#Now Look at Me; I'm Sparkling! | Self Promos
infernal-thorns · 5 months
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🌹🔥 Obligatory image promo post: go! Reblog this if you're interested in interacting with an indie and semi-selective, headcanon-based/canon-divergent Senpai from Friday Night Funkin', and/or Blaze Thorburn, a Friday Night Funkin OC! 🔥🌹 Blog is 18+ only and does contain themes and topics of violence, blood, swearing, suggestive jokes/references, death, and religious references Please read the rules before interacting! Personals do NOT reblog!
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infernalthornsalt · 5 months
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Do you like pixelated pretty boys(that are possessed by the spirit of some demon girl's ex)? Or perhaps tomboys that can pack quite the firey punch(that are secretly a fire demon capable of burning down an entire city)?
If you do, then welcome to infernal-thorns! An indie, 18+ only, semi-selective rp/ask blog penned by Blaze-On-Fire. Starring a canon-divergent and headcanon-based portrayal of Senpai from Friday Night Funkin', and his girlfriend; Blaze Thorburn, a Friday Night Funkin' OC!
[ Content Warnings for mentions/themes/depictions of: Blood, swearing, violence, suggestive jokes/references, death, and religious themes]
Please read the rules and bios before interacting! You can find them in the pinned directory. Personals do NOT reblog!
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infernal-thxrns · 5 months
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Do you like pixelated pretty boys (that are possessed by the spirit of some demon girl's ex)? Or perhaps tomboys that can pack quite the firey punch (that are secretly a fire demon capable of burning down an entire city)?
If you do, then welcome to infernal-thorns! An indie, 18+ only, semi-selective rp/ask blog penned by Blaze-On-Fire. Starring a canon-divergent and headcanon-based portrayal of Senpai from Friday Night Funkin', and his girlfriend; Blaze Thorburn, a Friday Night Funkin' OC!
[ Content Warnings for mentions/themes/depictions of: Blood, swearing, violence, suggestive jokes/references, death, and religious themes]
Please read the rules and bios before interacting! You can find them in the pinned directory. Personals do NOT reblog!
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ichigopanhpff · 3 years
Mitsuya x Fem!Reader Begin Again: Ch. 11
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Last week's chapter GUTTED me ; A ; I wonder how much emotional pain Wakui was in while drawing our boy like that...
Also, if you like this little series, please feel free to DM me to add you to a taglist, reblog or whatever. I'm terrible with this self-promo stuff!
She abruptly stopped in her steps, staring at her friend wide eyed and stunned.
“(Y/N),” Mitsuya softly called her in barely a whisper and closed the distance between them. His hand reached up to brush a stray strand of hair from her face; soft lavender eyes trained onto hers, completely entranced. The lilac haired boy could hear the increasing heartbeat in his ears.
“I…" He took in a slow breath and released to calm himself. "I’ve liked you ever since we were kids,” he finally confessed, feeling the apples of his cheeks get warm. “I can’t let this slip by again.”
“A-Again?” she finally managed to speak out.
“That night under the fireworks…” he professed and found his hand reaching down to gently hold hers like she was a fragile porcelain doll. “I wanted to tell you then.”
She stood motionlessly, her wide eyes still as her brain was churning its gears at maximum capacity, still struggling to absorb this new information.
“This… was what you wanted to talk about?” (Y/N) found her voice again, with her friend nodding in response. “Why… after all these years?”
Not wanting to full on admit his jealousy of Mikey possibly making moves on her, he lightly bit down on his lower lip, trying to think of a better answer. “’Cus you said you used to like me too and I thought… This was my chance…” he trailed off and bashfully looked away. A mix of the cold and heat rushing up to his cheeks dusted his pale skin with splotches of rosy pink. He gave her hand a firm squeeze before releasing his hold to tuck his hands back into his sleeves.
“You don’t have to answer me right now,” the lilac haired boy clarified in a barely whispering voice and looked back up at her with longing. “I just… wanted you to know. That’s all.”
The last semester of their junior high lives began a few days later and the day went by in a blur. (Y/N) found herself unable to focus on any of the lesson reviews for their finals. Thankfully, her friend had the courtesy in giving her some space at school to breathe. She caught a glimpse of the back of his head while they were changing classrooms for lessons, but that was it. There were no club activities today, so she had all the free time in the world, to which she dreaded. Free time meant her brain would roam around with ridiculous ideas.
