aeiiope-m-blog · 6 years
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Okay!! Finally refollowed most of the people I was following before so yay!! But here are a few notes about the revamp and stuff:
I’m most likely going to be dropping a lot of stuff in the old inbox since it ngl makes me feel kinda stressed out and I honestly can’t find a lot of the prompts or forgot what they went to. I’m sorry for having to drop them, but oh man do they make it hard for me to write for some goddamn reason.
I might drop a few threads? Like, not 100% sure about it, but I might, and if I do, I’ll be sure to mention it to you just in case you’re interested in it still or maybe we can plot it a bit. Like, threads aren’t as?? stressful (?) to have so I’m probs going to keep most of them?
Rn I’m 100% open to discussing muse relations and stuff bc time makes things change, so if our muses have any sort of relationship that you want to change up or break off or whatever, please let me know. I’ll have a better relations call up later, but for now, just?? let me know?? if you want to change anything???
I’m also down to plot and I’ll get some prompts reblogged either before I go to work or after my plans for tonight? Idk yet, but it’ll happen maybe. I’ll get a better plotting call up too later and ye-
I did update the about and rules. Please let me know if I missed tagging any triggers in the rules, and I’ll be more than happy to add them to the list and keep them in mind since I might have glanced over a few when going through rules again.
and i think thats it? ill keep yall posted if theres anything new i need to mention but going to try and get an open-thing up before passing out bc ohmygod i havent slept yet and NOW when im doing things does my body want to finally fucking crash ohmyg o d
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