#Niche Marketing Kit
dilemmaontwolegs · 9 months
Harmony || CL16
Summary: Being a musician isn't the easiest way to make ends meet. Aside from being in the local orchestra, you balance being a tutor and a tuner - one Charles hires to tune his piano. Warnings: none, fluffy WC: 1.2k F1 Masterlist
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Of course the city would be busy when you were running late. As much as you might have tried to run, or at least power walk, you didn’t want to damage the precious cargo you were carrying. You managed to make up some time at the sacrifice of your lungs and you were still recovering when you reached the address of your last appointment.
“Sorry I’m late, Mr Leclerc, my violin lesson ran over.”
“That’s okay, and it’s just Charles,” he corrected as he opened his door wider for you to enter his home. It was easy to see where you were going to be working so you headed straight to the upright piano in the light and airy living room. After placing your violin case on the floor beside his coffee table you shrugged off your backpack and opened your tool kit.
“May I?” you asked as you reached for the memorabilia balanced on the top you needed access to.
“Oh, right, sorry.” He rolled his eyes at himself for not preparing the piano for your arrival and helped you clear it off. “Is there anything else you need?”
“No, thank you, Mr- I mean Charles.” You opened the top lid before removing the front panel and sat down on the bench. First you tested the keys and pedals to see if any were sticky but they were in good condition, and you listened to each key to determine how much work was needed. 
“How long have you been learning to play the violin?”
You looked away from the keys as Charles took a seat on the sofa near your instrument. “Oh, no, I teach it. Well, I suppose I am still learning, because there is always room to improve, but my lesson was with a student.”
“So violin tutor and piano tuner,” he said with an impressed nod. “That is quite the niche market.”
“Not as niche as yours,” you pointed out as you pulled a tuning fork out of your tool kit. “There are certainly more than 20 of us in the world.”
The racer cracked a smile that was quite disarming and you had to return to your work as your cheeks warned. “When was she last tuned?”
He chuckled nervously and you winced before he even answered. “When I bought it, two and a half years ago.”
You suppressed the sigh that built and grabbed the adjuster to start moving all the keys up in pitch. “Without regular tuning, you’ll likely find she needs fine tuning again in a few weeks.”
Charles smiled sheepishly and nodded. A comfortable silence fell as you continued your work, moving with confidence through the motions until you were satisfied the piano sounded perfect. Replacing the front panel and closing the top, you took a seat again for the final test. There was already a page of sheet music on the stand so you placed your tablet next to it and opened the app that picked up notes and confirmed if they were in tune or not.
Your eyes scanned the sheet and you heard the melody in your head before you let it flow into your fingers that started their graceful dance across the keys. One page was more than enough to check your work was done but you were a little disappointed that you weren’t able to hear the remainder of the song as you closed the lid.
“I haven’t heard this before,” you said as you picked up the sheet but it had no markings on it. “Who is the artist?”
Charles rose from the sofa and took the page with pink cheeks. “I, uh, I wrote it.”
“It’s beautiful, and sad.” He frowned at the strange compliment and looked away before you placed your hand on his shoulder. “There’s nothing wrong with sad music. It is meant to be a way of expressing oneself so it doesn’t fester inside. I tell my students it is a good thing.”
His frown softened and his grip on the paper eased before he reached past you to place it back on the stand. “I wanted to add some other instruments once I recorded it, but I wasn’t sure which ones.”
You nodded to yourself as you replayed the sonata in your head, your fingers drawing invisible notes that could accompany the melody. “Hmm, I think I can help…if you want?”
“Please,” he said as he watched you grab your violin case and unlock it. The lid opened with a creak and his eyes widened as he saw the logo for the Monegasque Royal Orchestra in the velvet lining. “You play for the orchestra?”
“Second chair,” you hummed with a proud smile. “We are playing for Prince Albert’s birthday this weekend.”
“I guess I will see you there.”
Of course he would have an invitation to the Prince’s birthday, all the important people in the principality would be there. “That’s one way to make me nervous. I’ll try not to mess up for you.”
“I think you’ll be great,” he said with a grin as he sat at the edge of the bench and watched you raise the delicate violin to your neck.
“Do you want to play and I will join you?”
“Uh, sure.” He was the one who seemed nervous now and he cleared his throat as he turned on the bench seat, his toes hovering over the pedals. “Here we go, I guess.”
His long fingers were elegant and his wrists remained loose as he began to play. You let the first eight bars open before you closed your eyes and drew your bow across the strings in harmony to him. Charles stumbled over the key as the higher octave caught him by surprise but he recovered with a quiet apology and soon the piece rose into an emotive crescendo that had your chest aching before the last note died out.
You let your arm relax and the warmth from the rosewood rest cooled on your skin as you lowered the bow and violin to your sides.
“That was…incredible,” he said as he turned in his seat.
“You are a very talented man, Mr Leclerc,” you said as you carefully laid the violin back into the bracket and locked it up. “A lot of people can play the piano but very few have the creativity to write their own music.”
His blush spread from his cheeks to his neck and he fidgeted with the ring on his finger. “Thank you, for tuning my piano and playing with me.”
“It was a pleasure.” You packed up your tools and shoved them into your backpack before picking up the violin case and looking at the door. “I hope you enjoy the concert.”
“I’m sure I will,” he said with a genuine smile as he walked with you to the entrance way. “Maybe we can have a drink together afterwards?”
You clutched the handle of the case tighter and tried to control your excitement with a small nod, but your smile was uncontrollable and bright. “I would like that.”
“I’ll see you Saturday.”
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l-crimson-l · 5 months
I'd love to get into girlpla, I'm just a bit too broke to afford any kits; however, if you'd like to talk about it as a whole, I'd be more than happy to hear.
So…let me try this again. I had a whole nice post written up and I swapped off for a moment to check something and I completely lost the post.
Mecha Musume has a pretty long history that I’m not going to go into but here’s a little video if you’re interested.
Now when most people think of Mecha Musume there’s basically one standout line above them all: Frame Arms Girl.
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This line is a bit old now but its popularity has set the aesthetic style for the market as it stands now. The build of these are…ok. Kotobukiya was definitely learning with these kits but they’re still solid at the end of it.
Now if you’re like me you’re not too much a fan of the pantsu out look, and other kits in the line don’t exactly do anything to mitigate that feeling (looking at you Durga I).
The next line Koto would release would be better at this tho. The Megami Device line features all original designs as well as collabs from new and old mecha musume brands alike.
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First thing off the bat this is that they’re pricey. At an average cost of $70 you’re basically buying a Bandai MG gunpla. That said, they all typically come with a bunch of option parts. These are usually in the form of unarmored limbs, different chest pieces, face plates (with water slides to make your own) and extra connectors to help with kitbashing. Koto also has released option body segments to let you swap any part of the body you might want to if the right option isn’t available in the box (~$12). It should be noted the newest kits in this line have brought the price down to $50 as well as reengineered the build to add a lot more articulation and pose-ability.
