#Nano Glass Stone
bonesofapoet · 2 years
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the shadow’s crown
[aemond targaryen x you] (non targaryen reader)
author’s note: this man is single-handedly ruining my plans of finishing all my wips this month for nano :) language
word count: 643
In a long forgotten tower, two lone figures contemplated a tear in the fabric of their lives.
They lounged on a narrow staircase, dirty and crumbling with age. Dust motes drifted through the air from abandonment. Honey gold streams of sunlight illuminated the floaters through two cloudy window panes above them. It was a challenge to make out what the design in the stained glass used to be, through the grime. Cracks spiderwebbed from a single focal point where something smashed through it long ago; yet this accident is what provided them with the most light.
Silence, heavy with reality painted the air they breathed. It was a discomfort. It was a wakeup call. It was the only moment they could slip away like this, for a while.
A sigh escaped your lips, shaky with the weight of a life forever changed in an instant - though not for the better. You began to wonder if anyone's life changed for the better, anymore. Maybe someone, somewhere, was draped across another set of stairs in another far off place with their lover, like you did now. Only it wasn't the fate of the realm they were contemplating, but something lovely. Something kind. Something worth celebrating.
"Aegon is going to be king."
It felt like a sin, to speak the words aloud.
A pause.
"Your idiot brother -" you cut yourself off, upon feeling Aemond tense - hardly noticeable, had he not been stretched on the stone before you, chest pulled back against your own. His fingers began to toy with your hands clasped around his waist. "He wouldn’t find his own cock if it wasn't attached to his body."
The tension in the stairwell lessened at your jest. It became less frigid, less ominous, when the prince himself gifted you mercy wrapped in a silver bow. Effortless laughter sung through the darkness and brightened the sunlight illuminating the gloom’s restless cage. Though short lived, and quiet as it was - it was a moment you would come to cherish. This moment was now imprinted upon decaying stone, the song of the prince's laughter to live on in this disrepair forever.
"Be that as it may," a trace of lightness remains in his words. You feel idle patterns drawn on your leg, tension slowly easing with Aemond's hushed words. "He will sit the Iron Throne with mother's guidance, and we will all bear witness to the fool emboldened with power from a kingdom he doesn't want."
Bitterness poisons the air once again. Aemond relaxed farther into you, safe from listening little birds here. No one knew about this place. No one knew this is where you came, when life grew heavy with the burdens of living.
Another pause.
Carefully crafted, should have been the words that fell through your lips - except times are desperate now, and you and Aemond had never hid behind the games of court. Not with one another.
"It should be you. The realm would thrive under your rule. You're the one guiding your family through the dark with the Queen."
Aemond hums. The drawing on your leg ceases, replaced by a palm sliding up your thigh to give a gentle squeeze.
"Desire for a crown has plagued your mind, has it?"
It's unexpected, the laugh abruptly rolling off your tongue. It's a sweet sound, your laughter. Familiar. Warm. Aemond allows himself an easy smile in the dark.
"Absolutely not. You know I have no lust for the weight the Queen carries. Besides -" your hand rests upon Aemond's, his thumb absently stroking your thigh. "I enjoy our life together with little more than what is expected of us."
Lips brush his cheek. Aemond leans into your touch, head tipping back with the intent to kiss you properly, before duty beckons him back from this moment held out of time.
It's gentle, when his lips meet yours. Hands intertwined wherever they lay, reassurance gliding silently from skin to skin. A moment belonging to you and Prince Aemond alone; a balm over old wounds that may reopen anew.
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starfishlikestoread · 5 months
@mouseinamushroomhouse you asked me for a Simon Illyan playlist nearly a year ago, and I'm proud to report it is finally done! I hope you and anyone else who listens to it enjoys!! :)
(shoutout to @cookie-nom-nom for suggesting the song Time Machine and @trelldraws for the McCartney and National recs, as well as putting up with me randomly sending various songs and helping figure out which ones fit and didn't. More musings about the process & specifics under the cut!)
With this playlist I really focused on keeping the length down, since I wanted every song to count and ideally keep the whole thing around an hour in length. This resulted in a lot of songs that kind-of-but-not-really fit Simon having to get cut, which was painful but made the fanmix better in the end, and part of the reason why this whole thing took so long, hah. I did however save them all in a separate playlist, so if after listening to the main one y'all want to see what didn't make the cut, feel free to listen here (do know it's not in anything resembling order, though).
With that said, it was a conscious decision to devote 3 whole songs to the chip breakdown, because I feel like while objectively it didn't take up 18% of his life, subjectively in the moment I think it probably felt that way for him.
The first and last songs really serve as bookends to the playlist for me. With the first not even fully a song, rather a spoken word 3rd POV narrative about a robot and last one literally named 'Simon', it felt right thematically about how he sees himself. I'm not sure if we get any explicit musings about the chip from him in that light in canon, but Tej's line about his "super-humanity ... or super-inhumanity" stood out to me in that regard. Especially since it's all but said that he didn't have much of a say in getting it installed in the first place, did he ever feel like the robot people considered him to be? And how did that change?
At the same time, there's so much more to Simon than just his chip, and I hope that shows through the songs I picked as well (if you look at the dates added, you can see I only found 'Until It Kills' yesterday, and that finally completed the playlist for me). I wish I'd found a song that managed to convey him & Miles as a team specifically, but that proved surprisingly difficult as so many songs of that nature seem to be written with a direct parent-child relationship in mind. Still, I'll add it if I ever find it.
ALSO, so damn hard to find songs with spy-related lyrics, I've used so many different search terms and engines and still nearly every result is instrumental music or about a specific incident. I think I have enough in here that it works, and I'm sure those songs exist somewhere, but the internet in all its glory did not choose to reveal them to me (if you know any I'd love to have a listen, I probably won't be adding them to this playlist however as I really just want to be done with this mini-project asdfghjkl).
Edit: aa I forgot to say the one specific thing I wanted to, which is how the line "play dirty" in the song with the same name for me really links back to Galeni's line in Memory: "Damn but Illyan fights dirty when he fights" <3 that's my guy,,
And as said in the description of the playlist, first few songs are very much inspired by the fic Aral Vorkosigan's Dog by Philomytha (since it might as well be canon for me).
