#Nina Moreno
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gyougherea · 2 years ago
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old nina the killer wip from oct 2021 i never finished. if it's hard to make out she's holding an anatomically correct heart in a jar
maybe i'll finish it. maybe i won't. we'll find out
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books-to-add-to-your-tbr · 8 months ago
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Title: Don't Date Rosa Santos
Author: Nina Moreno
Series or standalone: standalone
Publication year: 2019
Genres: fiction, contemporary, romance, magical realism, LGBT+
Blurb: Rosa Santos is cursed by the sea...at least, that's what they say. Dating her is bad news, especially if you're a boy with a boat. But Rosa feels more caught than cursed - caught between cultures and choices. Between her abuela, a beloved healer and pillar of their community, and her mother, an artist who crashes in and out of her life like a hurricane; between Port Coral, the quirky South Florida town they call home, and Cuba, the island her abuela refuses to talk about. As her college decision looms, Rosa collides - literally - with Alex Aquino, the mysterious boy with tattoos of the ocean whose family owns the marina. With her heart, her family, and her future on the line, can Rosa break a curse and find her place beyond the horizon?
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ladyeowyn · 1 year ago
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“How did I ever find you?” he asked as he moved to her side. “You didn’t. I found you. At the library of the De Villiers, at the party of the Haduiers, and that night I went to Boniface,” she said lightly. He thought that truly it had been so, but that he had also been drifting toward her since the beginning, magnetized, a compass that had spun wildly and then gently settled upon a true north. Not love at first sight, because those fancies were best left for books and songs, but she had extended her hand and invited him to follow her into a dance, and he had found after a few steps that though he had never danced it before, he did not want to stop.
The Beautiful Ones by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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riverhag2 · 11 months ago
hi have you read the beautiful ones by silvia moreno-garcia because I am dying please go read it anyway I wrote a fic
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cherryblogss · 5 months ago
falando em Simon amante e ciumento, sonho muito com algo assim só que com o fer rs
pensando aqui sabe?
vc matou meia duzia de xerecas fãs do fer com essa ask viu😫 irei falar um pouquinho sobre esse tópico que minha amiga alexia tem uma canetada✍️
Fernando!Amante que trabalha no mesmo lugar que você, mas em um setor diferente, então se conhecem na cafeteria do local quando ambos estão lá muito depois do expediente jantando sozinhos. Ele se apresenta e você logo se encanta, porque além de ser extremamente bonito e másculo, era famoso na empresa pelo sucesso nas finanças. Fernando acha adorável o seu jeitinho animado ao falar com ele apesar de aparentar estar cansada e triste antes dele puxar conversa, já se encontrava viciado em conhecer suas expressões e apreciar a forma que seu cabelo meio bagunçado só adicionava um ar de conforto a sua pessoa. Ele termina a conversa te pedindo para se cuidar e não trabalhar tanto, pois isso leva a uma rotina solitária e nada saudável, mal ele sabia que o trabalho tem sido seu único suporte no momento, seu noivado indo para um caminho péssimo por conta das incertezas se você realmente queria se casar e seu namorado não era bem um príncipe encantado, não que ele fosse uma pessoa ruim, mas você não sentia mais a faísca da paixão e percebeu que depois de todo esse tempo não tinha quase nada que te atraía, pura conveniência.
Fernando!Amante que nos próximos dias te procura para continuarem a conversar, ele fingia que todo encontro era casual, mas por trás de tudo isso ele calculava como iria conseguir te encontrar no dia a dia. Fazia muito tempo que ele não se sentia tão entusiasmado em viver o amanhã, sempre pensando em quando iria te ver de novo mesmo lutando contra os próprios sentimentos para não se apegar tanto. O mundo dele cai quando em um dos jantares de vocês ele nota a joia no seu anelar esquerdo, te perguntando se você era comprometida com o sangue fervendo, mas mantendo um rosto sem reações quando você diz que sim, noiva de um cara que ele nem se importou de aprender o nome. Um pensamento intrusivo invadiu a cabeça do moreno ao sentir um alívio, pois você ainda era noiva, não casada.
