#Nahoya kawata x male reader
spooky-bunnys · 1 year
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Nobody expected Nahoya Kawata, to be the first of the twins to yet married. Especially not to Mitsuya (Name). (Name) had been the popular pretty boy in Toman. Who anyone and everyone wanted but could never get due to his over protective twin.
It was kinda funny if everyone was honest. A twin marrying another twin. Many wondered what kind of kids they'd have. Most bet on twins or triplets. Since they both have twin genes but (Name) has so far only had 1 kid. To many (mostly Nahoya's) disappointment.
But one kid was enough for now since (Name) has an already busy schedule while he works with Draken and Inui's motor shop. That's right. (Name) was D&D's top Machanic. He worked on and designed bikes. The Mitsuya twins were always the more creative friends of their friend group.
(Name) tightened another bolt. Looking carefully at the bike once more before nodding happily. Another bike repaired! (Name) grabbed the rag off his personal tool box, and wiped the oil and grease off his hands. His (hair length) hair pulled back and out of his face.
He had been working on the bike most of the day. The owner had almost completely totalled it, but luckily (Name) worked his magic. Although he had to remake the whole engine which he knows will be expensive. (Name) sighed and looked at the clock.
9:43 pm.
He was supposed to be home an hour ago. But Draken wanted him to finish the bike he was working on. So he had to stay and finish. (Name) shook his head before starting to clean up the tools.
He wanted to get home and eat some delicious food made by his husband. See his 2 almost 3 year old son. Finally he wanted to cuddle with Nahoya and (Son's Name) until he fell asleep. He's been working so hard this week considering their sons birthday is next week.
(Son's Name) was the light of their lives. Although, (Name) had a surprise he hasn't told anyone. Well anyone other then Draken, since he was (Name)'s boss. (Name) had been feeling sick lately and according to the doctor, (Name) is pregnant...with Twins.
Nahoya yawned. Rubbing his eyes before checking the time. 10:28 pm. He checked the other side of the bed. Empty. Where was (Name)? Nahoya pulled the covers away and slowly got up. Making his way to the living room, Nahoya made sure (Son's Name) was still asleep.
As he entered the living room he noticed the light on. (Name) was nowhere to be seen. After checking the kitchen and the bathroom, Nahoya was getting worried. It wasn't like his wife to be late. (Name) hated being late. He reminded him of that almost everyday.
(Name) would always make sure he was up and out the door early. Since he and his twin Souya have to open their Ramen shop early. While he also brought (Son's Name) with him, due to (Name)'s job being too dangerous for the small boy. They'd always get home on time.
A stumbling noise brought Nahoya out of his thoughts. He turned in time to see (Name) almost fall over just trying to get his shoes off. Nahoya couldn’t help but to laugh. While his wife was beautiful and strong, he was probably the most clumsy person he knew.
(Name)'s head snapped up at the laugh. He smiled brightly at his husband. "I'm home 'hoya." Nahoya chuckled shaking his head before helping with the shoes. Once (Name)'s work shoes were off he gave his husband a passionate and strong kiss. Missing the male dearly.
When they pulled away (Name) knew the look on the others face. So he quickly made his way to the kitchen. Absolutely starving. Though as he left, his husband followed him like a lost puppy. (Name) quickly went to the fridge grabbing a bowl of Ramen and quickly reheated it.
Nahoya could practically see the drool coming from (Name). It made him curious, (Name) only was that hungry for Ramen when he was pregnant with their son. Ramen was the main food (Name) ate the whole pregnancy.
Nahoya watched with a soft smile as (Name) quickly ate the food. It was like he hadn't ate all day. Nahoya kissed his temple and gave him a small hug. (Name) hummed kissing Nahoya's cheek. Laying the dishes in the sink. To do in the morning.
(Name) hummed rubbing his stomach. Filled with his husbands famous and delicious Ramen. Now all (Name) needed was a showers and cuddles from (Son's Name) and Nahoya. So thats exactly what he'll do. (Name) took a quick shower. The warm water felt nice on his tired muscles.
Then he changed in his pajamas. One of Nahoya's shirts and his favorite fuzzy pajama pants. (Name) slowly crept in (Son's Name)'s room. Making his way to his sleeping angel. Who was snoring loudly causing (Name) to swear-drop.
He dealt with enough snoring from his darling partner. He didn't want to deal with that tonight. He was extremely tired and just wanted to go to sleep. So maybe cuddles an wait till tomorrow. (Name) kissed his sons forehead and quietly ran to his bedroom. Wanting to get a good nights rest.
Today was the day! (Son's Name)'s birthday. The day (Name) has been working hard for. Of course the party was at the Kawata's Ramen restaurant. Many orginal Toman members were present. (Name) couldn’t remember the last time he smiled so wide.
Everyone was having a blast. Draken and Inui was chasing (Son's Name). They were distracting him so they could finish setting everything up. Souya was making the food while Nahoya was setting up the tables. Takashi was working over at the present area.
Everyone else was catching up. (Name) smiled. Setting down the birthday cake. It felt nice having everyone together again. (Name) smiled softly. Without looking he slapped Mikey's hand away from the sweets. Grinning at his best friend.
"Mikey thats for everyone. You haven't even ate yet!" Mikey pouted. Grumbling abiut how he didn't want to eat Ramen, he just wanted to eat the sweets. (Name) sighed. Calling everyone over to eat. While placing a flag in Mikey's bowl.
Many laughing when Mikey's face lit up. As everyone as eating, (Name) looked around. Enjoying the moment very much. He missed this so much. It seems like yesterday when they were all kids. Fighting and driving bikes everyday. Not having to deal with the responsibilities they do now. Though, as he looked at (Son's Name) he couldn't help but smile bigger.
After singing happy birthday, and cuttng the cake it was now time for presents. (Son's Name) lighting up more and more after each one. He favorite so far was the model bike from Uncle Ken. It was a (bike name). The same bike (Name) rode when he was a teen. His second favorite was the outfit made by his Uncle Kashi.
(Name) waited for (Son's Name) to finish opening up the "last" present. Dead-panning at Kokonoi. Who was smiling widely. He had gifted (Son's Name) money. Which (Name) will be putting away for when he's older.
Nahoya's laughter filled the restaurant. But his laughter died short after seeing (Name) place a final present in front of (Son's Name). Confused since he wasn't informed of said gift. Everyone went silent waiting to see what the gift was.
(Son's Name) excitedly opened the gift but stopped when seeing the inside. He pulled out a shirt that said "Big Brother". He was confused since he didn't know he had a sibling. (Son's Name) looked at his dad questioning him about the shirt.
Everyone but (Name), Draken, and (Son's Name) was frozen. (Name) laughed loudly before removing the jacket he was wearing. Showing the shirt underneath. The shirt had four tiny feet prints. With "Twins Loading" written on the shirt. It took a matter of seconds for the slince was broken.
Nahoya immediately shot up. Eyes wide in disbelief. "Wait what?!" Everyone joined in. Questioning (Name) about the shirts. (Name) then pulled out a series of photos. "Its offical! I'm pregnant with twins!" He exclamated loudly. The group breaking out in cheers. Clapping Nahoya on the back congratulating the man on his newest editions.
(Son's Name) looked around confused. Until Inui explained what was going on, since both parents were surrounded by their friends. He was excited! He was gonna be a big brother! This was the best birthday ever! He couldn’t wait to meet them.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Nahoya was a mean man.
Saying vulgar and cruel shit when he felt like it and finding pleasure in beating the ever loving shit out of people.
"'hoya..." (Name) mumbled seven months pregnant, cuddling on their bed turned nest as Nahoya rubbed his belly gently "what?" He asked softly as the smell of relaxed pharamones wafted from them both "I'm hungry..." (Name) whined out and Nahoya looked at the bedside clock that read at 1:30 am.
