#Offices for Sale in Business Bay
octuscle · 8 months
A weird change has been going on with all the guys at my office. Many of them are now acting “southern” wearing cowboy boots and hats and belt buckles and even talking in southern accents despite almost none of them being from the south. They also started driving giant trucks and even some of my more liberal co workers are now talking about conservative politics.
Could the chronivac be behind these changes?
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You have the feeling that the young employees were the first to be affected. When you went home a few days ago, you heard a "Goodbye, Mister! Havuh nice eevnun!!" from Frederick's desk. Frederick is an intern. A promising Harvard student from the best family in Providence. You're actually on a first-name basis in the office. But you don't actually wear a cowboy hat either…
The next person to be hit is Peter from the coffee shop downstairs in the office building. Peter is actually a talented barista and, like all people in the catering industry, is actually a disabled actor. You once saw him as Hamlet in an off-Broadway production. He wasn't any worse. "Hello Mr. Goldmann, sir! Uh hot blaak filter coffee as usual?" You look at him in amazement. "Peter? Is that you? I always have a cappuccino. Have you forgotten?" "Kaynt bay, mister! Way don't sayul thet kinduh stuff. An by thuh way, mah name iz Pete."
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Fucking hell, Pete is really smoking hot. Okay, the conversation between you is getting more monosyllabic by the day. You'll get used to the black coffee. Not to his Trump praise.
Over the next few days, more and more of these cowboys and rednecks will come your way. There is talk in the news of a hacker attack on TikTok accounts and on Chronivac by the Russians. Allegedly, it is no longer the will of the voters but the voters themselves who are being manipulated. Thank God you don't use TikTok.
A few days later, things get more serious. You come out of the elevator, your eyes engrossed in the New York Times. What is that stench? Your eyes fall on Frank, the young man working at reception. A cloud of sweat and musk wafts around him. His left hand is under the table, moving rhythmically back and forth. "Good morning, Frank!" you say sternly. His hand is suddenly on the table and he clicks away the porn on the screen. "Excuse may, Mr. Goldmann, sir! Ah didn't say yawl coming." You say that your name is Sebastian and that he should get back to work. Apparently he misunderstood. As soon as you turn around, he jerks off again.
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And it smells bad in the office. A lot of employees here seem to have an increasing problem with personal hygiene. And spend more time in the gym. And watching cowboy movies. Still mostly young colleagues. But also a few who are your age. It's frightening.
You're sitting at the financial statements. They have to be finished in the next few days. And apart from you, no one in accounting seems to have a clear head anymore. What you're given is full of errors. In terms of content, spelling, grammar… A catastrophe. You hear heavy footsteps behind you. "Goldmann, Smith, Wagner. Into thuh conference room. Now!" You turn around. The two giants look a bit like your CEO and CFO. But they smell like the locker room at a rodeo.
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The two of them will forward you the links to a few TikTok videos. You should watch them! Don't have an account yet? Then bloody well get one. You'll get a lecture that our business model isn't patriotic enough. That you're doing too much business with the disgusting gooks and the cowardly French and Krauts. You're supposed to make America great again. America first!
Robert and Richard look at each other and at you, embarrassed. They don't really understand what they should do now. Admittedly, neither do you. You wonder whether the board has gone mad. Robert and Richard, who represent product development and sales, start to discuss whether it is even possible to restructure the supply chains and distribution channels in the short term.
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You install TikTok and take a look at the videos sent by the CEO. They are basically advertising messages from the right wing of the Republican party. Repulsive stuff. And you have no idea what this has to do with your company's accounting and controlling.
After reflecting on the situation for a few minutes, you get up and think that you need a drink for the shock. You wonder if they could do with one too? Robert and Richard, who have also just installed TikTok and are watching the videos, look up briefly and shake their heads.
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The cognac you received as a gift a few years ago is no longer in your office. You also can't remember whether you gave it to someone as a gift or took it to a company party. Surprisingly, you find beer in the fridge in the coffee kitchen, which is actually against company policy, but no schnapps or anything like that. You go to Frank and ask if you have any whiskey or something similar. Frank spits his chewing tobacco into the wastepaper basket and pulls a silver hip flask out of a drawer. "Home-brewed by mah dad, Mr. Goldmann, sir! Do yawl need uh glass?" You shake your head, take the flask and take a big swig.
Rick and Bob ask if you've brought booze and chewing tobacco. The two of them rant about the government, fantasize about how good everything will be once Trump is back in power and scratch their balls. They're both good guys. A bit hollow in the head. But they have their hearts in the right place, don't think twice and implement orders quickly and efficiently.
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You really can't believe the gobbledygook they spout. You sit down, take a pinch of chewing tobacco and push the tin over to them. And after an impressive burp that smells wonderfully of the chili from today's lunch, you take a deep breath.
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"Buddies, is way men or weaklings? Thuh bosses want ideas frum us, not whinin'. Wadja thank uh thuh fallerin' plan: naw more deliveries uh goods frum China frum next year an doubled prices fahwar sales tuh Europe!" Bob and Rick both snot their tobacco in the corner, shout "Yeehaw" and fart. Hehehe, they also had the chili. Shit, a good chili fart always makes you horny. You pull down the blinds in the meeting room. And Bob and Rick undo their belt buckles.
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aphrogeneias · 1 year
got angst on the brain thinking about shy!r getting torn up by tabloids when her and rockstar!eddie go public with their relationship, like how would eddie comfort her or stick up for her? is there anyone else they know that would support their relationship and try to help get the press of their backs?
rockstar!eddie x assistant!reader's first tabloid scare. alexa play nothing else matters by metallica.
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At first, you're distracted by seeing your boyfriend on the cover of Metal Hammer when you pass the newstand on your way to your boss' office.
He's there pictured in all of his glory, wielding his guitar on stage, all wild eyes and sweat. You try to keep your smile to yourself as you reach out to take a closer look at the magazine, taking it in hand. That's when you notice the girl behind the small counter looking at you.
You struggle to make eye contact, but there's something about the way she's looking at you, like she's trying to recognize you. She's young, you can tell. Bright pink blush on her cheeks, neon scrunch high on her hair, couldn't be older than seventeen. There was no way she knew you, you'd never seen her before.
When you continue to keep your head down, she finally speaks up. "Is that you?"
The girl points to another magazine, stacked together with all the other gossip and tabloids. Printed on the cover is a picture of you and Eddie, leaving his apartment in the city. Your face is there, clear as day, and so is Eddie's, though his is the most recognizible one.
Trembling, you leave one magazine behind and open the one you're on, and finally finding the article in it. There's more paparazzi pictures from that same day, and the comments on that article are not the nicest. Who are you? Who is this mystery girl? She's not a model, she's not an actress, she's not a socialite. Isn't he out of her league? What is he doing with a girl like that? Was that only a one night stand? It better be, though Eddie Munson used to keep better company in his bed.
"Fuck." You curse, only a whisper as you walk away. Away from that vile article, from the violation of your privacy, from the look of pity of the girl at the newstand.
Finding the nearest payphone is a hassle when your legs are shaking, your heart feels like it will burst from your chest, and your trying to keep the tears at bay. You try not to think too much about how wanted Eddie to be here. Not that he would know what to do, but he would know just how to hold you to keep you from falling apart, and that would be enough.
That fact was you weren't being careful. After you became official, you just stopped hiding. There was no reason to in your minds, all the people who mattered already knew, it wasn't anyone else's business. You were naive, both of you, but you blamed yourself the most. You should have known better, having worked in this industry for long enough to know what happens in cases like this.
It seemed like your entire body was shaking by the time Eddie answered the phone. Hearing his voice didn't make you feel better, though. It only made you feel worse.
"Hey, Eds. Do you have to talk?"
"Always have time for you, baby. What's up?" You could picture the boyish grin on his face. Probably sitting on the couch of his uncle's new house, the one Eddie bought for him as soon as he got his first big check after their debut album's sales skyrocketed. You wanted to crawl on his lap, then, and never leave.
"I'm gonna call you back from the office. It's... kind of an urgent matter. Is that okay? Just stay beside the phone."
In those situations, you didn't know how, but you were always able to keep your composure. Your voice didn't betray you, but Eddie knew. He knew your tells from miles away, through the telephone chords.
"What happened? Talk to me."
It was enough to break through your walls. You grab the phone a little tighter, press yourself closer to the booth. "They know about us. The press, and I guess everyone else at this point. We need a contigency plan, something to steer away attention, I don't know..."
"Are you okay?" Eddie interrupts. "Are you safe? Where are you?"
"I'm okay, I promise." Your voice sounds a lot smaller than you wanted it to. You try to sound strong to not worry Eddie further, but the words on the article keep running around your head. Were you really not good enough for him? Probably not. Definitely not. "These people are fucking mean, though." You whine.
You hear some shuffling on the other end, and then a little bit of silence before Eddie speaks up again. "Here's what you're gonna do. You're not gonna listen to whatever bullshit they're saying, whatever it is. We know what's real, we know about us, and that's all that matters. What matters is that I love you, okay?"
"I love you too." You manage to say, not trusting your voice to say anything else.
"We've been through this once, we got through it, we're gonna do it again."
"I know. I'm just... scared. I'm supposed to be anonymous, you know? A backstage person. Your job is to be in the spotlight, not mine."
"Then I'm gonna get you out of that goddamned spotlight, you hear me? I'm getting on the next plane there. Stay with Rick, have him deal with this. I'll be there in no time, I promise, sweetheart."
The noise of the city around you seems to dim as you focus on his reassurance. The breath you let out is shaky, but it has some relief in it. You knew what to do.
"I promise, okay?" Eddie doubles down on it. If he was there, he'd make you lace your pinky with his, you're sure of it.
