#Now I'll definitely remember to take my meds ♡
baby-yongbok · 1 month
My boyfriend reads all of my fics before I post them. Yesterday, he read my Secret BF texts for Changbin and asked what yeobo means.
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Fast forward to three minutes ago when I finally got out of bed and saw this. ASLSLDKFKORKDKS. It's the little things sometimes 🥰
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taeyamayang · 2 years
i'm late but congrats on graduating and hitting 1k followers!! i'm so proud to see how far you've grown ^^ there is nowhere else to look but up now, all the best for your future endeavours ヽ(^Д^)ノ
idk why it is, but this semester has been having my brain running on fuel 25/8 . i suppose it's due to the increase of projects compared to last sem, but boy do they suck the life out of you. 😓 these last few weeks/month have been me running on autopilot trying to catch up to deadlines and constantly trying to not cause an argument with my groupmates every minute (whoever said that engineering guys are green flags need to change their opinion stat.). thank heavens that my sem break is soon because i can't stand being around them for any longer 😫(these are the same people i have to put up with until i finish my final year project, can you believe it? 🥲).
as i'm writing this, i have an exam i need to sit for in t minus 10 hours so wish me luck 🥲
anyways, now that you've graduated, are there any big plans that you are excited for? maybe a trip you've always wanted to go to or something you wanted to do but couldn't because you were still studying, let me know!
as always, stay safe and hydrated, remember to not skip meals, and never let someone affect your worth. ♡
agh i understand how you feel although we may not have gone through the same circumstances. days are dragging and all you want to do is to get everything done to the point that your mind is wired to getting tasks done over getting enough rest but i do hope you find time to take a break and breathe since a human's brain can not function to its optimum when you're tired and because you deserve it. engineering is never easy and i'm proud of you for pursuing it!! heckk you even do your best at every project. i salute you 😭 DUDE ABOUT ENGINEERING MEN AND GREEN FLAGS I-
story time! i was in a band in uni and our lead guitarist was an engineering student. he was nice and all that but boy he was flirty. he charms a lot and he does it through music or during practice sessions (since i hold the rhythm electric guitar and was the vocalist we practiced together a lot) that's when i thought engineering men are not green flags lol.
since i replied to your ask very late... is it your semester break? i could have wished you luck on your test on the day you sent this BUT LETS JUST SAY I DID IT UNCONSCIOUSLY 😭 i hope your test went well!
plans? hm, i'm still studying as of the moment lol. studying. never. ends. i'm telling you. i have a licensure exam next year and it's a countrywide exam for psychometricians. though i can go straight to work with my degree, the license adds credibility to my name so i'm working on that. and i'm planning on studying... again, told you it never ends, a graduate degree on clinical psychology since i aim to become a therapist soon but ya know with all the relatives, friends, and even neighbors knowing i finished a pre medicine course they're all encouraging me to continue med school. one of my friends in high school brought up (recently) how i initially had plans on pursuing medicine (gave up on that dream ages ago. figured it isnt for me lol) and told me that we should take the "entrance" test for med school together and i'm just gsndhsjs even the neighbors were surprised i graduated as a full scholar in my 4 year degree and told me i should definitely pursue medicine since i have a chance to continue med school with a scholarship again and that it's an opportunity not everyone has. it's kinda guilt tripping me in a way. med school is not easy. ALL THIS IS JUST MAKING ME- ugh
i just want kageyama bro
but yeah, i'm taking one day at a time. for now, i'm studying and vibing. hopefully i get to visit a place outside of my country tho i went on a trip to beach with my family recently (helped with relaxing) if you missed the photos i posted i'll attach them here so you can feel the relaxing vibes of the sea. hopefully this helps you ease your mind of stress.
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i'm happy to hear from you! missed you here :)
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