"What do you want baby?" Nahoyas words were soft, only for (name) as the Omega thought for a second before mumbling (fast food) while snuggling into Nahoyas chest "lemme go grab my jacket..."
"Don't go..."
"What do you want me to do baby?" Nahoya leaned over the Omega slightly, eyes open to stare into (name)s (colored) irises as the Omega pouted "order?"
"Aight baby, but I will have to go and grab the food when the delivery fucker gets here ya know?"
Nahoya let (name) order, the Omega passing it back to him and Nahoya noticed (name) ordered Nahoyas regular, most definitely not wanting to eat alone and the Alpha preened at how sweet his mate was.
"Now till then, wanna find a show to eat to?"
Nahoya Kawata was a mean man.
But he was so fucking weak for his mate.
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miniminiujb · 1 year
Headcanon Ômegas Angry e Smiley
Ômegas Smiley e Angry x Alpha leitor masculino
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Angry é um Ômega com uma personalidade forte e decidida. Ele é quieto e tem uma lealdade inabalável.
Smiley, por outro lado, é um Ômega extrovertido, constantemente irradiando alegria e otimismo, trazendo luz para onde quer que vá.
Você como Alpha do relacionamento teria que demonstrar respeito para os dois, como eles iriam respeitar você. Se caso você levantasse a voz para um dos gêmeos, o outro ficaria com a guarda alta.
Se você não soubesse lutar Angry e Smiley o protegeriam você, ensinaram você a lutar para quando eles não estivessem por perto. Se caso você soubesse lutar, eles iriam ficar mais relaxados, e carregaram você para algumas lutas para mostrar a todos como o Alpha deles pude derrotar qualquer um no soco.
O ninho deles seria enorme e bastante organizado, com ursos de pelúcias, as suas roupas, travesseiros e qualquer coisa que fosse macia e que lembrassem de cada um de vocês três.
• Os cios de vocês três se sincronizaram. Angry não quer que você saia do ninho, as pernas dele estariam em volta do seu corpo todo. A cabeça sempre apoiada em seu peito. Angry dormiria praticamente o cio todo, isso ajuda na dor.
Smiley seria diferente, ele seria mais carente, seu corpo ansiando pelo o do Alpha. O seu cheio o embriagava, agarrando a mão do irmão enquanto deitava com a cabeça em seu pescoço, respirando o máximo do cheiro que saia das suas glândulas.
Se vocês tivessem filhotes, os dois acidentalmente engravidaram em pouco tempo de diferença. O plano inicial seria um deles iria engravidar e depois que o filhote completasse um ano de idade o outro gêmeo iria engravidar. Mas depois de um cio desregulado, eles engravidaram com um mês de diferença.
Nos meses em que eles estavam grávidos foi o completo caos. Smiley ficou 2x mais carente, querendo a sua atenção a cada segundo. Angry ficou mais sensível, cada palavra que saia da sua boca teria que ser pensada diversas vezes, já que você fez uma piada dele, e o Ômega chorou sem parar, fazendo o Smiley ficar bravo com você.
Quando a bolsa de um dos Ômegas estourou, o outro ficou desesperado. Você teve que acalmar o grávido e o que estava dando a luz.
Duas semanas depois o outro Ômega deu a luz. Os dois Ômegas choravam sem parar, enquanto você ajudava o irmão que estava dando a luz, o outro caminhava rapidamente atrás de você com dois filhotes nos braços.
Você amava sua grande família, seus filhotes que choravam a noites e seus Ômegas que ocupavam a maior parte da cama.
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nemowasfound · 2 years
It's me
A bitch
I would like one uuuuuh
One fic
About smiley
Where reader is a florist and smiley keeps trying to flirt with flower language but they keep giving wildly incorrect meanings
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Nahoya “smiley” Kawata
X Florist!Reader
This is short because yes
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(Y/n) was working his shift when Nahoya came in, he knew exactly what would come next.
“Hellooo (Y/~n), did you know that Lavenders symbolize happiness?” Smiley asked with a grin.
“It actually means distrust, but nice try. A flower that does symbolize happiness is the pink rose. And if you want to impress me, give me a pink camelia~ it matches your hair anyway.” (y/n) said with a laugh.
“Your wish is my command, doll.” Smiley said with his usual smile. “... What does that one mean?”
“It symbolizes a longing for someone, so if you're longing for me, give me one of those. A red rose during a date works too”
After that, Nahoya made fewer mistakes, he even managed to get (y/n) to go out with him. He took his advice and gave him a bouquet of red roses on their first date.
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sunny-mercya · 1 year
First date magic
Nahoya (Smiley) Kawata x Male Reader
-> Requested by Rome
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Souya raised an eyebrow at Nahoya, who had changed into more causal fancier clothes in the staff room of their Sugoaku Restaurant. He looked nervously skittish, fiddling with his hair and tie.
Souya rolled his eyes, shaking his head and sighed. Putting one of the glasses aside he was cleaning, he walked over from behind the bar to Nahoya, swatting his hand away and fixing the tie.
«Why are you so nervous dumbshit? This isn't the first date you had with [Name], Hoya.» Souya said,
Nahoya knew his brother was right, this wasn't the first date he had with [Name] over the years of being together and married. Still he had a perfectly, dumb, reason to feel nervous tonight.
«I know, but I've planned something special,» Nahoya didn't elaborate any further about this and Souya shrugged his shoulder, returning back to his work, Saturdays are always the busiest days and the Bar would be filled to brim anytime soon. Maybe adding a bar to their Sugoaku Restaurant wasn't such a good idea.
«Anyways, you should get going or do you wanna be late?»
You sat on a bench in the park, waiting for Nahoya. The weather was nice tonight, not to hot nor too cold, just the fine middle of temperature.
Even though you could've cooked something or ordering some food, Nahoya had insisted to go on a Date, saying that they hadn't gone in so long and that he felt like it.
«[Name]! Sorry, I hope didn't make you wait too long.» Nahoya stopped in front you, had run the few last meters and needed just a moment to gain his breath again. Nahoya might be a fit man in his thirties, but even he feels sometimes the slowing process of getting older.
You smiled at your Husband, waving your hand as a sign to tell him that it is alright. You found it amusing how Nahoya's hair started to slowly go back into curly, he probably had spend an hour or two to straight it out.
Nahoya and his, probably slight, obsession of having straight hair was something you still wouldn't quite seem to understand. You loved his natural curly hair more, having told him that many times and yet he still wants doesn't want it that way and getting annoyed when it curls back.
«It's fine babe, so were are we going?» you asked him, a bit curious to what he has planned.
«It's a surprise» Nahoya took your hand, pulling you up from the bench and started walking with you further into the park.
The walk at first was quiet, as you both simply enjoyed the silence and company of each other.
«Isn't that the park where you asked me for out for our very first date?» you asked, musing back to the fond memories you had of it.
«And where I asked you to marry me? It is. Remember when I felt into that pond?»
You did remember; Nahoya wanted to show you something in the pond, a rock or whatever and then he tripped and fell right into the water. It wasn't too deep but enough to be drenched.
«Yeah, I found it funny how annoyed you got over your wet hair, fearing it would go back into curly again and all your hard work to waste. Something you still do even to this day, love.»
«I never told you, but before I had just a crush and that was the moment when I had really fallen in love with you.» Nahoya told you, stopping now exactly at the pond. You hoped he wouldn't fall in again.
«How so?» you asked, not remembering anything heroic or romantic you have done back then.
Your Husband just shrugged his shoulders, turning to you and bringing your knuckles up to his mouth, giving them a kiss.
