#Niobe + Nebula's notes
Aether Notes, from The Clan of The Stars
~Author(s): Niobe (myself), assisted by my good friend/star sister, Nebula -Page 1-
We have recently assimilated new dragons into our clan, as many have recently. An old Arcane spacecraft crashed down onto Sornieth, turns out that Nebula and I’s lovely star father tossed ALL of a species known as “Aethers” into space. They are paper eaters, and apparently had eaten the only instructions given to him by our father. Which were on paper. Paper that he surely must have known they would eat. Sometimes I wonder if I’m really blessed at all to share power with our deity. (Nebula speaking..er..writing whilst my sister is eating a snack, we are indeed blessed, Niobe is still getting over her whole self-crisis thing she had a year ago. Arcanist, if you are peering down as I scribble this, I apologize for my sister.) I will speak with Nebula later. Anyways, as I was saying, these spacebound dragons have finally returned to our grand home. The current population upon the ship is comprised of dragons who have never even touched the grass beneath their claws before. They’ve also never eaten a properly home-cooked meal like the ones our lovely leader’s family prepares each day. They were dazed and all very nervous as many of us in the Arcane Flight rushed to their aid. I personally was viewing the “shooting star” close up when it suddenly veered into the earth nearby. I requested Amethyst find Sunfire so that we could also provide first aid to any injured in the crash An interesting sight for sure, parents holding their mysterious six-legged fluffballs close to their chests as they were escorted to safe and dry land, young Aethers chittered and shouted excitedly as they pointed and stared at all of the dragons and flora surrounding them. Their very first time seeing Sornieth from a ground-level view. Many clans have offered to take Aether families in until they figure out what they want to do, and as always, Amethyst was happy to help out a poor dragon returning to or joining us here. As she’d done with our Obelisks, our Abberations, and the three newly christened clan members: all Undertides. The Undertides have only recently joined us, so it’s certainly jarring to have yet another new (technically ancient) species joining us. But I have to admit, I’m excited to see what these new friends have in store for us. Welcome to the clan, Skychaser and Starseeker, we are incredibly excited to bring you home.  (Nebula again! SO excited!! They’re so chattery and psyched about literally everything, just like I was!) ... My sister is still chattery and psyched about everything on Sornieth. Even if it isn’t new to her anymore.
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