#Niragi reader
bts-story · 2 years
masterlist / previous chapters
Chapter two - Seven of diamonds
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"Do you think there are other people who could participate in this game?" 
"I don't know," Niragi replied in a jaded tone, "but we can go look." 
The building across the street was an office tower of an old telephone company, you could recognize their logo plastered against the first floor bay windows. Looking around, there was no one around, no one for hours, but an uncertain look crossed your four eyes as you finally made your way inside the building. 
The vast entrance was empty except for two tables in the center of the room. One of them, the one on the left, had exactly two cell phones carefully placed on it. While on the right table, there were some kind of mechanical necklaces that looked nothing like the ones Niragi usually liked to see around your neck. Also, another sign in the middle of these two tables said 'One per person.
"What the hell is this shit again?" Niragi swore, and today it seemed he had decided to swear three times more than usual. Even though you had to admit that you were thinking the exact same thing as him at that very moment. 
Taking a phone in your hand, it instantly turned on. 
Facial recognition in progress. [Y/N] [Y/L/N].  Welcome.
Niragi walked over and took another phone in his hands. 
Facial recognition in progress.  Niragi Suguru.  Welcome. 
It was only at that moment that you thought of looking at your own phone. Forgotten in the back of your pocket, the screen cracked from a previous fall, it wouldn't turn on. Which was strange because you hadn't used it all afternoon, and you were sure it was almost fully charged when you decided to go out for a cold drink with Niragi in the early afternoon. 
"I'm out of battery," you said the obvious and Niragi shrugged, as he noticed another sign, a few meters away: The game will take place on the roof of the building, with an arrow pointing to the elevators. It was strange, now that you noticed it, this building seemed to be the only place with electricity in the whole city. 
Taking the necklaces in your hands, you silently asked permission to put the necklace around your neck. With a shrug, Niragi took his and the mechanism closed silently around his throat. It was an odd sensation to see him with a collar like that and you decided that it was not a sight you really liked. It looked grotesque and out of place whereas the leather one you had at home would have made it absolutely irresistible to you.
With great caution, and after a few minutes of debate, you headed to the roof of the building, collars around your necks and silent in the elevator. Before you reached the very top though, and as the little floor numbers lit up with each level change, Niragi frowned and muttered something that sounded like "I have a bad feeling about this, babygirl." He didn't sound nervous or worried, but you could only silently agree as the pit of your stomach seemed to curl up on itself. 
"Fuck that, as long as we're together, right?" 
Niragi smirked, and you hoped it was enough to ease his fears if only yours could calm down too. "Ride or die 'till the end of the line, baby, you know it. But... until we figure out this shit, just act like we don't know each other, 'kay? They can't use that against us if they don't know shit about us." 
His voice was deep and authoritative, but totally different from when he wanted to play with your body and make you his sex slave. He didn't sound worried or curious, but suspicious and intrigued by the situation. Niragi didn't trust anyone, and the way things had gone so far made him believe that whatever was going to happen, it didn't bode well. 
You wondered who they were, but before you could ask the question that was suddenly on your mind, the elevator doors opened with a loud ding. It didn't take much to hold back that gasp of surprise when six other people were already waiting on the rooftop terrace, chilled by a windy breeze that blew across the buildings. 
The rooftop was large and spacious, there was a pool that took up a good portion of the terrace and the few ice crystals you could see in it suggested that it was frozen. It was strange because it was the middle of August. Lanterns illuminated the place with blue, red, green and yellow lights, which made the atmosphere almost festive. 
When you came, the foreign faces turned to you, staring up and down at your two figures. 
Registration closed.  The game will now begin. 
The other people exchanged glances, there were exactly three girls and three boys who completed an equal total in gender division out of eight players, including Niragi and yourself. 
Two girls were clinging to each other with frightened looks and shaking hands. A man in his forties with an unattractive physique and a suit that was too big on his shoulders avoided meeting anyone's eyes while a young woman at his side waddled around with a false air of boredom that only betrayed how scared she looked.
No one spoke, it was as if the first to speak would be executed in a second. 
Game: Truth or dare.  Difficulty: Seven of diamonds. 
If the atmosphere was tense before, it was nothing compared to what was happening now.
You weren't often afraid when Niragi was by your side. He had this menacing aura and his insults always at the edge of his lips, ready to punch the first one who dared to stand in your way. He was killing spiders, cockroaches, and any other critter that came his way. He always had that superior, arrogant look on his face that annoyed and diminished anyone who tried to talk to him a little too long. 
And over time, you had learned to stand up for yourself just as much. Snarky comments and well-placed middle fingers made you perhaps a little more bitter every day. Nothing justified these actions except the eternal boredom of human stupidity that had a way of raising your hair. 
But then, with all those frightened looks around you, it didn't help the questions that were always running around in your head. What could they possibly be afraid of? Or of whom? 
We will now be explaining the rules.  Each player is going to be asked to choose between a truth or a dare.  Each player has the obligation to complete one dare and answer one truth.  It is Game Clear if the player gets through the rounds without its collar firing.  It is Game Over if the player fails a round.  You must be as precise as you can be to increase your chances of a win.  You can not help another player.  Good luck. 
Collar firing? For real? You couldn't imagine such a thing happening, or else the collar would light up or go off to justify an elimination. Either way, you could only think of one thing: who was crazy enough to kidnap you and make you play games? 
Time limit: 1 minute per round.  Game start.  Round 1. 
"Natsuki Toki, truth or dare?" A feminine and somewhat robotic voice belched from nearby and you could see neither speakers nor television. 
The man in question seemed surprised at her name and stammering, he finally said, "Uh... I choose... I choose truth." 
The voice continued, "You have chosen truth. Please answer the following truth: who was Napoleon Bonaparte?" 
A sudden silence fell over the place and the man, incredulous, looked for answers in the eyes of the other players. Niragi, on the other hand, was watching attentively, listening patiently in order to understand as best he could what was going on. On your side, a few meters away from him so as not to let on that you were together, you were staring at each player, trying to find a meaning to all this gibberish. 
"But... but... this isn't a Truth or Dare question. You have to ask me a question about me. That's it, right?" The man asked for validation from the other players with his insistent look, but they all ignored him and none made the effort to help him. 
"45 seconds remaining."
"This is anti-gaming!" The man was clearly panicking, and the insistent look he kept giving to whoever he saw in front of him testified to the state of distress he was in. It wasn't part of the game to help him, and even if you could have, you wouldn't have. You needed to know more about the game, and what would happen if a player lost. 
Niragi had the same idea as you. He stood there with his back against the wall, away from the light and his eyes directly on the panicking man. 
"30 seconds remaining." 
"Okay... uh... Napoleon Bonaparte... so, he was a man of war, I think... uh... a Frenchman! And an emperor, right?" It wasn't a bad answer, but the voice had made it clear that as much detail as possible was needed to have any hope of winning the round. The man was still a long way from that. 
"15 seconds remaining." 
"Damn... uh... He lived between the 18th and 19th century and he... He revolutionized France because he created the Bank of France. Yes! That's right! He created the Legion of Honor too!" The man seemed to be searching the depths of his memory, as if his life depended on this very question. He stammered and stumbled over his words, but the glimmer of hope on his face was just as fascinating as the answer he had just given. You wouldn't have been able to answer that question, you had to face the truth. 
Then the female voice continued, "The time is up. The answer is," the man had drops beading on his forehead, and his heavy breath could be heard from a distance. And all of the players, including you, were eagerly awaiting the final result. "Successful." 
A wave of relief swept over the man, who let a nervous laugh come from the back of his throat. If these were indeed general knowledge questions to be answered, you knew you wouldn't have a better chance than anyone else. You were smart in an academic way, but anything related to history or math would be your downfall. 
"Mei Minari, truth or dare?" The voice began again, and the woman called startled at the sound of her name. She stepped forward to the middle of the roof, her jaw tense and her hands clenched into tight fists. 
"Dare." She threw out strongly with all the confidence she had in her. 
"You have chosen dare. Please execute the following dare: break your own hand." 
The young woman's eyes widened and she wobbled slowly on her high stilettos before looking around. Perhaps she was asking for help, or maybe, because of that determined look in the back of her irises, she was actually looking for a way to really break her hand. 
She walked over to a man, tall and strong in posture, and in a threatening tone, she called out, "You, there. Break my wrist." 
The man, who did not look at all convenient, and with eyes filled with boredom, replied after a few seconds, "Players can't help each other, remember?" 
With an expletive on the tip of her lips, the young woman then turned to scan the room as the voice dictated, "30 seconds remaining." 
