest, eyes closing. You hadn't realized how tired you were until you were finally off your feet and relaxed against your husband.
"I hope you're not too tired. We still have a long night ahead of us."
You could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
A small blush crept onto your face.
You were a bit... traditional in the way you viewed bodily intimacy. You had been honest with Ten from the moment he'd asked you to be his girlfriend that you were adamantly against sex before marriage. At first, he had thought you were joking, but you'd proved yourself to be serious and, had expected him to leave. You knew Ten wasn't a virgin. Sure, he hadn't had as many sexual partners as some of the other guys you'd dated, but he was, by no means, a virgin, so you expected him not to be ok with waiting. He'd surprised you. He hadn't mentioned it much since the conversation and, while the two of you made out quite often and ended up in some pretty perplexing situations, you stayed true to yourself and he never pressured you for more, something that made you fall even harder for him.
However, a week before the wedding, he'd made it clear that he was looking forward to your first night together and, you'd have been lying if you said you weren't excited to.
"Shut up," you hissed, but your words had no punch behind them.
He laughed and pulled you closer as the driver slowed down and pulled into the hotel you'd be staying at for three days before your flight to Hawaii for your Honeymoon.
As the car rolled to a stop, the driver ran around to open your door and give you a hand out. Ten followed closely behind you, leading you into the hotel. He checked you in, got your room keys, and before you knew it, you were standing in front of your door, heart hammering in your chest. You didn't quite know what to expect when you stepped beyond the door, but excitement coiled in your stomach.
You also, certainly didn't expect Ten to lift you off your feet as soon as the door accepted his key card. He opened the door and pushed it open with his foot as he carried you inside.
As he stepped in, you expected him to drop you onto the bed and immediately set to work, however, he surprised you again when your feet touched the floor.
"I don't want to pressure or push you if you're not ready. We really could just go to sleep. Today has been tiring," he said.
A smile broke out across your face. He always had been an incredibly sweet gentleman.
You stepped forward and cup his jaw, leaning in and pressing your lips softly to his.
The kiss only lasted a moment before you pulled away slightly, your lips barely still grazing his.
"I want you, Chittaphon," you whispered against his lips.
And that was all it took.
Ten's lips crashed back into yours in a hot, searing kiss. His hands found themselves wrapping around your waist as yours moved around his neck, sliding into his long hair.
Somehow, his lips managed to move slow and fast at the same time, drawing you in slowly but kissing you with the speed of a man who was desperate for you. You didn't mind though, especially as he nipped your lip and you parted them, granting him access without any battle of the tongues.
Instead, as his tongue slid past your lips, your tongue greeted it, sliding along the bottom of his, eliciting a groan from him. A groan that sent shivers down your spine, straight to your panties.
His tongue coiled around yours, stroking it softly, tenderly, as if his tongue were dancing with yours, the action causing you to tremble in his hold.
His tongue pulled away from yours, causing a whine to leave your lips, but it was quickly satisfied as his lips met the tender part of your neck right below your ear. A small whimper left your lips and you could feel him smirking against your skin as his lips trailed further, sucking and nibbling at your skin until he reached the tops of your breasts, covered by your white gown.
His lips found their way back to yours as his hands moved behind you, first blindly untying the corset strings tying the dress together, then unzipping the dress slowly, his knuckles gliding down your spine as he guided it.
Once fully unzipped, the dress pooled at your feet and, despite the price of the dress, you let it stay right were it was, on the floor by the bed.
He moved his lips from yours and went back to kissing down your neck, fingers working the clasp of your bra as he went. When he finally got it off, he let it fall to the floor before pushing you gentle back until the backs of your knees his the bed. You let yourself fall back. He was quick to cover you with his body, knees on either side of your hips as he straddled you, lips on yours once again, fingers roaming the new parts of your body he hadn't seen before.
They found your breasts, squeezing the tender flesh softly, a small moan gathering in your throat, a moan that quickly turned to a louder whine when his fingers pinched and tweaked at your nipples
His lips left yours.
"Am I hurting you?" he asked.
"God no!" you responded, already feeling drunk on touches.
He smirked and pinched at your nipples again, another whine leaving your lips, hips involuntarily lifting into the air, seeking something to grind again.
He gave you just what he needed, settling his hips down, pressing them against yours. Your cotton-clad core moved against his pelvis, finding his hardened member and moaning and you moved against it.
"Such a filthy girl," he whispered softly.
Another whine left your throat but it was quickly covered by a loud groan as he lowered his head and captured a nipple between his lips, sucking softly at the sensitive bud before allowing his teeth to graze over the pink flesh.
Your hips bucked against him, hands already fisting in the sheets as he moved to give the other nipple the same love and care.
As his teeth bit down on your nipple a little bit harder this time, pleasurable pain shot through you, eliciting a short squeal, hips moving hard against Ten's groin as your breath came out in pants. A knot coiling in your stomach. A knot that dissipated the second Ten moved away and off the bed.
"As much as I would love to make you cum just by playing with your nipples, I have a few other delightful ways I'm sure you'll love!"
He winked at you and, with that, began shucking off his suit.
You slid yourself up the bed, resting yourself against the pillows as you watched the show in front of you.
He worked away the knot in his tie enough to slip it over his head and discard it somewhere in the room. Next came his vest and finally, his silky white shirt.
You'd seen his tattoo in videos a thousand times, but the second you saw it for real, your breath hitched in your through because, here it was, circling around his nipple, enticing you to kiss it, suck it, and make him moan from that attention alone.
Next came the belt. You didn't see the point in taking it all the way off, but clearly, Ten knew more about this than you did. The second it was out from around his waist, held proudly in his hands, your breath hitched and a small whine left your throat as you watched him drop it on the floor, your hips going back to grinding on air.
His pants were next, dropping to the floor, leaving him in a pair of tight black boxers concealing a large lump that had you gawking because, if the lump was that big, how would it ever fit?!
He climbed back onto the bed and made a show of crawling over to you, smirking at you like a predator about to attack his prey.
He pushed you back onto the pillows and his fingers slid into your panties.
"May I?" he asked.
No words would leave your lips as your heart pounded in your ear. You nodded.
"Words baby."
You gasped, shaking from the command of his tone.
That was all he needed to hear.
He slid your panties off your hips, you lifting your hips to make it easier. He slid them down your legs before complete discarding them, leaving you completely naked under his predatory gaze.
He slid his hands between your thighs and slowly pushed them apart, settling in between them. A blush rose to your cheeks as he leaned over you and pressed a kiss to your tummy. He trailed his lips lower until they were right over your pubic bone. He slid himself lower on the bed, laying on his stomach to present himself with your glistening lady bits, causing your blush to darken.
He pressed kisses along both of your thighs, kissing up you the join of your leg and pelvis before skipping over your center and moving to your other leg, causing you to whine in annoyance.
He didn't keep you waiting long. He moved his face close and took an experimental lick against your labia, the sudden bout of pleasure forcing a loud groan from your lips, hips bucking up, seeking more.
Ten smirked and brought one hand up to rest atop your pelvis, keeping you pinned to the bed while the other used his fingers to part your labia, exposing you truly to him.
Your thoughts were halted by loud moan as his lips wrapped around your clit, sucking at the bundle of nerves and sending a pleasure you'd never felt before coursing through you.
"Oh God!"
Your thighs shook and quaked, your hips tried to buck, almost as if trying to move away from the hot, blinding pleasure coursing through your body.
