#Norton Tech Support
reasonsforhope · 12 days
"Despite the Central Appalachia ecosystem being historically famous as coal country, under this diverse broadleaf canopy lies a rich, biodiverse world of native plants helping to fill North America’s medicinal herb cabinet.
And it turns out that the very communities once reliant on the coalfields are now bringing this botanical diversity to the country.
“Many different Appalachian people, stretching from pre-colonization to today, have tended, harvested, sold, and used a vast number of forest botanicals like American ginseng, ramps, black cohosh, and goldenseal,” said Shannon Bell, Virginia Tech professor in the Dept. of Sociology. “These plants have long been integral to many Appalachians’ livelihoods and traditions.”
50% of the medicinal herbs, roots, and barks in the North American herbal supply chain are native to the Appalachian Mountains, and the bulk of these species are harvested or grown in Central Appalachia, which includes southern West Virginia, eastern Kentucky, far-southwest Virginia, and east Tennessee.
The United Plant Savers, a nonprofit with a focus on native medicinal plants and their habitats, has identified many of the most popular forest medicinals as species of concern due to their declining populations.
Along with the herbal supply chain being largely native to Appalachia, the herb gatherers themselves are also native [to Appalachia, not Native American specifically], but because processing into medicine and seasonings takes place outside the region, the majority of the profits from the industry do too.
In a press release on Bell’s superb research and advocacy work within Appalachia’s botanical communities, she refers back to the moment that her interest in the industry and the region sprouted; when like many of us, she was out in a nearby woods waiting out the pandemic.
“My family and I spent a lot of time in the woods behind our house during quarantine,” Bell said. “We observed the emergence of all the spring ephemerals in the forest understory – hepatica, spring beauty, bloodroot, trillium, mayapple. I came to appreciate the importance of the region’s botanical biodiversity more than ever, and realized I wanted to incorporate this new part of my life into my research.”
With co-investigator, John Munsell at VA Tech’s College of Natural Resources and Environment, Bell’s project sought to identify ways that Central Appalachian communities could retain more of the profits from the herbal industry while simultaneously ensuring that populations of at-risk forest botanicals not only survive, but thrive and expand in the region.
Bell conducted participant observation and interviews with wild harvesters and is currently working on a mail survey with local herb buyers. She also piloted a ginseng seed distribution program, and helped a wild harvester write a grant proposal to start a forest farm.
“Economic development in post-coal communities often focuses on other types of energy development, like fracking and natural gas pipelines, or on building prisons and landfills. Central Appalachia is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. I think that placing a greater value on this biodiversity is key to promoting a more sustainable future for the region,” Bell told VA Tech press.
Armed with a planning grant of nearly half a million dollars, Bell and collaborators are specifically targeting forest farming as a way to achieve that sustainable future.
Finally, enlisting support from the nonprofit organization Appalachian Sustainable Development, Virginia Tech, the City of Norton, a sculpture artist team, and various forest botanicals practitioners in her rolodex, Bell organized the creation of a ‘living monument’ along Flag Rock Recreation Area in Norton, Virginia.
An interpretive trail, the monument tells the story of the historic uses that these wild botanicals had for the various societies that have inhabited Appalachia, and the contemporary value they still hold for people today."
-via Good News Network, September 12, 2024
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turbulentscrawl · 11 months
Identity(V) Headcanons: Norton Campbell
I'm starting off the writing blog with some of these character analysis-esque headcanons! (Starting with Norton bc he's honestly the reason I made this blog.) They'll serve both as practice for me, and examples for any readers on how I write different characters.
Again, I am new to the IDV fandom, and I have never played the game. These headcanons are informed by ongoing lore dives sourcing the wiki, japanese twitter responses, comics, stageplay, and more! Some of these may relate to or even contradict character backstory, and some of them are just pure vibes for me. If you like it, consider shooting a request ;)
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-Norton had always been a moodier guy, but the mining accident (and the lack of mental and emotional support he received after it) resulted in a much more obvious split of his temperaments. Without trying to put a name to something I’m no expert in, Norton has two distinct personality states which are both aware of and inform one another. The First is the more common state, wherein he is more level-headed, but prone to melancholy and isolation. His melancholy tends to be more intense after an episode with his Second state, wherein he is very likely to exhibit anger, mania, and cynicism. Likewise, his Second state tends to be more critical when he’s been uneventfully mellow for a good while. He tries his best to balance and regulate the two, but this particular emotional roller coaster is one he never had any say in getting on and has never had any assistance getting off.
-The First state typically lasts longer than the Second, sometimes stretching several days at a time. During the First, he’s at his most amicable and chatty. This is the best time to get to know him as a person.
-When in his Second state, which is usually triggered by something that reminds him of the accident, it’s better to give him a wide berth. Even in the case of a friend or partner who has thick skin and handles harshness well, Norton can become hypercritical of himself for being cruel to them.
-His mother died in childbirth, leaving Norton with only his father, who also worked himself to an early grave. Norton had to start working immediately to keep himself fed (and sometimes didn’t even manage that) so he has next to no education. He does not read or write especially well. He is also not particularly tech savvy and struggles with new concepts. That said, he's never been one to back down from a chance to improve himself, difficult or otherwise.
-Norton was mostly genuine in his visits to the elderly and sick. Many of them were other miners and laborers who helped him find his footing after his dad died. Their help may not have amounted to much in the long run, but they didn’t just look the other way and he understood the loneliness they felt on their deathbeds.
-The one exception to this was Benny, who Norton had also once looked upon in an appreciative light…until he learned how to read. It was then that he scoured his father’s old letters and discovered an infuriating truth: after the birth of Norton and the death of his mother, his father had been about to leave the mining industry. Benny was the one who convinced him to stick around and join the obsessive hunt for gold. It was through a mix of spite and desperation that Norton decided to swindle Benny out of his maps and take the chance at riches for himself.
-Norton does not talk about the mining accident. At all. Not even if he’s paid. Part of it is self-preservation—since he IS the one who stole and illegally ignited the explosives. The other part is that he is well and truly wrecked with guilt. Norton did not get along with most of his coworkers in those final days, was bullied and harassed by them, but he wanted to get ahead of them, not kill them.
-Because he’s been self-reliant from such a young age, he’s naturally distrustful of other people. He has trouble accepting people at face value and often rejects compliments, and other words of affection. He’s the embodiment of “actions speak louder than words.” In general, if someone wants to get closer to Norton they have to put their money (and their labor) where their mouth is and show a lot of patience. Any genuine relationship with Norton is hard-won.
-In line with the above, the best love language to give Norton is Acts of Service. Physical Affection would also work well once you reach a certain threshold in his trust. Gift-Giving is a decent third, but you would need to tread lightly here, lest he start to see the budding relationship as purely transactional. Holidays and birthdays are the best time to really go in on gifts for Norton, since he has a harder time arguing bribery with culturally dictated gifts.