And finally, for fun, my top 5 favourite lines that just feel so Simon Illyan to me out of every song in the playlist:
"But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home / Sitting all alone inside your head" - Through Glass by Stone Sour "With the hands of time around my neck" - Hourglass by Motionless In White "Nano-electrodes pulse the thrum / One note to beat my heart, beat my heart, like a drum" - Yes I Know by The Pack a.d. "I testify if I die in my sleep" - Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea by Fall Out Boy "Keep them safe inside your home / If it kills you" - Until It Kills by Midtown
If you've read this far, thank you, and do let me know what you think of the playlist and if there are any songs/lines that stood out to you, I'd love to know <3
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magicalgirlartist · 10 months
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[ID: three images with two characters each, all approximately young adults, all with one higher facing left and one lower facing right. 1: the higher is a man with bright green locs, colourful feathers behind one ear, an open long green coat with no shirt underneath, winking and floating with his arms to the sides. Text beside him: "TOA LEWA NUVA, Toa Nuva of Air, energetic and fun-loving, easily possessed, free spirit." The lower is a man with long black hair and beard, round glasses, closed black jacket and heavy black and grey boots, smiling and lifting a hand from his folded arms. Text beside him: "TOA ONUA NUVA, Toa Nuva of Earth, quiet and contemplative, secretly struggles with teamwork, apparently unflappable." 2: The higher is a man with shaggy red hair, red tunic with ripped off sleeves, bright red jacket worn over shoulders like a cape, scowling and holding a pair of flaming swords joined together in one hand. Text beside him: "TOA TAHU NUVA, Toa Nuva of Fire, hotheaded and boisterous, would literally die for Ta-Koro, hubris." The lower is a man with a long white ponytail, white and blue eyepiece over one eye, long white coat, white and grey clothes, holding two joined swords over one shoulder and a round shield with a flat, annoyed expression. Text beside him: "TOA KOPAKA NUVA, Toa Nuva of Ice, cold and standoffish, has exactly one (1) friend, "I don't care," he said, caringly." 3: The higher is a woman with wavy blue hair, light blue visor, blue crop top with matching pants, dark blue jacket, blue breathing apparatus, smiling and looking to the side. Text beside her: "TOA GALI NUVA, Toa Nuva of Water, patient and gentle, every Ga-Matoran's big sister, more prone to anger than she admits." The lower is a man with short brown hair, brown vest and dark brown jacket tied around waist, knee and elbow pads and boots with reinforced toes, grinning and waving at the viewer. Text beside him: "TOA POHATU NUVA, Toa Nuva of Stone, friendly and outgoing, invented sports, good at hiding his anxiety." End ID.]
FINALLY got the Toa designs done for the Bionicle Sports Anime! It took me so long to find designs I liked and then NaNo happened and I couldn't draw much for a month ;_; I think Lewa and Pohatu's are the ones I'm happiest with. Look at themmmmmm
In order we have Team Bestie, Team Worstie, and Team Hey Guys We're All Friends Here Let's Get Along Ha Ha
[Commissions open!]
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sarandipitywrites · 10 months
NaNo update 11/30
well, that's that for nano this year. i'm so glad i got to participate this year - i might have to make a habit of it. but for now, here's the last bit of The Art of Empty Space for a little while. what's going to happen next? will Lienzo and Baz break the curse? will Lienzo quit pining over Baz and kiss him already? will Lienzo get a pair of pants? only one of these questions answered here; the rest will have to wait until i sweep the mess my plot has become into some sort of order :)
The hazy, cold light of the gloaming stole in through the curtains. Lienzo had watched it creep in, finger by cautious finger, until the darkness had bled away. He needed to get up. He was as rested as he was going to get; the soreness and fatigue of the previous days would have to go away on their own. But he was sore, and tired, and the bed was warm, and smelled like Baz. Baz. He sighed, his lungs replacing the air with something lighter. He burrowed further into the blankets. Baz, still asleep, squeezed Lienzo's waist just that little bit tighter, making his heart clench almost painfully. Why couldn't they stay this way forever? Why did there have to be a curse? Why couldn't he just take Baz home to his maza, where they'd make fun of his weird lizard feet before inviting him in for seafood fritters? Why did they have to read about spells and sigils when they could be reading poetry? Why couldn't he just teach Baz to cook and Baz could teach him about plants and swordfighting and snow globes and the million little things that made Baz, Baz? ...Why had he never asked those questions about anyone else? Restlessness shivered up his legs, crawled under his skin. He pulled away — unsuccessfully, until he wedged his pillow between himself and Baz, giving his bedmate something else to latch onto — and padded across the plush rug to the bathroom. As he went through the motions of bathing and toileting, he turned the situation over and and over like a polished stone. He'd had more sexual partners than was worth the effort of counting. Phi knew about them — there was no hiding anything from them — but they didn't know them. He'd never wanted them to. All of his partners had been for 'sometimes' — when the mood struck. Plenty of people had known him, but he didn't want any of them to know him. He'd never understood that want — the feeling of being flayed open, pinned like a bug under a microscope. He'd never understood why his maza still wore the black-and-red braid they'd made with Xiro, all those years ago. Lienzo didn't feel 'forever.' As he scrunched his braids dry, a bottle of amber liquid on the vanity caught his eye. He popped open the glass stopper and breathed in smoky wood, peppery spice, and deep, dark musk. As he daubed some of the cologne on his fingers and applied it on his wrists and the back of his neck, he stoutly refused to think about 'forever.' There were, unsurprisingly, no clothes of his size in Baz's closet. So, still in his borrowed shirt and undershorts, he stole out into the hall and down the tower stairs. He would go back to his room, find a clean set of clothes, and think through the odd flutter in his chest. He'd always thought better while wearing trousers. When he emerged at the bottom of the stairs, he gasped and flinched back into the shadows. There were people in the keep. Dozens of people, of every size and shape and color, all bustling about, shouting and talking and laughing and hugging and Lienzo didn't know any of them and he wasn't wearing any trousers. "Enzie? Is that you?" A stocky, squareish person with a long dark braid and skin like red river rocks. Aisha. "What are you doing in there? Everyone's been looking for you. They want to thank you — Baz, too." "I— I'm kind of..." He wasn't body-shy. Not in the slightest. But a man had to draw a line somewhere and Lienzo's line, as it turned out, was parading around half-naked in a keep full of strangers. Strangers who wanted, specifically, to see him. Aisha, thankfully, caught on quickly. In less than a minute ze was gone and back again with a tunic in his size, house shoes, the all-important trousers, and even a binder. Ze even stood guard while he changed in the stairwell. Only when he was presentable did ze trot him out to the crowd.
