#Natalya Rudakova relationship
lunarity2013 · 5 years
MC — Lucy Stone
(This template was brought to you by @hogwartsmysterystory​ )
(Updated for Y4)
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Name: Lucille Maria Stone
Gender: Cisgender Female
Age: 14
Birthdate: 16 October 1972 (Libra)
Species: Human
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Sexuality: Demisexual, hetero-leaning
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: Irish
Residence: Dublin, Ireland
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ISFP
1st Wand: Acacia, 12-in, Unicorn hair, pliable
2nd Wand: N/A
Animagus: Sparrow (Post-Hogwarts, unregistered)
Misc Magical Abilities: Occulmens (partial), wandless magic
Boggart Form: Giant spider
Riddikulus Form: Cartoonish bug-out eyes as a giant swatter squishes it
Amortentia (her scent): peaches, black tea, ozone (right before a storm)
Amortentia: fresh laundry, sandalwood, hint of lemon
Patronus: Red Squirrel
Patronus Memory: Barnaby asking her to the Celestial Ball (differs from canon, as he asked her himself without prompting)
Mirror of Erised: All her loved ones, happy and safe, and not being the center of attention
Specialized/Favorite Spells: Episkey, Protego, Lumos, Expecto Patronum
Faceclaim: Mackenzie Foy
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In-Game Appearance:
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Height: 5'1"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Physique: Slim, Hourglass figure
Eye Color: Chocolate Brown
Hair Color: Medium-Dark Brown
Skin Tone: Pale, freckles
Body Modifications: ear piercing (basic)
Scarring: eventual slash on side (fighting Red Cap)
Inventory: peach lipgloss, dogeared copy of Emma, spiral notebook, colorful gel pens, and a locket with an old family photo in it
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Ilvermorny House: N/A
Affiliations/Organizations: OotP (eventually), Hogwarts
Professions: Author
Hogwarts Information
Astronomy: O
Charms: O
Flying: A
Herbology: E
History of Magic: E
Potions: A
Transfiguration: O
Ancient Runes: O
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Divination: A
Quidditch: Spectator
Extra-Curricular: Frog Choir (Y3- Y?)
Favorite Professor(s): Flitwick, McGonagall, Sinestra
Least Favourite Professor(s): Snape, Binns, Trelawney
Brother: Nathan Samson Stone
Faceclaim: Young Eddie Redmayne
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BD: 26 May 1963 (Gemini)
Looked up to him for years
Aspired as a kid to be more like him
Thinks he's dead
Mildly resentful of how his actions have pushed her into the spotlight
Ravenclaw (Hat Stall — Slytherin)
Always more invested in his projects than spending time with friends/family
Misc Siblings: Casey Andrew Stone
Faceclaim: Young Alex Lawther (by age 11)
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BD: 11 August 1978 (Leo)
Loves and spoils him
Mildly relieved when he doesn't go to Hogwarts
Would 100% kill for him
Would have been in Gryffindor if he had went to Hogwarts
Very energetic
Loves to explore and get into trouble
Father: Sean Casey Stone
Faceclaim: Paul Rudd
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BD: 14 September 1943 (Virgo)
Primary School teacher
Energetic, friendly man
Can't discipline for the life of him
Only seen him angry once
After Rita Skeeter showed up on their doorstep multiple days in a row to try and interview Lucy after Y3
Got very calm and quiet, scared everyone within earshot
Lucy inherited this, but only happens when she feels extremely betrayed
Spend time together going to the movies and eating ice cream
Makes excellent food
Mother: Candace Lucille Samson-neé Stone
Faceclaim: Natalya Rudakova
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BD: 30 December 1942 (Capricorn)
Government Official
Calm, quiet woman