«[Name], we're being married for over ten years now and I know I can be a annoying shit sometimes, but there is something I wanted to ask you tonight.»
Nahoya paused, hands getting all clammy and feeling a rise of nervousness again. Chest tighten ever so slightly. He knew the question was silly to ask, but he wanted to nonetheless.
«[Name] Kawata, would you do me the honour again of marrying me?»
The upcoming silence had worried Nahoya, he feared you could and would say, no.
Nahoya relaxed, when he saw the once small smile on your lips turning into a bigger one.
«Yes! Yes I do!» you almost had shouted it, grabbing Nahoya's face you smashed your lips onto his. Kissing him this way, just like you had back then when he asked the first time.
Nahoya could ask a thousand time and you would always say yes to it. You loved this men, your husband, so endlessly. Nothing, expect for death, could apart you from him.
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boozenboze · 2 years
Sociably acceptable
Nahoya Kawata x Male reader
Female reader, she/her,or she/they DNI
M/n L/n is a strange person.He doesn’t talk much and is usually a few feet away from the Toman meetings.He is usually seen playing on his nintendo,while still paying attention to what his leader was saying.Some of the other captains didn’t like how he acted.He has never tried to talk to anyone else which irked something in all of them.Whenever they made attempts to talk to him he wouldn’t even spare them a glance.
They all had gotten impatient with attempting to converse with him.Well,not all of them because there was one captain whose goal was to befriend the male.To top it off he is very persistent.
“M/n whatcha doin~?”The smiling male said, peering over the seated males shoulders.Ah that’s right,Nahoya Kawata also known as Smiley.He was a nuisance to M/n to say the least.He would always pester and poke at M/n attempting to get his attention,although he fully knew he had M/n’s attention.He had never failed to notice the males subtle glances.
When Nahoya had first met M/n when he was announced 6th division captain.He first thought he was a stuck up bastard that thought he was better than everyone else.He wouldn’t talk much either and wouldn’t say more than five words.
All of these assumptions ended when Draken said M/n was shy and had a hard time conversing with others and they shouldn’t pick on him.So that’s exactly what he did.
Every time he’d approach the male he was careful not to startle him or make him uncomfortable.He would talk about silly stuff like how Baji would set cars on fire when he was hungry.He could’ve sworn he heard the male chuckle.After that their conversations during meetings they turned into hangouts,then the hangouts turned into what Smiley had hoped for.
𝐀 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞
“How about we have a sleepover.”Smiley suggested while wrapping his arms around M/n’s waist.M/n hummed in response,feeling the males breathe on his neck making him shiver.
“How about we go get something to eat first?”M/n said pulling away from the peach haired males grasp.Smiley grinned and grabbed the other males hand guiding him to his bike.
“Souya cmon’ we’re gonna go get some takeout!”Smiley yelled to his brother watching him say goodbye to Muto and make his way to his bike.
“Hold on, don’t want you falling off my bike pretty boy.”Smiley said in a teasing tone making M/n slap the back of his head.The three of them leave the Musashi shrine to go get their food
Souya,Nahoya and M/n finally made their way to the Kawata residence with their food.Nahoya being the unofficial gentleman he was,opened the door to the house and allowed M/n to enter first.
“Our mom is out so we have the whole place to ourselves!”Nahoya said while running to the kitchen and taking his food out the bag.Souya had already gon up to their shared bedroom so it was just him and the e/c eyed male standing in the kitchen.M/n was eating some pork katsudon with veggies and kimchi,while Nahoya had gotten a fully loaded ramen.While M/n ate his food Nahoya was behind him,looking over his shoulder as M/n chewed on the pork.M/n felt his presence so he turned around and Nahoya was smiling down at him.Their noses were barely touching and M/n’s breathing came to a hault.Nahoya giggles and moved so the tips of their noses presses together.
“Can I kiss you?”Nahoya asked in a soft tone while putting his hand beneath M/n’s chin,tilting his head up slightly revealing the males flustered expression.Hesitently,M/n nodded while averting his eyes from the smiling male.
“Words handsome.”The peach haired male muttered while inching his lips closer to the s/c skinned male.
“Y-yes- Mmh!”M/n was cut off by the male kissing him.The peach haired male wrapped his arms around M/n’s waist.He began licking the males bottom lip as a way of asking to add his tongue.M/n parted his lips allowing Nahoya to slide in his tounge.The both pulled away to catch their breath and were interrupted by a clapping noise.
“Finally,I thought this was never gonna happen.”Souya said while clapping.He proceeds to pull his phone out of his pocket and wave it around.
“I’m gonna send these to the Gang.”He added while running back to their shared room.M/n stood there embarrassed as Nahoya ran after his twin
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thronesforkings · 2 years
Can I request uuuuh smiley x male reader fluff
Maybe they go on a cute date and Toman catches them?
Title: Pictures
Requested?: Yes ^^
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Male!Reader x Kawata (Smiley) Nahoya; Toman (Takemichi x Hina, Draken x Emma)
TW/CW: Swearing (Note, most of my stuff will have swearing as I do swear in my regular speech and it slips into my writing)
Notes: I did this instead of doing my final project/semester finals :3 I also looked up festivals in Japan in December and found many cool ones that are happening this year (some are done every year but some I found are only this year)
Word Count: 1,194
Nahoya loved to fight, that was known of the captain, but it was less known that he loves the outdoors more than fighting. There was only one thing that topped both of those and that was (Name), his wonderful boyfriend. 
(Name) wasn’t known by the others, he was Nahoya’s little secret. While (Name) was in the gang and in his division, he was rarely talked about since he didn’t stand out to the others. It was a surprise when Nahoya found him injured in an alleyway while walking home after going to the shop. He had heard of the boy and knew he was in his division but it wasn’t until he helped the other male out that love blossomed.
The peach haired male was pulling a confused male who was only told to dress for the weather. (Name) had a smile on his face as he studied Nahoya’s face, his smile less prominent but full of emotions, his eyes scrunched up and slightly covered by his hair (which made it hard for (Name) to see Nahoya’s excitement for this mystery), and the pink that dusted his face due to the cold weather. 
“We’re almost there! You’re going to love this!” Smiley spoke and the two continued on for a little longer before (Name) saw a glow of blue lights. The blue got closer as they eventually stood at the start of a path that was illuminated. 
“Ao no Dokutsu! They have benches through the path and I brought some snacks. I come here every year to see the lights.” (Name) smiled as he listened, a light laugh escaping his lips and he squeezed Smiley’s hand. 
“Thank you. I’ve heard of this, it’s prettier in person than just seeing photos.” (Name)’s voice was distant as he admitted the lights and how calming the area was. 
“Well let’s just relax then!” Nahoya tightened his grip on (Name)’s hand, the two going down the path and admiring the lights. 
“Woah, how did you find this place?” Chifuyu asked Takemichi. This was supposed to be a date for him and Hina but Emma was told about it and so her and Draken tagged along. Since they had a captains meeting earlier, they just hung out a bit (Smiley left in a hurry and refused to answer any of their questions) before going to this place. The others tagged along since they move as a pack. 
“Uh, My mother took me here when I was younger. I haven’t been here in a few years though, so I thought this would be a nice place to go.” Takemichi responded and glanced at Hina, who wasn’t annoyed about the others tagging along (unlike him) and was talking to Emma. 
“Let’s just walk through this place so we can go somewhere warm, it’s fucking cold out here.” Draken said as his cheeks were flushed red, partially from the cold but the girl clinging to his arm was the main reason why he was red. 
“It’s winter, you should know to dress warmer.” Mitsuya jabbed at him and the group slowly made their way into the attraction. 