She rushed to the door on the roof that seemed to lead to the stairs and jamming her hand in the gap, she took a heavy breath before slamming the door against her wrist. Immediately, a cry of pain escaped her as the other players didn't even dare look at her.
In all this, you didn't understand this devotion and in his place, you would have preferred to lose rather than break your hand like this. Or maybe there was a real danger behind all this drama, and the way Niragi's body was stretched on the other side of the terrace was more evidence of that. He didn't say a word, but unconsciously he had taken a step forward as if he was about to protect you from any threat that might approach you. 
The woman kept tapping, slamming, forcing the door against his wrist until 5 seconds remained on his allotted time. "The time is up. The mission is," the voice paused, as if to build suspense, "successful." 
With her hand bloodied and her wrist broken into a thousand pieces, the woman giggled loudly before collapsing against the floor. She had the nerve, that was a fact. Survival instinct probably. 
"Satokimi Tanaka, truth or dare?" 
This time, it was a middle schooler who stepped into the middle of the room. Hesitantly, he answered, "Dare." 
"You have chosen dare. Please execute the following dare: mortally wound the player of your choice." 
As some people began to stammer, others gaped, and at that very moment, a bright square lit up in the back wall, right next to the college student. Inside, illuminated by lights, a gun. The young man was quick to grab it with his trembling hands before someone else did it for him. From then on, he pointed his gun at the crowd in front of him. 
"What the hell are you doing?" The big-bodied man spat, his eyes frowning and looking incredulous. 
At the sound of his voice, the college kid pointed his gun at him. "I... I don't want to kill anyone!" He cried loudly as his voice shook like a dead leaf. 
"Then put the gun down, damn it!" Someone else threw, and it was then that you realized the magnitude of the situation. 
There was no way of knowing what you had ended up there for, but whatever it was, it was a matter of survival. Today was the day you were going to play the death game, and it was a pretty strange feeling if you took into consideration that your survival would not depend on you alone. 
"30 seconds remaining." 
"Shoot her," someone else pointed at the young woman with the bloody hand, still slumped against the wall and her hand hidden in her suit jacket in order to stop the hemorrhage. "She won't survive anyway." 
It was unlikely to die from a broken hand, but it was entirely possible to die from blood loss. If this woman didn't get care soon, she would lose her life, indeed. And you could go and help her, you didn't lack the desire to do so, but Niragi's imposing stature prevented you from doing anything. And you weren't stupid enough either to jump into the lion's den so quickly. You had to preserve yourself, preserve you. And if you were in danger, Niragi was too.
 "I'm fine, thanks for asking," the woman replied in a deep voice, as if it took a lot of effort for her to make even a single sound. "Why me, huh? You do it." 
"20 seconds remaining." 
"We're all healthy, why should it be any of us?" Another voice was heard. 
"Yeah, shoot her over there, she won't even be able to play the rest of the game in this condition!" Yet another voice. 
It was beginning to become a deafening din. The voices were intermingling, arguing and finding as many reasons as possible to defend themselves. But you didn't say anything, you just stood there, watching the whole show. Niragi's lips were pursed, he was frozen on the spot, as if a single movement of his would be enough to draw the attention of the shooter to one of you. 
"10 seconds remaining." 
"Come on, shoot someone, kid, or you'll die..." It was surprising to hear Niragi's voice suddenly, and the sound of his voice dominated all others. The young man turned his gun towards him and instantly your body froze, too afraid to move. 
"What if I shoot you, uh?" 
"Don't even think about it." Niragi was getting more and more threatening and you had no idea what he was playing at. You knew he would never put your life in danger if he could avoid it so drawing attention to himself like that was an extremely dangerous game. "I think the majority chose. Shoot her." 
With a jerk of his head to his right, he pointed at the woman with the broken handle. The college student turned back to her, and as the mechanical voice gave a final countdown, he whispered, "I'm sorry, ma'am, it's either you or me," before emptying his magazine at the young woman. 
The deafening sound of gunfire pierced the entire room, and the woman's body lay crumpled to the floor in a pool of blood. "The time is up. The mission is," a pause, "successful." Tears streamed down the college boy's cheeks, his hands shaking as he remained frozen in the firing position. He couldn't move, shocked by his own actions, as the voice continued, "[Y/N] [Y/L/N], truth or dare?" 
Damn it. It was your turn. 
Niragi turned around at the announcement of your name, and it was as if he understood the importance of the situation too. You didn't even have time to react to the shock of what had just happened in front of your eyes that you were already forced to follow the next part of the scenario. "Uh..." you hesitated. 
The choice was a difficult one. You wondered if each action or truth was recorded in sequence, or if each action and truth was written specifically for each player. The first option might save you from a bastard chance, while in the second scenario, it would be nearly impossible for you to survive what this whole game was. 
A quick note, I wrote the story with a name for the oc because I feel very weird writing 'Y/N' and it does help with nicknames and stuff. When it comes, you can just ignore it (there's not a lot lot, I promise)
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poisonedprose · 11 months
hip holding > waist holding two gentle hands placed on your hips, fingertips digging ever so slightly into the fat that they could squish for hours if you'd let them. your hips are their favorite part of your body, littering them with bruises and love bites at any given moment. on their knees, looking up at you, two hands firmly griping each hip, placing a soft kiss to the bone with a smile.
leon kennedy, john price, ellie williams, arisu ryohei, jill valentine, carlos oliveira, kyle garrick, könig
waist holding > hip holding their hands fit perfectly in the curve of your waist, almost like your waist was made for them to grab and use to their advantage. they pull you close by your waist, fingers showing no signs of letting go any time soon. using their strength to manhandle you in any way they possibly could, squeezing your waist to show you who's boss with a look that's sure to kill.
joel miller, simon riley, ada wong, niragi suguru, chishiya shuntaro, john mctavish, albert wesker, last boss
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flaredcfan · 2 months
I just realised this, after re-watching Alice in Borderland for like the 723828372 time.
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"I wonder if there's a doctor here" Then the camera pans to Chishiya, with a freaking close up.
Yeah. There was a doctor there actually. I feel so stupid not noticing this earlier 😔
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Reward - AIB Boys HCS -
Summary: They save you during a game, so you reward them by giving them head 💋
Warnings: NSFW - MDI - +18 - Oral - Dub/Con with Banda -
Includes: Chishiya - Arisu - Banda Sunato - Tatta - Karube - Aguni - Kuzuryu - Niragi -
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♤ Chishiya
He is amuzed till he starts to groan from the misstrations of your tongue around his dick.
Back at the game you would have died but he was there, maybe it was the adrenaline from it or seeing him covered in blood what made you feral for him, having to hold back till both of you got back to his room at the Beach.
Chishiya groans letting his head fall back against the wall, his hands going to your head to guide you. You are so sloppy tonight.
"Easy princess- you gonna make me come if you dont slow down"
He says easy but his body its out of it. His hips already moving using your mouth to reach his orgasm. Its not like you are going to slow down even if he asked. All you want from him right now is his cum into your mouth.
♤ Arisu
Baby boy its going to be a shy mess and tell you "you dont have to-oh fuck" as you cut him off taking him without further preparation.
Arisu was an angel in this hell place. Of curse you would reward him for saving you. It was an extra how sensitive he was when it came to you giving him oral. Your hand caressing his balls and pressing them making him moan and whimper.
He will try to control himself, really. But its too much. Soon he is a mess all over the bed, telling you to please keep going to not stop.
♤ Banda Sunato
Banda had ulterior motives to save you and one of them was this, having you on your knees for him while you suck him off.
He would still be fully clothed, only letting his dick out, hell you two may still be in the game arena.
"Cmon, you did not think you would not have to pay for it, right? I saved you this is the last thing you could do"
Its going to force all of himself down your throath without warning and groan at the feeling. He is the one in control now, using one hand to move your head up and down his dick, urging you do go faster.
"You must be a slut right? And you like this"
Once he cums he will pull your face close to his dick till his cum is coming out of your mouth.
♤ Tatta
Pretty boy is so proud of have saved you. And then you are pushing him on the back of the cars the beach has and getting between his legs. He is confused till he sees how you start to push his summer shorts down.
Is a blushing mess trying to tell you to stop, there is no need- then you start to lick him and he is gone. He groans and tells you how good your tongue feels and how much he had wanted you. Will beg to you to let him finish in your mouth, and tell you he needs to return the favor.
♤ Karube
The one who saved you because he loves you and never wanted something in return but wont denied the head.
In fact, its going to taunt you because of it.
"All i needed to do was save you and then I get you like this for me?"
