#Now he's a certified fave and I love him even tho he's fucking weird and stupid
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frobby · 2 years ago
Mental maturity is going from hating Yukio okumura to loving him
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rokurookajima · 3 months ago
help i need to know why you hate season 3 of mtl. it’s my personal fave however i know it’s very divisive amongst fans (s2 is literally perfect though agreed on that)
ok so many issues..and i’ll say i’m not counting the first episode or obviously doublebookedklok bc those two are SO good, match the normal tone, AND are so important to the plot.. they are fully excempt from my critique
but some of the biggest issues i take:
there is a very weird vibe shift in season 3 to me, it feels overall so much mean spirited? idk there is a feeling of so much love and care in the first two seasons—in the writing from the creators and within the band themselves (in their very stupid Them way ofc). season 3 just. doesn’t feel that way? i wonder if the team was going through shit with adult swim at the time that manifested in a more spiteful tone overall? idk the band just doesn’t feel like the dysfunctional family they usually are in a lot of the episodes in season 3 and personally… it just feels like a loss. murderface is treated so much stupider than before to where it genuinely feels like they all dislike him, skwisgaar is lowkey forgotten as a character other than Guy Who Fucks (except ofc fatherklok which i also enjoy). rehabklok is undeniably also very good bc the music SLAPS and it’s fun to see brendon go full on theater kid with it, but even still — the band’s treatment of pickles is SO out of character too?? in season one they all lost their minds at the thought of losing pickles even temporarily to snakes n barrels, had to get wasted to watch him perform with them? but now he’s in rehab and they don’t give a fuck and replace him with a robot? HELLO??? i choose to interpret that episode as actually just a manifestation of pickles’ personal worst nightmare
THE PLOT.. WHERE DID THE PLOT GO? obv it’s a show where the overarching storyline is always the backbone and not the fronting part of the story line, but we had episodes twice as long as usual, and there’s barely any tribunal? we could’ve done soooo much more with that time was salacia just on vacation? in the same vein, i feel like the pacing within episodes is.. off?? the writers are SO good at fitting soooo much into 10 minutes, it almost felt like they didn’t know how to fill time, and scenes linger longer than they should, the comedic timing is not quite right, it’s just OFF
the two episodes i reeeeally hate are fertilityklok and dethsiduals…. they both just like epitomize the tone shift that doesn’t work for me. there’s something profoundly uncomfortable about fertilityklok to me that i can’t place, it’s just so unpleasant imo like everything about it lmaoo. i also .. don’t like that being back to back with fatherklok for skwisgaar it just feels like we got really good character insight and growth for him, and then.. COMPLETE shutdown. guy who fucks, that’s all (i’m also obv very very partial to skwis so biased haha). dethsiduals feels like THE most hateful toned?? i don’t like how anyone behaves in that episode lmaooo it’s just so OFF, all i can say can be summarized in vibes are OFF
i also do actually like the rockzo episode as well tho uh… y’know some things could be different (14???? come on man) but i actually enjoy all the rockzo episodes bc they always bring out interesting parts of toki. i love that we got more childhood toki insight!! a highlight for sure. and then uhhh dethhealth is one of the better ones as well - i think it suffers from the off pacing, but it still feels more like the past seasons AND toki’s cat song is a certified banger that gets stuck in my head all the time STILL
ok that was fr so many words that didn’t necessarily need to go this long BUT obv i have been needing to talk about this for years lmaooo tldr i wish they’d stayed truer to the tone and characterization set in the first two seasons, and REALLY wish they’d utilized the time better for the actual plot
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tractorbeamofwoe · 4 years ago
Top ten favorite bands, feel free to vent about it
TEN?!? Oh god I’m not sure I even like ten bands 😭😭
okay so
1. Catfish
2. Inhaler (I’m scared cause I feel like I’m going off them slightly 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️)
3. Symphonic Pictures. I know I literally talk ALL THE TIME about how much I love them but I do really love them both musically and yk...I have a big fat musical crush on Johnny bond but yeah as a musician I can really sort of pick apart their songs and think “yeah that’s what they were trying to do with this part and that’s what they were trying to do with that part”. Although they’re a mysterious little band and no matter how hard I try i don’t think I’ll ever truly understand their minds but it’s genius and it’s comforting to me. Their lyrics are so genuinely beautiful I’m obsessed with them. I adore the EP I could listen to it over and over and over and it’ll always be one of my favourites. They had so much potential with their unreleased ones as well but of course Van had to swoop in and put a stop to it all 😅 I still get really excited when I see Bondy and Dale hanging out together tho
4. Them Things. Another band that I would’ve liked to hear more from 💔💔 the Good Weird EP is another one of my all time favourites that I listen to a lot because it brings me a lot of comfort. The harmonies are so lush and the guitar riffs and Lou’s vocals are so brilliant oml he’s such a great frontman and even better live. I really hope I get to go see Chintzy Stetson in the near future cause the vibes are immaculate 👌🏻👌🏻 Out in the Rain is my fave Them Things unreleased and I’m so gutted we’ll never get a studio version but cause me and Lou are like twitter besties maybe I can ask him nicely for it ALSO LOU IS SUCH A LOVELY GUY LIKE HE’S UNHINGED BUT IF YOU TALK TO HIM HE’S SO FUCKING SWEET I LOVE THAT MAN 😭
5. Jango Flash. JACK’S ALSO A LOVELY MAN (as expected, he used to be in Them Things and everyone who was in Them Things is the certified nicest man in the world™️) And his vibes are so funky like his music videos are so creative 😭 Not one of my favourite live bands but tbf this is like their first tour practically so they can only get better from here 😁
6. This is where it gets a little fuzzy so hold on 😭😭 I guess I’d say The 1975? Haven’t listened to every single one of their songs but I went through a massive phase a couple years ago. Plus I just put them on when I need a bit of motivation and I need to get up and dance. I think at one point I was a very Matty type front woman but obvs now it’s Van lol. Also can’t forget they’re besties with Catfish.
7. Blossoms. Can’t say I’ve listened to all their songs either yet buttt they’re lovely lads and they absolutely send me especially on the podcast 😭 They’re also one of my music teacher’s favourite bands so we sort of talk about Blossoms a lot haha. And we’re covering Charlemagne this month so I’m very excited for that!!
8. The Native. PLUGGING MY HOMETOWN BAND!!! I’m yet to listen to all their songs but from what I’ve heard so far they‘ve deffo got potential. But I listened to an interview they did at Boardmasters the other day and OHMYGOD they said everything I’ve been thinking about the music scene down here and I’m so relieved. (e.g Artists never play down here, the furthest they go is Bristol or Exeter, there aren’t any bands to come out of here, the music scene down here is just generally pretty DIY). Another honourable mention from down here is Holloway, bunch of kids my age doing music stuff is very nice to see.
9. 5 Seconds of Summer. Hopefully going to see them next year lol. Only really sort of got into them just after Youngblood came out (So again, haven’t listened to their whole discography lol). I also love Luke’s solo stuff and if I ever experience Place In Me live I will lose. my. nut.
10. The Vamps. I hate saying it cause people think I’m cringe but they were essentially the first band I liked when I started really getting into music and I discovered so many other bands through them. Unfortunately I don’t really listen to them as much anymore cause I’m not a fan of their new album but anything from Meet The Vamps-Day Edition is like a massive part of my life from age like 12-14. They were the second concert I ever went to as well and Brad gave me a lil half peace sign half wave I am so in love with that man.
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