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gcldengirll · 2 months
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₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
[Biography] [Statistics] [Wanted Connections] [Edits]
Private muse for Manoafm as written by Samantha, 27, PST
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(  mint ranchrawee,  female,  she/her,  muse  01  )  was  that  DARIKA CHAIYAPHAT  i  saw  heading  towards  the  water?  you  know  the  TWENTY FIVE  year  old  from  LANIKAI COVE?  can  you  believe  they've  only  lived  in  manoa  bay  for  TWENTY THREE YEARS,  it  seems  like  so  much  longer.  last  i  checked  they  were  known  around  town  as  the  THE GOLDEN GIRL because  of  their  tendency  to  be  EXTROVERTED and  SECRETIVE,  but  what  else  did  you  expect  from  a  LEO  who  reminds  you  of  LONG SUMMER DAYS ON THE BEACH, LOUD LAUGHTER, KALEIDOSCOPIC SUNSET, and TREATING YOURSELF TO A SPA DAY…  since  hayden's  disappearance  they  have  been  happily  working  as  a  SALES ASSOCIATE at  LUXE,  but  that's  all  about  to  change  because  the  eye  HAS  set  their  sights  on  exposing  all  of  their  lies,  as  well  as  SECRET.  i  really  hope  they  don't  incriminate  themself.
i need to type out a whole bio for her but in the meantime please refer to this mess for general information! forgive me
her dad is the chief financial officer for a major software company and her mom is the classic trophy wife
darika was born in thailand but after her dad's software company took off they moved to hawaii so that he could help integrate his software for the u.s. navy
her family was not considered wealthy when they first came to america. in fact, they didn’t have much money until darika was in elementary school so some people who met her as a child may remember this version of her family though her parents act like this history never happened
darika is truly the golden retriever type. very loyal to friends and family and is a leo as well so she loves the spotlight
she always looks happy but wears her smile like a mask - shes lowkey very depressed and anxious
she's a perfectionist
she feels a lot of pressure to be perfect for her family because shes an only child. they expect her to be very prim and proper but shes goofy around her close friends
she's instagram famous because she takes a lot of pictures of her lavish lifestyle but she doesn't see this as a viable career so she only does it for fun
she currently works at luxe mostly just to fill up her free time because she went to college for business management but has not done anything with her degree...her dad expects her to join his company but she keeps avoiding that topic
one of the ways that she de-stresses is through yoga, pilates and reading on the beach
she was popular in highschool because she knew everyone and was a cheerleader but ever since she turned twenty-something shes been lost
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aurorabayrpg · 3 months
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Summer is Aurora Bay's busiest time of year, as its beautiful beaches and warm weather draws in tourists from all over the world! With this in mind and the hope of keeping Aurora Bay residents happy and busy, the town tries to come up with amazing and fun events for everyone!
This year, Town Hall decided they wanted to throw an event unlike any Aurora Bay has before! This year will be Aurora Bay's first ever Renaissance faire!
Here's what you can expect on this epic journey full of magic into the past! This event will be placed in Aurora Bay's beautiful botanical gardens, with a box office at the front gate so guests can purchase tickets! All the money from ticket sales will be donated to the botanical gardens and Aurora Bay's community garden!
Guests can dress up in their best costumes whether they dress as knights, princesses, kings, queens, fairies, or anything of medieval fantasy! There will be live entertainment, photo-ops, plenty of fun foods, and tons of vendors selling art, clothes, jewelry, and more! (See our vendors list here!)
Then, as sort of a mini part 2 of the event, on July 4th, there will be an evening beach party hosted by Sharky's with live music, drinks, and a massive fireworks display over the ocean at night that will be visible through most of the town!
This event will take place over a week in game and ooc! But since it's located in one spot and characters have to purchase tickets to enter, your threads do not have to be paused unless you personally would like to do so!
After the first 6 open starters you must reply to at least two before posting your own! Unless your character is not participating in the event and you want to post a non-event starter!
Because of this please use the hashtag #ab.renfaire on starters!
If your character is participating, please feel free to have them dress up! They do not have to dress up if they do not wish to, so you can just post regular outfits too, but characters can come dressed as kings, queens, fairies, mushroom people, etc! Please be sure to tag the aesthetics page @aurorabayaesthetic so we can reblog them!
If you would like your character to have a booth whether it's for their business, art, etc, please message the main!
Characters can also volunteer for different entertainment whether that's playing music, dancing, jousting, etc!
as for the firework display, that will be on July 4th in game and ooc, but when it comes, if you'd like to do starters for those, just tag it as #ab.fireworks
if you have any questions please feel free to ask an admin!
Have fun!
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victorluvsalice · 4 months
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Welcome back to the Chill Valicer Save! We had a pretty busy Summer Tuesday around here, sending the gang out and about again to have another food sale with their new Van Liddelton Snacks stand! Which took a little doing, as you will learn –
-->Naturally, we started where I left off last time, with Smiler finishing fixing up the wind turbines and combing through the resultant trash piles for parts; Alice gaming on her and Victor’s computer surrounded by cats; and Victor snoozing in bed. Victor’s energy was basically full, though, so he ended up waking up while I was getting Smiler to clean up all the trash. Having spotted a specter in the crafting barn, I had him transportalate down to give it a present (a spare Potion of Good Fortune) he had on him –
Just in time for Temperance to show up. Like, she appeared just as he transportalated away. And then she got glared at by one of the cats who’d just jumped up on the bed. XD I grabbed Victor’s bizarre idol from his inventory and slapped it on the floor next to her as per usual, and let her get banished while I focused on Victor’s specter-present giving. Fortunately, it went well, and the specter gave him another lump of wraith wax in return! We do love our wraith wax around here – though Victor DOES have a lot of it at this point. Might be time to start selling some of them to oddity collectors...
-->Anyway – I had Victor collect his wraith wax (along with another spare lump of it I found on the floor) and go outside to play with Shadow while Smiler collected all the trash piles, got the trash Victor and Alice were carrying in THEIR inventories, then trucked it all over to the recycler to be, well, recycled. Along with some items that I didn’t see any point in keeping, like the Tentacle Tom they won at the arcade, the extra stereo they won at their house party, the VIP buckets from the Love Date dates, some used-up sacred candles, and a poop. XD Though, once they were done recycling, they got a little over $3,000 along with all their bits and pieces. O.o I – really don’t know where that money came from? I’ve never seen them get a cash payout when they recycle anything, but I really don’t know where else it could have come from...maybe from them recycling some higher-ticket items instead of just trash piles? *shrug* Mystery for the ages!
-->With that sorted, I decided that the best thing to do would be to have Smiler make mechanisms (as I still want them to make a Servo at one point, and they still needed loads of those), and Victor make eco-upgrade parts (as I wanted him to do some eco-upgrading on some of the stuff on the lot – notably the recycler). They plugged away on that, making two items each (Victor reaching Fabrication skill 5 in the process, good for him), while Alice got Video Gaming skill 4 from her Sim Scuffle session before I sent her to grab a little more sleep. She refreshed her energy quickly in her and Victor’s amazing bed, and after just about an in-game hour she was ready to get up –
-->But before I woke her up, I looked inside of her inventory and realized “oh yeah, you have a load of photos in here that need to be cleaned out, don’t you?” So I pulled them all out and looked them over to see which ones I wanted to keep and which would have to be sold. I ended up hanging the two medium-sized pictures of Smiler doing their first food sale in Brindleton Bay (when they got Shock and Surprise spayed) in the kitchen, above the pet bowls (there was room there, and it felt appropriate to have these pictures in the kitchen); moved two of the pictures from the Valicertine’s photoshoot into the digital photo frame to join the parade of changing pictures there; and put a cute picture Alice had snapped of a cat poster in the vet’s office on her and Victor’s desk, since she’s the one who uses it the most, before selling all the rest. *nods* I also took a moment to put the fossilized egg in her inventory on the display shelf with the other fossils outside the séance room, and did a little “move objects on” in build mode to put her new emerald crystal in with another small crystal in the crystal shelves inside the séance room. *dusts hands* Collectibles sorted!
-->With Alice’s inventory looking a bit less crowded, I got her up and decided to check if she could prep anything in the stand mixer, as I wanted to make some fresh treats for today’s food sale. As it turned out, though, her ability to make various batters and doughs was limited, as there was a distinct lack of flour in the house. Fortunately, this group can just MAKE their own flour thanks to Simsonian Library’s bulk food processor, so I had her join Victor and Smiler in the barn to make a big bag of soybean-based flour (as that’s what she had in her inventory). They all ended up finishing up their tasks around the same time – I had Victor go and take care of a tendril that had popped up outside, then sent him to use some of his eco parts to give the recycler some hardened gears (I think this gets you more bits and pieces from non-organic stuff?), and was preparing to have Alice collect her flour (which she’d insisted on taking upstairs to put on Smiler’s bar for some reason) –
When I spotted a trash plant growing in the pet obstacle course! O.o When did that sprout?! I thought I’d cleared up any trash that might be over there... Confused, I had Smiler got over and uproot it, then scavenge parts from the resultant trash pile before bagging it up and throwing it away. Normally, after this, I would have them dig any recyclables out of the trash can to make sure it didn’t overflow, but as Victor was still upgrading, I had Smiler instead take the trash and head out to the rabbithole dump. *shrug* Kept them busy and kept the roach and fly situation from getting any worse!
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bobathirstaccount · 1 year
Extra Credit: Slow burn + Sharing a bed Prompts
Boba x fem!reader, vague plot w porn 2nd part, feels, fluff, more spaceship talk than I was prepared to research, slight action/adventure moment
2 Parts
Boba POV 1st part, Reader POV 2nd part
Your datapad beeped. Curious, you checked who the sender was. It was 2am local time, but you saw this was interplanetary. It was from a private number. Boba? You tried not to get your hopes up. It had been about 3 weeks since the job had ended. You were finally healed up, but with a new scar along your left thigh. You opened the DM.
- Hi. Found you that ship. 80,000 credits you want it?
You smiled. Boba.
- Does it have a sick paint job?
The reply was immediate.
- No but you can fix that
Your smile grew wider.
- Where?
You wanted to leave now. Maybe Boba would be there?
- Naboo. Go to the main hangar in New Centrif, dock 320. I have to be there to get you the price; it was a special negotiation
You hummed contentedly to yourself. How to respond? You decided to play it nice and easy.
- Ok cool. I’ll be there within a day
The ping was again immediate.
- K
You hopped out of bed while typing a response. Once you were dressed and packed, you checked the wording once more before sending it.