AES taglist (ask to be added or removed!): @notwritinganyflufftoday
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sam-glade · 11 months
Find the Words Tag
Tagged by @serenanymph here and here. Thank you💜 I'm catching up!
I'll gently tag some new mutuals: @goldxdarkness @k-v-briarwood @skyderman @worldsfromhoney. Your words to find are: book, pen, leaf, candle.
From @serenanymph: cold, crystal, cut and cross, and then: fault, reflect, snarl and rage. I'm looking in the latest draft of The Prince's Shadow, which was more from Lissan's POV, and I'll be rewriting it for NaNo.
Anthea caught up with Erya on the rain-soaked courtyard in front of the Central Command. The large square was used for pinning-on and other ceremonies when the weather was good. Now it was empty, except for the few Swords rushing to get under a roof. 
“Walk with me,” Anthea instructed in a low voice as she fell in step next to Erya. The metal heels of their boots clinked on the paving stones in unison. 
Erya ignored the fact that the other woman didn’t outrank her. The sectors of their respective divisions lay in roughly the same direction, and she didn’t mind the company. She stuffed her hands deeper into the pockets of her ashen greatcoat. She was getting cold and a little envious of Anthea’s leather gloves.
Erya half expected Anthea to cancel their weekly informal meeting. She dearly hoped she wouldn't do it. She had an important question to ask her. Anthea didn't cancel, and so, at six o’clock on Thursday Erya knocked on the door to her quarters. A servant in a blue and grey livery showed her into the drawing room and left, closing the door quietly.
The heavy curtains were drawn already; the room was cool and quiet. The box of shatranj pieces sat on a small table by the wall, with the game board masterfully inlaid in the table's surface. A crystal lamp with a stained glass shade illuminated it in patches of muted colours. The silver samovar in the corner hissed quietly as it heated up, and two cut-crystal glasses waited on a silver tray beside it. The familiar setting did little to soothe Erya’s temper.
CROSS (Lissan's POV)
The White Dragon indicated that he wanted to come closer to the guest, so Anthea pushed his wheelchair forward. Lissan was too dumbfounded to move. Only when the living legend was two paces away from him, he remembered what Ianim told him. He crossed his hands flat on his chest and bowed. It felt silly. He wasn’t used to bowing to anyone. Saluting was different; he could easily maintain eye contact then. He straightened up quickly.
“My Prince. Madam General.” He added. Anthea shouldn’t be left out, except now she was the First Prince, and that meant more than the title of a general, so he got it wrong already.
FAULT (I've forgotten that Renna makes an appearance🥰)
A woman pushed through the crowd and greeted Renna with a kiss on her cheek. Renna put an arm around her waist and scanned the crowd.
She noticed the man leading Lissan’s escort and beamed at him.
“Ristof, darling, how are the calculations coming along?”
“Mathematics and science say that yes, it can be done,” he replied, his tone gruff. “We may be able to drill those holes to release the pressurised gas, but it needs to be an incredibly precise job. My gut tells me that it will blow up in your hands, unless you do it yourself.”
“Melia?” Renna looked to the woman by her side.
“Aye, I looked them over. Small margin of error and we have to be sure that the material is without faults, but it can work.” Melia yawned. “Sorry, we spent two nights on this.”
Renna looked her over critically.
“And you look like it,” she decided. “Go get some rest, both of you. Ristof, shave while you are at it. You look like a brigand.”
Khoms slumped down onto the nearest stool, deciding to think through it one more time. Every Sword wielded a different Weapon, reflecting their character and personality, however some general traits were common to all of them. First came the manifestation – usually a weather phenomenon, related to the Sword’s Element. General Anthea caused rime to appear on the ground. Lieutenant General Nikols's presence was like the calm before the storm, tingling with the anticipation of thunder and lightning. Lissander… either didn’t have a manifestation, which Khoms refused to believe, or it was pure energy swirling around him which would be more or less in line with the spectrometer’s reading. The Engineer pencilled in the latter.
The monsters now started coming through, then falling through the trees. Lissan didn’t hope that it would harm them. There were six of them, and the last one to arrive had large leathery wings, making it look like an overgrown bat. It didn’t fall, but flew in circles around the rapture. Then it made a sharp turn and headed for the village.
“Load cold iron!” Renna bellowed, although people moved before that.
Lissan didn’t really know what cold iron was, but it seemed like a good time to point out:
“Untie me, and I’ll deal with them.”
“Not on your own, you won’t,” Renna snapped, not looking away from a rapture.
“I’m a Sword, dammit! It’s my job.”
She looked at him with a scowl.
“Your job is to stay alive and not blow us to pieces,” she snarled.
RAGE (CW: fire) - Lissan's POV, but hey, look, it's Anthea!
Another beam broke, falling diagonally across his path. He shut his eyes before the sparks hit them. Fighting the urge to retreat into the colder room cost him precious heartbeats.
He heard the She-Wolf howling over the roaring fire. It took a lot of willpower to pry his eyes open and look into the main room. The fire raged where the hearth used to be and spread to the walls and ceiling, towards him.
The flames were dying around the exit though, flickering into nothingness. A smothering cold extinguished them; a blanket of frost crept steadily into the house. In the doorway, a slim figure stood, pointing a Sword directly at him.
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contentswap · 1 year
Aquascaping Unveiled: Exploring Design Diversity and Modern Innovations
Aquascaping is the art and practice of creating underwater landscapes in aquariums. It involves arranging aquatic plants, rocks, stones, wood, and other decorative elements in a visually appealing and harmonious way. The goal of aquascaping is to create a natural-looking aquatic environment that showcases the beauty of underwater life.
There are several different types of aquascape designs, each with its own characteristics and principles. Some of the popular aquascape styles include:
Nature Aquarium: Developed by renowned aquarist Takashi Amano, this style focuses on creating a miniature version of a natural landscape, typically featuring lush plant growth, open spaces, and a sense of depth.
Dutch Aquarium: This style emphasizes a meticulously arranged and densely planted tank, often showcasing a wide variety of plant species with vibrant colors and intricate patterns. It aims to create a garden-like appearance.
Iwagumi: Originating from Japan, the Iwagumi style centers around the use of rocks as the main focal point. It typically features a simple layout with a limited number of plant species, emphasizing the arrangement and positioning of rocks to create a sense of balance and tranquility.
