#Nintendo Fic
dragonitepaw · 2 months
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So in the midst of artfight/irl stuff I havent had time to colour in any metadad related pieces for today - BUT I have been doing some writing (with little images to go alongside it as always hehe) so i offer that for todays metadad monday <3
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luvzshy · 6 days
Omggg could u do reader and Billie have been trying for a baby and then reader reveals she’s pregnant in a super cute way
oki so i tried my best, i like this sm, enjoy bb! 💕✨
After All This Time
It’s a routine you’ve gone through more times than you’d like to count. All the careful tracking, the hopeful planning, the tears, and the disappointment. Each time before, that small window has delivered the same heart-sinking news. And each time, Billie has been there to pick up the pieces with her steady reassurance, her gentle optimism. “We’ll get there,” she always says. “It’ll happen.”
But after months of trying, that optimism has felt harder to cling to.
Now, you sit here alone, Billie still out running errands, the seconds feeling like hours as you wait for the result you’ve come to dread. You tell yourself it’s just another test, like all the others. You’re bracing for the worst, preparing to feel the familiar weight of disappointment pressing down on your chest.
Finally, the time comes. You stand, heart pounding in your ears as you inch closer to the sink, your breath catching in your throat. The little stick sits there, face down, as if it too is waiting with bated breath.
You flip it over.
Two lines.
Your hand flies to your mouth, covering a gasp as your eyes widen in disbelief. For a moment, you’re frozen. Staring. The world seems to shift around you as your mind struggles to catch up with what you’re seeing.
Two lines.
A sob breaks free from your chest before you can stop it. Your knees buckle as you sink to the floor, the little stick still clutched tightly in your hand. You’re crying, but this time it’s not from disappointment. It’s joy. It’s relief. It’s the overwhelming realization that after all the heartache, all the times you had to hold Billie in your arms and promise her that everything would be okay, it’s finally happened.
“I’m pregnant,” you whisper to the empty room, as if saying it aloud will make it more real. The words feel foreign, like they belong to someone else, but they’re yours. After all this time, they’re finally yours.
You let the tears flow freely, your heart swelling with a kind of happiness you haven’t felt in so long. It’s been a journey—a painful one. There were moments when you doubted this day would come, when you questioned your body, your worth, your ability to give both yourself and Billie the family you’ve both dreamed of. But now, all of that fades away. The struggle, the sleepless nights, the disappointment—it was worth it for this moment.
You sit on the floor, hugging your knees to your chest, your mind racing with thoughts of the future. You think of Billie—her smile, the way her eyes light up when she talks about having a family with you, the countless times she’s held you close after another negative test. The image of her face when she finds out you’re pregnant fills your mind, and it makes your chest tighten with emotion. You can’t wait to see the joy, the tears, the disbelief.
You have to tell her. But it has to be special. She deserves that after everything.
You wipe your eyes and carefully place the pregnancy test on the counter before standing, legs a little shaky beneath you. You make your way to the bedroom, mind swirling with ideas. The small baby shoes you bought months ago, back when you were still hopeful, are tucked away in a drawer. You pull them out now, holding them in your hands with a sense of awe.
This is real.
You jot down a small note, trying to keep your hands steady: For the three of us. It’s simple, but you know it’ll say everything. You tuck the shoes and the note into a small gift box, heart pounding with excitement.
A few hours later, Billie walks through the door, her usual warmth filling the room as she spots you in the kitchen. “Hey, babe,” she says, dropping her bags by the door. “You’re glowing today. What’s up?”
You smile, trying to keep your emotions in check. “I have something for you,” you say, nodding toward the small box on the counter.
She looks at you curiously, walking over to it. “What’s this? A gift?”
“Something like that,” you murmur, holding your breath.
Billie opens the box, her fingers brushing aside the tissue paper until she reveals the tiny shoes and the note. You watch as confusion crosses her face, then slowly transforms into realization. She looks up at you, her mouth opening slightly, eyes wide and glassy.
“Wait… are you…?” her voice breaks, already trembling with emotion.
You nod, tears welling up again. “I’m pregnant.”
For a moment, she just stares at you, her hand trembling as it covers her mouth. Then, in a blink, she’s rushing toward you, her arms wrapping around you in the tightest embrace you’ve ever felt. She’s sobbing now, her tears mingling with your own as she presses her face into your neck.
“I can’t believe it,” she whispers through her tears. “I can’t believe it. After everything…”
You pull back slightly, cupping her face, your thumbs wiping away her tears. “I know. We did it.”
Her eyes flicker down to your stomach, and she reaches out tentatively, placing her hand gently over the small life growing inside you. “You’re really pregnant,” she whispers, awe lacing her voice. “You’re carrying our baby.”
You nod, your heart overflowing with love for her, for the journey that led you here, and for the life that’s now growing within you. “We’re going to be moms, Billie.”
She smiles through her tears, and it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. “I love you so much,” she whispers, pulling you close again. “I can’t believe we’re finally here.”
And in that moment, standing there in her arms, you realize that this—this love, this journey, this moment—is everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
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bowserphobia · 2 months
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self indulgent character lineup/timeline thing ive been working on
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onthearrow · 10 months
I'm not heartbroken I'm fine
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surshica · 2 years
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ONE — rocket science
borders will indicate when it’s time to read the written portion!! + please excuse anything grammatically incorrect and any typos !!
masterlist <3
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frustrated groans escaped yn’s lips throwing herself off her bed to get ready for the day. the sounds of mira making some honey miso pork onigri. yn put on her school uniform occasionally looking back at her phone hoping her professor would post a ‘jk’. and to her dismay she had to face the truth that she had a test today.
after finishing up she grabbed her bag and earbuds leaving her room to say morning to mira, apon entering the kitchen living room area the scent of honey miso pork filled it. soft growls escaped yn’s stomach, mira turned around letting a chuckle escape her lips handing yn a plastic bag with two onigiris inside.