-He genuinely does not find himself to be attractive. I wouldn’t go so far as to say he’s insecure, as he really doesn’t think about it much, but he’s least likely to accept compliments about his appearance. The burn scars certainly don’t help. If you do compliment his appearance, it’s better not to mention the scars at all than to try and make him feel better about them.
-He wholly, genuinely, hates the rich. Which is obvious enough, I suppose, but I think it’s more extreme than people give him credit for. And really it just comes down to unadulterated jealousy and bitterness, which are not easy feelings to overcome.
-Norton is of the opinion that all life is equal—and when he’s at his most cynical, this means he’s willing to take the balance of “an eye for an eye” into his own hands.
-His sweet tooth is limited to donuts and a few other carb-y baked goods. He prefers savory flavors, or sometimes bitter, such as in the case of his black coffee. He doesn’t eat as much as you might expect for his size, but he always eats quickly, and hunched over his food like it’ll be taken away. Old habits die hard.
-He has a terrible sleep schedule, due in part to frequent nightmares about the accident. He’s also somewhat claustrophobic and dislikes pitch-black spaces, so a window is a must in his bedroom. He prefers to have it open whenever reasonable.
-He doesn’t do well with thunderstorms, as the rumbles of thunder sound too much like the beginnings of a cave-in.
-If he has one singular strength, it’s perseverance. Hardships don’t deter him because he’s seen and overcome plenty. He’s a loyal friend as well, once completely won over. If he cares for you, you’ll never have to tackle a hurdle alone.
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moochilatv · 5 months
Chris Portka presents: A Candle is a Raging Fire!
Debut single released in the winter of 2020
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The artist said:
Lockdown, bullshit, etc. I was tired, we were all tired, but this song had been 37 years in the making.
I've been playing music since I was a teenager and now I finally release this song as a proper debut single. I wrote it in 2019 while travelling through India with my fiancé on a trip for her textile / fashion business (pre-COVID times). I also wrote and recorded the music to a series of documentary videos she made while we were in India for her brand Seek Collective (this instrumental music was released as my EP "Soundtracks I").
But this song is much more personal and reflects the long, multi-decade struggle I've had with music. My parents were never supportive of my musical ambitions and actively discouraged me from pursuing music as a career. So I've struggled to make my way through jobs in the tech world - all while keeping the hope alive that someday I'd become a musician.
I've always loved guitar, piano, writing songs, and jamming with friends - but my biggest fear in the world was always singing. It's been my major roadblock to releasing and playing music throughout my life. So 6 years ago I got serious and met a Voice Movement Therapist named Julia Norton who helped me slowly be able to use my voice and sing in front of people. I now practice vocal exercises every day and regularly played at coffee shops in the bay area (before quarantine anyway). That's a long way of saying the lyrics of the song are about this candle - the hope, dream, and wish which I've always held for a life in music. I hope it also reflects the secret desires we hold in our hearts for what we truly want in this life.
The song was mixed by Jasper Leach of @jplrecordings (on Instagram) who also played the organ, tambourine, and some backup vocals. I played, wrote, and composed the rest of the music.
The song was mastered by Christian Wright at Abbey Road Studios.
Chris Portka is an artist and musician based in California's bay area, defying norms with a unique fusion of harsh trash sound and ethereal glitch rock. His music strikes a careful balance between raw and refined.
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ponycycle · 9 months
What's your biggest hyperfocus and how did you discover it?
I had to think on this for a minute because I wasn't sure if it was true anymore. If it wasn't this then it would be something like MLP or motorcycles (it was tempting to say motorcycles!).
I think it's fair to still say personal computers, though. I'm not sure about when my first contact with them was, but I know a major development was when my dad bought our first PC, an IBM AT clone. (I think I still have most of the parts for it!) I would have been like, 7-9 years old at the time and I was fascinated with it. I ended up breaking it as a kid, because I was trying to figure out what all the DOS 4.0 commands did by running them... when I got to FDISK I rendered it unbootable by pressing buttons. A friend of my father's recovered the situation (I think he used Norton Utilities to recreate the partition table).
I can name pretty much every PC that we had as a family or I had personally:
-Aforementioned IBM AT clone (8088 with a Tatung Hercules monitor, DOS 4.0) -386SX that came from who knows where (Went straight from orange Hercules to VGA colour!!! Windows 3.1) -Tandy 1000HX (long term loan from a friend) -Cyrix 586 (dogshit computer - had fake onboard cache, a common scam at the time, crashed constantly. Windows 95) -468DX4 (think I built this from scrounged parts. Win95, slower than the other PC but way more stable) -Pentium II 233 (also built from scrounged parts. First PC I overclocked, gaining 33 mHz! So fast!!! Windows 2000... but later got repurposed as a Linux-based router) -AMD Duron 800 (built with NEW parts - parents gave me a budget to built a family computer. Windows ... 98? XP? Probably changed multiple times) -AMD Athlon XP 1600 (built with NEW parts - I truly don't remember where I got the money in highschool to put it together, but it was probably every penny I had) -AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ (admittedly I didn't remember this offhand... but I did have the physical CPU lying around to check. bought off the shelf very cheap as old stock for my parents to use. Windows Vista. Later upgraded to an Phenom X4, also for very cheap. This PC still lives running Windows 10 today!) -Intel Core 2 Duo Q6700 (built in a cute Shuttle XPC chassis. Eventually burned out a RAM slot because apparently it wasn't rated for 2.0V DIMMs. Windows 7) -Intel Core i5-2500K (I used this computer for YEARS. Like almost a decade, while being overclocked to 4.4 gHz from nearly the first day I had it. Windows 7/10) -AMD 5800X (Currently daily driver. Windows 10)
Not mentioning laptops because the list is already long and you get the point.
I actually did attempt to have a computer related career - in the mid 2000s I went to a community college to get a programming diploma, but I dropped out halfway. There was a moment, in a class teaching the Windows GDI API, where I realized that I had no desire to do that professionally. I did learn things about SQL and OS/400 that randomly came in handy a few times in my life. I did go back and successfully get a diploma in networking/tech support but I've never worked a day in that field.
Unprofessionally though, I was "that guy" for most of my life - friend of a friend or family would have a problem with their PC, and I would show up and help them out. I never got to the point where I would attempt to like, re-cap somebody's motherboard, but I could identify blown caps (and there was a time when there was a lot of those). As the role of PCs has changed, and the hardware has gotten better, I barely ever get to do this kind of thing these days. My parent's PC gathers dust in the corner because they can do pretty much do everything they need on their tablets, which they greatly prefer.
Today though... I used to spend a lot of time reading about developments in PC hardware, architectural improvements, but it doesn't matter as much to me anymore. I couldn't tell you what the current generation of Intel desktop CPUs use for a socket without looking it up. A lot of my interest used to be gaming related, and to this day the GPU industry hasn't fully recovered from the crypto boom. Nearly all of the games I'm interested in play well on console so I just play them there. I still fiddle with what I have now and then.