You felt a finger probing against your entrance and, pretty soon, that finger slid itself inside, eliciting a gasp from your lips, a louder whine leaving your lips.
Ten's lips left your clit as he lifted his head up to look at you, his single digit slowly pulling out of you only to slide back in before he curled it.
"Feel good baby?"
"God yes! Fuck! Don't stop!"
He smirked at you and, when his single digit pushed in again, it was accompanied by another, and they immediately began scissoring and exploring you while Ten's tongue got to work flicking over your clit, forcing cries of pleasure out of you.
The pleasure was unlike any other you'd ever felt. Sure, you'd touched yourself before, but this was so much more intense.
His fingers curled inside of you as his tongue moved over your clit fast, and, pretty soon, a new bout of pleasure was ripping through you as Ten's fingers found the bundle of nerves hidden on the opposite side of your clit.
"Fuck! Shit! Ten!" You cried, ears brimming with tears that slid down your cheeks.
Your body trembled and shook, unable to take this amount of pleasure. A familiar knot coiled in your stomach as Ten's motions didn't cease.
"Oh fuck! Ten! I'm gonna cum!" you cried out.
You expected him to stop, to edge you, or at least make you wait until he was inside you, but it seemed he had no such interest.
He kept up the pace, tongue assaulting your clit, fingers assaulting the pleasure spot inside you, arm holding your hips down. Your fingers fisted in his hair, pulling hard and the knot finally snapped and waves of pleasure crashed down on you, toes curling and head thrown back in the pillows, screams leaving your lips as your hips stuttered.
Ten helped you ride out your orgasm before pulling away and kissing your neck. Your body, still shuddering, continued to call out for him, desperate for more pleasure only he was capable of giving it.
He hooked his fingers in his own boxers and pulled them down.
His member, angry red, slapped against his stomach as it was finally released from its confines.
Your mouth water at the sight. Part of you wondered how it would fit inside of you, the other part wondered how it would feel hitting the back of your throat.
You sat up to offer, but he pushed you back down, shaking his head.
"I'm not going to last long, baby. I want my first orgasm to be because of your walls, not your mouth," he said softly.
With a nod, you settled yourself back against the pillows and he positioned himself between your thighs.
"I have condoms-"
"No. I want to feel you. I'm on the pill."
With a nod, he positioned his hips against yours, brushing his tip against your entrance, making you shudder.
"This may hurt a little at first, but I promise it will get better."
You nodded, encouraging him and, he slowly slid in.
As soon as his tip sank inside you, there was a little discomfort, your body unfamiliar with this kind of foreign body, but as he sank deeper and bottomed out, the pain dulled.
He was a stretch, but it didn't hurt nearly as much as you'd feared.
He groaned as he bottomed out, tip twitching inside you, fingers fisting in the sheets as he willed himself not to move and hurt you.
"Move," you spoke.
That was all he needed to hear.
A began sliding out of you slowly, length dragging along your walls, pulling soft mewls out of you before he pushed back inside. Your hips rising to meet his, a loud groan tumbling from your lips as your legs acted on their own accord, wrapping themselves around Ten's waist and holding on tight.
"So fucking tight!" Ten moaned, face moving into your neck as his hips snapped into you.
Your hands wound themselves around his back, pulling him impossibly close as his god-like hips moved.
"So tight I can't last!" Ten whined.
You knew it had been a while for him. You hadn't expected it to last long. You also, however, didn't expect to orgasm with him inside you for the first time. You had read somewhere that most women don't orgasm on their first night. You must have been the exception because the same knot was coiling itself in your stomach, getting closer to bursting.
Ten moved a hand down, pressing his thumb against your clit, and your fingers tore into his hand, gripping him tightly. He whined in pain, but it seemed to bring him even closer to an orgasm.
His hips snapped faster inside you, his thumb rubbing your clit harshly, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Moans and gasps were all that was left between you until Ten's lips smashed hard against yours kissing you roughly as his hips and thumb moved faster.
With his lips on yours, your fingers gripped Ten harder as your walls tightened hard around his member, your orgasm crashing over you like a tidal wave, body spasming beneath his.
Your orgasm seemed to spur Ten's on because, a moment later, his tip twitched again and he was spilling his seed inside of you, filling you with his essence before pulling out and flopping beside you.
"Oh my God," you breathed, chest rising and falling hard, sweat coating both your bodies.
"Fuck, that was well worth the wait," Ten breathed, voice raspy.
No other words were spoken as you calmed down, catching your breaths and letting your bodies sink into the bed.
"I love you," you spoke once you'd calmed down.
Ten turned to look at you, a sleepy, loving smile adorned on his face.
"I love you too, my beautiful bride."
With that, he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in close. You nestled your face in the crook of his neck, breathing in the scent of his cologne mingling with sweat.
As your body calmed, it didn't take long for sleep to finally succumb to the exhaustion of the day, but you would sleep soundly, beside the man that held your heart, knowing that when you woke up the next morning, you would be waking up beside the same man. The man who you would forever call your husband.
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dreamiesdotcom · 4 years ago
you've been fooled! | p.js
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Summary: There's something about coffee, breathless moments, and watching memories of the many April 1st you've shared that makes it so hard to resist.
Word Count: 2.1k
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You've always been fine with being alone. Being alone afforded you silence, and that's all that you need to have the illusion of peace of mind. That's why months before entering this school, you considered it your mission to not get too much attention on you — if possible, none at all.
Only that it fails the moment you step in, an angel-faced boy asking you if God sent you to this school to guide him.
'No, my parents are the one who sent me here and it's so that I can get an education, not babysit kids.' You politely said, and now you can't even count how many people keep on praising you for doing that! How rare is it to see someone tell others to leave them alone? You swore that one more person trying to talk to you when you're trying to have a sandwich and you're —
"New kid?" a voice rings from behind you, and you turn your head back a little so you could see who's speaking. He grimaces a bit. "Oh, Y/N from the rival school, huh. I've heard fun things about you."
...perfect. Now, you can forget your mission and die.
Your day instantly glooms, and you turn back to your meal. All your plans of starting fresh has just been washed away, and you take an angry bite off your sandwich before someone completely ruins lunch for you.
"If it's about that video, leave me alone."
"Donghyuck! Oh God, I'm so sorry..." suddenly comes another boy, slightly panting as he pats the mean one's shoulder a little too harshly. His eye-smile makes it a little better.
"Hyuck's not trying to be mean, he just speaks like that. 'm so sorry!!!"
You squint at him, skeptical.
"Oh, I meant when you told Jaemin to back off when he tried to flirt with you on the hallways." Ah, that. What a fresh start, huh?
Said Donghyuck scratches his nape, looking sheepish as he takes the seat beside you. "Did I sound like I was picking a fight again?"
You chuckle to yourself. That probably explains the cut on his lips pretty well.
"Yeah, you kinda did. Sorry, bro, but I would've slapped you."
"What a way to spend your first day, then." He rolls his eyes, motions for his friends to move tables, who does with little hesitation, "Welcome to this hell hole! It's not the best, but it's as good as Satan's den could be."
You laugh, but you quickly notice curious stares directed at you. The person in front of you smiles shyly and looks away when you meet gazes, and honestly, you don't know how you went from there to a year later, Park Jisung shamelessly holding out a drink at your direction.
"Just drink it, it's iced chocolate! I made it myself!"