Spend time together reading in silence under fuzzy blankets by the fire
Gets louder when angry
Gets equally loud when simply frustrated
Sean says to this that she's "cute when she's angry"
Lucy inherited this
Can't cook or bake
Love Interest: Barnaby Lee
Best Friends: Rowan, Ben, Bill, Penny, Charlie, Tonks, Tulip, André, Chiara
Neutral: Skye, Merula, Murphy, Talbott, Liz
Rival: Charlie (friendly, up until Y4), Merula
Enemy: Rakepick, Snape (his decision), Ismelda
Dormmates: Rowan, Penny, Tonks, Skye, Chiara
Closest Canon Friends: Rowan, Ben, Bill, Penny, Barnaby
Closest MC Friends: TBD
Background History:
Grew up in Dublin, Ireland in a muggle household
Was so excited for Nathan when Professor Sprout came in to give him his Hogwarts letter
Wrote to him every day for years until just after he disappeared
He stopped writing back regularly about a year or so before his disappearance
By the end of his last year there, he stopped writing back completely
She believes that searching for the vaults ended up killing her brother
Was still very excited when she got her own letter
Her parents were more worried for her than excited
Felt uneasy every time someone pointed her out for her relation to Nathan in Diagon Alley
Every year, she tries not to tell her parents too much about what goes on at school
She doesn't want to worry them about the events with the vaults
She tells them that she's actively avoiding them so that she doesn't end up like Nathan
She only tells them when someone (like Rakepick) is trying to push her towards investigating
She only begins looking into the vaults when people begin getting hurt
She begins mildly investigating the vault in Y4 after Tulip ends up in the hospital wing, and then more vigorously after she gets attacked in the courtyard
She is actually a little relieved when Casey doesn't get a Hogwarts letter
She loves him dearly, and feels bad that it upsets him, but she knows he's safer in the muggle world
Appears to be: sweet and naïve, very trusting, pretty face, easy to take advantage of
Actually: very studious, extremely trusting of her friends, uneasy around and untrusting of many adults, blames herself whenever anything goes wrong or someone gets hurt, hates being the center of attention, bit of a worrywart, and works best as part of a group
Loves to read and write, and her favorite authors are Jane Austen and Louisa May Alcott
Aesthetic: autumn tones (yellows, oranges, browns, and greens), ivy-covered cottages, old books, warm tea in (slightly chipped) teacups, scented candles (lemon, coffee, or sometimes honeysuckle), reading curled up by the fireplace, and stargazing
Style: oversized sweaters (usually not hers), skirts (just above the knees or sometimes mid-thigh after Y4), comfortable boots, knee high or thigh-high socks, overall skirts/shorts, striped shirts, floral dresses, ballet flats, long hair down with curls or a few small braids
She begins crushing on Barnaby almost immediately after meeting him
Thinks he's cute when she first meets him
The smile he had when he said " I like you, we should fight" caused the immediate "oh no, he's cute" thought that got the ball rolling
She and Barnaby are awful with mutual pining, both thinking that the other could do better
She thinks Barnaby needs someone who isn't constantly messing up and getting her friends in danger
Barnaby thinks she needs someone as smart as her, who can actually help her solve the problems of the vaults and be there to support her fully
The Celestial Ball only made it worse, as they both knew for certain how badly they like each other
Their friends started making bets on 1) who would ask who out first, 2) when it would happen, and 3) how long it would take them to realize they were perfect for each other
Charlie won 1 and 2 (Lucy and two months after the ball), but Penny won 3 (end of their first date).
