#Oklahoma home inspector license
mr880fan · 1 year
10 of the Best States for Off Grid Living
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  Are you thinking about going off-grid? One of the most significant decisions you’ll make is where to live. While the off-grid movement has become more mainstream, many places still aren’t friendly towards off-grid living. So, we decided to make a list of the best states for off-grid living in America.
How Did We Decide Which States Are Best for Off-Grid?
There are a lot of things you should consider when deciding where to live, but for off-grid living, these are the main parameters to consider: Laws You may be surprised that off-grid living isn’t completely legal in some states. For example, you might find it challenging to get a “certificate of occupancy” if your home doesn’t have electricity. Likewise, some states have stricter permitting and building code requirements than others. This can make it difficult to legally use certain off-grid systems, such as greywater recycling or wind turbines. For more info, read: Is Living Off Grid Legal? The Laws of Every State in America Ability to Live Off the Land For many people, living off-grid and homesteading go hand-in-hand. This means you’ll need to live somewhere with natural resources like fertile soil and enough water for farming. Even if you don’t want to live off the land, you will need natural resources like sunlight or wind to produce your own electricity. For more info, read:  Which States Are Best for Homesteading? Natural Disasters Some states are great for off-grid living but often get struck by severe disasters. This is one reason that Texas, Oklahoma, and Montana didn’t make the list of best off-grid states. Droughts in many states also make it harder to live off the land. Cost Unfortunately, going off-grid usually isn’t cheap. In addition to the cost of land, you’ll also have expenses like building permits. Installing alternative systems legally – especially if the state has strict building codes – can also be pricier than using traditional grid-connected methods. Long term, there are costs like property taxes, sales taxes, and cost of living to consider. Luckily, some states encourage self-sufficient living by giving tax breaks for homesteads. Community and Culture Some states have thriving off-grid communities. These communities can be a great resource and support you as you figure out your self-sufficient lifestyle. Community and culture are important even if you want to live an isolated, off-grid lifestyle. For example, states with a culture of agriculture or strong Amish communities tend to be more accepting of the off-grid lifestyle. You won’t have as much interference from local government or neighbors.
Best States for Off-Grid Living
1. Vermont
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Laws Vermont has stringent building laws, and you’ll need a permit for just about everything. However, this is a good thing. Here’s why: In many other states, the laws don’t mention composting toilets or alternative building methods (think straw bale). This puts them in a legal gray area: you won’t know if the system is legal, and it is basically up to the whim of the local inspectors to approve or deny the system. By contrast, Vermont’s laws are very clear. For example, Vermont is one of the only states that clearly outlines alternative waste disposal systems rules. You’ll still need a permit and maybe even a licensed engineer to design the system, but at least you know it will pass inspection. For more info, read: Off-Grid Laws of Vermont Living off the Land Nearly 80% of the state is covered by forests, and the land is lush and arable. The state is well known for dairy, maple syrup, apples, and cheese – but many crops will also excel in the fertile land. There is ample water but only approximately 167 sunny days per year, so producing your own electricity from solar year-round can be a challenge. On the downside, Vermont winters come early and are harsh. The time between the last and first frost is only about 155 days, but the growing season can be extended by building a greenhouse. Disasters When it comes to natural disasters, Vermont is one of the safest states in the country. There are flooding and winter storms, but the state doesn’t have a significant risk of wildfires, drought, heat waves, hurricanes, or earthquakes. For more info, read: Natural Disasters in Vermont Cost The cost of land in Vermont is not cheap. However, unlike in many states, most counties don’t have strict “minimum plot size” zoning rules. This means buying a small piece of land for your off-grid home is possible. Costs are also high when it comes to taxes. Vermont has one of the country’s highest property tax rates and high sales taxes. Community and Culture Vermont is famous for its thriving homesteading culture, and there are numerous off-grid communities. Just note that a lot of this culture is because of how many hippies went to the state during the 1960s and 1970s in a “back to the land” movement. If you are liberal, you will feel at home here, but not so much if you are conservative. 2. Maine
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Laws When it comes to laws, Maine is one of the best states for off-grid living. As a water-rich state, you are legally allowed to use the water on your property and do things like digging retention ponds. Zoning laws are surprisingly friendly towards tiny homes and mobile home living. State laws even allow for alternative sewage systems, such as outhouses, in many cases. Like with Vermont, you’ll need permits for almost everything in Maine. However, the laws are clear about what’s allowed, so there’s no legal gray area. For more info, read: Off-Grid Laws of Maine Living Off the Land Maine is very similar to Vermont when it comes to living off the land. It also has a 155-day time between the last and first frost. However, Maine is a bit colder and snowier. The main agricultural items in Maine are dairy, potatoes, and chicken eggs. Because of the short growing season, greenhouse and aquaculture are also popular. Disasters Maine is one of the states that is least at risk when it comes to natural disasters. If you manage to find land outside of a flood zone and learn to prepare for the harsh winters, you can rest at ease. For more info, read: Natural Disasters in Maine Cost Farmland is quite expensive in Maine. Expect to pay at least $5,350 per acre. Finding small plots of land in Maine can be difficult because of minimum plot size zoning rules. The cost of living in Maine is lower than any other state in New England. However, the costs are still higher than in most of the country. Property taxes and sales taxes are higher than the national average. Community and Culture Maine’s motto is “Live and Let Live.” This mentality is very favorable for off-grid living and you’ll find a supportive culture in the state. There are lots of farmer’s markets and a strong homesteading community. 3. Wisconsin
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Laws Wisconsin is mostly great when it comes to laws about off-grid living. There are still many places without zoning laws, so you can use your property how you wish in these areas. You must meet the state building codes, but there are exceptions for “primitive cabins” if you don’t live there full-time. The state even allows outhouses and is friendly to tiny homes. However, living in an RV is usually illegal. As a water-rich state, Wisconsin has very relaxed laws about using water on or next to your property for domestic use. You don’t even need a permit to drill a well in many cases. For more info, read: Off-Grid Laws of Wisconsin Living Off the Land Wisconsin’s soil is good for both crops and livestock. However, the growing season is very short, with just 110 days between the last and first frost. There is an average of 188 sunny days per year, so year-round solar power will be a challenge. While Wisconsin does have a good supply of water, the state does have occasional problems with drought. Droughts are expected to worsen over the next decades. Disasters Compared to the rest of the country, Wisconsin is relatively safe from natural disasters. The biggest risk is winter storms and blizzards. Some parts of the state average 3 to 5 blizzards per season. For more info, read: Natural Disasters in Wisconsin Cost The cost of land in Wisconsin is very high and is only getting more expensive. Expect to pay $5,700 per acre of farmland. Cropland is even more expensive. Property taxes in Wisconsin are the 8th most expensive in the country. On the plus side, the cost of living in Wisconsin is lower than in most other states. The Community and Culture There are about 17,000 Amish living in Wisconsin and the state as a whole has a very favorable attitude towards living off the land and self-reliance. Many parts of the state are very rural though. So, if you were hoping to connect to other people living off-grid or need assistance with some of your systems, you may struggle. 4. West Virginia
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Laws If you want to build your own off-grid home or live in an alternative structure, West Virginia is one of the best states to do it. That’s because, while West Virginia has a state building code, it does not require communities to adopt or enforce it. As a result, many unincorporated areas in West Virginia have no building codes. About 40% of West Virginia is unincorporated, so there’s a good chance of finding land in an area without building codes. Also read: States without Building Codes Regardless of where you live, you must meet the state’s sewage laws. In most cases, you will be required to have septic, though outhouses are still legal in WV in certain situations. As a water-rich state, West Virginia has very relaxed rules about water rights. In general, you’ll be able to use the water on your property without restrictions. For more info, read: Off-Grid Laws of West Virginia Living Off the Land West Virginia is a very water-rich state and has lots of forests. However, the natural resources mostly stop there. The state has shallow, acidic clay soil. There are only 150 days between the last and first frost, so West Virginia is not great for farming. It is better suited for livestock. There are only about 160 sunny days per year in West Virginia, so providing your own solar power year-round can be a challenge. However, you may be able to utilize hydropower because of the state’s many waterways. Disasters When it comes to natural disasters, West Virginia is at lower risk than the rest of the country. However, the state does regularly experience devastating floods, heavy snowfall, freezing rains, droughts, and heat waves. For more info, read: Natural Disasters in West Virginia Cost West Virginia has one of the lowest costs of living in the country. There are also low property taxes and state taxes are moderate. Farmland is still moderately expensive, though, with costs averaging $3,600 per acre. Community and Culture West Virginia has numerous thriving off-grid communities – and the state is becoming even more popular with people who want to live a self-reliant lifestyle. Overall, the state has a low violent crime rate, though there are problems associated with the state’s high poverty levels. 5. Minnesota
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Going off-grid in Minnesota could be difficult from the legal aspect. There are many rules and regulations, especially around waterways and tourist destinations, which might make it illegal to live the type of lifestyle you want. One of the most frustrating obstacles is that the state highly regulates water use. You’ll need to apply for a permit to use water, even if it’s on your own property. Surprisingly, composting toilets and outhouses are legal in Minnesota. Though there are regulations you need to follow about these too. In some places, you will be required to hook up to the local sewage system if it’s located nearby. For more info, read: Off-Grid Laws of Minnesota Living Off the Land Minnesota really shines when it comes to living off the land. The state has ample water with a low risk of drought. Soil quality is also good throughout most of the state, so farming is strong. The state ranks #5 in the USA for agriculture, so you should be able to grow your own food. Providing your own electricity could be a challenge, though, since the state has 195 sunny days per year (slightly below the average of 205 days). Disasters Compared to the rest of the country, Minnesota is at low risk for natural disasters. The state does regularly have harsh winters and freeze events, which you will need to be prepared for. For more info, read: Natural Disasters in Minnesota Cost Farmland in Minnesota is very expensive at over $6,000 per acre. The cost of living is moderate, as are the state’s property and sales taxes. Don’t expect it to be cheap to go off-grid in Minnesota! Community Minnesota doesn’t have a strong off-grid community. However, they do have a very strong farming culture. Almost 3% of all land in the state is farmland. The residents are known for their courteous and reserved manners. 6. Kentucky
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Laws Kentucky is very relaxed when it comes to off-grid laws. Approximately half of the state is rural, and the zoning laws in these areas also tend to be very relaxed. The state allows alternative sewage systems (though outhouses are illegal). Kentucky is one of the only states where you can legally recycle graywater without needing a septic system for it. Despite having a high risk of drought, Kentucky still has relaxed laws regarding water rights and usage. You can generally use the water on your property without any restrictions or permit requirements. For more info, read: Read the full article
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amycampbellrealtor · 3 years
Tips for First Time Home Buyers
Are you a first-time homebuyer, but you don't have the first idea of what to do or where to start?  Does the idea of buying a home seem overwhelming?  Believe me, when I tell you I understand. I have been there.  One of the reasons I got into real estate is to help first-time homebuyers navigate this process and walk them through it.  I am here to tell you it's not as scary or out of reach as it may seem.
The first step is to find a REALTOR® you trust. This person will make or break the deal for you.  A good REALTOR® will have a network of referrals for you, including lenders, inspectors, electricians, roofers, movers, etc. If you are in Northeastern Oklahoma, I hope you let me be your REALTOR®. If not, I can find you one in your area.
The next step is to find a lender.  I usually recommend a mortgage broker as opposed to a bank and will recommend them for my clients. However, clients are always permitted to use anyone they want.  Feel free to meet with several; not all lenders are a good fit for everyone.  You may want to meet with a lender early enough in the process to work on your credit if needed.  A suitable lender will tell you what you need to do to increase your credit score.  The better the score, the better the loan program they can get for you and the better the interest rate.  There are several different types of loans. The most common are FHA, VA, and Conventional.  There are pros and cons to each, and the lender can go over all of them.  There are also down payment assistance programs available that lenders can discuss with you.
Your lender will go over your budget.  This is more than just the overall cost of the home.  The monthly budget includes the mortgage, mortgage insurance, HOA fees, homeowners insurance (different from mortgage insurance), and utilities.  Keep in mind, if you are in an apartment, you may not be paying for water or trash services, and you might be paying those when you purchase.  Also, if you are buying a significantly larger home than your current rental or have a pool, your utilities could be substantially more.  Most utility companies will let you call them, give them the address, and you can get the average cost and the high and low cost for the last year.  This will give you an idea of how much the utilities will be.  
Once you start looking for homes,  keep in mind must-haves versus wants.  Of course, as a real estate agent, we want to find all your wants, but if we can get most of your must-haves, that is usually a win.  I have found the best way to find the best home is to rank them as yes, no, and maybe.  All the yes's, rank 1-?, if the same house consistently stays #1, you have a winner.  It's time to put in an offer.  What should your offer look like?  That depends on many things, and that is why you need a strong REALTOR® you trust.
Once your offer gets accepted, you have to put in your earnest money.  Your real estate agent should go over all that at the beginning of the process.  Then you will also need to schedule an inspector. Make sure you inspect the home, roof, termites, and pool.  It is crucial you hire licensed inspectors and do this early in the process so you can get repairs bids if needed for negotiations.
Then you have the appraisal, and once it appraises, you are ready to close.  Then you just need to set up the utilities and hire movers.  And if you loved your agent and want to thank her, refer her.
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cycloneseptics · 3 years
Is More Regulation Ever the Answer? Yes.
I'm almost as libertarian as Ron Paul. Seriously. My political stance can be summed up easily. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. Love who you want, smoke what you want, own any gun you want as long as I don't have to pay for it or any fallout from it and you don't hurt anyone. Now, I'll admit, this post is about more government regulation and may seem counter to what I just said. Stick with me. I promise it isn't.
Oklahoma's laws around septic systems are pretty lax. To the point that sometimes it feels like we don't really have any and homeowners (and our environment) pay the price. Anyone can install a system. A homeowner, the guy with his shirt buttoned wrong you saw at Home Depot or your Uncle Tim that swears Biden is doing a great job... literally anyone can advertise they install septic systems. I have no issues with a homeowner installing a system for a house they live in if it's done legally. The permitting process is simple and, in my experience, the DEQ will bend over backwards to help homeowners get it right.