“make sure to eat,” mira sternes, “based off how you look ; you didn’t study for a test today.” mira looked her in the eyes causing yn to quickly look away to the fridge forming her lips into a thin line. “i was going to study but i just…simply uh got busy”, “you know that..it happens to the best of us.” yn made her way to the fridge to grab herself a ito green tea.
mira sighed going to wash her hands. mira looked over her shoulder to see yn putting the green tea bottle in her bag. “whatever you say yn..”. yn grabbed her bag and rushed to the door before mira could scold her more, “i’ll be in the library!” yn exclaimed before rushing out to the library. she knew she was fucked but would she want to admit it? certainly not. she wasn’t too confident but still had some sort of confidence in her.
as yn entered the library she looked for an open table in the corner, luckily there was one. she grabbed a chair quickly sitting herself down on it. she put her bag on the chair next to her grabbing her notebook, tablet, onigiri, and tea. she propped everything up to her liking; she grabbed her phone plugging in her headphones putting on some LeeHi.
yn put her text book on her tablet reading the section they were studying from before looking at her notes trying to memorize them. a back n forth that happened for the next hour and half. munching quietly on her onigiri she heard a faint sound in the distance not bothering to look up till it started to get louder and louder and louder.
annoyed she looked up to see a smirking chishiya, an annoyed huff rolled off her lips “what do you want chishiya.” she propped her elbow on the table resting her head on her hand boring into chishiya’s cheshire liked eyes. “well i came into the library to check out another book to read but look what we have here,” the smirk grew wider on his lips. “are you just that unconfident that you can actually beat me?” he chuckled softly.
“i thought you would beat me but by the looks of it, it’s no more than just unconfident but rather stupid.” he crossed his arms around his chest; his earphones dangled from the pocket of his hoodie. yn sharply inhaled not giving him a soild answer just a stare. yn didn’t want to give him the satisfaction he hoped to get out of her. she rolled her eyes before looking back at her tablet, “don’t you have something better to do? or is being an arrogant cocky jerk your whole personalit?” yn hummed taking a sip of her tea.
chishiya formed his lips in a thin lin letting out a soft surpassed airy chuckle. “what we are learning right now is my specialty, so i suggest you actually learn something.” “i mean it doesn’t take rocket science for people to know you won’t be winning this battle.” yn huffed loudly before packing up her belongings, she walked closer to chishiya. “that doesn’t mean it’s impossible, watch me. i may not beat you but i’m still confident.” she brushed harshly on his shoulder walking away and heading to the classroom to mental prep herself.
chishiya put his hand on his shoulder turning around to see yn gone, lips still formed in a thin line. he shrugged to himself heading to the romance section to find any good books to read when he is in his room. after he found one he walked to his classroom eating a bag of cookies.
yn ended up finishing her test after chishiya, she was confident but not confident to pass chishiya. ruffling hee own hair she put in her headphones listening to some DPR IAN. the teacher was handing back the papers and she inhaled sharply when she got hers. ‘98%’ she huffed and banged hee head against the table. chishiya walked over to her table throwing his paper ontop of hers to show a ‘100%’. oh how much she wanted to wipe his cocky smirk off his face.
“maybe next time princess.” he grabbed his paper folding it up and putting it in his bag leaving before yn could say anything. she clicked her heels to the ground multiple times before stuffing the paper in her bag meeting up with kuina to go to the mall. worst of it all, she chipped a nail. ﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
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tags !!
@crinklypink @flrtsbin @4pparecium
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gethoce · 1 year
dragato getting mad at cheese. that is all
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Cheese! For everyone Sir Galahad!
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skulls-soul · 8 months
Guuuuuys imagine with me
We got classic sick fics in where one character is sick and the other has to take care of them on both sides I’ve seen fics where luigi is sick and one’s where Bowser is
But what if
✨their both sick✨
Just imagine Bowser Looking at Luigi asking him where he’s going and Luigi turns to him with a sad kicked Puppy look on his face saying that he’s “going back to the bathroom” Bowser comments on how that’s the third time he went to the bathroom in the past hour, and Luigi responds saying he can’t help it His tummy hurts and he feels nauseous.
So Bowser sluggishly gets off of bed and he’s like I’ll come with you and give you company and Lou’s like “no babe You don’t have to do that I’m fine” and bowser is just like “you’re shivering like a leaf you’re not ok” and luigi responds with “what about you? You are as pale as a ghost, and I would know!”
Like give me Bowser talking about how his body is so heavy and how he feels like he’s gained 1000 pounds and when he tries to eat he can’t stop shaking so Luigi feeds him instead and Bowser’s like “no you should focus on eating not feeding me” only for Weegee to shush him.
Give me Bowser and Luigi clinging onto each other for body warmth
Give me kamek coming in to give them medicine only for both of them to grown because that shit taste nasty
Give me Bowser trying to kiss Luigi only for Luigi to try and push them off because “my mouth taste bad and your covered in snot”
 Both of them go to take a shower to clean off the sickness so that way they could give each other Smoochies without fear (or disgust)
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crabcantwrite · 6 months
Jealousy, jealousy
Words: 875
Fandom: MarioLore
Ships: Bowser/reader
Warnings: Jealousy, fighting, possessiveness, injury, arguing, male reader
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You were talking to one of the visiting nobles when Bowser walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He glared at the noble you were talking to.
“Bowser!” You exclaimed, “Hey, babe.”
