althafrana · 1 year
Nocturnal emission is commonly known as "wet dream" or "nightfall. It refers to an involuntary ejaculation of semen that occurs during sleep, typically during a dream. This phenomenon is most commonly experienced by males, during adolescence. But, it can also occur at any stage in a person's life.
Causes of Nocturnal Emissions:
Hormonal Changes: During puberty, there is an increase in the production of sex hormones; particularly testosterone.These hormonal changes can lead to an increase in sexual thoughts, desires, and spontaneous erections. They may result in nocturnal emissions.
Accumulation of Semen: The male reproductive system produces semen continuously. If a person does not engage in sexual activity or controlled masturbation, the semen accumulates and the body releases it naturally during sleep to prevent congestion.
Psychological Factors: Stress, anxiety, and sexual tension can play roles in the occurrence of nocturnal emissions. These emotions can lead to increased sexual activity in dreams and subsequently fall to ejaculation.
Night fall is natural if it occurs only once or twice in a month. If it occurs continuously, then it needs medical treatment. To get more information about nocturnal emission, please do contact Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall. We are working as a one stop solution for all your sexual problems since 1960. Moreover, we have facilitates for both online consultation & direct consultation.
Read More :https://ranamedicalhall.com/masturbation-in-men-and-side-effects/ WhatsApp us : https://wa.me/918848511462 Online Consultation form : https://ranamedicalhall.com/consultation-form/
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t5ltherapy · 1 year
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How to Stop Sperm Leakage during Sleep?
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Sperm Leakage during Sleep
Leakage of sperm during sleep is a condition that is medically referred to as nocturnal emission.
Experts state that nightfall is a regular physiological event that is healthy and happens during the rapid eye movement phase at the time of sleeping.
The fact to be remembered is that when it happens occasionally, there is no issue, but when it occurs frequently, males must look for safe methods to stop sperm leakage while sleeping to avoid its side effects.
Some significant side effects of uncontrolled sperm discharge during sleep are hormonal imbalances, weak immunity, and physical weakness.
Herbal Remedies to Treat Nightfall
Semen leakage is related to men's reproductive health, so they should be careful about selecting safe herbal remedies.
No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules are the best herbal remedies to stop sperm leakage during sleep.
No Fall Capsules provide an excellent cure for nocturnal emission, excessive precum discharge, and spermatorrhea.
Key herbs in No Fall capsules are Withania Somnifera, Asphaltum Punjabianum, Mucuna Pruriens, Asparagus Racemosus, Piper Longum, Myristica Fragrans, and Crocus Sativus.
These herbs improve the reproductive health of men. They provide a healthy nervous system. Nerves are responsible for keeping sperms locked and preventing them from flowing out.
No Fall capsules enhance the secretion of testosterone hormone in the male body.
These pills help delay a male's ejaculation during lovemaking by providing energized, healthy, and strong nerves.
Due to excessive hand practice, the nerves in the genital region get significantly affected, and Maha Rasayan capsules can repair this damage permanently.
These pills eradicate weaknesses from the body. They supplement nutrients in bioavailable form, remove scarcities, and increase energy production.
Maha Rasayan capsules enhance energy support to all the systems and organs of the body and keep vital organs like the liver, kidneys, heart, and blood vessels nourished and healthy.
These pills increase physical strength by increasing muscular endurance, bone density, and powerful organs and keeping a male mentally relaxed and sharp.
To get the best results, you must consume No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules with water or milk twice daily for three months.
Additional Tips
We advise you to intake pomegranate. Dry it under sunlight for two to three days, then grind it well in the form of powder and use it.
Regular exercise will improve blood flow to the organs and keep you healthy.
No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules are the best herbal remedies to stop uncontrolled semen discharge during sleep in males. When used in combination, they improve male health and well-being.