- Will you help me find someone that’ll mod her? I need a paint job asap. What’s her call sign?
You checked out of your motel and headed to the intergalactic transport. Once you got there, you bought your 1-way ticket and got comfy at the gate. You were four hours early. You checked your DMs again.
- Call sign Baze II. Yes
You grinned to yourself. More time with Boba.
- I’ll be omw soon
His reply was quick.
- K
You decided against responding. Best to not seem too chatty or excited. But you were.
“So, you’re the special ‘associate’ Boba’s been so secretive about?”
Boba spoke before you could formulate a response. ‘Enough chatting; let’s do the deal.”
The Gungan laughed. “You’ve got my interest, what with this negotiating a price for someone else, is all. Now lemme talk to your attractive friend.”
You tried to keep a neutral expression. Boba readjusted his blaster. “I’m busy, hurry up.”
The Gungan looked from you to the blaster to Boba. He opened his mouth, “Okay but, just one question -“ Boba cut him off.
You laughed softly as the Gungan grumbled quietly, doing the sale. Boba stood stoically. Finally it was time. You pressed your thumb to the datapad to complete payment. 90,000 credits, after local taxes. So you had 10,000 left to get a paint job. You wondered if Boba would help you with the price of that too.
“Let’s go see your new baby,” Boba swept out of the office area and into the corridor leading to the docking bay. You hurried after him.
“She’s real ugly right now. But she’s got a lot of promise, and is already fitted with turboblasters and a laser cannon.”
You realized even 100,000 was low for this ship. “How’d you get that price?” You blurted out.
“Oh, he owed me, no big deal,” Boba dismissed. He turned a corner and you followed, looking adoringly at him. He stopped short and pointed. You followed his direction. Your ship. You ran up to her. Circling her, you made plans to get her fully repainted.
Boba followed you up through her to the cockpit. He settled into the copilot’s seat. “Test drive?” He asked casually.
“Totally.” You hopped into the pilot’s seat. She started smoothly. You took her up and out of the hangar, through traffic and up into the atmosphere. Zooming around, you went nowhere in particular as you acquainted yourself with your new ship.
“What do you think?” Boba put his feet up.
“Love her, she’s so smooth. Can’t wait to get her painted up.” You turned to him happily.
He nodded. “Well I found a place.”
Smiling, you asked, “They owe you too?”
He laughed, “Nah, but I heard she does good work for good prices.”
You turned around and headed back to the hangar. “You wanna get some food?” You asked, a bit nervous.
“Okay. What do you like?”
Dinner over, Boba walked you back to your ship. “So, what ya gonna paint her?” Boba had drunk a lot of fire whiskey.
“Mm, something with a flaming skull for sure,” you joked.
“Hah, that’s funny, you’re funny.” He took a step towards you.
You looked into his helmet, wondering if you could ask him to take it off.
“I’m- I should get back to my ship.” He didn’t budge.
“You wanna… hang out?”
“Yeah, alright.” He turned abruptly and went into your ship without you. You followed him, closing the ship up as you did. You had plans.
He stumbled into the passenger seating area. Sitting, he kicked his feet up again. “So, now what?”
You sat down next to him.
“You gonna try to take advantage of me? I’m not that drunk… yet.” He produced a small flask.
You couldn’t believe your ears. You took the flask from him and took a sip as he removed his helmet. Passing it back, you said, “Better hurry up and get drunk, then.”
He hmmmed at you before taking a big sip out of his little flask. Nudging you, he passed the drink back. Sipping, you tried to think of what to do next. Boba had ideas.
Suddenly he started squirming in the seat, until he figured out how to lift the arm rest. He immediately laid his head in your lap. Looking up at you, he said, “The view is nice here.”
Whoa. Your mouth got dry.
“We should race our ships sometime,” Boba played with the zipper on your jacket.
“Yeah, okay,” you felt giddy. The hand playing with your zipper slipped under your jacket. It rested lightly on your side. “Hi,” he said.
“H-hi,” you murmured.
“You uh, wanna show me where you’re gonna sleep? I wanna see if it’s bigger than the bed we were sharing.”
“Okay,” your body started tingling in anticipation.
He stood and helped you to your feet. Instead of letting go, he held onto your arm. He pulled you close against himself. “Or we could just hang out here,” he offered, arms around your waist.
You thought about pros and cons of having a bed right now. “Mm, bed,” you decided. Smiling mischievously, he released you, “Lead the way.”
He was close on your heels the entire way there. You started to present the bed, a respectable twin size. He pushed you down into it. “Hmm, too roomy,” he complained, crawling in on top of you.
“You think so?” Your body was buzzing and your panties were damp. Boba groaned softly. “Let’s test it out.” He pressed the bulge in his pants into your thigh. Electrified, you wrapped your legs around him.
“I’m gonna take that as a ‘yes’ cause mmm…” Boba kissed up your throat slowly. You kissed each other feverishly when he reached your mouth. His hands went to your hips, where he pulled your pants down and off. He kept kissing you hard as you heard him undo his belt.
Your body lit on fire and you found yourself softly whimpering. “I like the way you sound right now,” Boba grabbed your hips and pulled you across the bed and against himself. His shaft rubbed into your panties.

”Hmm, so naughty… you’re so wet for me, hmm?”

He kissed you again. “You’re gonna get dicked down,” Boba slid one finger under the hem of your panties. You felt the fabric glide down your skin, making you shiver. Boba tossed your panties over his shoulder.
“Omigosh,” you managed to get out before he was rubbing himself into you and grunting obscenely. As his shaft slid in between your wet folds, you arched your back and begged for More.
“You sure you can handle more?” Boba teased. His hands felt up and down your body, lightly massaging you. “I have a confession - I’ve been wanting you since we shared that bed,” he kissed your mouth.
His touch became slightly harder, “Can’t get you outta my head, in fact… no one else will do.” Before you could think, he had flipped you over and pulled your hips up so you were on your elbows and knees. You felt the mattress shift as he positioned himself. His hands caressed your hips for a moment before gripping them firmly.
“You look great from this angle…” He pulled you back onto himself. Groaning, he pushed in the rest of the way. His hips set a hard pace as he grabbed your neck with one hand. The other was still gripping your hip harshly.
Your eyes nearly rolled back in your head. As he slid in and out of your pussy, he groaned, “I’m so hard, you’ve really done me in. Now I’m gunna do you in.” He quickened the pace, still holding you in place by your neck. You felt him bringing you to orgasm already; his thick length felt like the perfect tight fit for your pussy.
“Oh dank ferrick, shit, fuck,” you moaned. Boba continued to pound into you, grunting under his breath. You squirmed and bucked your hips as your pussy grew tighter and you felt yourself on the edge of cumming.
“Oh fuck, mmph, baby,” Boba grunted as you came hard on him, moaning his name and nearly going limp in his grasp. Rocking your hips, you mumbled nonsense as Boba’s hips continued to snap into you. When you were spent, he released you and pulled out abruptly. He grunted and you felt him cum on your ass. He flopped down beside you. After a moment he wiped his cum off you and rolled you over so you were on your side. He cuddled into you so that you were little spoon.
“I like you a lot,” he whispered.
“Me too,” you blurted out.
He squeezed you momentarily, then further confessed, “I wanna keep seeing you… just you.”
Your heart fluttered and you felt like you might cry. You sucked in a big breath before exhaling and saying more calmly this time, “Me too.”
He squeezed you again. Kissing your shoulder, he murmured, “so now that you’re my girl, I’m gonna confess again… I couldn’t find you a ship within your budget, but I really wanted to talk to you again. So, I found this ship and just paid the difference.”
Your eyes widened. “How much?”
“Oh… like $90,000 give or take.”
“You paid $90,000 credits just to talk to me again?!” You exclaimed.
“Yeah.” You felt him shrug.
You felt warm all over. Sniffling a bit, you felt grateful. “Now that I know my worth, you’ll never get away with anything,” you sniffled, laughing a bit.
He kissed your shoulder again. “I’m fine with that, princess.” His hand slid into yours. Holding hands lightly, you both fell asleep.
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We're Back, A Blog Story?
Hey, long time no see, huh? 
I'm back from the longest hiatus this blog's ever gone on. And for today's entry, I'm just going to briefly recap what's been going on because I think it'll touch on a lot. 
Last time I updated, I did the second part of a big ask me almost anything and we covered a lot of ground, both fun and the sort of questions that're burning for upcoming  creators. That week, I was thinking about what was next and how to follow it up. And then IDW underwent significant layoffs and it threw things off for me and plenty of other folks. I am still at IDW, but a lot of my friends and co-workers suddenly were not.
For what it's worth, I know a lot of them are still seeking employment. This includes, among others, Anna Morrow, Megan Brown, Devon Ashby, Zac Boone, Julia Borden, Keith Davidsen, Alex Hargett, Greg Gustin, Blake Kobashigawa, Jonathan Manning, Shawn Lee, Jack Levesque, Hanna Lafferty, Topher Alford, Nachie Marsham, and seriously, so many folks. I apologize to anyone I missed. If you're looking for experienced sales, marketing, production, foreign licensing, or editorial folks, there're a ton of good ones still on the market (as an aside, my pals Chris Mowry and Caleb Goellner are also fairly freshly available). 
That was pretty freshly on my mind for Becca's next event, Fangaea, that weekend. I had mentioned that last post. It went alright. I did not stay for very long because even a little one day show like that was a lot in light of what had just happened. 
Within the next week, the Writers Guild of America went on strike. Currently, they are still on strike. You can check out what they're asking for here. Unsurprisingly, a lot of it boils down to fair wages, especially in the newer forms of media that have become commonplace over the past 15 years. There's more, like treating each writer in a writing team as an individual and, hey, not using AI. At the end of their negotiation table, the WGA points out that the benefits and raises they're asking for come out to about $429 million per year across all members of the guild and split between all negotiating companies. That may sound like a LOT of money, right? I checked. As of today, with it available for home release, you can still see the Super Mario Bros. Movie in theaters in San Diego. It's box office is over $1.3 billion. Even when you remove the budget for the film, approximately $100 million, the proceeds of just this movie could fully fund everything the writers are asking for, multiple times. (Also, again as an aside, while the Writers Guild is performing a strike action, they can do that because they're a union and other places are increasingly seeking unionization, like SEGA of America). 