Like this, being on your knees with only his shirt, so yes he has no shirt at the moment (just got out from the shower and now he is sure he will need a second one). Wont complain, will let you touch his body pulling down his swiming shorts and see you play with his dick till it gets all red and hard. Its going to push your head into it, he cant resist your mouth and its a bit of a dom so he may just use you since you are soo ready to give it to him.
♤ Aguni
He protects. Its his nature for these who he loves. When you two get back at the beach you are pulling him towards the shared suit The Hatter gave both of you. He is confused thinking you may want to shower first but no- he was so wrong-
He is actually a softie and will melt once your motuh is around him, will try to stop you but then will sucumb easily to your touches.
♤ Kuzuryu
This Man is TIRED AS HELL. The moment he moved to save you from your last game was pure reflex (and maybe love). So when he is back at the beach with you following him like a lost puppy he will ask what you want from him.
It ends with him back in his suit with your mouth around his dick and him spread on the bed. Wont try to push you away, he needs to release stress after all. Will tell you what to do, how to properly suck him, how to play with his balls...and when he cums he ends telling you to lay down so he can use your tits as his personal toys for a second round.
♤ Niragi - established relationship
If a group goes to a game with Niragi everybody knows only you would end being protected by him, why? Because he fucking loves you even if no one knows it or gets it.
The one who pulls you after the game to see if you ended hurt only to be suprised when you offer yourself right there. His suprise will soon fade away and turn into lust as he hold your head and groans your name, not caring if the others can hear him.
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realisticjupiter · 5 months
Ahem-well. How would Chishiya and Niragi (optional) react to a reader who's really quiet in bed? Like no moans, very shy and doesn't want him to hear them. Thinking that they're embarrassing.
Feel free to reject if it's too much
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summary: chishiya & niragi's reaction to quiet in bed fem!reader.
a/n: people hating dori for playing niragi just means he's a great actor. thank you for requesting again<3
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CHISHIYA he wouldn't really mind you being quiet. In fact he most prefers it. As long as you show your enjoyment in other ways; like your body language and facial expressions he wouldn't even think twice.
He'd definitely overhear others on the beach about the subject. Maybe a guy bragging about how loud his girl is in bed.
At first he thought it was different for everyone, but he quickly put the two and two together when he could recall the moments you'd stop yourself from even making the slightest noise.
And when he asks you about it, as nonchalant as he is, he still assures you that it shouldn't be embarrassing.
Then he'd start listing off the female anatomy, and the psychological reasonings behind every noise.
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NIRAGI was confused at first. You not making much noise definitely bruised his ego, making him think he wasn't good enough for you.
Every time you'd try again you'd notice how he'd try different things. Going faster, harder, and switching between different methods of dirty talk just to get a noise out of you.
He'd definitely urge you to make noise, to tell him just how much you like it. You'd definitely try, but you wouldn't help how embarrassed it made you feel.
He finally has enough and eventually gives up. Giving this entire speech of how 'he just must not be good enough for you'.
You assure him and finally explain why you aren't as loud, causing him to feel like a bigger idiot than he always had been.
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reposts and comments are appreciated <3
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anime-and-arson · 2 years
POV: Banda escaping whatever prison he was in to get to that cross walk
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kowzs · 2 years
I had to put this out somewhere because this man just lives in my brain rent free no thoughts just him: 
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halbravd · 2 years
jealousy jealousy // aib.
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summary: in which they are getting jealous because you’re super invested in a conversation you have with an other guy.
characters: chishiya shuntaro, ryohei arisu, niragi suguru, sunato banda.
content warning: mentions of sexual intercourses, niragi deserves his own trigger warning.
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⪧ chishiya shuntaro,
chishiya is petty as fuck. he won’t confront you and ask you what’s going on, but will definitely be that one overthinking guy wondering if he ever did something wrong to you in the first place (yes, he takes it very personally). but then, he would turn into the pettiest little shit ever: sitting on the last chair available so you’d have no choice but to sit on his laps, getting super close to you and the guy you’re chatting with and saying something like ‘am i interrupting something?’, or even worse — giving you the silent treatment. and if at first you don’t really understand why he’s being like this, you’re quick to get the few hints left behind him. when you ask him if he’s jealous, he’d definitely try to play it cool and deny it at first, but would eventually give up when you kiss the tip of his nose while reminding him he’s the only one you love in this entire world.
⪧ niragi suguru,
niragi doesn’t know how to use his words so he’d most likely go full beast mode and start punching the poor dude without trying to understand what’s going on. it’s not that he doesn’t trust you, but his fear of not being good enough will always taunt him — the inferiority complex he’s faced while getting bullied so harshly in the real world never left him, and he can’t control the hatred and anger rushing through his veins anytime he feels threatened by an other man. it would take a huge amount of time (and we’re talking about hours here) for him to realize it was just a misunderstanding, but you’ll have to go through so many emotions from fear to pain to relief when he finally realizes you're all his.
⪧ ryohei arisu,
arisu is a clueless dude so he wouldn’t even get jealous in the first place — you’re chatting with a guy? good for you, socializing is important, just as much as keeping your personal space. but if the guy starts to be a little bit clingy, he’d definitely step in and gently ask you if he can talk to you; don’t get him wrong it’s his only way out and he won’t even talk about that dude’s behavior to you anyway, but he definitely can’t stand that situation anymore. arisu isn’t an overly protective lover at all and gives you all the freedom you could dream of, but it ends when a guy he doesn’t even know starts touching you like he's been knowing you for years.
⪧ sunato banda,
banda wouldn’t take that shit at all. but it’s all about getting his personal revenge, so he’ll get right behind you, his hands grabbing your hips, a soft smile stretching his lips. ‘i’m borrowing this cutie from you for a while, we’ll be right back.’ he’d drag you to the nearest empty spot / room before fucking his jealousy and bitterness out of you, his fingers wrapped tightly around your throat and his eyes focused on your fucked out face. he would then send you back to the guy still waiting for you, stealing your panties and shoving it into his pocket as he watches you struggling to walk back. he can’t help but smirk at the sight of you rubbing your thighs against each other, hopelessly trying to keep his cum inside your hole and preventing it from dripping. 
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this was requested by anon; hope you like it!!
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cvpidsb0ws · 2 years
❛CONFESSIONS.❜ | alice in borderland characters
warnings: NONE I THINK!!
sypnosis: headcanons of alice in borderland characters confessing to you.
author's note: did i disappear after just one aouad imagine then appear again with an alice in borderland obsession? yes i did. 😁😁😁😁 !not proofread!
ryohei arisu
he's definitely that kind of person to hide his feelings because he's scared of rejection
so that means he's the type to not make the first move at all CONSIDERING HE'S A SHY BB!!!!!!!
arisu would probably be anxious the whole time 😭😭😭😭 like shaking, sweaty palms, stuttering, uncontrollable laughter, etc
he would try his best to cook all of your favorite foods even though he sucks at cooking💪💪
he would buy a bouquet of your favorite flowers!!!!!!!!
he's the type to prepare cue cards because he know he would fumble while he confesses
yuzuha usagi
she's someone who has always been fearless, bold, and etc🙀🙀🙀 SO WHEN SHE STARTS TO HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU, OFC SHE FEELS CONFLICTED OR CONFUSED
probably because she's strong and you making her flustered meant her downfall😁😁
she wasn't complaining though
if she liked you, then she liked you :)))
doubts that chased her every time she went for a run or climbed a mountain‼️‼️‼️
she won't even realize that you have already lied your head against her shoulder
shuntaro chishiya
chishiya is chishiya. self explanatory. <3
he will not want to accept the fact that he fell for someone since he has the master manipulator factors and all💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
but you were an exception ;)))
he would practically go from being a logical person to a carefree one for you LIKE HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THINGS WHEN HE'S WITH YOU BECAUSE YOU MAKE HIM FORGET THINGS WORTH WORRYING (and as much as he hates to admit you make him happy)
he would act cold, tease you 25/8 just to cover up the fact he has feelings for you
he knew you were clever enough to solve them :)
he would stand there waiting while he was wearing a suit that made him itch (BUT HE WOULD REMEMBER THE TIME YOU SAID MEN IN SUITS WERE ATTRACTIVE)
he would also have shampooed and conditioned hair for effort🙏🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥
AND A SIMPLE "i may or may not have feelings for you" WOULD HAVE SUFFICED AS HIS CONFESSION
hikari kuina
she would be too scared to be rejected by you because she didn't want to ruin your friendship
but she would still be confident on confessing #kuinathingzzzzzz
spoiler: she loses to you on purpose because she knows how much you hate losing😍😍😍😍
her being the reason for a smile on your face made her weak🙏🙏🙏🙏
she would also give u a prize for winning <333
although it frustrsted her, she knew it would make you smile
"i love you . . . like so much."
suguru niragi
admit it. suguru nigari will not catch feelings for anyone at all.
unless it's you ofc😍😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏🙏
he would also be confused about his feelings since he's niragi😆😆😆😆
he would probably drop big ass hints to wait for you to confess
"fuck it, i like you, dumbass."