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fxd3ddr3xms · 4 years
ASoIaF / GoT
Rhaenys Targaryen: Houses: Targaryen / Nymeros Martell First born child of Prince Rhaegar and his wife Princess Elia Martell of Dorne, as a child Rhaenys was called too dornish and not a real dragon by her own grandfather King Aerys “the Mad King”. She would prove later on she is more of a dragon than Aerys himself, or even her own father. Verses: - ASoIaF/Skyrim crossover. Her father never came back and the bad men killed her mother and little Egg. But Jaime saved her and took her away from Westeros. But once their ship was wrecked they ended in a far land to the west. Raised by Jaime Lannister, she grew up more sarcastic and skilled than she would have in another life. When fate and the Gods marked her as Dragonborn she was prepared to face the world eater. Default verse. - Dragon Child: Her grandfather said she was no dragon, that she was too dornish. Elia and Rhaegar tried to keep her away from the mad king, but when the child was found with a dragon egg that she wouldn’t let go off, Aerys’s madness reached its peak. Encased in wildfire that burnt her clothes but did not harm her and clutching a dragon in her arms she became the Mad King’s downfall. Titles: Dragonborn / Queen / Dragon Child (verse dependent) Shipping: Rhae is bisexual. She likes both men and women when it comes to romantic relationships. *Mun is biased towards Robb Stark but open to write other ships. Face Claim: Katrina Law
Harry Potter
Fleur Delacour: Witch, Beauxbaton's champion. A French quarter-veela who sometimes wishes she could throw fireballs if only to get rid of the drooling fools that follow her around. Fleur presents a superficial facade to the world, but is intelligent and kind. She excels at defensive magic as she grew with the fear of what men influenced by her blood and racist wizards could do to her. Spent most of her childhood being followed and protected to avoid incidents. Has very few friends due to jealousy caused by her effect on men. Shipping: To be determined Face Claim: Clémence Poésy
Dragon Age
Camilla Cousland: Race/Class: Human noble/ mage. Specialization: Arcane Warrior Her parents did everything in their power to hide her from the circle, including hiring tutors to help her pass as a regular person. Once she had better control she left Highever not wanting to shame her family and spent several years traveling around Thedas and learning more about magic and about herself. She returned home as an adult only to witness her family’s death. Shipping: Camilla is pansexual. She doesn’t care about gender when it comes to romantic relationships but being a secret mage and losing her family make it really difficult for Camilla to open up to others. Face Claim: Katie McGrath
Jarrett Cousland: Race/Class: Human noble/Warrior. Specialization: Champion Jarrett is the youngest of the Cousland siblings, born right after his twin sister Camilla. Playful and flirty and always willing to go after what or who he wanted… until he lost everything. Howe’s betrayal and his parents death broke something in him. But instead of letting it destroy him, he became more serious and more determined to see justice served. Shipping: Jarrett is bisexual and he doesn’t bother hiding it. He tends to keep things physical and usually avoids pursuing romantic relationships. His parent’s death made him more careful about who he trusts, though once his trust is earned he’ll open up and might be willing to start a relationship. Face Claim: Richard Madden
Leliana: Race/Class: Human /Rogue. Specialization: Bard Leliana was born in Orlais, and though she is culturally Orlesian, her mother was Fereldan and so she considers herself as such. When she was sixteen, she met Marjolaine whose worldliness and daring fascinated her which led to the woman becoming Leliana’s lover and bardmaster. Leliana quickly became skilled as a bard and it made Marjolaine fear and betray her. Framed for Marjolaine’s crime, Leliana was imprisoned and tortured until Mother Dorothea helped her escape. Turning to the Chantry for refuge, the former bard decided to atone for her crimes. She lived in Lothering as a lay sister until a dream, a rose and a Warden showed her a new path to follow. Shipping: Leliana is bisexual though she tends to favor women. She was betrayed by her former lover and it made it difficult to love again. In her main verse she fell for the Warden and even though their responsibilities keep them apart more often than not, they will always have her heart. In other verses she may be open to becoming involved with other characters.   Face Claim: Natalya Rudakova
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naijawapaz1 · 6 years
Natalya Rudakova Dating, Relationship, Net Worth, Earnings, Movies, Age, Height, Wiki-Bio
Natalya Rudakova Dating, Relationship, Net Worth, Earnings, Movies, Age, Height, Wiki-Bio
Transporter 3 actress Natalya Rudakova Born Name Natalya Rudakova Birth Place  Saint Petersburg, Russia Height 5 feet 9 inches Eye Color Blue Zodiac Sign Aquarius Nationality Russian Ethnicity Russian-American Profession Actress and model Net Worth $5 million Weight 55 kg Age 34 years
Last Updated on March 15, 2019
Natalya Rudakova is popular for being a Hollywood…
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