Mitsuya actually confessed. He liked her liked her. What was she supposed to do with this information?!
Next thing she knew, she found herself aimlessly wandering around Shinjuku window shopping in hopes of finding a distraction. (Y/N) then heard someone call her not too far away; she turned to see Chifuyu waving at her with a toothy grin.
“Whoa, you look dead,” the blond boy remarked with a shocked face the moment they met face to face, seeing the dark circles under her eyes.
“Are you always this charming?” she snapped with an annoyed glare and sighed while lightly pinching her nose bridge. “Sorry… it’s just… It’s been a few crazy days.”
“I’m all ears if you wanna talk,” he suggested. “I’m gonna head to a bookstore. Wanna come with?”
“Lead the way.”
The two walked in silence until they reached their destination. Casually browsing the aisles, (Y/N) watched Chifuyu pick up the latest volume to Nana, Cookie, Shonen Jump and a few delinquent themed mangas.
“Can I borrow Nana from you sometime?” she suddenly asked. “I’m a few chapters behind.”
“Do you remember where you left off?” His eyes sparkled like a puppy. “It’s gettin’ so good!”
“I think…” she tried to recall. “When she and Ren just got engaged and had the conference.”
“Uwah, you’re pretty far back then…”
Her eyes wandered and then saw the latest volume for “Steel Ball Run.” Having borrowed the previous issues from her brother’s friends back in Sendai, she hadn’t had time or the money to buy the weekly tankobons.
“Oh you actually read that series?” Chifuyu asked with a tone of surprise.
“It’s surprisingly good. I didn’t know how to feel about it at first after I finished Stone Ocean.”
As they continued to browse, (Y/N) found herself in front of the photography magazine aisle and picked up one featuring a photographer her brother liked; she remembered him saying how much he loved his colorful portraits of western musicians like Coldplay, Radiohead, and The White Stripes. The issue also had shooting tips with some of the lenses she had at home.
After buying what they needed, the two decided to grab a bite at a fast food restaurant.
“How would you feel if someone you knew really well confessed to you?” (Y/N) asked all of a sudden.
Chifuyu choked mid-sip of his soda while her line of sight was trained on people watching through the window.
“Don’t start somethin’ like this as if I was apart of the convo already!” the flustered blond coughed into a napkin. After catching his breath, he sat with the question for a bit and sipped his drink again. “I guess I’d ask how I feel ‘bout the person first.”
“Conflicted,” she flatly replied and lazily ate a fry. “Part of you feels happy, while the other feels it may ruin what you currently have and…”
Mikey’s face popped up in her mind from the time he was at her place. She could still remember that intense energy radiating onto her skin. What was he trying to do? “There’s an unknown third element.”
“Hmm…” He took a big bite of his burger, continuing to think through this hypothesis. “Going back to your first point, wouldn’t the potential relationship strengthen the friendship?”
“How so?”
“You two know each other well, right?” he pointed out. “Which means you’ve seen each other’s best and worst parts.”
Son of a bitch. This shojo manga loving nerd’s got a point, she thought to herself and bit into her cheeseburger.
“What’s the unknown third element?”
She racked her brain to come up with a way to explain it without giving too much away. “It’s another person. They feel… connected to you since you share similar life experiences.”
“That’s tough…” Chifuyu crossed his arms, deep in thought and hummed. “That could be more like a sense of deep camaraderie.”
“Would that develop into something more?” she asked.
“That depends on the person and how they are.”
“Great,” she grumbled out and sighed heavily.
“Listen, I’m doin’ my best with the cryptic info you’re givin’ me,” the irritated blond defended.
“I know, I know. Sorry…” (Y/N) sat with her thoughts a little more before speaking again. “Going back to the first question then: Would you decide to respond to their feelings?”
“I’d give it a try,” Chifuyu earnestly answered and took a small handful of fries. “Things can unexpectedly develop into something bigger.”
“Spoken like a true shojo fan,” she sighed and lightly chuckled. “You’d make a good boyfriend one day.”
“I have zero luck with the ladies,” the first division vice captain bitterly answered with a straight face before taking another bite of his food. “Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m being serious.” She looked up at him with sincerity. “You may be an idiot with some things, but you have an honest heart and are level-headed.”
“I dunno whether I just got insulted or praised…” he uttered out with irritation. “I’m actually a little annoyed.”
“I get that a lot.”
