badly-drawn-doflamingo · 10 months
This is still one of my fav scenes, like, ever.
[ for those who don’t come here or watch, I’ll explain perhaps!
The reason Yamato here (horns) is so stunned at Ace’s statement is that- Yamato knew Roger, the King of the Pirates and… Luffy’s dream is THE EXACT SAME!
“I would never laugh at his dream.” ]
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somos-deseos · 2 months
Hay momentos en los que la fuerza que necesitas no la encuentras en tu interior y entonces tienes que llorar.
— Seguen Oríah.
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choormi · 7 months
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 5 months
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i hope this similarity is preserved in the translation, because it should translate directly i think, but what hiyori says here is the exact same as oden's last words, just slightly modified. as he dies, oden says 煮えてなんぼのおでんに候/niete nanbono oden ni sourou, "the purpose of oden is to be boiled" (oden being a boiled dish).
orochi's surname, 黒炭/kurozumi, literally means 'black charcoal.' so here, during the reenactment of orochi's death (and accompanied by the people shouting along, just like oden was), hiyori says 燃えてなんぼの黒炭に候/moete nanbono "kurozumi" ni sourou- "the purpose of kurozumi/charcoal is to burn."
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the-colors-of-tokyo · 3 months
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An Evening Feast of Oden and Yakitori Available Here:
Never underestimate the pleasure of having an evening meal at one of these small places. On the other hand, never overestimate it either.
Small Town Tokyo: Okusawa
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michelmims · 8 days
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[ 11/11 DON!!! cards, part 3 ]
Shares are appreciated 💖
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hellsitegenetics · 4 months
Yamato is the son of Kaidou. Born as Kaidou's daughter and groomed from a young age to be his heir, Yamato instead developed a profound admiration for the legendary samurai Kozuki Oden. After Oden's death, Yamato decided to become like him, impersonating him and adopting his mannerisms. As a result of this desire to emulate Oden, Yamato decided to become a man and identify as Kaidou's son, with his father and the Beasts Pirates referring to him as such as well.[4]
This path has put Yamato at odds with Kaidou, with much of his life being spent imprisoned on Onigashima. Yamato befriended Portgas D. Ace during his visit to Wano Country, and after learning of Ace's death waited for the arrival of his sworn brother, Monkey D. Luffy.[9] Initially desiring to join Luffy's crew,[10] Yamato ultimately decided to remain behind in Wano to help protect it from outside forces, though he still intends to join them in the future.[11]
String identified:
aat t a. a a' agt a g a g ag t , aat ta a aat t ga aa . At ' at, aat c t c , atg a atg a. A a t t t at , aat c t c a a a t a a' , t at a t at at g t a c a .[4]
T at a t aat at t a, t c g t gaa. aat tga . Ac g t t a Ct, a at ag Ac' at at t aa t, . .[9] ta g t ' c,[10] aat tat c t a a t tct t t c, tg t t t t t t.[11]
Closest match: Lupinus angustifolius cultivar Tanjil chromosome LG-07 Common name: Narrowleaf lupin
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charliethechandelure · 10 months
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"Well you know, I'll have to see
If all the stars aligned we could've solved the mystery
It's a partial fantasy
We're living in a land that went astray from history"
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We are back!
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mangekyuou · 1 year
Heya, so i just recently found your account and well, i love the way you write the roger pirates, is it alright if you could give us some cuddling headcannons with them? :) thanks for reading hun
✩༄  headcanons ,  cuddling with the roger pirates !
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☆ — characters! . . . roger. rayleigh. oden. gaban.
☆ — cw(s)! . . . n/a. gn!reader. no pronouns used. not proofread.