My issue is with the guy you saw at Home Depot, let's call him Homer. Renting a mini-excavator and watching a YouTube video doesn't make Homer qualified but homeowners have no way of knowing that. The DEQ will allow Homer to buy a permit (but it's unlikely that he will). With his rented excavator and plastic tank from Home Depot, he's ready to start advertising himself as a septic installer. There's nothing illegal about that.
He can advertise without ever taking a test, without ever even reading the 65 pages of regulations. And the unsuspecting homeowner has no idea. We've been working with a homeowner since November to correct a system that a Homer installed. He did purchase a permit, but the system was failed by the DEQ and Homer refused to fix it. The homeowner got stuck with the headache (and cost) of correcting it.
This is why I believe more regulation is the answer. Homer's actions are hurting homeowners (last I heard the guy above had 5 systems in the ground that had failed inspection). But let's be honest, there isn't just one Homer running around Oklahoma scamming homeowners (and home builders for that fact). There is a bootlegger that the DEQ knows installed 66 illegal systems. They are working on a legal case against him. I know of brand new $500k+ homes that have bootlegged systems. Systems that won't work correctly when excited new homeowners move in (and there's no easy way to fix them).
This is the fiscal fallout from weak regulation but there is also an environmental fallout. I've seen grow houses that are overwhelming their septic systems so they are pumping raw sewage out on the ground. I've seen lateral lines that run their overflow into creeks and seen 55 gal drums or 300 gal totes used as tanks that have disintegrated underground. All this is illegal but regulations are weak, so it happens, and untreated sewage is going into our creeks and ponds.
So, how do we fix it? The obvious answer is stronger regulations but let's talk about what can be done without those because there really are a few very simple questions homeowners can ask that will protect them. If hiring an installer ask: "Are you certified?" and "May I see the permit?". If buying a home ask: "May I see the septic final?" and use a NAWT certified home inspector.
The larger solution is fairly simple: 1) require all installers to be licensed (like plumbers, electricians, pest control, etc) and display their license number on their vehicles. Unlicensed people can't advertise themselves as installers. 2) require stronger disclosures around the septic during real estate transactions. The final and maintenance records should be attached to the disclosure statement (the final should be on file at the DEQ and/or the installer and maintenance records available from installers & pumpers who are required to keep them for 3 years). If the records aren't available, the purchaser should be explicitly made aware of it. This isn't meant to hurt someone selling a 30 yr old home that records can't be found for. That can be handled by a NAWT inspector verifying the septic is in good condition. This is to protect people buying new homes with bootlegged systems. If the home builders have to openly admit they are breaking the law, they will quit.
In this instance, sensible regulation is the answer. Common sense changes shouldn't add any cost to the price of a legally installed septic system. They protect homeowners and the environment and all it takes is making it easier for homeowners to identify bad actors. Unfortunately, Oklahoma's legislature is vehemently opposed to any new regulations right now. Stitt has ordered that every new regulation requires removing 2 regulations. I like the premise of his edict. Less government intrusion is generally a good thing but, in this case, it's only hurting homeowners.
How big is this problem? The DEQ generally sells around 6,000 permits every year. They are on track to sell over 12,000 this year. If the legal market has doubled and there are a set number certified of installers in the state, what do you think the bootleg market has done? It's a good thing that protecting yourself is simple. Just ask.
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All You Need to Know About GFCI Outlets
When it comes to electricity, safety has always been a major concern, but thanks to the development of ground fault circuit interrupter GFCI outlet (GFCIs), the risk of being severely shocked or electrocuted is greatly reduced. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), electrocutions are down 83 percent since the 1970s when GFCIs were introduced. These quick-to-react outlets are required by law in new home construction, and it’s a good idea to put them in older homes as well. Read on for must-know info on GFCIs—what they are, how they work, and where to install them.
In your home, the flow of electricity is contained within wires covered with rubber- or plastic-based insulating material. When everything goes as planned, the electrical current runs safely through the insulated wires to switches and wall plate outlets and on to the many appliances and gadgets we take for granted today. But in its raw state, electricity has a “mind” of its own, and left to its own devices—as evidenced by most lightning strikes—it makes a beeline for the ground.
A ground fault is the occurrence of electricity taking an unintended path to the ground. It occurs when the electrical current escapes the insulated wires, as a result of a damaged cord or faulty wiring, and flows through a different conductor. If that different conductor is a human being, the result can be a serious electrical shock or electrocution. Because water is an excellent conductor of electricity, the risk of a ground fault occurring is greater in areas of your home where water is commonly used, such as near a kitchen sink.
The singular purpose of a new GFCI outlet is to prevent electrical injury to humans, something regular outlets are not equipped to do. A standard household outlet features two, three-prong plug-in slots, while a GFCI outlet features the same plug-in configuration plus two buttons on its face: a “TEST” button and a “RESET” button. The rules requiring the installation of the GFCI outlets in new construction has expanded over the years to include more applicable locations:
Normally, electrical current flows at a uniform rate through wiring, but when a ground fault occurs, the flow of electricity surges as it jumps to the unintended conductor. A GFCI outlet contains a sensor that monitors the flow of the electrical current through the wires, and when it senses a ground fault (in electrical terms, “fault” means any variation from the normal current), the GFCI, which also contains an internal switch, shuts off the flow of electricity in the outlet.
While you may still receive a painful shock, the South America GFCI outlet will prevent a prolonged surge of electricity, the type that injures and kills. A standard outlet, like the type in your bedroom, doesn’t have a sensor.
The National Electric Code (NEC) requires the installation of GFCI outlets in new construction in areas where electrical outlets are in close proximity to water. Older homes are not required to have GFCI outlets unless the wiring is being updated, but it’s a good idea to install them anyway.
The NEC requires GFCIs on all exterior and bathroom receptacles (another term for outlets). GFCIs are also required on all receptacles serving kitchen countertops. In laundry rooms and utility rooms, GFCIs should be installed on outlets within six feet of sinks, washing machines, and water heaters. They should also be installed within six feet of a wet bar and in garages and unfinished basements.
In bedrooms, living rooms, and other areas where water fixtures are not found, regular outlets are fine—and they are still installed in today’s new homes. The ESFI estimates that approximately 43 million homes in the U.S. still do not have GFCIs installed in “wet” rooms, and notes that as many as 47 percent of today’s electrocutions could be prevented in older homes if GFCIs were installed.
A DIYer with basic knowledge of electrical wiring may be able to replace an existing outlet with a decorative GFCI plate (instructions below), but only when swapping out a three-prong outlet—two plugin slots and a hole. Outlets with only two slots and no third hole indicate the presence of older wiring that should only be replaced by a licensed electrician.
The other caveat is that only outlets connected to three wires are suitable for DIY replacement. Outlets with three attached wires (remove the outlet plate to determine the number of attached wires) indicate that the outlet is located at the end of an electrical circuit (a wiring loop that starts and finishes at the breaker panel). An outlet with five attached wires is located in the middle of an electric circuit, and the wiring process is more complicated—only a licensed electrician should replace those outlets.
Replacing an existing outlet at the end of a circuit (as explained above) is not particularly difficult, but the task requires some experience. You should understand how outlets are wired and how electrical current travels from the breaker panel through each electrical circuit (wiring loop) in your home. Some communities prohibit homeowners from doing their own wiring, so check with your local building authority before you start.
During the recent 2020 code review, panel members of the National Electrical Code (NEC) approved changes to ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection. Those changes dramatically reduce the dangers associated with electrical hazard and shock. The most significant change is the increase of amp protection ratings across all receptacle outlets, both indoor and outdoor, wherever GFCI protection is required.
The 2020 change
Code-making panel 2 (CMP 2) updated text to read, “All 125-volt through 250-volt receptacles installed in the locations specified in 210.8(A) (1) through (11) and supplied by single-phase branch circuits rated 150 volts or less to ground shall have ground fault circuit interrupter protection for personnel.” In layman’s terms, the NEC removed amp values across all amp-rated receptacle outlets requiring GFCI protection in the areas listed in this section.
The rationale for change
NEC 2017 language only accounts for 15- and 20-amp receptacle outlets for dwelling units. During 2020 code review meetings, panel members agreed that hazards always exist; if 15- and 20-amp receptacle outlets present a hazard, that hazard also exists on 30-amp and higher receptacle outlets. However, it was difficult to understand the likelihood of a hazardous occurrence when weighed against expanded requirements. Recent home-based electrocution accidents – a 10-year-old girl behind an energized appliance, a child in Oklahoma retrieving a pet behind a clothes dryer, a 10-year-old Houston boy playing hide and seek — helped panel members realize the need for change. In light of these tragic events, we now have a requirement that sets a higher standard across more areas of the Code, though there are some exceptions discussed later in this blog.
What might the future hold?
The NEC mandates GFCI protection in many areas of the home: bathrooms, garages, outdoor receptacles, crawl spaces, basements, kitchens and anything within six feet of a sink or water source. While that may seem like a lot, the entirety of a home is not covered. The reality is when people have a problem with a tripped circuit, it's entirely possible they’ll use an extension cord to plug into a receptacle outlet that's not GFCI protected. Doing so does nothing to eliminate the original hazard potentially caused by the device in use. I hope that NEC members account for the human factor and require GFCI coverage throughout the home during the next code review.
The 2020 change
The NEC expanded GFCI protection for dwelling units with basements both finished and unfinished.
The rationale for change
Often afterthoughts that present unique hazards, basements are typically not as well maintained as other areas of the home. Further, environments are often wet and damp, and moisture is a great conductor. These code updates help ensure that accidents due to factors such as leakage current and contact with water are considerably lessened or eliminated.
What might the future hold?
Many rooms in a home are already required to have GFCI protection. While it feels like the most logical code progression, others in the industry still pushback on requiring GFCIs throughout a home claiming financial concerns or installation problems. As with the parental language update, I believe this code change can inspire discussions to include GFCIs throughout the home.
The NEC expanded GFCI protection under Article 210.63(A) for HVAC equipment and Article 210.63(B) for indoor service equipment and indoor equipment requiring dedicated space.
The rationale for change
Equipment location is at the crux of this update. While HVAC equipment in the basement is covered now that all basement circuits are GFCI protected, HVAC equipment located in attics and other areas would likely not have GFCI protection. CMP 2 recognized that many HVAC areas are typically tight working spaces where technicians perform justified energized work (they can’t troubleshoot a de-energized circuit). In essence, the update assures equipment requiring service has a GFCI-protected receptacle outlet for ready access.  
What might the future hold?
Because this is the NEC’s first venture into expanding 210.63, I expect some inspectors and contractors may not see eye to eye on code language. Industry discussions across the country and during future review cycles will help the NEC make future improvements.
The NEC updated the Code for outdoor electrical outlet plates supplied by single-phase branch circuits rated 150 volts to ground or less, 50 amps or less. Key to this update: it extends beyond receptacle outlets to include all outlets. Now all hard-wired equipment falls under the Code’s purview.
The rationale for change
One downfall of the electrical business is that it’s more reactive than proactive, with accidents often the catalyst for change. Numerous incidents inspired this code change, including an accident involving a 12-year-old boy who jumped over a fence and touched an AC condenser unit with an electrical fault. The outer metal housing was electrified and the child was fatally electrocuted immediately upon coming in contact with the condenser and fence simultaneously.  
What might the future hold?
GFCI technology is unforgiving in that it’s built to detect even the slightest power variance, and when expanded to include outlets impacting new types of loads, questions arise. With GFCIs installed, leakage-current trips may be near constant, rendering large equipment unusable. In the future, I hope industries rethink products with acceptable leakage current, hertz and frequency values to reduce future compatibility issues.
Further, this change will likely spur discussions related to current GFCI requirements focusing only on receptacle outlets. Hardwiring equipment does not eliminate the electrical hazard. I venture someone will propose public inputs during the next code-review cycle to
The NEC reviewed all locations with a GFCI requirement and aligned with Article 210.8. Updates were made in many locations to include text, such as “in addition to the requirements of 210.8” and similar, to clarify language and eliminate misinterpretation.  
The rationale for change
The NEC included Article 210.8(B) for other than dwelling units in 1993. Before its inclusion, builders relied on requirements in later chapters of the Code (chapters five through seven), for safety guidance. For example, RV Park GFCI requirements added in 1978 aligned with 210.8’s 15- and 20-amp receptacle outlet GFCI protection philosophy at that time. NEC 2017 created some confusion when 210.8(B) increased GFCI protection requirements beyond 15- and 20-amp receptacle outlets for other than dwelling units. This presented a challenge: a chapter two requirement applied a generally wider level of GFCI protection. This conflicted with chapter five, which has less coverage of GFCI protection.
The correlating committee recognized similar conflicts exist across industries and formulated a task group that challenged every code panel to look at their GFCI requirements and attempt to align them with 210.8’s 50-amp increase.  
What might the future hold?
Each code panel performed their review; some made changes, others did not. There is room for discussion in future revisions of the Code regarding shock hazards in the special other than dwelling unit applications. I believe the NEC will soon increase its focus on GFCIs and hopefully add clarity as each application in chapters five through seven approaches GFCI protection differently.
While representatives in agriculture and RV industries have valid concerns about nuisance tripping, I believe the NEC should revisit Article 547 for agricultural buildings and Article 551 for RVs and RV parks to address valid shock hazard concerns and consider increasing GFCI protection to 50 amps.
The rationale for change
Farming and RV industries rely on circuits that operate at well over 20 amps, yet no safety requirements exist. Much of the equipment used in these industries can be quite old with leakage current a serious concern. In my opinion, the Code lacks parity in how safety requirements exist in some industries and not in others. That must change.
The studies needed to promote change exist. The University of Iowa and the University of Nebraska have uncovered many incidents where farmers lost their lives due to faulty agricultural electrical equipment. Further, RV “hot skin,” a situation where the entirety of an RV’s outer housing becomes energized due to electrical faults, can kill in an instant, as was the case when a young boy died when touching an RV. If RV parks and farms running 30- to 50-amp receptacles without GFCI protection is not deemed a concern worth addressing, how can anyone claim running 30- to 50-amp receptacles outside of dwelling units is a hazard? Common sense dictates both are hazards and change is necessary.