Nahoya and (Name) had stopped a couple times and now were roughly halfway through the path, sitting eating the sweets that were brought along. (Name) was admiring the lights and in his own world until the sound of a click got his attention. 
“Oops.” Smiley had a shit eating grin on his face as (Name) blushed and tried to grab the other’s phone. 
“Delete it.” (Name) said as he watched his boyfriend fake pout. 
“You’re so cute though! I barely have any photos of you.” Smiley said and (Name) was about to retort back but stopped with an idea. He took his phone out and took a photo of the other male in retaliation, copying his grin. 
“Huh?” Nahoya was confused until he realised that his picture was taken. It was now his turn to blush and try to grab the phone. In reality neither of them were serious about deleting the photos but they both had their own reactions. 
“I’m a scary gang member, there should be no proof of me being soft.” Nahoya said as the two were now closer together. (Name) laid on the ground with his arm extended away from Nahoya while the other was on top of him and had put his phone in his pocket, using one hand to make sure he didn’t fall onto (Name) and the other trying to get the phone from where he was. 
“You’re not that scary.” (Name) said with a grin before laughing at the other’s flushed face and had looked away from him. 
“Only for you.” Nahoya muttered and (Name) swore he felt time stop for a moment. He looked at him and was filled with nothing but happiness. 
Feeling lips connected to his, it had pulled a squeak out of him, surprised but quickly kissed back and only focused on his boyfriend. The two pulled away with lovesick smiles and their breath in the air. (Name) was quick to take a photo of Nahoya who just laughed, the other joining him. 
“I didn’t think other people were going to be here, this is the quietest time when I looked it up.” Takemichi said as the group heard laughter while walking. It was getting closer as they continued on and it wasn’t until a gasp was heard that everyone stopped walking. 
“So many things suddenly make sense.” Souya spoke and the others saw the other twin with someone laying next to him on the ground. They silently watched as the two were calming down and soon enough kissed again. 
Draken grinned and let out a whistle, surprising the two who had now noticed the group. (Name) and Smiley both had widened their eyes in surprise to see the other gang members (read: higher ups). 
“Shit.” Nahoya said quietly as his brother ran up to them and hit him on the head. 
“You didn’t even tell me! You’re so rude.” Souya said and (Name) put a hand over his mouth to hide his laughter. 
“Hah? I would’ve told you if you ever asked, idiot!” He retorted back and (Name) snorted, soon breaking out into laughter. 
“I have to agree with your brother, that was kind of rude of you to not tell him. I mean, I told my older sister/brother.” (Name) spoke and Souya grinned.
“I’m Souya.” (Name) nodded as he spoke and waved the others over. 
“I’m Seto (Name). Nice to officially meet all of you. Nahoya doesn’t have to make up excuses any more though, for why he suddenly leaves.” The group nodded and soon enough Mikey joined them on the ground. 
“So, do you have any dumb photos of Smiley?” Mikey asked and (Name) laughed while he opened his phone.
“Oh I have many.” Nahoya gasped in betrayal but soon enough he was stopped by Souya asking him questions about how they met. He sighed and let a small smile tug on his lips as he watched his boyfriend be happy and relaxed, deciding that maybe he will have to take more photos of (Name) after this.
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Bets and Mario Kart
Sadly I lost the ask but it was basically a tsundere reader x any character. And I've decided to honor our lovely @reallyromealone for when he hit 2.1k followers. (Sorry this took so long I've been out a if for a few days lol)
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"Fuck you!" Nahoya shouted, pushing his friend harshly. (Name) fell too the floor with a loud thud, gritting his teeth.
"No fuck you! I won fair and square!" He exclaimed, pointing angrily with his controller in hand.
"You obviously cheated! No one wins at Rainbow Road!" Nahoya countered. Ah yes, Mario Kart; the end of every friendship on planet Earth. (Name) huffed, crossing his arms as he silently glared at his friend.
"You just suck at the game, Smiley." He grumbled, pouting to himself as Souya worriedly tried to calm the two down. Last time the played it ended in a small fist-fight.
"Smiley, (Name) please stop!" He pleaded, clenching his jaw as he pulled on Smiley's sleeve. The pink haired Kawata giggled a little, ripping his arm from his little brother's grasp and tackling (Name).
"You wanna say that again little shit? I'll kill you y'know." He threatened, (Name) smirked; his face red from their current position... But he wasn't about to give up just yet.
"You suck at Mario Kart." He stated. Nahoya didn't hesitate to draw his fist back. The other acted quickly, flipping the situation around and pinning Nahoya's arms above his head.
"God damn it- (Name)! Let me go!" He shouted, squirming under the other's iron grip.
"You'll just punch me!" He argued, Nahoya whined. He smiled teasingly, leaning down till they were nose to nose. "You're not getting up, Smiley~" he cooed.
"I know how I could win this fight." Nahoya said with a cheeky smirk. (Name) hummed. "I could either headbutt you or kiss you. Take your pick." He teased. (Name) flushed red, angry at the other for chosing those options of any other. Hell he'd probably rather take a kick to the nuts then have Nahoya kiss him. Just friends... Remember we're just friends.
"Shut up, I'd rather you kick me in the nuts than kiss me!" He grumbled, face inflamed with embarrassment. God, why was Nahoya such a cheeky bastard; he'd do anything to win a fight. Nahoya gave (Name) a little pout.
"I swear I'm a good kisser, you jerk! I'll kill you!" Nahoya grumbled, a strained smile on his face. (Name) flushed red as Angry silently cheered for the kiss, knowing all to well the two's crushes on each other weren't going away any time soon.
"Nope! I'd bet 15000 yen you suck, you've been single your entire life!" He said, sitting up and crossing his arms... Not realizing he had accidentally giving Smiley free reign. (Name) felt his heart stop when he realized, but he was a little too late in realizing before Nahoya had sat up and hastily kissed the other. (Name) froze, eyes wide as Nahoya kissed him very passionately. The feeling was dizzying as (Name) slowly reciprocated. This is why you don't play bets against a Kawata.
Nahoya pulled away, giggling at the other's dazed and flushed expression. (Name) snapped out of his daze relatively quickly and immediately glared at the other. "You totally suck at kissing." He muttered, sounding not as sure as he had originally planned.
Nahoya pulled (Name) a little closer, gently touching his nose to the others as he gazed up at him with half lidded eyes. "You sure about that (Name)-Chan?" He teased. (Name) swallowed hard and muttered a quiet yes. Nahoya didn't waste any time pulling the other into a feverish kiss, holding the other closely; gently trailing his calloused fingers up the (h/c) haired man's shirt.
(Name) hummed, no longer putting up a fights as he clutched onto his friend... Could they even be considered friends after this? He gasped for air when Nahoya pulled off of him, teasingly kissing his cheek. "You still sure that I'm a bad kisser?"
(Name) panted, glancing away as he tried to muster some kind of snarky response. It was useless, his brain too muddled with the images of what just happened. Opting for a silent response over speaking he quietly shook his head. Nahoya smirked a little. "You owe me 15000 yen," he whispered, (Name) felt his heart break a little. Yeah... It was just a bet, Nahoya noticed the others glum expression and quickly continued. "Hm... Actually a date worth 15000 yen!"
(Name) pouted more, happy to be able to openly take Nahoya on a date... But the idea of spending 15000 yen hurt his wallet. "Fuck you're expensive..." He whispered, earning a chuckled from the pink haired Kawata as he nuzzled into (Name)'s neck.