Also in this lines favor is the articulation and build quality. You’re going to get a nice range of motion with or without armor and some of the smaller details also sometimes come pre painted.
That said Kotobukiya is a company that favors more complex character design over an Out Of Box experience so there’s some smaller details that are etched into the kit but unless your paints them won’t be color correct. I would say this is pretty common across most Koto lines.
Both the FAgirls and Megami Device are scaled at 1/12 so Little Armory guns and the whole market of 3rd party accessories will work with these kits.
Next up is Koto’s Sousai Shoujo Teien which is simple girls as plastic models
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A little cheaper and at 1/10 scale instead of 1/12. I’ve not built any but I do know they can bash with Megami Device and Hexa Gear lines just fine. If you take a peek at the JP girpla community there’s actually a niche but healthy group dedicated to taking nice photos of their kits dressed up in everyday scenarios.
Finally the newest line of Koto girl kits is the Arcanadea line.
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Purely in a fantasy take these are Incredible kits. I’ve only built one (Lumitea) but it was far and away a much better build experience than the FAgirl kits. These are actually designed by a vtuber artist iirc which is why the designs are so different than other Koto kit lines. If you have the cash and want to try something different I would highly recommend.
Now finally we get to Bandai. After learning from their failures with the Hg Build Fighters girls they went back and designed something solid and what got me into mecha musume: 30 Minute Sisters
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Right off the bat with an average price of around $30 the barrier to entry is much easier. While not as refined as the Megami Device line, these simple kits cram in a lot for the price. You’ll get an armored and unarmored form, as well as face plates. However the biggest selling point is How Damn Easy they are to bash. Being apart of the 30M line means they’re completely compatible with the 30MM line of mechs. Which also means all of those extra weapon and armor sets transfer over for the most part. And that’s not even talking about the dedicated 30MS option sets like hair parts, body parts, etc.
This is a Very beginner friendly line of kits and the place I would suggest most people starting if they’re looking to get into mecha musume.
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This example I think uses about 5 different kits to build and I don’t believe any serious modifications were needed.
Another Bandai line to mention is the Standard Figurise line which you’ll be familiar with if you’ve picked up the Sulletta, Miorine or ChuChu kits. Typically pretty solid kits (uma musume excluded, only get the 30ms version of that one) they usually include characters from a variety of different shows. These are still of course bash-able but not without modification.
With the explosion of popularity with these kits means we have even more companies now joining in the race. ATK and MS General have a bunch of kits to offer and we see new companies pop up some really sick looking kits (see tgat Galahad)
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We even have Plamax giving us the really cool looking GODZ ORDER kits and soon character kits from Blue Archive, Konosuba and others.
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For these smaller/third party companies I would suggest doing plenty of research before buying one. The ATK kit that I made was Especially frustrating and required a lot of extra work to make parts fit right or to clean them up so they fit at all. Not to mention the extra detail work required to really make them look like the box example. Just do your homework.
I hope this helps!! It’s a growing market so there’s always more kits being announced. This should have covered the majority of kits out there but IMPORTANT! Check sites like AmiAmi for sales or resales on kits. You can sometimes find an unbuilt kit that retails at $70 going for $30.
USAGS will regularly get Koto kits in and new releases but by no means believe them when they say a kit is USAGS exclusive. Remember to check HLJ as well. Let me know if you have any other questions and I’ll do my best to answer them!!
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betterbemeta · 11 months
A bit ago youtube served me this video by the wall street journal about how difficult it is for meal kit companies to stay afloat
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This may be a surprise to people because if you show any interest in 'food' you're probably getting dozens of ads from meal kit companies every day. But what shocked me about the video was not really what it reported; it was what it depicted by omission, or without self-awareness.
Meal kits are NOT cheaper than groceries. This is the one thing it said outright that I think people need to hear. The marketing is manipulation based on short-term discounts that will not be sustained for any length of subscription. Economies of scale are what make stuff cheap and while the largest meal kit companies can come closest, none are anywhere near a successful grocery chain's scale.
HelloFresh has a whopping 78 percent of the market shares in the meal kit business. This is presented as a neutral fact but it displays the truth that the 'competition' between corporations is a sham: once the market giant achieves sufficient size, nothing else can catch up and only tiny niches where certain privileged consumers will want to buy an 'alternative' at great expense can coexist.
Many services have pivoted from offering meal kits with ingredients to offering fully prepared meals because people who would want to buy a meal kit aren't being daunted by the 'time to go to the store' or 'knowledge of ingredients to buy' or 'portioning ingredients' or 'reading directions.' What this implies, that the video doesn't state outright, is that average people who are lured into subscribing to food delivery services need food NOW, the ACCESS TO THE FOOD is the decision-maker, not 'convenience cooking.'
this dovetails into another video I recently watched, about the disappearance of cheap food in the USA.
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(uh, ignore the watch percentage bar, I went back to it to check statistics it cites.)
the issue here being that the growing dominance of car-based transportation in the USA added a giant expense to the average person's budget, supported 'affordable' housing moving farther and farther away from centralized areas where eateries that could cheaply prepare food people depended on. So people actually didn't spend less money on food in the past, they spent more... but they had more budget for food because they spent less or even nothing on gas and housing in general was also much, much cheaper. Even adjusted for inflation.
Anyway. the reason why I am bringing that second video up. is that the first one dodges the obvious conclusion. It presents the evidence. But then doesn't ask why? Why are people so desperate to sign up for something that's cheaper than groceries, that takes less time than groceries? Why is there a market for mass appeal, because to sustain revenue you need a TON of people signing up for the discounted trial, to make up for so few long-term subscribers?? Why are people looking for an alternative to our current cheapest available options, maybe cheaper than almost any point in human history? Even with disgusting price hikes?
It is because people cannot afford the price of food with how much other things reap from their budget, or the time to prepare food they can afford. Things are much worse than the forward face of our culture depicts, and even industries that pop up to exploit the needy are grubbing for pennies
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yamada-ryo · 1 year
2004: Bandai creates Wing club Collection (a genuinely good quality plane kit lineup for its scale) 2006: Bandai kills Wing Club Collection 2009: Bandai creates B-train Shorty (a genuinely good quality train kit lineup, unique niche in the market) 2018: Bandai kills B-train Shorty 2022: Bandai starts G Witch (a genuinely-
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kurogane2512 · 8 months
Mihoyo really made Eula and Xianyun sneeze in teaser cause people weren't going to pull them due to niche/bad kit and meta archon was running alongside them.... Impeccable marketing Mihoyo 👌🏻
I'm just going to hope I get her on 50/50, Navia took all the primos I saved since 4.1 now I only have enough to barely reach 1 pity (even after including 4.4's free stuff)🥲
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juniper-c · 7 months
Folks from the US getting condescending about people not from the states has to be my least favourite genre of posts. Like, i swear every other week I see some shit written in half baked (british) english slang about baked beans or jellied eels or rotten teeth and it drives me up the wall. Just a bunch of fundamental misunderstandings about a place they've never been too with little to no curiosity about what life might actually be like there.