Bowser grunted and leaned his heavy head on your shoulder, pressing his cheek against yours. His eyes flashed angrily at the noble. You chuckled and looked back at the noble. “This is my boyfriend, Bowser.”
“Your boyfriend?!” The noble repeated. “That brute?"
He looked Bowser up and down. Bowser growled, his grip on you tightening. You patted Bowser’s hand in an attempt to keep him calm. “Don’t call him that.”
Bowser clenched his teeth, rolling his eyes. He sighed. “Fuck off”
“Bowser!” You scolded, shooting the noble an apologetic look. Your boyfriend huffed and leaned away from you, crossing his arms. You turned back to the noble “I’m sorry about him.”
“I’m sure you won’t be with him for long." The noble scoffed.
Bowser narrowed his eyes, growling low in his throat. “Watch it..”
“You could do so much better than that brute." The noble sneered, winking at you, “Nobody wants to date a monster like him.”
Bowser grabbed you, sneering back at the man. He wrapped his arms around your torso, pulling you against him. You squeaked “Bowser!!”
“Shut up” Bowser growled at the man. His grip on you tightened as he stepped forward towards the noble. You tugged on his arm in a fruitless attempt to stop him.
“You have no idea how much pain you’d be in if my boyfriend wasn’t here...” His voice was dangerously low. “Do you understand me?”
The noble rolled his eyes and looked down at you. “How can you stand him? You’d be much better off with me, sweetheart.”
Before you could respond, Bowser had punched the noble. There was the horrible sound of bones breaking as you flinched away from the sight. Bowser snarled at the noble, who was clutching his now-broken nose.
“Get away from him." Bowser growled, glaring at the noble, “You disgust me.”
The noble glared at Bowser. “I could say the same for you.."
“What did you just say?” You hissed, “Don’t talk about my boyfriend like that!��
The noble rolled his eyes again. “It’s only a matter of time before he takes his anger out on you."
Bowser grabbed you, wrapping his arm around your waist, and pulled you away from the noble. He dragged you out of the ballroom and into the large garden.
“Bowser!” You exclaimed, squirming in his grip, “What the hell!?”
He led you to a gazebo in the middle of the garden. Bowser set you down on the path, releasing his grip. He sat down on the edge of the fountain, resting his head in his hands.
You watched him, worrying your bottom lip. It wasn’t uncommon for him to lash out like this, but you never knew what to do afterwards.
“Bowser…” You said softly, standing in front of him, “Are you alright?”
Bowser let out an irritated growl, glancing over at you before staring back at the ground.
“You want to tell me what happened in there..?” You sighed
Bowser snorted and rolled his eyes, turning away from you and crossing his arms. You frowned, sitting down beside him. He looked back at you, glaring. You put your hand on his shoulder, ignoring his glare. Bowser turned around and pulled you into his arms, pressing you against him.
He pressed his face into your hair, taking slow, deliberate breaths. “He was an asshole.”
You nodded and wrapped your arms around him. “Yeah, I know.”
“I don’t want him anywhere near you." Bowser muttered, kissing your forehead. “He tried to take you from me.”
You smiled, nuzzling into him. “It's okay, babe.”
Bowser pulled away from you and frowned. He took both of your hands in his, squeezing them gently. “Promise me that no matter what happens, you will always stay with me.”
"Promise.” You squeezed his hands back. “Try not to punch anyone else.”
Bowser gave you a half-hearted laugh. “No promises; I don’t appreciate someone trying to take what’s mine.”
You snorted and rolled your eyes. “Why do I love you?”
He grinned and pulled you into a kiss. “I love you too, sweetheart.”
He wrapped his jacket around you, peppering your face with kisses. “Promise me you don’t like him.”
“I promise,” you giggled, blushing. Bowser picked you up, still covering your face with kisses. “Mine, all mine.”
You squeaked and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Bowser! Put me down!”
“Nope” He grinned at you and started to carry you back into the castle. “I’m keeping you all to myself.”
You laughed and squirmed in his grasp, to no avail. He carried you up to his room and tossed you onto the bed. You let out a small shriek “Bowser! You bastard!”
Bowser laughed and shut the door before joining you on the bed. He wrapped you in his arms and pulled you under the covers with him. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his stubble scratching your skin.
“You’re lucky I love you.” You laughed, hugging him back.
Bowser pulled away to give you a soft look. “I really am.”
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i-sailorstar-i · 2 months
My entry for @drones-of-innocence’s art challenge!
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It’s Princess Peach! I specifically thought of the last part of Chapter 4 when drawing this one, where she’s thinking about the shared dream she experienced with Mario, but I also thought about how scared and lonely she must be all the way out in space, and how worried she must be for her beloved hero…
It’s pretty simple looking now, but I do want to color this one! I was just afraid I wouldn’t make it in time for the deadline.
Please go read drones’ fanfiction and give them your support!
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naurannasmess · 1 year
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I have never seen a character so criminally underrated. Tauro is so cute! 😭
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retrogarden · 7 months
Link’s emotions in Tears of The Kingdom *Spoilers for the Dragon’s Tears quest if you have not gotten them all*
A YouTuber I was watching pointed out that Link’s face at the end of the very last dragon’s tear when he finds the truth about the light dragon and Zelda that Nintendo should’ve let him have shown more emotions or perhaps cried at the last tear instead of the same 😮 face.
I have to say that I agree!! Let the man show some emotions especially for his closest female friend or lover if you’re a Zelink shipper like me.
So, I’ll provide you with my angsty headcannon that he was going to cry but was ambushed by a sneaky Lizaflos so he had to fight it (which had happened to me) and then he went back to their house in Hateno Village (which is what I had done since I wanted to dye my outfit) and when he went to bed he cried himself to sleep looking at her pictures and sleeping in her bed thinking about the last memory.