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naturaliar · 2 years
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-ꨄ Character(s): Nahoya
-ఌ Type of reader: M!Reader (black ofc)
-ꨄ Category: SFW + a/b/o
-ఌ Warning(s): None
-ꨄ For: @reallyromealone
-ఌ Edited: ❌
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“But papa I don’t want ramennnn!” (Child name) whined as he began fussing a bit, a normal thing a 4-year-old does.
“Listen, if you embarrass me in this damn shop so help me God (child name).”
You whispered to him making the boy huff as he folded his arms. “Afternoon! What can I get you two?” Nahoya asked with his normal smile. You told him what you wanted along with your son.
“And will that be all?” He asked and you nodded your head as you sat down, placing (child name) on your lap and just giving him your phone to distract him for a bit. “You have a cute kid,” Nahoya said with a softer smile.
“Thank you. He looks more like his clown of a father than me. The only thing he got is my hair and skin color.” You sighed as you bounced the leg (child name) was on. “Well, even with just those two things he’s as cute as his dad.” Nahoya chuckled getting (child name’s) attention.
“Why are you talking to my papa?” He glared, only for said glare to look adorable. “Well, I find your papa interesting and attractive so, of course, I’d talk to him,” Nahoya told him making (child name) cling to you.
Your eyes widened slightly as you scratched your cheek with your index finger. “Thanks.” You grumbled. “Anytime sweetness. Can I maybe have your number if that’s alright with you?” He seemed a little bit more nervous now asking such a question.
His cheeks were tinted a light red and his smile was quivering a bit. A smirk formed on your lips as you nodded. “Yeah sure. What’s your name?” You asked, tilting your head a bit as you write your number down.
“Nahoya Kawata. Please to meetcha! And yours?” “Y/n.” You told him. “A beautiful name for a beautiful guy,” Nahoya said as he rested his cheek on the palm of his hand before getting struck in the back of the head with a wooden spoon by no one other than his brother.
“Stop flirting and get back to work.” Souya sighed making you giggle. And from that day forward you’ve been seeing Nahoya more recently, letting him get to know your kid better and all that stuff. “Look what I gotcha little dude,” Nahoy said as he held a dumb dumb lollipop in his hand, blueberry flavored. (Child name) took it before getting a look from you.
“What do you say when people give you things?” “Thank you, Mr. Kawata!” (Child name) exclaimed as he quickly plopped the lollipop in his mouth happily walking to his play area. “Hey, could I ask you something real quick?” Nahoya asked as you two sat down on your living room couch.
“Yeah sure, what’s up?” “If it’s not too personal could I know who was (child name’s) father? He looks so familiar for some reason.” Nahoya asked making you stiffen up a bit.
“Ah..well you probably wouldn’t know him but his name was (random name)—” “Wait so YOU were his secret lover?!” Nahoya shouted, shock present on his face. “You know him?” You questioned him, raising your brow a little.
“Yeah, he was an old friend of mine. He told us he was dating someone but never told us who.” “Sounds like him.” You grumbled and began fiddling with your fingers a bit. “After he found out I was pregnant with his kid he decided to leave as soon as he could. (Child name) wasn’t even able to know who his father was, to begin with.” You physically looked sad and hurt making Nahoya frown.
“Well, if it’s fine I could take the role he never took. After all, I see (child name) as a kid of my own.” He said as his cheeks once again were tinted with a light red catching you by surprise. “Of…Of course. But are you sure?” You asked him as he took your hand in his.
“I’m 100% sure sweetheart.” Nahoya smiled making your smile soften as you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Ewwww!” (Child name) exclaimed catching the both of you by surprise.
“Oh, hush boy!” You laughed making him run off back to his play area.
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-🤎tags: @jkloserdazai @lostsomewhereinthegarden (anyone who wants to be tagged in my fics here you can ask)
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
can you do nahoya with a male reader
Nahoya Kawata
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Nahoya is hard on himself sometimes, but you always brighten up his day. He will come home and will probably end up cooking something, since he knows that you love his cooking, and he uses it as a way to calm down too. He turns into a little maid lmao, helping you in any way possible.
He is a bit od a wildcard, and it depends on the day. Some days, he doesn’t feel the need to be kinky, allowing you to do whatever you want with him. Other days, he will have you tied up against the bed frame whispering sweet nothings into your ear. He always makes sure to throw in a ‘good boy’ too.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
This is a special prompt for a close and sick friend of mine. Or my god as I like to call him lol. Here you go, enjoy Romie! @rome-alone I even did it with mermaids since I know you love them so much! Here's your husband Smiley lol
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Smiley huffed again. Watching the male on stage go on and on. He had been assigned by Kisaki and Mikey, to go to tonights auction since apparently a rare treasure was gonna sold tonight. His bosses were interested about the treasure so to speak. So here he was, watching the male in charge blabbering on stage.
Smiley rolld his eyes and looked at his surroundings. To his surprise, there wasn't as many gangsters or gang lords as he thought there'd be. He figured the place would be full of greedy people. But no, there was barely anyone here. Maybe the rare treasure was just a rumor.
Smiley looked at his watch checking the time. He's been here for over an hour already. He was getting extremely bored, since this wasn't like his usual assignments. He turned back to the stage seeing a piece of so called art on stage. It didn't look like art in his opinion. It looked like someone sneezed colors all over a canvas and called it a day.
This continued on for almost another hour. Before his attention was caught by a large object being rolled onto the stage. His thoughts were cut off from the male on stage, explaining that this is the last object up for bid. Smiley didn't think much off it. Until the cover was removed from the object.
It was a tank full of water, and a male with a tail?! Smiley opened his eyes. Shocked that there was a literal mermaid on stage. He stared at the male. He was absolutely breath taking. His beautifully long (hair color) hair. His creamy skin. His amazing (color) tail and fins.
He actually looked quite familiar. That was until his eyes meet the mermaids. (Eye color) eyes filled with fear. Smiley knew those eyes, he just didn't remember where from. That's when he saw the shell necklace around his neck. It was then he remembered who that was.
He was given a matching necklace when he was only just a kid. He remembers making friends with a resident on an island. He can't remember the name of the island, but he remembers going there for a vacation. A lot of the kids on the island didn't like him or his brother. But there was one incredibly sweet boy they met.
He would play with them, and didn't treat them any differently. Smiley had developed a crush on the male, but he knew it wouldn't last. At least that's what he thought. But now that he's staring back into the eyes that was so bright, now filled with nothing but pure fear. He lost his smile. His staring was interrupted by the male on stage slapping the tank.
Frightening the trapped mermaid even more. "Hey! Off the glass! Now for the final object for auction, we have this rare male mermaid. He was found off the coast of (Island name). Now let's start the bidding at let's say, hmm 25 million?" The mermaid squeezed himself in the corner of the tank. Trying to hid himself and not see the way they were looking at him.
Smiley felt his heart break. He raised his hand, letting the male on stage know he was bidding. That had started a war within the auction house. The price for the mermaid raising rapidly. Smiley could feel his chest tighten at the thought of someone else winning the auction. He refused to let them win.
"1 BILLION!" He stood up, hand high in the air. Eyes completely open, smile not anywhere on his face. The room was silent. Everyone's Jaws on the floor when they saw who had bid. Kawata "Smiley" Nahoya. An executive of Toman. The fourth executive if they remembered correctly.
The male on stage looked like he had won the lottery. Smiling widely and laughing loudly. "Anyone else? 1 Billion going once. Twice. SOLD!" He felt like the air had finally been returned to his lungs. Smiley grinned and made his way to the stave. Everyone just watched him, confused on why he'd pay so much for the mermaid.
Once he made it on stage, he could completely see him. The way he was trembling. Trying to make himself as small as he could in the corner of the tank. It broke him. He bent down and carefully placed his hand on the Gass. "Hey. It's okay. I'm gonna get you out of here okay? I won't let anything hurt you again."