“You gonna tell me who it is?” the blond finally asked.
“I’ll think about it,” she teased and ate a few more fries. “Depending on how useful your advice is.”
“Mean,” he jeered and got to analyzing her questions in his head as he sipped on his soda. His turquoise eyes slowly widened with revelation and surprise the moment he put two and two together for the first person. Just as he was about to speak, (Y/N)’s finger immediately found them on top of his lips to shush him. She shot him a nervous look to stay quiet before huffing a quick breath from her nose and removed her digit off of his lips.
She trusted him to be smart enough to not announce his thoughts. Her irritation grew by the second at his sparkling blue green eyes and beaming proud ear to ear smile with romantic joy.
“Stop,” she firmly warned and finished her burger before speaking again. “This isn’t gonna be a thing.”
“Aw c’mon! Let me live through you!” he whined and stuck a fry on the corner of his mouth to chew on. “I’m not gonna ask who the second person is, but I’d say it’s a big win for you. He’s a great guy.”
“He’s also busy juggling school, club stuff, family and you lot,” (Y/N) argued back. “I don’t wanna be the straw that breaks his back.”
“What makes you think you would?” Chifuyu challenged. “Had Mitsuya-kun thought you were a burden, he wouldn’t have invited you to the shrine or told you ‘bout our stuff. As smart as you are, you’re pretty dumb to not see how much he trusts you.”
She shot an annoyed glare at the vice captain as he finished his soda with an audible slurp, staring back at her with zero disregard and negative zero shits given. Grabbing their belongings, they disposed of their garbage and headed out, bundling themselves into their respective school jackets from the chill.
“Have you spoken with him?”
“Not since New Years Day…” she replied. “He’s been busy with training the next home ec club president, so I don’t wanna bug him.”
“Don’t use his schedule as an excuse to avoid the conversation,” the blond scolded. “The longer you wait, the more awkward it’ll be.”
“What are you, my brother?” she huffed out and shoved her hands in her jacket pockets.
“Listen, the shojo mangas don’t lie. I’m just taking point from there.”
“Rely too much on made up stories, you’ll miss the good ones in front of you, Chifuyu-kun,” she retorted with an emphasis on his suffix in a sarcastic manner.
Two days later, (Y/N) found herself in Akihabara browsing some used camera stores and took some city scape shots on top of a walking sky bridge. Her mobile phone started vibrating in her jacket pocket. The moment she saw Mitsuya’s name pop up on the caller ID, her breath hitched in her throat and inwardly panicked. She closed her eyes to regain composure before picking up.
“Mi-tan,” she stiffly greeted and mentally kicked herself with a grimaced expression. “What’s up?”
“What’re you up to right now?”
“Wandering ‘round Akiba.”
“Ah…” he paused for a moment. “Do you think you can get to the shrine in an hour? Mikey wants you at the Toman meeting tonight.”
“Eh? Why?”
“Somethin’ to do with the Dragons fight on Christmas, if I had to guess… You think you can make it?”
“I’ll try.”
The two said their good-byes and hung up. Securing her camera back in her bag, she walked to the station for the next train for Shibuya. Thirty minutes later and in a very packed train on the Yamanote, (Y/N) squeezed herself out of the tin can and took a moment to catch her breath as people passed by her left and right. Regaining her sense of self, she made her way up the stairs to exit the station. Walking for another 20 minutes, she finally reached the entrance of the meeting spot.
Even without the festive lights and people, the shrine echoed an aura of majesty and pride. Resting on the stone wall by the stairs, she took her camera out to look at the pictures to pass the time. Not long after, the feint revving of motorbikes could be heard from a distance, followed by a flood of headlights illuminating the road in front of the drivers. When did she get so used to this noise pollution she used to be so annoyed at? The bikes slowly came in troves, revving it a few more times to announce their presence before dismounting. (Y/N) remained unbothered by the sudden surge of adrenaline, testosterone and stale cigarette smoke engulfing the area.
“Ehh? Who have we here?” a gruff voice called out. She looked up in a bored manner to see four unrecognizable Toman members in front of her. “Think you’re in the wrong area, sweetheart.”
Her gaze remained neutral and looked at their left sleeve: they were from the third division.
“I’m waiting for someone,” she simply replied with disinterest and put her camera back into her bag. “Surely, I’m not a problem being here.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say you are one…” The nameless member eyed her legs up and down in a lewd way. “But we can certainly keep you company.”