Fernando!Amante que quando você tem uma briga com o noivo e corre para o apartamento dele te acolhe nos braços dele do jeito que ele nunca havia acolhido alguém. Te nina até escutar seus roncos suaves, logo em seguida dormindo com os braços ao seu redor. No dia seguinte, Fernando acorda com você deitada bem em cima da ereção matinal jurando ter imaginado seus quadris se esfregando nele, mas quando escuta sua vozinha dizendo manhosa "fer, eu te quero tanto." te deixa cavalgar nele enquanto segura seu torso em um abraço apertado, sussurrava o quanto você era boazinha e linda com a voz rouca de sono. Essa foi a única vez que o sexo não foi totalmente bruto, por mais que quisesse te por embaixo dele e te enforcar, entendia que você estava fragilizada. Ao longo da semana você evitou ver ele, consumida mais pela vergonha do que pelo arrependimento, sabia que Fernando era um homem ocupado e sério provavelmente sem tempo para seus problemas fúteis e desespero, fisicamente estava longe dele, mas ainda sentia o toque firme e os braços musculosos te segurando a todo momento. O argentino te caçou tentando te encurralar de todas as formas para te fazer encarar ele e falar sobre o que havia ocorrido, além de querer mais de você e seu corpo, ele nunca havia sentido uma conexão tão forte e uma bucetinha tão gostosa quanto a sua. Um dia te prende no elevador sozinha com ele, te forçando a ficar de joelhos e pedir desculpas por ter o evitado, em seguida te fez manter a boquinha aberta e as mãos amarradas pela gravata dele enquanto fodia sua boca. Ele te deixava alucinada e despertava coisas que nunca pensou ter vontade de fazer, ao longo de 3 meses se encontravam para rapidinhas na empresa, no carro de um dos dois ou no apartamento dele, mas nunca passava a noite, era uma linha que você não queria passar, apesar de estar fazendo mais coisas de casal com ele do que com seu noivo abestado. Gostava de correr risco de outros descobrirem vocês, uma vez te seguiu no seu intervalo e te fodeu no banheiro feminino, tapando sua boca e comendo sua bucetinha com as suas pernas entrelaçadas na cintura esguia, a porta fazia barulho enquanto ele te descia na pica grossa.
Fernando!Amante que é muito possessivo. No sexo toda vez te pergunta a quem você e sua buceta pertencem, faz gemer o nome dele, te enchia de chupões na virilha e até te deu uma anklet (n sei o nome em português) com um f.c. de pingente. Odiava seu noivo de verdade só por ter te conhecido primeiro, tudo que ele tentava fazer Fernando ia lá e superava de alguma forma, seu parceiro até perguntou uma vez se você notava o jeito estranho que Fernando te olhava ou antecipava tudo que você queria em festas da empresa, você só dava de ombros e tremia com a piscadela que o moreno mandava na sua direção. Fernando te enchia de presentes para quando você olhasse na sua casa, só pensaria nele. O seu relacionamento estava em ruínas, mas eram tantos anos juntos e tantos sentimentos melancólicos que você optou por adiar o casamento ainda mais, desejando que com o tempo encontrasse a resposta para os seus dilemas emocionais. Todos percebiam que mesmo mais alegre, você não lidava bem quando o assunto era seu relacionamento.
Fernando!Amante que faz questão de te encher de porra antes de você ir para casa, adora te marcar de outras formas, mas gozar dentro é a favorita dele. Ele daria tudo para ver a expressão na cara do idiota se te encontrasse com a porra de outro homem dentro da buceta (ele sonhava muito em te engravidar mas isso eh outra coisas queens). A cada mês do caso fica mais territorial e se torna mais seu parceiro para coisas fora da vida sexual que o noivo. No dia que você percebe que estava apaixonada por Fernando e deveria parar de ficar em um relacionamento ruim, decide se afastar definitivamente do moreno. Com o seu distanciamento, Fernando fica perdido, soube por uma amiga sua que tinha terminado seu relacionamento e estava tirando umas férias acumuladas para relaxar. Ele deu os pulos dele e achou seu novo endereço, aparecendo na sua porta encharcado pela chuva com os olhos castanhos entristecidos perguntando por que você tinha abandonado ele e como faria qualquer coisa para não te perder. Os anos não sendo valorizada corroeram sua mente, nunca achou que todas as vezes que fernando demonstrava afeto era real, por isso fica paralisada com a presença dele que entra no seu apartamento mais do que disposto a lutar por ti e consegue te convencer em menos de 1 hora. Vocês tentam começar devagar, mas com 8 meses de namoro já moram juntos e planejam um futuro, além disso, como tinha agora o rótulo de seu parceiro, ele não hesitava em demonstrar todo o afeto e amor por ti - do jeitinho dele - na medida que você volta a aprender a se sentir confortável em um relacionamento.
Fernando!Amante que te deixa sem dúvidas sobre a devoção dele, conseguindo se casar contigo em menos de 3 anos de relacionamento e vocês são mais felizes que nunca juntos pelo resto da vida♡
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capacle · 2 years ago
20 Brazilian TTRPGs I wish also existed in English
Today I offer you:
20 Brazilian TTRPGs I wish also existed in English (because I want the world to know about them)
Buckle up, because you won't BELIEVE the diversity of our indie scene.
[presented in no particular order, and only one per author]
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1. Meu Brinquedo Preferido ('My favorite toy'), by Eduardo Caetano
A metaphor about a child's growing process by deconstructing their fears through playful situations.
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2. SeanchaS, by Jorge Valpaços and Jefferson Neves
A game about myths, construction of identity and narrative around bonfires, about the time of ancient stories and the present time.
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3. Gatunos, by Tiago Junges
A GMless/Solo game in which you play as cat thieves and mercenaries doing the dirty work of the five big factions that run the city.
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4. Nômades (Nomads), by Marcelo Collar
A card-based RPG in which you play as beings who have the ability to find and pass through the cracks in the veil that separates the universes.
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5. Infaernum, by Caio Romero
Create your own apocalypse while playing the game, and interpret characters who experience the last days of all things.
