#Omi is Chase's light in the 1000 years of darkness
End of the world be damned, I am absolutely rooting for Chase in the custody battle against Master Fung. Omi and Chase make each other happy and have fun and tell each other they wanna be together; Master Fung won't even give Omi a headpat or a word of praise or even hug him back.
If 1000 years of darkness is what it costs then I'll just have to get myself a nightlight.
I'm totally with u in this anon let us get ourselves some funky nightlights ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
I've always think that the strict way that Master Fung treated Omi in XS was kinda unintentional . Sometimes is very easy to cross the line when you're writing a strict parental figure, as I've seen multiple times in media. But the more I look back to the show, the more I realize that after everything that happened, after every bonds that Omi made with other people, there's just some sort of emptiness when there's only him and Master Fung. Like you just expect some sort of affectionate gestures only for them to not be there. Because it had always been someone else. It was Rai, Kimiko and Clay who hugs him time after time again, it was sometimes Dojo who warned him to be careful, it was Chase who truly believes that with he already had Omi can do anything.
There's an argument where master Fung's stern way of teaching vs Chase's deception was a lesson for Omi and (the young viewers) about how dangerous people can trick you with sweet words and you need to learn to accept the harsh way to build characters, but to that I want to politely disagree. While the first lesson is true, I don't agree with the second, and in this case, Chase and Omi's situation isn't that simple, or at least that's how I see it.
The Good!Chase arc show us that Omi has always been Chase's catalyst for a true redemption. And even though I joke about wanting to plunge the world into darkness just for Chase to live his dream, it was only logical that Chase would fail, so that he can finally reach out to Omi with true genuine this time, as Good Chase show that the safety of Omi and the kids to him is more important than anything, and Good Chase's sacrifice is the final lesson Omi must learn in order to become a true dragon warrior. It all come back to them, Chase and Omi and the way they complete each other's character arc.
So I guess what I'm trying to say it maybe the reason why we are so frustrated with master Fung and Omi's relationship is because it was how it always meant to be, that it was a build up for the bond between Omi and Chase. Evil antagonistic lizard warlord, but he also truly care for Omi just as much if not (in the case of good Chase) more than master Fung. The neglected ways of a supposedly moral parental figure vs the hidden caring nature of the deceitful antagonistic force is probably the conflict that just gravitate me towards Chase and Omi as a duo. And I firmly believe that the XS writing team planned all of this, because how can you just write such a beautiful narrative foils like that on an accident.
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