#Nope jupe
plaguerat00 · 1 year
I finally watched Jordan Peele's Nope that was released in 2022 on Prime Video and is the fact that I'm like a year late to watching it gonna stop me from ranting?
Nope! (Har har)
HOL-EE SHIT. Jordan Peele has once again done an outstanding job. I personally find this his most scariest movie yet, and yeah it might be because UFO horror movies that are done right scare the hell out of me (War Of Worlds) because there's always that unspoken thing of how helpless human beings are. You can't fight it you can only run and hide, and Nope shows that PERFECTLY.
The Star Lasso Experience is HORRIFYING. All of those people getting sucked into Jean Jacket's throat and slowly being swallowed and judging by those squishing noises right before the blood rain maybe even chewed is absolutely terrifying. Jean Jacket's sounds? That popping noise? Fucking creepy as hell!
Most of the movie taking place during the day in wide open desert with no cover from the giant extraterrestrial predator flying over your head and trying to suck you up into it's maw? YES.
And Jupe, I feel so fucking bad for his character and how he turned his trauma into entertainment, and fatally exposed himself and others to the same scenario he and his costars were with Gordy. I've read abour the symbolisms with the other shoe dropping and victims' traumas being turned into clout and I love that Jordan Peele addressed these things but did it in a way that people could figure it out without being told directly.
I could go on and on about this movie, it's just, SO, GOOD.
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weepingscope · 2 years
Oh motherfucker... the Star Lasso Experience. I brushed off the name as vaguely alien-and-cowboy themed but no that works too. He's trying to catch and tame stars. Huge, not of this earth, and not to be stared directly into. You can't tame the alien. You can't lasso a star
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silversdoll · 1 year
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i loved this scene i just had to redraw it and i think it turned out decently
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str4y-j3llyf1sh · 2 years
"Oh No" by Marina is such a Ricky Jupe Park song, and no I will not elaborate further.
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silverredtail · 2 years
Part 2 of my Nope au!
One of JeanJacket!Macaques favorite past times is watching the ex-actor get lost in his own excitement of his world. Blitzing around and pushing himself and his loyal companion as fast as they can go. Macaque may eat all of Wukongs neighbors horses but he'd never do anything to his beloveds pets..but being a giant creature in the sky tends to give you away sometimes to the clever nad tasty beasts.
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This started as an animal study that got out of hand and it seemed too perfect to not expand the Nope au! So here's some random facts!!
-the mares name became golden rod because I'm unoriginal and wanted Wukongs horse to be special~
-she has a monkey mask and Wukongs eyeliner!! And I imagine her colors to be similar to if wukong transformed into a horse!
-shes the fastest horse wukong owns and people once claimed that she was as fast as the wind in her prime!
Part 1 is right here if you wanna see their full outfits and the size difference!!!
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spooksier · 2 years
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what’s a bad miracle?
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ghosthierophant · 1 year
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NOPE (Jordan Peele) / Regarding the Pain of Others (Susan Sontag)
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ilikestuff69 · 1 year
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‘Nope’ (2022)
Directed by Jordan Peele
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gudaho · 11 months
Nope(2022) remains such a delight to dissect
The way Jupe plays an asian adoptee to a white family in a show where the other non-blood relative in the family is a chimp
Jupe being 'othered' and feeling like he had a unique connection to a chimp because the tv show portrayed him that way
Jupe having survivors guilt and trauma which expresses itself by explaining that he was special to the chimp and thus was always safe
Jupe discovering the existence of jean jacket and thinking that they shared a special connection
Jupe constantly reliving his trauma by reconstructing a white family like what was on the tv show and commodifying himself for a white audience
Jupe feeling like he has more in common with an alien than the people around him because of a tv show that deliberately used his race to position him as an alien to the white family
Jupe being digested alive and realizing that he was always just as human as everyone else
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fridjitzu · 3 months
So I recently realized the reason why Jean Jacket didn't (as far as we know, anyway) try to hunt the parkgoers at Jupiter's Claim for the six months or so that she was hanging around the valley (at least, until the Star Lasso Experience, but I'll elaborate on my theory about that under the readmore):
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The territory was already claimed (lol) by another large, one-eyed floaty thing.
I mean, yeah, it doesn't look much like a fellow sky roomba, but lots of animals are easily spooked by things that only sort of look like things that are dangerous to them. That's why eye spot mimicry is so popular in butterflies and moths, after all, and why cats are so easily spooked by cucumbers.
But then, why did she come anywhere near the arena for her weekly horsey snack for the six months before the SLE? It's on the very edge of the park, but it's still next to the main area, right?
Well, guess who isn't facing in the direction of the arena?
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She might have been just pushing her luck each time, seeing how much more territory she could steal behind Lil' Jupe's inflatable back, or maybe she was just thinking "It's not looking at me, so it doesn't care if I hunt the horses that show up in this gulch". Either way, no eye contact = not a threat.
Of course, there's still the question of why JJ suddenly changed up her behavior during the SLE incident. There's evidence of her rampaging through the park itself when OJ arrives on the scene, like the suddenly empty petting zoo, and the pig on the sheriff's building.
My theory on that is: with that horse statue stuck in her craw, she was in pain, and was fixated on looking for a way to flush her system out. Much like how Gordy acted aggressively and didn't listen to his offscreen trainer like he presumably normally would, JJ was too agitated by pain/discomfort to give a shit about respecting presumed territory lines, and it's not like Lil' Jupe was doing anything to stop her in the moment. She just had "ow ow ow still sore, must find more prey and eat it, that will flush out the sore thing" going on in whatever her equivalent of a brain might be.
(a minor tangent: I will note that there's what appears to be a body of water next to the park, which I think would have probably worked to flush the horse statue out just as well as pureed parkgoer, but who knows if JJs even know how to drink water? They live in clouds, they can probably absorb all the water they need from the atmosphere.)
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(Here's screencap proof that I'm not just pulling that detail out of my ass.)
Anyways, back to my main point:
The implication that JJ had been considering Lil' Jupe a rival sky beastie defending its territory for that whole ass six months before the main events of the movie also makes the final confrontation kinda extra dramatic (and funny) in context. It's not just her having sudden beef with a random thing with an eye this time - from JJ's perspective, it's her rival, whose territory is frequently swarming with prey, and now, instead of just lurking near the ground, it's in the clouds with her! And she's already agitated and upset from beefing with the Haywoods, so no wonder she jumped to trying to eat it so quickly. (Not that it ended well for her. Nobody fucks with Haywood, after all.)
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plaguerat00 · 1 year
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The Widget app is fun, yes you can have little plants and pets that you can take care of and all, but I'm more in it for the out of context, dumb doodles I get to send my friend that she has yet to notice and also having them greet me on my home screen every time I open my phone like this little Jupe here. :)
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ninten-draw · 1 year
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xvivinx · 2 months
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"What's a bad miracle?"
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axis1996 · 1 year
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Grimace shake
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silverredtail · 2 years
Another movie au I guess?? This time another movie I've never seen: Nope! Something that refused to leave my head for 3 days till I got it on paper
Macaque is a sky god that happened to oversee a certain part of the world where retired movie star Wukong lives his best life
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geminilad · 2 years
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Local cowboy tries to get clout from a giant man-eating sand dollar (gone wrong)
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