It is fun to think back on various challenges/experiences with it I've had over the years (figuring out IRQ/DMA management when that was still manual, Matsushita CD-ROM interfaces, trying to exorcise the polymorphic Natas virus from my shit). Who knows, maybe I'll get to curate a PC museum of all this shit someday haha.
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courtneysmovieblog · 2 years
“Glass Onion” shatters all expectations (in the best possible way)
As far as I’m concerned, Rian Johnson can tell the Stars Wars fandom to eat shit for the rest of his life. 
Knives Out was a fantastic murder mystery with a razor-sharp satire about the idle rich and the racist classism that shapes society, with Daniel Craig breaking out of Bond as Benoit Blanc--a detective who was much sharper than his Southern charm let on. It was such a surprise hit that while people were excited for the sequel, Glass Onion, they were afraid that it wouldn’t be as good as the original.
Well, it’s not. 
It’s better.
Taking place in early COVID days of 2020, Benoit receives an invitation to a murder mystery party on a Greek island. Ridiculously wealthy tech head Miles Brand (Edward Norton) thinks it’s a bright idea to invite all his friends (i.e. associates and hangers-on he financially supports) to come pretend to murder him. And if that description makes you think the guy is an idiot...you’re absolutely right.
And that’s all of the plot I can reveal. Seriously, you need to go into it as spoiler free as you can. The twists are even more mind-blowing than Knives Out.
What I can tell you is that Craig’s Blanc is as fantastic as ever. With an all-star cast like Norton, Dave Bautista, Kathryn Hahn, Janelle Monae, and Leslie Odom Jr, it’s hard to pick the best performance. However, the MVP of the movie has to be Monae, and I’m sorry again, but I really can’t say more about their character without giving anything away.
Glass Onion has EVERYTHING. More biting commentary that’s especially relevant right now. Poignant cameos from the late Stephen Sondheim and Angela Lansbury. Twists more mind-blowing than Knives Out. Impeccable fashion that’s both stylish yet over-the-top. And an ending so cathartic that it makes it one of the best movies of the year.
It sucks that Glass Onion got only a limited week-long theater release before hitting Netflix. It deserved more box office love. But if Rian Johnson can keep cranking out more Benoit Blanc mysteries as good as this, I’ll see them whether it’s in theaters or streaming.
10 out of 10
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lomatechnology · 21 days
Exploring the Top IT Universities in Cambodia: Where to Study Technology in 2024
Cambodia’s higher education landscape has seen significant growth in recent years, particularly in the field of information technology. For students aspiring to build a career in tech, choosing the right university is crucial. In this article, we’ll explore the top IT universities in Cambodia, delve into the top 10 universities in Cambodia, and discuss the best options for studying technology in the country.
The Rise of IT Education in Cambodia
As Cambodia’s digital economy expands, so does the demand for skilled IT professionals. To meet this need, several universities in Cambodia are offering cutting-edge programs in information technology and related fields. If you’re considering pursuing an IT degree, it’s important to know which institutions are leading the way in providing top-notch education and training.
Top IT Universities in Cambodia
When looking for the top IT university in Cambodia, several institutions stand out for their quality of education, research facilities, and industry connections. These universities offer robust IT programs designed to equip students with the skills needed for a successful career in technology.
Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP): Known for its comprehensive IT programs, RUPP is frequently ranked among the best technology universities in Cambodia. The university offers various undergraduate and postgraduate courses in computer science and information technology.
Cambodian University for Specialties (CUS): CUS is recognized for its focus on practical IT education and strong industry links. The university’s programs are designed to address the needs of the rapidly evolving tech industry in Cambodia.
Norton University: With a reputation for high academic standards and a modern curriculum, Norton University is a top choice for students pursuing degrees in IT and computer science.
University of Cambodia (UC): UC offers a range of IT programs and is known for its commitment to providing a high-quality education that aligns with international standards.
Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC): ITC is renowned for its engineering and technology programs, making it a top destination for students interested in pursuing a career in IT.
Top 10 Universities in Cambodia 2024
In addition to focusing on IT-specific programs, it’s useful to consider the broader ranking of universities. Here are the top 10 universities in Cambodia for 2024, which include institutions known for their excellence in various fields:
Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)
Cambodian University for Specialties (CUS)
Norton University
University of Cambodia (UC)
Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)
Pannasastra University of Cambodia (PUC)
Asia Euro University (AEU)
Build Bright University (BBU)
Paragon International University
Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
These universities are noted for their academic excellence, research facilities, and contributions to the development of Cambodia’s higher education sector.
The Most Expensive University in Cambodia
For students considering a higher investment in their education, some universities in Cambodia are known for their higher tuition fees and premium facilities. These institutions often offer advanced programs, state-of-the-art facilities, and a range of extracurricular opportunities that justify the cost. While tuition fees can vary, universities such as Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) and Norton University are among those known for their higher tuition rates.
Universities in Cambodia for International Students
Cambodia is becoming an increasingly popular destination for international students, with several universities offering programs tailored to foreign students. These institutions provide support services such as language courses, cultural integration programs, and visa assistance to ensure a smooth transition for international students.
Computer Science Programs in Cambodia
For those interested in computer science, several Cambodian universities offer specialized programs designed to prepare students for careers in this dynamic field. Courses typically cover topics such as software development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity. The top-ranked IT universities in Cambodia provide a robust curriculum that aligns with global industry standards, ensuring students are well-prepared for the job market.
University Rankings and Luxury Education in Cambodia
As the education sector in Cambodia continues to grow, universities are increasingly competing to offer top-tier programs and facilities. The university rankings in Cambodia reflect this competitive environment, with several institutions striving to provide a luxury educational experience. Students looking for the best technology universities in Cambodia can benefit from the enhanced facilities and advanced resources offered by these leading institutions.
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Norton Basic VPN coverage
Title: Exploring Norton Basic VPN Coverage: What You Need to Know
Norton Basic VPN offers essential coverage for users seeking reliable online privacy and security. As an integral component of Norton's comprehensive suite of cybersecurity solutions, the Basic VPN service provides a simple yet effective way to safeguard your online activities.
One of the key features of Norton Basic VPN is its wide-ranging coverage across multiple devices and platforms. Whether you're using a Windows PC, Mac, Android, or iOS device, Norton Basic VPN ensures that your internet connection is encrypted and your data remains private, regardless of the device you're using.
With Norton Basic VPN, users can enjoy browsing the web anonymously, safe from prying eyes and potential cyber threats. By masking your IP address and encrypting your internet traffic, Norton Basic VPN helps prevent hackers, advertisers, and other third parties from tracking your online activities and accessing your personal information.
Moreover, Norton Basic VPN offers global coverage with servers located in various countries around the world. This allows users to access geo-restricted content and websites while maintaining their privacy and security. Whether you're traveling abroad or simply want to access content that's not available in your region, Norton Basic VPN ensures unrestricted access to the internet.
Additionally, Norton Basic VPN boasts fast and reliable connections, ensuring minimal impact on your browsing speed. Whether you're streaming videos, downloading files, or simply browsing the web, Norton Basic VPN provides a seamless online experience without compromising performance.