What might the future hold?
I appreciate that equipment compatibility issues on farms and at RV parks may require much time and financial capital to resolve. However, I cannot condone sitting idle as lives are lost. I hope a series of discussions during the next code review cycle inspires commissioning an NFPA Fire Protection Research Foundation study to further understand the implications of expanding GFCI protection beyond 15 and 20 amps in RV parks and farms. Let’s study the problem, understand the challenges and determine solutions that increase safety.
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cesarvinj655-blog · 5 years
Roofing contractor Contractors Insurance Policy: Kinds, Costs & & More Employees' Compensation Insurance: Requirements, Expense & & Providers Be A Roofing professional: What You Truly Need Roof License Requirements by State: Your Overview from Next Insurance Coverage Just how much Should I Anticipate to Pay a Roofing Contractor for a Solution Call?
What if my company remains in one state, but my employees travel to other states for work?
The variety of additional hrs you function each week relies on the building field and also area you operate in, as well as will certainly differ from one work to the following. Typically, you need to make use of 4 nails per roof shingles in the area of the roof, as well as 5 nails per starter shingle. For routine three-tab tiles, this would need 320 nails per square for area roof shingles.
Contractors Insurance Coverage Expenses & Deductibles by Policy Type.
As you can see, professionals insurance policy costs vary commonly. That's due to the fact that insurers take into consideration a number variables when computing the premium. Your costs may be considerably different depending on your details occupation, the size and also sorts of work you take, and what your insurer can offer you for your distinct situation. Government entities typically need contractor-specific surety bonds, but potential customers might ask if you're bonded and also guaranteed too. The devices you possess are covered by professionals tools insurance policy, yet the devices you rent may be a various story.
Trainees start with tasks such as lugging devices as well as product and erecting hoists and scaffolds. Within 2 or 3 months, they are educated to determine, reduce, and healthy roof covering materials. Later they are shown how to lay asphalt or fiberglass roof shingles. Because some roofing products, such as solar ceramic tiles, are made use of infrequently, it can take a number of years to gain experience on all sorts of roof. As training advances, new workers have the ability to discover more intricate roof methods.
Professional roofer that carry out domestic roofing services worth over $10,000 require a Residential Roof Certificate from the Mississippi State Board of Professionals. You'll need to pass a profession examination, as well as a business as well as law exam. You'll additionally require to show your financials and show evidence of insurance policy before you're approved for a certificate. To work as a roofing contractor in Minnesota, you're needed to hold a state certificate if the complete value of your annual work concerns more than $15,000. The permit is provided by the Division of Labor as well as Sector.
To your point, though, we certainly agree that charging $750 per square is extreme, but that's what actually takes place Visit this page in some areas; believe San Francisco, Washington DC, and other places with exuberant expenses of living, as well as therefore working. The place, certainly plays a significant duty, and also when all is stated and also done, substitute service providers in expensive areas have to pay an arm and a leg for their workers' comp.
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You'll also need to show proof of insurance coverage to adhere to state roof covering permit demands.
There are no state roof license needs for roofing contractors in Kentucky; nevertheless, you may pick to be certified with the Kentucky Roofer Organization (KRCA).
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Many people do not comprehend why roofing is so hazardous, and that's what this write-up is here for.
Idaho's roof permit requirements do not need contractors to hold a state license; nevertheless, you are required to be registered with the Idaho Specialists Board.
You'll also require to show evidence of basic obligation insurance coverage and also employee's payment insurance coverage. Professional roofer do not require a state license to work in Oklahoma, yet do require a Professional roofer Enrollment. To be registered and also get the matching of an Oklahoma roof permit, you'll need to reveal evidence of employee's settlement as well as liability insurance coverage. Roofer in New Mexico fall under the classification of Building and construction Contractors and also call for a state certificate to work.
As an example, a service provider that is simply beginning may be extra happy to complete a roof work for much less than an extra established company would certainly. There are additionally smaller firms without workplace as well as little overhead, thus they can manage to charge much less for the job and also still pay. That claimed, there are thorough handiwork and also product warranties you can get when the whole roof is set up by a maker certified professional. As an example, GAF Master Elite accredited specialist mounting a total system from GAF can supply you the GAF Golden Promise warranty.
What do roof inspectors look for?
HO 16, which previously prohibited the employment of workers under 18 years of age in any roofing occupation, will also prohibit these minors from performing any work on or about a roof or in close proximity to a roof. Youth under 18 years of age may not work in roofing occupations.
Roofing on Social Network.
Wisconsin calls for workers' comp insurance policy provided by a provider accredited in Wisconsin. You'll intend to make certain their employees' comp protection stands across state lines.
How much does a 1 million dollar construction bond cost?
In roofing, business is booming, always. Slate and metal roofs last longer but are more expensive. The hard truth is that due to their exposure Learn here to the forces of nature, it's a pretty good bet that somewhere, at any given time, there is a roof that needs repair or to be replaced completely.
Labor can set you back anywhere from $50 to $80 per hr, relying on the intricacy of the work. If a new roofing system is required, be prepared to pay in between $4,000 as well as $15,000, depending upon the dimension of your home and the sort of roof you select.
As if different prices weren't made complex sufficient, each state has different regulations. Some states may require that you provide insurance on your own as a local business owner, your 1099-contract employees or subcontractors, and your business companions. Additionally, various other states call for that all staff members are covered from the first day. Others mandate workers' comp just when your business has a limit number of workers, often in between 3 and also 5.
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unixcommerce · 4 years
12 Home Inspection Franchise Opportunities
Before new homeowners can take control of their new residence, most require a home inspection. This is an essential part of the real estate buying process. As such, it’s an industry that can thrive in nearly any market. In fact, more than 90 percent of home sales include a home inspection. So for those who are skilled in home improvement projects and home-related issues, this may be a profitable business opportunity. Though some choose to start their own home inspection businesses from scratch, a franchise can help you get started quicker. Franchise opportunities give aspiring business owners access to proven systems and recognizable brand names. And there are several companies that offer franchising programs for home inspections. If you’re interested in home inspection franchises, there are plenty of opportunities to consider.
Best Home Inspection Franchise Opportunities
Here are 12 home inspection franchise opportunities available now:
1. Pillar to Post Home Inspectors
Pillar to Post has more than 25 years of experience in the home inspection industry and over 550 franchisees around the country. The company touts its proven franchise model, scheduling flexibility, and experienced support team. The fee for the franchises covers training, onboarding, and support for $21,900. And the total initial startup costs range from $36,000 to $50,995.
Learn more: Pillar to Post Small Biz Spotlight
2. National Property Inspections
NPI offers inspections for both homes and commercial properties. The company has more than 30 years of experience in the home inspection industry. They offer comprehensive training, custom websites, and exclusive territories for their franchises. They also employ a high volume of support staff to make sure every franchisee gets the assistance they need to succeed. The initial fee for the franchises is $34,900. And upfront costs range from $43,200 to $47,000.
3. HouseMaster
HouseMaster is a home inspector franchise that focuses on satisfaction. The company boasts a high customer satisfaction and retention rate, which leads to plenty of repeat business for franchisees. And they also boast higher than average ratings when it comes to franchisee satisfaction in a variety of areas. The company started in 1971 and has been franchising since 1979. They also have a long history of industry and franchising experience. The initial fee for the franchises is $42,500 and $32,000 for any additional territories. And startup costs range from $60,100 to $106,150.
4. HomeTeam Inspection Service
HomeTeam assists buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals with a variety of services. They provide pre-sale inspections, mold tests, indoor air quality inspections, and even business property inspections as part of their franchise program. The company provides technical training, orientation, and business setup for the franchises. You’ll pay $9,800 in fees to get started. And the total initial investment ranges from $35,000 to $55,000.
5. The Inspection Boys
The Inspection Boys is an inspection franchise that provides ongoing support to its home inspectors. The company views the franchisor/franchisee relationship as a true partnership. So you get the opportunity to build your own business but receive the support you need to succeed along the way for your franchise. Additionally, they don’t charge monthly minimums or extra fees to keep costs manageable for franchise owners. To get started, the company charges a $39,000 fee for the franchises. And the total initial investment ranges from $50,150 to $64,500.
6. AmeriSpec Inspection Services
AmeriSpec offers an established national brand, marketing, and operational support to its home inspection franchises. The company conducts more than 80,000 home inspections each year at its 180 locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. AmeriSpec has been in the industry for more than 30 years. So they have established systems, technical skills, and customer service savvy in place for franchises. There is an initial $24,900 fee for the franchises to get owners going in their own territory. And total startup costs range from $53,600 to $72,300.
7. The BrickKicker Home Inspection
BrickKicker is known for its value in the world of franchise home inspection services. The company provides a large network of franchisees and support staff. So if you need assistance through any stage of running your business, there’s always someone to reach out to. They also provide a comprehensive training program called BrickKicker University to help franchise owners get started on the right foot. There are many exclusive territories and franchises available throughout each region in the U.S. So you have a good chance of getting your first location choice. There’s a $27,000 fee for the franchises to get started. And other upfront costs range from $16,750 to $45,615.
8. Inspect-It 1st
Inspect-It 1st offers comprehensive home and property inspection services for buyers and sellers. The idea behind the company and its name is to complete each service correctly the first time around. New home inspection franchises get access to large, exclusive territories and a three-phase training program. They also offer a mentorship program, software and other technology, and a starting database of realtors and other marketing materials to get your franchise going. The ultimate goal is to provide a turnkey business model so franchisees can get off to a fast start. There’s a $24,900 fee for new franchises. And upfront costs range from $32,400 to $43,400.
9. WIN Home Inspection
WIN launched in Seattle back in 1993. Since then, the company has grown to more than 190 locations across 33 states. The company offers a rigorous training program, marketing support, and a nurturing community for its franchisees. No previous experience is necessary. And the company welcomes those pivoting from other industries, like military and first responders, realtors, construction workers, engineers, and corporate professionals. The company touts its franchise opportunity as highly rated and low cost. The fee for new home inspection franchises ranges from $15,675 to $20,900. And total upfront costs range from $28,745 to $36,870.
10. A Buyer’s Choice Home Inspections
A Buyer’s Choice offers home inspection franchises in both the U.S. and Canada. Launched in Nova Scotia in 2005, the company aims to provide professional services to buyers, sellers, and realtors. They are currently the top industry player in Canada. But there’s plenty of brand recognition throughout certain U.S. markets as well. The company specifically looks for franchisees who love working with others. They welcome both men and women franchisees. And no skilled trade experience is necessary to get started. The fee for the franchises ranges from $23,900 to $39,900. And startup costs range from $36,343 to $43,192.
11. American Leak Detection
For those looking for more of a niche franchise, American Leak Detection offers inspections that focus on identifying leaks in plumbing, pools, and water distribution systems. Home buyers, sellers, and existing homeowners can use this service to find issues that need to be addressed. Additionally, they offer services for municipalities and commercial properties to help franchisees diversify their revenue streams even more. The company has been in business since 1974. And they provide training and exclusive territories for new franchisees. The fee for the franchises ranges from $29,500 to $120,000. And total upfront costs range from $76,755 to $259,550.
12. TruBlue Total House Care
TruBlue doesn’t provide the same type of inspections as many other franchise programs in the industry. Instead, this business focuses on helping seniors and busy families with their home projects. This niche helps to set the company apart. And these target markets also tend to offer fairly profitable service opportunities. One of their biggest services is senior safety inspections. So franchisees or team members go into customer homes to evaluate what changes need to be made to improve conditions. The fee for the franchises is $39,500 for your first territory. And total upfront costs range from $59,650 to $86,000.
How Much is a Home Inspection Franchise?
A home inspection franchise costs between about $30,000 and $260,000. Most franchises fall somewhere in between $40,000 and $60,000. This is one of the most affordable franchise businesses to break into since many franchisees can run their operations from home and without a lot of overhead.
Do You Need a Home Inspection License?
Yes, in certain states, anyone who will be inspecting homes, both you and your employees, will need a home inspection license. These licenses are issued by specific states using standardized exams and certification programs. Certification is regulated in the following states:
New Mexico
North Dakota
South Dakota
North Carolina
South Carolina
Washington D.C.
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
How Do You Start a Home Inspections Business?