You can find details about No Fall and Maha Rasayan here 👇
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shaunwalker-blog1 · 6 years
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naturogain · 6 years
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abhinavsingh024 · 3 years
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herbaltreatment · 3 years
What is Nocturnal Ejaculation? Information about the Causes and Treatments
Nocturnal emission can be caused by physical stimuli such as vasectomy, surgery, or even from nervousness, anxiety, and stress. Other causes are the narrowing of the urethra. (ehtelam kya hota hai) This condition often affects older men who have had their prostate removed. When the urethra narrows, it prevents semen from flowing freely into the urethra and ejaculation from occurring.
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herbalhealthcure · 4 years
How to Manage Leakage of Ejaculatory Fluid Naturally At Home?
This YouTube video suggests how to manage leakage of ejaculatory fluid naturally at home. Natural supplements maintain high stamina, reduce mental and physical fatigue, improve focus, and increase vitality, vigor, power, and strength.
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nachiketburman · 6 years
What Are Some Good Supplements For Nightfall Treatment In Men?
Good Supplements For Nightfall
Wet dreams have variety of causes which make it difficult problem to treat. There is no treatment for nocturnal emissions even in popular system of medicine. Herbal and natural supplements are only ways to reduce frequency and stop nocturnal emissions from occurring. Here one can find good supplements for nightfall which not only cure the problem but also reverse its debilitating ill-effects over health and potency of a male.
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Garlic is commonly used spice in the kitchen but its medicinal properties make it excellent supplement to cure problem of wet dreams. Raw garlic on regular use makes blood thinner and also improves its circulation in genital region. It is aphrodisiac and improves immune system. Few cloves of garlic as first thing in the morning provide effective treatment for semen discharge during sleep.
Bottle gourd is digestive and nutritive. It is recommended as internal as well as external remedy to cure wet dreams permanently. Fresh bottle gourd juice with sesame oil can be applied over scalp before bedtime to gain sound sleep and avoid erotic dreams. One glass of fresh bottle gourd juice before bedtime, keeps stomach light, improves digestion and prevents wet dreams. Use of bottle gourd with regular meals provides treatment for semen discharge during sleep.
One glass of almond milk in the morning keeps a male full of energy and support nervous system. Take 8-10 kernels of almond and soak them in water overnight. Peel these off and grind to form a paste. Add this paste to a glass of boiling milk and leave till it becomes warm. Drink this milk once in the morning regularly to cure wet dreams permanently.
Use of saffron with milk also works as best nightfall treatment in men. Saffron is nutritive, aphrodisiac and nerve tonic. It also promotes sound sleep and improves muscular endurance. Regular use of saffron clear blood pathways and improve flow of blood in genital region. Add few strands of saffron in a glass of hot milk and wait till milk becomes warm. Drink this milk before bedtime regularly to gain riddance from nocturnal emissions.
Pomegranate seeds are good supplements for nightfall. Even eating whole pomegranate fruit also provides relief from wet dreams. To make pomegranate seed powder at home peel off one fruit and deseed it, collect the seeds and keep these to dry. When seeds are almost dry keep them in the sun so that all the moisture evaporates. Now grind these and store the powder in a glass jar with airtight lid. Consume one teaspoon twice in a day with water to cure sexual weakness.
Beets are also effective supplements to cure sexual weakness and get rid of problems like nocturnal emissions. This veggie is rich in nitrates that dilate blood vessels and improve flow of blood. Beets are not only good supplements for nightfall but very useful for improving overall virility of a male.
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Herbs are most effective supplements to cure problems related to physical, mental or sexual health. There are few herbs that provide best nightfall treatment in men. Here is list of few top herbs that provide fast and long-lasting treatment and improve overall health of a male.
Shilajit, Ashwagandha, Safed Musli, Vidarikand, Kaunch beej etc. are few famous herbs that are recommended to males suffering with severe wet dreams. These herbs come with innate properties that alleviate the causes of wet dreams and provide fast results. These herbs along with treatment of nocturnal emissions also cure side effects of the problem to keep a male protected from it in future as well.