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6. Áureos, Os Dançarinos da Lua ('The Moon Dancers'), by Rey Ooze
A game of fight and freedom where dice play capoeira. You play as an 'Áureo', a former slave who, in a fantastic colonial Brazil, receives the blessings of his Orisha to free his people from slavery.
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7. Veridiana, by Alan Silva
You play as creatures that live in a large tree, embarking on a deeply sentimental journey in search of a cure.
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8. Karyu Densetsu, by Thiago Rosa and Nina Bichara
A game inspired by action anime and manga, with tactical combat, philosophical conversation, and passionate ideals.
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9. Imperia, by Jonny Garcia
A game of politics and intrigue in a medieval court, inspired by Game of Thrones. Create a kingdom collaboratively and assume the role of the most influential people in it.
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10. Goddess save the Queen, by Carol Neves and Julio Matos
A pulp adventure game in which you play as secret agents of the British Crown during the interwar period, with their own agenda connected in some way with their home nation.
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11. Abismo Infinito ('Infinite Abyss'), by John Bogéa
A narrative game of psychological horror in which the protagonists are astronauts, far away in space, involved in a web of lucid nightmares and manifestations of their own fears.
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12. Mojubá, by Lucas Conti and Lucas Sampaio
An Afrofuturistic urban fantasy game inspired by Yoruba and Afro-Brazilian mythologies. Play as a person with fantastic powers who descends from the Orixás, fights evil spirits, and occasionally gets into a rap battle.
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13. Chopstick, by Igor Moreno
A game inspired by action movies of oriental martial arts, gang fights and crime, with a twist on Fate Accelerated.
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14. Contos do Galeão ('Tales of the Galleon'), by Encho Chagas
Create together the legend of a vessel that would have existed during the Golden Age of Piracy. Players will create the ship, its pirates, as well as its enemies, challenges, and rewards.
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15. O Cordel do Reino do Sol Encantado ('The Cordel of the Kingdom of the Enchanted Sun'), by Pedro Borges
A narrative game set in the northeastern 'cangaço' region at the beginning of the 20th century.
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16. Através das Trevas ('Through the Darkness'), by Ramon Mineiro
A post-apocalyptic fantasy game inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, The Witcher and Diablo.
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17. Nihilo, by Andre Osna and Gustavo Rolanski
A world very much like our own—yet bigger, deeper, and stranger. Secret banks are run by Urban Dragons, Infernal mafias terrorize slums, interdimensional portals open in the basements of abandoned pizzerias.
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18. Caçada ao Colosso ('Hunt for the Colossus'), by Jairo Borges Filho
Reenact stories such as Siegfried and the dragon Fafnir, the Greek Odyssey or legends centered on the opposition of two primary forces of humanity.
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19. Perdidos ('Lost'), by Marcelo Paschoalin
Inspired by Bloodborne and Dark Souls, a world in ruins, fragmented to the point where only memories remain. You'll find relics of yesteryear, monstrous beasts, beings that have forgotten their purpose, and devious paths to tread.
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20. Hitodama - A jornada das almas ('The Journey of the Souls'), by Alexsander Araujo
You are Shinigamis: creatures half divinity, half Yokai, who must carry out missions through different worlds, fighting formidable enemies and saving lost souls.
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wannab-urs · 9 months ago
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Hozier Drabble Challenge Masterlist
Howdy folks!
Welcome to the Hozier Drabble Challenge. Each writer was given a song and a pedro boy and challenged to write a drabble based on that. Please heed the warnings on each fic! Happy Reading!
Main Masterlist | Fanfic Events | AO3 | Kofi
The Only Heaven I'll Be Sent To by @freelancearsonist - Joel
In a Week by sweetercalypso - Marcus Pike
Sedated by @luxurychristmaspudding - Dave
Cherry Wine by @julesonrecord - Whiskey
It Will Come Back by @beskarandblasters - Max Phillips
Foreigner's God by kewwrites - Dave
Work Song by @eupheme - Dave
Like Real People Do by fhatbhabie - Frankie
Wasteland, Baby
Talk Refined by @ohforficsake - Ezra
Sunlight by @lotusbxtch
Nina Cried Power
Moment's Silence by sp00kymulderr - Oberyn
From Eden
From Eden by planet-marz1 - Dieter
Unreal, Unearth
Butchered Tongue by blind-assassin-12 - Din
Given a Name by @missredherring - Oberyn
De Selby Part 1 by beardedjoel - Frankie
Eat Your Young by jksprincess10 - Marcus Moreno
Damage Gets Done by burntheedges - Max Phillips
Too Sweet by missredherring - Din
Fare Well by @nerdieforpedro - Dieter
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notebookmusical · 1 year ago
hi friends!! i've gotten a few asks / messages about book recommendations for the new septembers readathon so i figured i'd list some here! i tried to do a range of genres & mix up YA/adult + tried to fit the autumny september vibes where i could! if anyone wants more specific recs, feel free to send me a message 🤍
a book about witches: the very secret society of irregular witches by sangu mandanna, the witch haven by sasha peyton smith, the nature of witches by rachel griffin
a murder mystery: tita rosie's kitchen mystery series by mia p. manansala, queen of the tiles by hanna alkaf, miss aldridge regrets by louise hare
a book that takes place at a private school/boarding school: every heart a doorway by seanan mcguire, if you could see the sun by ann liang, a lesson in vengeance by victoria lee
a creepy or horror book: house of hollow by krystal sutherland, the gathering dark: an anthology of folk horror, our wives under the sea by julia armfield
a book that takes place in september: answered here!