And then he goes to sit in her little secret room reading her diary, wearing the new champion’s leathers she made for him while looking at the master sword that was previously in her head. Wondering and feeling terrible if it had hurt her when he was pulling it out since she thrashes around a bit.
He then goes to Hateno school she’d built to just sit and watch Symin teach the kids and thinks about Zelda and the one kid that always waits for her, knowing she’s never coming back. He then goes back to the Hateno house to sit by the fire and makes her favorite meal and sits for awhile. At the corner of his eye he sees something and looks to the sky to see her flying above the village and then he begins to cry.
He is absolutely fueling and completely ready to avenge Ganondorf and bring him to his demise. For now he goes and sits with her and watches the sunset as she flies over Hyrule, something they’d done before watching the beautiful sunsets together in Hateno. He lays on her, petting her mane as he cries and quietly mutters an “I’m so sorry.”
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asleep-kat · 1 year
Socially awkward Magolor has a design, so you know what that means!
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moremediocre · 4 months
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I feel like someone’s beaten me to this already, but the voices compelled me, and so it is done
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minijenn · 1 year
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Ok lemme reel it back and explain. So in the... eventual future I plan on writing a totk au fic entitled To Lose Oneself. Basic gist of the plot is if Link wasn't saved by Rauru's arm at the start, and instead, his arm is all corrupted or whatever by gloom and it just keeps on gettin worse and worse. Add that onto the rest of the game's already dramatic plot and you get: Ganondorf being a fucking bastard man, Fake Zelda being a creep, the sages being Link's concerned found family, Purah being the tired team mom, and MiniJen writing yet another fic where she slowly but surely corrupts a boy. Ya know, for fun.
Coming to an AO3 near you... sooner or later idk
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surshica · 2 years
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masterlist <3
- mention of niragi towards the middle, ooc chishiya I TRIED TO KEEP IT IN CHARACTER, & please excuse anything grammatically incorrect and any typos !!
- happy birthday anon <3 i hope you have an amazing birthday!!
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﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
Yn was a party girl, she doesn’t show it but she most definitely is a party girl. Being invited to parties gave her such an adrenaline rush she kept going to many parties in high school. But that made her lack in her studies, her parents were never one to raise their voices at her but after the grade checks. They weren’t the happiest, making her focus on her studies basically missing out on the last portions of her high school life was depressing. Thankfully she got into a university with all her friends and Mira— she can finally live her life. But even after becoming a full fledged adult; she didn’t go to parties as often wanting to be on top of her studies.
Yn even thought about not going to this party but her friends insisted on her going, they even took her dress shoppping. She just mentally sighed to herself, as much as she wanted to be upset a soft smile broke out on her lips. ‘Well i mean if Mira is going than i guess I’ll go too’ she thought to herself. Heiya Usagi and Kuina were getting ready with eachother. Yn turned down their offers just so she can get ready herself. She wanted her own time before the party even started and they knew that, o her surprise Arisu was going as well. Mira wasn’t at the dorm so she was basically alone with all her plushies. She didn’t mind it, she enjoyed the comforting silence; the lights in the living room and bedroom were dim. The flicks of the lit candles showed on the walls with the sunset blazing through the windows. Yn sat down at her desk that was already cluttered with makeup of many sorts, yn connected her phone to the hello kitty bluetooth speaker, stretching her arms she decided to play Lamp—she was in the mood for some Lamp. Yn stared at herself for a while in the mirror giving herself the small needed prep talk, just the basic ‘you’re beautiful, don’t take shit from a man, be who you are, know your self worth.’ She does this to give herself a boost in confidence in much needed times especially going to parties.
Yn smiled and began to do her makeup, it was nothing too out of the ordinary but not too basic; since the makeup was simple it was rather fast, getting to the lips Yn paused. She contemplated on which one should she go for, a nice pinkish red gloss or a tinted peach red. After going back and forth she decided to go on the tinted peach red. She looked at herself at the mirror tilting her head side to side before finally smiling at herself nodding in a confidence she has never seen before. She pushed her chair back to go put on her dress. Taking the dress off the hanger she threw it onto her bed, she made sure she had some shorts on her before slipping the dress on; taking off her bagged tshirt she had been wearing doing her makeup she trapped the dress from the end putting her head through the end of it first — slipping easily into it, looking at her standing mirror she fixed it up making it look nicer, she went back to her desk turning on the hair curly, sitting back down like she was about to do her makeup again. Scrolling through TikTok killing time; every now and then she would put her hand over thee curler to see if it was warmed up enough to be used.
Yn put her phone back down turning it off resuming her Lamp session that had been playing, she grabbed the curling iron and started curling her hair into small curls. She was never a big fan of the big curls, she liked the soft wavy look the small ones gave her. Curling her curtain bangs she turned off the iron letting it cool before putting it away getting back up to go put on her heels, combing her hands through her hair to give it a more wavy look. Putting on her heels she had walked to rage front of the standing mirror once again to admire herself and the beauty she has made. The way her hair curved around her face, the way her makeup made her glow even more—gave a curtsy smile onto her face. The way her dress formed around her she loved it. It was a beautiful thigh high pearly soft sparkled white silken dress, a bow tied to the the left side of the hip giving it a few ruffles, the chains were spaghetti s trapped gems. Looking down to her heels they were wrapped around her legged white ofc with a clear heel. Yn wasnt a fan of heels that made her super duper taller so she got rather short ones that gave her about 2 iches of height. Yn didnt really want to carry a bag so she was just going to hold onto her phone, nodding in approval of her outfit she blew out the candles and turned off all the lights.