Im only coming at this from a UK angle so cant speak for anywhere else but a quick rundown on all this shit states side people get wrong about our food specifically because thats what winds me up the most.
Beans on toast is a cheap staple breakfast food, not the cornerstone of our cullinary tradition.
In most urban city centers you get a complex mix of diaspora informed food stuffs, primarily indian and east asian because of all that colonialism we did. Relatively large muslim populations also bring in middle eastern influences.
Even what you might think of as a classic british pub will sell you a basic curry unless you're in the arse end of nowhere. This is not niche shit. Our whole food culture is shaped by this.
What you could call 'classic' british cooking like full roast dinners with Yorkshire puddings, propery gravy, sruffung, and all the other fixings are fucking great actually. Bit of lamb with mint, bit of pork with apple sauce, cut of beef with mustard. It goes hard.
Even if you are in the arse end of nowhere stuff like pasties, proper pies, stews with dumplings, fish and chips, and other sea side holiday basics that make you think of little coves in north devon are also good, actually. Yes its not spiced to all hell and back, but they incoperate herbs and vegatables and stocks in ways that give it a unique depth of flavour distinct from cultures informed by a more spice heavy tradition.
Say what you will about our shit (complimentary) chicken shops and rubbery high street donner in years of nights out blind drunk in student bits of the city they've never once given me the gastric distress y'all describe post taco bell.
Of course our mexican food isn't particularly authentic, the countries half a planet away and we dont have a large mexican diaspora. What we do have is tuned for mass market appeal by largish chains or sold out of artisinal taco food trucks that we all find a bit wanky tbh.
Spicy food exists, and we quite like it. Yes even pasty white tony who turns the colour of jam when he eats a medium hot vindaloo. Indian food is a cornerstone of our national diet of course we know what chilli powder is.
And finally nobody eats fucking jellied eels it was a victorian era poverty food and even then only in london.
Also our chocolate is better than yours because we dont put the weird chemical in it that makes it taste like sick. Eat a kit kat and die mad about it.
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thebrawlerina · 2 months
Hey hey hey! good morning/afternoon/evening to you! may i request some of your HCs of Gray?
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I'm finally getting to this, sorry for the wait!
Gray HCs
Gray would say (or rather sign) that his first language was sign language. He grew up in a household where many of the members were deaf or hard of hearing. He himself isn't either of those, but he learned so he could effectively communicate with his family.
Because his family couldn't hear him very well, Gray grew up to be a very quiet kid. Some people even thought that he was mute because he just wasn't used to communicating with his voice.
When he speaks hes either super quiet or super loud. There is no inbetween. Since most of the brawlers have good hearing, he just speaks super soft, so theyre unaware of how loud he can be if he really needs to.
He knows LSF (French Sign Language) and ASL (American Sign Language) but hes trying to learn other sign languages to better connect with more people.
He is always willing to teach people how to sign and thinks its wonderful that others are being mindful about it.
Gray is a master at Charades, even without his extra mime powers or signing he can easily get his points across.
Silent movies were a big thing for him growing up, since they can get the story across without much sound. This inspired Gray to pursue not just pursue acting, but to focus on the niche of silent black and white film.
Most people think Gray is serious due to his monochromatic wardrobe and resting frowny face, but hes actually quite silly and isn't afraid to make a fool out of himself.
Though he has his mime powers, he can still be an effective actor without them. They just make some stunts very easy/convenient.
He is the youngest of the older men in the park. Somewhere around his late-thirties to fourties.
He met Lola a couple of times during his time in acting school and during their acting careers. They both grate on each other's nerves but still have a healthy respect for one another. Neither of them expected or knew that the other was signing into the park so it was quite the surprise for both of them.
He and Mico are cordial with one another. Mico doesnt really interact with him much, since Gray's performances dont really need sound and cause his niche market isnt really good for getting famous. Gray isn't too bothered by his aloofness and just keeps a respectable working relationship with him.
Since working with RT, Gray has developed a fondness for the little guy and likes to visit him in his security tower when things arent too busy.
Gray has a soft spot for cats and also admires Kit's long acting career. They like to chat about things, and sometimes Gray gives Kit some ear scritches for his trouble. (Kit gave him permission so its all good)
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Piper GTT 
Before the dominance of the big conglomerate car manufacturers took hold in the late 1960s, there was room in the market for niche companies whose products fulfilled the demands of a few drivers who wanted something a little different to the everyday, somewhat bland mainstream offering. Some companies such as Lotus thrived and are still with us while the likes of TVR have come and gone (several times), hopefully to return. Others had their day in the sun but ultimately disappeared after a relatively brief but bright life; Piper sits firmly in the later camp. Though the end results were fairly diverse, these companies’ approaches had remarkable commonality with cheap to produce fiberglass bodies (no need for expensive tooling which required high production volumes to amortise its costs) sitting on bespoke chassis while their running gear, which was financially impossible for a small business to develop and manufacture, was sourced from the industry’s major players.
Piper were kept pretty busy trying to build cars so production records are sketchy to say the least and it is thought that just eighty road cars and some twenty racers were built making them rare beasts today, though their survival rate is undoubtedly higher than that of propriety sports car such as say MGBs. Formed in 1966 by ex-racer George Henrotte, owner of Campbell’s Garage (hence the Scottish Piper logo and company name) in Hayes, Kent with the able assistance of engineer Bob Gayler (ex Harry Weslake), machinist Ken Packham and artist come designer Tony Hilder who had been responsible for the McLaren M1A, their first ‘whole car’ effort started as an evenings and weekends project until a customer, Gerry Hall, showed an interest in buying one. With his role as Works Gemini Formula Junior team manager winding up, Henrotte gave the green light for a limited production run of the pretty sports racers with four being completed for customers to add their powertrain of choice to; Hall put an Alfa Twin Cam in his, Bobby Bell a Lotus Twin Cam while racer Jerry Titus opted for a Buick V8. With a Mallite (balsawood/alloy sandwich) monocoque F3 car another Piper product, the company was building a reputation as a hotbed of outside the box thinking and a road-usable GT car was the next project. Approached by some Austin Healey Sprite racers who were looking for a light and sleek home for their running gear, a mock-up of what was to become the Piper GTT was shown at the 1967 Racing Car Show, apparently yielding an impressive seven hundred enquiries.