In conclusion, Norton Basic VPN offers comprehensive coverage for users seeking to enhance their online privacy and security. With support for multiple devices, global server coverage, and fast, reliable connections, Norton Basic VPN is a valuable tool for anyone looking to protect their digital identity and enjoy a safer, more secure online experience.
Norton Basic VPN features
Norton Basic VPN offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to enhance your online security and privacy. Here's a closer look at what you can expect from this service:
Secure Connection: Norton Basic VPN encrypts your internet connection, ensuring that your data remains secure and protected from potential threats. Whether you're browsing the web, accessing public Wi-Fi networks, or streaming content, you can trust that your information is safe from prying eyes.
Global Coverage: With servers located in various countries around the world, Norton Basic VPN allows you to access geo-restricted content and websites from anywhere. Whether you're traveling abroad or simply want to bypass regional restrictions, you can enjoy unrestricted access to the content you love.
Anonymous Browsing: By masking your IP address, Norton Basic VPN helps you maintain anonymity online. Whether you're concerned about advertisers tracking your activity or simply value your privacy, you can browse the web with confidence, knowing that your identity is protected.
Multi-Device Support: Norton Basic VPN is compatible with a wide range of devices and platforms, including Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. Whether you're using a desktop computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet, you can enjoy the benefits of secure and private browsing across all your devices.
Easy-to-Use Interface: Designed with user convenience in mind, Norton Basic VPN features an intuitive interface that makes it easy to connect to servers and customize your settings. Whether you're a tech-savvy user or new to VPNs, you'll appreciate the simplicity and ease of use offered by this service.
Overall, Norton Basic VPN provides essential features to help you protect your online privacy and security without compromising on performance or usability. With its robust encryption, global coverage, and user-friendly interface, it's an excellent choice for anyone looking to safeguard their digital presence.
Norton Basic VPN limitations
Norton Basic VPN offers users a straightforward solution for securing their online activities and protecting their privacy. However, like any VPN service, it comes with its limitations that users should be aware of before making a decision.
One of the primary limitations of Norton Basic VPN is its server network. While Norton does operate servers in various locations worldwide, the total number of servers available to Basic VPN users is limited compared to other VPN providers. This limitation could result in slower connection speeds and restricted access to content, especially during peak usage times when server congestion is more likely.
Another notable limitation is the lack of advanced features. Norton Basic VPN is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to those who are new to VPNs or simply need basic protection. As a result, it may lack features that more advanced users desire, such as split tunneling, dedicated IP addresses, or obfuscated servers for bypassing censorship in restrictive regions.
Additionally, Norton Basic VPN may not be the best option for users who require torrenting or P2P file sharing capabilities. While some VPN providers support these activities on specific servers, Norton's terms of service explicitly prohibit the use of their VPN for such purposes, limiting its appeal to certain user demographics.
Lastly, Norton Basic VPN's simultaneous device connections are restricted compared to other VPN services. Users may find themselves unable to connect all of their devices simultaneously without upgrading to a more expensive plan, which could be inconvenient for households or individuals with multiple devices.
Overall, while Norton Basic VPN provides a simple and effective solution for basic online security needs, users should consider these limitations and assess whether they align with their specific requirements before subscribing.
Norton Basic VPN compatibility
Norton Basic VPN is a powerful tool designed to secure your internet connection and protect your online privacy. One key aspect to consider when choosing a VPN service is its compatibility with different devices and operating systems. Thankfully, Norton Basic VPN is compatible with a wide range of devices, ensuring that you can protect your online activities across all your gadgets.
Whether you are using a Windows PC, Mac, Android phone, or iOS device, Norton Basic VPN has got you covered. The VPN service is easy to set up and use on all these platforms, allowing you to browse the internet safely and anonymously on any device of your choice. This compatibility makes it convenient for users to switch between devices without having to compromise on their online security.
Moreover, Norton Basic VPN is also compatible with popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, ensuring that your online activities remain protected regardless of the browser you prefer to use. This compatibility extends to smart TVs and gaming consoles, allowing you to secure your internet connection even when streaming content or gaming online.
In conclusion, Norton Basic VPN's compatibility with a wide range of devices, operating systems, and browsers makes it a versatile and user-friendly VPN service. Whether you are working on your computer, browsing the internet on your phone, or streaming content on your smart TV, Norton Basic VPN ensures that your online presence is always secure and private.
Norton Basic VPN alternatives
When it comes to online security and privacy, using a reliable VPN service is essential. Norton Basic VPN is a popular choice for many users, offering a secure connection and protection from data breaches. However, there are several alternatives available in the market that also provide excellent features and performance.
One such alternative is ExpressVPN, known for its fast connection speeds and robust security protocols. With servers in multiple countries and a strict no-logging policy, ExpressVPN ensures your online activities remain private and secure. Another top contender is NordVPN, which offers advanced security features like double VPN encryption and a built-in ad blocker. NordVPN is also user-friendly, making it a great choice for beginners.
For those looking for a budget-friendly option, CyberGhost VPN is worth considering. Despite its affordable price, CyberGhost VPN offers strong encryption and high-speed servers ideal for streaming and torrenting. Additionally, Surfshark VPN is gaining popularity for its unlimited simultaneous connections and strong focus on user privacy.
Ultimately, the best VPN alternative to Norton Basic VPN will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Whether you prioritize speed, security, or affordability, there are plenty of options to choose from. By comparing the features and performance of different VPN services, you can find the alternative that best suits your online security requirements.
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Norton Secure VPN features
Norton Secure VPN is a comprehensive virtual private network service that offers a wide range of features to ensure online privacy and security for its users. One of the key features of Norton Secure VPN is its robust encryption technology, which helps to protect sensitive data and online communications from potential hackers and cyber threats.
Another notable feature of Norton Secure VPN is its global server network, which allows users to connect to servers in various locations around the world. This not only helps to enhance online privacy by masking the user's IP address but also enables access to geo-restricted content and websites.
Additionally, Norton Secure VPN offers a no-log VPN policy, meaning that it does not track or store users' online activities or browsing history. This commitment to user privacy further enhances the trustworthiness of the service.
Moreover, Norton Secure VPN includes an automatic kill switch feature, which helps to maintain anonymity and security by instantly shutting down the internet connection if the VPN connection is disrupted. This prevents any potential data leaks or exposure of the user's real IP address.
In conclusion, Norton Secure VPN is a reliable and feature-rich VPN service that prioritizes user privacy and security. With its advanced encryption technology, global server network, no-log policy, and automatic kill switch feature, Norton Secure VPN offers a comprehensive solution for individuals looking to safeguard their online activities and protect their sensitive information from cyber threats.
Norton Secure VPN compatibility
Norton Secure VPN is a powerful tool that allows users to protect their online privacy and security by encrypting their internet connection. One of the key considerations when choosing a VPN service is its compatibility with different devices and operating systems.