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
She texted the influence guru’s group chat that she is on her way to kuina’s dorm; wasn’t too far, locking the door stuffing the key into the fake plant on the side of the door; inhaling deeply Yn made her way to Kuian’s dorm. Yn made her way safely to the door, she knocked on the door in a pattern to let them know it was her.
A soft shuffle of the feet can be heard from the other side of the door, the Locke unclicked as the knob twisted itself revealing a damper looking arisu, he was agape looking at Yn from head to toe; a soft smile beamed onto his face as always in arisu nature, “you look beautiful as always” he moved to the side letting yn into the dorm closing the door behind you locking it. “Thank you arisu” Yn smiled towards the tall man who made his way to the coach playing super smash bros against a bot. “Kuina and Usagi are in her room still getting ready if you want to join them.” He said to Yn having his eyes glued to the screen. Yn simply nodded amazing her way to Kuina’s room twisting the knob open to see Usagi sitting on the bed finished while Kuina was finishing up her makeup. Usagi who was in a beautiful baby pink dress that looked soft to the touch, it made her look like a beautiful fairy; ruffled tat made her look elegant and beautiful. Little makeup was put on her but yet she still glowed in her own way. Kuina was was in white soft furred dress with a bow that went down the dress to her chest, her hair in her dreads that really made her stand out. Kuina’s fur coat was hung around the chair while she finished her makeup.
It was her usual makeup but it always worked on her. her bright red lips perfect eyeliner and beautiful lashes with slight blush tinted on her face. Kuina who hadn’t noticed yn stood up putting on her fur coat turning to see her standing near the door. A gasped Kuina put her hand over her mouth smiling widely “I knew. You would look beautiful with this dress on!!” Kuina lapped her hands together excitedly while Usagi lifted herself off the bed to go closer to yn to give her a hug, “This dress looks absolutely stunning on you Yn,” Usagi beamed twirling her around earning small giggles from yn and Kuina. Arisu who had just turned off the game scratched his head walking to kuina’s room leaning on the door frame checking his phone, “are you ladies ready? We have to get going we are almost an—” Arisu’s breathe hitched seeing Usagi.
Words could not escape his lips, thee only things coming out where ‘uh’ ‘yeahs’ ‘so’ ‘oh’. Kuina and Yn looked at eachother giggling. “Almost an…??” Kuina questioned in a tone where Arisu had to respond back. “We’re almost an hour late..” `arisu spoke rather fast stumbling on his words. His eyes never left usagi’s; a blush formed onto her cheeks she looked away quickly making arisu realize he was staring causing him to start blushing. Kuina rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips grabbing yn by her arm, “lets go lovebirds are else we’ll be even more late,” “we wouldn’t want that now would we!” Kuina had a bounce in her step making her way to the door unlocking it, leaving it open for usagi and arisu to come out the dorm. Usagi linked arms with Arisu “lets go shall we?” Usagi smiled looking up at Arisu whose face was redder than a tomato; he simply nodded and Usagi tugged him towards Kuina and Yn.
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
Usagi was the designated driver since she isn’t a huge fan of alcoholic beverages. The party was of course held in the fancier big houses of the students, the drive from the dorms to the house was about 20 minutes so by the time the arrived it was already packed. Usagi managed to find a parking spot not too far from the house; “make sure you guys have your phones on you at all times and NEVER turn off your location.” Kuina warned them, she didn’t want anything bad to happen to them. They were family to her. Yn looked at her phone to see Mira was already here making her sigh in relief. Yn smiled brightly as they got out of the car making their way to the door that was wide open. Usagi and Arisu were hand in hand while Kuina was right next to Yn; Kuina couldn’t care less about the people staring at them when they entered she wanted to find Ann. Yn felt eyes on her when she walked in. The way they all stared at her as she walked past them, she missed this feeling.
A small grin crept onto her face as she made her way to the bar, she ordered herself a spiked Shirley temple since she wasn’t a fan of just pure straight alcohol. She watched the bar tender make it carefully making sure he doesn’t put anything in it that shouldn’t be in it; once he handed her the drink she smiled mouthing a thank you. Yn grabbed her drink and made her way to the couch where a lot of people were sitting while others were dancing, Yn sat down on the couch legs crossed just so nothing is exposed. She sipped on her drink looking around; startled by the sudden dip in weight near her.
She looked to her right side to see a person she doesn’t know. ‘Great a rando’ she thought to herself taking another sip of her drink. “Hey” the guy smiled towards yn catching her attention; “hello” Yn said a little dryly looking him head to toe. “You look familiar..” Yn pointed out swirling her drinks straw around staring at his facial structure, “its on the tip of my tongue….” Yn tilted her head to the side as the boy gulped, she wanted to make some small talk before wandering around more. “Let me guess Isamu?” She smiled ever so softly, her lips were curved upwards in a sweetly manner. “Ohm you know my name?” The boy grinned putting his arms behind his head. He looked her up and down like he was admiring her. Yn caught on and just noted to herself maybe she should start walking away soon. “You can just say i am good at names.” she side eyed him; the soft smile on her lips had now turned into a grin. The boy or well Isamu leaned in closer to her like he was pushing himself upon Yn—She inhaled and scooted a little further away, “Well since you know my name how about you get to know me?” Yn side eyed him some more (basically the season 1 Mira side eye), she pursed her lips into a thin line taking a big sip of her drink. “What makes you think that’s a good idea?” Yn snarked a comment at him not looking at him but rather straight in front of her. “Well i just think it’d be a better chance for the both of us, we’d be great together dare i say.” He smiled like he did something, moving his right arm to sling across her shoulder. “Bold of you to say,” she took his arm off her should standing up from the couch fixing her dress “dare i say i see no future of us together” she looked back at him walking away to stroll the party.