With Henrotte being kept busy with the tuning side of the Piper business, there was a timely intervention by Clubman racer Brian Sherwood who had not only bought a Piper GT but as the Sprite guys gradually fell by the wayside, was instrumental in more suitable Ford components being introduced at the expense of the BMC kit. With Sherwood now very much hands on, the Company was split with car production moving to his Wokingham premises while Henrotte concentrated on the aftermarket components business, though the companies remained closely linked both financially and practically. Through the late 1960s production increased from a drip to a trickle until Bill Atkinson, an enthusiastic GTT owner who had joined the company in the summer of 1969 as Works Manager, and Tony Waller (Sherwood Holdings’ Company Secretary) made great strides getting the GTT into some sort of series production. Instrumental in saving Piper’s car business, Sherwood was at heart a racer and he took them on an ultimately ill-fated foray to Le Mans in 1969 with the ultra-low, mid-engined GTR, an ambitious project that is thought to have cost £250,000. His untimely death late that year coupled with strikes at Ford ultimately resulted in the company being wound up in June 1971, despite the strong progress being made by Atkinson and Waller on the car production and development front (the longer wheelbase P2 was eventually launched in early 1971). However, this was not quite the end of the road for Piper; reborn as Emmbrook Engineering under the same management team, the Piper P2 remained in production until 1974.
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gothicprep · 11 months
i know the monetization model for the sims 4 is somewhat egregious, but sometimes I also suspect simmers who complain about this have memory holed just how aggressively the sims 3 store was marketed. like you had to pay for singular items. and I think if you crunched the numbers and adjusted for inflation, kits would cost less if you’re going item-by-item. and you don’t have to buy fake currency in the middle of it.
like you’d open up build or buy mode, you’d get ads for store content. the loading screen would have ads for store worlds. it was nuts.
that said though, I am still very much a sucker and did end up buying one of the store worlds ($25! just the world without new gameplay features! I had no business being in control of my own finances when I was 17!) and actually thinking it was 100% worth the money. it was like an icelandic themed world with mountains and fjords in the landscape and those bright boxy reykjavik style houses that I love. & I remember the townies having interesting storylines.
so either I’m too much of a sucker to make a judgment call, or that world is SO specifically catered to the niche of what I’d want from a sims 3 world that my judgment was momentarily clouded. probably the latter because I don’t remember getting anything else.
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l-coleart · 1 year
Sketchbook Supply Recs!
Hi y’all, Since I’ve been posting more sketchbook pages recently, I thought I would share some of my favorite supplies. My recommendations are tailored to creating a user-friendly, portable kit mainly focused on ink and markers. I’ve found that having a kit like this makes me more likely to regularly develop my sketchbook, which I view as one of the most important parts of keeping one. None of these recommendations are sponsored or affiliated, I just hope that by sharing what supplies I enjoy, others can find new things to try. Keep reading under the cut!
I often find that products marketed towards the stationary and note-taking/organization niches perform better at lower prices for frequent sketchbook use than products targeted specifically towards the art and illustration community. Don’t shy away from products in office-supply stores just because it doesn’t say ‘for art’ on it. 
I also recommend refillable pens whenever possible. They usually offer more customization in ink color and nib size. Refillable options produce less plastic waste than disposable options. Refillable designs tend to have more ergonomic designs, with larger barrels and better weight balance that minimize hand discomfort. If you draw frequently, this is something worth considering to avoid damaging your hand joints in the long term. In addition, they’re built with durability in mind, allowing them to be thrown in your bag or pencil case without worry. 
Darker ink drawing pens make up the core of my kit, so I’ve tried a variety of options and usually have at least a few of these in my bag. Currently, the Pilot Kakuno Pocket Fountain Pen (around $10-19 depending where you purchase from) is my favorite. I love the line quality this pen can produce– the barrel is a bit larger than most pens and the body and cap give it a good balance in the hand. This pen also takes cartridge refills, allowing you to easily switch colors between refills without the mess. There are a wide range of colors available for this pen, and the thinner water-based ink formula is easy to work with. The ink dries down matte, so it scans accurately without digital manipulation. It also comes in a few different nib sizes with different cosmetic options/color ways for the pen body. Though fountain pens typically have a slight learning curve in learning how to draw with them, I found this one especially easy to work with since the nib has an etched design that shows when you’re holding it properly. 
The Pilot EnerGel Alloy Body Ballpoint Pen (around $8-10) is another of my favorites. The metal body of the pen is a slightly larger barrel size with a nice weight balance which allows smooth lines without hand discomfort. They’re also refilled with cartridges, which come in a few different colors and point sizes; I enjoy the 1.0 mm the most for this pen. The water-based gel ink formula for this pen is one of the best I’ve tried, as it’s very smooth, dries fast which minimizes smudging, and scans well. The V5/V7 Ballpoint Pen from Pilot (available in multi-packs for around $1-2 per pen) has a similar ink formula in varied nib sizes. They aren’t refillable, but they last a long time. I think they’re worthwhile, especially as a beginner friendly, widely available option.
Muji Pens (available online for about $2 per pen) are another great ballpoint gel option. They come in an impressive range of colors, thicknesses, and cap types. They can also be refilled with cartridges. I think the finer 0.38 and 0.5 nib sizes are my favorites from this line. 
If you prefer a brush-tip style pen to ballpoint or fountain pens, I really enjoy the Tombow Fudenosuke or Pentel Pocket Brush. The Fudenosuke (around $3-4) is a felt-tip brush pen. The nib is a perfect firmness to get a variety of line weights with ease. I find that this makes it well-suited to thumbnails and other fast sketching. They come in a smaller range of well-formulated, pigmented colors, which consistently scan well. They aren’t refillable, but last a long time, which I think makes them worth it. 
The Pentel Pocket Brush (around $7 with two refills included) is a bristle brush pen. The fibers are very smooth and can achieve a wide variety of textures and line weights. It has a bit more of a learning curve than some of my other recommendations, but that’s mostly if you haven’t inked with a brush previously– it’s relatively easy to get comfortable with. It’s also refillable with cartridges and has a few different color options. This pen is one of my favorites for figure drawing. 
Though it’s not a pen, I also think the Rotring Mechanical Drafting Pencil (around $20-30) deserves a mention for folks who prefer sketching in pencil. The metal body and textured grip create a good weight balance that makes it write exceptionally smooth. It also takes standard graphite and other colorful options which give an equivalent level of customization to the previously described pens. 
Markers and colorful supplies are another important element of your kit. At the top of the list for me is a couple of different highlighters and felt tip pens. I love Zebra Mildliners, especially the double-ended ones with the super fine/brush tip combo (usually less than $1/pen when purchased in packs of 5 or more). They’re easy to draw with and can be a great choice for adding value or colors. The color range (mostly pastel and creamy colors) is also impressive. Stabilo makes a similar style of pen called the pointMax (M 0.8) (usually about $2 a pen, but also comes in packs) that comes in some darker, more vibrant colors. I prefer the thicker size since they tend to last longer, but they make some thinner liner versions of this pen (called point88) with the same ink formula that are also good. If you like a thicker marker, Chunky highlighters are the way to go. Stabilo Boss (about $1.50 in a multi-pack) and Staedtler Textsurfer (about $1.70) are great options that come in a variety of colors, with Stabilo coming in creamy pastels and Staedtler coming in more bright and neon colors.  