a short story collection: eternally yours, toil & trouble: 15 tales of women & witchcraft, in these hallowed halls: a dark academia anthology
a gothic novel (classic or contemporary): a dowry of blood by s.t. gibson, all the dead lie down by kyrie mccauley, wuthering heights by emily brontë
an autumnal romance: the dead romantics by ashley poston, the ex hex by erin sterling, the night circus by erin morgenstern
a book about a haunted house: mexican gothic by silvia moreno-garcia, the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson
a book about vampires: court of the undying seasons by a.m. strickland, house of hunger by alexis henderson
a cozy fantasy: legends and lattes by travis baldree, the undertaking of hart and mercy by megan bannen, half a soul by olivia atwater, emily wilde's encyclopaedia of faeries by heather fawcett
a classic / retelling: little thieves by margaret owen, a wish in the dark by christina soontornvat, enter the body by joy mccullough
a new release (published this september): you again by kate goldbeck, the wake-up call by beth o'leary, cleat cute by meryl wilsner, a study in drowning by ava reid, if i have to be haunted by miranda sun
an autumnal classic: anne of green gables by l.m. montgomery, rebecca by daphne du maurier, northanger abbey by jane austen
a dark academia book: babel by r.f. kuang, these violent delights by micah nemerever, ace of spades by faridah àbíké-íyímídé
a graphic novel: the tea dragon society by kay o'neill, the witch boy by molly ostertag, check please by ngozi ukazu, heavy vinyl by nina vakueva & carly usdin, cheer up: love and pompoms by crystal frasier & val wise, displacement by kiku hughes
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bqstqnbruin · 5 days ago
Absolutely no one asked for it but here are the best and worst books I read each month:
Best: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E.Schwab. I STILL think about Addie and Henry
Worst: Don't Date Rosa Santos by Nina Moreno. I couldn't tell you what this book was about other than she was supposed to be like a senior in high school and she read like a five year old
Best: Bloodmarked by Tracey Deonn. I NEED OATHBOUND NOW
Worst: Forged by Blood by Ehigbor Okosun. I felt like I missed three chapters in this book and had no clue what was going on the entire time
Best: All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir. I SOBBED during this book multiple times. One of my students let me borrow her copy of this and tbh I need to go get my own because of how much this broke me.
Worst: The Royals Next Door by Karina Hale. I just didn't care about the couple in this book and genuinely if there was a sequel I don't think I would care enough to read it. It wasn't actually that bad, I just wouldn't pick up more for them.
Best: Funny Story by Emily Henry. I'm not gonna lie, I don't remember a ton about this book other than the yellow crocs on the front cover.
Worst: The Perfect Guy Doesn't Exist by Sophie Gonzalez. tbh I couldn't tell you what this was about other than the FMC is bi and she stopped talking to her childhood best friend because she was in love with her or something
Best: So Fetch: The Making of Mean Girls by Jennifer Keishin Armstrong. This wasn't actually that good, May was just a shit reading month for me tbh
Worst: Good Material by Dolly Alderton. I HATED THIS BOOK. Literally it was just a guy complaining about his life. He was so 'nice guys never get anything' type of shit
Best: Liliana's Invincible Summer by Cristina Rivera Garza. Liliana HAUNTS me to this day tbh
Worst: 60 Songs that Explain the 90s by Rob Harvilla. I cared about exactly none of these songs because as soon as he started to get into getting me to care about them, he was done talking about the song and moved on to something else
Best: Blood at the Root by LaDarrion Williams. It's basically Harry Potter but not written by one of the worst people in the world and takes place at an HBCU and I forget if the second book came out or not but I need it yesterday regardless
Worst: Hearts on Thin Ice by Katie Kennedy. I vividly remember them fucking in front of her gerbil and that he said he has a heart made of salmon. Also that her boobs and his dick all had names. I wish I remembered none of that
Best: A Love Song for Ricki Wilde by Tia Williams. I want to read this book again because I actually don't remember a ton of it other than being up at like 2 am crying over it
Worst: The Breakup Tour by Emily Wibberely and Austin Siegemund-Broka. This sent me into a two month long reading slump and I will never forgive them for this. Genuinely, I read something else by them and I hated it but I thought "oh, let me give them a second chance" because some of the books I read this year were by authors that I didn't like for their debut but I really liked their next books. I should not have.
Best: The Graveyard Shift by M.L.Rio. Give me more of this thank you
Worst: The (Fake) Dating Game by Timothy Janovsky. I didn't care about them being together if we're being honest. I do remember hating the ex though
October (I only read three books this month, don't):
Best: Alone with you in the Ether by Olivie Blake. I miss Reagan and Aldo so much
Best: The Secret History by Donna Tartt. I have no clue what happened in this book but I remember it being good.
