#Now that I've complained about not being able to write about my blorbos I feel less Unroutined. I'm off to bed for real
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queer-omens-in-the-archives · 3 months ago
haven't written a single word in either of our AUs today because of travel prep + so so so sleepy and I'm trying to be so brave about it but I miss my blorbos. When will our blorbo time come back from the war (end of year festivities)
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uhohbestie · 22 days ago
omahgod haaaiiii! happy three pronged fork day!
it is I, the live slug reaction microsoft paint doodles guy, here with the long promised part two, and lord mercy its been like a month,,, i've spent the past week and a half adding just-one-more-last-bit-this-time-its-the-last-one-for-sure-definitely and thinking of a new one at work the very next day,, BUT i am out of the dungeon now so here you have it!!
here's to me spending solid two months of my life pacing to and fro at work compiling mental essays and Making Up Scenarios tm with your characters and generally rotating them,,,, twas an experience for certain and i thank you for every point of psychic damage i was dealt <3
i tried every know-how i could think of to improve the resolution situation, and ended up just cutting it into pieces so im sorry if its a bit confusing to read (it's hectic but it works so i can't complain)
big picture for to know where things are
tip: you do gotta read the big picture left side (they are vaguely divided by the grey lines) top to bottom and then the right side for it to be chronological (more or less)
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and the small bits for better resolution
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i already wrote most of the things i had to say in the picture itself, so all i'll say is my soul yearns for pearl and lizzie (and Tilly) adventures extravaganza spinoff ): i have somehow so far convinced myself while reading that we would for sure get to see them within the fic that i had to doublecheck that i didn't miss a chapter on accident,,, oopsie
ps. this is where i would put my essay on how you've managed not only to show a character going through the 'ol stages of grief (scar when grian got bit) but also make the reader (or me at least, idk im gullible) go through them. ever since i figured out that Main Characters Don't Die at some point as a kid, i have never once sweated about "damn what if the writers actually do it this time?? what of blorbo dead foreal forever???" ,,, that was until i read TAMN. you took your SWEET TIME keeping us on scar pov for so long i sincerely started worrying that you actually did it you bastards. "no.. they wouldn't… they can't!" i thought to myself, but then the chapters went on and on, and Scar and Pops managed to almost get themselves killed yet again, adventures not showing any signs of stopping. and the pesky bristling brit, with whom i have a complicated relationship not unlike the one between a Sportsteam that sucks ass and their last remaining, bitter, but loyal shit-talking fan, is nowhere to be seen. i was head in hands sitting on the edge of my bed waxing poetics about how The Narrative forces the reader through the character's thought process and Long Live Indie Writing for being able to afford to break tropes and expectations n all that and then Grian's disHEVELED ASS ROLLS OUTA BUSHES AND I WAS LIKE i kNEW THOSE SONS A BITCHES WERE SCHEEMING, NEVER TRUST A WRITER!!! ! …i'm fairly impressionable audience if you couldn't tell
,anyhow this was one of the several bits rotating in my head for the past while, i hope you're proud of what you've accomplished -_- (/j/lh you really really should be <3) yeah anyway this is where i would put my essay on all that if i knew how to write one!
(if i open my mouth on the topic of the residents of the hermit commune we would be here all day, so all i'll say is i won't announce my descent into madness, but there will be signs)
on that note, be good be good to each other and don't forget to brush your teeth before bed
pps. i missed my duolingo writing this :( just another one of gods little jokes
ppps. i think you should poll the public someday on the subject of people's perception of Joel's fate in the end, would be curious to see how optimistic (or not) the folks are feeling
Oh my goodness there's so much to wade into there. I was starting to pick out my favourite parts but realised i was highlighting every drawing, but here are my FAVOURITE favourites:
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I love love love hearing ppl's opinions on the Redwood compound (AND POPS!!!! POPS AND SCAR BEST FRIENDS FOREVER [until... they're abruptly not anymore. um. ummmmmm....]) Poor exhausted Ren. Poor munched up Joel. Poor every-day-I'm-more-tired-than-the-last Etho. (Also, clasping your hands in mine, I promise you we will write about Pearl and Lizzie. I promise we will not leave you hanging.)