Within this category, novelty supplies can also be a good colorful addition. Mixed color pencils can be really fun for line drawing. Koh-i-Noor makes some of my favorites (about $4 but they last a long time) with earth tones, primaries, and neons. Gelly Roll pens (about $1.50 /pen) also are a nice novelty pen while still being high quality. They have a good color range with metallic, neon, glitter, and other finishes. 
On top of drawing supplies, some washi tape, stickers, double-stick tape, and cool paper also make fun additions. It’s harder to make specific recommendations for specific washi tape and stickers, however, supporting your local stationery/craft/paper good stores and favorite artists and designers who make and sell it is always a good move! I have some from Natalie Andrewson, Alex Tomlinson of Pigeon Post, and Starmint Art that I use all the time. The best ones complement the imagery and colors you use. Be curious, collect, and repurpose things that make you excited!
Hopefully these recommendations help you find something new and exciting. Let me know if there are other topics you’d be interested in! Thanks for reading :^)
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marketingprofitmedia · 3 months
Vocal Clone AI Review – Create Human-Like AI Voices in Any Niche & Any Language Just 1-Click!
Welcome to my Vocal Clone AI Review, This is a genuine user-based Vocal Clone AI review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how Vocal Clone AI can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. 1st-Ever A.I. Voice Cloning Platform Built For Marketers — Clone Your Voice Or Create Custom, Unique AI Voices In Seconds, Make Your Marketing More Engaging, Authentic & Human.
If you’re still using generic AI voices like Amazon Polly, Google TTS, or Azure, then it’s killing your sales, not increasing them. The truth is, everyone is using those same boring voices that scream “unoriginal” and “copied.” Your audience can see right through it. Because they know it’s fake, they don’t like your brand or message. Get ahead of the game and connect with your audience like never before. With Vocal Clone AI, you can easily clone and create human-like voices in just a few seconds. Imagine the impact on your audience when they hear your voice — unique, authentic, and engaging. That’s how you build trust and make a lasting impression. Alternatively, employ a genuine, natural-sounding, indiscernible, and previously unheard AI voice.
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Vocal Clone AI Review: What Is Vocal Clone AI?
Vocal Clone AI is a cloud-based software program that allows users to create human-sounding artificial voices. Imagine having your own personal voice assistant that can narrate videos, introduce your podcast, or create engaging social media content. That’s the power of Vocal Clone AI. The software works by analyzing a voice sample (it can be yours or someone else’s) and then uses artificial intelligence to create a near-replica.
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You can also choose from a library of pre-built AI voices with different accents and genders. Once you have your voice, you simply type in the script you want it to say, adjust things like speed and pitch, and hit generate. Vocal Clone AI then transforms your text into speech using the chosen voice. This can be a game-changer for content creators, marketers, and anyone who wants to add a professional voiceover to their projects without the hassle and expense of hiring a voice actor. However, it’s important to remember that AI voices, while impressive, might not always sound perfectly human.
Vocal Clone AI Review: Overview
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Creator: Yogesh Agarwal
Product: Vocal Clone AI
Date Of Launch: 2024-Jun-25
Time Of Launch: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Niche: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels (Newbie Or Expert)
Discount Code: “VOCAL3” To Get $3 Off Instantly!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Vocal Clone AI Review: About Authors
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Yogesh Agarwal and his passion for cutting-edge solutions have changed how marketers interact with their audiences. Yogesh, the founder of Vocal Clone AI, created the first AI-powered virtual platform generation tool to let marketers easily generate compelling voice cloning platform.
Yogesh’s platform lets marketers of diverse backgrounds use virtual AI Graphics influencers. His AI knowledge allows him to create easy solutions that require no technical skills, making content creation accessible to everybody.
Some lots of launches, including AI Ebook Suite, Instant AI Biz, AI Fame Rush, AI Platform Creator, VidMonopoly, AI Creative Suite, AI Audio Avataar, Ai Video Tales, BusinessBoxAI, AI Creative Suite, AI Graphics Factory, Viral Faces AI, TubeRushr, Propel AI Kit, AI List Flipper, AI Multi Marketer, AI Smart News, and many others.
Vocal Clone AI Review: Features
100% Cloud Based Software
Clone Yourself & Multiply Your Presence for Unlimited Traffic & Sales!
Move Your Audience to Take Action With Emotion-Driven Voices!
Upgrade Your Content & Captivate Your Audience With Realistic AI Voices!
Transform Text Into Captivating Audio with Advanced AI Technology & Customization Options!
Effortlessly Turn Your Audio into Beautifully Crafted Videos to Attract More Viewers & Buyers!
VSL Script Generator Create Persuasive Video Sales Letters In 1-Click!
Enhance Your Audio & Brand with Customized Background Music!
Give Your Content a Professional Touch & Increase Listener Retention!
AI Image Creator Instantly Create Eye-Catching Images for Your Marketing Content!
AI Video Creator Transforms Your Ideas Into Engaging Videos Without Any Skills!
Combine Multiple Audio Files Into One Seamless Piece & Save Time!
Create Voiceovers in 13 Languages Reach Global Audience With Multilingual Voiceovers!
Vocal Clone AI Review: How Does It Work?
Clone Or Create Custom Natural-Sounding AI Voices That Connects, Engage & SELL For You In Just 3 Simple Steps
STEP #1:
Record/Upload Your 10 Sec Voice OR Choose Any Custom AI Voice From Our Huge Library Of AI Voices.
STEP #2:
Add Your Desired Text, Set Voice Type, Pitch and Speed, Add Music, Merge Voices, Customise & Hit Generate!
STEP #3:
Download Your Unique, Human-Like AI Voice And Skyrocket Your Traffic, Sales, And Audience Engagement.
<<>> GET INSTANT ACCESS TO ”Vocal Clone AI ” NOW <<>>
Vocal Clone AI Review: Can Do For You
Get The 1st Mover Advantage & Dominate: Let others struggle with manual recording while you stay ahead and create unlimited unique voices effortlessly.
Personalize Your Brand: Connect and build trust with your audience using your VOICE or unique AI voices.
Skyrocket Your Conversions: Enhance your marketing content with real, human-like voices to boost conversions and sales.
Expand Your Reach: Create 3–10x more content easily and reach a wider audience across various niches.
Save Time, Money & Effort: No more expensive voiceover fees or time-consuming recording sessions.
User-Friendly Platform: No technical skills are required, just choose a voice, add text, and generate.
Tap Into Unknown And Break Barriers: Reach new markets and niches with AI voices in any niche.