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prodbyblush · 2 years
aib male characters + s/o sleeps on the couch after an argument
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・❥・ not requested
→ gn!reader
He thought giving you a few hours of space would be the best choice so you could cool your head after the heated argument. Much to ARISU's horror, he no longer found your pillow on your side of the bed along with the blanket, his pillow left all alone on the bed.
"Hey" he murmurs, standing behind you even though he knew you wouldn't face him. "I didn't mean anything I told you earlier. I'm sorry." He says.
"Shouldn't have said anything in the first place then." You replied back, removing the couch cushions and replacing it with your pillow.
"Come back to bed now, will you?" He asks, enveloping his arms around your chest, resting his chin on top of your shoulder. "I won't be able to sleep with you. Apart from that, let's talk it out while cuddling in bed, sounds good?"
"What you're doing is really ridiculous and childish." CHISHIYA begins to say, watching you create your own makeshift bed on the couch, annoyed at the fact that despite his multiple attempts to get you to sleep with him in the room, you wouldn't back down.
"Oh really?" You questioned, slipping inside the blanket before laying down, turning your back on him. "The last thing I wanted was for you to call me ridiculous and childish. So, good night!" You bid, closing your eyes afterwards. Hoping that he would leave you alone.
Though you had your eyes closed, you could hear his footsteps on the floor, walking around to turn off the lights in the living room and then slipping himself inside the blanket behind you. Wait what?
"I know you're not asleep yet." He whispers, placing an arm on top of yours, sliding down so he could hold your hand and intertwine his fingers with yours.
"I want to let you know that I'm sorry."
"Babe, she was just a co worker!"
"Didn't looked like only a co worker to me, Suguru."
NIRAGI shuddered upon hearing you address him with his first name. You would always call him any sweet endearment your pretty little head could think of, but never his first name. So upon hearing you call him that, he knew he is doomed.
"Are you going to be for real? I already promised you that I'll put a pillow between us, that I won't cross that line, nor even snore and hog the blanket!" He fires back, placing his hands on top of his hips before raising his hands up besides his head.
"Whatever. Suit yourself." He says, walking away and back into the room you both shared.
Later on that night, you had hoped that Niragi would come for you, beg for you to come back into the room and sleep with him, but he didn't. And so with a heavy heart, you slept.
But the real surprise came in the morning when you found Niragi sleeping on the floor, a pillow under his head while his arms are crossed over his chest.
"I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight. I want to be alone."
Those words that escaped your lips earlier made KARUBE shiver. Arguments rarely happened between the two of you but this one is the first - a first of raising your voices at each other while pointing fingers, putting the blame on either.
Though his mind is clouded with anger earlier, he never meant the words he threw at you. In fact, he hated himself for calling you such names. And now he's found himself laying down behind you on the couch, slipping underneath the blanket.
"I'm sorry, baby." He whisper apologizes, placing a kiss on your shoulder before wrapping his arms around you. "Never meant anything I told you."
"I know, baby." He heard you reply, placing your hands on top of his.
"Let's go to sleep now, yeah? It's cold out here so I'll make sure you're warm."
TAGS: @aikerx @retrospacealien @chishiya-of-diamonds @boowoomuu
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j-jinxee · 2 months
𐙚 :: Thinking about Niragi again,,
!! NSFW below the cut !!
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₊˚♱ Thinking about the way he'd fuck my face till my throats so bruised I can barely talk. The way he'd pull my hair while shoving my head down until my nose met his pelvis. The way he'd stop just for a second before shooting his seed down my throat, moaning as I swallow every last drop of the hot white fluid.
₊˚♱ Thinking about how he'd swear he just wants to 'help you' in the shower, but it quickly turns into being pinned against the wall as he nails you from behind. Hot steam surrounding you as his fingers find your clit, rubbing the little bud soooo fucking smoothly, contrasting the hard, rough sensations caused by his cock.
₊˚♱ Thinking about how he'd have a thousand different ways to punish you. Ranging from overstimulating you till you cry — to not allowing you to touch him. Some nights, you'd see the sun come up before he was done with you. Other nights, he'd make you get yourself off while he watches, then laugh when you weren't able to. 'Awh baby really needs me? Can't get off without my cock anymore huh? Well, too fucking bad'
₊˚♱ The way he'd give you your own hand gun to protect yourself, even though there's no chance of anyone ever fucking with you. Everyone knows who you're with, as if they'd try anything, but he insists you need it.
₊˚♱ The way he'd come to you after shooting someone. Angry reasoning turns into him crying in your arms from his ptsd, expressing how people just make him so angry until he snaps, even if he doesn't mean to. He doesn't want to face the consequences of things he can't control, so he cries with you, the only person who doesn't make him feel less than.
₊˚♱ Thinking about how unintentionally possessive he gets after those moments. How after you comfort him, he will not let you go. To him its just any other night, but you've picked up on his habits over time. His heart is scared to lose you, so after being vulnerable he'll hold you all night. Not wanting to let you go in fear you'll leave.
₊˚♱ Thinking about how soft he could be with you :( yes he is a sadistic maniac who could kill you at any moment, but he doesn't, and he never would. You're his only place he can be vulnerable, he'd never let anyone else see that.
Dk how I switched from hella sexual to lowk sad but I jus have so many thoughts abt this man so makes sense 🤧🤧 ALSO the way I wrote the first one in first person but then the rest in second lmfao ignore it. Anyways this was like an organised jjinx thoughts ig? Not rlly headcanons but ykyk, hope u like xx
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bts-story · 2 years
masterlist / previous chapters
Chapter three - Seven of diamonds 2
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"You have chosen truth. Please answer the following truth: what is the human brain?" 
You couldn't believe your ears. This was medicine, science. What were the chances that you would stumble upon this very question? Searching deep in your memory, you could vividly visualize your book on human anatomy that you had to review for your second year of undergraduate studies. This chapter had made a particular impression on you because despite the countless times you had read the lines, nothing would fit. 
You opened your mouth to answer, but were stopped by Niragi's hand encircling your arm. With a warning in his voice, he whispered in a low voice so that only you could hear him, "You know the answer, don't you? 
Yes. Maybe. Probably. 
You would have liked to say that this chapter had been so hard on you that it was impossible for you to forget. That you knew every sentence, and every letter of those eighteen paragraphs. That you could visualize the diagram and its legend so well that they were anchored inside your eyelids forever. 
Slowly, you nodded, whispering back. "But... it would take hours to explain what the human brain is. What... what exactly do I have to say?" 
"Come up with a fucking answer, now, babygirl," Niragi warned sternly and if you didn't know better, you could almost have sworn he was worried, "or you'll probably die. And we don't want that now, do we?"
"40 seconds remaining." 
Taking a second to get all your thoughts in place, you closed your eyes before opening them again to recite that monologue you knew by heart. "Okay, so the brain, along with the spinal cord, is the central nervous system, capable of integrating information, controlling motor skills, and performing the cognitive functions of the human body. It is made up of two hemispheres, right and left. Each cerebral hemisphere is made up of the frontal lobe, the site of reasoning, language functions, and voluntary motor coordination; the parietal lobe, the seat of awareness of the body and the surrounding space; the occipital lobe, which allows for the integration of messages; the temporal lobe, the center of hearing, memory, and emotions; the limbic lobe, which processes information concerning emotions, affects, and memory; and the insula lobe, which processes pain, smells, and taste." 
"20 seconds remaining." 
You wondered if time should stop when the correct answer was given, or if no matter what, the time limit would go to the final countdown. Niragi was looking at you hard and the other players, if they didn't mind, were speechless at the precision of your words.
"The brain is composed of billions of nerve cells, ' neurons', which form a very precise wired network. The brain also contains the cortex or gray matter: this is the most superficial part of the brain, due to the presence of the cell bodies of the neurons. It also contains the white matter, where the extensions of the neurons, called axons, are located. In the center, the basal ganglia, also called the basal ganglia, are involved in behavioral control and learning." 
"10 seconds remaining." 
"How do you know all this, are you a neurologist or something?" a woman asked, arms crossed over her chest completely unaware of the makeup that had run down her cheeks. 
"Yeah something like that..." There was nothing to comment on, and you had nothing more to say to validate your answer. You were waiting for the countdown that matched perfectly with every beat of your heart. Niragi's hand was still clutching your arm and when the voice rang out once again around that dark and cold terrace, your breath caught in your throat. 