Biotope Aquarium: This style seeks to replicate a specific natural habitat, such as a river, lake, or a specific region's ecosystem. It involves carefully selecting plants, rocks, and fish species that are native to the chosen habitat.
In terms of modern aquascaping designs, there are several trends and techniques that have gained popularity in recent years. Some examples include:
Minimalistic Scapes: These aquascapes focus on simplicity, using negative space, minimal plant species, and carefully positioned hardscape elements to create a clean and minimalist aesthetic.
Wabi-Kusa: This style involves creating small, self-sustaining ecosystems in glass containers or shallow trays. It combines aquatic plants and terrestrial plants to create a miniature landscape that requires minimal maintenance.
Paludariums: These setups combine an aquatic section with a terrestrial section, allowing for the cultivation of both aquatic plants and land-based plants, as well as the inclusion of amphibians, reptiles, or other small animals.
Nano Aquascapes: Nano aquascapes refer to small-scale aquariums, often ranging from a few liters to around 30 liters in volume. They require careful planning and attention to detail to create a visually striking and balanced composition within the limited space.
It's important to note that aquascaping is a highly creative and personal art form, and these styles and trends can be adapted and combined in various ways to create unique and innovative designs.
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jamieanovels · 2 years
Find the word!
tagged by both @aohendo & @late-to-the-fandom so i'm doing them both in one post lolol
my words: earth, mud, stone, stick, ground, sight, cake, subtle, tongue
your words: face, rise, terror, mind, question
tagging some of my most recent followers: @emersonjydestein @eccaiia @alnaperera @moonscribbler and anyone who would like to play!! open tag~
all of my excerpts are from tea cow with the exception of one word that i couldn't find in it lol
Ruby’s blood ran cold. For a moment, fury at her sister swept through her like an indomitable current, rising in the tight space of her chest until it bottlenecked. Why on Earth would she tell their mother any of this? Wang Yaling was not even close to Ruby’s list of contingency plans for any emergency; in fact, Ruby had contingency plans for interactions with her. Her hands balled into fists. This was a nightmare scenario. How could Belle have done this to her?
Right on schedule, her phone started vibrating and Ruby flinched, dropping it back on the couch where it skittered a bit.
The man frowned. “Is it at least…nice?”
“It’s shit.” Ruby shook off her legs, cleaned out the mud from between her toes, and snatched her work pants from the half-moon boulder. “You can’t go for a swim or anything because of whatever machinery’s down there. All you can see is white concrete, water, and a bunch of signs from ecological organizations asking to defund it.” She paused. “It’d be better if it just weren’t there. Unless you’re a kid, I guess. They go there to make out.”
“That’s an idea. Perhaps I will schedule a visit, then.”
“I told him about it, of course.” Yaling took a long swig of her wine. “But not before I refused his first three calls. You weren’t home yet—what was the point of him being here if he couldn’t see you like he asked? But after Meimei called and told me about your…ah…situation, I thought it could be a rare opportunity.”
“You’re not helping your case,” Ruby muttered, but her mother paid her no heed.
“What’s that saying you Americans use? Kill a bird and get two stones? Kill a stone—?”
“You’re not going to go out there and listen? Apparently, for the fans, it’s much better live.”
“You don’t need me to stick around?”
“I told you, just meet me back here after the show. If I can’t find you, I’ll sell your shit at the next marketplace.”
“Oh.” Ruby let out a surprised laugh. “Nice.”
“Mother, we were just talking, and it was only about work—wait—!” She was halfway out of bed, toes just off the ground, but her mother was already closing the door behind her. Fists balled, Ruby strode to the door, paused in front of it, and then shouted, “We’re BUSINESS PARTNERS!!”
Mason blinked. “We are?”
“Don’t make me regret it.”
“Go faster, and it starts screaming and cranking and doing all sorts of wild shite,” Adi explained from the driver’s seat, as if this was a completely ordinary thing to describe.
“I see,” Ruby said stiffly as the car behind them, even in the slow lane, blared its horn at them. The cacophony lasted for several minutes before the Volvo finally gave up and passed them in a red blur. Ruby thought she caught sight of a middle finger somewhere in the mix and ducked her head in shame.
Cake (not found in tea cow; this excerpt is from emergence, my 2021 nano project)
Society’s little lab rats, Quin’s voice echoed in her ears. He was always so much more bitter about the way they were treated than she was. It had never particularly bothered her, as long as she ate well, slept well, fought well. The Society’s praise for her actions had only ever been the icing on the cake; it had never been necessary. She just did what she was told, and expected to be paid handsomely in return.
“Thank you,” mumbled Mason to the glass counter.
“He’s just shy,” Uncle Diego told the grizzled man. The two exchanged subtle glances before Uncle Diego added, “He loves this store. His family lives in Eldham Park, ‘else I’d be bringing him in every week. Isn’t that right, little man?”
“Yes, sir.”
“I hear you’re called Ruby.” The man beamed as the crowd roared in assent. He then added, as a tongue-in-cheek aside with an accompanying wink, “I’m Tony.”
This solicited a boisterous laugh from the show-goers. A couple people waved their signs and conspicuous floral banners. It was something Ruby should have known, had she bothered to put the face behind the song to memory, but she never had.
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strawberry-metal · 2 years
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December MOTM is Battle Royal and I wanted to make another JoJo model so I’m making a Nano Jolyne style model. Due to the nature of nano models, I basically had to UV Map her entire body suit onto her through alot of trial and error, and it looks...eeeeh. It doesn’t help that I had to mirror the texture in order to get it to look like this in the first place, which means she has the chest heart on her back too ugh. I’m not competing to win, rather competing to have fun and to show my love for JoJo again. Also there weren’t any participants last month, so I wanna hopefully help encourage people to try and join this month.