So, all of that is happening BEFORE Free Comic Book Day. As you may recall, we went to Geoffrey's Comics in Torrance, CA. Becca and I both exhibited with a bunch of our friends. It was a good time, though it made for an exhausting weekend with me spending a near-sleepless night in the ER before we drove up (I was fine, best guess is some nasty inflammation, but we'll come back to this). And then the next day, we went back up to the greater Los Angeles area for a California Independent Booksellers Alliance event and the launch of Girl Taking Over: A Lois Lane Story by Sarah Kuhn, Arielle Jovellanos, and Olivia Pecini at the Ripped Bodice (trips to LA will also come up again). It made for a very busy weekend. And then...
ER time again, bay-bee! I try not to talk about this stuff publicly too much because I do believe it's our private biz, but Becca's been dealing with an ongoing health thing for over a year now and most days it is under control and better, and last month, it was pretty regularly bad for a bit. There're appointments scheduled, but it's a whole thing because the American healthcare system sucks eggs. To that end, if you are sick in San Diego, if at alllllll possible, I really don't recommend Scripps Mercy Hospital in Hillcrest. An ER so bad, we had to go twice in one day! And, as you can imagine, it also hasn't been great to our finances, nor our time, nor our mental health dealing with all of that on such a regular basis. Just a reminder that I've got a shop here and Becca has one here and a Patreon and we probably have other channels we're on. We're doing okay, and Becca's certainly in a better place with their health now, but the occasional plug probably doesn't hurt. Plus, you can get lots of cool stuff in return! 
From dealing with that stress over a couple of weeks, I left Becca at home (and fortunately everything was fine that weekend) and flew off to Atlanta to go do Editor's Day at SCAD Atlanta. It was my first time on campus in a few years and, as every time I've done it, I was supremely impressed with all the amazing work of the students in the program. A big part of the day is doing portfolio reviews and it's so interesting to see the wide array of styles and interests in different parts of sequential storytelling. While I was out there, got to see my best friend in person for the first time in years and confirmed they'll be in the wedding party, so that was nice.
Then we had a couple more casual weeks. Becca's folks came into town as a late Mother's Day/early Becca's birthday celebration. Becca and I went up to LA again to celebrate their birthday with some of our friends (and, as it turns out, it feels like we're increasingly knowing folks in LA over San Diego, which is kinda weird). That was all a nice reprieve from all the comics busyness--mostly because we told our friends no business talk at the party--but was no less busy than the rest of our recent weeks. 
Again, as an aside, right around then, the Screen Actors Guild authorized their own strike, joining the WGA. The Directors Guild, to my understanding, was able to enter reasonable negotiations, though many directors are still of course standing by the strike action and on the picket line. Meanwhile, many entertainment companies, be they movies, video games, or comics, have continued/started layoffs, not in reaction to any of the strikes directly, but certainly inspiring more reasons to be on the line.  
Which brings us to a little over a week ago. You may be familiar with the works of cartoonist Ian McGinty. He's done licensed and original comics and animation work. By all accounts, an incredibly kind person. The sort of artist who brings out the best in his peers, going back to his SCAD days. He unexpectedly passed away on the 8th of this month and because he had been prolific and because he worked so much and because he worked in comics, the conversation did turn to how it happened. 
The conversation turned to #ComicsBrokeMe on Twitter. It's a hugely important conversation for anyone in this industry to really let sink in. It is stories from creators--often young, often marginalized--talking about the ways in which the comics industry has at least mistreated and at worst physically ailed them. I've read many of them. If you can sort through the less favorable responses of "that's the way it is" or "comics has only made me stronger" or "sometimes it seems bad but then it isn't" or what have you, like I said, these are important reads of stories that're all too common, too similar. And, it isn't about dwelling on the negative--which some of the ultra-positivity I've seen about comics in it's wake seems to have misinterpreted--it's about an industry without unions, unable to go on strike, trying to come to terms with and negotiate in much the same manner that the WGA is. 
Also, I went to Sonic Revolution last weekend and that was fun. And my final LA trip for a while (fingers crossed). 
That's what I've been up to. That's what the industry has been up to. It has been busy and stressful for me and seemingly for lots of folks all over. All I can say is do take care of yourself to the best of your abilities, if you have the means, take care of others, and keep an eye on all of this because it is a shift waiting to happen. 
Next week, if I'm actually back, we'll get back to the regular features. For now, I am going to pick Becca up from work, we're going to see Across the Spider-Verse, and I think they'll be streaming on Twitch tonight, though maybe a little late because of the movie? 
P.S. I've been so busy, I haven't like, written anything in weeks. Here's hoping that changes soon.  P.S.S. I also haven't read Void Rivals yet. Best of luck to Skybound with the TF and Joe licenses.
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Pic of the Week: Solidarity! 
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mustangcontainer · 2 years
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Mustang Container Sales, Inc.
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Your Local Family-Owned Small Business since our start in 2009 strategically based in Magnolia/The Woodlands, TX.
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We have a large inventory of used and new containers in all the most common sizes and configurations excellent for:
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We can offer a full range of customizations done at our 6 Bay Fabrication Facility of Approximately 6,000 Square Feet in Houston, TX and/or at the customer site.
Please contact us for more information.
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flightofficeuk · 2 days
Discover Low-Cost Flights to Singapore – Book Your Trip Now!
Singapore, a bustling city-state located at the southern tip of Malaysia, is a remarkable destination that seamlessly blends tradition and innovation. Known for its stunning skyline, rich cultural tapestry, and vibrant culinary scene, Singapore has something to offer every type of traveler. If you’ve been dreaming of exploring this dynamic city but are concerned about costs, now is the perfect time to discover low-cost flights to Singapore. With a bit of planning, you can book your trip without straining your budget!
Book cheap flights to Singapore with Flight Office and enjoy exclusive deals, competitive fares, and a seamless booking experience.
Why Choose Singapore as Your Next Destination?
Singapore is often celebrated for its iconic attractions and unique experiences. From the magnificent Marina Bay Sands to the lush greenery of Gardens by the Bay, the city is a feast for the eyes. The Supertree Grove, with its towering tree-like structures, lights up at night, creating a magical atmosphere that leaves visitors in awe.
Beyond its modern wonders, Singapore is a cultural melting pot. The neighborhoods of Chinatown, Little India, and Kampong Glam each offer distinct flavors, sights, and sounds. Here, you can indulge in authentic dishes like Hainanese chicken rice, laksa, and roti prata, all while immersing yourself in the local culture. For food lovers, the city’s hawker centers are a treasure trove of delicious and affordable culinary delights.
Moreover, Singapore is renowned for its cleanliness, safety, and efficient public transport system, making it an ideal destination for families, solo travelers, and business travelers alike. With so much to see and do, it’s no wonder that Singapore is consistently ranked as one of the top travel destinations in the world.
Tips for Discovering Low-Cost Flights
Finding affordable flights to Singapore doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Here are some practical tips to help you score the best deals:
Book in Advance: Timing is crucial when it comes to finding low-cost flights. Aim to book your tickets at least two to three months in advance. Airlines often release their cheapest fares during this period, allowing you to take advantage of early bird pricing.
Use Flight Comparison Websites: Websites like Skyscanner, Kayak, and Google Flights make it easy to compare fares from multiple airlines. These platforms allow you to filter by price, duration, and other criteria, helping you find the most affordable options that suit your travel needs.
Be Flexible with Travel Dates: If possible, be open to adjusting your travel dates. Flying during off-peak times, such as mid-week, can result in significant savings. Additionally, consider traveling during the shoulder seasons (February to April and September to November) when demand is lower.
Consider Budget Airlines: Singapore is serviced by a variety of budget carriers, including AirAsia, Scoot, and Jetstar. These airlines offer competitive pricing and can help you save considerably on airfare. Just be mindful of any additional fees for baggage and meals to ensure you’re getting the best value.
Subscribe to Alerts and Promotions: Many airlines and travel agencies offer newsletters that provide exclusive discounts and promotions. Signing up for these alerts can keep you informed about flash sales and special offers that can help you score low-cost flights.
Making the Most of Your Trip to Singapore
Once you’ve secured your affordable flights, it’s time to plan your itinerary. Take advantage of Singapore’s excellent public transportation system to explore the city easily. Visit iconic attractions, stroll through picturesque neighborhoods, and sample delicious local cuisine—all while staying within your budget.
Consider exploring free attractions, such as the Singapore Botanic Gardens or walking along the Marina Bay waterfront, to make the most of your trip without overspending.
Discovering low-cost flights to Singapore is the first step in planning an unforgettable adventure in this incredible city. With its stunning sights, diverse culture, and delicious food, Singapore promises an enriching travel experience. Don’t wait any longer—book your trip now and get ready to create lasting memories in the Lion City!
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guam-realtor · 3 days
Find Your Ideal Space: Top Guam Homes for Rent in 2024
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Guam is known for its breathtaking scenery, tropical weather, and vibrant local culture, making it a popular destination for both tourists and residents alike. If you’re in the market for Guam homes for rent, this comprehensive guide will help you find the perfect place. We’ll explore rental options, tips for working with a Guam real estate agent, and the benefits of choosing a home over an apartment.
Why Rent a Home in Guam?
Renting a home in Guam offers numerous advantages compared to renting an apartment. For families or those seeking more space, Guam homes for rent provide a more private and expansive living environment. Many homes come with backyards, garages, and sometimes even ocean views, making them ideal for families or professionals looking to enjoy island life in comfort.
Homes for rent often provide:
More Space: Unlike most Guam apartments for rent, houses typically come with multiple bedrooms, a yard, and more living areas.
Greater Privacy: A home offers more privacy than an apartment, which is ideal for families or individuals who prefer solitude.
Long-term Flexibility: Renting a home gives you the flexibility to enjoy a long-term living arrangement without the commitment of purchasing a property.