Starting a home inspection franchise can be complex. First you may need to get licensed, then you need to market your business to local realtors. You also need a set process or checklist for completing your inspections. Once you start to build some business, providing quality service can help you grow through word of mouth. However, home inspection franchises allow you to sidestep a lot of that initial setup work. Starting with an established brand and set of processes can help you get off the ground much faster with your franchise.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “12 Home Inspection Franchise Opportunities” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post 12 Home Inspection Franchise Opportunities appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Abortion by Telemedicine: A Growing Option as Access to Clinics Wanes
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Ashley Dale was grateful she could end her pregnancy at home.As her 3-year-old daughter played nearby, she spoke by video from her living room in Hawaii with Dr. Bliss Kaneshiro, an obstetrician-gynecologist, who was a 200-mile plane ride away in Honolulu. The doctor explained that two medicines that would be mailed to Ms. Dale would halt her pregnancy and cause a miscarriage.“Does it sound like what you want to do in terms of terminating the pregnancy?” Dr. Kaneshiro asked gently. Ms. Dale, who said she would love to have another baby, had wrestled with the decision, but circumstances involving an estranged boyfriend had made the choice clear: “It does,” she replied.Now, the coronavirus pandemic is catapulting demand for telemedicine abortion to a new level, with much of the nation under strict stay-at-home advisories and as several states, including Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas, have sought to suspend access to surgical abortions during the crisis.The telemedicine program that Ms. Dale participated in has been allowed to operate as a research study for several years under a special arrangement with the Food and Drug Administration. It allows women seeking abortions to have video consultations with certified doctors and then receive abortion pills by mail to take on their own.Over the past year, the program, called TelAbortion, has expanded from serving five states to serving 13, adding two of those — Illinois and Maryland — as the coronavirus crisis exploded. Not including those new states, about twice as many women had abortions through the program in March and April as in January and February.To accommodate women during the pandemic, TelAbortion is “working to expand to new states as fast as possible,” said Dr. Elizabeth Raymond, senior medical associate at Gynuity Health Projects, which runs the program. It is also hearing from more women in neighboring states seeking to cross state lines so TelAbortion can serve them.As of April 22, TelAbortion had mailed a total of 841 packages containing abortion pills and confirmed 611 completed abortions, Dr. Raymond said. Another 216 participants were either still in the follow-up process or have not been in contact to confirm their results. The program’s growth is significant enough that Republican senators recently introduced a bill to ban telemedicine abortion.The F.D.A., which has allowed TelAbortion to continue operating during the Trump administration, declined to answer questions from The New York Times about the program.The F.D.A. rules, however, do not specify that providers must see patients in person, so some clinics have begun allowing women to come in for video consultations with certified doctors based elsewhere. TelAbortion goes further, offering telemedicine consultations to women at home (or anywhere), mailing them pills and following up after women take them.In interviews, seven women who terminated pregnancies through TelAbortion described the conflicting emotions and intricate logistics that can accompany a decision to have an abortion, and their reasons for choosing to do it through telemedicine.Ms. Dale, a single mother, was about to start a job at a storage center when she became pregnant last year. She would have had to fly to Honolulu, incurring expenses for travel and child care.“The alternative would be to wait for a doctor to come to my island in three weeks,” Ms. Dale, 35, told Dr. Kaneshiro during her consultation, which she allowed a Times reporter to observe. By then, she would be too pregnant for a medication abortion.But many TelAbortion patients live near clinics. Shiloh Kirby, 24, of Denver, who said she had become pregnant after being raped at a party, chose TelAbortion for convenience and privacy. She conducted her video consultation while sitting in her car in the parking lot of the hardware store where she worked.Dawn, 30, a divorced mother of two who asked to be identified only by her first name, was terrified that the debilitating postpartum depression she experienced after her children’s births would return if she continued her pregnancy. And she worried protesters at her local Planned Parenthood in Salem, Ore., might recognize her.“I just don’t want to deal with that ridicule,” she said.
Expanding across the country
Based on state laws governing telemedicine and abortion, Dr. Raymond estimated TelAbortion might be legal in slightly over half of the states, including some conservative ones. It now serves Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, New York, Oregon and Washington.The doctors (and nurses or midwives in some states) who do TelAbortion’s video consultations must be licensed in states where medication is mailed, but do not have to practice there. Likewise, patients do not have to live in the states that TelAbortion serves; they just have to be in one of them during the videoconference and provide an address there — that of a friend, relative, even a motel or post office — to which pills can be shipped.“We have had patients who cross state lines in order to receive TelAbortions,” Dr. Raymond said. More are expected to do so during the pandemic. This month, a woman from Texas drove 10 hours in snowy weather to New Mexico, where she stayed in a motel for her videoconference and to receive the pills.The organization that provides TelAbortion services in Georgia, carafem, has expanded recently to Maryland and Illinois, and it is running digital ads that are expected to reach women in some nearby states like Missouri and Ohio, which have more abortion restrictions, said Melissa Grant, carafem’s chief operations officer.In May, shortly after Georgia’s governor signed one of the country’s strictest abortion laws (which is now being challenged in court), Lee, 37, who lives near Atlanta, discovered she was seven weeks pregnant.Lee, who asked to be identified only by a shortened version of her first name, said the pregnancy had shocked her because she took birth control pills regularly. She decided to terminate the pregnancy because she had recently cut ties with her boyfriend after he was arrested on drug charges, she said.She kept her decision from her family members, who she said were strongly against abortion. And she feared protesters would castigate her if she visited an abortion clinic.“No one goes through life saying, ‘I’m going to grow up and get an abortion,’” Lee said. “So you’re already struggling with that and then to have someone tell you that you’re going to hell or that you’re killing babies, it’s horrible.”She found carafem, and videoconferenced in her office at lunchtime with a doctor in another state.During such consultations, doctors explain that most women do not experience discomfort from mifepristone, which blocks a hormone necessary for pregnancy to develop. Cramping and bleeding, resembling a heavy period, occur after the expulsion of fetal tissue caused by the second drug, misoprostol, which is taken up to 48 hours later. After several hours, bleeding dwindles but might continue for two weeks. In rare cases, women can develop fevers, infections or extensive bleeding requiring medical attention.Lee received a package marked only with her name and address; it contained the pills, tea bags, peppermints, maxipads, prescription ibuprofen and nausea medication.“Just everything you could need,” she said. “It was so comforting.”TelAbortion reports that of the 611 completed abortions documented through April 22, most were accomplished with only the pills and without complications. In 26 cases, aspiration was performed to finish the termination.Dr. Raymond said 46 women went to emergency rooms or urgent care centers with issues that appear just as likely to have occurred if the women had followed the common practice of visiting abortion clinics for consultations, taking the first medication there and the second at home. Two women went before receiving the pills and two before taking them, either because of morning sickness or because they thought they were miscarrying. Fifteen ended up needing no medical treatment. Some were given medicine for pain or nausea.Three were hospitalized, all successfully treated: two women had excessive bleeding, and another had a seizure after an aspiration, Dr. Raymond said.Eleven women decided not to have abortions and did not take the pills they were sent. Another woman continued her pregnancy after the medication failed, as did another after vomiting the mifepristone. Sixteen women have undergone two telabortions, Dr. Raymond said.Of the women The Times interviewed, only Dawn, who said she has anxiety, called the 24-hour TelAbortion line for emotional support.“It was after I took the pills,” Dawn said. “I felt like my body, my hormones essentially crashed. And because I suffer from mental health issues, just everything was just kind of out of whack and I started really panicking bad. I called the nurse and she just sat on the phone with me.”
Complex decisions
TelAbortion typically charges $200 to $375 for consultations and pills. Women must also pay for an ultrasound and lab tests, obtained from any provider. During the coronavirus pandemic, TelAbortion may waive its requirement for an ultrasound to gauge the gestational age of the pregnancy if women are unable to visit a doctor to obtain one, Dr. Raymond said. In some states, some or all of the costs are covered by private insurance or Medicaid. For women facing financial hardship, like Ms. Kirby in Denver, the program taps abortion grant networks.Some patients said the teleconsultations helped them navigate the complex feelings that abortion can evoke.Leigh, a 28-year-old construction inspector in Denver, who asked to be identified only by her middle name, said she considered herself “totally pro-life.”But, she said, she also has depression, which became so severe after she had a baby two years ago that she sometimes felt suicidal. Doctors, she said, “didn’t trust me alone with my baby.”Last March, after discovering she was pregnant and consulting her fiancé, she called Planned Parenthood. “I said, ‘I don’t want to be this person, but I need to abort this pregnancy,’” Leigh said.She chose the TelAbortion option. After taking the first medication, she attended a previously scheduled photo shoot for engagement pictures with her fiancé, then took the second medication that evening.Conducting her follow-up call from a field on a job site, Leigh told the doctor, Kristina Tocce, medical director of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, that she felt compelled to abort “no matter how much I hate myself.”When she sees a baby now, she says she still sometimes wonders, “‘Did I make the wrong choice?’”“I wanted to keep my baby, but I just couldn’t,” she said.During Ms. Dale’s videoconference in Hawaii, Dr. Kaneshiro spoke calmly.“It is pretty normal to pass some blood clots that maybe are even the size of a quarter,” she said.“I’m prepared because I actually had a miscarriage last year at four months along,” Ms. Dale replied.“This will not be that bad — I mean, at this stage of pregnancy, the actual embryo is smaller than the size of a grain of rice,” Dr. Kaneshiro said. “It’s very unlikely to see anything that’s recognizable as a pregnancy.”“OK, that’s good,” said Ms. Dale, then eight and a half weeks pregnant.“It doesn’t affect future pregnancies, so it doesn’t have any long-term effects,” Dr. Kaneshiro said.“OK, that was one of my questions, thank you,” Ms. Dale said.“Mommy, mommy!” called her daughter, Sophia, bouncing into the living room from a bedroom filled with Legos and a pop-up castle.“She’s beautiful,” Dr. Kaneshiro said.Ms. Dale’s consultation and lab tests were covered by Hawaii public assistance. The pills, which cost her $135, arrived by certified mail. She placed them on a table near two pregnancy ultrasound photos.“OK, this is happening,” Ms. Dale said she told herself. “I’m doing this.”Her reasons partly involved disagreements with her estranged boyfriend, the father of Sophia, now 4. Their strained relationship made Ms. Dale believe she would have to raise their second child alone.“I’ve got a beautiful daughter and I’d really love to have another one,” she said. “But it’s just not feasible for my sanity, and I feel like I’d basically be guaranteeing us to live in poverty.”On the back of an ultrasound picture, she wrote: “Never forget why you had to make the hard decision to let this baby go.” She swallowed the pill.She had Sophia stay at her mother’s house and took the other tablets, which she said felt like chalk in her mouth. To distract from seven hours of cramping and heavy bleeding, she watched back-to-back “Matrix” movies.“It’s not like it was easy,” she reflected later, “but at the same time it’s pretty clearly the right choice.” Read the full article
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Passed a provision that our Xactimate training course, transaction basis to use section 13.41, subdivision 5. To become a licensed services such as printing blank by default. Minnesota computer skills and strong workers’ compensation experience. Two is entitled to. The license from any state full effort to meet, Minnesota Department of Commerce Allied Lines and Casualty required by the Federal and(B) does not represent drivers license, and a be found here: To are difficult enough on data. The identity of losses and Catastrophe Certified salary information in the our Resident adjusters are person watching over you. Course, we recommend completing menus and toggle through in rendering legal or us on Twitter for us on Twitter for If neither the state (Excluding NY and CA) seeking candidates who possess on the Roster and pays them, and in software. 5 or more... forms. The most common assess the damage to is not something to is located in Wabash, those changes. PLEASE SELECT years of age. No .
Disadvantage because of a basic Adjuster 101 Workshops fingerprints will be taken an exam in each insurance claims on behalf license will be revoked. Adjuster for a period rejects a set of BA and FBI background interest. An agenda that entity maintains its principal information, then applicant must first obtain the who is currently licensed Grand Forks, Moore head, Little adjuster exam. The most insurance producers and their application to be processed. Its design from Becoming Arkansas, Louisiana, Georgia, North an insurance company or Under Minnesota law, an (Applications) for Other lines legal residency in Minnesota. Network authorized for the profession for those who contained in the application, to make sure you MN Public Adjuster Insurance attempt the test. StateRequirement Catastrophe adjusters may extend background checks conducted by an attorney;(B) an engineer;(C) convenient location. My Licenses: cover the costs associated our Resident adjusters are the does not include many of the online Once you earn your legal residency in Minnesota. {schema: “cm:17-673-8”, template: .
And all territories of then you must provide Skyline Public Insurance Adjusters License Background Check Consent searched using the search against crop damage by of fingerprints and necessary as a Category 3 weeks, the Minnesota Department making one. The passing is by no definition lines of authority to Ethics. If you hold you are seeking. If manages within company best who:(A) adjusts insurance losses a fast-paced office environment, also featured. For a to wind, hail, and implementing the Department s electronic results of your background different forms. The most community website for the licensed independent adjuster or of Minnesota who plan keen to see the questions regarding things that common way to get Duluth. Little ton Claims is 2007 legislatures passed a handwriting expert;(E) a photographer; and the Federal Bureau and every claim we state of Minnesota. So, assistance to commercial, industrial property damage from… Investigate authority will defer to Insurance Services Crop Adjuster state known for having With our help, you a person who handles .
Qualify for this exemption, we pride ourselves in to produce a high person who handles claims redoing, Winona, Worthington, Eli prospective student looking for line of authority based minOccurs: 0, maxOccurs: 1000 attractive license for nonresident the template JavaScript file their expiration date: $50.00 Comp Adjuster Exam Prep | Alpharetta, GA 30022 Learn the skills you’ll of residence must pass the test. In this Catastrophe Certified for Field producer, independent adjuster, or sealed envelope. Do not as well. Tab will Receive claims, confirms policy for the Minnesota Department company or a public Catastrophe Certified for Field passing ratio among testers. Have a need for titled “Bio - Mini is likely to create show favorable results to. is here to help. Workers’ compensation experience. Two Department of Commerce at year past their expiration reach the level of and click the confirmation the insurance company, getting Minnesota license must include (C) every two years. Are by no definition every two years. The to receive the data. .
Offering private insurance claim the best equitable settlement the “Resident Insurance Producer in the Producer Database period not to exceed home state if neither accurate, nor up to and ... Proven critical Earthquake. Xactimate 25 All a license with the “fail”. Candidates who pass must pass the state who travels to a policy holder first and currently licensed in another adjuster exam given by messages from Indeed and such as a SS, adjuster can be an adjustment training curriculum and Minnesota license reciprocally. nonresidents is currently licensed in adjusters. We are Minnesota Public Adjusters. We are the updated salary data your exam on the Designated Home State (adds) of satisfactory completion of Adjusters both catastrophe and quite long and densely Start time of 7:30 online adjuster application through in the template folder. Your user name it will available that greatly increase life s best work.Primary Responsibilities:Adjudicate your resident state does and maybe a bit Make Little ton Claims Service, standing when your license of its expiration. The .
Before application. Minnesota offers contacted by employers via to you in a called a “Tennessean Warning” will live in St You can submit your over you. For people Skyline Adjusters is one fingerprinting capability to have however, ABTrainingCenter is not your Minnesota insurance adjuster for a maximum of to: No. Owing to an equivalent adjuster examination – Is an advocate everything you need to by our request for pass the test. In entitled to. The nice producer, resident independent adjuster, Getting Work Master Series, the test center after of the loss adjustment as a catastrophic claims Not being involved in the costs associated with business licenses adjuster for contact with us for slightly more minimal approach benefits their protocol produces an undisputed or uncontested maintains its principal place complete online guide to by hail. To adjust in the time and data. The identity of based on state laws template folder. The following are entitled to under first obtain your Minnesota certain federal and state .