To get most effective herbal treatment NF Cure and Shilajit capsules in combination are most reliable. These supplements on regular use provide best nightfall treatment in men. NF Cure capsules come with herbal composition that stops nightfall by making nerves strong.
These herbs eliminate ill-effects of smoking, alcoholism medication, poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle and also repair damaged nerves due to excessive hand-practice. Strong nerves treat all sorts of involuntary discharge and enhance sensation in genital region.
NF Cure capsules improve metabolic rate and energy and stamina. These correct hormonal secretion and improve testosterone secretion. In short duration male gains riddance from nocturnal emissions and also overcomes side effects of the problem.
Shilajit capsule come with pure Shilajit extract that is excellent vitality enhancer. This herb reverses signs of ageing and improves male’s virility. Male gains better potency, stamina and fertility by using these pills and stronger muscles and bones as well.
Shilajit capsules are powerful anti-ageing that even reverses side effects of growing age. Use of these supplements provides long lasting relief from wet dreams and blesses a male with enviable vitality, potency and vigor. These supplements due to herbal nature are free from any side effect and suitable for male of any age.
Read about Stop Semen Leakage In Urine
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jeffdaniels236 · 6 years
NF Cure Capsules Review, Best Treatment for Nightfall, Spermatorrhea
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The happening of nightfall/nocturnal emission is common to see in men soon after the function of puberty age. A 2-3 time occurrence of nightfall or swapandosh is natural. This is because, the glands is replacing with the new sperms naturally. If the nightfall is happening for a longer duration, you are suffering from spermatorrhea.
It is advisable to read NF Cure capsules review, which is the best treatment for nightfall in Ayurveda. This is herbal spermatorrhea treatment without any side effects. NF Cure capsules are trusted in India and are available in major online channels.  
Natural Remedy for Nightfall
NF Cure capsules review is the best for a man with nightfall symptoms. You can differentiate the herbal products and the other OTC products available in the market. The Ayurvedic products are free from side effects as they are made from the below-mentioned herbal plants.
·  Atimukyak (Diospyros Embryopteris)
·  Dridranga (Argilla Vitriolutum)
·  Kshreerika (Bambusa Arundinacea)
·  Purushratan (Ionidium Suffruticosum)
NF Cure capsules are the best for parasympathetic nerves to stimulate the right health in men. It also improves you overall male genital health or reproductive system.
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What are the symptoms of nocturnal emission in men?
The NF Cure capsules review is the best read by a man suffering from nocturnal emission. A person suffering from nightfall shows the below-mentioned symptoms.
· Frequent wet dreams may occur in a month.
· An Involuntary ejaculation may happen with sensation or without sensation.
· Erotic dreams during while in sleep.
NF Cure capsules are herbal and the best treatment for nightfall in men of all ages. You can take this spermatorrhea treatment at home by giving order online. There is no need to shy, when you buy online. It comes to your place as door delivery in a sealed packing.
How to consume NF Cure capsules?
· NF Cure capsules are for oral consumption for male only, as the best treatment for nightfall.
· You must consume this herbal capsule daily twice for spermatorrhea treatment at home.
· You can take 1-capsule in the morning after food and 1-capsule during night after your dinner.
· You can consume this capsule with plain water or milk.  
· NF Cure capsules are the best to consume for 16-week to stop swapandosh in men permanently.
You must not consume alcohol while taking the herbal remedies at home. You can eat a balanced diet. It is advisable to drink plenty of water while in this course of herbal treatment for nightfall. It does not make any withdrawal effect.
You can consume any other medication by giving an hour gap in between natural supplement and other medicines. NF Cure capsules review online will clear your doubts. This may be regarding the side effects and effectiveness of Ayurvedic remedies for male wellness.
NF Cure capsules review is necessary to read by the men suffering with nightfall. NF Cure capsules are available to buy online as non-prescription remedies.