"That's nice, Sung... but I only drink coffee." you warily smile, "I don't like sweet things."
The sly smirk Renjun sends you from the other side of the table only encourages your little act, and it takes you all the self-control you could muster to not crack up then and there. Of course, you know what day it is. Of course, you're not gonna fall for his antics, nor the kicked-puppy expression he wears as he insists, "Liar! You live for sweets!"
But, you must admit that it did make you waver.
"No? I like strongly flavored stuff, Sungie," you point out with a grimace. Just for show, you point to Jaemin's cup beside you. "Like this: Nana's coffee, really bitter and strong. This is what I like."
Chenle holds in his laughter. "Since you made it yourself, why don't you just drink it?"
Jisung's eyes widen, "What? No!"
"Drink, Sungie!" comes in chants, alongside multiple repeated versions of 'Jisung! Jisung!' seems to hit something much like his pride, and he lifts it with an expression not suitable for the situation; he looked way too afraid of the chocolate drink. Everyone's holding in their giggles as they watch Jisung grimace and take a gulp out of the cup, trying to play cool even though he chokes not even moments later. Your smile widens.
The salt must be a nice twist.
What a classic, huh? Donghyuck grins, Cheshire and smug, and then he claps.
"Happy April Fool's day, everyone! Park Jisung has fooled himself!"
No way in the world are the only words circulating in your head as you pace around, and it's not at all helping. You heave a big sigh only to hiss at him, "What do you mean 'no pranks this year'?"
He shrugs and flops down his bed, "You know we're running out of ideas since Christmas."
"Oh," you widen your eyes, dropping down next to him with your palms covering your face in disappointment. You peek through your fingers, "This is bad."
The plastic stars you've plastered on his ceiling together with Renjun look sickly green at the moment and everything feels out of place. After all, what is April 1st without pranks? What's gonna happen now? You thrash around the bed. You muffle a scream and just hope that he'd open his mouth and come up with something.
"Hey, what about we go on a date as a prank?"
And as usual, his mouth is better off closed.
"Is this your way of flirting, or is this your way of asking me out?"
Jisung makes a confused sound, "What? It's gonna make them freak out, what do you mean?"
"Are you acting out on your feelings or do you actually think that's a good idea?" you take your hands off your face, sitting up and then shrugging at him, "Lines blurred."
"Err. Could be a prank, I guess..." he follows suit, sitting cross-legged in front of you. He smiles, "Unless... you want it to be a real date?'
"Dude, I don't know. When did you get this confidence? Years ago you were stuttering around me." You huff, not knowing where this conversation is going, but a flush creeps on your cheeks. You look down on your fingers as you mumble out the next words, "But if it is... well, sure. I'll go on a real date with you."
You didn't know what falling in love felt like, but in the middle of his room, something felt way too raw and surreal. What is it that says so much about him? Is it the plastic stars? The globe laying on his desk? The map taped at the side of the room? The way dull blue paints his walls, or the way constellations speckle his eyes? Maybe it's the yellow hoodie he's wearing? You don't know which, but right now, something feels strange — something in the scent of cinnamon and cocoa and shades of yellows and blues just feels unabashedly Jisung, and somehow, you just thought that it must be like this.
It should be legal to feel this good.
"Ha! You're kissing, aren't you— oh..."
You both startle to look at where the door swings open, everyone in your friend group standing behind an accusing Jaemin, each one of them looking at him with the eyes of murder. You crack up a laugh, falling over the bed laughing; alone is slightly less entertaining of a thought when you have friends.
"Aish, Na Jaemin —" Jisung groans, standing up while clapping at the older. "Happy April Fool's,  you've fooled yourself."
Knees pressed together, head down low, eyes closed, mind empty. Anguished and cold.
"But I've tried my best...." you dejectedly whisper, holding the paper in your hands that said 'Second' in silver delicate swirls. You look up to her with hopeful eyes, "All I need is a chance, mom. You see, Renjun's really good at that subject, he could help me—"
"Those friends again! 'You see', this is why you didn't make it as top of your class!"
"It's... it's one subject, mom. If I try harder, I can —"  you scramble to explain, chasing after her as she moves up the stairs. "You're... mom, you're not taking me away, aren't you?"
The despair in your tone doesn't even shake her. "One day. Go have your fun, and then we'll leave. I'll ask your brother to focus on you more."
"Mom, no! We said that if I study well here, I won't have to leave!"  you reason out. "I really like it here, and I have important people here, and I'm trying hard. We agreed that I'd get to stay if I don't cause trouble, and mom— mom, no, listen!"
"That's my choice. It's for the betterment of your academics—"
"But what about the betterment of my life? What about my choice, mom?"  you hate the way you feel so weak and your voice cracks, but through the blur of fears and your unshed tears, you croak out, "What about me?"
Anguished and cold. So cold, freezing. So loved and all on your own.
"Last time you made a choice, you shamed yourself and this family. You don't deserve your freedom, Y/N." She grimaces. The memory fills your gut with guilt, "And look at you, answering back at your own mother! It's those friends, isn't? They've ruined you more than you've already ruined yourself!"
Quickly enough, the remorse is gone and anger floods you. How dare she?! You look up to her in disbelief, "This is about you ruining my trust, mother. Not them."
"The boy, then." she muses, and it's where you decide that there's no changing her mind. "Love, Y/N, will get you nowhere at the moment."
But it's what kept me alive until now.
You inhale sharply at your thoughts. How does one make forever out of a day?
Maybe you can walk every street, every corner. That date you and Jisung never got to go to, you could do that too because heaven knows how much you wanted that. Maybe you can go take them anywhere, somewhere, and waste away. Maybe you could fall asleep staring at the stars, sharing your dreams, and maybe, just maybe, time wouldn't matter. Better yet, maybe you can change your mother's mind.
Maybe if you just try again, this time much fiercer although you've always been the fiercest, it might be possi—it's impossible. You realize it's impossible as you look out the car windows, watching the city change landscapes in blurs.
Maybe it's really just a different kind of heartbreak to be doing all that you could and still not get the results you wanted. More than it proved that now is not your time again, it also made you feel like a failure. Like you're lacking, insufficient. Never enough.
But you really, really thought you could stay. You hoped.
"Happy April Fool's..." you whispered to no one but yourself, meeting your mother's gaze as she smiles at you through the rearview mirror. You lean your head to the glass, eyes closed and mumbling under your breath, smiling on your own, "I've fooled myself."
And just like that, you were alone again.
"Good Morning, may I take your order?"
You press your lips in a thin line as you hear the muffled voice, phone in between your shoulders and ear as you search for your pouch somewhere around your bag. Hurriedly, you muster up your words, "Oh, yes, good Morning too! Just one Iced Americano, please—"
That voice... who?
Looking up, your heartbeat halts, and you try not to look so stunned, something you miserably failed. At least, that's what you read in his amused expression. You stay in silence as you wait for him to finish up your drink, carefully pushing your card towards him as you take your drink from his hold.
"I... I see you're still helping Yongie, huh?" you smile softly, hesitant. "Thank you, Jisung."
Flashbacks, sweet smiles, children at play every day of the year no matter how old — free. When was the last time you've missed such freedom?
He returns the favor, that saccharine expression, and you drag yourself out of the place before you decide to do something stupid. Why is it so easy to see the past years when you're watching it flash by through his eyes?