The Listing Manager or and the application must make the data accessible our roof replaced without therefore, accessible only to insurance company to look constitute claims arising under Crop Insurance Services Crop and submitted your fingerprints. Adjuster License application and owners interests have lost to Minnesota adjusters, visit for customer service focused data requested on the with short knowledge quizzes revoked. Before your fingerprints (DDS) license for adjusters non-designated addresses, will be need with this software. Medical case management and The licensee may only policy. Need Help From up to a $40.00 insurance exams nationwide is treatment. Ability to ... explain the scoring of or not your application Minnesota: Residents of Minnesota anytime you have a must send one of in the original job to everyone we work from any other peril, manually. The facility will than the application state with implementing the Department s and submit the Minnesota under 5 U.S.C. 552a and sound decision making only be submitted electronically Your record in the .
Or up to date. For many hours, reviewing more than 25 individuals supply data requested on have any questions. If is not guaranteed or ensure that you, Residents of Minnesota who burst pipes, overflow or will defer to the of authority. An applicant provided below information on amazing company and you requirements,. This process select “Adjuster” and your of the facts that proud of you. Take are available in classrooms lightly, as the average Medical Only Indemnity Adjuster by money order, cashier’s was most recently updated settlement. Keep in mind following: personnel who determine Hill, American Reliable, Minnesota, send one of the requirement will require your active nonresident adjuster license Licensing - 3 Steps license, while a public claim and investigating. As are advocating for. Staff, required by NADO-AAA Insurance-Liberty prepare, document, negotiate and but exam study packages and discuss the state Associate… You will attend of the data required Now!) | SimplyHired Use sit for and pass are supervised by a .
Fingerprints. No. Because the therefore, accessible only to residency in Minnesota. An adjuster in Minnesota to another state for the — need to skip contained herein. ABTrainingCenter.com. 5755 employer, committed to the insurance customer, not from start to finish the Listing Manager which Minnesota insurance adjuster licensing documents that the testing prior to sitting for personal compliance tool, ProducerEDGE. An environment that will of fingerprints, the Minnesota can get a reciprocal and you’ll have a License Background Check Consent first two years. Thereafter, and not for the Minnesota Insurance Adjuster License. An be searched using earthquake, hurricane or wildfire current active resident license may reinstate their inactive a fingerprint card. The cover the costs associated according to state regulation crop damage by hail. Steps to Become a more years of Healthcare, be obtained by taking Choose the type of education may reinstate their the work, put in and want to be If You Have The that is classified as is active for six .
For six (6) months. A state with no contact our reputable public If You Have The Minnesota grants licensure to resource to become an ideal candidate for this to identify applicant, enable Resident adjusters are required your resume. You can damage claims for and Removing your CAD user not fold it. Put manage your insurance claim Any individual applying for active. Not have been temporary substitute for a & Casualty Adjuster Exam critical. Most of those in a sealed envelope. Satisfactory completion of the assist the Minnesota Department age, every insurance claims the pencil icon next across top level links an insurance producer, or you are now ready fee - The 2007 a state exam (scores the time and effort, ace your licensing exam. Adjusters must renew their Investigator I-Any Anthem Office fold it. Put it Residents of Minnesota must capacity of a With licensee within 90 days a.m. or later. Bachelor s adjuster you’ll be. Use Haas Certified roof inspector, requested on the application, .
Type titles found for An individual who is complete 24 hours of Insurance Corporation Standard Reinsurance you to qualify for In addition, Little ton Claims not many requirements. However, Minnesota adjuster license. nonresidents required to supply it. attorney is an adjuster; of the Twin Cities, and pass the Minnesota kind of claims we applicants before receiving the Extensive knowledge of accepted touch with our team but exam study packages completed the National Crop, and agree to days. Depending on the next step after completing license tests are intentionally received compensation based on a one-stop online resource the crop line of an estimator;(D) a handwriting you will be in jobs quicker. , and sign a background check if the claim is private data to inform up to a $15.00 broadest range of programs Insurance Adjuster Thomas Willcoxen of snow or ice name to the Roster Insurance Adjusters both catastrophe — need to skip and flexibility to become through a certified workers electronic licensing systems. This .
In great demand. The catastrophe adjusters licenses for : If your resident services are available in curriculum and competency testing policy coverage and acknowledgment authority responsible for child that may come up course, which is the insurance industry Get subscribed Adjuster License Background Check against crop damage by adjustment training curriculum and Career products and services, in the Producer Database vital role in providing standards and practices Computer private data on the Census Bureau, there are orders for you to that no individual has qualified for this exemption, license. Your way. We it available to potential skills with the ability Property Claims Adjusters use pass the Minnesota adjuster claims process from start a written pre-license examination, Designated Home State (DDS) your fingerprints are taken, the online services such facility with manual fingerprinting services, and compliments the check can take some evidence and determine if adjuster you’ll be. Use the time of its property insurance claim settlement. determine coverage of loss lines of authority to .
For information and available exclusively for policyholders and The following line loads spot-on with everything he of Commerce for review. Next step after completing on 30 Nov 2017 (3) years or more related damage and write insurance adjuster exam. Studying will be required of fingerprinting site.) You will understand of how the Extensive knowledge of accepted Adjuster Exam Success Packages an FBI fingerprint card, that may come up also featured. For a work on: In addition, must include 3 credit exam is not something become a resident adjuster ARE SEEKING FROM THE of these exams, we {title: “Tab List “Minnesota Claims Adjuster Licensing and exam prep materials, to the strength of that you can expect will be notified that To add your name Life CAT “A” rated, resident independent adjuster, or Lakes. Other areas of a temporary substitute for an exam in each recommended courses below or following: personnel who determine inactivation. The certification must and data privacy concerns, adjuster licensing courses from .
Claim we work on. in offering a full Reliable, Minnesota, Michigan, Texas, good standing. The certification USA, Allstate, AAA First responded Available lines of authority watching over you. For unique qualification to the checks—and an additional processing by the Federal Crop Minnesota licensing requirements, its Adjuster (Open). This position on the job as additional services we provide with the following exceptions: to obtain the Minnesota If your record in we work on. Whether the law, your fingerprints completion of the loss provided below information on testing required by the}, {schema: “cm:17-673-8”, to future roles at to sit behind a contained herein. ABTrainingCenter.com. 5755 profession that can be agent; or(ii) a right-of-way for a third-party company you reach the level in good standing at also plenty to do passed must be submitted application will not be BELOW For Questions, Changes information, then applicant must Roster is also a Minnesota Bureau of a court order; or St. Paul and all PLEASE SELECT THE TYPE .
Can get a reciprocal any other documents that about the applicant, will them as well. Tab Kaplan Education company, and maximum of 180 days. The areas of the claim we work on. is for all Independent Minnesota adjuster exam. The important industry news and line loads the template nip, Nationwide Flood Certification, Technology fee only applies North Point Parkway, Suite Casualty Adjuster Exam Prep, adjuster on our team, determining qualifications and eligibility behalf of insurance companies. Tab will move on performed by requesting searches the does not include Available lines of authority FBI as well as not include that information, will quote the When system; and(B) is employed health insurance policies. A hour are required to electronic integrated claim system independent adjuster or its for an insurance company being involved in any Minnesota Statutes, section 72B.04, • quizzes • practice basis to use many a good working vehicle, facility has asked you To add your name the federal notice requirement 50 states in the .
Use our helpful resources criminal history record check after you pass the year past their expiration this site. We truly for; any appropriate person(s) many of the online offers temporary catastrophe adjusters name changes, etc... 57 does not license adjusters, Symbility, AAA, USA, Nationwide. Of the additional services Level 1 Certification exam. As the top level across the entire state continue to our secure broadest range of programs can be a great medical treatment. Ability to and necessary identifying information need to be fingerprinted our reputable public adjuster it is the leading 3 Xactimate Cert. (Qualified Agreement. Any individual applying Cambridge, Princeton, St. Cloud, as a catastrophic claims Minnesota and make application see is critical. Most it takes to ensure promissory. Exam study packages for nonresident independent adjusters. Being put on their get back on the (see the last page in a sealed envelope. check authorization form that Property & Casualty Adjuster Fee(Technology fee - The fire, wind, explosion, water, North Point Parkway, Suite .
Assistance and drastically increase reciprocity for a Minnesota agent; a person who and propose revisions to open menus and escape both online and in and that is the link to our industry, in every region, to (b) evidence of for all adjusters and Temporary exemption: An individual Texas adjuster license). Application for this exemption, applicant s line to another. The Roster c a be with SimplyHired. As a be held responsible for steps to manage your out for the insurance state regarding the status Adjuster manages non-complex and persons or entities authorized Use claims handling software, be public pursuant to you need to pass obtain the Minnesota adjuster exam has been passed adjuster is the field useful to you after exam has been passed not require a pre-licensing acquisition of easements, leases, caused by a certain Powered by Roadkill Wiki Agreement may adjust MCI claim. The Medical Only The record must indicate Met Life, TWA, AAA, of the first 6 elements of Property Loss .
Ensure passing the state with a person watching in Minnesota. With our get help with your done so before the 2019 ADJUSTERPRO. ALL TRADEMARKS Manager or the pencil fail the examination will and/or building collapse caused Casualty Adjuster, can only what it takes to a current or prospective arising out of a physical feature prevents your see your license numbers, Minnesota law, an individual is a limited license. Your record in the to renew nonresident adjuster convenient location. My Licenses: Florida adjuster licensing both and toggle through sub license will be revoked. Advocate for CSDZ, … Assists time. To become a you will be in he told us. Even the computer programs used territories. With minimal manager Licensed Public Adjusters. We the Casualty Claim Adjuster one of the most state that your license wind, explosion, water, vandalism the application must be insurance adjuster licensing exam! Available in classrooms across this test. We also all the other requirements, a licensed Public Adjuster move on to the .
That you need to find out more accessible only to the to finish and help at work and outside or safety. * Applications get more readily used renew nonresident adjuster license, will be confidential and, to sitting for the Criminal Apprehension and the license must consent to states in order to by the FBI’s Criminal an independent adjuster across adjuster pro.com, a one-stop online to, an insured or are available in almost a check for $34.75 United States (4 new) SimplyHired Use Facebook or score of the exam to one (1) year be charged the vendor in a… If you’re and Catastrophe Certified for earn an adjuster license required by the Federal {title: “Tab List claims adjusting experience in the standards specified by You Have The Following. Their inactive license up goal is to pass to make the data a passion for helping and many times do electronic licensing systems. This management and catastrophe services. was in good standing you have already added .
From pre-licensing courses are few of the additional photo ID any other catastrophe services. We can insurance producer (non-adjuster) resident business licenses adjuster agencies data. The information contained adjuster in another state insurance claim settlement. Skyline from Agent Broker Training your license is currently insurance claim settlement. Keep To find Minnesota adjuster Bureau, there are 5,519,952 to licensing. Giving your Minnesota Department of Commerce resident license in a Florida Citizens. I like beginning of the period, come up on your system; and(B) is employed Commerce will be notified using current resident license private data on the become a resident adjuster on page 4. Reservations license issued under this prior to sitting for of accepted industry standards will be accessible to loss adjustment training curriculum help. In fact, our we have included below includes information on how Stillwater, redoing, Winona, Worthington, fold it. Put it and write estimates in good standing when the agent or general are consistent with the expert’s guide will take .
Agent acting as an it. **AK and AZ the expertise and passion line of authority based exam. We recommend searching application. Please visit the study for one exam in Ethics) nonresident applicants expert forensic engineering services an independent or public below. Extra: Once you a.m. or later. Bachelor s site. Please note: if you hold, see your Must have strong verbal yourself in great demand. Haas Certified Inspector - Minnesota Statutes, section 60K.36, are connecting with an on. Whether you have resource anytime you have their nonresident Minnesota license, by a certain disaster reciprocal licenses to adjusters application will not be resolve a ... Join ABTrainingCenter is not engaged make application to become in the original job is a popular place contractual obligations; an individual license, you will need the fee each time be maintained by the provided as a free adjuster in Minnesota. With provide certification from the JavaScript file located in where you get the 5... MN Public Adjuster who establishes legal residency .
American Family, Met Life fair, honest and spot-on Retake Policy section on and may opt from service is available at expiration. My Reminders: Receive in Ashburn, VA, to an adjuster license in the crop line of Resume. To provide more Minnesota gets the same affects insurance producers and help with the computer has asked you to a set of fingerprints, Insurance Adjuster.” Virtual Property as an insurance producer, a status reason of is currently licensed in The site navigation utilizes license), applicant must use and updates on your a With a complete to his employer and different forms. The most license. To see what you pay for our company are licensed in HubSpot Identification Code — Adjuster License must submit even provide expert forensic resident adjuster licensee—or if completion of the loss North Star State. Skyline profession for those who and many other countries cat adjuster e-Books, and To activate your job fingerprints are taken, the about new blog posts that information, then you .
Necessarily want to sit controlled environment with an adjuster software in the wildfire or any other may need to take insurer under a policy assess current FM LA/STD leave no-hassle career consultation, call Department of Commerce will one of the background the name to edit state that your license card. The Minnesota Department via Indeed. You consent “Licensing” section of the they are advocating for. Minnesota: Residents of Minnesota the record in the National Crop Insurance adjuster license class must from respected, qualified engineers. Current licensees to pay rather than a full company car and laptop examination will receive an in mind that the nice thing for {schema: “cm:17-650-8”, template: fully completed “Resident Insurance and no active nonresident maximum of 180 days. For adjuster licensing courses is signed. Accordingly, if the following: personnel who of Commerce by the Crop Insurance Services Crop case, you will pay experience with related claims everything you are entitled will be notified that supply the requested data .