Worst: Not in Love by Ali Hazelwood. I think I need to stop reading her books tbh because I can't deal with all the sex scenes. They are just the same thing over and over again to me
December (so far):
Worst: The Summer of Christmas by Juliet Giglio and Keith Giglio. I'm gonna be so honest if this book is how they work together these two need to get divorced. I genuinely yelled "Oh for fucks sake" multiple times while reading this.
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le-trash-prince · 1 year ago
Okay here is the final list of all the books I’ve finished this year! (since it doesn’t look like I’m going to get anything finished or even started this week.)
I tend to not finish things if I’m not enjoying them (two exceptions on this list because sometimes I am spiteful), so I liked all of these—but the ones in bold are those I particularly loved (I only bolded one per series or it would just be a wall of The Murderbot Diaries lol).
LGBT+ books read: 48
wlw books read: 22
trans/nb books: 17
I’m very happy with my year in reading. I hit my new year’s goal of 52 books finished. And I read a lot of things that I really fucking loved. Lots of robots. LOTS of scifi/fantasy sapphics which I am SO happy about. Some good horror, some good fucky “romances”. A lot of things written in response to the Trump era or written during 2020 lockdown.
I also enjoyed partaking in online book fandom for the first time in possibly ever! Especially Murderbot fandom, which is very active and creative and lovely.
(If you followed me for my bookblogging, thank you for enduring my Thai BL vroom vroom omegaverse brainrot. It will not be stopping anytime soon.)
For 2024, I am going to keep my goal at 52 books and save any extra time I have for rereading old things.
Anyways the list, for posterity:
After Midnight: A History of Independent India by Meghaa Gupta
The Old Place by Bobby Finger
Ocean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell
The Memory Librarian by Janelle Monae
Women and Girls With Autism Spectrum Disorder by Sarah Hendrickx
A Restless Truth by Freya Marske
Unmasking Autism by Devon Price
Divergent Mind by Jenara Nerenberg
Even Though I Knew the End by C.L. Polk
Strictly No Heroics by B. L. Radley
Love after the End edited by Joshua Whitehead
Juniper Harvey and the Vanishing Kingdom by Nina Varela
All Systems Red by Martha Wells
The Witch and the Vampire by Francesca Flores
Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
Exit Strategy by Martha Wells
Network Effect by Martha Wells
The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho
The Lies of the Ajungo by Moses Ose Utomi
Flux by Jinwoo Chong
Burning Roses by S. L. Huang
In the Lives of Puppets by T. J. Klune
Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells
No One Will Come Back For Us by Premee Mohamed
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher
The Black Tides of Heaven by Neon Yang
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling
The Witch King by Martha Wells
A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian
Last Dance on the Starlight Pier by Sarah Bird
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
Galveston’s Maceo Family Empire by T. Nicole Boatman et al
Blood Sweat & Chrome: The Wild and True Story of Mad Max Fury Road by Kyle Buchanan
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Galveston’s Red Light District: A History of the Line by Kimber Fountain
Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail by Ashley Herring Blake
In the Vanisher’s Palace by Aliette de Bodard
The Red Scholar’s Wake by Aliette de Bodard
Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Linghun by Ai Jiang
Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
A Snake Falls to Earth by Darcie Little Badger
The Salvation Gambit by Emily Skrutskie
Spear by Nicola Griffith
The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older
Last to Leave the Room by Caitlin Starking
Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
The Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri
The Jinn-Bot of Shantiport by Samit Basu
Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders
A Power Unbound by Freya Marske
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
Sing for the Coming of the Longest Night by Iona Datt Sharma & Katherine Fabian
System Collapse by Martha Wells
Silver Nitrate Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Whalefall by Daniel Kraus
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia
Out There Screaming edited by Jordan Peele
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tina-aumont · 1 year ago
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Abuelo Made in Spain screencaps (3/4)
Abuelo Made in Spain is a 1969 Spanish comedy written by Pedro Masó and Vicente Coello and directed by Pedro Lazaga.
Marcelino (Paco Martínez soria), a widower shepherd living in the Aragonese Pyrenees saw his three young daughters Cándida (Carmen Lozano), Visi (Mabel Karr), and Nieves (Monica Randall), go to Madrid to find better lives; they've all gotten married, had sons, and forgotten their father. One day, Marcelino receives a letter from Cándida, who invites him to come for a long visit. What she really wants is some help from her father, as she's not able to take care of her 10 daughters and her upcoming child. Marcelino goes to Madrid, but once there, he only finds an unknown, frantic, hostile world and three unhappy daughters.
More than 30 years after its premiere in cinemas, in 2000 it was broadcast on La 1, being seen by more than five million viewers and ranking 33rd among the most viewed films in the decade (2000-2009) and the first at the national level.
Paco Martínez Soria - Marcelino
Carmen Lozano - Cándida
Mabel Karr - Visitación "Visi"
Monica Randall - Nieves
María Montez II - dancer
Fernanda Hurtado - Nina
José Ramón Moreno Muñoz - Antoine, "Los Gritos" drummer
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shy-fairy-levele3 · 1 year ago
2023 Book List
Unbelievably I read a staggering 70 books in 2023! The most ever! My only disappointment is NOT finishing Dracula Daily, I came so close...