The mermaid made a trill sound and slowly placed a hand against the other side. Smiley nodded and turned to the man leading the auction house. "Can I take him now?" The said male shook his head before walking close to them. "I need payment first before you can leave with him." Smiley rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone. After a few clicks he turned to the male.
"Alright. I sent it to the auctions account. Now I'm taking my prize and leaving." He motioned one of the guard forward. Explaining how he wanted the male delivered to his house. Giving him the address before motioning another forward. "I need you to go and get the best tank. Along with whatever else a mermaid would need."
When he made it to his and his brother mansion, he expected the guards to already be there. But to his surprise his brother was pacing on their front steps. He paused confused and slightly concerned. "Souya what's going on?" The younger twin turned and began explaining, how a guard had showed up with a male wearing nothing but a necklace and covered with a blanket.
He then went on to explain how he had sent the guard away. "Nahoya what exactly did you do at that auction house?" His brother demanded. Smiley gave off his signature grin. "I saved an old friend of ours." He held up the necklace and Souya's face lit up. "The male was wearing that exact necklace!"
Smiley then explained what happened at the auction. While he was explaining the brothers had entered the mansion. Making their way to where the younger twin had left the other male. When they arrived the "mermaid" was standing by a large window. Looking up at the stars. Smiley motioned his brother to stay before slowly making his way over.
"Hey. I forgot to ask for your name. I don't know if you remember us, but we had met when we were kids. I'm Nahoya and that's Souya. See look. You even gave me a matching necklace to yours." He held up the necklace and it was like the mermaid had been given a pearl. He lit up and threw himself at the other male. Talking in a language neither brother could understand.
But the way he was rubbing his face against the older twin, they could semi understand what he was doing. He was happy to see the twins but also thanking the older twin for saving him. Nahoya could only smile wider and hug the other male. He promises that he will now do everything to protect him.
It's been a few months since (Name) had joined the Kawata household. When he could finally speak some Japanese he had told them his name. Well he's learning Japanese while the twins are trying to learn mermaiden. Which is easier said then done. Right now (Name) was swimming in the indoor pool, while Nahoya was relaxing on a float in the pool.
Souya had been assigned a new mission. So it was just them today and (Name) had mentioned he needed to swim. So here they are in the indoor pool. The twins had decided to turn their indoor pool into (Name)'s own mini ocean. So every once and a while he'd place a pearl on Smiley's float. Smiley would just thank the male with a bright smile and watch him swim away.
He didn't think much of it honestly. But he was getting quite a pile of pearls. He slowly pushed the pearls back into the water. Not noticing the heart broken expression on (Name). After that (Name) didn't go near the older Kawata. Smiley confused had asked his brother when he came back about it.
That's when the younger informed him that, that was the mermaids way of proposing to the older twin. Smiley then understood why (Name) was avoiding him. So in turn the smiling male bought (Name) a beautiful (color) pearl ring. He thought that, maybe by proposing to the mermaid in his own way, the mermaid would forgive him.
Well he was forgiven but (Name) was pouting for almost 2 months after that.
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reallyromealone · 1 year
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Male reader, bottom male reader, smut, nsfw, face riding, ass eating, light spanking, cum, dirty talk
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"A-are you sure this is alright?" (Name) was hesitant as he hovered over his boyfriends face, worried about hurting him but yelping when Nahoya pulled him close to his face "baby I want to be /smothered/ by you" he said wrapping his arms around (name) and nipped his ass cheek "been wanting you to suffocate me with this beautiful ass since I saw you walk into my restaurant..." that was over a year ago, he had been wanting this for a /year/.
Smiley coaxed him to relax more before giving a lick across his hole, admiring how tight it was despite the /damage/ smileys cock had done to it, the two loved going at it hard.
Smiley circled his tongue around the rim, listening to the sound of (name) letting out a shaky pant as smiley took his time with (name), he had nowhere to be but right here. (Name)s hands splayed against Smileys abs as he bucked slightly at the warm tongue that teased him, Nahoya pushing in slightly only to pull out "H-hoya..." (name) whispered as a hand moved back to grab at his hair and Nahoya just hummed and continued his teasing before slowly pushing in deeper and slowly fucking his tongue in the other, grinning internally as (name) clawed at his chest, most likely leaving marks.
(Name) whined and moaned as he tried to get more pleasure from Nahoyas sinful mouth as the man slowly picked up speed, eating his ass like he was made for it.
(Name) leaned to suck Nahoyas stiff cock, the angry red tip leaking pre-cum but the second his hands touched it Nahoya slapped (name)s ass cheeks "Oi! This ain't about me, be a good boy and ride my face!" Nahoya barked and (name) pouted but jolted when Nahoya but his ass cheek before diving back in with vigor tongue pushing in as deep as it could and made circle motions before pulling out and quickly licking his hole.
This was about (name), his pleasure and his climax.
God the thought of (name) cumming to his mouth almost made him cum.
Nahoya made out with (name)s ass, sloppy and passionate as he pushed his tongue in again and started thrusting aggressively, timing it with (name) shaky and fast pants as he humped the others face with vigor, ass cheeks jiggling slightly at the speed of which he was riding.
"O-oh! Oh god Nahoya! Fuckfuckfuck!"
Nahoya gently stroked the others thighs and continued at his pace to urge (name) to chase high.
(Name) was sweating as his thighs shook "OH! YES!" He finally cried out as cum shot out of his erect cock, white spirts covered Nahoyas chest as he leaned forward, trying to recover from the hard climax.
But Nahoya didn't stop "come on baby ~" he said between licks "gimmie one more"
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xuzuitengenx · 1 year
Nahoya 'Smiley' Kawata x Top Male Reader NSFW Oneshot (Wattpad)
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Requested: Yes
-Nahoya 'Smiley' Kawata
M/N groaned as he walked home, most of his gang was down so it irritated him since M/N hates to lose. "Fucking useless I swear." M/N says to himself quietly.
He reached home and walked in, slammed the door as he came in, alerting a pink hair male that was sitting on the couch. He got up from the couch, walking where M/N was.
"M/N?" Nahoya called his name, causing the irritated M/N to look at him. Nahoya can clearly saw that he was mad. "Oh, your here." M/N said quietly. He then walked to him.
He gave Nahoya a quick peck on his head before mumbling that he is going to the room.
Nahoya thought it might been his gang that is making him stressed and irritated. He gets it since he has a gang too.
He wanted to help M/N take his mind off of it, then he thought of something that would work.
M/N laid on his bed on his phone, still irritated since the gang was texting him about what's going on. The door opened, showing Nahoya who saw M/N on his bed. Nahoya closed the door behind him and walked to M/N.
He saw that M/N wasn't paying much attention to him. Nahoya slide himself onto M/N's lap now getting M/N's attention. "Yes?" M/N asked, looking away from his phone.
"You seemed stressed, M/N. Let me help you relieve it." Nahoya says, leaning in to M/N's face for a kiss. M/N's cheeks began turning red as the closed eye male came closer. M/N shuts his phone and closing the space between them.
The kiss was passionate, M/N puts his hands under Nahoya's shirt, rubbing his hips. Nahoya gasped at the feeling of M/N's warm hands on his hips.
M/N took this opportunity and put his tongue in Nahoya's mouth as he gasped, claiming every part of his mouth his.
They soon began battling for dominance which Nahoya lost. M/N flipped them over, making M/N on top of him. M/N broke the kiss. Heavy pants coming from both of them. M/N took off his and Nahoya's shirts before continuing on.
M/N started to kiss Nahoya's jaw slowly to his neck, nibbling on Nahoya's neck while trying to search for his sweet spot. Nahoya left out soft gasps and pants as he kissed and nibbled on his neck.
