#Off the Kirb
immortal-cataclysm · 1 year
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Keeping him company
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muffin-snakes-art · 2 years
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After finding out who Queen Sectonia was before her transformation, Kirby felt guilty for killing her without a second thought, and he worries about Taranza’s wellbeing. Meta Knight steps in to counsel him
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opal-owl-flight · 1 year
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(Dont tag as any ships! Theyre all just buds in these pieces)
Im starting to see a theme among these...maybe this year's Kirbtober shows Mags in the early days of his allyship.
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artlasllm · 1 year
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sanrio collab when /joke
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wintuvern · 1 month
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Wow found this old one in my drafts so you know what, screw it I'll post it
This is two farms I had about 2 years ago so I lost the save files when I updated from 1.4 to 1.5 (not the games fault I'm just bad at moving files)😭😭
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flebus · 2 months
the unfortunate truth of the matter is that i think in a contemporary human setting, Magolor would absolutely be a tech bro. like between him being weirdly fixated on the romanticized ideal of an ancient civilization and him being the default Microtransaction Peddler NPC in several games, the evidence is staggering. that is a STEM major who would try to sell you cryptocurrency.
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planet-magic-land · 1 year
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Paws Paws Beans etc 🐾🐾🐾
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immortal-cataclysm · 1 year
Bandees all for trying to resolve things casually but if you REALLY annoy him he just goes "yeah fuck it. Murder it is". His ass does NOT have self control.
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muffin-snakes-art · 11 months
Taranza is disappointed in mags
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I'm too tired to actually draw smthing for this but here's a screenshot of something I'm working on that kinda fits featuring a kirb
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huckleberrykai · 1 year
did a fic who cheered
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Curvier - a short essay-type thing
Okay, it's been 11 years, I have to share a theory. I'm fully aware that basically no one who currently follows me and/or pays attention to the things I post about will understand anything I'm about to say, but tbh I've put way too much into this to really care.
Anyway, you guys ever heard of TOME? :D
If not, it's this neat little 15-episode (technically 16 if you count /FILE:ZERO, 25 if you also count the Season 1 shorts, and 26 if you count all of those plus AvZ, the 5-year anniversary short) animated web series about two teenagers, an imp, a dragon-man, and a [REDACTED] who get together and fight criminals in VRchat.
Jokes aside, it's really good and you can watch it here. Seriously, go do that. It's so damn good. Today's the 11th anniversary, you literally have no excuse. At least watch episode one, otherwise the rest of this post will make absolutely no sense beyond the most surface-level of details.
Okay, done? You've watched Episode 1? Good, good. So...
In the first episode, specifically around 3:06, Nylocke pronounces Kirb's username wrong, to which he replies "It's Kirbopher. It's like Christopher except curvier." But... it isn't, though, is it? Merriam-Webster Dictionary (the most official dictionary, as we all know) defines a curve as "to have or take a turn, change, or deviation from a straight line or plane surface without sharp breaks or angularity", its synonyms including bend, curvature, arc, bow, and crook. Basically, any circle, half-circle, quarter-circle, oval, etc.
To be fair, assuming the onscreen textboxes are actually a "thing" in TOME itself, as opposed to a visual effect only used to tell the story, one could claim that the font Kirb's player uses is rather curvy itself (and they'd be right), but is it curvier?
After checking Google, I quickly found a list of every font used in the show, gathered in this here Google Doc by one unicornfoal (their username didn't pop up in the menu thing when I tried to @ them so idk if they still go by that), which tells us that the font Kirb uses is "Spicy Sushi Roll".
With the font determined, we can compare the curviness of the names. To do this, I typed each of them out in a word document, took a screenshot, and pasted it into my photo-editing software of choice. There, I created this handy diagram detailing every curve in the letters, in addition to offering brief definitions of my terminology and method for determining what counts as a curve.
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Also, as an aside, I'm really proud of how this turned out, especially with the lines and colors and the grid in the background. Like... man. Not to suck myself off or anything, but holy hell am I good at this.