Wolf Brother Michelle Paver
Skin-Walker Michelle Paver
Be the Serpent Seanan McGuire  
She Who Became the Sun 
Soul-Eater Michelle Paver
Nona the Ninth Tamsyn Muir 
The Girl in Red Christina Henry
As yet Unsent Tamsyn Muir   
Outcast Michelle Paver  
Leonard Cohen: On a wire Philippe Girard
Oath Breaker Michelle Paver 
Ghost Hunter Michelle Paver   
 Baggage: Tales from a Fully Packed Life Alan Cumming
M is for Magic Neil Gaiman
Silverwing Kenneth Opal 
Last Violent Call Chloe Gong
Malice: Malice Duology #1 Heather Walter  
Pandora Susan Stokes-Chapman
A Lady for a Duke Alexis Hall                                    
Boyfriend Material Alexis Hall
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries Heather Fawcett  
Motorcycles & Sweetgrass Drew Hayden Taylor
Conventionally Yours Annabeth Albert  
The Unbalancing R.B Lemberg  
Stone Blind Natalie Haynes
The Winter Soldier: Cold Front Mackenzi Lee 
Ruby Nina Allan
The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter Theodora Goss
Husband Material Alexis Hall
The Secret Service of Tea and Treason India Holton  
My Dear Henry: A Jekyll and Hyde Remix Kalynn Bayron
The Monsters we Defy Leslye Penelope
Travelers Along the Way: A Robin Hood Remix Aminah Mae Safi
Madly, Deeply: The Diaries of Alan Rickman Alan Rickman
Morgan Is My Name Sophie Keetch
Threads That Bind Kika Hatzopoulou
European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman Theodora Goss
Feeling Sorry for Celia Jaclyn Moriarty
Daughter of the Pirate King Tricia Levenseller
A Clash of Steel: A Treasure Island Remix C.B. Lee
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour Tee Franklin
Magic for Liars Sarah Gailey
The Story of Owen Emily Kate Johnston
The Brilliant Death A.R. Capetta
Circle of Magic: Sandy’s Book Tamora Pierce
The Merry Spinster: Tales of Everyday Horror Daniel M. Lavery  
Death's Detective- Malykant Mysteries #1-4 Charlotte E. English
The Salt Grows Heavy Cassandra Khaw
A Touch of Darkness- Hades & Persephone #1 Scarlett St. Clair
Mortal Follies Alexis Hall
Witch King Martha Wells
The London Séance Society Sarah Penner
A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future David Attenborough, Jonnie Hughes
A Game of Fate- Hades Saga #1 Scarlett St. Clair
Immortal Longings Chloe Gong
Hooked Emily McIntire  
Foul Heart Huntsmen Chloe Gong
Signal to Noise Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Daughter of the Siren Queen Tricia Levenseller  
Starter Villain John Scalzi
The Sinister Mystery of the Mesmerizing Girl Theodora Goss
Starling House Alix E. Harrow
A Marvellous Light: The Last Binding #1 Freya Marske   
A Restless Truth: The Last Binding #2 Freya Marske 
Thornhedge T. Kingfisher
What the River Knows Isabel Ibanez  
The In-Between: Unforgettable Encounters During Life's Final Moments Hadley Vlahos
Misrule: Malice Duology #2 Heather Walter
The Raven and The Reindeer T. Kingfisher
A Power Unbound: The Last Binding #3 Freya Marske
I started some series, and I finished some series. I found new favourite authors and revisited some old favourites. Please take them as recommendations, or if you have read any of the same books come talk about them with me!  
Reminder you can also follow me on The Storygraph to see what I am reading in real time, where I am simply shy_fairy   
Previous Years Reading lists can be found here: 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
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iforgetcanon · 7 months ago
Did I just read the entirety of "The Beautiful Ones" by Silvia Moreno Garcia as Sirius x Hermione? You bet I did. It was very hard not to, but friends was it GOOD. Damn.
I have a problem, ok? My ship consumes me.
Hear me out-- Nina is (imo super autistic coded, but other than that) she's obsessed with learning. She calls herself a naturalist. Perfecting her talents is so important to her that she risks propriety (which she doesn't care for anyway) to see a man who can help her learn. She hides in the Library at balls/parties. Not a great flirt.
Hector is 30+ y/o professional sad boy with a chip on his shoulder. He's determined that he cannot and should not be happy. Happiness to him, is betrayal of theb"greatest" love of his life. He's so enamored with the woman who broke his heart a decade ago, so LOYAL, that it literally takes him until halfway through the book to realize she is a manipulative and hateful snake. And then he does a total 180! He starts living his life and allowing himself happiness. He and his best friend are cute. He's so NOBLE and DETERMINED to hold respect and loyalty over his own heart.
She fell first, he fell HARDER. Ughhhh. Such a good book and so incredibly sirimione. Also, the villain is such a good villain!