I'm genuinely truly deeply so happy you enjoyed TAMN, and absolutely adored reading (and seeing!) your journey as you read it. Especially the parts where we convincingly pulled off Grian Death(tm). Thank you for sharing with us :') aaaaa TAMN <3 <3 <3
Your poll idea is genius btw. We gotta do this. We GOTTA. - ��
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frill-s · 9 days ago
20 Questions For Fic Writers
This is really late! I was tagged by @i-hate-liking-batman. You can find my fics on AO3.
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
Technically about 180 fics because around 20 of my fics are Anonymous! A lot of them are one-shots or short multi-chapter fics.
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
I am 6k words away from 1.4 million right now!
3) What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. break : A batfam Tim Drake-centric fic! 2. emotionally adopt :part one of a batfam Tim Drake fic, where he's a meta who can turn invisible. 3. Pixelated Abyss : esper/guide au of ORV 4. does that mean : a SCTIR fic featuring hjyj 5. he's the new one : part three of the meta Tim Drake series
4) What fandoms do you write for?
I bounce around fandoms a lot! I used to do a lot of manga/anime writing, but I've switched to more web novels such as ORV, ROTBB/ROTMHS, and SCTIR/MSCH.
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to not because I always felt very fake and insincere, but in recent months, I've been encouraged by friends to respond. Ever since, I try not to let comments go unanswered. I found that I've really enjoyed the interaction!
6) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really write angst! It's one of the things I've been trying to work on. I attempted Whumptober last year but gave up a few fics in because I was not prepared to write like that. I'm not sure if I've wrote a fic with a truly angsty ending, to be honest!
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm. This is tough! I want to pick one of my favs, though so it's got to be variables for SCTIR. It's a very soft ending, in my opinion. I adore it very much.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
Uhm, occasionally! It doesn't happen often, and it's usually to complain about the long wait time for updates or about how I write characters. It used to be worse! I took down a long-fic before because of some comments I had received from a person. I would never do that again, but 2019 me was very insecure and gave in.
9) Do you write smut?
I have before!
10) Do you write crossovers?
I do not write crossovers much at all! I used to back on Wattpad. A KHR and Fairy Tail crossover was one of my first fics. Ever since, I supposed that crossovers are very hard for me to take on.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I did a few years ago! Luckily by the time I was made aware of it, the person had already been reported and the fics were taken down.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I do not believe so.
13) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes, LOL! It was incredibly fun to write a fic with my peeps in the SCTIR discord server.
14) What's your all time favorite ship?
I can't choose just one! I would say Love Trio from Mairuma is one of my ultimate favorites, as is Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk from ORV, and Han Yoojin/Sung Hyunje from SCTIR. I've recently adored 240J from THGLL and IlCheong from ROTBB.
15) What's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ahhhhh you're hitting me right in the gut. I would say that it would be so long to load for ORV. I adore the fic idea but I feel like I will be unable to write it to completion despite having the outline.
16) What are your writing strengths?
I don't really know! I enjoy writing dialogue, I suppose, and I adore diving into gen relationships and showing how much love and affection exists between them.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Being able to articulate my ideas! I have so many ideas for fics, especially long fics, but I am unable to write them the way I envision. One day, I hope I can finish some of these WIPs.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like when it's done right, but I always get nervous in using the language improperly!
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Ah! KHR, Katekyo Hitman Reborn! It was my introduction to fandom and continues to linger in my mind. Tsuna was my first blorbo, I believe!
20) Favourite fic you've ever written?
Aha! Finally, I get to gush on an underrated fic! It's got to be Anything At All Not To Feel Alone for ROTBB. Cheong Myeong is a very hard character to write but I adore him and all of the cast, so it's very fun writing a truth serum fic for them. Be warned, though, it's ongoing!
This was really interesting to answer! Writing it has been fun, and I found out a lot about myself! Thanks for tagging me, Cam!
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skypied · 2 years ago
sorry this is from a few days ago but i still wanna do the ask meme ;3
(I love the perpetual 3-5 business days ADHD delay on both our sides<3) read moreing bc I refuse to shut up<3
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
A lot! A lot of the time writing is providing entertainment for myself, and I often make myself laugh tbh! But I have no clue if anyone else finds it funny, mostly bc what feedback I get on things being funny often differ from what I laugh at 🥴 the one I can point to (and will again later in this post) is the goat-wrestling scene in always be this close. I also think all the banter in Morning Routines is funny. There's a shit ton of fun stuff in my wips, but I'm coming back to those.