“I’m good,” she firmly rejected with a snide smirk. “I was taught not to associate with degens.”
“You stuck-up little bi--”
“What are you doing?” a new, authoritative voice interjected. The members surrounding (Y/N) turned their heads and immediately bowed at a tanned boy with blond hair and gold rimmed square spectacles.
“C-Captain Kisaki,” one member greeted with his head bowed.
“Kisaki? Why did the name sound familiar?”
Her memory suddenly flashed back to the night of the fight: it was that Kisaki. The one who betrayed Chifuyu and manipulated Yuzuha into stabbing Taiju.
“Were they bothering you, miss?” the captain spoke in a calm manner. “I apologize for the rudeness of my men.”
“I-It’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” she huffed out in one breath, suddenly feeling guarded.
“We’ll be taking our leave then.”
He gave her a light bow and one more look, as if analyzing her for something before making his way upstairs into the shrine; his men tailing not too far behind him. (Y/N) found herself exhaling a shaky breath from holding it after he left. That boy’s presence alone wedged a block in her voice box.
“(Y/N)! You made it!” a familiar voice greeted her ears, immediately releasing the tension in her body. She turned to see Mitsuya with his gentle smile. Waiting for the third division captain’s back to completely be out of sight at the top of the stairs, she quickly strolled up to him and rested her head on his shoulder, breathing in his scent to calm down. Confused, he reached up and felt her body trembling slightly.
“I just met Kisaki,” her voice meekly shook out, her breath unsteady. His hand reached up and cradled the back of her head and leaned into her.
“Don’t worry ‘bout him,” he reassured and gave her upper arm a squeeze. “If he tries anything, I’ll protect you.” Nodding into his shoulder, (Y/N) took a short beat to recollect herself before lifting herself off. They slowly made their way up to the shrine and met Draken and Mikey at the top of the stairs.
“Glad you can make it tonight, (Y/N),” Mikey greeted her with a small smile.
“You good?” Draken asked as he eyed her skittish form with a concerned expression.
“Y-Yeah…” she uttered out, her eyes briefly glanced at the back of the tanned blond’s head and looked at her feet. “I’m… I’m fine.”
“She met Kisaki by chance while waiting for us,” Mitsuya divulged.
“Did he do anything to you?” the commander asked with worry and lightly knitted eyebrows; she lightly shook her head no. “Okay…” Mikey let out a soft breath. “We can talk more about this later.”
Like a well oiled machine, all the divisions bowed down to greet the leaders with (Y/N) in the mix. She was amazed at the sheer prowess of Toman’s commanding presence as they walked down the path to the top of the stairs. The captains made their way to their respective divisions as the top two ascended the steps; (Y/N) was instructed by the vice commander to stand to the far left side near the first and second divisions at the base of the stairs as a spectator. And for Takemichi and Mitsuya to keep watch in case anything happens with the third division.
“The first meeting of the year with all members of the Tokyo Manji Gang will now commence!” Draken announced. He summarized the events that transpired with Black Dragon, the cause of it and their eventual victory. “Four people here will discuss this matter with everyone today! The first person, Shiba Hakkai! To the front!”
The youngest of the Shiba siblings made his way up to the stairs, telling his part of the story with a new sense of humility and self-awareness, apologizing for how everything spun out of control because of his lie. Mutters of chatter and discussion filled the dead air until Mucho spoke.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, Hakkai! What sparks conflict is always somethin’ small in the first place!” the muscular blond kindly remarked.
“Besides,” the fourth division captain, Smiley added. “We beat the Black Dragons, so it’s all good! Right, guys?!”
As expected of the Toman captains to turn the mood around into a supportive one, (Y/N) thought to herself and smirked. Mitsuya then said he’d still have a place in his division as his vice captain, to which everyone there roared with enthusiasm when asked if they were okay with it.
“Now! The second person, (Y/FN) of Tokyo Kitsune! To the front!” Draken announced. It took a second for her to register she was being called and did a double take. She flinched in place, pointing to herself in confusion while looking up at him with a widened gaze.
Tokyo Kitsune? What was the vice commander on?! Toman reacted with murmurs of confusion, wondering who the hell she was and what she had to do with this. (Y/N) daintily made her way up the steps like it was fragile glass.
“Toman’s victory against the Black Dragons is also thanks to her efforts!” the vice commander continued. “She will now say a few words.”