Also I always make a model to build hype each time a batch of Stone Ocean episodes releases lmao. This was the first time I ever did a nano model. If you're able to look past the not so great uv mapping of the clothes, and the fact I also had to mirror it in order to get it to come out the way wanted it to come out, then I hope you enjoy this model! My tumblr followers really liked her despite the flaws, so that's what ultimately led me to deciding to release her for download! Please follow the tutorial listed in the read me if you use her in motion data, because she's a small model! Password: NanoJoJo Rules: Credit me! I prefer listed as BOTH ShannaHeart and Strawberry-Metal, but just ShannaHeart is fine! Edit: Only if she stays the same character Take parts: Go ahead! Redistribution, selling, or claiming as your own: No R18: No, you cannot use for R18, p*d*philia or inc*st Gmod or SFM: As long as you still credit me in the description or preview image! Blender: You can for personal use only, and as long as you still credit me! Vrchat: Yes, this is the ONLY MODEL OF MINE I WILL ALLOW THIS FOR! Background by me, Plastic Love font by azkarizki on fontspace Effects: SVSSAO: sovoro Brushed on Adult Shader: Elle Dropshadow: original by beamman, edit by chestnutscoop Individual parts credits: Outfit: Drawn by me and UV Mapped on Base, glasses and some hair: I used Nano OFF Neru by Rom23Lao Bangs: Nano Rin by MqDL Buns: Nakao and xkyarii Braid: TechArts3D, MMDMiko, and G123u Green hair loops around buns: Shioku-990 Star belly button piercing: meovvsotis Download: In the description of this picture in my DA gallery
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amazingthingsforyou · 2 months
Frankz Crystal Hair Remover for Women and Men Hair removar pad Crystal Hair Eraser for Women Painless Hair Remover for Women Reusable Painless Hair Removal Stone (Multicolor)
About this item
✅ 【GENTLE & USER-FRIENDLY】: Say goodbye to traditional hair removal methods with this painless epilator suitable for all skin types. Achieve smooth, hair-free skin effortlessly by gently rubbing the crystal hair eraser in a circular motion. To reduce skin irritation, mix with water or cream if necessary.
✅ 【PREMIUM MATERIALS】: Crafted from premium crystal glass and housed in a metallic case, the crystal hair eraser boasts a smooth and safe surface. Utilizing nano crystalline technology, it exfoliates dead skin, improves skin tone, and causes no harm to the skin, allowing hairs to clump and break when rubbed gently.
✅ 【EASY CLEANING & REUSABLE】: The crystal hair remover is a breeze to clean—simply rinse it with water after each use. For enhanced results, use the hair removal stone after soaking your skin in water. With no need for refills or recharges, it remains reusable for up to 3 years.
✅ 【PORTABLE COMPANION】: Compact and small, the crystal hair eraser is effortlessly portable. Whether in a bag, suitcase, or pocket during travel, it takes up minimal space. If you're seeking an alternative to razor cuts, painful waxing, or expensive lasers, this painless hair remover is an excellent choice
✅ 【SLOWS HAIR GROWTH】:FRANKZ SLOWS HAIR GROWTH: Engineered to slow hair regrowth after just a few sessions, this painless hair removal tool is recommended for use on dry or damp skin post-shower. Applying moderate pressure, gently rub the tool in circular motions for optimal results.
✅ 【SUITABLE FOR ALL BODY PARTS】: This painless hair remover is safe for use on knuckles, arms, legs, chest, and back. Exercise caution with sensitive skin, testing on arms or legs before applying to more delicate areas.
✅ 【EASY USAGE GUIDE】: 1. Prep your skin with warm water before use. 2. Gently rub the tool on the skin in circular motions. 3. Apply lotions after removal. Note: Avoid excessive force on the skin when dealing with abundant hair. Temporary redness may occur; simply soothe with cold water afterward
Buy On This Link
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xasha777 · 6 months
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In the ethereal glow of the Neo-Gothic cathedral, whispers of light filtered through the stained glass, casting kaleidoscopic patterns that danced across the cold stone floors. Among the ancient pillars and the high, arching domes stood Cyrene, a being not quite human, her eyes glowing with the luminescence of a distant star.
She was the last of the Emissaries, a race whose origins stretched back to the times when galaxies were young. Cloaked in a garment that melded ancient design with alien technology, her pale skin shimmered with a constellation of tiny, flickering lights—nano-circuits beneath her flesh.
Cyrene approached the Altar of Communication, a relic that predates humanity's first breath. It was said to be connected to the 'Channel', a cosmic thread through which the consciousness of countless civilizations flowed. Those who had built this cathedral had no idea that the true purpose of its grand design was to amplify the Channel's signal, a beacon meant to converge with Cyrene's inner network.
Her mission was vital; to re-establish the lost link between the realms. The Emissaries had once served as conduits between the living universe and the spectral void, ensuring balance and harmony. However, darkness had crept through the cracks of reality, severing connections and isolating worlds.
As Cyrene stood before the altar, she extended her delicate, ornamented hands. The jewelry that adorned her body—exquisite golden chains and pendants embedded with precious stones—were not mere decorations but intricate instruments designed to harmonize with the Channel. Her eyes closed, and her lips parted in silent invocation. The red luminescence from the channeling crystal embedded in the altar bathed her in a crimson hue, its pulse synchronizing with her heartbeat.
Suddenly, the cathedral resonated with an otherworldly hum, and Cyrene's consciousness cascaded into the Channel. She traversed the stream of data and energy, a torrent of voices and memories from civilizations that spanned the fabric of spacetime. Her presence within the Channel sent ripples across dimensions, rekindling dormant links and mending the web of communication that had been torn asunder.
Within the Channel, she encountered entities of pure energy, machine intelligences vast as planets, and enigmatic presences that defied description. They spoke in languages of emotion, thought, and pure mathematics, but Cyrene understood them all. She was the nexus, the interpreter—the bridge over the vast expanse of loneliness that the universe had become.
The Channel's flow began to stabilize, and a symphony of interconnected thoughts formed a celestial chorus. Cyrene's message was clear: "You are not alone." The Emissaries would return, the balance would be restored, and the galaxies would speak to each other once again.
As she withdrew her consciousness from the Channel, the red light dimmed, and the cathedral returned to its quiet, watchful peace. Cyrene opened her eyes, the starlight within them dimming to a gentle glow. She knew her kind would soon arrive, guided by the signal she had renewed.
The Emissaries would once again walk among the stars, guardians of the cosmic communion, as the universe whispered its secrets through the ancient Communication Channel that had, for a moment, gone silent.
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hm-constructions-blog · 7 months
Vitrified tiles: The perfect urban flooring solution for India
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Choosing the right flooring material is a crucial decision for homeowners, as it significantly influences the overall aesthetic and functionality of a space. In recent years, vitrified tiles have gained immense popularity as a preferred flooring option, thanks to the numerous benefits and infinite design possibilities.
What are Vitrified Tiles?