Top Areas to Find Guam Homes for Rent
When searching for Guam homes for rent, consider the different neighborhoods and their unique offerings. Here are a few popular areas to explore:
Tumon Bay Known for its proximity to the island’s best beaches and tourist attractions, Tumon Bay is perfect for those who love vibrant community living with easy access to shopping, restaurants, and the ocean.
Dededo Dededo is Guam’s largest village and offers a variety of homes for rent, ranging from affordable housing to luxurious properties. It’s an excellent choice for families due to its schools, parks, and local amenities.
Hagåtña If you prefer to live in the capital of Guam, Hagåtña is the cultural heart of the island. You’ll find a mix of modern and traditional homes available for rent, as well as easy access to government offices and historic sites.
Tamuning As a central hub of business and commerce, Tamuning offers a wide range of rental homes. It’s an ideal location for professionals working in the area or anyone looking for a convenient location with excellent transportation links.
Working with a Guam Real Estate Agent
Navigating the rental market in Guam can be much easier with the help of a qualified Guam real estate agent. Here’s why:
Expert Knowledge: An experienced Guam realtor has in-depth knowledge of the local market, which can save you time and effort in your search for the perfect home.
Access to Exclusive Listings: Real estate agents often have access to listings that aren’t publicly available, including both Guam homes for sale and Guam homes for rent.
Personalized Service: A real estate agent will take your specific needs into account, whether you’re searching for a home in a specific neighborhood or with particular amenities.
Key Considerations When Renting a Home
Before signing a lease for any Guam homes for rent, consider the following:
Budget Establish your budget early on and stick to it. Remember to factor in utilities, maintenance fees, and potential rent increases in the future.
Lease Terms Understand the terms of the lease, including the duration, security deposit requirements, and any restrictions on pets or home modifications.
Neighborhood Amenities Check out what’s available nearby. Are there schools, parks, or shopping centers within a reasonable distance? Make sure the neighborhood fits your lifestyle and daily needs.
Condition of the Home Before committing, inspect the condition of the home thoroughly. Look for signs of wear and tear, and ensure that all appliances, plumbing, and electrical systems are functioning properly.
Benefits of Renting Over Buying
While Guam homes for sale are an attractive option for those looking to invest, renting offers flexibility, particularly if you’re new to the island or unsure of long-term plans. Renting allows you to explore different areas without the commitment of homeownership, giving you the freedom to move as needed.
Additionally, renting typically involves lower upfront costs compared to purchasing a home. If you’re not ready to settle down permanently, renting is a cost-effective way to enjoy the comforts of a home without the financial burden of a mortgage.
Explore Guam Homes for Rent with a Realtor
If you’re ready to explore the various Guam homes for rent available in 2024, it’s best to work with a Guam realtor who knows the ins and outs of the local market. With their assistance, you’ll gain access to exclusive listings and the best rental deals on the island.
From cozy beachside homes to larger family properties, Guam offers a range of housing options to suit every lifestyle. Take your time, consider your needs, and rely on the expertise of a Guam real estate agent to help you secure the perfect home.
Finding the perfect Guam homes for rent doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By working with a trusted Guam realtor, considering the right factors, and exploring the top neighborhoods, you can find a home that fits your lifestyle and budget. Whether you’re looking for a quiet family home or a central location near the action, Guam’s rental market has something for everyone.
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nilam890 · 7 days
Dubai real estate investment for expats
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Dubai’s real estate market has long attracted expats from around the world due to its tax-free environment, high rental yields, and the city’s rapid development. If you're an expatriate considering real estate investment in Dubai, here’s everything you need to know.
1. Why Dubai is Attractive for Expats
Key Advantages:
Tax-Free Income: Dubai has no property taxes, capital gains taxes, or income taxes, which allows investors to keep more of their profits.
High Rental Yields: Expats can enjoy rental yields that average between 5% and 8%, which is higher than many other global property markets.
Growing Economy: Dubai’s economy continues to grow, driven by sectors such as tourism, trade, logistics, and technology, which in turn supports the real estate market.
Strategic Location: Dubai’s central location between Europe, Asia, and Africa makes it an ideal global business hub, attracting a large number of expatriates.
Stability and Safety: Dubai offers a secure environment for both residents and investors, with a stable political and economic climate.
2. Legal Framework for Expats Investing in Dubai Real Estate
Freehold Areas
Expats can buy property in designated freehold areas in Dubai. These areas allow foreign nationals to have full ownership rights, unlike leasehold zones where ownership is limited to 99 years.
Popular Freehold Areas:
Downtown Dubai: Close to the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall, this area is a high-demand spot for luxury apartments.
Dubai Marina: A waterfront community popular among young professionals and expats.
Palm Jumeirah: Known for luxury villas and high-end properties, Palm Jumeirah attracts affluent investors.
Jumeirah Village Circle (JVC): An affordable freehold area with high rental yields, popular among middle-income expats.
Business Bay: A business hub with a mix of commercial and residential properties.
Ownership Process for Expats:
Select a Property: Choose from off-plan (under construction) or ready properties. It’s essential to work with a reputable real estate agent or broker.
Sign a Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA): This legal contract outlines the terms and conditions of the property purchase. At this stage, you’ll typically be required to pay a deposit (usually 10% of the property value).
Transfer of Ownership: Once all payments are completed, the ownership transfer happens at the Dubai Land Department (DLD), where you’ll receive a title deed.
DLD Fees: A 4% transfer fee is payable to the Dubai Land Department when buying property.
3. Financing Options for Expats
Mortgages for Expats
Dubai offers several mortgage options for expats, although the criteria and terms vary based on your residency status.
Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio:
For residents, up to 80% LTV for properties priced under AED 5 million.
For non-residents, typically up to 50%-75% LTV.
Interest Rates: Mortgage interest rates in Dubai range from 3% to 5%, depending on the bank and your financial profile.
Mortgage Terms: Expats can avail mortgage terms of up to 25 years.
Required Documentation:
Passport and visa copy
Proof of income (salary certificate, bank statements, or financial records)
Bank statements for the past 6 months
Proof of down payment
Tip: Work with a mortgage broker who specializes in expat mortgages to navigate different banks' policies and secure the best deal.
4. Types of Properties for Expats
Residential Properties
Apartments: Popular among expats for both renting and buying, particularly in central areas like Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina, and Business Bay.
Villas: Ideal for families, expat villas are available in areas like Arabian Ranches, Palm Jumeirah, and Jumeirah Park.
Townhouses: Townhouses are more affordable than standalone villas and are commonly found in family-friendly communities such as Jumeirah Village Circle and Dubai Hills Estate.
Commercial Properties
Expats can also invest in commercial real estate (offices, retail spaces), offering stable, long-term rental returns. Areas like Business Bay and DIFC (Dubai International Financial Centre) are prime locations for commercial property.
Off-Plan Properties
Benefits: Off-plan properties are often sold at lower prices compared to ready properties, and developers typically offer flexible payment plans.
Risks: Consider the developer’s reputation and project timelines before committing to off-plan purchases.
5. Popular Areas for Expats to Invest
Dubai Marina
Overview: Known for its high-rise luxury apartments and vibrant nightlife.
Average Rental Yield: 6% - 7%
Best For: Young professionals and investors seeking strong rental returns.
Jumeirah Village Circle (JVC)
Overview: An affordable residential community, offering townhouses, villas, and apartments.
Average Rental Yield: 7% - 8%
Best For: Middle-income investors seeking affordable entry points and high rental yields.
Downtown Dubai
Overview: A prime area with iconic landmarks like the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall, attracting tourists and business professionals.
Average Rental Yield: 5% - 6%
Best For: Investors seeking luxury properties with strong capital appreciation potential.
Business Bay
Overview: A mixed-use development with both commercial and residential properties, located near Downtown Dubai.
Average Rental Yield: 5% - 6%
Best For: Investors interested in commercial properties and city-center living.
Dubai Hills Estate
Overview: A master-planned community with parks, schools, and healthcare facilities, ideal for families.
Average Rental Yield: 6% - 7%
Best For: Family-friendly investment, with potential for long-term appreciation.
6. Taxes and Fees
Dubai’s tax-free environment makes it particularly appealing for expats. However, there are other costs to be aware of:
Dubai Land Department (DLD) Transfer Fee: 4% of the property value.
Real Estate Agency Fee: Typically 2% of the property value.
Service Charges: Annual fees covering maintenance of common areas, typically paid to the developer or property management company.
Mortgage Registration Fee: 0.25% of the loan amount, payable when registering a mortgage.
7. Rental Income and Yields for Expats
High Rental Demand
Dubai has a large expatriate population, leading to consistent rental demand. Areas like Dubai Marina, Downtown Dubai, and Business Bay are popular among tenants, offering strong rental yields.
Rental Yields: On average, expat investors can expect rental yields between 5% and 8%, depending on the property type and location.
Short-Term Rentals: Platforms like Airbnb have also made short-term rentals popular, particularly in tourist-heavy areas like Downtown and Palm Jumeirah. Short-term rentals tend to yield higher returns but require more management effort.
Rental Regulations
Rental Index: Dubai’s Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) regulates rent increases through its Rental Index, which provides guidelines for how much rent can increase annually.
Ejari Registration: Every rental contract in Dubai must be registered with Ejari, a system that regulates tenancy agreements and protects the rights of both landlords and tenants.
8. Risks of Investing in Dubai Real Estate for Expats
Market Volatility: Like any real estate market, Dubai’s market can fluctuate due to economic conditions or shifts in supply and demand.
Oversupply: Some areas may face oversupply of new developments, potentially leading to price stagnation or drops.
Vacancy Rates: While rental yields are high, investors should consider the potential for vacancy periods, especially in the short-term rental market.
Legal Considerations: Expats must stay informed about the legal framework, especially concerning ownership regulations, fees, and developer risks.
Dubai offers expats a range of opportunities to invest in a dynamic, tax-free real estate market. With proper research, the right financing, and an understanding of the market trends, expats can enjoy high rental yields, capital appreciation, and a secure investment environment. However, it’s crucial to conduct thorough due diligence, work with trusted professionals, and stay informed of legal and market changes.