"The time is up. The answer is," a pause, "successful." 
The pressure on your arm eased then, and Niragi finally seemed to breathe. He hadn't so much as noticed that he wasn't breathing until now, and his hand slid down your arm to your hand. When your fingers were intertwined, he gave a slight pressure before letting go of you for good. It was a very small gesture, almost unnoticeable and no one around the room would have noticed. But it was enough for you, enough to understand that he was relieved. 
After all, Niragi was not really the kind of person to show his feelings, yet to show anything that was hugs or kisses in public. Even behind private walls, he only had swear words and insults at the edges of his lips. The years spent by his side were so well trained that for you, everything was normal. It was like that, not otherwise. And you were content with that as long as he kept looking at you, as long as he kept wanting you, and you alone. 
"Niragi Suguru, truth or dare?" 
Niragi was back in his character's body, or maybe he had never really left it. He smiled a petty, wicked smile, like the ones you might see in the movies, and playing with his tongue piercing for a second, he shouted happily, "I choose dare!" 
"You have chosen dare." 
"Yeah, now let me see what you got for me, bitch." He swore low, almost excited at the thought of having to execute a mission as difficult as it was impossible. 
"Please execute the following dare: jump into the water at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius."
Niragi laughed loudly. He spun around as if to draw attention to himself, as if everyone was not already looking at him. He loved being the center of attention, and this was finally his moment of glory. In any other situation, this could almost have made you laugh, however, you weren't in the mood to celebrate. Even less so for the bullshit Niragi was up to. 
Or maybe he was just trying to catch the last few stares that were glaring at you, trying to figure out not only why you knew so much about science, but also why Niragi had held your arm like that. "Throwing myself in the water, is that all you got?" he denounced as he removed his shoes with a controlled kick. He unbuckled his belt and tugged at the legs of his jeans and as he found himself in his boxers, you could only frown. One of the girls, probably a college girl if you judged by her classic uniform, was having a great time looking at his legs, eager to see him unbutton his shirt. 
Even in a game of life and death, you were amazed that this bitch could find nothing else to do but stare at your guy. "What are you looking at, bitch?" you suddenly shouted as she whispered something in her friend's ear. These two girls were giggling like common college girls and you could feel the blood in your veins heat up. You didn't care whether or not it was important to imply that you and Niragi were a couple, but with what had just happened after your question had already cast doubt. 
Niragi looked over his shoulder as he removed one, two, three buttons and let the black and white fabric fall down his shoulders. He liked to please, it was true. No, he loved it. And seeing your rosy cheeks and furrowed brows like that while other girls stole a glance at his body, made him even more attractive. He had that look on his face as he continued to play with the piercing on his tongue that caused tingles along your fingers. 
He wasn't any more muscular than anyone else, but he had what it took where it took. He was tall and slender, he was robust and vigorous and that eternal bad boy look that never left him was always a hit with the girls. 
The two women suddenly straightened up, like two students scolded by their teacher. Their smiles faded and they completely ignored your remark. 
"30 seconds remaining." 
"Easy now, darling. You know I like it hot and slow." It wasn't true. Well, only half true. Niragi liked it hot, yes, but mostly fast and violent, he liked it hard and strong. But he was putting on a show, he wanted all eyes on him, and stepped onto the edge of the pool, turned his head in your direction, winked at you and dived into the pool. 
You couldn't imagine how cold it must have been. Without even knowing it, you could feel your own fingers freezing, and a shiver ran down your back.
Niragi was crazy to jump into the water like that, without preparing his body. He didn't have much time, but as a doctor, you knew that the risks of immersing a warm body in such cold water could cause hydrocution, a syncope, a kind of vagal malaise caused by a thermal shock. By immersing yourself in cold water without taking the time to prepare your body, your body reacts to this sudden shock by contracting the blood vessels.
This causes an increase in blood pressure, in order to maintain body temperature, which will slow down the heart and decrease the flow of blood to the brain. In other words, the shock can cause a loss of consciousness, and therefore possibly, a drowning. 
The voice did not say how long Niragi had to stay in the water, and it had been a few seconds since he had dived. He still hadn't surfaced, and anguish began to settle in the pit of your stomach. You didn't want to panic, Niragi would never forgive you for showing emotion to people who would surely want you dead. But it wasn't coming back up, and the seconds kept ticking away. 
"10 seconds remaining." 
'Pull up, fucking Niragi, pull up. Hurry up!' you were screaming in your own head, begging him to come up. But he wasn't coming up. You could see his motionless body stuck under the layer of ice he had broken while diving. But he wasn't moving, he wasn't coming back to the surface. As tears began to form at the corners of your eyes, your lips trembling and your legs close to collapsing under the weight of the misery that was about to take hold of you in a second. 
"Time's up. The mission is..." 
"Holy shit, that is cold!" Niragi suddenly exclaimed, taking a long breath of air as his head poked through the freezing water. His wet hair stuck to his forehead, and his purple lips gave you the immediate urge to grab them, warm them with your own, and hug him as tightly as you could. 
Niragi swam to the edge of the pool and, not with difficulty, pulled himself up onto the ledge. You had no towel handy for him, nothing to warm him up or anything to offer him to dry off with. But he himself didn't seem as freezing as you would have imagined, maybe it was just an act, but in any case, he shook his head from side to side to wring out his long hair and the drops of water fell in gusts down his body. His soaked underpants were explicitly modeling his penis and it didn't take much to jump in front of him and hide this sinful sight from all those girls in the room. 
Niragi picked up the things he had left behind a short time before and so with nothing to dry himself with, pulled the dry clothes over his wet body. "Don't tell me you doubted me, princess?" he whispered in your ear and his warm breath felt strangely opposite to his cold, frozen body as he pulled his shirt over his head after joining you. 
It was someone else's turn, but you couldn't hear what was being said or who was being called. All your attention was focused on Niragi. His lips were so black that you wondered how he hadn't frozen to death. His whole body was shaking and the millions of shivers that ran through his body were actually proving to you that no, Niragi was not well. He was putting on a show in front of the others, strutting around like an invincible man; but you always saw further than the facade, further than the words and his attitude.  
"You're a big sicko, you know that?" you scolded as he staggered into his jeans. You knew he would refuse your help, and what good would it do in front of all those people. This was not the time for you to provoke him, let alone go against his convictions. "You could have died of hydrocution, you idiot!" 
It was rare for Niragi to let you insult him like that, but he sensed how scared you had been and just for that, he was content to say nothing. He wrapped his arms around your waist, and whispered only, "I'm not done tormenting you, princess. Don't think you'll get rid of me that easily." 
With another wink, he slumped to the floor so he could put his socks and shoes back on. The discussion was over, you understood. Around you, a question seemed to have been answered when suddenly, "The time is up. The answer is," a pause, "unsuccessful." 
"What? No, it can't be." One of the girls from earlier, the one who had leered at Niragi without embarrassment, was now pleading not guilty to anyone who would listen. "Give me a second chance, I'll be more specific." Tears streamed down her face and her friend, a few steps away, mirrored her actions. Both young women were sobbing like common babies and suddenly you thought that maybe karma had decided to take care of her. 
If it wasn't you who would have taken care of her, the game did. Well done. 
You felt no empathy, nothing that made you feel sorry for her fate as the voice threw out, "Sukira Han, game over." 
"No, no, please, I - " And with a jolt, the mechanism around her neck activated and something exploded in the collar. Blood spurted everywhere, on the walls, the floor, even to you, who was standing at the other end of the terrace. Your shoes were stained with blood and you found yourself feeling more sorry for that nice pair of Lacoste shoes you had stolen from the store earlier than for that chick. 
The woman's lifeless body crashed to the ground with a loud thud and the blood ran down the floor to the pool which draped the water in a scarlet mixture. Now there were only six players left. Two had not yet passed and soon it was their turn. 
And the next two died, in fact. The man couldn't bring himself to slit his wrists (which in the end wouldn't have made much difference if he had) and the other woman's friend with whom you were starting to have a serious problem had failed to answer a mathematical question. 
There were only four players left, and now the second round could begin. 
Round 2. 
"Natsuki Toki, you have chosen dare." He did not, in fact, choose anything. But you deduced that no matter what you chose in the first round, you would have to choose the other one in the second. That was part of the rules, if you remembered correctly. Each player has the obligation to complete one dare and answer one truth. 
The man, still as frightened as he had been at the beginning of the game, awaited his sentence with trepidation. 
"Please execute the following dare: designates a player to jump off the balcony."