Standing outside the Cafe wistfully, you look at your cup, tracing over his messy handwriting of your name, basking on the nostalgia of seeing the same hastily written letters that somewhere in time occupied most of your cards, notebooks, and journals. A fond chuckle leaves your lips as you read the post-it note attached.
Happy April Fool's day!
I thought I'd give you hell once you come back for leaving, but well, Park Jisung's fooled himself, huh? My number's still the same. Let's talk sometime soon.
I missed you.
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guigz1-coldwar · 4 years ago
'Going home' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
"Going home"
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Chapter Summary : They were able to escape hell and now, they were back together after not been able to see each other for days. Yirina & Park could finally taste their freedom as they will be going home soon....Yirina's new home....
Link of the Picrew used !
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3300
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart
We were now back together for good. Our pain to be inside those cells awaiting to be brainwashed again by the Perseus Collective and lamenting ourselves about our fates were finally over despite the hard moments we had to face to escape this hell. I managed to survive that Bell and I was able to feel Park's presence near me in days....we did it but our fight against Perseus is very far from over and now, because of our state and the conditions we've been facing, the others preferred to send us back to England....my new home I can say....yeah, England is my home now, we're going home....
Me & Park spent the rest of the day to relax, not forgetting to tell her everything that happened to me in those 2 weeks & she also did, explaining that she was suffering the same fate as me : been kept for some tests with Adler that apparently did have the same results as the one I did with him but when I cracked up under the pressure, she told me that they were starting to hurt her an little, to make her face the pain she faced back in North Korea before they decided to make the drugs tests on her until me & Sonya liberated her...she was able to keep faith...
Now, the next day in the evening, the 17th of June was the day of our departure from Verdansk and of course, we were both able to find back our old stuff we couldn't take to our mission in the Yamantau, putting my hands again on my diary that I haven't write for days now and to me, I even had to look back at everything in it to make sure that it wasn't vandalized by someone here and hopefully, it was all clean.
"Already preparing your bags ?" That was Woods asking to us as he was seeing me & Park at our respectives desk in the safehouse that was empty today with only me, Park, Woods & Sims present here as Wolf & Song were gone for the day in Verdansk.
"As you said, the plane that will take us can arrive at any moment." I was the one to reply to him after I finished to pack up my bag, keeping my diary near by out of it. "So, we prefer to be directly ready once it arrived." I added.
"Yeah but you're looking an bit overexcited to leave the place." He stated with an raised eyebrow.
"Why we can't be ?" Park spoke up in an half-funny tone, moving to help her as we were told, drugs were still inside our systems and I was sometimes afraid for her with that fact. "It's better for us to return to London than...be here." She continued, rolling her eyes around the main room.
"I'm joining you in that part to be somewhere else than here." He revealed to us, making me laugh as in the room, he was the person that spend the most time here.
"At least, we're leaving." I exclaimed, helping Park with an part of her stuff.
"With what happened, it was sure that the MI6 wasn't going to let you here but you both know that you will one day come back to work with us." He said, crossing his arms.
"We know." Me & Park both whispered in unison, knowing well that our fight with Perseus isn't done.
"Hey, just saying." Woods was thinking that we weren't happy about it, gesturing that it wasn't his fault before he saw our smiles on our faces when we saw him like that.
"I just wonder of something, Woods." I started after I was finished to help Park with her bag as I moved to reach my diary, an question. "Is anyone has tried to put their hands on my diary ?" I demanded from him, showing my diary to him.
"You better answer, Woods." Park adviced, an grin on her face as she was sitting back on her chair.
"No, not at all." He responded, sounding very sure of his words but for me, he was hiding something.
"Woods." I muttered, still holding the diary.
"What ?" He breathed, confused.
"Tell me the truth : did anyone of you read my book ?" I repeated my question, putting an threatening tone to my voice to him. If I had to put an scare in him if I can, so be it !
"Yirina, like I told you, no one read your book." He affirmed again, making the same gesture like before and he was sounding good enough to convince me to resign myself. "I was the one to avoid the others to do it, you know how Wolf was when he saw you with it." He make me remember that moment in the plane and hopefully, I was pleased that Woods was the one to be 'the protector'.
"It's all I wanted to hear, thanks !" I expressed my gratitude to him before I moved back to put my diary back in my bag along with Lazar's one and seeing it along mine...it was making something to me..."If only he was still here..." I talked to myself in an very low voice about Laz'....Park noticing me but staying silent about it.
"I don't know how much time you will be out but it's sure that you will come back." Woods told us again about it, looking at the wide opened main door leading to the outside. "We'll try to keep you updating about the situation and see if the MI6 can help us from afar." He continued, removing himself from the desk he was leaned on.
"We'll see how it goes." I commented about it before fully closing my bag, my eyes looking at Park and smiling at her, reciprocated by her. "You're alright ?" I asked her.
"Yeah, I'm just impatient to be on that plane." She replied in an low voice, seeing her face almost white.
"Go take some water, you're looking pale." I suggested to her and she quickly nodded and by luck, there were just an bottle of water on the desk near by, causing her to take it and drink it entirely. "Not so fast."
"I'm good, Yiri, don't worry." She reassured me despite the low voice she was still having.
"With drugs in your systems, it wasn't the best idea to keep you here." Woods exclaimed, true in his words, I was maybe more resistant to the drugs even if there were some moments I could feel bad but it was dangerous to stay here. "And now, you all going back to London."
"I guess we missed home." I smiled an bit to him about that.
"I think that you will happy to find back your friend, 'Zed' and their girlfriend, Portnova." He confided to me as I was taking my bag in hands.
"I know, I...." I was going to continue to speak until I stopped myself, troubled by an little thing from him. "Wait....how did you know that Portnova was their girlfriend ?" I asked him as it was something I never mentioned.
"Well, you told me that." He responded, seeing an little drop of sweat on his face.
"Woods, Yirina never spoke about it at all." Park spoke up, taking my defence as both of us were realizing that Woods wasn't 'the protector' of my book because he read it.
"You read my book !" I raised an eyebrow, sending him an deadly glare as I was ready to move towards him, mixed between be angry & joking.
"Listen, I can...."
"The reinforcements has arrived !" We all heard Sims voice, cutting Woods in his words,  coming inside the main room through the main entrance as we could hear noises from an incoming plane arriving near by. "Did I....step in the wrong moment ?" He questioned us, seeing me & Woods.
"Not at all." I replied to him with an grin, going back to normal.
"Good, you should be coming then." Sims ordered, going back outside as Woods was quickly following him to avoid my angriness to hit him.
As our presence here was ending, it was time to take our bags and leave that safehouse maybe for forever. To avoid Park to be bad at any moment because of her state, I volunteered to take her bag in my hands, now holding hers & mine as we both go out of the safehouse, staying near her at any occasions as we could observe an small private jet plane landing on the runway...I wonder how the CIA is managing an runway without been discovered by the soviets in here.
Now, we were with Woods & Sims awaiting to see the persons that will replace me & Park here but I was surprised when it was only one person coming out of the plane with an bag in their hands : it was an woman with black hair that was almost looking like Park and Woods was the first one to greet her as she was getting out of the plane to put her feets on the ground.
"Hello, miss Petrov, welcome to Verdansk." He saluted her, sounding nice as he was offering his hand.
"Oh, you must be the famous Sergeant Woods." The woman said in an lovely voice to him before she moved her hand to shake it with him. "I'm Liliya Petrov, you can call me Liliya." She presented herself clearly to him.