Norton Secure VPN is compatible with a wide range of devices and platforms, making it a versatile option for users. It supports Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS operating systems, ensuring that users can protect their online activities on their computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
Moreover, Norton Secure VPN can be easily configured and used on multiple devices simultaneously, providing convenience for users with multiple tech gadgets. Whether you're browsing the web, streaming content, or downloading files, Norton Secure VPN ensures that your online activities remain private and secure across all your devices.
The user-friendly interface of Norton Secure VPN makes it easy for both beginners and experienced VPN users to set up and use the service on their preferred devices. With just a few clicks, you can connect to a secure server and enjoy anonymous browsing without compromising on speed or performance.
In conclusion, Norton Secure VPN's compatibility with various devices and operating systems makes it a reliable choice for users looking to enhance their online security and privacy. By offering seamless protection across different platforms, Norton Secure VPN ensures that your sensitive information remains safeguarded regardless of the device you're using.
Norton Secure VPN pricing
Norton Secure VPN offers various pricing options tailored to different needs, ensuring users can find a plan that fits their requirements and budget. Understanding the pricing structure is crucial for making an informed decision about which plan best suits your needs.
The pricing for Norton Secure VPN typically varies based on factors such as the duration of the subscription and the number of devices covered. Users can opt for monthly, annual, or multi-year subscriptions, with discounts often available for longer-term commitments. Additionally, there may be special promotions or discounts offered periodically, allowing users to secure the VPN at an even more attractive price.
One of the key advantages of Norton Secure VPN's pricing model is its flexibility. Users can choose between plans that cover a single device or multiple devices, making it suitable for individuals, families, or businesses with multiple devices to protect. This flexibility ensures that users only pay for the coverage they need, without overpaying for unnecessary features.
Another aspect to consider is the level of protection and features included in each plan. While all plans offer essential VPN functionalities such as encryption and anonymous browsing, higher-tier plans may include additional features such as ad-blocking, malware protection, and secure cloud backup. Users should carefully review the features included in each plan to determine which offers the best value for their specific requirements.
In conclusion, Norton Secure VPN offers a range of pricing options designed to accommodate different budgets and needs. By understanding the pricing structure and features included in each plan, users can select the most suitable option to ensure their online privacy and security.
Norton Secure VPN performance
Title: Evaluating the Performance of Norton Secure VPN
Norton Secure VPN is a widely-used virtual private network service known for its promise of enhanced online privacy and security. But how does it perform in real-world scenarios? Let's delve into its performance aspects to find out.
One of the key metrics to evaluate a VPN service is its speed. Norton Secure VPN boasts high-speed connections, allowing users to browse, stream, and download without noticeable lag. However, speed can vary depending on factors such as server location and internet connection quality. Users may experience slight speed reductions when connecting to distant servers, but overall, Norton Secure VPN maintains satisfactory speeds for most online activities.
Another crucial aspect is reliability. Norton Secure VPN provides a stable and consistent connection, minimizing the risk of disconnections or interruptions during use. This reliability is essential for users who rely on VPNs for continuous protection and accessibility.
In terms of security, Norton Secure VPN employs robust encryption protocols to safeguard user data from prying eyes. It utilizes bank-grade encryption methods and features a strict no-log policy, ensuring that user activities remain private and anonymous.
Additionally, Norton Secure VPN offers a wide range of server locations across the globe, allowing users to bypass geo-restrictions and access content from different regions. Whether streaming content from overseas or accessing region-locked websites, Norton Secure VPN provides the necessary flexibility and accessibility.
Furthermore, Norton's user-friendly interface makes it easy for both novice and experienced users to navigate the VPN service effortlessly. With intuitive controls and clear instructions, users can connect to servers with just a few clicks, enhancing the overall user experience.
In conclusion, Norton Secure VPN delivers reliable performance, high-level security, and user-friendly features, making it a solid choice for individuals seeking enhanced online privacy and protection.
Norton Secure VPN alternatives
When considering alternatives to Norton Secure VPN, it's essential to prioritize factors such as security, privacy, speed, and reliability. While Norton Secure VPN offers robust protection and user-friendly features, exploring alternative options can provide tailored solutions to individual needs.
One notable alternative is ExpressVPN, renowned for its lightning-fast speeds and military-grade encryption. With servers in over 90 countries, ExpressVPN ensures unrestricted access to geo-blocked content while maintaining user anonymity and data security.
Another contender is NordVPN, recognized for its extensive server network and advanced security features like Double VPN and Onion over VPN. NordVPN's strict no-logs policy and customizable encryption settings make it a favorite among privacy-conscious users.
For those seeking a budget-friendly option without compromising on quality, Surfshark stands out. Offering unlimited simultaneous connections and a CleanWeb feature that blocks ads and malware, Surfshark provides excellent value for money without sacrificing performance.
CyberGhost VPN is another worthy competitor, boasting user-friendly apps and specialized servers optimized for streaming and torrenting. With a focus on user privacy and data protection, CyberGhost VPN ensures a seamless and secure online experience.
Lastly, for users concerned about government surveillance and censorship, ProtonVPN offers end-to-end encryption and a commitment to user privacy. Based in Switzerland, ProtonVPN operates under strict privacy laws, ensuring user data remains confidential and secure.
In conclusion, while Norton Secure VPN offers solid security features, exploring alternative options like ExpressVPN, NordVPN, Surfshark, CyberGhost VPN, and ProtonVPN can provide tailored solutions to meet specific needs for security, privacy, speed, and reliability.
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eunicemiddleton421 · 7 months
Top 10 Best Parental spy Apps for Android and iPhone
1. Introduction to Parental spy Apps
Parental spy apps have become indispensable tools for parents in today's digital age. With children spending more time online, these apps offer a way for parents to monitor and manage their child's device usage, ensuring their safety and well-being in the digital world.
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 2. Importance of Parental spy Apps in Today's Digital World
In an era where smartphones and tablets are ubiquitous, children are exposed to various online risks such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and excessive screen time. Parental spy apps empower parents to set limits, block harmful content, and track their child's online activities, providing peace of mind and fostering responsible digital behavior.
 3. Criteria for Selecting the Best Parental spy App
When choosing a parental spy app, several factors should be considered:
 Compatibility with Android and iPhone
The ideal parental spy app should be compatible with both Android and iPhone devices, ensuring seamless monitoring across different platforms.
 Features Offered
Look for features such as app blocking, website filtering, screen time management, location tracking, and social media monitoring to address specific parental concerns.
 Ease of Use
The app should have a user-friendly interface and intuitive spy, allowing parents to easily configure settings and monitor their child's device activity.
Consider the cost of the app and whether it offers value for money in terms of the features and level of protection provided.
 4. Top 10 Parental spy Apps for Android and iPhone
Here are the top 10 parental spy apps that offer comprehensive features and compatibility with both Android and iPhone devices:
1. FamilyTime 2. HackersList 3. Norton Family Premier 4. Screen Time 5. Net Nanny 6. FamiSafe 7. OurPact 8. Mobicip 9. Bark 10. SecureTeen
 5. Is There a Parental spy App That Works With Both Android and iPhone?
Yes, several parental spy apps support both Android and iPhone devices, allowing parents to monitor and manage their child's device usage regardless of the platform.