You were on the sixteenth floor. It would indeed be a deadly fall, and it would do a lot of damage. Breaking both legs would be merciful at that height. The worst could be spinal paralysis, and truth be told, that would be worse than death. 
As with every utterance of the voice, a new wave of panic swept through the place. You were the only woman, in the middle of three men. In your calculations, you would have insinuated that it would be fair to sacrifice a man to try to balance the unity of the sexes, if only it wouldn't put Niragi's life in possible danger. 
He could defend himself, you knew that very well, but there was no need to provoke futile things. 
On the other hand, and to avoid a too long debate, it would be judicious to designate a woman to jump from the top of this balcony. Because generally, and without denigrating the female gender, it was true that your stature had nothing to do with those of other men. It would be more or less easy for them to push the opposite sex over the railing.
Being paired with Niragi didn't protect you, apparently. The man kept glaring at you as he stared at Niragi to see whether or not it was wise to point you out. His risk would have been to face Niragi's unyielding rage that could descend upon him as soon as he pointed his finger at your figure. He had few other options since, in the end, it was either you or another man. He was naive to think that not naming a male player could save him. 
"You," he pointed to you finally, and you were almost disappointed in his choice. You knew that no matter what, you would never jump overboard. Even without Niragi, you knew how to defend yourself very well. You knew how to hit where it hurt, and nothing or no one would ever force you to do anything. "I choose you. Go ahead and jump now." 
A genuine, authentic laugh escaped from your gut, arms crossed over your chest as the man's face broke down. "Certainly not!" You defended yourself, and luckily for you, the other players couldn't come to the man's help or they would be disqualified. In other words, to have a game over at their game. You were far from alone in defending yourself, but just having someone to defend you was a game changer. 
"What do you mean? You don't have a choice, you're the one who has to jump!" The man insisted, incredulous at his refusal, as he stomped his foot like a toddler. 
"30 seconds remaining." 
"She's not dying for you, asshole." Niragi finally intervened, stepping forward with a menacing air. He had thrown his shoulders back, traded in his smirk for a devilish sneer, and as he began to play with his tongue piercing in an intimidating manner, he continued in his husky voice, "Fuck off, now, before I make you."
It seemed as if the man had found courage somewhere deep in his pants, for he did not move an inch. Even though he seemed to tremble under Niragi's threatening gaze, and even at the sight of the beads of sweat on his forehead, he stammered, "Well...I'm... I'm not dying either! You can jump now!" 
Niragi laughed and you yourself couldn't hold back the smile on your lips. The man didn't seem to understand that he had no choice. He couldn't force either you or Niragi to jump over the railing and you had to admit that he had some balls trying to point you out. 
"15 seconds remaining." 
And while you were apprehending to calm down the ardors of the two men, with a sentence saying to him simply to indicate somebody else because it was lost cause, Niragi launched a first blow of punch which came to crash firmly against the machoir of the man who moved back of several steps. Without waiting for the man to understand what was happening to him, or even to be able to retaliate, Niragi threw a second punch in his temple, a third and a fourth. The man fell to the ground and as Niragi took his place on his torso to land more blows, you wondered if it was reasonable to stop him. The way it was going, the player would surely be dead in a few seconds and it would have nothing to do with Niragi. So you might as well let him off the hook. He had probably accumulated several different feelings and moods since the game started, like an emotional elevator that kept going up and down the floors with unstoppable speed. You knew something about it, after all, you were going through the same thing.
The man was now covered in blood, almost unconscious as the robotic voice finally spoke. "Time is up. The mission is," but as Niragi continued to punch again and again and again, "unsuccessful." The worried looks of the other players couldn't look away from this unevenness and after a moment, you sighed. "Natsuki Toki, game over." And the collar fired. 
The blood that Niragi had on his hands had splashed all over his body. He was now covered in blood. It was in his hair, all over his shirt and pants. It was a futile effort to have tried to jump into the pool without his clothes a few moments earlier, and he would have deserved a second jump if only it would wash away all that blood. 
He looked like a mad man. Like a serial killer caught in the act. You could feel your fingertips tingle at the sight, and your insides twisted in a way that was nothing like the apprehension you had before entering the game. Niragi was gasping for breath as he came to his senses, and it was strange because all that blood made him even more attractive than usual, and that was something you never thought possible until now. 
Only five players left.
I don't know if you get where I'm going but... I'm going there yeah heheehuhheuue
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awkwardchaosposts · 11 months
Cons of dating the aib hubbies
Shuntaro Chishiya
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-he will tell you the most disturbing and gross random facts at the worst times.
"Did you know that the average"
"I'm eating!"
-wants cuddles 24/7. Especially after a long shift
-Not a big fan of PDA
"Come on,give me a hug"
"We're literally engaged!"
Sugaru Niragi
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-Violent tendencies asde,Niragi is VERY possessive due to his insecurities. Which speaking of he will need some reassurance. He still thinks he's not good enough and that can cause him to lash out.
-he's very big about PDA. Like to a point where it's a bit too much. This man would try making out with you in public
"I'm not slipping tongue in public
-After arguments he's a big baby. He won't apologize with words but he'll give you lots of hugs and kisses. Maybe even breakfast in bed
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sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
Niragi Headcanons
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Warnings: 18+, Heavy BDSM, Edging, Overstimulation, Aftercare, Ownership Kink, Marking, Biting, Petnames, Consensual Dub-Con, Consensual Abuse of Physical Strength, Knife Play, Mentions of Blood, Spit Kink, Cum Play, Rough Sex, Dominant Niragi, Submissive Reader, Profanity, No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You’, etc.
A/N: If you don't like this kind of content, please don't flag it ! It really hurts us authors and our engagement ! Instead, please consider blocking my account or changing your account viewing preferences so you aren't exposed to unwanted/NSFW content in the future :-). Here is a wonderful post which details how you can do just that <3
You’re his. Simple as.
And he makes sure to remind you - and anyone who crosses your path - on a near-daily basis.
Whenever he sees fit, he’ll just corner you and pin you down, telling you to “Calm down, Angel – you’re makin’ me hard,” – his way of warning you that whatever he has planned for you will only worsen the more you struggle.
And his bulge against your back is a very visceral promise of that.
Loves forcing your hands beside or above your head; it reminds you both of how much stronger than you he is – how weak and dependent you are compared to him.
How he owns you.
Bites your throat and shoulders, sucking marks, crafting you a necklace of bruises fashioned by him – his own branded jewels of love.
He’ll make sure they’re visible, too.
He needs to ward off other people from you by leaving his mark, his signature.
If he thinks you’re being bratty or uncooperative, he’ll go to any lengths to break you down until you submit to him entirely.
“You’re not making this any easier for yourself, Love,” he says. “Just tell me why you’re being so infuriating and I won’t bleed you this time.”
Massively into knife play.
Loves hearing you squeak and moan whenever he holds a knife to your throat or drags the blunted edge up your thighs, pressing it to your throbbing, aching core and cutting your underwear open, ravaging you.
He’s so rough when he’s in this kind of mood.
Will pound you until you bleed. Or give out and admit your feelings to him. Either will suffice; yet Niragi knows which he can draw from you first.
And his stamina and endurance are no joke.
He will outlast you in every faculty.
That’s the territory that comes with being a trained killer.
And he will remind you of that constantly.
“How does it feel–” he rasps, pants, as he pounds you from behind, the bed jutting with each thrust, “–to know you’re being fucked by a killer,”
The question is always rhetorical. He just revels in the feeling of you clenching around him when he recalls just how easily he could end you right here, right now.
But he doesn’t. And he never would.
He loves you far, far too much.
But that doesn’t stop him from being straight-up disrespectful.
Orders you to open your mouth, only for him to spit into it whenever he knows or suspects you’re being untruthful.
Also loves covering you in his cum.
His favourite thing is to cum inside you and watch it ooze from whichever holes he’s chosen to abuse that day, but something about covering you in it makes him feral.
Edges you constantly.
Uses your release as a bartering chip.
“Tell me why you’re being such a brat and I’ll let you cum.”
It’s a trap. Your honesty is punished, too.
Once he tears a satisfactory answer from you, he’ll let you - make you - cum.
And as your orgasm is still rolling through you, he’ll keep going. And going. And going.
At first you could assume it’s his bid to fulfill his own needs, but even after he finishes inside you and he simply doesn’t relent, realisation dawns on you.
Your insides are aching, pleading for a moment’s respite. But Niragi doesn’t stop, battering your hole and keeping it stretched over his bulging cock.
There comes a point where you’re banging your fists against his chest, begging him to stop because you’re so sensitive and it hurts, but he ignores you.