Anyway, as you can see, the name "Kirbopher" has 7 inner (convex) curves and 8 outer (concave) curves, adding up to a total of 15 curves, which, assuming I'm correct about all this, had to be intentional. "Christopher", on the other hand, has 10 inner curves and 11 outer curves, which adds up to 21 total curves. Therefore, "Kirbopher" is not only not "like Christopher except curvier", but is in fact less curvy. This revelation, while shocking, isn't my final point. No, no. Because this rabbit hole goes deeper, dear reader. First, though, we must talk about parallel universes a long-defunct 2000s internet forum.
Long before TOME was a 15-episode web series, its world and characters were conceptualized in a 70-something long series of sprite animations on Newgrounds, known as TvTome Adventures, or TTA for short. Based on the forums of the TvTome website, which now redirects to tv.com, the series featured characters based largely on the forum's users, including one white sword-wielding marshmallow-thing by the name of Kirbopher15, pictured below.
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Yeah. That's... more or less Kirby in a hat. Somewhat Kirby-like. Kirbyish? Though, to be fair, it could probably be... kirbyer?
And that's where my theory kicks in. Buckle your fuckle because this is gonna blow your damn mind.
What if, and hear me out here, the original line wasn't "curvier", but instead "kirbyer", as in "more Kirby"? It'd certainly make more sense, seeing as, one, the character was originally just a Kirby recolor in a hat, and two, the name Kirbopher is literally just "Christopher" but with "Chris" replaced with "Kirby", minus the y.
Why was it changed, then? Seeing as it's so early on in the show, which has been stated to have had somewhat of a rough production, almost not making it past four episodes, it could be out of concern over copyrights, trademarks, or other legal issues possibly arising, were the show to be, say, picked up by a TV network or something. Even though Kirby is an actual name that real people have, when you factor in the character's previous incarnation, it could definitely be taken to mean the Nintendo character, instead of a regular person's name.
Oh, and one more thing. Tumblr, being very art-driven by design, is home to tons and tons of artists, writers, voice actors, etc., both amateur and professional. Plus, because Tumblr lets you @ blogs you know the names of, someone with an insane theory about a single throwaway line of dialogue in an episode of a somewhat niche web animation could, say... @ the creator of said animation, assuming they're on tumblr in the first place, and ask if they're correct in their long-winded assertions, or are simply talking out of their ass. So, with that in mind...
@kirbopher How'd I do?
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badgerboodle · 4 months
finally getting some drawing energy back and i will be (hopefully) posting more! is there anything y’all might like to see?
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auraibeal · 10 months
Jeez, man, I blink once, and it's already the 8th. Today's prompt was toad, so I drew an eppy toad from mario. Look at him sleep! So cute :>
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I accidentally made the head of toad and the Zs to dark, but oh well. This one was a bit more fast and lose than the last couple, but I still like how it turned out!
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madamhatter · 1 year
The shop's door opened wide stood a young woman with dark wavy hair in a simple brown dress & matching hat peeks in. Sayo has heard a lot about this shop famous for its hats & designs in fashion. She wasn't quite sure which outfit to buy as they were so many variety that were all quite beautiful.
Could she really see herself in such outfits making her stand out? A furniture shouldn't dream of such things, yet Sayo was a young girl at heart who always wanted to try such clothing on.
" Hello...is anyone here? "
A terminal case of solitude, was that always the fact for the existence of Sophie Hatter? 
Accompanying the store of mannequins and hats had been none other than the eldest daughter. As much as they minded their business and enjoyed the quiet, the copper-haired girl had some lapses of talkativeness. After all, the garments adorning imitations of bodies and on top of hats had a very fond creator. 
Gloomy days called for soliloquy spells with rain tapping on the window panes. Unlike the vast stage with hot lights from overhead lamps, there is a backroom with a work table and bench, numerous storage boxes, and unfinished displays. Too, unlike the fleshless head of Yorick in the palm, there was a plush coffee-brown roller hat with black accents. 
"You are the catch to the person you have your eyes on," hums Sophie. Fixing the latest work onto a mannequin, her hands hover over it, pinching it from the front and tilting the hat a tad backward. 
She was surrounded by an exciting crowd. Flattening the wrinkles in her gray skirt, she marvels at her latest accomplishment. Next to the roller hat had been a rose-bundled derby hat, one to be the center of attention, and the lily-white smart hats, those were clever.
