#Ollie's beautiful hair is a source of much stress for me in editing
novapark · 4 years
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“Bullshit you started.” Sam growled as she crossed her arms. 
“Maybe I did but it wasn’t what I had intended.” Xoui snipped back without much thought, “You really think this shit is ideal? Hell she only told him now because she’s fucking stressed and the kid is already showing tendencies toward his dark moods. She shouldn’t have been born, she’s just going to be a miserable person just like him.” 
“I’m sorry but what did you just say?” My time patiently observing this nonsense had come to an end. I thought I was done dealing with this kind of bullshit when I got out of my mom’s house but apparently I didn’t exorcize enough people from my life. 
“I.. I didn’t mean -” She quickly began to backtrack. 
“You didn’t mean what?! That my life isn’t worth living because I’m a fucking sad and pathetic person?”
“No I… it’s just you know how you get sometimes I just thought it would be better -”
“You thought it would be better that my daughter also shouldn’t exist? Because she might be like me?”  I asked angrily, now letting the floodgate run free. It was one thing to shit on me but to bring my child into this was another thing entirely.
“That’s not what I -”
“It’s what you fucking said though.” Now I was shouting, no doubt the whole bar could hear what was going down,  “Really puts some shit in perspective. No wonder you broke up with me, just couldn’t take that shit anymore huh? There was no making me happy. no matter what you did I’d just be a miserable fucking prick who doesn’t respect all the effort everyone puts in for him.” 
“Olin please it’s not like that…” Xoui begged, with all sense of confidence washed away from her voice. 
“No it is like that and you fucking know it.” I replied flatly, “I told you to leave me alone but you didn’t listen and now I regret even knowing you. Stay the fuck away from me. Don’t talk to me, don’t smile at me if you see me, just walk the other fucking way. There is no friendship here, there is no future of any kind for us.” 
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