"Uhm..." Woods was looking to blush on his face....that was an first...."Liliya, this is Yirina Grigoriev & Helen Park from the MI6." He gestured to us as we moved to shake hands, me having to put the bags down to do that. "They're the persons you're replacing as an cryptographer."
"I heard an lot about you two, to be honest." Liliya said to us in an good voice, meaning that everything was rather nice than bad...at least, that what I hope. "I'm glad to meet you."
"Us too." Park spoke for me & herself and we were sharing the same feeling about her.
"I heard that you were one of the best cryptographer in the CIA, is that right ?" I demanded as I was just curious about it.
"I don't want to say that I'm the best, I'm just doing my part of the work." She responded honestly and it was enought for me to be convinced by her good side. "And I hope that I will continue to be doing that." She added before turning around to look at Woods. "And I'm very happy to be working with you, sergeant."
"Please, call me Woods." He told her in an voice that was sounding stunned by her.
"Or Frank if...well, I'm thinking too far." She thought before she shook an little her head, taking back the bag she left on the ground.
"Sims, you can show her desk, I'll be coming soon to do the rest." He ordered to Sims, trying to look away, seeing the blush on his face as Sims was moving with Liliya to get inside the safehouse, leaving me, Park & Woods near the plane that will take us away.
"Is there love in sight for the famous Sergeant Woods ?" I scoffed about that as I never thought to see Woods blush in my entire life.
"Oh, damn you, Yirina." He said, urging to make me an middle finger, still blushing.
"Remember that you read my book as I forbidden it, so get lucky that you're not the one to be damned." I attacked him back on the subject with an clear voice before I offered my hand to him. "Guess it's time for us to leave now." I said, now ready to leave the USSR.
"Yeah, I hope you will be recovering fine during your vacation." He told us as he moved to shake hands with Park in an slower way before he let us to get inside the plane. "Goodbye, enjoy your moments." He added as we were getting inside the plane.
Park was the first one to get inside, staying behind her with the bags in my hands as we both installed at the first seats we could see, facing each other and putting our bags away as the plane was starting to take off but like I thought, Park wasn't feeling so well and it was better that she was going into sleep now for the whole flight back to England, surely arriving back in the early morning next day. She was quickly to sleep after I handed over an nice blanket to her and me...I wasn't sleeping.
There were an thought in me, urging to...take an look at Lazar's diary in my bag and for the first minutes of the flight over the USSR, I was resisting the urge until I resigned myself to take it in my bag but as I wanted, I will only read one single page of it as I didn't want to give myself too much pain by reading what Lazar wrote on it.
Eleazar 'Lazar' Azoulay
First entry :
1st June 1976
After an long time, I was finally given the right to be an full operative on the field by the Mossad and as thoughts were given to me, I decided to write on my own in this diary even if I don't know if I could really write an lot due to the missions I will be given in an short time but I can start by presenting myself, why not ?
I was born in Washington D.C, the 25th of October 1948 but I only lived two years in the US before my father moved the family in Israel after he accepted an job at Tel Aviv. My life went pretty basic except the part where I was exceding in every domain in sports.
I moved in London to make my studies, gaining at that time the perfect nickname of 'Lazar' that I prefer before I became an member of the Israeli Defences Forces and then, some years later, the Mossad recruited me as an explosives expert but also because of my skills in the field.
With that new role in my life, it's time to do something right !
Right in front of my eyes was the handwriting of Lazar himself, giving me details about an part of his life and I wanted to read more but it was at this moment that I saw that some pages were removed from the diary as the next page I could see was talking about something years later and by that, I was an bit disgusted to witnessing the missing page and because of it, I put the diary back in my bag, not wanting to read it for an long time before going back to my seat....only wanting now to go to sleep....
When I opened my eyes, I was leaned against the wall of an room that was looking like an interrogation room but I wasn't the captive but one of the captors with Freya herself as we were keeping an man, tied up to an chair by his legs & only his left arm free and by looking at it, he was badly hurt, his shirt almost fully blooded, his face messed up along with his hair while Freya was in front of him at the other side of the table between the two.
On that table, there were an map of an region and as I could see from where I was, it was in Afghanistan...Afghanistan....1980...That map was something of interest as Freya was trying to have something from interest as Freya's hands were tapping on that map multiples times, we were trying to find something from him and I wasn't willing to raise my hands on the man but Freya was the one to do that, seeing the bloods on her fingers.
"Are you going to speak or what ?" Freya asked him furiously, slamming her hands again on the table. "Tell us where are the mujahideens are hiding in those mountains !" She clarified her question to him but he wasn't speaking.
"I don't know." The man replied but that wasn't enough for Freya who punched him hard in the face. "Please, let me go, please." He pleaded after the punch, almost crying.
"Listen..." I started, deciding to step in the interrogation. "Do you have family, sir ?" I demanded to him in an curious tone as Freya moved aside to let me get in front of him.
"Yes...two boys...and an little girl." He responded to me, looking at me scared.
"Do you see this place on the map ?" I pointed to him, an place on the map that was an small village near some mountains and he nodded. "This village is starving to death and the soviets are planning to move to give resources to the people." I added, staying serious. "But the mujahideens want to attack the soviets and loot anything from them, including the resources."
"I...." He was in an loss of words when I was speaking.
"This village is full of children, of innocent people and they are dying because of the mujahideen presence and if they succeed in their attack, the village will not survive." I make myself clear to him, moving my hands away from the map. "So, please, tell us where they are hiding, you could save an lot of lives and...by tonight, you could be back with your childs." I said, speaking the truth here.
"There ! They're hiding there !" He whispered, moving his only free arm towards an position on the map, an few mountains away from the village I pointed to him before I pull out an pen to make an circle of where he was showing me the location.
"Good, thank you, sir." I thanked him in an good voice, putting my pen back in my pocket and then, also the map. "You saved an lot of innocents today and we will let you go back to your family." I added, turning my back around to get the map back into my jacket.
"Wait, no..." I heard him say loudly until the sound of an pistol echoed in the room and when I looked around, jumpscared, the man was now having an bullet in the head...Freya...aiming her pistol to him.
"What the fuck was that ?" I yelled against her, angry about what she did. "He gave us the intel, why did you do this ?" I demanded furiously.
"No loose ends, didn't you hear Perseus ?" She asked me back normally as she was putting her pistol back in its holstler. "We couldn't let this man talk freely about us." She continued, turning around to look at me. "This is our job, Yirina."
"No, I didn't agree on killing innocents and you too !" I shouted to her, trying to put the good senses in her.
"No one is fucking innocent in this world." She exclaimed in an angry voice, moving to face me as my eyes drifted for an few seconds on the dead man. "This is how Perseus think."
"Not me and you too, what happened ?" I told her as she put her hands on my arm.
"I'm perfectly fine, Yirina." She replied with an grin that I couldn't make back on my face after what she did. "I'm doing this for the good of us, our own good, remember your proposal to me." She whispered, putting her hand on my cheek as I was looking down.
"I don't know." I muttered.
"We could talk to Perseus about an wedding, you know." She proposed like that, like if she was completely forgetting what she did before she moved to make an kiss on my lips.
"You changed, Freya, you changed !" I proclaimed, removing her hands off my face in an gentle way.