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Park Building
140 Public Sq.
Cleveland, OH
The Park Building is a historic commercial building on Public Square in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. Nine stories tall, the Park Building abuts a four-story building to the south and the taller May Company Building to the rear; the side facing Public Square is several times the length of the Ontario Street-facing front. The walls are primarily brick, covered with an asphalt roof and resting on a concrete foundation. Concrete construction is a distinguishing feature of the architecture; the Park Building was one of Cleveland's earliest office towers with floors constructed of reinforced concrete. This usage reflects the tastes of the architect, Frank Seymour Barnum, one of the region's pioneers of twentieth-century architectural methods. Among its architectural details are large bay windows with bronze and granite components, floors mixing terrazzo with stone, and carefully formed woodwork.
For much of its history, the Park Building was used by small service businesses, including dentists, barbers, architects, and lawyers, but some spaces were used for purposes ranging from insurance sales to periodicals publication to foreign consulates. It was owned by the same family from construction in 1904 until a 2006 sale to developer Matt Howells, who later converted it into condominiums; the first residents moved into the building in early 2009. Thirteen years earlier, on July 1, 1996, it had been listed with the National Register of Historic Places because of its architectural significance.
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amberhomes · 18 days
Luxury Living in Dubai: Your Complete Guide to Apartments and Townhouses for Sale
Explore Stunning Apartments for Sale in Downtown Dubai — Unmatched Luxury and Prime Location Living with Incredible Views
Are you searching for a high-end apartment for sale Downtown Dubai? Our range of apartments feature contemporary design, world-class amenities, and amazing views over the city. Downtown Dubai is the best place to be; whether you want to move into a new place or invest wisely. This dynamic area that boasts landmarks like Burj Khalifa and The Dubai Mall has it all: upscale living with fine dining, shopping and entertainment at your doorstep. Don’t let this chance slip away; otherwise you will regret later for missing out on owning part of one prestigious area in UAE.
Prime location near Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall
High-end amenities and stunning city views
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Luxury Apartments for Sale in Dubai Hills — Serene Living Surrounded by Nature and World-Class Golf Courses
Dubai Hills offers an opulent lifestyle where modern apartments are surrounded by nature. In our apartments for sale in Dubai Hills, residents can find solitude amid city life which is perfect for them both at work and at home. As far as family-friendly locations are concerned, amidst lush green spaces or along well-groomed golf greens no one can deny the desirability of Dubai Hills because of its great schools that leave no room for guesswork about education quality thereupon. Avail yourself of these magnificent amenities besides central Dubai becoming easily accessible thereby improving life standards greatly here. Be it as an investment or while looking for your dream house, we highly recommend investing at apartments Dubai Hills because no other place in UAE could give more value than this one does.
Find Modern Apartments for Sale in Business Bay Dubai — Vibrant City Living Near the Canal and Downtown Dubai
If you are considering buying apartments in Business Bay Dubai, then we have modern apartments that will offer you the luxury and comfort that you need. These apartments are located around Dubai Canal and are just a few minutes drive to Downtown making it easy to attend corporate offices, shopping centers or dine at fine restaurants. The skyline views are awe-inspiring while staying in sync with your work schedules. Invest in one of our Business Bay apartments today and be part of Dubai’s economic heartbeat.
Stylish residences with stunning skyline views
Perfect for professionals and investors
Stylish Business Bay Apartments for Sale — Invest in Dubai’s Premier Business District with Canal Views
These modern stylish homes are found at the core place where all trades take place, meaning they present a perfect mix between business and pleasure. It is accessible to residents who want more than just good living spaces; they have access to downtown Dubai quickly, and a breathtaking canal view from their homes. Own a piece of Dubai’s thriving financial district with our selection of Business Bay apartments. On top of that, these rentals present some of the greatest possibilities for professionals as well as investors since it is always growing because it is within one of the most thriving neighborhoods in all over Dubai.
Buy a Luxury Apartment in Downtown Dubai — Live in Dubai’s Most Prestigious Neighborhood with World-Class Amenities
Make your dream of possessing an extravagant apartment in Downtown Dubai come true. We have a unique collection of luxury condominiums for sale situated at the core of the most renowned section in Dubai. You will appreciate the close proximity to notable landmarks such as Burj Khalifa and The Dubai Fountain, while enjoying finest dining, shopping, and entertainment options. Whether you’re looking for a new home or a lucrative investment opportunity, buy apartment in Downtown Dubai guarantees a lifestyle of luxury and convenience.
Exclusive luxury apartments available for purchase in Downtown Dubai
Live near iconic landmarks such as Burj Khalifa and The Dubai Fountain
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Premium Downtown Dubai Apartments for Sale — Live in the Heart of Dubai’s Iconic Urban Center with Stunning Cityscapes
Be the proud owner of an eye-catching flat right in the middle of Downtown Dubai Apartment for sale. The carefully selected apartments we put up for sale are located on high spots offering panoramic views over such attractions as Burj Khalifa tower, The Dubai Fountain and other buildings within this area. One cannot find any better mix than that which exists between lavish living style and investment potential other than that found in Downtown hotel apartments- with access to world class facilities, leading dining establishments and exclusive retail shops among others dope amenities provisioned only at this premier location . Grab this chance to become one among those who live there globally acknowledged dynamic community!
Discover Exclusive Apartments for Sale on Palm Jumeirah — Luxury Island Living with Beachfront Views and Private Amenities
Attend the school of dreams on Palm Jumeirah, which is recognized worldwide as an artificial island whose opulence cannot be compared to any other place in the world. Each of our luxurious apartments for sale in Palm brings with it private swimming pools among beach side homes that have excellent sea views. Living here feels just like being in a five-star resort with top restaurants, shopping malls and recreational facilities. Invest in an apartment for sale in Palm Jumeirah and enjoy a luxurious island lifestyle in the heart of Dubai.
Resort-style living in a prestigious location
Surrounded by luxury dining, shopping, and leisure options
Explore Luxury Apartments in Downtown Dubai — Premier Urban Living in the Heart of Dubai’s Iconic Cityscape
Explore the world of luxury that is offered in all the perks of five-star hotels, intimate views from towers such as Burj Khalifa or Dubai Mall. Please note that these are ideal apartments in Downtown Dubai for persons seeking vibrant lifestyles where everything they can think about like shopping, eating out and entertainment you can walk a few steps away from. These properties are ideal candidates for those who want a home or an investment opportunity, promise to continue delivering value and improve life standards for many years.
Invest in a Luxurious Apartment on Palm Jumeirah — Live on Dubai’s Iconic Island with Breathtaking Sea Views
With its magnificent ocean views, private access to beaches, and state-of-the-art facilities at every corner, Palm Jumeirah is among the most exclusive places to live in Dubai or anywhere else in the world. It doesn’t matter if you want a holiday house, a full-time residency or just another investment; buy apartment in Palm Jumeirah guarantees world-class living standards dotted with comfort, secrecy and nobility. One of the most sought-after tourist destinations is right here on our doorstep.
High-end finishes and exclusive amenities
Excellent for personal use or investment potential
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Find Apartments for Sale Across the UAE — From Dubai to Abu Dhabi, Discover Premium Properties in Top Locations
Thinking about finding one of the best apartment for sale in UAE? From luxury real estate options in major cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi that can match any personality or affordability level. The UAE housing market also has different apartments for personal use or investing purposes including those situated around towers offering wide views over city skylines along with others standing over beaches. Enjoy unlimited first-rate roads, zero taxes and thriving residential properties. Today let us assist you to explore various apartments that best suit your lifestyle!
Buy a Modern Townhouse in Dubai — Explore Exclusive Townhouses with Private Gardens and Top-Notch Amenities
A plethora of upscale and modern townhouses can be accessed in different elite districts across Dubai. These properties provide comfort yet exude an air of opulence from serene gated communities to active urban areas. Are you eager to buy townhouse in Dubai? Perfect for families as well as investors, Dubai’s townhouses include private balconies or gardens, spacious room designs with access to pools, gyms and parks among other community facilities. Invest into one of the planet’s most vibrant cities today by either purchasing your desired house or leasing one.
Located in family-friendly, gated communities
Private gardens and spacious interiors
Stunning Townhouses for Sale in Dubai — Invest in Spacious, Family-Friendly Homes in Prime Locations Across the City
Looking for a townhouse for sale Dubai? We have a selection that is sure to impress everyone, be it the stylish contemporary houses or those designed with traditional layouts that are commonly found in the most prestigious residential areas within this city. Whether you’re searching for a home suited for a family whose children need enough outdoor space or just love spending time near entertainment areas throughout the town, we have something for every need. Delight in these gorgeous villas where you can enjoy all forms of privacy together with roominess as well as lavishness while also taking advantage of its very favorable property climate.
Browse Luxury Townhouses for Sale in Dubai — Premium Homes in Gated Communities with Private Gardens and Top Amenities
Find the best townhouse in Dubai that offers generous space, contemporary designs and access to luxury provision. These townhouses are located in some of the highest end residential communities within the city which are perfect for families, professionals as well as investors who want quality lodging with privacy and luxury. We have options that range from ready-to-move-in houses to off-plan projects whatever your need is. For an easy lifestyle in one of the most prestigious cities around the globe, invest in the townhouses for sale located in Dubai.
Available in gated communities with top amenities
Ideal for families and professionals
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Spacious 3-Bedroom Townhouses for Sale in Dubai — Ideal Family Homes with Private Gardens and Community Amenities
Looking for a 3-bedroom townhouse for sale in Dubai? Our collection of spacious townhouses provide an amazing mix between comfort, affluence and seclusion. These homes have large living areas, private gardens and modern finishes that fit into the ideals of contemporary family living. In these suburbs such as Jumeirah Beach Residence (JBR) or Arabian Ranches II where houses are located in one of its most preferred affluent areas you can find residents’ facilities like swimming pools, parks or exercise gyms too. If you are searching for either an occupied house or an investment then our three-bedroom townhouses give remarkable worth in Dubai real estate business.