Low 1-time Price During Launch Period Only
FREE Commercial Licence to sell or use on all your client projects and keep 100% of the profits.
Vocal Clone AI Review: Verify User Feedback
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Vocal Clone AI Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
E-commerce Sellers
YouTube Marketers
Social Media Marketers
Bloggers, Website owners
Coaches & Consultants
Authors and Content Creators
Agencies and freelancers
Anyone and everyone
Vocal Clone AI Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: Vocal Clone AI ($17.95)
OTO 1: Vocal Clone AI Pro ($37)
OTO 2: Vocal Clone AI DFY Edition ($127)
OTO 3: Vocal Clone AI Viral Faces Edition ($47-$67)
OTO 4: Vocal Clone AI ChatGPT Edition ($47-$67)
OTO 5: Vocal Clone AI Agency Licence ($117-$147)
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Vocal Clone AI Review: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle
My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest Vocal Clone AI Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
Vocal Clone AI Review: Free Bonuses
Bonus #1: COMMERCIAL LICENSE (Value $297)
The commercial license allows you to use our videos however you want. You call sell voiceovers and audio content created with VocalClone AI to clients for any price you want. You can sell them on Fiverr, Upwork, Warriorforum, and anywhere.
Bonus #2: LIVE Webclass (Value $297)
Join Our Live Web Class Where We Show You the Fastest, FAIL-PROOF, Plug-n-Play System to Make $10,000 PER MONTH Just by Giving Away FREE Passes! Learn The Exact System with The Step-by-Step Training (Even If You’re a Beginner)
Bonus #3: Audio First Marketing (Value $67)
Audio-first marketing can increase brand awareness quickly. Discover the secrets to reaching and engaging your audience like never before! Learn how to create a personal connection with your customers and boost brand loyalty!
Bonus #4: Personalized Marketing (Value $67)
Personalized marketing works overtime to help you boost engagement and encourage repeat business. Learn how you can implement some of our best strategies, starting today!
Bonus #5: Storytelling Advantage (Value $67)
Find how to craft a compelling story that resonates with your audience and drives them to take action. Learn how to use storytelling to build trust with your audience and create a lasting connection. See how to incorporate storytelling into all aspects of your marketing, including website copy, social media, email marketing, and more!
Bonus #6: The Unshakeable Super Affiliate ($197)
As you start getting traffic with AI Video Tales, use our SECRET affiliate strategies to quickly achieve your 1st $100, $500 and $1000. How to stand out and build a long-term, sustainable, profitable & unshakeable online business with affiliate marketing!
Bonus #7: Free Facebook Traffic Strategies (Value $67)
To successfully drive free traffic from Facebook you have to know what works and what doesn’t. Other marketers have tried driving free traffic from Facebook and failed. You will learn everything that you need to know to use the Facebook platform to generate free traffic.
Vocal Clone AI Review: Money Back Guarantee
There Is No Risk. You Are Covered By Our 30 Days Money Back Guarantee!
Within 30 days of purchasing VocalClone AI, if you’re not entirely happy with your purchase, we’ll return 100% of your money without asking any questions. But we’re certain you’ll like VocalClone AI so much and recognise its worth that you won’t need a refund. There is nothing more equitable than that.
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Vocal Clone AI Review: Pros and Cons
Cost-effective: Saves money compared to hiring voice actors.
Time-saving: Creates voiceovers quickly without studio recordings.
Scalable: Generates a high volume of voiceovers in different styles.
Customization: Control voice characteristics for a personalized touch.
Variety: Access to a library of pre-built AI voices beyond cloning.
You need to be connected to the internet to use this tool.
In fact, I haven’t found any additional Vocal Clone AI issues.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Do I need to download anything to use VocalClone AI?
No, you don’t have to download anything. VocalClone AI is a cloud-based SaaS (software as a service) product. You can buy now and start using the product right away. All you need is your email ID and password to access it anytime from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Q. Is there a monthly fee?
No, once you buy VocalClone AI, you don’t have to pay a monthly fee. VocalClone AI is a one-time purchase product.
Q. What happens after the launch period?
The price will turn into a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION and the low one-time price will never be available again! We encourage you to take action before the launch period ends.
Q. Can I have a refund?
We guarantee that you will get more value from your purchase of VocalClone AI than what you pay us. However, if for some reason the product is not living up to your expectations at any time within 30 days of buying it, we will give you a full refund, no questions asked.
Q. I have ZERO recording, editing or tech skills. Can I still use it?
Yes, of course! VocalClone AI has been created to be used by anyone, regardless of their experience or technical skills. With this powerful AI technology, you can easily create stunning voiceovers just by typing simple texts.
Q. What about the future updates?
You won’t pay a penny extra for future updates. And, you’ll get free lifetime updates to keep your product up-to-date.
Q. Will you add more resources in the future?
Yes, we will keep adding more high-quality resources to keep it updated for you. And it won’t cost you a penny extra.
Q. What if I have other questions?
You can ask us your product related question as well as anything about our company or services by emailing us at https://agarwalinnosoft.com/support
Vocal Clone AI Review: My Recommendation
Vocal Clone AI is a user-friendly and affordable AI voice cloning software that offers a convenient way to create human-sounding voiceovers for various content creation needs. While the generated voices might not always achieve perfect human quality, the software provides a cost-effective and scalable solution for content creators, marketers, and educators. However, it’s important to consider the limitations of the technology, such as potential artificiality in the voice and limited emotional range in the free and basic plans. For those requiring the highest degree of realism and emotional expression, exploring alternatives like Resemble AI might be worthwhile. Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific needs, budget, and desired level of voice customization.
<<>> GET INSTANT ACCESS TO ”Vocal Clone AI ” NOW <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: TubeBuildr AI Review, ClickSchedule Ai Review, PuzzleBooks AI Review, TalkGPT Review, ProfitStays Review, Covert AI Review, VidFusion AI Review, & Dream AI Review.
Thank for reading my Vocal Clone AI Review Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
This review is based on publicly available information and is not intended as an endorsement or promotion of Vocal Clone AI. Users should conduct their own research and due diligence before making any purchasing decisions.
Note: This is a paid software, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime
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manyofnine · 1 year
You know how fucking insidious it is, that most of the shit i get ads vor are either meal kits or meal replacements?
"i got a busy schedule" "sometimes i forget to eat" "after a long day at work i got no energy to shop for groceries let alone cook them" "it only takes 2 minutes, 10, half an hour!" "sent directly to your doorstep" "i know the grind, the stress, would rather do anything else but concern myself with what to make for dinner" "for your lunch on the go!" "healthy" "protein plus Version" "lactose, gluten, animal free" "i always have it on me" "this way i don't have to go to the hassle" "got my mind free for more important things"
Food. They don't want to sell us food anymore but meal plans and diets and ways to shorten our interactions with it.
You know what Culture is?
