#OR as rk's first openly gay idol/trainee
rkseongmin · 6 years
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heo hyunjoon instagram account
hyunjoons instagram account has taken a turn in the last few months. he started being kind of random on his account, posting like 6 things in a day and then not showing up for a few months. but this year he really started taking to posting on it--part of this can be attributed to both the fact he joined orion and growing to be a bigger stan of his pretty hyung ( @rkdongmin ). he’s less chaotic as he was when he starting, sticking to posting once every like second day. he tries to keep this more black and white or darker aesthetic going and also tries to space out selcas with random photos he takes when he’s out.
between the orion fans and also the mga he has gain a good handful of followers. it’s growing every day too, especially as orion grows in popularity as a busking group. he doesn’t have near as many as most buskers through due to the fact he only with in the last month started including his account @ on a white board during busking. before he use to not show it off as he hadn’t wanted the attention. but fans began asking so often what his is that he started writing his down as well to show off during introductions. because of this connection now to orion he has jumped in attention. 
this hasn’t stopped him from watching what he posts. hyunjoon is very openly gay on his instagram and twitter account. he doesn’t care if it causes him to lose fans or whatever because he doesn’t see why he needs to hide it. given, he never has stated i’m gay, but he posts a lot of very gay content that it’s hard to miss ( such as this post for pride month ) and should anyone ask he won’t say no. generally though he doesn’t reply to comments unless they’re from friends. all one has to do is check his story though where he’s normally fanboying over one of his idols or over lee dongmin. 
the person who appears the most on his instagram is his best friend ( @rkhyojeong ) she appears very often, with photos of just her and photos of her and hyunjoon together. she’s pretty much always in his story too. for a while ( and still currently ) people thought they were dating and neither of them have ever stated they arent because its funny to them when people assume that. especially with how gay hyunjoon is. but with how many times he has posted photos of just her, its understandable that people think that. though they’re really just more like siblings--twins even. and hyunjoon doesn’t hesitate to let people know who his best friend is. 
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