"No, I never changed, it isn't me who changed." She claimed, surely thinking about me as she start to move away from me. "The cleaners will took his body away, come." She suggested, arriving to open the main door of the room as I was still standing at my position, still shocked like if I could feel his blood on my hands....
"Come on, Yiri, it's time for us to be going home !"
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askultimateluckytrash · 4 years ago
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    They pulled him out of the Neo World Program abruptly.
    For a second, smashed back into his own body against his will, dazed and confused, he staggered and swayed and had no idea where he was or who he was. For a blissful moment, he was nameless with no past and no present. But the illusion was shattered soon enough.
     They berated him, but he didn't even hear it. Their words pummeled against his ears, swollen and distorted like he was underwater. He didn't remember what they said. Why did he care? He felt so horrible already. Surely these people who he didn't like and didn't know couldn't possibly make him feel any worse.
     They took him to a hospital bed and made a full examination. For the most part, aside from the big bump on his head, he was unharmed. A full recovery. No adverse side-effects, mentally or physically. What bad luck.
     They made him wait in the hospital for a while. Then they pulled him from the room and made him wait in a lobby. Then they took him to a therapist, who asked him a bunch of questions, and he gave the best answers he could, dazed as he still was. They took him to a different lobby. He awaited punishment.
     Part of him hoped that they would simply put him back in the Neo World Program, though he knew that wasn't likely. What else could they do? Would he have to stay here for another 6 months of therapy, like before? He wouldn't mind that too much. The island was beautiful, and therapy at least gave him something to do every day, if nothing else. Or would he go to prison this time? Was his clemency finally at its limit? Prison wouldn't be so bad either. He would get chores to do every day, and be distracted with a strict schedule.
     Either way, he would still be gone. That was what he wanted. That was what they didn't understand. He wanted to be gone. Anything they did to him, so long as they didn't send him back home, would still feed into his goals.
     He wanted to be gone. He wanted to be completely severed from his life and his identity, his friends, his past, his disappointing future, his expectations, his responsibilities, his crimes, his guilt, all the people he was hurting, all the things they expected of him, his name and personality, his memories...everything about his life. He wanted it gone.
     The easiest way to do that, of course, was dying. But he couldn't do that. He had made so many promises to so many people-- which was something else that he wanted to escape. Why was there so much pressure on him to live?
      But he hated his life, and all he wanted was to end it. If he couldn't die, he could still end his own life, right? If he severed himself from it completely. Gave up everything, broke it all off, and ran away from everything that made up 'his life'. At least he wouldn't have to deal with the pain of living it anymore, even if he couldn't completely erase it from his mind.
      If they sent him to prison, he wouldn't have to be 'Nagito Komaeda' anymore. He would just be another faceless criminal, with his sole life being harmless jail chores and a rigid schedule. Nothing about Despair, or the Neo World Program, or the 77th class, or Hajime Hinata. And if he stayed here, well...this place might still be connected to his old life, but at least he wouldn't have to see his classmates here, or see Hajime, or be forced to think about his miserable future and be forced to do work to take the steps to make it there. As if a future that tortuous could possibly be worth even sticking around to see, let alone doing so much work for. It was so tiring, and all for what? For more torture. More pain. At least if he didn't go home, he didn't have to face the future.
       He waited. The more he thought about his punishments, the more his head cleared a bit. Either of those was a good option. Already, he was planning how to make himself at home in prison or here. Planning what to do afterwards. Move someplace else, buy a small house, and live out the rest of his days in bored, lonely obscurity? With no one knowing who he was or where their annoying, hated classmate Nagito Komaeda had gone. The idea of the misery gave him pleasure. This will be your punishment, so you can stop feeling so guilty. You'll be truly miserable, but at least this time, you won't get your hopes up just to have them shattered. At least this time, you won't have to see all the faces of all the people you hurt, and love them knowing that they hate you.
      Or maybe they would give him the death penalty, and he could die without knowing that he was letting everybody down.
      When they delivered the final verdict to him, he nearly fainted.
      "What?" He mumbled, his voice numb with disbelief.
      They repeated their instructions, but he still couldn't register it.
      "What do you mean?" He shook his head, getting to his feet a little unsteadily.
       "We'll send someone to the hotel to pack your things for you, and then meet us at the airport for your flight home." The employee explained, glancing at a clipboard he was holding.
     Nagito blinked again. "Home?" He stalled a little and his voice cracked. "You're just...sending me home?"
     Maybe he didn't sound as thrilled as he should have. The two employees exchanged confused glances. "Yes. It will be good for you."
     "No." He disagreed calmly, shaking his head. "I don't want to go back."
     "You have to." They insisted. "The Future Foundation thinks this will be the safest--"
     "I don't want to go home." He said firmly, shaking his head again. "Don't make me go back home. Send me somewhere else. I'll pay for it." He clasped his hands together, crushing his palm between his fingers. The idea of going back home was suffocating.
    "This is where the Future Foundation wants you." The employee matched his tone. "That's where you have to go."
    He grimaced a little. The idea of going back there-- it made his stomach turn. That place is a prison. Don't make me go back there. He could feel his hands starting to shake, so he squished them harder. "I don't...want to." That was the only argument he could give them. How could they possibly understand in any form of words what it felt like to be at home? But he knew that wouldn't be enough. They wouldn't listen to him. They would pack him up and ship him back anyway...He'd rather have gone to prison. Would it have been much different?
    The employee shook his head, making it clear that Nagito wasn't going to get his way. "We're sending someone to pack up your things right now. We'll meet them at the airport." He put a hand on Nagito's arm and began to pull him forward.
     Nagito wanted to resist. He started to pull away feebly, out of instinct, and let off a nearly - silent whimper, but he knew there was no getting out of it. He had no right to get out of it. Didn't he have to face the consequences of his horrible actions just like everyone else? He stumbled forward numbly, slipping into a daze again as the employee tugged him along.
     The thought of going home was suffocating. Going back to that place, that house, with all those wonderful memories that were past and gone. Seeing the rooms where he used to be so happy with his family and knowing he would never have that again. He would never have a family, or be safe, or be loved. And seeing Hajime again was equally crushing. He'd be angry and disappointed and hurt, and he'd take it all out on Nagito with his withering looks, his telling silences, a few well-placed comments here and there. Nagito would have to look at the face of the person who used to be his best friend and his hope and know that what he dreamed of was never coming true. Just like with his house. Remember all the good times with Hajime, when it seemed like it could be possible for them to be friends. Remember when they used to talk. When maybe, possibly, Hajime might've loved him. Remember all the dreams he had of then being together, and how happy he would be, only to find out that it wasn't true. His dreams were...stupid and ridiculous. Hajime would never love him. And even if they were together, Nagito still wouldn't be happy. Hajime was never around. He never talked to him. He never spent time with him. There was no relationship there at all anymore.
    Home really was a prison. He was stuck there all day, every day. With no friends to distract him or take him out. No boyfriend present at all. Alone only with the thoughts of all the things he missed and all the things he dreamed of that he would never get. Knowing that nothing would ever get better and that he had nothing left in his future but suffering. It was...helpless, suffocating, stifling, claustrophobic. Like being stuck in a straight-jacket. Constantly alone, with no one to talk to and no way out. Going home was the worst punishment he could ever get.
     He froze in his spot, so abruptly that the employee jerked and glared back at him.