It's 5 things:
Community (which they tell you to get on their highly curated Social Media sites, let the Algorithm decide when you see your friends!)
Clothes (which they already got us to give up upon so completely. You can't discern german from french from American from japanese if they all follow the same fast fashion trends)
Language (which they too are trying to overtake, everything is English, everything is pc, everything is polite, everything is "scrubbed clean for the advertisers" of course it's never going to go completely, but if i talk to my peers in my mother tongue, two thirds of the words spilling from my tongue are going to me english or anglizised)
Entertainment, meaning: Art, Music, Theater the stuff we watch and listen to, the stories we see. (which they too are trying to conform, sell for my convenience, easily reprodusable at little cost for them, blockbusters and AI-shit, industry plants and funny ad singles, everything is out to sell me shit and if my favorite podcast or youtube person tells me the same 5 selling points to the same fucking company one more time, i swear to fucking God-)
And Food.
They take everything away from us. They want us to be uniform. Fit in one of 5 labels, best yet fit in all of them. So they can market to us, so that i buy the same shit, spend my evenings the same way, talk about the same issues and never vear from the script.
Free up the time i would normally use to make a decision about who to meet, what to wear, what to say, what to watch or listen to, what eat to make more money, strive for a more productive life, be the best version of myself????! What the fucking hell?
Fuck you corporation. You might speak in my friends voice, you might look like a person i trust, you might say you have my best interests at heart, but i am eternally trying to get rid of all of you. Fuck you.
And that too is what they want, because i am amgry with no way to channel the anger. Only way i can direct it is against myself.
I don't know who is behind this drift, far too many people have found "market holes and niches" far too many people pounced on the opportunity to make quick buck out of the misery of the everyday worker, far too many want the money i earned, promising me that i shall feel a connection, a bit of relief, freedom, time for myself, a good feeling at giving to a good cause or person. Promising me, if i just made a bit more, if i was just that bit better, as a person, as a productive member of society, i would deserve the time that i so selfishly take for myself every evening when i cook, every long phone call that i lie on my bed, every moment where i do not cunsume content mindlessly.
They've long since taken any connection i might have had to my home, now i just need to conform.
That's why conservatives gain strength, to push us all down, to make sure we follow the invisible rules of society because if you don't conform you can't be labeled, can't be put away, you will stick out and rebel or refuse and we don't want that, do we?
Fuck everything, i wanna burn the system to the ground!
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luciddreamingstuff · 1 year
Niche Under the Magnifying Glass Lamp
If there is one thing I can take away from being in some smaller fandoms, or niche hobbies: You take what you can get and There are people out there who need their medical bills paid for carrying the fandom on their backs.
My two babies are the Lego Monkie Kid:
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If you loved Lego Ninjago as a kid and still do to this day, I highly recommend this show. You can find the first couple of seasons on Amazon Prime. Seasons 3 and 4 are gonna be a bit more difficult, and this is what I mean by some needing their medical bills paid. Because the only reason I was able to keep up with the show with it being poorly marketed and dubbing is slow, folks came together to not only find the episodes, but also do their damnedest to fan sub these. I've already written a post about this show and why you need to watch it somewhere on this blog. Anyways, my next baby, and the one I have sunk so much money into already, is Zoids:
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Most would be familiar with Chaotic Century or New Century Zero, as the Liger Zero (not depicted here) is the poster boy of the franchise. And with the 40th anniversary upon us, I'm glad I get to experience this niche franchise/hobby in general (My wallet not so much). I say that as I have a few kits that are sadly yet to be built. Right, Zoids if you don't know, started out as a sort of model kit toy line-up with a whole story between two warring factions and the mechanical beings known as Zoids. Most of it takes place on Planet Zi, with the exception being Zoids Wild Zero (and I swear to the gods above, I have been trying to watch this series for years now but finding episodes has been extremely tricky. That or I have just been extremely unlucky.)
Anyways, all that aside, insert here how even small fandoms have their problems and blah blah blah. But in general, I found the hardest part of being in smaller communities is mainly finding the content for them. Again, Zoids just isn't a big thing here in the States, so finding kits can be a little hit or miss. I say this as someone who fell into the pit trap of knockoffs (three to be exact.) and yeah, still new to all of this, only started building the kits recently. And as for Lego Monkie Kid, thankfully the internet exists, and the dedicated fans who work their asses off to find episodes and get them translated? Hats off to you my friends and thank you for all you do. It's always so exciting when you find someone out in the wild, so to speak, who knows about some of these smaller properties. And again, just being in these smaller fandoms, you have a slightly different perspective on Things you wouldn't think about being in bigger fandoms. I never thought I would be building model kits because of my horrible coordination and the fact that a disability I have makes it a little difficult to handle the tiny pieces. But then I discovered Zoids: New Century Zero on youtube some odd years ago and then learned about the model kits. Liger Zero was the first kit I got. Sadly him and my knockoff Mugen Liger took a tumble and are now in Model kit hospital trying to fix the broken parts. And even now, I still hunt for new kits, droll over some I could never hope to own. And I've rewatched Zoids Genesis at least 4 or 5 times now. And before anyone says anything, Yes I have seen Chaotic Century, and I do love it, don't get me wrong. But my favorite Zoid happens to be the Murasame Liger and its evolts. So you can imagine why I would watch Genesis a few more times than the others. And then there's Lego Monkie Kid. See, I loved Lego Ninjago as a kid, always diving into each episode and recording them on the VCR to see anything I missed. And then one day, scrolling through TikTok, I came across some clips of this new Lego animation that was essentially a sequel (I'm not calling it a fanfiction, I swear to the gods I refuse) Of Journey to the West. Which I learned about through Overly Sarcastic Productions. And doing my usual thing, now that I know how to surf the um . . . Okay let's be real here, pirating sites for cartoons and then Amazon Prime for this show. It was so easy to catch up on and the animation was eye candy, the characters and story were amazing, sound design and all.
Anyways, if you made it this far into my rambles, I applaud you and hope I convinced you to go searching around the deeper waters a bit. After all, you never know what you're going to find. Whether it be a gold mine, okay but still a guilty pleasure, the downright bad, or just the strange of the strange. Either way, happy exploring and I'll see you on the other side.
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rexismycopilot · 2 years
Since Anakin loves working with his hands, like in the lego scene, or in general tinkering with something when he feels nervous, like holding Plo's stuffed toy, I thought of one thing.
I remembered a tik tok I saw once.
This guy basically ditched everything and started making handmade earrings and selling them in an online shop.
He said that working like this helped him heal some traumatic events in his life.
So I was thinking about Anakin doing something like that.
He doesn't necessarily have to make jewelry but something similar.
And start his own small business, in order to have his own economic independence.
I imagine him knitting, I don't know why, but I swear I've been doing it for a while and it helps a lot those with concentration problems.
