#Nemesis said he would have let any of us live if we hadn't ran away
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moisette · 1 month ago
Today was a pretty boring day in DBD.
I hate looking for hatch and especially opening the gate...
I may not have won the match but I won the war uB<
I feel like some of the others should have hit and I don't know why they didn't ._.
What a way to end a boring day of DBD xD
I also don't know why it kept saying packet loss. Nothing is different on my end ._.
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munchkin1156 · 2 years ago
Upon clouds we dream
Chapter One
Fake fic title by @beckyu
All characters belong to me
Lets go!
. . .
Once we wandered, down there on the earth.
Free and happy, we lived on the turf
But then came the humans, so cruel and small-minded.
And fought against us, but we were united.
But though we fought hard, it was in vain
And we ran away, very much in pain
So we fled, to the sky so high,
Where we stayed, and where we fly
But one day soon, we'll come back to finish the job,
Get rid of the humans, once and for all.
. . .
Charlie looked down at the world below. The wind whistled in his ears and his wings fluttered slightly in the open air. The avian hummed in annoyance. His sister, an osprey dreamer named Gio, would get to go down there today on a scouting mission. Lucky, she was, though she never seemed to acknowledge it. If he had been picked for the mission, he wouldn't stop bragging about it to Jem, his arch nemesis and the most annoying person Charlie had ever met. But he nor Jem hadn't been chosen. It was infuriating. His tail twitched. There weren’t any seagulls up here. That meant a storm. Not great. Wait a moment. That meant Gio couldn’t go today! So, she would have to go home! And be able to tell Charlie everything about the training, so he could prepare! Yes great!
Satisfied, he took off, soaring towards his and Gio’s house. He had been living alone for the past few days since Gio got accepted for training. It had been a bit lonely, but Charlie made up for it by training for hours. His muscles ached and his wings hurt whenever he moved them. It was going to be worth it though when they saw how strong and cool he was. There! He swooped into a dive as a small wooden cottage came into view. The cottage was made from nice mahogany wood, with moss growing over it. It sat on a plateau that stuck out above the clouds, safe from storms. Another reason why Gio should be home today. Other houses, of similar appearance, were also laid out over the flat landscape. Charlie knew every single one and every single person who lived there. He landed right by the cottage, and walked inside, face full of hope. He was not disappointed.
There, at the table, sat Gio, looking like she hadn’t slept in days. “Gio!” Charlie cried. “What happened to you!?” She looked up. “Charlie?” She said faintly. “Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” Charlie had the knowledge to look a little bit ashamed. “I might have been kicked out of class…” “Charlie!” Gio scolded. Then she sighed. “I don’t have the strength to be mad at you right now. I’m going to go rest.” “But what happens at training? And why do you look so tired? And- “ He was abruptly cut off by Gio. “I’ll tell you after I get some sleep. Promise.” Charlie glanced at her. She seemed to be on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion. “Mkay then. Sleep well and may Amble protect you.” She nodded and murmured something Charlie couldn’t catch before heading to her room and closing the door behind her. Well, that was that. He ate some ghero and went to his own bedroom. Gio would not wake for some time, he might as well get some sleep. He lay down on his bed, and finally realized just how tired he was. Charlie felt himself drift off. He would get answers in a couple of hours. For now, this was enough.
. . .
When Charlie woke up, he mumbled something incoherent, grouchily sat up, and looked around. His room was small, but it had a pleasant atmosphere. The walls had been painted a very light minty green, which helped calm him when he got stressed. There was a nice big window, sunlight was streaming through it, and pillows, blankets, and herbs were all over the floor. He must have slept through the storm. Then he remembered what Gio had promised, and raced out of his room, through the main area, and into Gio’s, ready to wake her up and force her to tell him everything. But when Charlie opened the door, Gio was not there. Just a note. He picked it up and began reading it. It read:
Hey Char
Now, I know I said I would tell you everything. But you were asleep, and I didn’t want to wake you up. It’s also strictly forbidden to tell anyone what we do in training, or what we learn, by order of the commander. Please don’t be mad. Anyway, my troop leader dropped by and said we were doing the mission now, and that I couldn’t be late. Again, sorry, I know you missed me, don’t try to deny it. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, so please listen to me this one time.
Don’t get into any trouble, try to stay in class, DO NOT pull any pranks, stay safe, and may Amble protect you while I’m gone.
Charlie looked up from the note. He was FURIOUS. How DARE she break her promise to him. How DARE she. He couldn’t do anything about it now. He couldn’t even disobey the note! Gio knew him too well to not work Amble into this. He would just have to wait until she came back. Then he could get the ultimate revenge.
. . .
Three weeks later
. . .
It was just a normal, boring, school day. Charlie was drawing under his desk, and trying his hardest to look like he was paying attention. A knock sounded at the door. “Come in!” Said miss Seina, in her musical voice. The door slowly creaked open, and a robin dreamer with a somber face stood in the doorway. He had a badge on his jacket, angel wings surrounded by darkness. It showed he worked at the battle training. He spoke softly as if he was afraid the world would fall apart if he spoke harder. “Is there a Charlie Gestro here?” Charlie gleefully raised his hand. This could be his big chance! He might be about to get into training! “That would be me, sir,” he said it in his polite voice like he always did when he talked to someone important. “How can I help you?” The man looked sadly at him. “Kid, your sister went on a scouting mission a couple of weeks back, right?” Charlie nodded, confused. “Well, we haven’t heard from them, and when we went to check at the last place they gave us a message, no one was there.” A sinking feeling started setting in. He felt sick. “The campsite was a mess, and there was blood on the ground, as well as human footprints.” Tears started forming in his eyes. No, no this could be right! “We think the humans got them.” Charlie’s drawing fell on the floor. It was of him and Gio, of that one time she joined in on his pranks.
“I’m sorry Charlie. Your sister is dead.”
. . .
Far away from all this and that, a voice shrouded in darkness whispered.
"You're my puppet now, little bird, and you belong to Me."
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