Every corner she turned she saw couples sucking the faces off eachother, others having sex, hell even guys getting lap dances and rides from girls. She kept walking to around, guys always tried to get her attention but she just ignored them. None of them interested her, the dance floor was even crammed. I guess her ideas of dancing were thrown out the door. The pool was even filled with people in it, ‘these people are crazy’ was the first thought that popped into her head. She was looking for Kuina and Ann ant this point, she wanted to get down with those two. She had already finished her drink and got another one. It wasn’t too strong to do any effects on her but enough to excuse the fact she drank. Turning more corners she bumped into Niragi, a sharp inhale and quick sorry was mumbled before she quickly left not looking back at niragi who had been kissing the poor girl’s face off. Yn had known Niragi since High school and he had changed for the worst, she was basically dashing away from niragi.
Going through big crowds. Niragi who was annoyed someone ruined his session looked at Yn who had bumped into her licking his lips following after the girl who had been trying to escape his clutches. Yn was just trying to find someone she knew. A slight panic rose to her chest she did not want to be alone with niragi. That would be her biggest fear, and putting that before her dumb rivalry with chishiya definitely said something. Yn’s breathe steadied as she thought she lost Niragi but a hand snaked around her waist making her jump, she whipped her head to the side to the side to see Niragi with his pitiful smirk across his face, that steady breathe yn had was no longer there but rather replaced with an intense uneasy breathing. She tried to escape his grasp but the hold was too strong to your liking. “Aw come on now don’t try to escape,” his voice was soaked in a honey coat but not the sweet kind a poisonous kind of honey.
Yn looked around her trying to see if there was anything she could do to make an escape. The more she tried to escape the closer he would bring her to him, she shut her eyes tight refusing to look at him. “Let go of me Niragi.” Yn snapped at him in a war full tone. Niragi’s smirk grew even wider moving his face niches closer to hers. “Or what?,” “its not like I’m going to do anything bad, its all fair game here” he said in a melodic tone that could kill. Yn kept moving her head back shaking her head trying to push out his grasp some more.
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
Chishiya who wasn’t a fan of these kind of event found him dressed nicely, well in his famous white hoodie that was half way zipped exposing the uppermost of her chest, and some cargos. He only came because Mira forced him, if it were up to him run he would’ve been in his dorm eating strawberries reading his romance novels. He leaned on the rail from the upstairs balcony that overlooked the whole bottom floor. He had kept his eyes on Mira but ended up losing her. Chishiya was the least bit wrier about Mira she knew she could take care of herself. He sighed putting in his own earbuds listening to music he enjoys or at least likes. Staring at the entrance for some time a pearly white dress caught his attention; he stood up a little straighter but he was still leaning against the rails. Looking closely he noticed it was Yn with Kuina, Usagi, and Arisu. A slight smile appeared on his lips looking at yn. Quickly wiped away when he noticed all the boys staring at her; his face turned stoic and calm like a cat.
He had unintentionally been following Yn with his eyes from the top; just making sure she is safe since that is his closest friends cousin after all nothing more nothing less. His eyes followed her to the bar when she ordered a spiked Shirley temple, ‘spiked Shirley temple?’ he thought to himself. his hands had rested on the rails; he looked away for a second and next thing he knows, yn is talking to some rando? ‘How interesting’ he thought to himself. He had noticed how the dude was trying to get onto Yn, he stood up like he was going to go down there but when he noticed she had control of the situation he simply went back to his original spot.
As his eyes followed you throughout the party he noticed how the pearl like dress complimented her, along side with the peach red lip tint. He looked to the sides to see if there was anyone up here and there really wasn’t many beside the couples having sex in the bedrooms. He watched as she just wondered around and got another drink. An exhale left his nose closing his eyes wishing this would be over soon, he tried to look for Yn and he couldn’t.
Chishiya’s brows furrowed as his eyes quickly scanned the room back and forth, hands still in his pocket he stood up straight looking for that pearly white silked dress, a slight frown formed on his lips as he couldn’t find her. Until the corner of his eye he noticed a small figure quickly walking away from niragi. He didn’t think much of it til he realized that girl was Yn. His brows furrowed some more as he watched Niragi catch up to Yn grabbing her by the waist. He saw the struggle and panic in her eyes, a deep inhale left his nose; he saw how close niragi was getting to yn; “well this isn’t good” he huffed under his breathe making his way to her. As chishiya made his way downstairs he realized how niragi was so close to her, that ticked him off slightly. Taking his hands out o his pockets he grabbed you by the wrist twirling you to him, escaping niragi’s grasp.
Her eyes were still closed but she felt her being taken by the wrist and now she felt a safe yet protective grasp around her waist. Slowly opening her eyes she didn’t see niragi she saw chishiya. Her heart rose up and down she had never been this close to Chishiya before. Niragi let out a small snarl looking at chishiya “when will you learn to mind your own business.” Niragi’s face twitched looking at chishiya who had a grin on his face; “well i mean it is my business when you’re touching my girl” Chishiya stared at Niragi blank expression with his signature Cheshire grin. Yn’s eyes opened widely when she heard him say that. ‘Did i hear that correctly?1’ ‘MY GIRL?!’ Her breathe inhaled sharply. Yn was wearing heels that made her slightly taller than chishiya, he moved his head up slightly looking at her moving a stranded ice of hair out of her face. “Are you okay babe? Did he touch you anywhere” Chishiya spoke in a soft tone to Yn, voice still husked but it was different from the way he talked to niragi.