Vitrified tiles are ceramic tiles that undergo a unique manufacturing process called vitrification. This process involves fusing clay with other raw materials at extremely high temperatures, creating a glass-like, non-porous surface. The end product is a durable and versatile tile suitable for various applications, including flooring.
The first use of tiles for flooring can be traced back to ancient Egyptian and Persian civilizations, which used fired ceramic tiles for flooring. Over a period of time, to combat the porosity, a thin layer of liquid glass was coated on the tiles, and glazed tiles took shape. The ability to heat materials to much higher temperatures in controlled environments gave rise to vitrification, and the tiles we know today were born. Double-charge vitrified tiles involved using two pigment layers, prolonging the life of the design of these tiles. Modern digital printing, nano-polishing technologies, as well as advancements in placing techniques and logistics have made the large-format tiles we know today possible.
Advantages of Vitrified Tiles:
Durability: Vitrified tiles are known for their exceptional strength and resistance to wear and tear. This makes them ideal for high-traffic areas such as living rooms, kitchens, and hallways.
Low Maintenance: The non-porous nature of vitrified tiles makes them resistant to stains and easy to clean. A simple sweep or mop is usually sufficient to maintain its original shine, reducing the need for extensive maintenance.
Water Resistance: The vitrification process gives these tiles a high level of water resistance, making them suitable for the walls of bathrooms, kitchens, and other areas prone to moisture.
Wide Range of Designs: Vitrified tiles are available in a vast array of designs, patterns, and colours. Whether you prefer a sleek, modern look or a more traditional aesthetic, there’s a vitrified tile design to suit every taste.
Versatility: These tiles can be used indoors and outdoors, allowing for a seamless and coordinated design throughout your home. They are also available in various sizes, including large-format tiles that can create an illusion of spaciousness in smaller rooms.
Temperature Resistance: Vitrified tiles can withstand temperature variations, making them suitable for regions with extreme climates.
Design Ideas with Vitrified Tiles:
Wood-look Vitrified Tiles: Achieve the warmth and charm of wood without the maintenance hassles. Wood-look vitrified tiles come in various finishes, providing a natural and inviting feel to your living spaces.
Marble and Stone Finishes: Vitrified tiles can mimic the look of luxurious marble or natural stone at a fraction of the cost. These tiles are an excellent choice for adding sophistication to your home.
Geometric Patterns: Create visual interest by using vitrified tiles with geometric patterns. Whether it’s hexagons, chevrons, or herringbone, these tiles can add a contemporary touch to your floors.
Contrast Borders: Use contrasting colours or patterns to create borders or unique designs within a room. This can add a touch of creativity and highlight specific areas.
Vitrified tiles have become a go-to choose for homeowners seeking a perfect blend of style and practicality. Their durability, low maintenance, and versatility make them a sound investment for anyone looking to enhance the beauty and functionality of their home. Whether you’re renovating or building from scratch, consider the many advantages that vitrified tiles bring to the table for a flooring solution that stands the test of time.
Ready to transform your home with Vitrified tiles?
To explore more about the benefits of vitrified tiles and other home improvement tips, visit our website at www.hmconstructions.com
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syntheticgems5 · 7 months
Revealing the Magnificence: Investigating Crystal Foiled Stone Gemstones
The exquisite combination of crystal clarity and metallic allure found in crystal foiled stone gems gives jewelry designs and ornamental decorations a touch of class and glitz. This piece explores the fascinating realm of crystal foiled stone gems, revealing their special qualities, plethora of uses, and the craftsmanship involved in their production.
Recognizing Gemstones with Crystal Foiled Stone: The meaning and characteristics of crystal foiled stone gems, sometimes referred to as foil-backed or foiled back crystals. investigation of their makeup, such as the use of quartz or crystal glass with a metallic foil covering to increase their refraction and brightness.
Production Method: An outline of the steps involved in producing crystal foiled stone jewels, from raw materials to the final result. To get the required shimmering effect, techniques like faceting, polishing, and attaching metallic foils to the gemstones' backs are used.
Characteristics and attributes: Extraordinary brilliance and sparkle that come from light interacting with the metallic foil backing are the hallmarks of crystal foiled stone jewels. Reflective Properties: The metallic foil's reflective surface amplifies the brightness and depth of the gemstones, producing eye-catching visual.
Uses & Applications: Jewelry Making: Crystal foiled stone gems are frequently used in jewelry design, bringing glitz and sophistication to items of jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, and tiaras. Foiled back crystals can be incorporated into evening dresses, purses, shoes, and hair accessories, among other clothing items, to add a striking and opulent touch.
Home Décor:
To create a brilliant and sumptuous atmosphere, use crystal foiled stone jewels as accents in chandeliers, candle holders, picture frames, and ornamental objects.
Adaptability and Versatility in Design: Compatibility with Different Settings: The variety in design is made possible by the compatibility of crystal foiled stone gems with different jewelry settings, including as prong settings, bezel settings, and channel settings. Personalization Choices: the capacity to alter crystal foiled stone jewels in accordance.
Eco-friendliness and sustainability: Environmental Considerations: A discussion of how eco-friendly crystal foiled stone gems are in comparison to real gemstones, emphasizing how their sustainable production methods and little environmental effect make them more environmentally friendly. Recycling and Upcycling: The jewelry business may be able to minimize waste and encourage resource conservation by recycling and upcycling foiled back crystals. Innovations and Trends in Design: Emerging Design Trends: An examination of contemporary designs and advancements in the application of crystal foiled stone gems in fashion accessories and jewelry, including mixed-media creations, statement pieces, and themes reminiscent of the past.
Partnerships and Collaborations:
Partnerships and collaborations among jewelry designers, producers, and artisans to investigate novel methods and imaginative uses of foiled back crystals in jewelry design. 
In the realm of gemstone decorations, crystal foiled stone gems offer brilliance, variety, and affordability, and are a monument to the artistry and inventiveness of jewelry design. When used to embellish exquisite jewelry or to add glitz to fashion accessories or home décor pieces, crystal foiled stone gems awe with their luminosity and reflected qualities. Their ageless beauty and skillful workmanship elicit respect and gratitude.