Or do pottery , but because I imagine him and Obi Wan as in that famous Ghost scene XD
Oh! That's really interesting! I wonder what Anakin could make...
My first thought was maybe not like jewelry but akin to it perhaps. Like fancy nipple clamps/nipple jewelry? Something that combines his special interest in kink (let's be real, he has one lol) and creating something for a niche market. Maybe advertising specifically to men?
Or if we're thinking more wholesome: let's all imagine Anakin with a 3D printer. I don't think Obi-Wan would ever see him again. But also, he could print parts for like little robot kits or something and sell those!
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What would be the best busines sonline to lunch now ?
What’s the Best Online Business to Start Now?
Hey there, future online superstar! 🌟 Have you noticed how the business world has changed? Especially the digital side. Because of the pandemic, people now shop online more and do things digitally. This means there's a goldmine of opportunities for clever people like you! If you stay ahead with tech and use these changes, you can start an online business that earns you money and makes you a leader in your field.
Market Trends
Before jumping into the online business game, let’s look at some trends making it grow.
Trends Fueling Online Businesses
E-commerce Boom: Online shopping is through the roof! It's like Black Friday every day!
Remote Work: More people are working from home, so they need digital tools and services to make it easier.
Digital Changes in Companies: Companies are using digital tools more and more. This means there's a need for new digital services!
Important Stats
Online Sales Growth: Sales online have gone up more than 30% in the last year.
Increase in Remote Work Tools: Apps like Zoom saw a 300% rise in users.
Using More Digital Services: Companies reported a 70% increase in using digital tools.
Criteria for a Successful Online Business
To make sure your online business is a hit, think about these things:
Market Demand: There must be people who want what you're selling.
Scalability: Can your business grow without problems?
Low Startup Costs: Don't spend too much before you make your first dollar.
Work from Anywhere: Can you work in your PJs? Yes, please!
High-Profit Margins: More money for you!
Best Online Business Ideas
Ready to get started? Here are some top online business ideas to inspire you:
E-commerce Store
Niches: Sustainable products, Fitness gear, Home office stuff.
Platforms: Shopify, WooCommerce.
Who doesn't love shopping from their couch?
Subscription Boxes
Niches: Coffee, Books, Self-care kits.
Platforms: Cratejoy, Subbly.
It’s like getting a birthday present every month!
Digital Marketing Agency
Services: SEO, Social media management, PPC campaigns.
Tools: HubSpot, SEMrush.
Help businesses stand out online.
Online Course Creation
Topics: Digital skills, Entrepreneurship, Wellness.
Platforms: Teachable, Udemy.
Share your knowledge with the world.
Freelance Writing and Content Creation
Types: Blog posts, Copywriting, Scriptwriting.
Platforms: Upwork, Fiverr.
Be the storyteller of the digital age.
App Development
Niches: Health & Fitness, Productivity, Gaming.
Languages: Swift, JavaScript, Python.
Create the next "must-have" app.
Dropshipping Business
Niches: Tech gadgets, Fashion accessories, Pet supplies.
Platforms: Oberlo, AliExpress.
Sell products without keeping inventory.
Virtual Assistant Services
Tasks: Administrative support, Social media management, Customer service.
Platforms: Time etc., Zirtual.
Help businesses run smoothly.
Print on Demand
Products: T-shirts, Mugs, Phone cases.
Platforms: Printful, Redbubble.
Make cool designs without handling products!
Health and Wellness Coaching
Niches: Nutrition, Fitness, Mental health.
Platforms: Zoom, Healthie.
Help people live healthier lives.
Steps to Launch Your Online Business
Now that you have some great ideas, here’s how to get started.
Market Research
Identify Your Target Audience: Who will buy your stuff?
Analyze Competitors: See what works and what doesn’t in your field.
Business Plan
Define Your Value Proposition: Why should people choose you?
Financial Forecasts: Know your numbers.
Build an Online Presence
Website Creation: Hire someone or use platforms like Wix or Squarespace.
Social Media Channels: Build followers and engage with your audience.
Marketing Strategy
SEO: Make sure people find you on Google.
Paid Advertising: Sometimes you need to spend money to make money.
Customer Relationship Management
Email Marketing: Keep your customers updated and interested.
Customer Support Tools: Keep your customers happy.
Challenges to Expect
Starting a business isn’t always easy, so get ready for some bumps.
Competition: Stay ahead with new ideas and regular updates.
Constant Updates: What works today might not work tomorrow.
Managing Customer Expectations: Keep them happy but set limits.
Financial Management: Budget wisely!
Helpful Tools
To help you in your online business, here are some useful tools:
Website Builders: Wix, Squarespace – Build a great site.
Marketing Tools: Mailchimp, HubSpot – Manage your customers and spread the word.
And there you have it, folks! 🎉 The digital world is ready for you, so go ahead and grab the opportunity. Whether you want to start a subscription box service or create the next big app, there's an online business waiting for you. Keep your spirit high and remember, even the biggest online success started with a single click. Happy launching!
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b2bbusiness · 17 days
Food and Grocery Market: A Growing Industry
The food and grocery market is one of the most essential sectors of any economy, providing essential goods and services to consumers worldwide. With a constant demand for sustenance, this industry has witnessed steady growth over the years, driven by various factors.
Key Trends in the Food and Grocery Market
E-commerce Boom: The rise of online shopping has significantly impacted the food and grocery industry. Consumers are increasingly opting for convenient home delivery options, leading to the growth of online grocery platforms and marketplaces.
Health and Wellness Focus: Consumers are becoming more conscious of their health and well-being, driving demand for organic, natural, and healthy food products. This trend has led to the emergence of niche markets for specialty food items.
Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing: There is a growing emphasis on sustainable and ethical sourcing practices within the food and grocery industry. Consumers are seeking products that are produced responsibly and minimize their environmental impact.
Convenience and Prepared Foods: Busy lifestyles have fueled the demand for convenient and ready-to-eat food products. This trend has led to the growth of meal kits, frozen meals, and other prepared food options.
Challenges and Opportunities
While the food and grocery market presents numerous opportunities, it also faces several challenges:
Competition: The industry is highly competitive, with a wide range of players, from large multinational corporations to small local businesses.
Supply Chain Disruptions: Global events, such as pandemics and natural disasters, can disrupt supply chains, leading to shortages and price fluctuations.
Changing Consumer Preferences: Consumer tastes and preferences are constantly evolving, making it challenging for businesses to keep up with the latest trends.
Despite these challenges, the food and grocery market offers significant opportunities for growth and innovation. By adapting to changing consumer needs, embracing technology, and prioritizing sustainability, businesses can thrive in this dynamic industry.
Future Outlook
The future of the food and grocery market is promising. As consumers continue to seek convenience, health, and sustainability, there will be a growing demand for innovative products and services. Technology will play a crucial role in shaping the industry, from personalized shopping experiences to advanced supply chain management.
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