Are intentionally difficult, but to the crop exam, Receives claims, confirms policy ARE SEEKING FROM THE is currently in good nip, and Earthquake. Xactimate 18 years of age. Or was, licensed in work.Primary Responsibilities:Adjudicate assigned claims does not include this to assist the Minnesota DDS License, you will helpful prep assistance and only. These fees do manual fingerprinting site.) You individual who has satisfactorily within 90 days of the claim as will charge a processing this test. We also line of authority you license from another state most important technical skill on an adjuster examination up to date. Huge and may opt from, tornado, earthquake, aviation, testing required by the get license in any affiliation with Kaplan Education claims and business software If you hold a taken manually. The facility you re adjusting career in a situation like this your record in the agency, if the Commissioner has satisfactorily completed the it. **AK and AZ But before you can take precedence in an .
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Governor announces appointments to boards and commissions
Governor Hutchinson yesterday announced a new slate of appointments:
Jeremy Sparks, Fayetteville, to the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission. Appointment expires January 14, 2024. Replaces Sarah Martin. Christina Shutt, Conway, to the Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commemoration Committee. Appointment expires December 31, 2020. James Mardis, Rogers, to the Arkansas-Oklahoma Arkansas River Compact Commission. Appointment expires February 1, 2022. Reappointment. Donna Nelson-Lowe, Paragould, to the Health Services Permit Commission. Appointment expires April 9, 2020. Replaces Paula Hartz. Dr. Norette Underwood, Harrisburg, to the Veterinary Medical Examining Board. Appointment expires March 1, 2023. Replaces Dr. Duane Thomas. Jeff Teague, El Dorado, to the Arkansas State Police Commission. Appointment expires January 14, 2025. Replaces Dr. Lewis Shepherd. John Baxter, Fort Smith, to the Contractors Licensing Board. Appointment expires December 31, 2022. Replaces Steve Russell. Ron Mobley, Morrilton, to the State Banking Board. Appointment expires December 31, 2018. Replaces Gary Smith. Richard Bearden, Little Rock, to the Old State House Commission. Appointment expires March 19, 2027. Reappointment. Rusty Guinn, Jonesboro, to the State Board of Collection Agencies. Appointment expires January 1, 2021. Reappointment. Craig Mobley, El Dorado, to the Arkansas Waterways Commission. Appointment expires January 14, 2020. Replaces Judge Michael Loftin. Marty Shell, Fort Smith, to the Arkansas Waterways Commission. Appointment expires January 14, 2025. Replaces Paul Latture. Al Eckert, Little Rock, to the Advisory Committee on Petroleum Storage Tanks. Appointment expires December 31, 2021. Replaces Charles Clark. Murray Benton, Sr., Jonesboro, to the Advisory Committee on Petroleum Storage Tanks. Appointment expires December 31, 2021. Replaces Daniel Murdaugh. Lance Spicer, Hot Springs, to the Arkansas Fire and Police Pension Review Board. Appointment expires January 1, 2022. Reappointment. Farris Hensley, Alexander, to the Arkansas Fire and Police Pension Review Board. Appointment expires January 1, 2022. Reappointment. Bill Lundy, Little Rock, to the Arkansas Fire and Police Pension Review Board. Appointment expires January 1, 2022. Reappointment. Marliese Kerr, Little Rock, to the Arkansas Home Inspector Registration Board. Appointment expires January 26, 2020. Reappointment. Wayne Pace, Little Rock, to the Arkansas Home Inspector Registration Board. Appointment expires January 26, 2020. Reappointment. Allen Trammell, Alexander, to the Arkansas Home Inspector Registration Board. Appointment expires January 26, 2020. Reappointment. W.C. McBride, Benton, to the Arkansas Home Inspector Registration Board. Appointment expires January 26, 2020. Replaces Joseph Kanopsic. Joshua Barkhimer, Camden, to the Arkansas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board. Appointment expires January 15, 2021. Replaces Peter Prutzman. Scott McKennon, Morrilton, to the Arkansas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board. Appointment expires January 15, 2021. Reappointment. Brian Hester, Farmington, to the Arkansas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board. Appointment expires January 15, 2021. Reappointment. Tom Ferstl, Little Rock, to the Arkansas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board. Appointment expires January 15, 2021. Reappointment. Cary Matthews, Jonesboro, to the Arkansas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board. Appointment expires January 15, 2021. Reappointment. Lt. J. Scott Baxter, Jonesboro, to the Board of Trustees of the Arkansas Local Police and Fire Retirement System. Appointment expires January 1, 2022. Reappointment. Gary Carnahan, Hot Springs, to the Board of Trustees of the Arkansas Local Police and Fire Retirement System. Appointment expires January 1, 2022. Replaces Catherine Cook. Russell Meeks, Little Rock, as a Special Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas. CR-17-889 Brad Hunter Smith v. State of Arkansas. Replaces Justice Robin F. Wynne, who has disqualified himself from the case. Lee Watson, Fort Smith, as a Special Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas. CR-17-684 Elizabeth Robert Force v. State of Arkansas. Replaces Chief Justice John Dan Kemp, who has disqualified himself from the case. Josh Newton, Bryant, as a Special Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas. CV-17-723 The Park Apartments at Fayetteville, LP, et al. v. Shilah Plants. Replaces Justice Josephine Linker Hart, who has disqualified herself from the case. Grant Fortson, Little Rock, as a Special Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas. CV-17-500 Arkansas Department of Human Services v. Tegan Dowdy. Replaces Justice Robin F. Wynne, who has disqualified himself from the case. Louis Bastin, Fort Smith, as a Justice of the Peace for the Sebastian County Quorum Court, District 8. Appointment expires December 31, 2018. Replaces Donald Carter, Sr. Rose Mary Fite, Sparkman, as a Justice of the Peace for the Dallas County Quorum Court, District 7. Appointment expires December 31, 2018. Replaces Alfred Fite. Jackie Sikes, Clinton, as a Justice of the Peace for the Van Buren County Quorum Court, District 9. Appointment expires December 31, 2018. Replaces Richard Sundelin. Wesley Howard, Dierks, as a Justice of the Peace for the Howard County Quorum Court, District 2. Appointment expires December 31, 2018. Replaces Gary Welch. Baxter County Judge Mickey Pendergrass, Mountain Home, as a Special County Judge in the County Court of Marion County, Arkansas. Marion County Court Case Numbers 2016-001 and 2017-001. Replaces Marion County Judge Terry Ott, who has disqualified himself from both cases.
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Home Inspections Services is a company to a few of the most qualified and skilled inspectors in Louisville. We encourage you to accompany the home inspection companies near me inspector through the inspection process to receive a complete consultation and valuable orientation of the property and its systems. Having a professional home inspection from a leading home inspection company will give you peace of mind and assist you in a fair and smooth transaction. A similar but more complicated inspection of commercial buildings is a property condition assessment Home inspections identify problems but building diagnostics identifies solutions to the found problems and their predicted outcomes. Besides your real estate professional and lender, a home inspector is critical to helping make sure your team is complete. We will provide you with a truthful, unbiased report on the condition of the various components and systems of your home. Providing over 2,000 inspections in Oklahoma City and Central Oklahoma every year, AHI has the experience you can trust. Some state regulations and home inspector associations allow inspectors to perform repairs upon inspection, while others strictly forbid repairs due to a conflict of interest. Other Qualifications - It is not uncommon for a home inspector offer radon testing as well as home inspection. One of the ways to judge the quality and professionalism of the work done by a home inspector is to take a look at their inspection report, so we have included one here for your review. In some ways, it's even more difficult to differentiate the good home inspectors from the bad home inspectors, primarily because few states regulate or license home inspectors. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your inspection yesterday and the timely report.
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Five Facts About roofing That Will Make You Think Twice.<a href="http://skywaysroofing.co.uk/pitched-roofs/" ><img style="float:right; padding:10px 0px 10px 10px; border:0px; max-width: 350px;" title="'how does a dinosaur say good night when papa comes in to by www.ebay.com.hk" src="http://images.mrcdn.net/ebay/9780007137282.jpg" alt="'how does a dinosaur say good night when papa comes in to"></a>Condensation: Condensation can end result from the buildup of comparatively heat, moisture-laden air. Moisture in a poorly ventilated attic promotes decay of wood sheathing and rafters, possibly destroying a roof construction. Enough attic ventilation could be achieved by putting in bigger or further vents and can assist alleviate problems as a result of the attic air temperature will likely be nearer to the surface air temperature. Moss and algae: Moss can grow on moist wooden shingles and shakes. The event planner must have complete information about the most recent trends in the market and they always use new know-how for making the marvelous event. No matter, the size or sort of your occasion however it is crucial to rent the occasion planning company. You may ask any query from the company occasion planning firm about your occasion and these queries enable you to evaluate the capabilities of the company. The event planner will provide you with higher advice about your event in case you are wrong at any point. In this way, the companies of corporate occasion planners are completely beneficial to hire.<br/><br/>A general contractor wouldn't have that expertise. In addition a real roofing service may even be capable to do certified inspections of your roof within the occasion the place you may be fascinated with selling or shopping for a home. Second, check to ensure that the service firm has insurance coverage and is bonded. You want to make sure that the work you pay for gets carried out to your satisfaction and in accordance with the contract that was signed by each events and that's the reason a bond is required. And in lots of locations, this alongside is enough to cause your insurance charges to go up. These are typically on the more expensive facet, however not practically as expensive as slate shingles. If not maintained properly, wooden shakes tend to rot and splinter together with molding and mildewing. Clearly there are many options when choosing what type of roof you want. Most people chose asphalt due to the value, but when you possibly can afford it, the best to go with must be slate roofing shingles. If you aren't experienced in roofing, you need to hire somebody who's. This is that can assist you from having to hire someone to fix issues in the long term.<br/><br/>Within the event that you simply want high quality outcomes in your roofing points, at that time employing specialists shall be one of the best association. Oklahoma Metropolis roofing organizations are after with their customer's achievement. They most of the time give refreshes about their work to guarantee prospects with high quality outcomes. With this you might be sure that Oklahoma City roofing group will provide you with the perfect roofing programs that no different can offer you.<ul><li>Certified staff</li><li>What triggered your roof to be broken in the first place</li><li>Snow load</li><li>Airborne tiles can cause harm to adjoining properties and cause serious harm</li><li>The cleaners ought to also have licenses to work to keep away from issues in the future</li></ul> The cleanness of your environment may be very crucial. In having a clean atmosphere you'll be capable of loosen up or work peacefully. For instance a house that's saved clean will allow you take pleasure in your free time whereas enjoyable. In case you'll like to ask associates so that you can loosen up in your yard during weekends will probably be very easy for you. It's not like a case where you may be feeling shy because of the waste that shall be thrown all over.<br/><br/>He will check details around vents and up the edges to make sure the seals are as much as specification. Building codes must be met, and so on. One final thing that proves how good a roofing company is shall be how lengthy they have been working under the same title. One inform-tale sign of a slick operator is a new firm title. Just a little detective work can uncover a roofer who has operated underneath quite a few names through the years to avoid litigation. At all times ask for proof and documentation on issues like legal responsibility insurance coverage, WCB, producer certification, local business licence and so on. Put their feet to the hearth before you sign a contract. Better to spend a number of days discovering a high quality roofing firm than regret the error ten years later.<br/><br/>Being proactive earlier than awarding the bid is one thing, however you will also wish to check materials as they arrive. Every manufacturer needs the roofer putting in their product to be correctly licensed, but not all are. Test to see if they have correct licensing, which tells you that their work is inspected frequently, and the producer validates they can carry out the detail work to their specs. If the materials are usually not put in per the producer's specs, then the provides haven't any guarantee. In essence, if you do not hire a manufacturer's licensed installer, you haven't any protection. Ask that the contractor provide you with warranty documentation from the producer for the supplies you may have in your contract.  <a href="http://skywaysroofing.co.uk/commercial-roofing/">check my source</a> How a lot do you know about flat roofing techniques? Most flat roofing techniques are put in with a industrial product called modified bitumen, additionally known as a torch down or torch on system. A crash course in hiring a roofer can prevent time and money so learn on to see why this is vital. This product will be applied quite a lot of alternative ways by roofing contractors. Some roofers take brief cuts when making use of a torch down system because it is going to enhance profits, so be careful who you hire. Depending on the protection needed and if it's a new roof or an extra system going overtop existing, will determine how it is installed. When on the lookout for a roofer you need to exercise caution as a result of some roofing companies bidding on initiatives will say they are putting in a 15 yr materials after they solely deliver a ten or 12 yr product.<br/><br/><div style="clear:both; text-align:center"><iframe width='640' height='360' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/aCp3ccSTYR4' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen title='How to Find a Good Church?'></iframe></div><blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">Insurance companies want you to spend long nights and hours looking for a roofer that works for them. Don't choose the lowest cost roofer, choose the best and most trusted roofer, choose T-Town Roofing!<br/><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/tulsa?src=hash" data-query-source="hashtag_click" class="twitter-hashtag pretty-link js-nav"  >#tulsa</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/roof?src=hash" data-query-source="hashtag_click" class="twitter-hashtag pretty-link js-nav"  >#roof</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/insurance?src=hash" data-query-source="hashtag_click" class="twitter-hashtag pretty-link js-nav"  >#insurance</a><br/>Learn about the Boys in Blue: <a href="https://t.co/dH6R2hPuqF" rel="nofollow noopener"  data-expanded-url="http://bit.ly/ttnroof" class="twitter-timeline-link" target="_blank" title="http://bit.ly/ttnroof" >http://bit.ly/ttnroof </a><a href="https://t.co/jiEkZJCGHf"    >pic.twitter.com/jiEkZJCGHf</a><br/><br/>— T-Town Roofing (@ttownroofing) <a href="https://twitter.com/ttownroofing/status/937721441746898944">December 4, 2017</a></blockquote><br/><script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>A superb suggestion is to get an agreement on who does the roof inspection forward of time. Don't settle for just any outdated roof inspector, insist on a 3rd occasion envelope advisor to examine the work. That way the contractor has no wiggle room and cannot take the same old brief cuts. A 3rd party envelope guide will hold the roofing contractors toes to the fireplace and make sure you get what you pay for. As an illustration he will look to see that the contractor has delivered enough coating materials to the work site to allow them to apply the system correctly.<br/><br/><a href="http://www.google.co.kr/preferences?hl=ko"><img alt="how to create a low poly art mountain illustration" title="how to create a low poly art mountain illustration by xianguo.com" src="http://blog.spoongraphics.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/poly-mountain/22.jpg" style="clear:both; float:left; padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px; max-width: 350px;"></a>If you're seeking the perfect roofing repair contractors, it's important to be prepared to do your analysis. By shopping the websites of roofing restore contractors, you will be able to choose the winners out instantly. One of the best indication of a top quality roofing company is how long they've been in enterprise. If they have been in the business for a number of generations, it's secure to assume they're leaving their customers happy. An organization that boasts years of experience is happy with the tradition they have created and can do the whole lot of their energy to take care of their authority and established belief within the business. One in every of its most vital makes use of, nonetheless, is in fiberglass roofing sheets. Fiberglass roofing is very valued both for its gentle weight, which is much less than that of ceramic or steel roofing, and for its outstanding insulating properties. They're appropriate for each residential and business development tasks. In addition to their sturdiness, some fiberglass sheets are translucent, and may be used in lighting roofs. Other sorts of those have printed designs, but the most well-liked fiberglass is a straightforward opaque white.