☆ — notes! . . . this request couldn’t have come at a better time. the roger pirates have been on my mind always lately. thank you so much for requesting !! <3333
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an absolute cuddle fiend !! roger loves cuddling with you. if he could have you wrapped in his arms or being wrapped in your arms at all hours of the day, he definitely would
he has no preference over being the big spoon or little spoon. but it just so happens, he tends to be little spoon often
there’s nothing better to him than having your arms wrapped around him, with his head on your chest, your hand in his hair, scratching his scalp. it puts him right to sleep
he especially loves your cuddles after a tough battle
if you tell him you’ll cuddle him if he wins a fight ?? he’s going to fight tooth and nail to win.
nothing and no one is getting in the way of him and your embrace
you will have to pry his arms from around you when you wake up in the morning, otherwise he will not let you go
his embrace is always so warm and very loving
uses cuddling to trap you into smothering your neck and cute face in kisses
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rayleigh usually has an arm wrapped loosely around your waist whether you’re out and about or just chilling on the deck
it’s grown to be a habit of his. sometimes he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it until you point it out
he is more of a half spoon kind of guy, laying on his back on your shared bed, with his hands behind his head. you cuddling into his side with your arm draped across his torso and your head on his shoulder
he’s also a fan of the cuddle hug
he enjoys being face to face with you. the deep eye contact, the tips of your noses touching. it still manages to make him feel all giddy inside like in his youth
cuddling brings out your best talks
some nights the two of you have such profound conversations that bring you even closer together
and other nights you listen to him complain and gripe about what crazy thing the apprentices got themselves into that day
he swears if he didn’t have to vent to, he’d maybe throw one of them overboard. he’s kidding…maybe…
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there is no escaping oden and his cuddles
you can run but you cannot hide, because he will find you and he will smother you in all his love and affection
after he discovered cuddling is his favorite thing ever, he will not put you down…quite literally sometimes
and it’s so cute to see him so excited to be holding you. he’ll never get tired of you being in his arms
oden used to be very stiff when it came to cuddling in the early stages of your relationship. he had no idea what he was doing
but he quickly got used to it and cannot go a day without cuddling. never in his life has he felt so comfortable
the biggest sucker for back hugs, most of them come out of nowhere. hearing his heavy footsteps running in your direction, when he comes into view you see his arms already wide open. oh boy
at least he has started to announce himself after that one time you thought he was someone else and you threw him over your shoulder onto his back
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gaban claims he’s not the cuddly type…he’s also the lying type so it’s best not to listen to everything he says
he just doesn’t know how to ask for them
he can be a little shy about cuddling if there are other people outside of the crew around
you have discovered when he’s jealous he is the most clingy
if he sees someone looking at you in a way he doesn’t like ?? he’ll up the ante tenfold, holding you in his arms like he hasn’t seen you in years. he makes it known you’re with him
he’s a head-in-lap kind of guy. there’s no better place than your lap and he stands by that. he can look up to see not only the stars in the night sky but your cute face too ??
oh he loves it. especially if you stroke his hair a little. he melts under your touch
he also really likes when you lay on top of him, so he can rub circles into your lower back as you talk about your day or whatever’s on your mind.
he’ll sneak a quick kiss or two to your head and then pretend not to know what you’re talking about just to get a reaction out of you
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© MANGEKYUOU — do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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alexa-fika · 8 days
I fully believe that the whitebeard pirates would be good but completely chaotic with an actual child like I know whitebeards whole thing is being a dad but I think you throw a four year old at them and they're like "oh God can it have beer yet?" And completely forget that tantrums exist and the first couple weeks are pure chaos
Correct me if im wrong but when aren’t the only kids who have been in the Moby Dick Hiyori and Momonosuke? And they had both parents to look after them so no one had to worry about taking any reponsability in that aspect and Whitebeard din’t have to step in as a dad in their case.
To me the best contenders to know whag the hell they are doing would be Marco and Oden, with Izou and Ace coming a close second
Oden, well he is a dad so that gives him an advantage on dealing with kids but regardless he is soemone who gives zero shits on what people think of him so he has no problem being the goofy dad 24/7. And despite his hotheaded personality and what I thought to be a careless lifestyle he is a man who will and has given everything to protect his family and retainers
Up next we have Marco, I don’t recall him having direct contact with any children on the series but he has shown to have a calm, mature demeanor, this paired up with his medical knowledge would aid him in things such as when does a child become ready for solid foods, when should they start walking etc. Not saying he would know everything as he is the Ship’s doctor and not a pediatrician but his love for his family would be enough encouragement to learn about children and their development. Plus this man can do no wrong sooo
Ace, now listen you may think, of course you’re going to say he’s up there he had Luffy and you would be absolutely right that is one of the reasons 😂. Listen in his youth he had a rough attitude and if even then he was able to fill that role he filled for luffy even years later is a testament to his qualifications. Second point is his personality, when he grew up he grew up to be a a goofball, at least I saw him that way, I feel like his personality would match up perfectly with a child. But a good match dosen’t feed the child so that’s why he won’t be up in first place. He would be great with the children but he would be as clueless as can be when it comes to needs of the kid, he would forget tk water and feed the child.