She shot Mitsuya a look of panic as beads of sweat pooled at the crown of her head; all he could do was shrug and give an apologetic gaze. There were a lot of things she was terrible at, public speaking being all the way at the top. Huffing a few breaths to calm her nerves, she turned to face the wave of black and gold staring up at her with a mix of curious, confused and bored gazes.
“I… wasn’t expecting to talk, but here we are…” she uttered out slowly and loud enough for everyone to hear. The awkwardness in the air lingered as she scratched the back of her head with discomfort. There was nothing she could do with her situation and as her late half brother once told her, “Even if you hate it, say it with your chest.” She cleared her throat and took a deep breath to calm herself again before continuing.
“Toman indirectly helped me once in the past,” she projected her voice with purpose this time, being careful not to disclose too much personal detail. If there’s anything Kitsune’s taught her, it’s to be aware of who’s a friend or foe until they present themselves as such. “This was my chance to repay that old debt. It was a selfish request of mine to go along that night and I’m glad I was able to assist with Toman’s victory.”
“You held your own against two of their captains! I wouldn’t call that ‘assisting’!” Chifuyu shouted from the crowd, followed by voices of shock and astonishment wondering how strong she was to be able to do that.
“That’s… a minor detail,” she disregarded, trying to play down her contribution.
“We would’ve definitely been dead if (Y/N) wasn’t there,” Mitsuya gassed up the vice captain’s commentary with a grin, with Hakkai agreeing. “I had half a mind to recruit her into my division!”
"At least use an honorific, dumb ass! Way to blow my cover!" she panic thought to herself.
“You literally did after having your head bashed in with a pipe!” she shot back, making the other members crack up.
“What is this, a manzai routine?!” one member heckled between his laughs. “This is the best!”
Her face was slowly turning a tint of pink from embarrassment and praise as the crowd turned in her favor with their cheers of her name.
“Draken-kun!” She turned and hissed at the dragon tattooed boy, completely flustered. “How long are you gonna keep this going?!”
“I dunno,” he responded with his usual stoicness and grinned. “But take it in. It’s your moment.”
She turned to see the faceless crowd chanting her name as if it were a prayer. She can count on one hand how many times this has happened in her life. Accepting this as a fight she wasn’t going to win, she sighed with a lopsided smirk. This gang’s energy really is unique to all the others out there. Not wanting to drag this on, she firmly planted her feet on the ground and faced them again with hands behind her back. This needed to end on a high note.
“Say it with your chest.”
“From here on, should you need my strength, I, (Y F/N) of Tokyo Kitsune, affiliated with Toman, would be honored to lend it to those who dare oppose you!” she announced with ferocity to respond to the support.
“Looks like I’ll have to find an inari shrine* to visit,” Mikey noted to himself with a small smirk.
A waves of cheers engulfed the shrine as she descended the stairs. “You dickwads’ll be the death of me…” she muttered out and shot a death glare at Mitsuya and Chifuyu, clearly annoyed at their commentary. The two replied with haughty grins and a thumbs up in her direction.
“You’d be cuter if you didn’t curse so much, y’know,” Smiley casually remarked.
“Cursing is fuckin’ cute, Smiley boy,” (Y/N) shot back mockingly at the fourth division captain with a sneer.
Draken kept the meeting going by calling the next person out, who turned out to be the remaining two members of Black Dragons, Seishu Inui and Hajime Kokonoi. To everyone’s surprise, Inui made the announcement of Black Dragons joining under Toman.
“I assign the Black Dragons to the First Division,” Mikey declared. “In other words, under Hanagaki Takemichi’s command!”
A flurry of chatter filled the air. Even (Y/N) was shocked. Why under Takemichi, specifically? Did they have something up their sleeves? When the first division captain asked, Toman’s commander simply said that was their wish if they were going to be apart of the gang.
“I won’t ask you to trust us,” Inui firmly stated to the first division captain. “Just tell us when you need us. We’ll help you.”
Koko turned his head and glanced (Y/N)’s way. “Looks like we’ll be seeing more of each other, girl,” he noted with the tip of his tongue out; she responded with an expressionless face and a middle finger. She really didn’t like him. With the vice commander hushing down the chatter, Mikey stepped forward, announcing he wanted to talk about events regarding the Christmas Conflict.
“Kisaki Tetta!” he called. The tanned blond boy stepping forward as a response.