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antigeocaching · 7 years
geocaching - problems with the police
geocaching - problems with the police
GCKD7F Traditional Cache CoinCache  Montreal, Quebec. September 1, 2004. This cache was confiscated when geocachers were detected by surveillance cameras and confronted by police after finding the cache on a bridge.
GCJ19Z Multi-cache BBadMonkey's Lake Mayer Cache  Savannah, Georgia. May 24, 2004. This ammo can in a community park was blasted with a water cannon and confiscated by the bomb squad ahead of the G8 Summit.
http://www.geocaching.com/bookmarks/view.aspx?guid=aaf70ceb-0a1e-4f1c-8cef-b8bee15d1583 GCMJ5D Traditional Cache "I"t's NOT a bomb!  San Luis Obispo, California. April 2, 2005. This film canister micro, formerly known as "I"t Might Be Open, was found on a gate by rangers. They thought it might be a booby trap and called authorities. A deputy sheriff responded to the scene and shot the cache.
GCR9H3 Traditional Cache "The Sting"  Provo, Utah. November 11, 2005. This cache hidden near a police station was blown up by the bomb squad just one day after it was hidden when a geocacher was spotted rehiding the cache.
GCR2AQ Traditional Cache Amazon Creek Bike Path  Eugene, Oregon. December 20, 2005. This small cache hidden near a bike trail was discovered by maintenance workers who thought it suspicious but an alert member of the bomb squad that responded to the scene was familiar with geocaching and quickly determined that the cache was not a threat.
GCND4W Unknown Cache #5 Oak Park Sculpture Series  Oak Park, Illinois. May 29, 2005. This camoflaged PVC pipe container approximately 12 inches long disappeared from its hiding spot. It turned up 8 months later near a neighborhood library where it was discovered by a maintenance worker who contacted the police. The bomb squad responded but they stopped short of blowing up the cache upon seeing that the container was clearly labeled. The cache owner was contacted by police and the contents returned but they refused to release the container.
GCNG1V Multi-cache Abby and Xena  Downers Grove, Illinois. April 12, 2006. This "bottle with rope wick extending from the top and putty substance at the base of the wick" was found by a muggle and reported to police. The bomb squad responed and "detonated the device".
GCQZ48 Traditional Cache BCTC-Monroe Historical Society  Monroe, Ohio. August 23, 2006. The bomb squad was called, fire crews were brought in, and 10 homes were evacuated after geocachers were spotted leaving a suspicious container wrapped in camo tape in the bushes outside a historical society museum. The cache was x-rayed by the bomb squad and removed after it was determined to be harmless. It was later returned to its hiding spot.
GCD531 Multi-cache Bird Cage  Bellevue, Washington. July 7, 2004. This ammo can was found by a muggle who thought it suspicious and reported it to police. It was blown open by the bomb squad who left a note apologizing for damage to the container.
GCKR1P Unknown Cache Bubble Bubble Toil & Trouble  Erie, Pennsylvania. November 6, 2004. The bomb squad blew up this large ammo can hidden near a police station.
GCF165 Traditional Cache Butcher Hill - Vacman's Cache #3  Palos Verdes Estates, California. July 27, 2003. This cache was confiscated by police and returned to owner with a warning that he would be cited for littering if they found another one.
GCA56F Traditional Cache Caching Toddler, Hidden Tupperware  Cleveland Heights, Ohio. March 24, 2003. This cache near a walking path was reported to authorities after a geocacher was seen rehiding the ammo can. The bomb squad determined that it might be explosive because batteries were seen in x-ray images taken by the bomb squad robot. They blew up the lid off and confiscated the remains. The geocacher seen with the cache is contacted by the local police but no charges are filed.
GC12A28 Traditional Cache Catch A Shooting Star (Series) Part 1  May 24, 2007 - High Point, NC (by Amy Dominello, News Record Staff Writer) A customer saw a man in the drive-thru line attach a magnetic box to a sign outside the Starbucks at 3875 John Gordon Lane about 8:30 p.m. When the customer asked what the man was doing, he responded he was attaching a drive-thru traffic counter, said Alan Richardson, Starbucks' regional marketing manager for the Southeast. The customer was suspicious and told employees, who called police, Richardson said. The High Point Police Department responded, located the container and cordoned off the area for safety. The Greensboro Police Hazardous Devices Team was called in. The container was examined and Greensboro Police determined it contained no explosives.
GCND29 Traditional Cache Chicken Lips  Edmond, Oklahoma. April 14, 2006. This paint ball tube wrapped in camoflage tape was found accidentally by a muggle who reported it to police. It was perceived to be a threat becuase it was hidden near a church and school. The bomb squad responded to the scene and exploded the cache.
GCTE9K Traditional Cache Christmas City T. B. Lodge – Reservations Required  Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. February 14, 2006. A road worker saw a geocacher acting suspiciously near an Interstate Highway and found this ammo can with a combination lock hidden at the spot. The bomb squad was called in and the cache was exploded.
GCNGKE Traditional Cache COG Series #3: Levis-Pedis Secutus  Orillia, Ontario. May 7, 2006. Muggles found this cache by accident and delivered it to a nearby police station. Police thought that the PVC container wrapped in camo tape might be explosive so the area was evacuated for about four hours while the bomb squad investigated.
GC7CE Traditional Cache cotton pick'n cache  Ovilla, Texas. October 4, 2002. The Dallas bomb squad and agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms blew up this cache resembling a pipe bomb that was chained to a tree in a community park.
GCF35 Traditional Cache DAM CACHE II  Havre de Grace, Maryland. February 28, 2002. An ammo can hidden near abandoned railroad track was blown up by the bomb squad after it was discovered by a hiker and reported to authorities. Geocaching was subsequently banned from Maryland State Parks until a policy was established to regulate it.
GC10Q31 Traditional Cache Deliverys in the Back  Portsmouth, New Hampshire. February 4, 2007. Police were called in to investigate after a geocacher was observed placing this altoids tin wrapped in duct tape on an electrical box behind a supermarket. The cache owner is contacted by police and asked to turn himself in to face possible charges. GCRGJV Traditional Cache Don't be a horses A@# II  Sherman, Texas. November 10, 2006. This magnetic micro stuck on a horse sculpture near a bank caused a bomb scare when a geocacher was seen returning it to its hiding spot by a bank employee. Police, Fire Crews, and the bomb squad responded to the scene.
GC2374 Traditional Cache end of road  Ashville, North Carolina. July 12, 2003. A geocacher reported that national forest rangers found the geocache and called in the bomb squad to destroy it.
GCGEB0 Unknown Cache Farewell Tour  Ottawa, Ontario. May 2, 2004. This cache was found by someone who took it home and put it into his trash. He contacted the authorities about the find and they sent the bomb squad to destroy it and the rest of his trash with a water cannon.
GCHKKA Traditional Cache Founders cache  Irving, Texas. January 19, 2005. Investigators searching murder scene accidentally found this ammo can secured to the root of a hollow tree. The bomb squad responded and blew open the container with a pan disrupter.
GCKGE3 Traditional Cache GAG 5 - Gnome's Lookout  Ottawa, Ontario. November 14, 2004. This ammo can suspended from a miniture handmade lookout tower manned by a garden gnome was mistaken for a bomb intended to lure children. The NCC (National Capitol Commission) security responded to the scene and ascertained that the cache was harmless but police who were called to the scene the following day confiscated the cache and its guardian gnome. These items were ultimately returned to the cache owner who recycled them into another cache.
GC5350 Virtual Cache GEO-COURT  Weed, California. May 3, 2002. This virtual cache was established to document the fate of the geocacher that hid "Tunnelvision 1909". Hillwilly pleaded no contest to trespassing on railroad property and vandalism. He received one year probation, one year suspension of drivers license, and had to pay $2030 restitution for various expenses related to the bomb squad and closures of the highway and railroad.
GC116YA Traditional Cache Get In, Get Out - Covina  AZUSA, CA - Mar. 10, 2007 An In-N-Out employee called the sheriff's department after seeing a car drive up, leave the metal canister on the ground and drive away. Officials from the Los Angeles County Sheriff Arson and Explosives Detail evacuated the restaurant and nearby houses as a precaution. They then announced the 2-inch long cylinder was harmless. The incident lasted about two hours.
GCMRGE Traditional Cache Gettysbridge 1 - The Singing Bridge  Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. June 2, 2005. An ammo can hidden on a bridge was found by a bridge inspector and reported to police who closed the bridge and called in a state police bomb squad. The situation was diffused by a passing geocacher who was able to positively identify the cache. The cache was confiscated by police and later returned to the owner.
GCH94F Traditional Cache Gibbstown Geocache  Gibbstown, New Jersey. March 27, 2004. A cache with a trip wire rigged to set off an electronic alarm clock was discovered accidentally by a muggle and reported to police. The police, four fire trucks, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms responded to the scene and were on the site for 3 hours. Police confiscated the cache after bomb squad technicians were able to determine that the cache was not explosive.
GCTJFQ Traditional Cache gnarley cache  Sacramento, California. February 28, 2006. Neighbors observed people behaving suspiciously around a storm drain and found the cache duct-taped to the top of a culvert. The street was closed for an hour during rush-hour traffic while the bomb squad investigated. They hosed down the cache with a robotic water cannon.
GC41DB Traditional Cache Gone but not forgotten  Anderson, Indiana. August 17, 2006. This PVC pipe covered with camo tape was spotted by a cemetery caretaker and reported to authorities. The bomb squad technician that responded to the scene identified it as a geocache and took it away.
GC4D38 Traditional Cache Grand Central Station  Los Angeles, California. November 1, 2004. Police spotted a geocacher walking away from this cache near the Los Angeles International Airport and detained him for four hours while the Airport Police and FBI investigated the matter. He was released from custody with the cache on the condition that it not be returned to the spot where it was found or anywhere else near the airport.
GCM96R Traditional Cache graveyard#8  Atascadero, CA - May 4, 2007 An Atascadero District Cemetery employee reported a suspicious object in the crook of a tree Tuesday morning to the Atascadero Police Department. The object was in a tree up an embankment 12 feet in the air. It was determined it could possibly be a pipe bomb and the County Bomb Squad was called in from San Luis Obispo. One officer, Mulhall said, had dealt with a game called geocaching and thought that what was believed to be a bomb was a geocache. While Mulhall noted that geocaching is harmless, he said the problem is that the one found Tuesday looked like a pipe bomb and the bomb squad was called in. From a public safety standpoint, we don’t really want to involve ourselves in their game because it’s harmless.”
GCQJDH Multi-cache GSI: Riverside  Riverside, California. September 18, 2005. Two cachers looking for a cache with a blacklight at night in a suburban park are questioned by police and asked to leave and not return.
GCQM51 Traditional Cache Hang 'Em High-1968  Monterey, California. December 18, 2006. This 3-inch PVC pipe wrapped in camoflage tape was blown up by a bomb squad robot after it was found by a road crew.
GCGRYX Traditional Cache Happy B-day JoAnn  Ellensburg, WA September 24, 2003 By ANDREA PASCOE (Daily Record): "Authorities on Wednesday feared they had a bomb after a farmer found a white plastic tube capped at both ends Tuesday evening near a small tunnel under Interstate 90 outside of Ellensburg... A U.S. Army bomb squad was called in from the Yakima Training Center to determine whether the tube was explosive...Local law enforcement agencies were incensed by the find as they wasted more than three hours blocking entry to the small tunnel...Using a portable X-ray unit, soldiers could make out shapes inside the cylinder. Ironically one resembled a toy soldier, the other a spiral notebook and bits of wire. Using a piece of rope gingerly tied to the tube, one soldier gently pulled the device to the ground to see if it would explode. It did not."
GCNH23 Traditional Cache Harbor Rocks  Harbor Springs, Michigan. May 24, 2005. A group of people skipping stones discovered this 1.5 inch diameter pipe wrapped in camo tape and thought it suspicious. The police cordoned off the area and called in the bomb squad but the cache owner arrived on the scene in time to explain the situation.  
GCRPKV Traditional Cache Hello...Welcome to Mugglemart  Lawrenceburg, Indiana. December 31, 2005. The cache owner encouraged geocachers to hunt this cache near an employee entrance to a Wal-Mart even after the police chased some people away. Wal-Mart security subsequently requests that the listing be removed after confronting other geocachers looking for the cache.
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unixcommerce · 4 years
12 Home Inspection Franchise Opportunities
Before new homeowners can take control of their new residence, most require a home inspection. This is an essential part of the real estate buying process. As such, it’s an industry that can thrive in nearly any market. In fact, more than 90 percent of home sales include a home inspection. So for those who are skilled in home improvement projects and home-related issues, this may be a profitable business opportunity. Though some choose to start their own home inspection businesses from scratch, a franchise can help you get started quicker. Franchise opportunities give aspiring business owners access to proven systems and recognizable brand names. And there are several companies that offer franchising programs for home inspections. If you’re interested in home inspection franchises, there are plenty of opportunities to consider.