Yn has never been happier that this place was slightly dark; the blush on her face was terrible its like she caught a fever. She looked at Chishiya in the eyes with her sharp breathing, “Yeah I’m fine” she replied back earning a tsk escape the lips of. Niragi who walked away slightly angrily. Chishiya waited till he was out of sight, once he couldn’t see niragi no more he still held onto Yn— his grip was slightly tight but it didnt hurt, he made his way to the backyard but mainly the grassy part where nobody was. He looked around ice more before sitting down on the grass one hand propping him up from the back. Yn sat on her knees near chishiya.
The silence was deafening. Yn opened her lips to say something but nothing came out, she perused her lips a little, licking them she breathed slowly collecting her thoughts; opening her mouth again, “thank you chishiya,” a soft like whisper escaped her lips. Chishiya simply nodded, staring off into the void. The moonlight shone onto chishiya’s soft features. He looked like an angel; the soft white shine on his somewhat tanned skin, his pale dyed blonde white hair was vibrant, the way his lips pursed itself a soft natural pink. Yn saw the small eyeliner that gave his eyes more of a cat like feature. HIs long lashes that curled naturally on its own. “You know I wouldn’t mind if you took a picture of me,”. Chishiya snarked a comment with a grin appearing on his lips. Yn didn’t realize she was checking him out—a faint blush appearing on her cheeks, she looked away quickly, “I rather not, you might ruin my photos.” She grumbled messing with her hair.
Chishiya turned his head just for the moonlight to lighten up her soft features. Chishiya stretched out his arms; putting them behind his head laying down on the grass. He moved his head into a more comfortable position, wether that be looking at the moon or looking at Yn. His sleepy eyes stared into Yn’s. Yn was about to opened her mouth like she was going to say something getting cut off by Chishiya. “Before you ask, yes I was following you around from the upstairs because Mira asked me too,” Chishiya lied, “She just wanted to make sure nothing bad happened to you.” An awkward small smile appeared onto his lips before disappearing. Yn slightly turned her head with an ‘oh’ escaping her lips. “How come you didnt help me with that dude on the couch but with niragi?” Yn questioned him picking at the well kept grass, “Because you were able to handle that situation with no help,” Chishiya moved to his head to look at the moon.
“The guy looked like no trouble to you anyways, while as niragi-….” Chishiya stopped himself from saying more. He just smiled to himself closing his eyes. Yn looked at him questionly crawling slowly to him, shaking his shoulder she didn’t care if it was too rough she wanted to know. “Chishiya tell me” Yn demanded an answer from him. Chishiya simply kept his mouth shut not bothering to open his eyes to look at the pleading girl. Frustrated and noisy, Yn leaned closer to him continuing to shake him. “Chishiya tell me or I wont stop bothering you.” Yn annoyed him but he still gave no answer. A sigh escaped the lips of chishiya making yn shut up, she looked at the way his lips curled when he sighed. Chishiya opened his eyes staring straight at Yn—yn never noticed how his eyes were a brown. She soon came to a realization she was way too close to chishiya moving herself back fixing her hair. She didn’t except a reaction out of chishiya but one look at his face you up an see his annoying smirk.
“For being my rival you are quiet annoying,” chishiya was still staring at the somewhat grumpy girl, “annoying yet pretty.” He huffed; Yn taken aback “Did you call me pretty?” She put her hands on her knees slouching breaking her posture. “Don’t think too much about it i call all my friends pretty” He nonchalantly muttered, looking away from her eye contact. “Hmm..now answer my question earlier.” “I have no recollection of what i said.” “Yes you do, you just dont want to tell me” “Hm, ive told you everything i needed to tell you” “no you haven’t, you stopped yourself mid sentence. im noisy and i need to know now” “and if i didn’t tell you?” “i’ll find some blackmail on you.” “i don’t think you can, kuina doesn’t even have blackmail on me” “than i’ll ask someone closer to you” “let me guess, mira?” chishiya scoffed closing his eyes again as the winds breeze flew through the air. “mira knows the blackmail she has on me yet i dont think she’ll give it”, yn who frowned resting her chin in her palm; her fingers tapping on her skin as if she was thinking hard; she was hardly thinking.
The sound of heels clicking on the ground made yn turn her head; squinting her eyes to see who it was. She couldn’t make out who the black hair was but was surely able to see the dreads. Yn’s eyes turned into stars realizing it was Kuina. Before Yn could even get up she was tackled back onto the grass, she let out a fit of laughter hugging the distressed Kuina. Yn’s arms wrapped kuina’s waist patting her back; Mira stood from the sidelines near chishiya with a smile on her lips, Ann crossed her arms standing next to Mira looking around to see if anyone was near them. “Why haven’t you been answering me?? I was texting you like crazy and I was calling you” Kuina didnt even get to breathe between those words, “ I thought you were in the rooms asleep but you weren’t!” “All i saw was couples having sex and I didnt want to see that?!?!” Kuina started to shake Yn who was trying to say something but was always getting cut off b the fast stressed talking Kuina.
“Kuina, she couldn’t answer you because niragi had her in a tight grasp.” Chishiya deadpanned the girl who got even more panic in her eyes. “Are you okay?” Kuina asked looking all over your body checking to see if there was any marks, “Did he touch you DO I NEED TO SLAP HIM??” Kuina huffed furiously getting off Yn, she was going to run off to find niragi but Ann grabbed her by the arm to stop her. Yn laughed that off before sitting up fixing her hair and dress. “He didn’t touch me..” Yn paused; “..Chishiya got to me before niragi could” Yn’s lips formed a small smile. Mira’s grin appeared onto her face growing bigger, “oh chishiyaaa? Since when were you a Prince Charming?” Mira teased the closed eyed resting half zipped up white hoodie wearer. Ann lifted her eyebrow in curiosity, holding onto kuina’s arm. Kuina grew a wide smile giggling like a fan girl seeing her idols in person, chishiya opened one eye looking at Mira, “I never was one and never claimed to be one” he sighed deeply stretching is arms so they dont fall asleep.