A low moans from Nahoya was heard when M/N began leaving hickeys on parts of his neck. Nahoya's hand found it's way to M/N's (H/C) hair, softly tugging as his head was thrown back, allowing more space for M/N.
M/N continued to kiss his neck while leaving hickeys along his neck to Nahoya's collarbone.
M/N's hands went down to Nahoya's pants, taking them off. Revealing Nahoya's milky plump thighs and a bulge in his boxers.
M/N finally removed himself from Nahoya as Nahoya moved his hand down to the back of M/N's neck. M/N sees Nahoya's red face as his mouth is slightly opened, letting out few heavy breaths.
M/N's eyes traveled down to Nahoya's covered cock, slipping his hand in Nahoya's boxers. Nahoya moaned slightly as he feels M/N's hands around his harden cock.
"Thank you, Nahoya~" M/N whispered in Nahoya's ear. Nahoya hummed. "Your wel- A-ah!~" Nahoya moaned out in surprised when M/N started to jerk Nahoya off.
Nahoya thrusted his hips into M/N's hand, moaning in pleasure. M/N moved his hand faster, making Nahoya grip on M/N. His moans becoming louder as he reaches his climax.
"I-I'm- Ah~ Close~" The pink hair male let M/N know as he feels his climax coming closer. M/N hears Nahoya let out his final loud moan and came on his hand.
M/N slipped his hand out of Nahoya's now cummed on boxer. Nahoya's heavy breaths was heard as his cheeks were still flushed red, his neck and collarbone covered with hickeys.
"You look so beautiful~" M/N complemented, making Nahoya whimper. M/N took off Nahoya's boxers and sees his semi-hard cock.
Now a completely naked Nahoya was under him. Nahoya moved his upper body up to M/N, kissing M/N as his hands pulls down M/N's pants. M/N smirked during the kiss.
M/N broke the kiss, taking off the rest of his pants then returned kissing Nahoya again who kissed back instantly.
"Oh~ f-fuck~" Nahoya moaned quietly as he was on all fours on the bed, back arching slightly, ass up in the air to M/N. M/N watched Nahoya as he was on the verge of cumming once again from M/N's fingers stretching him.
"M-M/N~" Nahoya moaned out his name, grinding his hips into M/N's fingers getting more pleasure.
Nahoya whined at the feeling of being filled lost as M/N took his fingers out of him once he felt like he was stretched out enough.
Nahoya felt M/N's hands around his waist, whimpering softly as his felt M/N's hard cock on his sensitive entrance. Nahoya gripped the sheets as M/N slowly enters inside of him, making them both moan in pleasure.
M/N took a couple of minutes after he was inside for Nahoya to adjust. "You can move~" M/N heard from the pink hair male and started thrusting into him slowly.
Nahoya soft moans filled the room along with M/N's grunts of pleasure. M/N then began to thrust into Nahoya faster, making Nahoya moan louder.
"H-ha!~" Nahoya lewdy moans, feeling M/N's grip on his waist getting tighter which probably gonna bruise. M/N continued his pleasurable thrusts as he began leaving kisses and bites along Nahoya's arched back.
Nahoya's body started to tremble, pleasurable sounds coming out of Nahoya's mouths, letting M/N know how good M/N is making him feel.
"C- ugh~ Cummingg~ Ah~" Nahoya managed to get out before letting out a high pitch moan while cum shooting out of his cock onto the bed. M/N came after him, also letting out a low moan.
M/N pulled out, letting his cum drip down Nahoya's leg. Heavy breathing came out of both of them. Nahoya laid his tired body on the bed on his side then feeling M/N laying next to him.
M/N kissed Nahoya's neck, rubbing Nahoya's red waist. "I love you." M/N whispered into Nahoya's ear. "I love you too." Nahoya said, his voice a bit raspy from his loud moaning.
They cuddled for a bit before deciding to go clean themselves up by taking a bath together.
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okeutocalma · 11 months
Nahoya and Souya [ Male Reader ].
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Mitsuya ficou impressionado quando viu [Nome] usando um corset que destacava sua cintura de forma incrível. Ele não conseguia tirar os olhos do amigo e se aproximou para tocá-lo, colocando suas mãos em sua cintura.
— [Nome] sua cintura é perfeita,adoraria fazer uma peça exatamente para você. — O arroxeado fala sussurrando para você.
O toque de Mitsuya em [Nome] era um pouco suave e fez o de cabelos [claros/escuros] se arrepiar, mas ele se afastou rapidamente.
— Eu ficaria honrado em ter um estilista tão talentoso como você fazendo uma peça para mim Mitsuya! 
 O elogio deixou o de fios roxos com um sorriso ainda maior no rosto, e ele começou a falar sobre todas as possibilidades de criação da peça.
A partir daquele momento, a relação entre os dois amigos mudou um pouco - Mitsuya estava mais consciente da beleza de [Nome] e começou a se esforçar ainda mais para impressioná-lo com suas criações. Enquanto isso, [Nome] ficou feliz em receber a atenção e demonstrações de carinho por parte do amigo, e todos os momentos com Mitsuya se tornaram ainda mais especiais, ainda mais quando foi chamado para ser oficialmente modelo do Takashi.
Mas ambos não repararam que alguns irmãos estavam com ciúmes, especialmente depois do estilista tocar na cintura do namorado deles.
Nahoya e Souya estavam conversando em sua casa quando o irmão de fios azuis mencionou uma situação que o incomodou profundamente.
 — Você viu o que o Mitsuya fez com [Nome]? Ele colocou a mão em sua cintura, como se não estivéssemos nem mesmo lá! Ele deveria saber que [Nome] está com a gente e não pode ser tocado pelos outros, desta forma. — Ele disse emburrado.
Nahoya concordou com seu irmão.
— Não estou feliz com isso, também. [Nome] é nosso namorado e não podemos permitir que Mitsuya se comporte assim perto dele. 
Eles concordaram e de maneira calma esperaram [Nome] chegar do trabalho, não podiam deixar de ficarem ansiosos.
Depois de longos minutos a porta da frente foi destrancada e um garoto cansado de fios [claros/escuros] apareceu.
— Boa tarde meu amor. — O azulado falou de maneira carinhosa, abraçando o namorado com cuidado sabendo que ele provavelmente estava com os músculos doendo.
Souya preocupou-se com [Nome] quando percebeu que ele estava cansado e com o corpo dolorido. Ele sabia que depois de um dia cansativo, o namorado precisava relaxar e se recuperar. Por isso, ele o levou para o quarto e o deitou na cama.
— Vou te dar um banho quente. — Disse o azulado com um tom de voz calmo. — [Nome], você precisa se cuidar. Já teve um dia longo e cansativo demais.
Souya foi encher a bacia com água morna para o banho e ajudou [Nome] a despir-se. Depois, ele ajudou o de olhos [claros/escuros] a entrar na banheira e começou a lavá-lo, usando sabão líquido perfumado - cheiro de rosas.
— Meu amor quero que você sinta-se melhor depois do banho. Vou fazer uma massagem nas suas costas quando sairmos daqui. Espero que ajude… — Disse ele, gentilmente.
[Nome] sorriu e sentiu a água quente relaxar cada músculo do seu corpo. Ele sabia que tinha sorte por ter alguém como Souya ao seu lado.
Depois do banho, o de fios azulados secou o namorado cuidadosamente e enrolou-o em uma toalha macia. Ele o levou para a cama e começou a fazer uma massagem suave em suas costas. A tensão começou a diminuir e o lobo sanguinário começou a se sentir melhor.