“You’re fired.”
Taglist: @netzukochannn @toobsessedsstuff @owiee12
*Shrines dedicated to foxes, rice, household well beings, and general prosperity.
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here friend and while I would call last night's episode a mixed bag, I definitely thought the good outweighed the bad. Really the only part in the bad category was the L of it all, but there was sooo damn much of it. I know we keep saying how strong the S3 M*ria vibes coming off L are but MY GOD last night really went hard on them. The way her "I don't care I saved someone, I wanted it to look cooler" attitude reminded me of "I don't care if I kill someone, I need to know who to TBC
save in my visions" made me want to break something. In what universe are we supposed to like this character after that?? Ugh, and I won't even touch AR's "why are you guys reducing me to a LI?" comments 🙄. On to the good stuff!! I don't think we've ever seen the Buckley-Diaz family look sooo damn family shaped. And not just for a scene or two, for the whole episode!! Buck just so easily jumps into Dad/husband mode it's ridiculous, and NO ONE questions it (not even his gf). And the heart scene??!! Honestly WTF was that, tell me again KR how am I supposed to interpret that scene? To borrow a very accurate tag, no romantic undertones my whole ass. While I would have liked to see more Buck and Chris scenes, I loved the Diaz boys interactions so I won't complain too much. And then Bobby and Eddie talking?? Madney slowly finding their way back to each other? Unexpected icing on the happiness cake. Finally, pretty sure i've got this week's song 😘.
Bestie, hiiii!!! The good definitely outweighed the bad last night though in what seems to be the running theme of season 5, the good was GOOD, but the bad was BAAAAAAAD. In news that shocks absolutely no one except KR apparently, when it's actually focused on the mains, the show comes back to sparkling life! While every moment with L (and tay kay) sucks that life right back out of the show. 🤷🏻‍♀️
...am I? Am I manifesting season 3 m*ria vibes by mistake?! Is the universe taking me out of context like it did with Buck and the dishwasher?! Seriously this episode was just an RNM season 3 nightmare! Woman complains and pouts about something she has no business complaining or pouting about while being entirely self-centered? Everyone else tripping over themselves to make sure they mention her every time she's not in frame? Make it stooooop!! But seriously, WTF was that?! That was supposed to make her, a supposed veteran of the force who is used to dangerous rescues and should know all about how luck plays into things, look sympathetic? Like, "I couldn't have done this rescue without getting lucky so what does it even matter if someone lived"?! Girl,
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Also cackling about her being like, "I'm more than a love interest" while bringing literally nothing to the table besides sticking her tongue in Buck's mouth within 5 minutes of meeting him, and being the one who has been perpetuating this whole "sexual tension" thing this whole time! ANYWAY.
Also, them cutting Chim's "like I never left" after putting it in every promo? Not having Hen and everyone making a big deal about his first shift back?! No elaborate cake of the united states with a little car driving across it?! All so, what? L could have 5 scenes doing nothing? Howard "Chimney" Han deserves SO much better, and so does Kenneth Choi. At least him and Maddie got to be on screen together again which was, as always, so so good.
Every. Single. Moment. with Eddie was stunning, show stopping, amazing, etc. Gavin has always been good but him and Ryan are really taking things to the next level right now and it's a DELIGHT to see. I LOVED the scene with Bobby too, though my small gripe on that was, if we were going to have a big talk this episode, the emotional beat would have hit better if they hadn't told us they had talked beforehand, but not shown it. If they had shown the talk being a bit awkward and Bobby still being cold, then given us Bobby still being there for Eddie, OR not being told that Eddie apologized, and then seeing Bobby still stepping up to help out because "that's what family does, Eddie" would have hit that beat a little more on the head, BUT it was a great scene.
And the Buddie moments?! What kind of fanfiction fever dream was every single Buck and Eddie interaction?! Aside from Buck having to trade favors with his gf so KR can remind the audience she exists, it was NOTHING but romantic undertones. God, not even undertones! I saw someone say that if a guy took them to a horse therapy place to help their son, and help them start healing, they would absolutely assume the guy was in love with them, and they would be in love right back. Like, that is a FAMILY! Just two husbands and their son.
I'm SO excited to see what song you have for this week! I swear, every other SaL song I listen to I'm like "Oh! This is Eddie!" ....*5 minutes later* "Oh! This is Eddie!", but your choices are always on point! I'll let you know if the two that were in particular stuck in my head today happen to be what you pick!