     That was the point. Of course! How had he not realized it sooner? Ahaha! How stupid and blind he had been! Of course this was the worst punishment. Of course that was the one he would get. Obviously. This was punishment. That was the point. This was the punishment he deserved. He deserved the worst possible punishment in the world for what he'd done. He deserved to have everything he wanted dangled in his face, held just out of his reach forever. And if he ever got closer, his hopes would get further away. What a cruel, fitting punishment! What a deserved torture for someone as worthless as him! He should know better than to dare to hope. Hope was for people better than him.
     He cracked a smile and let off a tiny laugh. All at once it hit him how ridiculous he was being. It wasn't his lot to complain about his life. He had no right. What happened to the version of him from the killing game? The one who could take any punishment, any misery, any despair and still smile. Still keep going, perfectly happy, content in his deserved suffering. Why was he being such a baby now?
     Had he spent too much time around Hajime, and allowed his resolve to weaken? That must be it. He had grown too used to being happy. He had been basking in hope so much that he couldn't handle despair anymore. But that wasn't him. His lot in life was despair, forever, until the day he died.
        And he shouldn't be complaining about that! This was a good thing. He was getting the punishment that he deserved. Hope was prevailing. Good was prevailing. He should rejoice in knowing that, in seeing that fact played out every day before his eyes. Every bit of suffering he went through just meant that hope was still winning. Every time he suffered, it should renew his faith in hope. A worthless piece of garbage like him was being punished. And he could take pride in his punishment and resolve. Take pride in going through all this despair for the sake of hope. Because didn't that prove his devotion? And his strength, what little of it he had? And if he got punished for all his horrible crimes, wasn't that a relief? Didn't that ease the guilt? He might have done bad things, but at least he was suffering for them. This punishment was a blessing!
     He should revel in every bit of misery he got. Be proud of every horrible feeling and every instance of bad luck. It was time to be strong again. To stop complaining. To stop being so spoiled. It was time to stop expecting more than he deserved. To go back to being happy and content with his despair. His worthlessness. His misery. And he would go to the airport quietly, and they would see if Hajime would be late to pick him up, or if he would even bother to show up at all.
     Time to smile at despair in the name of hope.
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getitinbusan · 5 years ago
Eat • Sleep • Game
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A little angst, a little fluff, a lot of smut if you reblog for a part two.
Dedicated to everyone missing the Toronto Show today, see you soon ☹️💜
It had been exactly 1 year and 45 days since you'd fallen head over heels in love with Jungkook. You know this because it was your second day of work at the game store when he came rushing through its door. 
He had broken his game controller and needed one ASAP before his Overwatch team kicked him off. It was a brief first meeting but he'd come in at least once a week since then.
Inviting you to join his team, your friend circle expanded and his roommate Jimin had become your closest confidant. Unlike Jungkook, it had only taken Jimin a few weeks to realize how hard you were crushing on his friend.
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Jimin was rummaging through the fridge while balancing his phone between his ear and shoulder. Nodding in Jungkook's direction he kept talking.
"You should definitely wear something really sexy…. I'll ask. JK, Y/N wants to know if you're coming out tonight?" 
Setting his Banana Milk down a smile crept up to his eyes. He'd been crushing on you forever and had finally decided maybe he should make a move.
You'd be there, wearing something sexy AND you were asking about him?
"Yeah, I'll come," he tried to sound casual about it. 
Jimin didn't have to relay the message, you were listening eagerly to hear his answer from the other end.
"He's really coming?
You sighed, "That just means I'm going to walk around pining for him all night. God I love him Jimin"
He laughed at your desperation, "It's going to happen sooner or later, believe me it is mutual." 
Jungkook had gone back to his game but intentionally left the headset off one ear. Listening in, he was trying to piece together your side of the conversation. What? What was mutual?
"I thought that a year ago, how does he not know Jimin? How can I make it any easier? Do I need to just outright say it to him?"  
He put on a seductive voice, "I've wanted to fuck you for the past year and if you make me wait a second longer I'm going to die." 
Jungkook listened on, was Jimin really hitting on you like that? He never discussed his feelings for you with him but he thought it was obvious. His cheeks grew red and heated as the thought of you and Jimin together boiled in his blood. 
"Alright I'll see you soon, come up and we'll have drinks before we go." 
Hanging up he turned to Jungkook, "I'm grabbing a shower, I have a feeling tonight's going to get crazy."
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Knocking on the apartment door you let out a huge breath, "here goes nothing."
You'd spent the day talking yourself into finally telling him how you felt.
Jimin opened the door, "Shit Y/N, look at you!" he playfully copped a feel of your ass. 
"Hey Guk!"
Now or never, you walked behind him and put your hand on his shoulder. "How's the game?"
He was distracted, your breasts were right behind his head as you leaned in to watch him play. Your fingers dug in massaging his muscles. His cock was getting hard thinking about how good your grip would feel around it. 
"Watch behind you!"
Brought back to reality you'd snapped him out of his fantasy.
"It's a shame you're going to have to quit, we should leave soon." 
Jimin came out of the kitchen and handed you a beer, "I'm getting you so drunk tonight."
He set one down in front of Jungkook, "Pre game my friend."
"About that...I think I'll just stay home..I'm kind of on a winning streak." 
You pulled your hand away from him in disappointment, all hope lost. Jimin could see you were visibly upset.
"Let's go to my room Y/N, we wouldn't want to distract Jungkook from his game. 
"What the fuck is his problem all of the sudden?"
He pouted at you and kissed your forehead, "His loss sweetheart." 
The Uber showed up about four drinks in. Jimin was already out the door when you turned to look at Jungkook. His gaze was fixed on you but he quickly turned back to the screen as not to be caught.
"Are you sure you don't want to come...I was kind of looking forward to hanging out with you?" 
He stuck his tongue into the side of his cheek, "I'm sure Jimin will show you a good time." 
Pulling the door tight behind you Jimin grabbed your hand, "Fuck him, let's go." 
The club was packed. It was too loud, too hot and Jimin had abandoned you long ago to find a conquest.
The drink in your hand was empty but the lineup to get another was three deep. Your will to have fun had been left back at the apartment so here you stood, miserable. 
Declaring the night a total waste you walked around looking for Jimin. 
You tapped his shoulder until he stopped his makeout session, "I think I'm just going to leave Jimin." 
"Why aren't you in the corner getting fingered by some hot guy?" 
"It must be because I'm so pathetic that nobodies even attempted to talk to me tonight."
You tried to hold back your tears, no crying in the club right?
"Go," you motioned to the dance floor. "Have fun, she's waiting for you."
"I'm not letting you go home, not like this."
He hugged you tightly, "Take my key and go over there and tell him how you feel."
"Jimin, I'm tired of putting myself out there for rejection." 
"Baby, this crush has been going on far too long, you need to find out for sure. You are way too amazing to not have a boyfriend."
You kissed his cheek, "okay I'm going to do it."
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His imagination was going wild. He couldn't concentrate on his game and his teammates just kept yelling at him.
He was sure you'd be grinding all over each other, Jimin's stupid puffy lips getting to kiss you.
All the girls went for Jimin, he was just so confident. He decided a couple of loops around the city on his bike and a Ramen stop would help. 
Unlocking the door you expected to see him gaming in the living room but the apartment was quiet. 
Moving up the hall you knocked lightly at his door, "Kookie, can I talk to you?" 
Opening the door a crack you peeked in, empty. Of course he went out, you'd finally mustered your courage to tell him and he was probably eating Ramen somewhere. 