— Obrigado por cuidar tão bem de mim, algodãozinho. Você é uma pessoa incrível. — Disse [Nome], com gratidão, totalmente mole nos braços dele.
— Nada disso, meu amor. — Respondeu  carinhosamente. — Eu só quero ter certeza de que você esteja sempre confortável e cuidado. Agora, feche os olhos e descanse,quando você acordar eu e o Nahoya queremos conversar com você meu bem.
[Nome] relaxou rapidamente, sentindo-se protegido e amado. Ele sabia que tinha alguém em quem podia sempre confiar e que cuidaria dele quando precisasse. E, com Souya ao seu lado, ele sabia que estava em boas mãos.
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fuyuswifey · 9 months
|Shy Boy|
Pairing: Souya Kawata x fem! Reader
Cw: Oral (male receiving), handjob, cursing, top! Reader, bottom! Souya, established relationship, modern au, college au, 1.6k words
💫In which your boyfriend is too shy to ask you for help, but you know him better than anyone💫
You learned he wasn’t as mean as you thought, nowhere near it. He was the sweetest boy you had ever met. He ensured you always had lunch at school and stayed on top of your homework. If there was ever a day you seemed upset about something, he was quick to come to your rescue and support you the best he could. If he ever noticed someone bullying you, he quickly put them in their place (and in a hospital). Your days of avoiding him had come to an end, and you guys even went as far as hanging out with just the two of you. Your guy's friendship grew as the rest of your high school days went by. You would have been lying if you said you weren’t growing feelings because boy were you falling fast. But Souya... He was falling faster, and that’s why he made sure to make you his girlfriend on graduation day. The rest was history after that. Now here you are, your sophomore year of college with your boyfriend of a year and a half was amazing. You guys always went on study dates, picnics, or even just relaxing together in one of your dorms. Souya being your first boyfriend, and you being his first girlfriend, you guys experienced a lot of first together. First date, first kiss, first time. First, everything.
As of now, you were lying on his bed, both of you guys spooning as you watched a movie. Nahoya had been gone all day, so you both had the room to yourself. It was one of those days when you both wanted to be lazy, just relaxing in bed while basking in one another's company. You shuffled around the bed, trying to get comfortable after laying in the same position. Amid your moving, your ass rubbed against his crotch, but you paid it no mind, blaming it on the small twin xl bed that gave you minimized space. You could hear your boyfriend's breath hitch, looking over your shoulder to look at him. “Are you okay?” You asked him. He didn’t give you a verbal response, instead just nodding at you. Not thinking much of it, you returned your attention to the TV.
Over the next thirty minutes, Souya continuously shifted behind you, slowly creating as much space between the two of you guys as he could. You tried to ignore it at first, assuming that he was just trying to get more comfortable. After all, you were sharing a small bed. “I’ll be back” He announced suddenly, rolling off the bed and shuffling to the bathroom quickly. You furrowed your eyebrows, wondering what was wrong. You knew Souya well enough to know when he tried hiding something from you. He always would try to distance himself from you. You of course would always try to give him his space, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. However after what felt like forever, but was only 10 minutes you finally got up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom. You knocked on the door softly, not wanting to startle him. “Souya, are you okay?”. When you didn’t get an answer you slowly turned the door handle, opening the door as you peeked in. “Souya?” you called.
Your eyes were immediately met with the sight of him. And oh was it an amazing sight. Souya was sitting on the edge of the tub, his eyes glossed over with tears. You could see the outline with his bulge along with a precum stain betraying his grey sweats. Now it all made sense to you. In the midst of you adjusting your position on the bed, he got turned on. You hadn’t realized the way you were rubbing against him so much, but seeing him now, all pathetic and wanting to be touched, was turning you on too. “Souya… oh baby. Why didn’t you say something?”.
“I-I didn’t want to bother you..” he said in a quiet voice. “M’ sorry”. Seeing him look so pathetic with his cock twitching in his bottoms always got to you. It made you want to take care of him. So that’s exactly what you planned on doing. “Come on Souya” You called as walked back towards the room. “Come out here baby”. He followed behind you and sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes wandering around the room before finally looking towards you. “U-Um… babe-”
You stopped his words by grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him in for a kiss. Souya let out a noise of surprise, but he didn’t fight against the kiss. It was something he had been craving. To be close to you, intimately. As you slowly retracted from the kiss he chased after your lips, causing a chuckle to escape from you. “A little eager huh? Don’t worry, I’m going to take care of you,” you said as you rested your hand on top of his prominent boner, palming him through his sweats. His breath hitched a bit as he watched your hand before returning his attention to you, leaning forward to connect your guy's lips once more. The kiss was messy as both of your tongues sought out dominance, which you so easily won. Your hand moved up to the waistband of his bottoms, tugging them down along with his boxers, releasing his dick that was begging for attention. It stood tall and erected, beads of precum spilling from the tip profoundly.
You used your thumb to smear the precum around the head of his dick, pulling a soft moan from him. Your boyfriend had always been sensitive, so it was never hard to pull any sound of pleasure from him. You slowly started to stroke his length, wanting to help out the boy who so desperately needed it. If it wasn’t for the fact that your guy's lips were still together, the room would have been filled with the sounds leaking from his mouth. His hips started to lift slightly, pushing up into your fist for more friction. “Baby..” he moaned out as he pulled away from the kiss. “I-I need more..”.
You cocked your head to the side slightly at his words. “Well, what do you want? You got to tell me for me to give it to you”. You knew Souya, so you know he always has difficulty telling you what he wants from you. Especially in the middle of sexual activities. It made him shy and nervous. He didn’t give you an answer. Instead, a blush was growing on his face. He opened his mouth to try and say words, but nothing came out. “Souya” You called out in a soft tone. “Come on. Use your words”. “I-I..” His face was flushed red and his eyes were looking everywhere but you. “I want your mouth..” he finally said, taking a peek at your face to see you were wearing a shit-eating grin. He hated how much you got off to seeing him like this. All shy and under your control. He couldn’t help but feel so right when things were this way though.
You slipped off the bed and onto your knees in front of him. You continued to stroke his dick as you placed soft kisses against his thighs, watching his reaction. He was letting out soft gasps and his thighs were quivering slightly. You took the tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it before taking more of his length in his mouth. Souya was in no way small, rather lengthy. You could never fully take him into your mouth, so you had to settle with stroking the remaining inches. You were sure if anyone were to walk in on you guys, they would think the sight was filthy. The way your boyfriend's hands were gripping at the sheets, his head tossed back as he filled the room with the sound of his moans and whimpers. You were on your knees, choking around Souya’s dick as drool started to drip down your chin.
“B-Baby..” Souya moaned out, his hips bucking. The feeling of his mushroom tip prodding at the back of your throat made you gag, tears forming in your eyes from both the pleasure and pressure. One of Souya’s hands let go of the sheets, grabbing onto your hair. His hips lifted off the bed more frantically, fucking into your mouth. He was chasing after his orgasm, his hips moving at a sloppy pace. “S-So close! I’m gonna cum!” He groaned, his eyes closing tightly and his hips stuttering as his orgasm washed over him, his cum filling your mouth. You slowly pulled away, swallowing everything in your mouth which earned a grown from him.
Souya panted softly from the orgasm he just experienced. “Thank you for that. You didn’t-” his words stopped when he opened his eyes, seeing the sight of you slowly unbuttoning your bottoms.
“Up for more?”
Networks: @enchantedforest-network | @planetonet
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boozenboze · 2 years
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Hi lovelies sorry I haven’t been posting lately.So since I haven’t been posting lately I decided to give a link to the book I’ve been working on.Read it don’t read it, it doesn’t matter to me.Anyways I’ll see you all soon!🙂
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