 6. Can You Use Parental Spy From Android to iPhone?
While some parental spy apps offer cross-platform compatibility, the level of spy and features may vary between Android and iPhone devices. It's essential to choose an app that provides consistent monitoring and management capabilities across different platforms.
 7. Is Android or iPhone Better for Parental Spy?
Both Android and iPhone devices offer built-in parental spy features, but the effectiveness and ease of use may vary. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific requirements and preferences.
 8. How Do I Choose the Best Parental Spy App?
Consider your child's age, device usage patterns, and your specific concerns when selecting a parental spy app. Look for features that address your needs and ensure compatibility with your child's device.
 9. Conclusion
Parental spy apps play a crucial role in safeguarding children's online experiences and promoting responsible digital behavior. By choosing the right app and implementing effective monitoring strategies, parents can protect their children from online threats and guide them towards healthy device usage habits.
 10. FAQs
 How Effective Are Parental spy Apps?
Parental spy apps can be highly effective in managing and monitoring children's device usage, but their effectiveness may vary depending on the features and settings configured.
 Can Parental Spy Apps Be Bypassed?
While parental spy apps provide robust monitoring and filtering capabilities, tech-savvy children may find ways to bypass certain restrictions. Regularly updating the app and staying informed about new features can help mitigate this risk.
 Are Parental Spy Apps Free?
Many parental spy apps offer free versions with limited features, while premium versions may require a subscription fee. It's essential to weigh the cost against the level of protection and features provided.
 Can Parental Spy Apps Monitor Social Media Activity?
Some parental spy apps offer social media monitoring features that allow parents to track their child's activity on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. However, the level of monitoring may vary depending on the app.
 Do Parental Spy Apps Invade Privacy?
Parental spy apps are designed to protect children's privacy while providing parents with essential monitoring capabilities. However, it's essential to use these apps responsibly and respect your child's privacy rights.
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otiskeene · 1 year
Partful Receives 2.4M To Transform The Manufacturing Industry's Aftermarket
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Partful, a leading aftermarket technology specialist, has successfully raised £2.4 million in funding to accelerate the development of its transformative 3D parts SaaS platform. The platform is reshaping the global aftermarket industry, valued at a staggering $400 billion, by offering an end-to-end product repair support solution with interactive 3D explosion models. The funding was secured through a partnership between Par Equity and Blumberg Capital, bringing the total investment in Partful to an impressive £6.2 million in the last 18 months.
The platform has experienced significant growth and has added prominent clients in the emerging electric vehicle sector, such as Maeving, GOVECS, and Dragonfly Hyperscooter. With its revenues growing by more than 100% year on year, Partful has already established itself as a preferred choice for esteemed companies like Lotus Cars, Norton Motorcycles, and IDEX Corporation. The recent investment will facilitate the expansion of Partful's engineering team, support rapid growth in the European and U.S. markets, and accelerate the adoption of its innovative platform worldwide.
Read More - https://www.techdogs.com/tech-news/business-wire/partful-receives-24m-to-transform-the-manufacturing-industrys-aftermarket
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thejacksmit · 1 year
First Take: Asteroid City - a little bit of everything from Mr Anderson
SYNOPSIS: Following a writer on his world famous fictional play about a grieving father who travels with his tech-obsessed family to small rural Asteroid City to compete in a junior stargazing event, only to have his world view disrupted forever.
Wes Anderson. One of the most unique directors currently working in Hollywood, master of both animated and live action features. And definitely a director who has truly found his style - one which has become a meme in and of itself. With his latest, not only has he produced his most ‘Wes Anderson’ movie yet, but also done something truly bonkers: write a play for the stage and adapt it to film, while really screwing with us viewers in the process, German expressionism style.
This is exactly what you would expect from Anderson though, who manages to do all this in a tight 1 hour 45 minutes that runs ‘relentlessly, without a break’ to quote one of the many title cards we get during this story. What ultimately makes this film is the script - yes, casual audiences will not understand the full extent of what is going on within Anderson’s screenplay (for which he worked with Roman Coppola in its early stages of production), and it actually very cleverly references this - the ultimate act of self referential filmmaking. Bob Yeoman once again acts as DOP, with Alexandre Desplat providing the score, reuniting all of the key collaborators for a properly unique tale of what happens when a town (and a playwright) lose their mind.
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This cast though, is just pure star power. Jason Schwartzmann, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johannson, Bryan Cranston, Tilda Swinton, Willem Dafoe, with Margot Robbie, Edward Norton, Maya Hawke, Steve Carell, Liev Schrieber, Tony Revolri and more in support… this is a who’s who of talent, some of whom get big roles, and in one particular supporting cast member’s case (who we won’t spoil, or name, to avoid revealing the surprise when their credit comes up) just one line. All that really needs to be said is that this film isn’t your typical multiplex cinema-filling kind of product - it is a product very much of its directors style, and knowledge of his prior work will go a long way to enjoying it fully.
If you’ve been an Anderson fan for years, you will 100% get this and enjoy it, like a good majority of a rammed screen 10 last night at Odeon’s monthly Spotlight screenings did - but for the casual cinemagoer, I can see why this has had an incredibly limited run. It is a properly ‘out there’ film, as expected, but this is truly one best enjoyed with a good audience.
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LastPass vs Bitdefender: Ultimate Comparison Guide 2023
There are a large number of antivirus available in the market that you can choose to protect your computer devices or businesses. Some of the prominent Antivirus software are Norton, McAfee, Bitdefender, Kaspersky, and many others. Additionally, there are many password manager software that provides full security to your devices by keeping your device safe.
If you think about which one you should get between LastPass and Bitdefender, then this blog post can be beneficial for you. So, keep reading the following write-up to understand the key features and specs of both products fully.
LastPass Overview
LastPass is a password manager software. It is very user-friendly and comes with loads of features, such as password storage synchronization across multiple devices. As a result, it allows you to use the password for personal as well as professional use. It was founded in 2008, and the developer of this software is GoTo.
Additionally, this product can be used as a desktop app. But, if you want to, you can add it as a web extension. Plus, the free version of this product comes with limited features. But you get a fully-fledged password manager with advanced features. It keeps the passwords of multiple platforms safe. And let you access the password when necessary.
Bitdefender Overview
Bitdefender is a well-known antivirus software. It is helpful in keeping your info and data secure from hackers. Also, it comes with a password manager that keeps your password at your fingertips and makes your experience smooth. Apart from that, there are many other products it offers.
Additionally, it is a Romanian-based cybersecurity company. With the help of its products, you can keep your home, small & medium business, and big enterprises safe. Its products are best for detecting viruses and threats and then taking quick actions to remove those issues from your device. Some of the popular products of this brand are Total Security, Internet Security, Antivirus Plus, password manager, and many others.
LastPass vs Bitdefender Comparison
Below is the full comparison of the features and specifications between LastPass vs Bitdefender.