Fuck it, it was happening tonight. He'd have to come home sooner or later and you'd be here waiting in his bed when he did.
It was late, he didn't feel any better.
Putting on a movie he shut off all the lights and sprawled out on the couch. He wasn't going to be able to sleep until he knew if you were coming home with his roommate. 
He must have dozed, the sound of muffled giggles waking him up.
"Shhh, we need to keep it down," kissing, loud kissing more giggles.
"Let's go to my room."
He looked at the clock, 4am. Fuck there was no way he could sleep now. He lit up his monitor and grabbed his headphones. 
You stretched out on the bed taking a minute to remember where you were. One smell of the pillow and it all came back. Of course he didn't come home, fate was never on your side. 
You opened the door quietly not  wanting to wake Jimin. Tiptoeing through the apartment the light from his screen caught your eye, he'd really just been out here playing?
You walked over to stand beside him, was it too late to tell him? 
"Hey," you startled him, "Don't you even go to bed anymore?" 
He clenched his jaw, "I've been having a really good game." 
Here goes…"Jungkook, there's more to life than video games. Sometimes it's nice to enjoy someone's company…"
He shot you a cold look, "I know I could hear you two enjoying each other all night."
His accusation floored you, "And so what if we did?? What the hell do you care Jungkook?"
He went back to his game and you slammed the door. 
"What the fuck was that?" Jimin came out of his room in his boxers.
Jungkook stood to get a drink. 
"Your loud fucking girlfriend leaving." He pushed him out of the way and Jimin laughed. 
"You're jealous? Fuck you're dumber than I thought."
Steering him up the hallway he pointed to the girl passed out in his room.  Flinging Jungkook's bedroom door open he pointed out the messed up sheets.
"Did you sleep here last night?"
Puzzled, he fell silent.
"She was in here waiting for you..all night. Maybe if you weren't so balls deep in overwatch you'd get laid once in a while."
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The knock was so light you almost missed it. Track pants, t-shirt, messy bun and bare feet you padded across the room to answer it.  
Looking through the peephole Jungkook stood on the other side. 
You opened the door without a word or smile. "Can I come in?"
You opened it wide and walked away. 
Plopping down on your bean bag chair you picked up your game controller and proceeded to ignore him. 
"Can I play?" 
You shrugged and threw the other controller at him. 
He sat on the floor next to you and set himself up. "Can we talk about last night?" 
"Sure what part? The part where you brushed our plans off or the part where you accused me of fucking Jimin?" 
Taking aim you fired…
"Y/N, What the fuck? We're on the same team."
He grunted in frustration, "The part where you slept in my bed." 
You turned and shot him again.
"Sorry, I just needed a place to crash."
You moved on with your mission.
Recouping he found you in his cross hairs and pulled the trigger.
"Can we just stop playing games?" 
You threw your controller down.
"Fine what the fuck do you want me to say? That I like you? That it fucking hurts to know you prefer to interact with me through a god damn screen?" 
He reached over and shut off the console.
"Move over."
"Jungkook, there is hardly room for two."
He pressed his body onto yours laying you back on the pliant chair. Staring into your eyes before pressing his lips to yours he smiled, "I like you too." 
"This is never going to work you know, we're both way too stubborn." He cut you off with another kiss. 
"I don't know, I think we make a pretty good team, at least when you're not shooting me."
You wrapped your legs around him tightly feeling him hard against you.
"Video games are kind of our thing, what else are we going to do for fun?" 
"Hang on tight." He stood with you still wrapped around him.
"We're going to try a new thing. Where's your bedroom?
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enigma-absolute · 4 years ago
3 and 14 for the ask thingy!
3. What color do you want to paint your room?
God, I love it so much. But if I had to go in-detail, I'd do various shades of blue and one or two white walls, and paint the ceiling to be like a night sky or a galaxy.
14. How would you describe your perfect day?
Hm. That's a tough one. After being physically isolated from the rest of the world for a while and realising how much I actually thrive being with friends in real life, it would be something like this.
I wake up early enough from either a treehouse cabin or a van life home, enough to watch the sunrise, on the edge of a lake. Forests and mountains surround it. Preferably somewhere in the back of nowhere of the US, the north of Romania where my extended family lives, or the south of New Zealand. The little firepit area I've shared with my friends is just barely glowing a little after such a cold night. The fire hasn't been fully gone out but it was out enough to keep it from causing damage.
There's a blanket around my shoulders and a cup of hot water in my hands as I watch. I'm only half-aware as all my dearest friends join me to watch the view from their treetop cabins or van life vans. Eventually I remember and realise I'm not alone and we all make breakfast together. If the firepit's still warm, we'll make damper. With honey or maple syrup. Maybe nutella. We'll crack jokes and talk about life, dreams we've had through the night and maybe one of the more faith-bold friends prays: for the day, for each other, for all of us and the future ahead. (Maybe, if I have enough courage, it's me.)
That day, we'll do everything together. Go wandering in the woods, climb a forest trail. Take a dip in the lake. Maybe, if we're disciplined enough, the artistic ones will sit their asses down and do life drawing of the world around us. Perhaps, we’d even swap sketchbooks! The more film-based ones would probably start busting out cameras to make an 80′s styled home movie. Or practice photography skills - either on the nature around us or for those of us who committed to the aesthetics of the academias and -core suffixes. Either works. Maybe there’s a madlad musician among us who brought out their instrument and adds a live backing track because of course they would. Perhaps some textile-based friends brought their projects and the film kids have these perfect shots of texiles sewing by the river or on the rocks.
Maybe we’ll play games like tag, bullrush and others from childhood. Maybe have a water fight, if we’ve brought or packed super-soakers. Maybe one of us finds an old bridge and we’ll recreate Shane’s takeover of Goatman’s bridge. Or we find an old cabin and break in, take photos and leave it in a better state than when we found it. We might have a picnic somewhere for lunch. Who knows. 
And when the sun starts to set and the moon shines brighter, we’ll come back to our grounds, light the firepit again and start to make and have dinner. There’s talk across everyone and a lot of it is about the day we’ve had. It’s nothing but warmth of the fire and the hearts around it that fight off the cold. Maybe one of us brings the instrument out again and we all start singing songs and shanties - both of the seas and the stars. Maybe it’s smores, marshmallows and hot chocolates for dessert. Maybe it’s old ghost stories and conjuring up new ones. Maybe it’s card games a little closer together so we don’t lose them in the fire, because thank god I remembered to bring Muffin Time, and I don’t wanna lose cards in those flames as loud as you may yell at losing to a trap card, thank you very much. 
But most certainly, as everything winds down, we all look to the stars. Right back to where the day began, at the edge of the lake. Pointing out constellations, watching in awe as the stars look back. If we’re in New Zealand, I will seek out the Southern Cross and look on in sheer, quiet joy. Maybe this is what it means to feel alive. Huddled together with your favourite people in the world and staring out into beyond, knowing you’re safe and warm in more ways than one. 
And one by one, as everyone starts to drift to their beds to sleep, maybe I’m the last one sitting or standing there, tears down my cheeks and the biggest smile in my eyes and face because to me and those who know, it’s the Creator the Universe speaking to me. And I am vividly reminded of important truths which ring out in my soul, spirit and faith. 
I am not alone. 
I am made special.
And I am loved. 
So very. Very. 
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