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sundove88 · 2 years ago
Starflight (Ferdinand Parody Casting)
Starflight is a young dragon who escapes from a training camp in rural Spain after his father never returns from a showdown with a matador. Adopted by a girl who lives on a farm, Starflight’s peaceful existence comes crashing down when the authorities return him to his former captors. With help from a wisecracking Chinese dragon and four hedgehogs, the giant but gentle Drake must find a way to break free before he squares off against Shen, the famous peacock dragon-fighter who never loses.
Starflight as Ferdinand (Wings of Fire)
Mastermind as Raf (Wings of Fire)
Fierceteeth as Herself/Ferdinand’s Sister (Wings of Fire)
Amanda as Nina (Amanda The Adventuerer)
Jose Gallard as Juan (Balan Wonderworld)
Barktholomew as Paco (Balan Wonderworld)
Various Characters as the Villagers
Mushu as Lupe (Mulan)
Pitaya Dragon Cookie as Bones (Cookie Run)
Ananas Dragon Cookie as Guapo (Cookie Run)
Lychee Dragon Cookie as Angus (Cookie Run)
Lotus Dragon Cookie as Maquina (Cookie Run)
Longan Dragon Cookie as Valiente (Cookie Run)
Tiamat as Valiente's Father (Dungeons and Dragons)
Lord Shen as El Primero (King Fu Panda)
Sigma as Moreno (Mega Man X)
Chrono Bunny as Bunny (Balan Wonderworld)
Amy Rose as Una (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Sonic The Hedgehog as Dos (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Shadow The Hedgehog as Tres (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Silver The Hedgehog as Cuatro (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Adagio Dazzle as Klaus (Equestria Girls)
Sonata Dusk as Hans (Equestria Girls)
Aria Blaze as Greta (Equestria Girls)
Cuckoo as Maria (Balan Wonderworld)
Zeta as Isabella (The Angry Birds Movie)
Here’s your hint for the next Casting (It’s a remake):
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kwebtv · 2 years ago
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Burke’s Law -  List of Guest Stars
The Special Guest Stars of “Burke’s Law” read like a Who’s Who list of Hollywood of the era.  Many of the appearances, however, were no more than one scene cameos.  This is as complete a list ever compiled of all those who even made the briefest of appearances on the series.  
Beverly Adams, Nick Adams, Stanley Adams, Eddie Albert, Mabel Albertson, Lola Albright, Elizabeth Allen, June Allyson, Don Ameche, Michael Ansara, Army Archerd, Phil Arnold, Mary Astor, Frankie Avalon, Hy Averback, Jim Backus, Betty Barry, Susan Bay, Ed Begley, William Bendix, Joan Bennett, Edgar Bergen, Shelley Berman, Herschel Bernardi, Ken Berry, Lyle Bettger, Robert Bice, Theodore Bikel, Janet Blair, Madge Blake, Joan Blondell, Ann Blyth, Carl Boehm, Peter Bourne, Rosemarie Bowe, Eddie Bracken, Steve Brodie, Jan Brooks, Dorian Brown, Bobby Buntrock, Edd Byrnes, Corinne Calvet, Rory Calhoun, Pepe Callahan, Rod Cameron, Macdonald Carey, Hoagy Carmichael, Richard Carlson, Jack Carter, Steve Carruthers, Marianna Case, Seymour Cassel, John Cassavetes, Tom Cassidy, Joan Caulfield, Barrie Chase, Eduardo Ciannelli, Dane Clark, Dick Clark, Steve Cochran, Hans Conried, Jackie Coogan, Gladys Cooper, Henry Corden, Wendell Corey, Hazel Court, Wally Cox, Jeanne Crain, Susanne Cramer, Les Crane, Broderick Crawford, Suzanne Cupito, Arlene Dahl, Vic Dana, Jane Darwell, Sammy Davis Jr., Linda Darnell, Dennis Day, Laraine Day, Yvonne DeCarlo, Gloria De Haven, William Demarest, Andy Devine, Richard Devon, Billy De Wolfe, Don Diamond, Diana Dors, Joanne Dru, Paul Dubov, Howard Duff, Dan Duryea, Robert Easton, Barbara Eden, John Ericson, Leif Erickson, Tom Ewell, Nanette Fabray, Felicia Farr, Sharon Farrell, Herbie Faye, Fritz Feld, Susan Flannery, James Flavin, Rhonda Fleming, Nina Foch, Steve Forrest, Linda Foster, Byron Foulger, Eddie Foy Jr., Anne Francis, David Fresco, Annette Funicello, Eva Gabor, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Reginald Gardiner, Nancy Gates, Lisa Gaye, Sandra Giles, Mark Goddard, Thomas Gomez, Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez, Sandra