Below are the features of LastPass and Bitdefender.
●      LastPass
●      Bitdefender
Language Support
●      LastPass
LastPass supports languages such as English, Dutch, Turkish, Polish, and Swedish.
●      Bitdefender
The language Bitdefender supports is English, Dutch, Polish, and Turkish.
Device Compatibility
●      LastPass
It is compatible with devices like Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone/iPad, Linux, Web Based, and Windows Mobile.
●      Bitdefender
Its products run on Windows, Android, iPhone/iPad, Mac, and web-based devices.
Company Sizes
LastPass and Bitdefender both are best in providing services for small businesses, medium businesses, large enterprises, and freelancers.
LastPass only offers its support through tickets; on the other hand, Bitdefender has many supports such as Email, phone, live support, and training.
Browser support
●      LastPass
The LastPass supports various browsers and systems, such as Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer & Microsoft Edge, Duo Security, Password Ping, Internet 2, SecureAuth, Opera, RSA Ready, and Entersekt.
●      Bitdefender
The Bitdefender works on ConnectWize, Kaseya, Lab Tech, and Gravity Zone.
The pricing of the products starts from 2 US dollars. At the same time, the pricing of the Bitdefender starts from 14 US dollars.
Above, you read the full details of both LastPass and Bitdefender. The first one is best when it comes to managing the password of multiple platforms on your devices. And Bitdefender is a great choice if your aim is to get robust cyber security and antivirus. However, Bitdefender also has its password manager product that lets you manage your passwords. So, it is up to you which product to choose based on your preference.
Visit: Central.bitdefender.com Bitdefender Central login Bitdefender login Bitdefender Sign in Bitdefender.com/activate
Source: https://centralbitdefenderdotcom.wordpress.com/2023/06/02/lastpass-vs-bitdefender-ultimate-comparison-guide-2023/
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] HIREN'S BOOT USB Latest Edition! The Ultimate Computer Repair Tool that is used by tech professionals every day to diagnose and repair computer issues. Hiren's BootCD PE (Preinstallation Environment) is a restored edition of Hiren's BootCD Now On A Bootable 16GB Flash Drive. It based on Win 10 PE x64. HIREN'S supports UEFI booting & requires a minimum of 2 GB RAM. ** THIS IS THE 64-bit VERSION. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR COMPUTER IS RUNNING A 64-BIT OPERATING SYSTEM. This USB includes every tool you can think of to fix, repair, edit, and kill viruses off your system. Hiren's has been used for years by computer repair stores, computer technicians, network specialists and more! Take a look at just some of the amazing tools AntiVirus Tools - Prevent hackers from stealing your personal and financial information. - Scan and remove all viruses. - Scan and remove all spyware. - Scan and remove all hidden trojans. - Scan and remove imposter programs which are really stealing your information. - Scan and remove all adware and many other malicious programs. Backup Tools - Backup all files on the computer even if files are locked by Win. - Backup an entire hard drive or partition. - Backup all registry files. - Backup all installed programs. - Backup an entire operating system. - Easily backup anything and everything on your computer. BIOS / CMOS Tools - Remove and replace a BIOS password. - Present all BIOS information, including beep codes. - Restore your entire CMOS. - Completely wipe the CMOS. - All in one utility tools for both BIOS and CMOS. Browsers / File Managers - Rename multiple files and change their timestamps. - Clone of Norton Commander but with many more features. This is the latest Software customized edition of the famous Hiren's Boot Repair. Even more powerful and useful and packed with the latest features. Not only that, it supports UEFI booting! It has partition tools, anti-virus, backup and recovery, testing tools, password tools and more! ★★ PLEASE READ ★★ This USB drive will NOT install / Re-install Win. This USB drive will NOT activate Win. Best PC Repair Tool Collection Available! Even the professional IT technicians rely on it. Please Note: Booting directly from the USB may take a long period of time on the Win logo screen in some computers. This is due to's Making sure that the correct drivers are loaded for your specific PC. Hiren This Is Normal. This is an all-in-one rescue disc solution which is crucial if your PC tends to break down a lot. Hiren’s has numerous Win Compatible Repair Tools installed so that you can boot into it and fix it as quickly as possible. The Ultimate Computer Repair Tool that is used by tech professionals every day to diagnose and repair computer issues. Latest Edition with the PE Boot to allow you to boot into your PC and quickly and easily diagnose and repair any issues. All in one utility tools for both BIOS and CMOS. Browsers / File Managers - Rename multiple files and change their timestamps. [ad_2]
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postskakaew · 2 years
Norton security premium android download
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#Norton security premium android download full#
#Norton security premium android download android#
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#Norton security premium android download mac#
The price is subject to change but you will always receive a notification email in advance.You can cancel your automatic renewal by visiting the ‘My Subscriptions’ tab within your Norton account or by contacting Norton support at. Following this, your subscription will automatically renew and your stored payment method will be charged the applicable renewal price found at /pricing. The price paid today is valid for the first year of your subscription.
#Norton security premium android download android#
Norton Mobile Security helps deliver powerful, effective protection for your Android device and personal information against stealthy new mobile cyber threats and online scams. To activate, you must provide your billing information and create a (or have an existing) Norton account. Your Android smartphone or tablet can carry a lot of personal information and may be vulnerable to cyber threats. This subscription begins when your purchase is completed. You are purchasing a recurring Norton subscription which will automatically renew after 12 months.
#Norton security premium android download mac#
Sign in to your account to enter more information for monitoring Note: Compatible with Android, iOS, Mac OS, Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. *Available on Windows only **Defaults to email address only. Numbers, bank account numbers, insurance policy Just click twice: once to scan your smartphone’s memory and once more to get rid of all the junk. Information thatĬan be detected includes email addresses, credit card Norton Clean is an app that helps you get rid of all the trash files taking up space in your Android smartphone in a matter of seconds. Private forums, and marketplaces trading illicit goodsĪnd information. We shine a light on the dark web and continually patrol Nursery Deals Shop all the best Baby Brandsīaby Nursery Essentials & Accessories Shop Nowĭark Web Monitoring** Powered by LifeLock tm
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See Full Range Get Savings for your next Rugs Hibernation Haven Shop our latest Quilts & Pillows Up the ante with Apple Homepod and Airpods Shop Now Out Now Meet the new Google Smart Security range.Īpple Immersive sound, intelligent assistant, innovative tech – sounds good! See all Cameras, Printers & PhotoCentre.Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Apple Track, monitor, chat, pay & more – new series, new you!ĭo it all with the new Apple Watch and iPhone Shop Now Norton 360 provides powerful layers of protection for your Android device against viruses, ransomware, malware, and other online threats as you bank, browse and shop online. However we do have partnership with some brands. All the pictures and logos are for representation purposes only.