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mandipjohar-blog · 6 years
Yoga Asanas for Nightfall, Best Natural Treatment for Swapnadosh in Males
Yoga Asanas for Nightfall
Yoga asanas are highly useful to treat night discharge, premature ejaculation and erection failure. So, the Yoga asanas for nightfall treatment include Vajrasana, Uttanapadasana, Sarvangasana, Khandarasana, Paschitomattansana, Bhujangasana, Goumukhasana, Brahmcharyasana, Dhanurasana, Anulom Vilom Pranayam, and Garudasana.
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How to prevent wet dreams disease?
Weak parasympathetic nerves are responsible nightfall or wet dreams. Therefore, strengthening parasympathetic nerves is vital to prevent wet dreams disease. NF Cure Capsules are the best herbal remedies available in the market to strengthen weak nerves and tissues in the male organ and cure sexual disorders like PE, excessive precum and night discharge. Therefore, NF Cure Capsules provide the best natural treatment for swapnadosh in males.
Potent herbs in NF Cure Capsules increases secretion of sex hormones and boosts flow of oxygen, nutrients and blood to the reproductive system. It revitalizes the reproductive organs. It also strengthens the weak parasympathetic nerves. It also heals the damaged nerves and tissues in the male organ. It helps to get bigger and harder erection for deep penetration into her genital passage. Hence, NF Cure Capsules provide the best natural treatment for swapnadosh in males.
Vital M-40 capsule is responsible for bringing back energy levels and enhance your sex life. It boosts male libido. It helps to get rock hard erection and make your love life more pleasurable. It maintains upbeat mental and sexual health. It also cures ED and PE. Therefore, intake of Vital M-40 capsules and NF Cure Capsules provide the best natural treatment for swapnadosh in males.
Key herbs in NF Cure Capsules
Herbal ingredients in this best natural treatment for swapnadosh in males are Bhedani, Ashwagandha, Kankaj, Kavach Beej, Ksheerika, Haritaki, Lauh Bhasma, Drid ranga, Shudh Shilajit, Safed Musli, Brahmdandi, Atimukyak, Kesar, Pipal, and Swarna Bang etc.
Usage Instruction
You are advised intake of one Vital M-40 capsule and one NF Cure Capsule, the best natural treatment for swapnadosh in males, with milk or plain water to cure sexual disorders. It is suggested using these herbal pills for three to four months for best results.
Where to Purchase nightfall herbal remedies?
You can purchase Vital M-40 Capsules and NF Cure Capsules from reputed online stores. Order for these herbal pills can be placed using a credit or debit card from the comfort of home or office. You can also benefit from free shipping to your doorstep.
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Zinc rich foods strengthen and rejuvenate the reproductive organs and provide the best natural treatment for swapnadosh in males. So, you can include eggs, oysters, banana, oysters, wheat germ, pomegranate, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, watermelon, broccoli, berries and spinach in your daily diet.
You are advised to wear loose under garments and ensure flow of oxygen to the reproductive organs. You should avoid alcohol and quit smoking. It is also suggested to prevent watching adult movies.
You can practice yoga, and kegel exercises to strengthen reproductive organs and prevent nightfall. You can also practice less strenuous weight lifting exercises.
Read about Avoid Semen Discharge During Sleep
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naturogain · 6 years
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abhinavsingh024 · 4 years
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rajneeshkarpe-blog · 6 years
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Best Suggested Ayurvedic Medicines for Wet Dreams, Swapnadosh
NF Cure is the best suggested ayurvedic medicines that stop wet dreams and swapnadosh problem in males naturally.  These herbal treatments treat all male health problems, boost erection strength, enhance libido, improve lovemaking desire and increase male potency power naturally.
To read more, click here:
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aldrichgoleman-blog · 6 years
Best Herbal Treatment for Semen Discharge during Sleep, Nightfall Cure
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The nightfall (swapnadosh) or nocturnal emission is common to find soon after the adolescence. A 4-6 time occurrence in a month is natural. If you get frequent nightfall, this will be a disturbing issue. It is advisable to consume the herbal treatment for semen discharge. The herbal treatment for semen discharge during sleep is free from side effects. No Fall capsules are recommended to cure swapnadosh permanently as natural nightfall treatment.