For more info:- biron hydrothermal emerald
lab created alexandrite pulled color change gem
Nano crystal sital emerald gems
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tikpik · 8 months
Revealing the Mystery Fender Guitar Picks Scientific Approach to Tone
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Ah, The soothing and pleasurable sound of the guitar! There’s something magical about the depth of its tones which can release your stress. Guitar Picks may seem like a simple accessory. But for musicians, they play a major role in playing style and shaping their sound. Prior to 1920, the guitarist mostly used their thumb to play the guitar. But with the rise of musician Nick Lucas, the use of a flat "plectrum style guitar pick” became popular. The technology behind the picks involves a combination of materials, thickness, and the player’s ability to strike the chord.
Dunlop Guitar Picks is one of most popular and widely used brands in the world. These picks are very easy to find and the price of their picks are much affordable.
Materials Used:
Generally, picks are made of uniform material like nylon, celluloid, Delrin, rubber, wood, metal, glass or stone. Nylon picks are mostly used for their smooth strike and durability. Fender provides Delrin, which offer enhanced grip and precision.
Thickness and Shape of the Picks:
Fender provides various types of pick shapes like standard, teardrop and jazz shapes. The choice of the thickness of the pick impacts on each note.
Texture and Grip of the Picks:
Texture and grip of the pick are more crucial to the rhythm of the sound. Fender provides a firm grip which is important during intense playing sessions. To avoid slipping and maintain stability, some picks are textured with additional grip patterns.
In the world of playing guitars, Fender’s attention is a brand apart. On the basis of selection of material, shape, thickness and grip feature, Fender fulfill the needs of a musician. The science behind the Fender Guitar Picks not only reflects a commitment to the musicians but also empowers them to find their distinct voice.
Your One-Stop Shop on TikPik: In this modern technology, do not be worried about guitar picks. Choose the picks from Tik Pik whose nano-suction material allows your Tik Pik to stick to your guitar like a magnet. It also provides a comfortable and secure grip while you are playing. It is available in Thin, Medium and Heavy gauges. If you are getting bored of your ordinary guitar picks, then buy the color-coded picks which you can choose it at a glance. Why to wait? Grab the Tik Pik on the best deals. For more information, visit us at [https://www.tikpik.com/].
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diamondtools · 8 months
Unveiling the Brilliance of Diamond Tools: Revolutionizing Industries
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Diamond tools have emerged as the epitome of precision and durability in various industries, transforming the way we approach cutting, grinding, and drilling tasks. With their exceptional hardness and resilience, these tools have become indispensable for professionals seeking top-tier performance and efficiency. In this article, we'll explore the fascinating world of diamond tools, shedding light on their applications, advantages, and the latest innovations that are reshaping industries.
Diamond Cutting Blades: Precision Redefined
Diamond-cutting blades have revolutionized the field of construction and masonry. The embedded diamonds on the cutting edge enable these blades to slice through the toughest materials with unparalleled precision.
Applications: Ideal for cutting concrete, asphalt, ceramic tiles, and natural stones, diamond cutting blades are widely used in construction projects, roadwork, and renovation tasks.
Diamond Grinding Wheels: Grinding with Finesse
Precision grinding is a critical process in manufacturing, and diamond grinding wheels have become the go-to choose for achieving exceptional results. The abrasive nature of diamonds ensures efficient material removal and extended tool life.
Applications: Used in metalworking, woodworking, and the production of high-precision components, diamond grinding wheels excel in tasks that demand accuracy and surface finish.
Diamond Drill Bits: Beyond the Surface
Diamond drill bits have transformed drilling operations across various industries. Their ability to cut through hard materials with ease makes them indispensable in fields ranging from construction to mining.
Applications: Widely used in drilling concrete, glass, ceramics, and even gemstones, diamond drill bits play a crucial role in creating precise holes for various purposes.
Innovations in Diamond Tool Technology
Nano-Diamond Coating: Advances in nanotechnology have paved the way for nano-diamond coatings on tools, enhancing their wear resistance and overall performance.
Multi-Layered Diamond Blades: Combining different diamond grit sizes in a single blade enhances cutting efficiency across a broader range of materials.
Smart Diamond Tools: Integration of sensor technology and IoT in diamond tools allows for real-time monitoring of tool performance and wear, optimizing operational efficiency.
Environmental Impact and Sustainability
The longevity and durability of diamond tools contribute to a reduction in waste compared to traditional tools. Additionally, advancements in recycling technologies for diamonds further enhance the sustainability of these tools.
Choosing the Right Diamond Tool
Selecting the appropriate diamond tool involves considering factors such as material type, project requirements, and the specific application. Understanding the characteristics of different diamond tools is crucial for achieving optimal results.
Diamond tools have undoubtedly carved their way into the heart of various industries, offering unparalleled performance and efficiency. As technology continues to evolve, we can anticipate even more groundbreaking innovations that will further elevate the capabilities of diamond tools, ushering in a new era of precision and durability. Whether it's construction, manufacturing, or drilling, the brilliance of diamond tools continues to shape the landscape of numerous sectors, providing professionals with the cutting edge they need to succeed.
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syntheticgems-org · 8 months
Buy Loose Gemstones Online, CZ Cubic Zirconia Stones, Natural Gems, Synthetic, Semi Precious, Precious Gem Stones for Wholesale
Supplier of synthetic gemstSone, man made gems, glass gemstone, cubic zirconia gemsstone, imitation gems, Lab created gems of all colors, size and shapes from china and thailand at wholesale price
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Purchase CZ CUBIC ZIRCONIA Precious stone AND LAB Made Manufactured GEMSTONE Straightforwardly FROM CHINA AND THAILAND Pearl Reducing Processing plant AT Discount Industrial facility Cost.
A wide range of CZ, Cubic Zirconia Jewel, Manufactured, Lab made variety unpleasant and cut Gemstone, gem and Mimicked pearls, Nano, Aqueous Biron Emerald, pulled Alexandrite, Moissanite and Lab Developed CVD/HPHT Precious stone and a wide range of Normal Gemstone purchase straightforwardly from China and Thailand Diamond reducing Plant at Industrial facility discount Cost.