“If I were to let up that easily, I wouldn’t get to have any fun. Quite unfair after I let you cum, isn’t it?”
Looks into your eyes as he does it, too.
Will tie you up if he finds your cries and flails to be too bothersome.
Binds you to the bedposts so there’s nothing you can do but watch and feel as he slams into you at such a harsh, killing rhythm that has you thinking whatever’s leaking out of you right now is blood.
Very much into BDSM.
Will use his strength to bend you into whatever shape your body will allow and bind your limbs together, making it entirely impossible for you to break free as he has his way with you.
“You’re mine,” he’d say, grinding the shape of his cock into your walls; and all the while you’re moaning, crying, tears streaming down your face as euphoria tightens in your centre. “Nobody else can have you - please you - the way I can.”
Big fan of punishment, btw.
There are times where he puts you in a cage and just cums on you, making you stay there until his semen is crusting on your skin, makeshift scales on the creature he has reduced you to.
Also gets a kick out of spanking you, either with a belt or his hand.
When he’s feeling particularly cruel, he makes you count them until you reach the limit he has set for you.
And Heaven forbid you lose count, or you both start all over again.
Niragi likes to make sure that every time you try to sit down, you remember him – what he did to you.
When all is said and done, even when you’re used and stuffed and Niragi is milked dry, he is always up for more.
If you insist you can “go another round,” he’ll push you back down onto the bed.
“Oh, is that so, Sweetheart?” he says, looking down at you with mischief. “I might just break you if we go again.”
He’s joking, ofc.
When you're actually spent for the night, he just collapses next to you and looks upon you as if you are god, eyes dark and round.
Though he'd attribute that longing look in his eye to you being too emotional or clutching at straws - simply projecting that which you wanted to see.
Though, he will admit (only to himself), that it does feel nice to be so seen on occasion, but only by you.
Secretly loves to snuggle. All the time.
And he holds you as you’re drifting off to sleep, keeping you flush against his chest, wondering how he got so lucky to have met you.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously :-) Masterlist
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mylovelybutler-786 · 10 months
Could I request for Alice in borderland with these characters: Banda, Chishiya, Niragi, Oki yaba and kyuma
How would they be with a boyfriend/husband that acts like dazai osamu?
Also could this take place in their "last" games?
Chishiya, Banda and Aki Yaba in Jack of hearts
Niragi and Kyuma in the king of clubs game (let's pretend there was 6 players on each team instead of 5, also let's pretend when you write kyumas that his team won instead of arisus🥰)
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- Alice in borderland w/ S/o who acts like Dazai Osamu
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: {𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚, 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚, 𝐀𝐤𝐢, 𝐊𝐲𝐮𝐦𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐢 𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫} (𝐍𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡) 𝐂𝐖: 𝐌𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐒𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝
• Honestly to him it was a 50/50 feeling about you joining the game with him, the poor man was gonna have a heart attack if the game was a single winner game but luckily for him it wasn’t!!! So now he feels a lot more relief, especially since he’s got you as his partner.
• Chishiya sat you down like disobedient dog cause he knew you’d mess around in some way, he knows you to well. It was quite frightening to the other players on how quickly your attitude changed after Chishiya’s lecture. He doesn’t want to worry about you picking the wrong answer on purpose.
• Chishiya knows your super irresponsible but your also very smart so Chishiya trust you, but not with yourself. He immediately side-eyes you the moment you make a suicide joke, and tells you to take this seriously. You immediately tell him he’s a kill joy which has him staring at you strangely.
• Most of the game was just the two of you watching the other players and trying to investigate who the Jack player was, along with watching others die in the game. Though an hour into the game you already had your suspicions about who the Jack player was, which Chishiya decided to listen to since it was something he trusted you with.
• The two of you are mostly seen at the cafeteria table eating cookies together and talking with each other, while the two of you where offered to join this pretty lady’s group the both of you where quick to deny it. Why rely on others when you two have each other?
• When staying overnight in the game, you definitely had Chishiya cuddling in the same bed as you, he was quite defensive about it but after your annoying pleads he let you cuddle your face into his back while the both of you slept. It’s been a while since you two have gotten to sleep so comfortably, especially since no one could get out of their way to kill you.
• Once the game ended you two walked out hand in hand like a regular couple would, letting the last two players torment the Jack player till he died, a satisfied grin appeared on your face watching the airship explode in the sky, Chishiya definitely gave you a concerned stare before shrugging and holding your hand tighter as you two continued onto your next game. ____________
• You and Banda were the last players to enter together, though most of the players already assumed you two were close since you walked in with each other with hands together. 
• When a random dude wanted to join the two of you, the both of you gave each other a look before allowing him to join you. Banda has to keep an eye out on the guy who so boldly tried crowding you two!
• Banda doesn’t really care how you behave in the game at all, You could be silly and goofy or just act cold and sadistic it doesn’t affect him since he’s not worried about you two dying. 
• After Banda found out that Yaba and Momoka were fucking in the prison cell he probably asked you if you wanted to do the same after naming your suit shape for that round. Yaba and Momoka weren’t the only players annoying other players and having fun that night. 
• Banda has his arm around your waist 24/7 throughout the game, He isn’t ashamed about P.D.A. but he also doesn’t want to be taken lightly by other players, he’s gotten at least three people to betray their partners.
• During the nights you two slept the most comfortably, the two of you have your arms wrapped around each other in a death grip, refusing to let the other go. You unfortunately end up falling off the bed even though you guys are gripping onto each other for dear life 
• At the end of the game, it turned out to be Enji who was the Jack in the game! While some other player left, Banda and Aki decided to have some fun trying to get information out about the boy, two bad for both of you he didn’t last very long. 
• He found it a bit irritating how you weren’t taking the game seriously, hell you weren’t even listening to the rules at all! He probably criticizes you for it and tells you to pay better attention or you’ll end up dying if you continue to play games like that. I mean he isn’t gonna be in every game you play, so how are you gonna survive the other ones if you don't pay attention?
• Aki has a firm grip on you 24/7 throughout the entire game, like a dog on a leash. You expect your fate though because your hubby was hot as hell looking upset with you, after all your favorite hobby was to annoy the living hell out of him.
• You’ve probably made a suicidal joke in front of other players, making it sound like a goal/ dream of yours to happen. All the other players think of you as insane and avoid you at every chance they get. Aki said he was embarrassed by you, yet still followed you around the game area like a guard dog.
• The two of you are surprisingly always found together in the kitchen, mostly because of you. You tend to take a whole basket of snacks with you around the place to eat during the entire game, too bad none of the other players seemed to have a huge appetite.
• Aki does NOT welcome other players to join your group, if anyone asks they’d probably get flipped off but if any of them ask if you could read their suit Aki intentionally gives them the wrong answer. You find it a bit mean but Aki just tells you it’s for your own sake and brushes it off.
• Sleeping together at night is one of the most fun times in your opinion! You got your hubby to agree to let you sleep on top of him, which got you face first into his chest and his arms wrapping around you to keep you from falling. Before Aki could go to sleep you blurted out who you thought the Jack was before going back to sleep and Aki stayed awake the whole night figuring out why that answer made so much sense. Why are you so smart yet so fucking stupid!?!? 
• At the end of the game when it turned out that Enji was the Jack player, you had the most cheeky grin and poked Aki with a bunch of ‘I told you so’ Aki wasn’t very pleased about it but what the hell. You stayed at the game area with him until he had fun torturing Enji till he gave up and died. Aki said he was no fun, barely slipping out any information about the Borderland world which you giggled about!
• You and the entire band were just standing there while Kyuma was trying to set up the rules on your guy's new game, with all of you voting, bickering, and suggesting ideas till you all settled on the game rules and let the games begin.
• Since you guys were part of the game-making rules you just had to beat other players playing your game, you weren’t complaining one bit, especially when Kyuma decided to go nude during the entire game! A+ view for you to be honest, definitely made sexual comments to Kyuma which made him laugh or stare at you amused while your other teammates were gagging.
• When the first players joined you were more than thrilled to see them, honestly you had a 50/50 chance of winning and that had your blood pumping after staying in this world. The other 6 contestants were super serious about it which had you amused a bit, also seeing another ’couple’ in the game! To bad it was your team or theirs!
• After being broken into your teams, the 6 of you split your points evenly, You and Uta were assigned to guard your bases together while the other four men were going around grabbing points for your team. There wasn’t much for you and Uta to do other then say random shit to each other.
• You and Uta looked at each other worried at the fact the other team was leading in by 5000 points, that’s where all 6 of you had a small meeting where they all agreed to risk their lives to touch the base pole, While you were the first to quickly volunteer you were also the first one to be shut down by Kyuma who disagreed, saying it was yours and Uta job to protect the base.