(unrelated, I just discovered I've on two different occasions, months apart, written the exact same line of dialogue, which is Alberto saying "stop complaining and put your dick in my mouth". The more you know)
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
ouhhhhh uhhhhhh I think I'd say dialogue is one of my strong suits... I think? It's what drives most of my writing, and, while I feel like I'm always making the boys more and more OOC with every iteration, I guess that's one of the things that makes people find my fics in character. Maybe??? I dunno??? (honestly this is the worst kind of question bc for all I know I'm WAY off base). When I first am able to suppress my shame, I think the porn I write is fun and hot (but, y'know, it's 100% self-indulgent and to my tastes since it's a drop in the ocean from my personal spank bank, so again, nervous to state it for a fact)
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
given how I've rotated these blorbos so relentlessly in an endless drier for 14 months, there are sooooo many, and very few that are fixed in stone tbh. I more go through phases with headcanons, tbh! and I'm getting sleepy, maybe I'll come back and do a separate post if I remember anything special 😴
I can share that one of my current headcanon obsessions is Alberto in a skin tight short tennis dress though. I have this one in mind, bc that was the one that inspired it when a friend of a friend borrowed it to wear and he's a short'n'stout king who's dummy thicc and looked absolutely incredible wearing it. Hopefully I might draw and at some point post ... maybe in a sketch dump along with the two-three other pieces that are just "Alberto on his knees, thighs spread, soft lil tummy out, in cute outfits" hehe
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
I think always be this close with the Alberto almost getting himself severely damaged in a goat-wrestling match is the wildest. The rest of my fics are either just shameless porn or shameless fluff or writing-for-writing-practice's sake - I rarely write any plots or scenes that get wild. Honestly babe my wildest rides are still wips 😭 and I can't decide on just one so this is almost a ranking
#1 is probably the "discovering Luca's dick glows under the blacklight when they're getting nasty in a club bathroom" which also includes Alberto joking about Luca being into scat (or maybe it's on the cutting room floor) and jokes about dolphins being depraved creatures and Luca's dick trying to fuck Alberto's ear and Luca having a laughing fit over Alberto looking like he's playing a flute while sucking his dick and Luca delighted to discover Alberto likes having his mouth stuffed with his tail. this fic is honestly like 80% done and has been for almost a year, I'm just eternally struggling but I did my once-every-four-month casual perusing and re-discovered that it's a lot of fun and I wanna finish it
the also-80%-done "Luca tries casting himself in a porn" fic. It got away from me and now includes smut and is, oops, 12k. It's not as overtly wild, but I think it's funny, I think it'll be finished soon-ish, and I hope y'all will find it funny, too. If nothing else, laugh at me pls<3
the one doc just titled "train wrecks" which is 3am, Luca in the club spotting Alberto and going
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Luca pretends he's so blackout drunk he's forgotten where he lives so Alberto will take him home, and the rest honestly is just the dumbest banter. Highlights include likening Alberto's dick to a Christmas present, joking about Luca time travelling to groom Alberto to give him even more daddy issues, Alberto calling Luca a bird furry for leaving old food bits in his mouth during makeouts, and a lot more that'd take too much context to explain. but besides being a lot of dumb funny shit what I like about it is exploring the kind of surprising honesty and delightful rudeness you get with complete strangers. I think my fav moment is them small talking to get to know each other more, Luca talks some about his mom being overbearing and a pain in the ass, then when Alberto talks about his parental situation Luca just goes "fuck you, you can’t let me complain about all that stupid shit and then tell me that" and, after Alberto tells details about his dad and Luca offers sympathies, Alberto in return goes "no, fuck you, that sympathy is for your own bad conscience, not me". This one is a lot less finished, due to being mostly dialogue, and needing three sex scenes (and counting maybe???) written out lmao
sandbox is pretty much eternally on hold, but some out of context highlights include:
Alberto's literal "anyways, here's Wonderwall" moment
everyone calling Luca a slut
Giulia calling Alberto "young dumb and full of cum
Luca repeatedly having to tell Alberto off for quoting memes in bed
Alberto's graphic Shrek t-shirt collection
Luca skipping class to suck a guy off during a matiné showing of a war drama
Lorenzo giving Daniela chlamydia when they were young
Luca accusing his parents of being in a swingers arrangement with Giulia's parents
Alberto: recites Luca's Starbucks order - Luca:
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(that's not a joke btw it's literal actual canon)
okay I'm done will sleep now ty for letting me ramble @ u ! 🥰
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