#Nemisu's Gay Adventure
nemisutheenthusiast · 2 years
So, I've told my Gay ass School adventures to some of my friends and I thought Maybe I should post it on Tumblr since it do be a gay hellhole and it may just fit.
So, during the third week of classes. I manged to have:
2 different girls went to hug me.
3 other different girls went on to hold hands with me.
And a guy confessing to me that he's in love with me and one jokingly telling me he has a crush on me.
Oh and I did get a screenshot convo of different girl and a class friend. Who was telling him that shit I'm pretty.
All in the span of one day of that week.
Fast forward to the next day, there's a lot more things that happened I guess? But in any case I gay panicked.
So, there's this girl who's like near where I sit, she wanted to know what my perfume smells like and since I don't bring my perfume with me outside. She went to my side and tried sniffing my neck instead.
It was an immediate gay panik and her friend who's like right at the side of my seat saw and had this knowing look™
The fact that I find this girl cute did not help by one bit.
Now let's get on to the another girl (note she is a class officer), she went to my seat and asked where a girl we don't like is at. And what she did next? Is hug me, and got another hug. And jokingly asked for a kiss, and what did I do? I turned my head to "kiss" her since we were wearing masks I had not a single fuck to give.
She immediately backed off on what she asked, and went to ask for another hug. She too was also cute (actually I'll side note here, there's two guys in the room I've heard is crushing on her)
Now another girl, (side noting again, this girl gets hit on and pinged on chats constantly) she went to my other side of where I sit. Since she was called by another classmate.
I causally told her that she's cute, she said that I was cuter in a quieter voice, I asked what was that just to confirm what I heard. And she said "Ah, nothing"
This is the girl screenshot convo girl btw.
Now, like I said this girl gets pinged a lot in the class group chat. And at best the guys who ping only get seen, meanwhile I get reactions from her on that class group chat.
Now I do not recall which was the day of what happened, I just know it happened. Within the span of two days.
Aight so weekends now. Since I was just doing around chores minding my own business, chatting around the last girl I mentioned here and there.
We were getting into a "you're cute" "no you're cuter" "nah you're cuter than me" kind of chatting.
And then, in class chat. A girl said.
"I feel like me and Maddox are meant to be"
I looked away for minute and it be getting gay.
Of course I responded in. And then, the girl who jokingly asked me to give her a kiss.
Said Love U. That was directed to me. That happened twice that night.
And then Screenshot girl chatted that I should also make her go sleep too as she was begging me to do so. Then said nah just kidding.
One of the guys who keeps on pinging just gets ignored when he offered he could do it instead. At best these guys only get seenzoned by her. And that's it
I chatted her about her just seen zoning them since I found it really amusing. And LMAO SHE SAID THEY DONT DESERVE IT AHAHAH.
And so I said "Wow so I deserve it?" And she said, in three different word phrasing that yes I do.
Oh yeah I did also get her to sleep lol.
In short during that chat night I existed and got one girl.
So yeah who knows maybe there's more to come today or the next time classes come around. So hope someone found this entertaining cause I sure am
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