• After the whole base situation three of your members came in with 10,000 points! So the 6 of you decide to go into pairs of 2, agreeing to go find items and other players to gain points since they probably wouldn’t have the guts to go to your base. Which was right! Good for you cause the rest of the game was you getting to hold Kyuma's hand and find items together like a lovely couple!
• The moment your team was 30,000 points ahead for the other players you all just hung out at the base, with you all standing around bored. However, after 20 minutes, you convinced Kyuma to lie down with you on the floor, just waiting for the next hour for the game to finish off.
• When 10 minutes of the game were remaining, you and Kyuma decided to go walking around the harbor until you two were met by the large ocean and the beautiful sunlight hitting it. While you sat down on the edge of the harbor, you gushed to Kyuma about how pretty the ocean was and how beautiful it would be to commit suicide here. Kyuma was quick to place his hand over your head and smack it down, telling you not to say such things before you two heard footsteps from behind you.
• The two of you watched Arius bow his head to Kyuma, thanking him for the game and his kind words earlier, that he couldn’t stop thinking about it. The boy kept on ranting till there was a minute left in the game before asking for one last handshake him Kyuma. You told Kyuma to hold your hand while he gave the opponent one last handshake, it was obvious Aruis lost five hundred points but only looked at with a smile before thanking Kyuma one last time and dying as the time ran out.
• Kyuma looked at the dead body upset, saying that guy was good opponent. You let out a small laugh at Kyuma's comment before kissing his hand and squeezing it tightly as the game officially finished
“You did a good job anyways Kyuma, I plan on living as long as you do well, alright?”
(PM Dazai used for Niragi part)
• You and Niragi were both the very first people to enter the King of Clubs game, wrapping the device around your wrist so confidently. The both of you didn’t seem to fear death one bit! One didn’t care and was willing to risk everything, while the other was a Suicidal manic who desired death themselves.
• Arisu and his friends were not amused to see the both of you standing there waiting for the game to start, yet all unhappily joined the game to hopefully get back home. Too bad for them you guys didn’t care much about that, of course getting back home would be important, but not as fun as enjoying a game.
• Niragi scowled down at the ass-naked man named Kyuma explaining the rules to the six of you, he especially didn’t like the way he touched you to explain the rule system. He was barking like a dog at Kyuma which you gladly made fun of him for.
• Arisu said that it would be uneven to just have one person gaurd the base so he had Kodai and Usaig gaurding. You and Niragi obviously teamed up together, going through multiple creates and tagging other players through your searches. When the two of you came back to the base, you both were a bit surprised that your teammates were less hostile to you.
• After the other teams pulled the stunt with your guy's base. You groaned at the inconveniencing position the other team left you all. Niragi wasn’t happy about it either, he was quick to make fun of Kodai for failing to keep the base safe while your teammates told him to leave Kodai alone.
• After like an hour of searching and your team’s failed attempt to get all your points back to win back from the other team (or at least have the same advantage) you and Niragi wandered and mopped around for a while, it didn’t help that Niragi started coughing up blood now. You had to hand him your coat to use as a napkin which you weren’t very happy about.
• Once there was an hour left into the game and your team still wasn’t gaining any points, Niragi just said ‘Fuck it’ and started pulling on your shirt, telling you to have sex with him one last time before the both of you die didn’t in this stupid game. Niragi didn’t care if you wanted to open up a create to do it or just fuck on the floor but you better decide quickly cause this man is already trying to take his pants off along with your shirt.
• The two of you were just lying against each other after your session, quietly glancing at the timer that said 5 minutes left and your team still has no advantage. Surprisingly Niragi had his arms wrapped around you very tightly as he kissed your forehead a few times and mumbled out some ‘love you’s here and there while you wait for the timer to hit zero. Suddenly an announcement was made about your team gaining 500 more points and getting a higher score an the opponent's team.
• The two of you stared at the screen with wide eyes, and both of you said ‘Holy shit’ in unison before you two slowly looked at each other in disbelief. That was the first time in a while Niragi threw his hands around you, pulling you into a death hug, before immediately stopping. You made sure to make fun of him when you two were walking out of the game arena. He really loves hates you.
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♠️ Being found in the Borderlands all by your own. ♠️
Summary: You have already been in the Borderlands for a few days and are familiar with the essential components. After a game, you've lost everyone you had a good bond with. You are the only one who was able to survive. Physically and mentally injured, you sit on the side of the road in the middle of the destroyed and desolate Shibuya district. Ready to drop everything - ready to give up - you'll be found by new players who may or may not have the willingness to help you back up when you've fallen so far.
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Characters: Arisu, Chishiya & Niragi.
POV: gn!reader
Warnings: Threats, Weapon (Gun)
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A r i s u
The sight of you reminds him a little of himself. He knows the look on your face when you stare in the middle of the void and don't make any effort to move from the spot, even though you know exactly how dangerous it is to just stay in one place and do nothing. When Arisu finds you, he immediately knows what's going on inside you, which is why he's already determined to help you in some way. The problem is that he doesn't know how to help you, considering he doesn't even know how to help himself.
And yet he dares to come to you after a moment's hesitation. Slowly, so you don't think he's trying to hurt you, but… even that wouldn't matter to you at that moment.
At least you don't even dare to look at him. You could say that your self-protection mechanism has left you completely. You're not afraid. No grief. Just… well, what do you feel? Nothing. Actually, it's just an oppressive void.
"I like to be part of someone else's suffering."
With these words, Arisu manages to draw your attention to him. He may get a confused, almost bewildered look from you, but it's worth it to him right now.
"All right, you don't have to say anything. Let's just… let's just sit here together for a little while and look into the distance. And if you need someone to talk to, then ... I'll be here."
What a strange guy, you think.
Still ... it's quite nice gesture, of course.
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C h i s h i y a
Just on the way to the next game, Chishiya meets you. He actually had better things to do than take care of you, which is why he didn't want to pay attention to you at all, but he finds it strange that you don't respond to anything.
He's just a few feet in front of you and you're looking right at him. His gaze is focused on you, you don't react. He speaks to you with a "Hard Game Finished?" but you sit silently on your spot and don't even make the slightest attempt to give him an answer. Nonsense. Apparently, you didn't even hear him. What if he waves? You're still not moving.
That eventually makes him come over to you, just to see if you're at least reacting to it. It's sad to say nothing's happening here either. Only when he squats in front of you and looks straight into your eyes, do you at least give the reaction of you to move your eyes so that you don't look straight into his. Eye contact has never been your strength.
"Pale. Slight tremor. Indifference."
He doesn't care if you listen to him at all, but the fact is, he's going to have to give up the upcoming game after all.
"A slight shock, it looks like."
Without thinking about it, he sits down on the stony, cold floor, inspecting the wound in your face while keeping a healthy distance from you.
"I can stitch the wound when you come back to reality."
Why is he even telling you this? He'll have to start smiling about it himself. There won't be any feedback from you either way.
"It's okay", he says, "I have time."
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N i r a g i
Most people who know him know how impulsive and violent Niragi can be, but as far as you're concerned, you have absolutely no clue. You didn't even mean for him to trip over your legs. You just sit on the floor and try to deal with the straightforward experience somehow. Forget the pictures of your comrades being brutally murdered. But now you are being prevented from doing so by being all the time riddled with a psycho, one might say, whom you have never even seen before in your life.
Normally, you'd apologize for what happened. I don't care if it was really your fault or not. As long as they leave you alone and go back on their way. And if there weren't any excuses, you'd at least take your legs and just walk away to get out of the situation.
Today, however, it is different. You let the curse and the provocation come upon you. Insults pass you by and don't interest you in the slightest. This, however, makes everything feel even worse. Don't you always say you shouldn't get involved with people like that? That you should just ignore them because then they'd stop harassing you? After all, it should be boring to just give monologues at some point, right? Not with Niragi, who will eventually point his gun at you, threatening to kill you if you continue to ignore him.
"Do it," you whisper softly to yourself, which is more than just serious. "Kill me," you continue, "there's nothing keeping me here any more…"
That's where you finally turn to the unknown, whom you have taken out of concept with these words.
He lowers his gun slowly and only looks at you with irritation. Did you really just say that? Did you really just give him permission to kill you with his own hands? To shoot you down?
Even him makes this speechless.
"Looks like someone's already done with their life."
Without saying anything else, he looks down at you in disgust, holding the gun loosely with both of his hands again, before only a bored "Hm" comes over him.
"Freak", he says, leaving you alone from now on.
Luck in unhappiness, you think ...
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