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infernal-thorns · 1 year
Tag Dump! #1
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infernal-thorns · 4 months
Tag List
General Tags
Come in Search of True Love? | Promos 
Now Look at Me; I'm Sparkling! | Self Promos 
Don't Let the Fire Die... | Queue 
Behind the Screen | OOC 
Ready?! Set?! Date! | Opens 
Press Start to Play! | Starter Calls 
Warning: Flammable! | Closed Starters 
Playground Rumors | Dash Commentary 
Love Letters | Asks 
Love Games | Memes 
Easter Eggs | Crack 
Free-for-All Minigame! | Askbox Games and Dashboard Memes
Art Class | Artwork
All in The Manual | Headcanons
Game Over | Thread End
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Verse Tags
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╔══ ❀•° Fashion 🌹 | Kenji °•❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀•° Aesthetics 🌹 | Kenji °•❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀•° Interests 🌹 | Kenji °•❀ ══╗
Tumblr media
Blaze's Tags
╔══ ❀•° IC 🔥 | Blaze °•❀ ══╗ 
╔══ ❀•° Opens 🔥 | Blaze °•❀ ══╗ 
╔══ ❀•° Closed Starters 🔥 | Blaze °•❀ ══╗ 
╔══ ❀•° Headcanons 🔥 | Blaze °•❀ ══╗ 
╔══ ❀•° Visage 🔥 | Blaze °•❀ ══╗ 
╔══ ❀•° Musings 🔥 | Blaze °•❀ ══╗ 
╔══ ❀•° Playlist 🔥 | Blaze °•❀ ══╗ 
╔══ ❀•° Fashion 🔥 | Blaze °•❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀•° Aesthetics 🔥 | Blaze °•❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀•° Interests 🔥 | Blaze °•❀ ══╗
Tumblr media
Kenjaze Tags
(I.e all the romantic/shippy stuff between the two)
╔══ ❀•° Headcanons 🌹🔥 | Kenjaze °•❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀•° Musings 🌹🔥 | Kenjaze °•❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀•° Playlist 🌹🔥 | Kenjaze °•❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀•° Aesthetics 🌹🔥 | Kenjaze °•❀ ══╗
0 notes
infernalthornsalt · 5 months
Tag List
Regular Tags
[ Behind The Screen | OOC ]
[ Come in Search of True Love? | Promos ]
[ Now Look at Me; I'm Sparkling! | Self-Promos ]
[ Love Letters | Asks ]
[ Ready?! Set! Date! | Opens]
[ Game Over | Closed Starters ]
[ Love Games | Memes ]
[ Free-for-All Minigame! | Askbox Games and Dashboard Memes ]
[ Art Class | Artwork ]
[ Press Start to Play | Starter Calls ]
[ All in The Manual | Headcanons ]
[ Playground Rumors | Dash Commentary ]
[ Easter Eggs | Crack ]
Kenji's Tags
╔══ ❀• IC 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Opens 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Visage 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Aesthetics 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Musings 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Fashion 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Playlist 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Headcanons 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
Blaze's Tags
╔══ ❀• IC 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Opens 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Visage 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Aesthetics 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Musings 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Fashion 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Playlist 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Headcanons 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
0 notes
infernal-thxrns · 5 months
Tag List
Regular Tags
[ Behind The Screen | OOC ]
[ Come in Search of True Love? | Promos ]
[ Now Look at Me; I'm Sparkling! | Self-Promos ]
[ Love Letters | Asks ]
[ Ready?! Set! Date! | Opens]
[ Game Over | Closed Starters ]
[ Love Games | Memes ]
[ Free-for-All Minigame! | Askbox Games and Dashboard Memes ]
[ Art Class | Artwork ]
[ Press Start to Play | Starter Calls ]
[ All in The Manual | Headcanons ]
[ Playground Rumors | Dash Commentary ]
[ Easter Eggs | Crack ]
Kenji's Tags
╔══ ❀• IC 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Opens 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Visage 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Aesthetics 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Musings 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Fashion 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Playlist 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Headcanons 🌹 | Kenji •❀ ══╗
Blaze's Tags
╔══ ❀• IC 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Opens 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Visage 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Aesthetics 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Musings 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Fashion 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Playlist 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
╔══ ❀• Headcanons 🔥 | Blaze •❀ ══╗
0 notes