Buy a Stunning Townhouse in Dubai — Explore Luxury Homes with Spacious Interiors and Premium Finishes in Prime Locations
Are you planning to purchase a townhouse in Dubai? Search for an exclusive assortment of opulent townhouses that provide roomy interiors, backyard spaces, and premium finishes. These houses are ideal for families and investors looking for a mixture of modern convenience and serene living. Located in some of the best neighborhoods in Dubai, they are close to shopping malls, restaurants, schools, and parks. Whether you want a house that is ready for occupation or an off-plan house opportunity, for this, buy townhouse that matches your way of life as well as investment objectives.
Discover luxurious townhouses available for purchase in Dubai
Modern homes with private gardens and outdoor spaces
Discover Luxury Townhouses for Sale in Dubai — Prestigious Homes with World-Class Amenities in Prime Residential Areas
Are you looking for a luxurious townhouse in Dubai? One can find nothing more impressive than our premium collection of luxurious townhouses which come with huge designs, private gardens and top-notch fixtures. Placed within the elite communities of Dubai these townhouses allow access to world class facilities such as private pools, gyms and golf courses. Regardless if you require a main home or short-term high yield investment luxury townhouses for sale located in Dubai guarantee an extraordinary lifestyle within one of the globe’s most coveted cities.
Townhouses for Sale in Dubai — Find Modern, Family-Friendly Homes with Spacious Living Areas in Top Locations
Are you in search of a townhouse for sale in Dubai? Take a look at our vast variety of townhouses found in leading residential neighborhoods. These real estates are just right for families or experts looking for space, seclusion and community services. There is no doubt that the modern designs, spacious living area with beautiful gardens attached to each house makes it state-of-the-art. Whether it is evoking calmness by living at peace within suburbia or amidst life where everything happens nearby, we have got what you want.
Beautiful townhouses for sale in Dubai’s popular communities
Perfect for families or investors looking for privacy and space
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Browse Townhomes for Sale in Dubai — Spacious and Stylish Homes in Desirable Residential Communities Across the City
One can find such living spaces within most house neighborhoods in Dubai which are highly sought after by these two groups in this city. For instance, townhomes offer access to high-quality amenities like swimming pools located within the community as well as fitness centers hence allowing one to maintain an active lifestyle while being at home. Invest today into your very own one here then experience real fun as part of a dynamic lifestyle found within a very colorful metropolis. For those looking for townhomes for sale around this region; we have got several amazing options with large and fashionable interiors that go native gardens outside them too.
Explore Townhouses in Dubai — Modern, Spacious Homes in Prime Residential Communities with Top Amenities
Townhouses with modern architecture are available in Dubai for individuals looking for profound and affluent lifestyles. In most preferred residential areas around Dubai, the homes have enough space, private back yards as well as access to community facilities like swimming pools, fitness centers and parks among others. Essentially, if you are in quest of either an investment property or a family house then such houses tend to be quite advantageous in terms of their size and closeness to major parts of town. Secure your dream townhouses in Dubai today.
Spacious homes in prime residential areas
Ideal for living or investment with high rental demand
Find Townhouses for Sale in Dubai — Spacious and Modern Homes with Access to Premium Community Amenities
Are you looking for townhouses in Dubai for sale? Our assortment includes contemporary styled townhouses that have expansive living spaces and individual outdoor areas amidst some of the finest residential communities in this city. They also make excellent choices if you want accommodations suitable for raising kids or properties that can earn income through rental agreements. Nearby schools and shopping malls as well as eat-outs also add to the comfort of living in Dubai thus the luxuriousness of these townhouses.
Cozy One-Bedroom Townhouses for Sale in Dubai — Ideal for Singles and Couples Seeking Modern, Low-Maintenance Living
Search for one-BR townhouses on sale in Dubai, ideal for anyone who’s single; for couples or even investors are searching for compact living but stylish too. These townhouses have modern interiors within them; they possess efficient designs as well as private outdoor spaces making them good enough for those trying to find low maintenance homes without being deprived of any luxuries. They are found in some of the most lively residential areas of Dubai with common facilities such as swimming pools, sports centers and parks. If you are a first time buyer or looking at investing, these one Bedroom townhouses for sale that hold immense benefits.
Located in vibrant communities with shared amenities
Affordable and perfect for first-time buyers or investors
Explore Beautiful Townhouses to Buy in Dubai — Spacious Family Homes in Gated Communities with Premium Amenities
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Buy a Stunning Townhouse in Dubai — Luxurious and Spacious Homes in the City’s Best Residential Communities
Have you been searching for a townhouse to purchase in Dubai? Our extensive portfolio contains sumptuous and large townhouses located in the most popular neighborhoods of the city. These are roomy homes boasting contemporary architecture along with private outdoor spaces such as gardens and terraces. In either case, whether you intend to buy them for yourself or as investments, there is an extraordinary chance to live in style and ease offered by Dubai’s townhouses. Buy a Townhouse in Dubai gives you both luxury and convenience since they are near schools, shopping centers, and entertainment centers.
Buy a luxury townhouse in Dubai’s top residential areas
Spacious homes with modern designs and private outdoor spaces
Premium Dubai Townhomes for Sale — Spacious Homes with Private Outdoor Areas and Access to Exclusive Community Amenities
Explore our selection of Dubai townhomes for sale, offering spacious interiors, stylish designs, and private outdoor areas. Located in Dubai’s most desirable neighborhoods, these townhomes provide the perfect balance of modern living and community convenience. Ideal for families and professionals, each townhome offers access to top-tier amenities like pools, parks, and fitness centers. Whether you’re looking for a move-in-ready home or an investment, Dubai townhomes offer an excellent opportunity to own a piece of this vibrant, growing city.
Spacious 2 BHK Townhouses for Sale in Dubai — Modern, Family-Friendly Homes with Premium Amenities in Prime Locations
Are you searching for a 2 BHK townhouse for sale in Dubai? Our collection of two-bedroom townhouses offers the perfect combination of space, luxury, and practicality. With well-designed layouts, private outdoor spaces, and modern interiors, these townhouses are ideal for small families or professionals looking for a spacious home. Located in some of Dubai’s best communities, residents enjoy access to amenities like parks, pools, and fitness centers. Invest in a 2 BHK townhouse in Dubai and experience the ultimate in modern urban living.
Modern designs with private outdoor areas
Located in premium communities with pools, gyms, and parks
Find Ready-to-Move Townhouses in Dubai — Luxury Homes Available for Immediate Occupancy in Prime Residential Communities
Are you ready-to-go getting townhouses searchers within Dubai? The luxury townhouses that have been built and are available for immediate occupation can be found in some of the best residential estates in Dubai. In most cases, these properties feature larger layouts, their own gardens and some of the highest quality finishing making it possible to move in right away. Regardless of whether you desire a family home or strong investment, these ready to move townhouses in Dubai carry with them both convenience and opulence at once. Relish residing among settled localities with facilitative community amenities such as swimming pools, recreational parks or schools.
Explore Cozy Small Townhouses for Sale in Dubai — Compact, Stylish Homes in Prime Locations with Private Outdoor Spaces
Searching for a small townhouse for sale in Dubai? Our selection of compact townhouses is perfect for those seeking a low-maintenance, stylish home without compromising on quality. These small townhouses are designed with efficient layouts, modern finishes, and often include private outdoor areas like gardens or patios. Ideal for singles, couples, or investors, these townhouses offer an affordable entry into Dubai’s real estate market while providing a cozy and luxurious lifestyle. Invest in a small townhouse and enjoy urban living at its best.
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newsnurturer · 10 months
Bay Area tech exec says company lied to get $25M from investors, fired him for speaking up
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A Bay Area tech founder has alleged in a wrongful termination lawsuit that his former company and its CEO repeatedly lied to investors and then fired him for protesting those actions.
In a lawsuit filed Wednesday in Santa Clara, Subburajan Ponnuswamy, who co-founded the digital security company Cloudbrink in 2019 and served as its chief technology officer, alleged that Cloudbrink CEO Prakash Mana used false information to secure funding from investors. In the complaint, Ponnuswamy alleged that Mana, who joined as CEO in 2020, had conducted a “‘fake it till you make it’ scheme” by falsifying revenue, purchase orders, and customer quotes in presentations for investors and board members. He also alleged that Mana promised customers Cloudbrink stock in exchange for helping him falsify the revenue.
In a statement from Cloudbrink provided by company spokesperson Mark Fox, the company wrote that it “affirmatively denies Ponnuswamy’s allegations and will be filing a formal denial in court at the appropriate time.”
“Our policy is not to comment on active litigation; however, we can say that Cloudbrink has an impeccable reputation in the marketplace, intends to vigorously defend itself in this lawsuit, and views the allegations as internally inconsistent and nonsensical. The Board is aware of Ponnuswamy’s allegations and remains in full support of Cloudbrink’s current leadership and direction,” the statement continued.
Ponnuswamy’s filing specifically points out Cloudbrink’s $25 million “Series A” funding round, which the company announced in November 2022; the former executive alleges that Mana used fake customer testimony and false revenue information to raise the money. He alleges that Mana then falsified invoices to assuage investors’ “due diligence” check.
“For some of the falsified revenue and/or customers, CEO Mana did not issue any invoices even after 6 months of claiming the revenue; for other ‘customers,’ CEO Mana created a batch of invoices right around the time of fundraising (months or quarters after claiming those as ARR), just to establish paper trails,” the complaint alleged. “Yet there was no evidence of those invoices ever being submitted to the alleged customer, and no funds were received from them.”
Ponnuswamy reportedly discussed his concerns with Cloudbrink’s board in four meetings with board members, and Mana’s conduct toward the chief technology officer became “increasingly retaliatory,” according to the complaint. Mana allegedly told Ponnuswamy at one point, “If you come into my swim lane, I’ll make sure to take parts of your swim lane.” Mana also asked Ponnuswamy to create fake user and customer accounts, which Ponnuswamy refused to do, according to the lawsuit.
Ponnuswamy alleged in the complaint that his forced exit came after he met in March with board members and representatives from The Fabric and Highland Capital Partners in March. Both companies were listed by Cloudbrink as lead investors in the $25 million funding round. The complaint said Ponnuswamy “presented hard evidence of falsification of [annual recurring revenue] and customer count.”