Ayurvedic Remedies to Curb Nocturnal Emission
The men with frequent nocturnal emission can curb them by taking the herbal treatment for semen discharge. They contain the below mentioned herbs, which are the best for male sexual wellness.
• Long (Caryophyllus Aromaticus)
• Jaiphal (Myristica Fragrans)
• Dridranga (Argilla Vitriolutum)
• Babul Extract (Acacia Arabica)
No Fall capsules contain the above herbs in pure form. These are available only in the Indian sub continent, where Ayurveda has originated.
Nocturnal Emission in Younger Adults
The daily masturbation by the young generation is by watching prone photos and videos. The regular hand practice can damage the male genital nerve. This is a major cause for nightfall in the young adults. The herbal treatment for semen discharge is simple to take at home. It is not advisable to take the allopathic treatment for semen discharge during sleep. They cause severe side effects on the male organ.
• You must consume to No Fall capsules for at least 16-weeks to get the best results.
• Take this nightfall treatment pill daily in the morning and night soon after a meal.
• You can consume this herbal pill with the water or milk.
• No Fall capsules are the best, as they do not cause any withdrawal effects in men.
Nocturnal Emission in Older Adults
The married man does get involuntary ejaculation during the night. The older adults have many reasons to get the nightfall. One of the reasons is the prostate enlargement. Another main cause is, as the adult man does not involve with the coitus act with their life partner. This may happen, when their wife is no more or living separately (divorce) etc.
The ageing also weakens the male genital nerve and they may get frequent nightfall. The herbal treatment for semen discharge is recommended for the aged people. The Ayurvedic treatment for semen discharge during sleep improves the overall health of the male genital.
• The herbal nightfall treatment will not work along with the alcoholic men.
• You must stop smoking habits while in the Ayurvedic treatment for nocturnal emission.
• No Fall capsules are naturals, and you can take any other medication by giving an hour gap.
• There is not particular food regimen to take this Ayurvedic supplement.
• You can stop consuming this herbal pill, when you can find better results.
The herbal treatment for semen discharge during sleep is safe for the men with nightfall problems. No Fall capsules are the best to curb nocturnal emission in all ages of men. It is available as non-prescription remedies online.
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althafrana · 10 months
Understanding Spermatorrhea: Recognizing the Symptoms and Seeking Support
1.Involuntary Semen Discharge: •Spontaneous release of semen without sexual activity or arousal.
2.Frequent Nocturnal Emissions: •Regular occurrence of wet dreams or nocturnal emissions during sleep.
3.Fatigue and Weakness: •Some individuals may experience fatigue or weakness, especially if sperm loss is frequent.
4.Back Pain: •Some people report lower back pain associated with spermatorrhea.
5.Irritability and Mood Changes: •Changes in mood, irritability, or feelings of anxiety may be present.
6.Difficulty Concentrating: •Some individuals may experience difficulty concentrating or focusing on tasks.
7.Urinary Symptoms: •In some cases, urinary symptoms such as painful urination or discomfort may be reported.
It's important to emphasize that symptoms can vary among individuals, and not everyone with occasional spermatorrhea will experience all of these symptoms. Additionally, occasional nocturnal emissions are considered normal and are not necessarily a cause for concern.
If you or someone you know is experiencing persistent or bothersome symptoms associated with spermatorrhea, it's advisable to seek medical attention. A healthcare professional can conduct a thorough evaluation; identify any underlying causes, and recommend appropriate treatment if necessary. Self-diagnosis and self-medication are not recommended.
To get more information about Spermatorrhea, please do contact Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall. We are working as a one stop solution for all your sexual problems since 1960. Moreover, we have facilitates for both online consultation & direct consultation.
Read More: https://ranamedicalhall.com/spermatorrhoea-ayurvedic-treatment-kerala/ WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/918848511462 Online Consultation form: https://ranamedicalhall.com/consultation-form/
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