#Norton security premium android download software#
SECURE-KART is an independent desktop, laptop, tablets, peripherals and software selling website. Check Prices Below, For Any Questions Call/Email. The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License. All Norton Products are available, Buy or Renew Now. Microsoft and the Window logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. Secure VPN enables you to browse the web more securely and anonymously, even on public Wi-Fi, and SafeCam 5 alerts and helps you block unauthorized access to your PC’s webcam. Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of, Inc. Norton 360 Premium also includes a VPN for 10 devices and SafeCam for PC. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. Android, Google Chrome, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google, LLC. Firefox is a trademark of Mozilla Foundation. or its affiliates in the United States and other countries. NortonLifeLock, the NortonLifeLock Logo, the Checkmark Logo, Norton, LifeLock, and the LockMan Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of NortonLifeLock Inc. LifeLock identity theft protection is not available in all countries.Ĭopyright © 2022 NortonLifeLock Inc. The Norton and LifeLock brands are part of NortonLifeLock Inc.
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timesmains · 2 years
Idefrag for mac
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#Idefrag for mac for mac os x#
#Idefrag for mac mac os x#
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#Idefrag for mac pro#
#Idefrag for mac install#
Temporary, dyld shared cache, logs, user-cache, font cache and dozens of other types of files that are in constant use are being moved around the HDD all the time, not to mention whenever you install or delete an application things get moved around quite a bit. OS X is definitely more efficient at keeping large files from becoming fragmented but in now way is OS X fragmentation-free, not by a long shot. Any computer system regardless of platform or OS type requires routine maintenance to run properly and one of those tasks is to keep your main working drives from performance robbing and potentially instability causing deep fragmentation.
#Idefrag for mac mac os x#
That's only a half-truth and in fact one of the biggest myths about Mac OS X is that you don't need to do any maintenance at all, and that's just not the case. There are also deeper preferences for how the data is realigned and you can further tweak those options for an even more or something similar. IDefrag identifies and supports the 'hot zone' in HFS volumes, it supports both journaled and non-journaled volumes, it has a thermal monitor to make sure your drive/s don't overheat and will stop the defrag process if things get too warm and, it has 4 different defrag routines from a simple-and-fast 'online' defrag all the way to 'Full Defrag' which takes the longest time but gives you the most possible defragmentation possible. However unlike the Windows-based defragmenter and even the old Norton and Tech Tool offerings iDefrag offers a host of features that have no equal in the market. The user interface is very Win-defragmenter-ish with it's colored-block display showing the hard-drive data image and a Color Key identifier which defines what each color represents on the disk.
#Idefrag for mac pro#
Later Tech Tool Pro for OS X gave offered it's Optimizer tool but until recently Mac users have never had a similar tool like Windows users did for defragging their systems.Įnter iDefrag from Coriolis Systems. Mac OS 8 and 9 had 'Speed Disk' from Norton which in some iterations actually caused data corruption rather than giving an optimized hard-drive. It's unique block-graph display mesmerized many a user who intently watched as those small individual colored-blocks were moved around the screen eventually being grouped together in same-color 'cells' resulting in an optimized hard-drive. If you've ever used a Windows machine but have since converted to Mac and remember the 'good 'ol days' of Windows 95, 95, ME, and XP and you did your own hard-disk maintenance then you undoubtedly remember the built-in disk defragmenter.
#Idefrag for mac for mac os x#
The app is developed by Coriolis Systems Limited and its user rating is 4.8 out of 5.iDEFRAG for Mac OS X REVIEW It is a perfect match for System Optimization in the System Tools category. The latest version of iDefrag is 5.3 on Mac Informer. The only one of them that can defragment a mounted volume answers to the name of Quick (online). It consists of five different defragmentation algorithms that allow you to perform the process by following different patterns. IDefrag is a disk defragmentor for Mac that is in charge of optimizing the location of files in a predetermined volume. IDefrag for Mac is a defragmentation and optimization tool that can help improve hard disk performance.Idefrag for os 10.6.8 social advice Mac users interested in Idefrag for os 10.6.8 generally download. Works well with journaled and case-sensitive HFS+.Works efficiently to not slow down Mac operations.Optimize hard drive by rearranging file fragments to be closer together so they load faster.The software also understands the Hot Zon feature, plus both case-sensitive and journaled HFS+ drive types. The software can run defrag operations during working hours without slowing the system down too much in the process. The software can access HFS+ and other file system types common to Mac systems. The purpose of the software is to provide a way to improve disk performance by bringing file fragments closer together on the hard drive so that the complete file loads more quickly. IDefrag for Mac is a disk optimization and defragmentation tool for the Mac OS X system. " Defragmentation & Optimization for Mac OS X"
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the-nortonhelp-blog · 5 years
How to Fix Norton Antivirus not opening or crashing?
Norton support number
The internet has completely transformed society and has redefined entertainment and convenience. Whether it is streaming your favourite TV show or booking tickets for your next holiday, the internet allows you to do it all at the click of a button. But online services also pose a risk when it comes to data theft and fraud. That is why it is essential to have a working antivirus software active at all times. If you find that your Norton Antivirus does not open or is crashing frequently you should call the Norton customer care number as soon as possible because every delay leaves your system at risk. There could be many reasons why your Norton Antivirus encounter errors that prevent it from running smoothly. This article has some useful tips and suggestions to help you resolve any errors that may cause Norton to crash or prevent it from opening.
Solutions to Fix Norton Antivirus Not Opening
Most users report that the Norton Antivirus not opening error usually occurs right after they have updated the software. This is most probably because whenever you update a program or software certain settings may change. These changes in the system or software settings can cause the program to malfunction. You can resolve the error using the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool:
·        Close all the programs and applications on your computer and restart the system
·        Download the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool and save it on the desktop
·        Double click the NRnR icon on your computer to open the tool
·        Carefully go through the terms and conditions for using the tool and press ‘Agree’.
·        Select the option to ‘Remove and Reinstall’ Norton and click ‘Ok’ to confirm
·        Once the antivirus software is removed, close the tool and restart your computer.
Go to the official Norton website and follow the steps to reinstall the latest available version of the software.
Solutions to Fix Norton Antivirus Crashing
If Norton Antivirus crashes frequently then your computer may be at risk from online security threats or malware. The main cause behind this is usually some corrupted Norton anti-virus files. Thankfully Norton developed a tool to help users automatically fix errors that may cause the Norton software to crash. You can follow the steps given below to download and use the Norton Autofix tool:
·        Open your browser and go to the Norton website to search for the Norton Autofix tool
·        Download the installation file and save it on your computer
·        Double click the Norton Autofix file and run the tool as admin
·        Read through the tool usage agreement and click ‘Accept’
The Norton Autofix tool will scan your computer and automatically fix any errors related to the Norton Antivirus software. Once the tool has finished fixing the errors you will need to restart your computer.
If the solutions mentioned above do not resolve the problem and you see that the Norton Antivirus software is still crashing or is not opening then it may indicate that there is a deeper technical issue. If that is the case then you can call the Norton customer care number and ask for additional tech support. A trained expert is available 24 hours a day to give you the best solutions so that you can secure your PC as soon as possible.
Source Link : Norton Antivirus not opening
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