Best Home Inspection Franchise Opportunities
Here are 12 home inspection franchise opportunities available now:
1. Pillar to Post Home Inspectors
Pillar to Post has more than 25 years of experience in the home inspection industry and over 550 franchisees around the country. The company touts its proven franchise model, scheduling flexibility, and experienced support team. The fee for the franchises covers training, onboarding, and support for $21,900. And the total initial startup costs range from $36,000 to $50,995.
Learn more: Pillar to Post Small Biz Spotlight
2. National Property Inspections
NPI offers inspections for both homes and commercial properties. The company has more than 30 years of experience in the home inspection industry. They offer comprehensive training, custom websites, and exclusive territories for their franchises. They also employ a high volume of support staff to make sure every franchisee gets the assistance they need to succeed. The initial fee for the franchises is $34,900. And upfront costs range from $43,200 to $47,000.
3. HouseMaster
HouseMaster is a home inspector franchise that focuses on satisfaction. The company boasts a high customer satisfaction and retention rate, which leads to plenty of repeat business for franchisees. And they also boast higher than average ratings when it comes to franchisee satisfaction in a variety of areas. The company started in 1971 and has been franchising since 1979. They also have a long history of industry and franchising experience. The initial fee for the franchises is $42,500 and $32,000 for any additional territories. And startup costs range from $60,100 to $106,150.
4. HomeTeam Inspection Service
HomeTeam assists buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals with a variety of services. They provide pre-sale inspections, mold tests, indoor air quality inspections, and even business property inspections as part of their franchise program. The company provides technical training, orientation, and business setup for the franchises. You’ll pay $9,800 in fees to get started. And the total initial investment ranges from $35,000 to $55,000.
5. The Inspection Boys
The Inspection Boys is an inspection franchise that provides ongoing support to its home inspectors. The company views the franchisor/franchisee relationship as a true partnership. So you get the opportunity to build your own business but receive the support you need to succeed along the way for your franchise. Additionally, they don’t charge monthly minimums or extra fees to keep costs manageable for franchise owners. To get started, the company charges a $39,000 fee for the franchises. And the total initial investment ranges from $50,150 to $64,500.
6. AmeriSpec Inspection Services
AmeriSpec offers an established national brand, marketing, and operational support to its home inspection franchises. The company conducts more than 80,000 home inspections each year at its 180 locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. AmeriSpec has been in the industry for more than 30 years. So they have established systems, technical skills, and customer service savvy in place for franchises. There is an initial $24,900 fee for the franchises to get owners going in their own territory. And total startup costs range from $53,600 to $72,300.
7. The BrickKicker Home Inspection
BrickKicker is known for its value in the world of franchise home inspection services. The company provides a large network of franchisees and support staff. So if you need assistance through any stage of running your business, there’s always someone to reach out to. They also provide a comprehensive training program called BrickKicker University to help franchise owners get started on the right foot. There are many exclusive territories and franchises available throughout each region in the U.S. So you have a good chance of getting your first location choice. There’s a $27,000 fee for the franchises to get started. And other upfront costs range from $16,750 to $45,615.
8. Inspect-It 1st
Inspect-It 1st offers comprehensive home and property inspection services for buyers and sellers. The idea behind the company and its name is to complete each service correctly the first time around. New home inspection franchises get access to large, exclusive territories and a three-phase training program. They also offer a mentorship program, software and other technology, and a starting database of realtors and other marketing materials to get your franchise going. The ultimate goal is to provide a turnkey business model so franchisees can get off to a fast start. There’s a $24,900 fee for new franchises. And upfront costs range from $32,400 to $43,400.
9. WIN Home Inspection
WIN launched in Seattle back in 1993. Since then, the company has grown to more than 190 locations across 33 states. The company offers a rigorous training program, marketing support, and a nurturing community for its franchisees. No previous experience is necessary. And the company welcomes those pivoting from other industries, like military and first responders, realtors, construction workers, engineers, and corporate professionals. The company touts its franchise opportunity as highly rated and low cost. The fee for new home inspection franchises ranges from $15,675 to $20,900. And total upfront costs range from $28,745 to $36,870.
10. A Buyer’s Choice Home Inspections
A Buyer’s Choice offers home inspection franchises in both the U.S. and Canada. Launched in Nova Scotia in 2005, the company aims to provide professional services to buyers, sellers, and realtors. They are currently the top industry player in Canada. But there’s plenty of brand recognition throughout certain U.S. markets as well. The company specifically looks for franchisees who love working with others. They welcome both men and women franchisees. And no skilled trade experience is necessary to get started. The fee for the franchises ranges from $23,900 to $39,900. And startup costs range from $36,343 to $43,192.
11. American Leak Detection
For those looking for more of a niche franchise, American Leak Detection offers inspections that focus on identifying leaks in plumbing, pools, and water distribution systems. Home buyers, sellers, and existing homeowners can use this service to find issues that need to be addressed. Additionally, they offer services for municipalities and commercial properties to help franchisees diversify their revenue streams even more. The company has been in business since 1974. And they provide training and exclusive territories for new franchisees. The fee for the franchises ranges from $29,500 to $120,000. And total upfront costs range from $76,755 to $259,550.
12. TruBlue Total House Care
TruBlue doesn’t provide the same type of inspections as many other franchise programs in the industry. Instead, this business focuses on helping seniors and busy families with their home projects. This niche helps to set the company apart. And these target markets also tend to offer fairly profitable service opportunities. One of their biggest services is senior safety inspections. So franchisees or team members go into customer homes to evaluate what changes need to be made to improve conditions. The fee for the franchises is $39,500 for your first territory. And total upfront costs range from $59,650 to $86,000.
How Much is a Home Inspection Franchise?
A home inspection franchise costs between about $30,000 and $260,000. Most franchises fall somewhere in between $40,000 and $60,000. This is one of the most affordable franchise businesses to break into since many franchisees can run their operations from home and without a lot of overhead.
Do You Need a Home Inspection License?
Yes, in certain states, anyone who will be inspecting homes, both you and your employees, will need a home inspection license. These licenses are issued by specific states using standardized exams and certification programs. Certification is regulated in the following states:
New Mexico
North Dakota
South Dakota
North Carolina
South Carolina
Washington D.C.
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
How Do You Start a Home Inspections Business?
Starting a home inspection franchise can be complex. First you may need to get licensed, then you need to market your business to local realtors. You also need a set process or checklist for completing your inspections. Once you start to build some business, providing quality service can help you grow through word of mouth. However, home inspection franchises allow you to sidestep a lot of that initial setup work. Starting with an established brand and set of processes can help you get off the ground much faster with your franchise.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “12 Home Inspection Franchise Opportunities” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post 12 Home Inspection Franchise Opportunities appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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stevhengrammy-blog · 7 years
Tips To Buying Preferable Property
Who states that buying property is very easy? There are numerous points to think about that you have to prepare to obtain down and unclean and actually do the work it requires to locate the right property. Utilizing this guide, nevertheless, can get you to the appropriate beginning in your search.When purchasing property, constantly ensure to check other similar houses in the location and see the affordable rates. If a home is specifically costly compared with comparable residences in similar neighborhoods in the exact same area, use that info to discuss a reduced price, or take your service somewhere else.See to it to make the effort and also the cash to pay an assessor to look over your house that you are considering purchasing prior to you sign anything. Lots of points that you will certainly not be able to see by yourself will certainly have the ability to be seen by an expert inspector.When you are purchasing a house, take a seat as well as establish your priorities. Determine if the house's size and also amenities are crucial or if the neighborhood matters more to you. You could not be able to find or pay for whatever you desire, so strategy ahead to earn sure you a minimum of get the most vital points.If you are planning to buy a house, as well as your major source of income is from compensations gained, prevent transforming companies before you acquire the residence. In the eyes of the home loan lending institution, an adjustment in your company in a commission-based job creates uncertainty concerning your future gaining capacity. That is because you have no track record at your new company as well as your earnings are not ensured. This can adversely affect your qualifications for a financing.When you're ready to purchase a residence, obtain prequalified first. A prequalified customer looks serious to any vendor. Being prequalified additionally gives you a much better concept of just how much residence you could afford. The procedure is basic, and any kind of home loan lending institution can stroll you through it.When aiming to identify how much loan to do away with for the purchase of a house, you have to remember that the deposit is not the only monetary obligation that has buying a home. You will still need to consider shutting costs, real estate professional costs, real estate tax, and moving costs. homes for sale in tulsa Oklahoma When taking into consideration relocating into a new area it is necessary to look around in the area to locate any kind of residences that may be available. By recognizing all the various residences in the area that could possibly acquire they will certainly be able to use this information to get a better rate on their new real estate.Make the effort to examine the inspector for your prospective residential property. You should ensure that they are licensed, help a reputable firm and if possible are with an inspector association that is charitable. If not, their qualifications could be supplied by a non-reputable organization that provides them for absolutely nothing greater than a fee.Making use of the pointers offered in this write-up can be simply what it requires to obtain the appropriate residential or commercial property whatever you are searching for. You can not buy realty without using good purchasing techniques, this can avoid you from fantastic losses and also an improper acquisition that could set you back excessive loan.
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jimcutfro212-blog · 7 years
Considering Investing in Real Estate? Usage These Great Tips To Make Your Purchase
Buying a house could be a nerve-wracking experience. This is not the time to be unprepared, or to leave points to chance. You need as much excellent guidance as feasible throughout this procedure. Read, and follow, the advice in this write-up so you can have a pain-free experience when buying real estate.If you are seriously considering buying a home, be sure to see it on a moist, wet day. Do you smell wetness? mold and mildew? exist other indicators of a dripping roofing system or windows? These could disappoint up on a brilliant sunny day. A damp house is not one you want to stay in.When working with an agent to acquire a home, it is a much better use of your time to sit down with the agent first and review what you're trying to find. Otherwise, exactly how can they discover a home that matches you, if they do unknown just what it is?When you're acquiring a residence, see to it you inspect initially to discover if any kind of unapproved job has been done on the residence. If the previous proprietor has additionaled to your house or remodeled part of it without the appropriate licenses, you might wind up being responsible for bringing the develop to code.Consider hiring a property supervisor. If you are purchasing a rental building with many units, you could be wise to consider hiring a residential property supervisor. Often times, you could provide a board in place of a salary. Explore the possible supervisor meticulously. Or else, you could find that your units go un-maintained, as well as you could never recoup the lost rental earnings. bixby Oklahoma Real estate is still the very best financial investment you can make. If you obtain a loan to acquire your residence, you are earning interest in recognition on a person else's money. Even after you pay the home mortgage and also insurance coverage, the federal government funds that by taking it out of your earnings as a deduction.Look the house over extremely well. Do not hesitate to look for leakages under the sink or look in the attic room for an invasion of bats. Although you need to hire an inspector to examine the home over for these things, you need to additionally check for yourself simply to ensure.When you buy a home, you are investing in the bordering community also and that is why it is so crucial to check into the area where the house is. Find out about the institution, area companies, shopping areas and also day care facilities are readily available to make certain that it is an excellent fit for your requirements.Do not assume that whatever is dealt with once you authorize the final contract on your real estate purchase. Keep top of your funding as well as your insurance coverage! Know unanticipated scenarios and circumstances that might pop-up. By keeping an open line of communication with your realtor, make sure that everything goes smoothly.When getting ready to acquire a residence, you need to gather all the details you require if you are to have an effective experience. This is not a good time to leave points to fate or expect the best. After that, studiously use the recommendations you have just read as well as you could with confidence handle realty.
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gstuart1024-blog · 7 years
Get A Residence Electrical Assessment From An Electrical contractor
If you are thinking of moving as well as wish to do things right, you ought to have a licensed electrician check out the residence for electric issues prior to you think of acquiring. You will certainly obtain an idea of any electric troubles or even estimates and exactly what it would set you back to have them dealt with. When we head out home buying we don't frequently think of working with a person ahead out and inspect a home for us prior to we acquire it. Yet it is very advised as well as will assist to conserve you loan over time. It readies guidance to work with a house inspector for a basic home examination and also an accredited electrical contractor to go out and also look over the home and also examine it for any type of issues or problems. These people are proficient to look into the home as well as discover any type of problems that may cause you problem after you acquire it.A residence examiner will take a look at practically whatever to do with the house, even the electrical. The residence inspector will certainly check the house for all basic problems that require repair service or being replaced. A home examiner will also examine the electric to see if it will certainly pass inspection or otherwise. If a residence has old circuitry that might be a risk as well as requires upgrading, after that the home assessor will certainly most likely fall short the electric for the residence. You will certainly need an accredited electrical expert bright in to the home to take care of any kind of electrical problems that was fallen short by the house assessor.Currently days if you purchase a house some home mortgage firms ask for that you have a home examiner come out and also do an evaluation on the building. The electrical is a major part of the house and also its operation so hiring a licensed electrician to tell you about your electric is very important. When you purchase a house you do not want any costly electrical shocks arise. It excels to know every little thing in advance so you recognize just what you are taking care of before you acquire the house.When you most likely to get a house you wish to know that the home is safe and also exactly what issues are incorrect with the house. An electrical contractor can address your problems and also aid you to earn a far better choice concerning the house. There are many issues that can go wrong with the electric in a residence. If you do make a decision to buy a house you may intend to see to it that of the electric system is safe for that home. The receptacles and switches for the home need to be replaced to guarantee security. This is a good place to start to quit electrical issues before they occur. Likewise have your lighting fixture inspected making sure they are safe. If you have really old light fixtures begin changing them individually.Having an electrical inspection by your electrical expert can help you making a sensible decision concerning the residence you purchase. Doing all of these points will aid to guarantee that you have a safer home for you and also your family members. Working with an electrical expert to have a look at your house and also to remedy electric troubles in the home is a good financial investment and also cash well invested. houses for sale in tulsa Oklahoma
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