Engineered Jewels has been doing business starting around 1975 and have Pearl Cutting plants in China and Thailand. We supply a wide range of Manufactured pearls, CZ cubic zirconia free jewels, Lab made diamonds, Lab developed Precious stone HPHT/CVD, Mossainite Precious stone, Opal jewels, Aqueous Biron Emerald, Pulled variety change Alexandrite, Nano gem Emerald, Regular Marcasite, CZ and Engineered Unpleasant gemstone and a wide range of Normal cut and cleaned Gemstones in all tones shapes and sizes. Purchase straightforwardly from China/Thailand Diamond reducing production lines at discount industrial facility cost for all gemstones. Natural gems
CUBIC ZIRCONIA Smooth Hazy - ALL Tones
Cabochon Gemstones are the one which is viewed as cut in a specific shape with a profoundly cleaned, round and raised top with a somewhat ill-fated base. A cabochon Gemstone can be cut in any organization yet, they were found in an Oval configuration frequently. We give all around slice cabochon gemstones to adornments makers and discount providers that emerge with various shapes.
LAB Made Jewels (SPINEL)
Impersonation gemstones are lab made to supplant the regular gemstones and also the most generally found mirroring gemstones in the market is Precious stone. With regards to precious stone replication simulants like engineered rutile or strontium titanate were utilized for a more extended period by us.We used to term these impersonation diamonds as fabricated materials since they were not a partner of nature. Glass and Plastic stones are the most widely recognized classes given by us which incorporate blue sapphire and plastic dots. We utilize the glass and plastic things like doublets and trios to invigorate normal pearls. We give devoted gemstone cuts that seem to be comparative for example garnet doublet seeming to be a ruby.
Alexandrite is one of the most uncommon types of a gemstone, it has a place with Chrysoberyl family has a few exceptional elements like high sturdiness and hardness too. Its standard substance property tends it to change its variety under daylight openness. Having a high structure of chromium alexandrite is the most extraordinary instance of Chrysoberyl gemstones when contrasted and titanium and iron. We convey high-scope of Alexandrite Gemstones for Gems makers and discount providers with an enduring life.
We give the best quality Aqueous Quartz gemstone for adornments producers and discount providers that emerge with unbending synthetic and actual properties that tend to adaptable and can be abstained into various organizations. We follow a normalized method in trim the state of the quartz gemstone as per the market interest.
Visit now: - https://www.syntheticgems.org/
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dersonwilliam · 8 months
Cvd diamond
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All types of CZ, Cubic Zirconia Diamond, Synthetic, Lab created color rough and cut Gemstone, crystal and Simulated gems, Nano, Hydrothermal Biron Emerald, pulled Alexandrite, Moissanite and Lab Grown CVD/HPHT Diamond and all types of Natural Gemstone buy directly from China and Thailand Gem cutting Factory at Factory wholesale Price.
Synthetic Gems has been in business since 1975 and have Gem Cutting factories in China and Thailand. We supply all types of Synthetic gems, CZ cubic zirconia loose gems, Lab created gems, Lab grown Diamond HPHT/CVD, Mossainite Diamond, Opal gems, Hydrothermal Biron Emerald, Pulled colour change Alexandrite, Nano crystal Emerald, Natural Marcasite, CZ and Synthetic Rough gemstone and all kinds of Natural cut and polished Gemstones in all colours shapes and sizes. Buy directly from China/Thailand Gem cutting factories at wholesale factory price for all gemstones.
Cabochon Gemstones are the one which is found to be cut in a certain shape with a highly polished, round and convex top with a slightly doomed base. A cabochon Gemstone can be cut in any format but still, they were found in an Oval format quite often. We provide well-cut cabochon gemstones for jewellery manufacturers and wholesale suppliers that come out with different shapes.
Imitation gemstones are lab created to replace the natural gemstones and moreover the most commonly found imitating gemstones in the market is Diamond. When it comes to diamond replication simulants like synthetic rutile or strontium titanate were used for a longer period by us.We used to term these imitation gems as synthetics since they were not a counterpart of nature. Glass and Plastic stones are the most common categories provided by us which include blue sapphire and plastic beads. We make the best use of the glass and plastic items like doublets and triplets to stimulate natural gems. We provide dedicated gemstone cuts that look similar i.e. garnet doublet looking like a ruby.
Alexandrite is one of the rarest forms of a gemstone, it belongs to Chrysoberyl family has several unique features like high durability and hardness as well. Its standard chemical property tends it to change its colour under sunlight exposure. Having a high composition of chromium alexandrite is the rarest case of Chrysoberyl gemstones when compared with titanium and iron. We deliver high-range of Alexandrite Gemstones for Jewellery manufacturers and wholesale suppliers with a long-lasting life.
We provide the best quality Hydrothermal Quartz gemstone for jewellery manufacturers and wholesale suppliers that come out with rigid chemical and physical properties that tend to flexible and can be refrained into different formats. We follow a standardised procedure in moulding the shape of the quartz gemstone according to the market demand.
Nano crystal is the new form of jewellery stone we deliver that got brewed under a high-temperature condition of 1500-1750 Celsius. We deliver high-quality nanocrystal gemstones for a varied set of jewellery manufacturers that is found to be a proper mixture of Silica, Zirconia, Alumina, Zinc, lithium and Magnesium. These homogeneous nano crystals are vastly distributed in the amorphous matrix. The homogeneous nano crystals pave the way for the formation of various physical and chemical elements like spinel, gahnite, sapphirine and other crystals..
We deliver best in class and high-quality natural gemstones for jewellery manufacturing and other commercial usages. We hold a wide range of natural gemstones that include both precious and semi-precious varieties like rubies, sapphires, emeralds, amethysts, and topaz. These natural gemstones are found to be minerals or organic substances which comes as highly durable, unique and long-lasting stones from our side. The natural gemstones we deliver holds similar chemical characteristics and varies with its colour and optical phenomenon. We offer the best quality and affordable natural gemstones that are available in several categories ranging from amethyst AAA to mystic topaz in the desired volume according to the demand of jewellery manufacturer.
We are the largest supplier of Cubic Zirconia, CZ loose gemstone, synthetic gems, CZ Machine cut, Nano crystal, Natural Gemstone, Star cut, Heart and arrow cut, cubic zirconia Rough, Moissanite Diamond, Lab created Star Ruby, Star Sapphire, Chatem Ruby, Emerald, Simulated Gems, Glass gems, Crystal gems, Imitation pearl, Hydrothermal quartz, Hydrothermal emerald, Flux Emerald, Pulled Alexandrite, Natural Emerald, Blue Star Sapphire, Citrine, Garnet, Peridot, Amethyst, White Topaz, Pink Topaz, Smoky Topaz, Blue Topaz, Baltic Amber, Green Amethyst, Iolite, Rhodolite, Pink Tourmaline, Tanzanite, Moonstone and White Diamond. Read More
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