Gould, Wilton Graff, Gloria Grahame, Shelby Grant, Jane Greer, Virginia Grey, Tammy Grimes, Richard Hale, Jack Haley, George Hamilton, Ann Harding, Joy Harmon, Phil Harris, Stacy Harris, Dee Hartford, June Havoc, Jill Haworth, Richard Haydn, Louis Hayward, Hugh Hefner, Anne Helm, Percy Helton, Irene Hervey, Joe Higgins, Marianna Hill, Bern Hoffman, Jonathan Hole, Celeste Holm, Charlene Holt, Oscar Homolka, Barbara Horne, Edward Everett Horton, Breena Howard, Rodolfo Hoyos Jr., Arthur Hunnicutt, Tab Hunter, Joan Huntington, Josephine Hutchinson, Betty Hutton, Gunilla Hutton, Martha Hyer, Diana Hyland, Marty Ingels, John Ireland, Mako Iwamatsu, Joyce Jameson, Glynis Johns, I. Stanford Jolley, Carolyn Jones, Dean Jones, Spike Jones, Victor Jory, Jackie Joseph, Stubby Kaye, Monica Keating, Buster Keaton, Cecil Kellaway, Claire Kelly, Patsy Kelly, Kathy Kersh, Eartha Kitt, Nancy Kovack, Fred Krone, Lou Krugman, Frankie Laine, Fernando Lamas, Dorothy Lamour, Elsa Lanchester, Abbe Lane, Charles Lane, Lauren Lane, Harry Lauter, Norman Leavitt, Gypsy Rose Lee, Ruta Lee, Teri Lee, Peter Leeds, Margaret Leighton, Sheldon Leonard, Art Lewis, Buddy Lewis, Dave Loring, Joanne Ludden,  Ida Lupino, Tina Louise, Paul Lynde, Diana Lynn, James MacArthur, Gisele MacKenzie, Diane McBain, Kevin McCarthy, Bill McClean, Stephen McNally, Elizabeth MacRae, Jayne Mansfield, Hal March, Shary Marshall, Dewey Martin, Marlyn Mason, Hedley Mattingly, Marilyn Maxwell, Virginia Mayo, Patricia Medina, Troy Melton, Burgess Meredith, Una Merkel, Dina Merrill, Torben Meyer, Barbara Michaels, Robert Middleton, Vera Miles, Sal Mineo, Mary Ann Mobley, Alan Mowbray, Ricardo Montalbán, Elizabeth Montgomery, Ralph Moody, Alvy Moore, Terry Moore, Agnes Moorehead, Anne Morell, Rita Moreno, Byron Morrow, Jan Murray, Ken Murray, George Nader, J. Carrol Naish, Bek Nelson, Gene Nelson, David Niven, Chris Noel, Kathleen Nolan, Sheree North, Louis Nye, Arthur O'Connell, Quinn O'Hara, Susan Oliver, Debra Paget, Janis Paige, Nestor Paiva, Luciana Paluzzi, Julie Parrish, Fess Parker, Suzy Parker, Bert Parks, Harvey Parry, Hank Patterson, Joan Patrick, Nehemiah Persoff, Walter Pidgeon, Zasu Pitts, Edward Platt, Juliet Prowse, Eddie Quillan, Louis Quinn, Basil Rathbone, Aldo Ray, Martha Raye, Gene Raymond, Peggy Rea, Philip Reed, Carl Reiner, Stafford Repp, Paul Rhone, Paul Richards, Don Rickles, Will Rogers Jr., Ruth Roman, Cesar Romero, Mickey Rooney, Gena Rowlands, Charlie Ruggles, Janice Rule, Soupy Sales, Hugh Sanders, Tura Satana, Telly Savalas, John Saxon, Lizabeth Scott, Lisa Seagram, Pilar Seurat, William Shatner, Karen Sharpe, James Shigeta, Nina Shipman, Susan Silo, Johnny Silver, Nancy Sinatra, The Smothers Brothers, Joanie Sommers, Joan Staley, Jan Sterling, Elaine Stewart, Jill St. John, Dean Stockwell, Gale Storm, Susan Strasberg, Inger Stratton, Amzie Strickland, Gil Stuart, Grady Sutton, Kay Sutton, Gloria Swanson, Russ Tamblyn. Don Taylor, Dub Taylor, Vaughn Taylor, Irene Tedrow, Terry-Thomas, Ginny Tiu, Dan Tobin, Forrest Tucker, Tom Tully, Jim Turley, Lurene Tuttle, Ann Tyrrell, Miyoshi Umeki, Mamie van Doren, Deborah Walley, Sandra Warner, David Wayne, Ray Weaver, Lennie Weinrib, Dawn Wells, Delores Wells, Rebecca Welles, Jack Weston, David White, James Whitmore, Michael Wilding, Annazette Williams, Dave Willock, Chill Wills, Marie Wilson, Nancy Wilson, Sandra Wirth, Ed Wynn, Keenan Wynn, Dana Wynter, Celeste Yarnall, Francine York.
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gracieblood · 2 years ago
Greetings Leo! 1, 3 and 9 for the weird asks!
there was no limit to how many i could say, so: el hopper, jonathan byers, nina and keedie darrow, teresa agnes, ollie moreno, trevor watson, dennis tyde, chris bean and vanessa wilcock-wynn-carroway ((some fairly obscure ones there, but whatever))
3. i wouldn’t normally, unless it’s like july/august time and it’s really warm
9. cold coffee because i’m a lot less likely to burn my tongue.
thank you for the asks! 😊
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