For Izou, I think he would be a good option because like Marco he seems tk have that Mature and responsible demeanor , so he would be a good option for a child coming aboard. He would also be great with the needs of the child, reminding himself to do all the tasks needed to be done if the child is wrong or remind the child themselves if they are old enough. But despite being a big brother, he is only a big brother by a year so I don’t think thats adding tk his resume in this case. The reason why he is not on top is because even though he would be great at keeping track of what teh child needs he doesn’t neccesarily have the knowledge, he can be told about what and when the kid needs something but he wouldn’t know that by himself, so give him the information and he is up there with Marco And Oden, which would probably be the ones who teach him in the first place
Thatch would be a good option too, he has a playful and caring personality for the child and he would be able to adapt his meals to better fit the kid, but same as Izou he would need to be given that information. And similar to Ace he would forget about some needs of the kid or be incredibly reckless, he would remember to feed and water the kid since he is a chef and it’s his job but other needs eh, keep an eye on him ir next thing you know you’ll have a toddler making your meals, handling knifes and other utensils.
I do want to mention Haruta, I think kids would love his outfit, he looks goofy so he could be a good entertainer for them. The rest of the commanders though… well they would be good bug brothers but maybe from a little far away, they are more rady to handle bigger kids and teens who can take a little bit more force. They could be caring but if someone like Kingdew or Fossa approach a kid I don’t know if a small child would be…how to say it…. I don’t think they would be ready for their personalities and facial expressions….
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zennipede · 3 months
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Transgender day of visibility! 🏳️‍⚧️
Small chibi Yamato 🤍
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dearobinchwan · 6 months
You give them a shitty gift on Christmas | One Piece edition
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The Gracious Pretender: Masters the art of smiling through disappointment, thanking you for the thought.
Sanji, Ace, Marco, Jinbei, Robin, Yamato, Nami, Sabo, Koby, Shanks, Killer
The Confused Receiver: Raises an eyebrow, wondering if it's a prank or a serious attempt at gift-giving.
Zoro, Mihawk, Hancock, Law, Perona, Usopp, Roger, Buggy, Kid, Oden
The Sarcastic Jester: Responds with humor, turning the awkwardness into a comedic moment.
Luffy, Franky, Brook, Ace, Roger, Shanks, Oden
The Regifter: Mentally notes the item for the next white elephant gift exchange.
Zoro, Nami, Perona, Sabo, Yamato, Law, Buggy
The Honest Reactor: Can't hide their true feelings, whether it's disappointment or confusion.
Luffy, Zoro, Perona, Hancock, Law, Lucci, Kid, Oden
The Optimistic Finder: Scours the gift for hidden value, convincing themselves it's a hidden gem.
Usopp, Robin, Franky, Brook, Ace, Marco, Shanks, Roger, Killer
The Silent Staller: Stares at the gift, momentarily speechless, unsure of how to react.
Zoro, Franky, Brook, Law, Buggy
The Investigator: Starts asking leading questions, trying to figure out if it was intentionally a gag gift.
Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Sabo, Koby, Law
The Forgiver: Quickly moves on, pretending the gift never happened, and focuses on the holiday spirit.
Luffy, Robin, Franky, Brook, Ace, Oden, Shanks, Roger, Killer
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mintypsii · 5 months
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doodles from twt requests 😭
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dailyoden · 5 months
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Luffy + Zoro + Franky = Oden
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gabbbyyyyyyyyyy · 2 months
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Batan Q? Nah. Oden Q
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