Yn licked her lips looking away, “oh yeah where is Usagi and Arisu?” Yn asked, Kuina quickly looked at the questioned girl, “oh they left already. I was looking for you to ask if you want to leave with Ann and I.” Kuina took her arm out of Ann’s grip quickly holding her hand. Yn saw that but decided to say nothing, “Yeah I’m not feeling it that much such a shame.” Yn smiled sweetly getting off the grass fixing her dress standing next to Kuina. Ann simply nodded before walking off with kuina’s hand held onto. Yn waved goodbye to Mira and chishiya following behind Kuina.
“Yn do tell us everything that happened in the car,”Kuina looked behind her smiling widely, “I want to know what exactly happened.” Yn rolled her eyes dramatically before nodding, “Did a little gut feeling tell you something happened?” “Yes..How did you know?” Kuina bit the bottom of her lip, Yn smiled giggling. “Fine fine ill tell you.”
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
Once the three girls were out of sight Mira’s grin grew even larger sitting next to Chishiya, “so what exactly did you tell her?” Chishiya had he hands in his lap, inhaling deeply. the cold yet warm air hit his lips as he huffed the air out. “i didn’t say much but i was just making sure she was safe..from afar” his lips formed a thin a line. Mira parted her bangs to the side a smile like grin widened giving him the raised eyebrow in question. “and what did you tell her about that?”
“Just told her Mira asked me too.” Chishiya knew Mira was trying to push the question out of him but he didnt want to say it, he didnt want to look weak. “I know what you want me to say, but I’m not going to say it.” “And why not?” “Because…it wouldn’t work out regardless.” Mira dramatically rolled her eyes throwing her hands in the air. “you’re so dramatic shiya,”
He raised an eyebrowed look at her exhaling harshly, “she sees me as an academic rival. It’s best we keep it that way.” Mira’s face turned into a ‘be so fr’ ‘are you serious right now’ ‘stop playing’ look. “Even then, after all these years why would her view of me suddenly change?” His face had no emotion but his eyes told a different story. Chishiya looked to his side expecting to see yn after the few minutes they had spent together but it was just an empty patch of grass. Mira sighed deeply looking at her best friend in this state. To the normal person he looked the same with his noninterested look but to Mira you can see him grasping for straws trying to merge his way out of the effect.
Mira ruffled her hair, “why’d you do it in the moment? Saving her? Calling her your girl?” Her eyes stared into his, the small gulp he had that didnt go unnoticed to her. “I just thought you would kill me if I didn’t help her.” His stifled laugh sounded throughout the air, Mira rolled her eyes in annoyance. The answer he gave was a lie. Her stare became more of a stern less playful one he was used too. Chishiya’s lips parted in disbelief he was going to give Mira what she wanted. His hands in the pockets of the sweater. His hood had been sitting warmly on his back; bangs softly swaying in the wind. He stared at the moon for some seconds before looking back at Mira.
“I didn’t like the way he was with her.”
“Fine.” His lips formed a small grinned smile, “she made me feel some kind of way.”
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
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pink doesnt work
@crinklypink @flrtsbin @4pparecium m @afckingswiftiebtch @em-asian @saiewithakatana @minyoungieee @eternal-gf @kimtaehussy @theinfaethablefig @elakari @too-many-fandoms666 @lastheavcns @pyrrhicgaze @andreeasancheez @hadesdaughtwr @Iserluver @urgodmoon @nmsl0v3r @lowilaufeyson @dee-dino-man @chiishiiya @444neapolitain @wroophruh @vensworld @valvlry @dr3amscap3 @kuinaheartz @bre99 @cheshireshiya @eissaaaa @sollum @conny1111 @luvelyxp @shinobuily @gelliyo @fanfangying1304 @ikon-teen @stay-moa-army @bbyjackie @naegisimp @midlystupid @yvrikoo @chepoyo @luv4kuina @vernon-dursley @itadorim @vseqvt @shigamiryuk @wonswoorld @music-saves-my-dead-soul @elisiumnie @abyloxk @asoullessentity @seventeensstrawberry @cupidsaster @bubblyclouds
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t1meslayer · 3 months
Drowning (Ch. 1 - "Mipha's Lament")
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Let's get ready for my favorite pastime:
Getting sad about fictional fish people all over again
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (part of my "Pre-Tears of the Kingdom" series)
Characters: Link/Zelda, Sidon (and other Zora in passing)
Summary: Prince Sidon brings Zelda and her loyal knight to a grand ceremony in the heart of Zora's Domain. However, his sparse invitation doesn't prepare Link for the emotional turmoil to come.
This story is rated 'Mature' for themes of dealing with grief and, in the coming Chapter 2, major character death.
Click through the Read More below to get a preview of the latest chapter. Thanks for reading <3
"Link, please! Quit fussing."
Zelda pulls the collar of her knight's Royal Guard uniform. Link gasps at the jolt to her eyeline, blue as the Silent Princesses woven into her short, golden hair. He devolves into a blushing Bokoblin.
The princess huffs.
"Honestly." She finishes fastening the emerald-set buttons that hold his uniform's navy tabard together. He remains still, bewitched by a Gorgon's glare. "It has only technically been 100 years since we attended a Zora ceremony. You and I both know you've not forgotten your manners."
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