A deep breath seeps from her lips. The momentary fascination of the imagination ebbs away, with her features dullening again. The implication of a smile - turned lips - wash out to a tight-lipped expression. 
Her arms crossed tightly over her chest, eyes scanning around the shadowy corners of the workshop. 
Reality sinks in. The drip, drip, drip of rain, the tired groans of wooden floorboards, and the heavy sound of nobody else around. 
It was all nothing.
Sophie lifts her head to the entryway of the workshop. There were two doors on the far end of the small hallway: one that led to the outside and the other to the alcove. 
'Mother hasn't returned from her latest trip to the market.' Sophie sighs to herself, her hands tightening the apron behind her back. 'As much as it shouldn't be me on the main floor, who else would do it?' Her hands fix the upper pink bow in her braid. 
Such a question tends to rear its head countless times in her contemplations. Something simply cannot be left unattended, Sophie learned. If no one else does it, then she will. As it was, as it always would be. 
With one final breath, hands fanning out as she gains her composure and customer-service face, the eldest daughter slowly emerges from the workroom. 
Hands folded above her abdomen and head held high, Sophie Hatter makes her presence known in a fashionable crypt of fabrics, stands, and designs. 
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Behind the counter, Sophie cordially greets the guest, "Good morning, miss." She provides a polite smile.
Doe-eyed curiosity, it was the first time that Sophie had ever seen this customer -- not that she ever physically met most of the patrons. She recognized 'regulars' by their voice alone. However, the meek voice calling from the storefront was unknown to her. 
'Neck-length brown hair and grayish eyes between blue or brown - a unique hazel reminiscent of choppy ocean waves - what a pretty combination.'  Although stern and poised, Sophie's eyes showed a faint glimmer.
"I apologize for the wait." The shop is abandoned by its owner, and only one employee is here. "Are you looking for something in particular or just browsing?" 
Would it be inappropriate to regard her as being withdrawn or overwhelmed? Though her tongue is held, her curiosity couldn't help but begin a downpour of questions. Coming off too strongly may result in a fleeing customer and no sale, something Mother already scolded me for. 
Stepping from behind the counter, glancing at the storm from the display window, she addresses the customer again: "If there's anything you need help with, do let me know." 
A sympathetic smile comes to her face. 
'Maybe she only came in here because of the rain.'
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mspopstar · 14 days
how is the mirror gang doing like shadow kirby and thqe mirror kirbs
Content Warning: Blood
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"Funny thing about that! I can't say since I haven't seen 'em in a while... I expected them to go...y'know... "Poof!" Once we left that mirror but they didn't! It was a little awkward... Y'know, me expectin' them to die...
So, next thing I know they all go left and right and which way. They don't even answer their phones most of the time! Rude! Last time I checked...
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Keeby's on Cavius bein' something called a prize fighter? Knuckle Joe's somethin' like a manager to Keeby so at least he has a friend! He told me he gets to fight all day and he's fed really well so he's been staying there for a while. I don't know what it is about that guy or where he gets it from but it's like he has nothing but fighting and food on his head!
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Do the words Popstar Night Cinema ring any bells? When Susie an' King Dedede made a bunch of movies based off of me and his experiences? Well, besides King Dedede almost all of the actors were Waddle Dees covered in green or various paints. I was asked to star in it, but I didn't want to cause it seemed like too much trouble and I can't read the scripts. So, Kusa played as me! He practically begged for the role! Since then, those movies did crazy good on planets far out from Pop Star so Susie's been meer-cheyn-dising the movies and making all sorts of things and works with Kusa for doing advertisements and modelin' and stuff. When Kusa's not doing that... he's busying himself with taking as he called it a 'much needed vacation that someone like him deserves'. I think he's at Dedede Resort now? I dunno... outside of being in the limelight he's suuuuuper lazy, even more than King Dedede so I can barely get a hold of him most of the time!
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Kaabi likes to explore a lot! He's real cool, always sendin' me photos in his letters of all the places he goes and friends he makes. Though I worry, it's always some place super duper dangerous and scary! He's real quiet though, doesn't write much other than a a small caption. From the times we've talked he's real sweet, a total sweet heart! The only thing I dislike is that he can't keep still! I'll talk to him and then all of a sudden he's wandering off in another direction in the middle of a conversation! Talk about rude!"
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