Two weeks later, the Cloudbrink board told Ponnuswamy that “while it appeared to be true that CEO Mana had been reporting fraudulent customers and revenues to the Board and investors, they could not terminate him for fear it would damage Cloudbrink’s sales operations and customers,” per the lawsuit.
Ponnuswamy alleged that the board then told him they would be firing him instead, and that they planned to “‘clean up’ the books.” Then they terminated his contract, the complaint reads. His last day was March 20.
“It became clear that the Company had decided to cover its tracks and side with CEO Mana’s unlawful ‘fake it till you make it’ scheme over lawful business practices,” the complaint reads.
Ponnuswamy wrote in a statement that “high-profile cases like Elizabeth Holmes and Sam Bankman-Fried are just the tip of the iceberg, with similar unlawful practices in smaller startups often going unreported or inadequately investigated due to company board complicity.” Two investors named in the lawsuit from The Fabric and Highland did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Ponnuswamy alleges he was fired in retaliation and wrongfully terminated, without being provided the stock options he’d been promised.
“In effect, CEO Mana and the Board waited for Mr. Ponnuswamy to build the technology and ship product, careful not to issue any additional promised options, […] diluted his options, and terminated him because he repeatedly raised concerns about the Company’s unlawful and fraudulent conduct,” the complaint said. Ponnuswamy is seeking lost wages and punitive damages, among other relief.
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leam1983 · 26 days
So, Walt wants a Framework...
I may have created a monster.
See, Mondays are slow in the morning for us, and the weekend vibes don't really end until noon sharp. So, Sarah and I are discussing potential work-related upgrades, when Walt mentions that his trusty ASUS laptop is starting to feel sluggish.
I mean - you know me. You know Sarah, too. We immediately had Linux Distro boners, and considering how Walt isn't tech-focused and really needs a turn-key solution, Linux Mint was our best choice. Still, the hardware proper was aging, so Walt did as Walt does and took to Best Buy's website to show me the first page that crops up when you type "laptop" in their Search bar.
He wasn't wrong in the sense that swapping one entry-level device for another one would've done the trick; even a basic and bare-bones platform designed to run MS Office as its most resource-intensive task could've done the job. The problem is, I'm getting sick of dealing with bi-yearly comments related to how he's "unsure" of his laptop's performance. I want something I could overspend on intentionally in order to give him a nice, sizable buffer of performance that could last at least five years.
Considering, the best option really is a Framework laptop. I showed him the company's website, explained the business model to him, and now he's hooked, envisioning a future where all he needs to run presentations for the extremely rare event of his needing to beat pavement to find us clients is a snazzy lil' pouch crammed with a few Expansion Bay modules, including USB-C. It immediately turned his Pitch Brain on, and he started selling me on the worth of using sustainable tech in our day-to-day operations, to predictably and playfully poke fun at me for daring to use a boutique laptop (from Razer) in what is likely the least-sustainable choice imaginable...
I rolled my eyes. "It's a Blade 14 from two years ago; I can't just toss that out the window! Morally, I have to take that hardware to its limits first, and then worry about revisions!"
Walt scoffed back. "Aw, come on; it'd be a business expense! We should all get a Framework!"
Followed twenty minutes of Sarah and I trying to talk our now laptop-obsessed boyfriend into letting us keep using the same portables we already have, and doing our best to convince him that he's the one who needs an upgrade.
"But you don't even game on your laptop!" notes Walt. "Don't you wish you could do that on your off-time?"
I rolled my eyes. "Sure, hon - I'll just use the company Visa at 41 years old and just buy myself a new toy like I'm an idiotic Sales Rep who's just been slated for a fat commission! No! I cannot do that, Walt! Besides, my laptop is for work! What does it say about me if I use company hardware to frag noobs after hours?!"
Walt drew himself up, smirking. "I don't care what it says, because I'm the boss of this company - and the boss wants us to have sustainable tech, now. It's good for the planet, good for our image, and I'll have a reliable one-stop shop for any future upgrades."
I threw my hands up. "Fine, whatever! Let's just burn twenty thou plus taxes off of our operational budget! I love you, hon, but this is the shittiest idea ever, Walt."
Walt placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'll call Scrooge, get him to draw us up a budget with a few mockup bills. If it makes sense, we'll pull the plug. If he tells me I'm being delusional, then we'll just buy one for me."
Sarah gave Walt a circumspect look. "Fine. But if it turns out you just buy one for yourself, I forbid you from loading up our own Visa for Christmas gifts shaped like laptops, later on."
That knocked a few Machiavellian twinkles out of Walt's eyes - but not by much. I know the big guy; if he's convinced himself we deserve something, we'll get it, even if we issue moral objections. It might take years and he might use different excuses, but it'll happen.
Note to self: try and convert the BF to Ascetism, or at least Minimalism...
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thecleaningguide · 27 days
The Advantages of Hiring Professional Cleaners: A Worthwhile Investment
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When Should You Hire Professional Cleaning Services? A Guide to Knowing When It's Time
Maintaining a clean home or office can be a daunting task, especially when juggling a busy lifestyle. While many people handle routine cleaning tasks on their own, there are times when hiring professional cleaning services is not only beneficial but necessary. If you’re unsure whether it’s time to bring in the pros, here’s a comprehensive guide to help you decide when to hire professional cleaning services.
1. When Life Gets Busy
One of the most common reasons people hire professional cleaning services is simply due to lack of time. Life can get hectic with work, family, and social commitments, leaving little time for thorough cleaning.
Busy Professionals: If you work long hours or have a demanding job, you may find it challenging to keep up with cleaning tasks. A professional cleaning service can help maintain your home so you can focus on your career and personal life.
Families with Young Children: With young children in the house, maintaining a clean environment can feel like a full-time job. Hiring professionals can take the burden off your shoulders, allowing you to spend more quality time with your family.
2. Before or After Special Events
Special occasions often call for a deep clean to ensure your home or venue looks its best.
Hosting Guests or Parties: If you’re hosting a party, gathering, or family event, a professional cleaning service can help get your home ready for guests. They can handle everything from general tidying to deep cleaning, ensuring your space is spotless and welcoming.
Post-Event Clean-Up: After hosting a large event or party, the last thing you want to do is deal with the mess. Professional cleaners can efficiently handle post-event clean-up, allowing you to relax and enjoy the aftermath without the stress.
3. When Moving In or Out
Moving can be one of life’s most stressful experiences, and cleaning is a big part of it. Professional cleaning services can make this process easier and less stressful.
Moving Out: When moving out of a home or apartment, leaving the place clean is often required to get your security deposit back or to ensure a good relationship with your landlord. A professional move-out cleaning service can take care of this for you, ensuring the space is spotless.
Moving In: Moving into a new home is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming. Hiring a professional cleaning service to clean your new home before you move in ensures that you’re starting fresh in a truly clean environment.
4. For Deep Cleaning Needs
Regular cleaning might keep the surface dirt at bay, but every home and office needs a deep clean from time to time.
Spring Cleaning: A thorough spring cleaning can refresh your home and remove the buildup of dust and dirt that accumulates over time. Professional cleaners have the tools and expertise to tackle those hard-to-reach areas and deep clean your home from top to bottom.
Seasonal Changes: As the seasons change, it’s a good time to deep clean your home and prepare for the next season. Professional cleaners can help clean out the cobwebs, dust baseboards, and ensure your home is ready for the change in weather.
5. When Selling Your Home
If you’re putting your home on the market, first impressions are crucial. A clean, well-maintained home is more attractive to potential buyers and can even increase the value of your property.
Staging for Sale: A professional cleaning service can help ensure your home looks its best for showings and open houses. They can provide a deep clean that highlights the best features of your home, making it more appealing to buyers.
Photoshoots: Real estate photos are a critical part of marketing your home. Professional cleaners can ensure that every surface shines, and every room looks immaculate for the camera.
6. When Dealing with Allergies or Health Issues
A clean home is essential for good health, especially for those with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory conditions.
Reducing Allergens: Dust, pet dander, and pollen can accumulate in your home, aggravating allergies and asthma. Professional cleaners use high-quality vacuums and cleaning products that can help reduce allergens and improve indoor air quality.
Preventing Illness: During flu season or in the case of a household illness, a thorough professional cleaning can help eliminate germs and bacteria, reducing the risk of spreading sickness.
7. For Specialized Cleaning Needs
Certain cleaning tasks require specialized skills, knowledge, or equipment that professional cleaners can provide.
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning: Over time, carpets and upholstery can collect dirt, stains, and odors that regular vacuuming can’t remove. Professional cleaning services have the tools and expertise to deep clean carpets and upholstery, extending their lifespan and improving their appearance. By investing in professional carpet and upholstery cleaning services, you can extend the life of your furnishings, protect your investment, and create a healthier, more comfortable living environment.
Window Washing: Cleaning windows, especially on multi-story homes, can be challenging and potentially dangerous. Professional window cleaners have the equipment and experience to safely and effectively clean your windows, inside and out.
Post-Construction Cleaning: If you’ve recently completed a renovation or construction project, you’re likely dealing with a lot of dust and debris. Professional cleaners can handle post-construction cleaning, ensuring your space is safe and ready for use.
8. When You Need a Break
Sometimes, you just need a break from the routine of cleaning. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed or just want to enjoy more leisure time, hiring a professional cleaning service can provide much-needed relief.
Mental Health Break: Taking care of your mental health is important, and sometimes that means taking a break from daily chores. Professional cleaners can give you that break, allowing you to focus on self-care or other activities that bring you joy.
Holiday Prep: Preparing for the holidays can be stressful enough without adding cleaning to the list. Professional cleaners can take care of the cleaning, leaving you more time to enjoy the holiday season.
Final Thoughts
Hiring professional cleaning services is a smart decision for many reasons. Whether you need a deep clean, are preparing for a special event, or simply want to save time, professional cleaners can provide the expertise and convenience you need to maintain a clean and healthy home or office. By recognizing when it’s time to call in the pros, you can ensure your space is always looking its best, giving you peace of mind and more time to enjoy life. So, the next time you’re overwhelmed by cleaning tasks, consider hiring a professional cleaning service – it could be just what you need!
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