#Ocean and Emily you can pretend you never saw this post wjsjeje i promise it's okay
Gonna do something I’ll probably never do again and post some ~Tylara~ thoughts:
Ty Lee being drawn to Katara's passion, self-assertion, and huge surges of confidence when push comes to shove, similarly to how Ty Lee is drawn to comparable aspects of Azula.
Ty Lee becoming fascinated by the blend of colors in Katara's aura, where Katara has such burning rage that molds into her compassion and kindness and sweetness -- it might seem to Ty Lee that the colors and their meanings contrast, almost, yet they make something beautiful. 
Exposure to such a foreign juxtaposition through Katara helping Ty Lee gain better insight on the complicated and powerful feelings of those who have suffered from the war outside the Fire Nation. i.e., she might be intrigued by there being an anomaly in something she is usually very familiar with, the colors in a person's aura, and through her curiosity would come to better understand Katara's feelings and hurt and to value that, even if Ty Lee can't fully relate. 
Auras potentially becoming a conversation they have. Katara's usually quite fascinated herself with the "supernatural" and learning about other people's views and perspectives. 
Katara being taken off guard a little to hear what Ty Lee can feel from Katara through her aura and the half-conclusions Ty Lee can draw, but the topic also being interesting and maybe even fun for Katara at first, before it possibly turns a bit deeper and maybe too accurate for comfort. 
Katara generally vibing with Ty Lee's more bubbly personality, but just to an extent initially. On the surface, Ty Lee doesn't take things too seriously, and she could probably help Katara to loosen up a bit. 
There being times when Ty Lee seems almost too "air-headed" in certain situations and not appearing to “read the room,” which would start to bother Katara, in part because it comes across to her as Ty Lee being dishonest, as Katara is a good people-reader and might pick up on Ty Lee brushing things off or being bubbly to a point where it feels unnatural, even for someone like her.
After a while, Katara maybe even calling Ty Lee out on being disingenuous.
Ty Lee capable of being more serious, but fearful of not being seen for herself as an individual. If she doesn't feel that the person she fully is will garner enough attention or value, she tries to be more charismatic and agreeable.
Where Ty Lee fears not being Seen, Katara is all about Seeing people.
Ty Lee managing to hint somewhat-privately that, yes, Katara’s right, sometimes it is a façade, there are less attractive (as Ty Lee sees it) qualities to me, and Katara dropping her bitterness towards Ty Lee's dishonesty, might as well forgetting about it, as soon as Ty Lee admits it. 
Katara actively trying to get to know another side of Ty Lee, as it’s in her nature to be nurturing and validate people’s worth, getting to know them on a personal level, and building Ty Lee up not just for her skills or her appearance but for all of her. 
Ty Lee benefitting from specifically Katara seeing her that way, as she is someone Ty Lee admires. 
Ty Lee being receptive, unlike many, to Katara’s touchy-feeliness and what some would call “in-your-business” tendencies, as Ty Lee takes it as a reminder for how Katara sees her personally, wants to do so, and likes Ty Lee even so.
Katara being one who is prone to jealousy, but Ty Lee eventually feeling less need to gather what she now sees as relatively superficial attention, like from a crowd of admirers, as she understands who she is as worth more and able to have more, from a real connection like that with Katara.
On another note, many pairings between people from the Fire Nation and outside it are likely to have some issues for being on different sides of the war, especially when involving Katara and people who were once her direct enemy, as she is so intense with her grudges and remembering past wrongdoings.
Ty Lee has always seemed to prioritize her loyalty to individuals she cares about over loyalty to ideologies. Before 2x03, Ty Lee wanted to spend her time as an artist/performer and connect on a micro vs macro scale, and it can be argued this calling of hers never became less appealing than her political involvements and time spent hunting Azula’s prey out of some level of coercion.
Ty Lee and Katara might have the potential to work through unresolved tension because of Ty Lee’s personal motivations, disposition, and actions post-war that mark her attempts to be better (as well as maybe bringing to light at what level Ty Lee cares / does not care about the Fire Nation’s political status and how much / how little post-war she wants to do with her home nation particularly), especially after this whole other conversation about trust, honesty to others and to oneself, and not doing something blindly because of some higher authority or society telling you to do as they say.
Katara helping Ty Lee better understand how to make her own choices, decide her own philosophies, and stick by them, in part because Ty Lee admires that resolve in Katara, and Ty Lee being grateful for the aid in direction and someone who will take her wants into account of it.
Katara taking such pride in seeing the transformation in Ty Lee, as she so heavily values forming relationships and helping/watching people who are receptive to her influence grow, and she comes to very much respect Ty Lee for it and appreciate that reception to her.
Katara benefitting from someone with a bright disposition at default who might affirm parts of her innate idealism that the trauma of the war-torn world tries to snuff out.
As other people have pointed out, drawing connections between chi-blocking and waterbending, particularly healing and bloodbending, and knowing the points in the body, its weak points, how the energy flows, etc.
@justoceanmyth and @foxy-knowledgeseeker cause you might be the only people who'd want to read this lmao
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