#NY General Contractor companies
Cornejo Construction | General Contractor | Driveway Designer in Inwood NY
We are your dependable and trustworthy go-to General Contractor in Inwood NY, specializing in elevating your living spaces. Our expert craftsmen turn your visions into reality, enhancing homes with innovation and precision. From revitalizing kitchens to transforming entire interiors, we blend modern design with timeless craftsmanship. We make every space in your home a testament to luxury and functionality. Moreover, we also have a well-earned reputation as a leading Driveway Designer in Inwood NY. Our creative team reimagines driveways, turning them into captivating pathways that mirror your style. We tailor each design to your preferences, using top-quality materials for durability and beauty. So, if you need our expert assistance, call us today.
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crownremodelinginc · 1 year
CROWN REMODELING INC. | General Contractor | Remodeling Services in Queens NY
We are your dependable and trustworthy go-to General Contractor in Queens NY, turning your vision into reality. With years of experience and a team of skilled professionals, we specialize in constructing beautiful and functional homes. From conceptualization to completion, we guide you through the entire home-building process, ensuring attention to detail and quality craftsmanship at every stage. Moreover, acquiring our top-notch Remodeling Services in Queens NY, will transform your space into a breathtaking oasis. Whether you're looking to update a kitchen, renovate a bathroom, or revamp your entire space, we have you covered. From us, quality work is a surety. So, if you need our expert assistance, call us today.
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informativetalks · 1 year
Manuel Perez and Sons: Your Trusted Flooring contractor in your area, provide you with Home remodeling contractors, Licensed general contractors, Home remodeling contractors, and Flooring contractors in your area. As one of the leading construction companies in Brooklyn, NY, we have the expertise to handle any size project, big or small. Contact us today and schedule your roofing service with Manuel Perez and Sons to take the first step toward turning your dream home into a reality.
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South Shore Budget Maintenance | General Contractors | Roofing Repair Companies in Montauk NY
We have a growing reputation as one of the leading General Contractors in Montauk NY. Our team of professional workers has years-long experience and skills to tackle all of your home improvement tasks with great accuracy and precision. Whether it’s window installation or repairing any faulty door that you need help with, we are here to assist. From us, superior workmanship and quality work is a surety. Moreover, ours is among the top-rated Roofing Repair Companies in Montauk NY, as we do understand the importance of maintaining a strong and secure roof. From inspecting a roof to repairing any damaged area, we have the expertise to get the job done right. So, if you need our expert assistance, call us today.
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The reason you can’t buy a car is the same reason that your health insurer let hackers dox you
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On July 14, I'm giving the closing keynote for the fifteenth HACKERS ON PLANET EARTH, in QUEENS, NY. Happy Bastille Day! On July 20, I'm appearing in CHICAGO at Exile in Bookville.
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In 2017, Equifax suffered the worst data-breach in world history, leaking the deep, nonconsensual dossiers it had compiled on 148m Americans and 15m Britons, (and 19k Canadians) into the world, to form an immortal, undeletable reservoir of kompromat and premade identity-theft kits:
Equifax knew the breach was coming. It wasn't just that their top execs liquidated their stock in Equifax before the announcement of the breach – it was also that they ignored years of increasingly urgent warnings from IT staff about the problems with their server security.
Things didn't improve after the breach. Indeed, the 2017 Equifax breach was the starting gun for a string of more breaches, because Equifax's servers didn't just have one fubared system – it was composed of pure, refined fubar. After one group of hackers breached the main Equifax system, other groups breached other Equifax systems, over and over, and over:
Doesn't this remind you of Boeing? It reminds me of Boeing. The spectacular 737 Max failures in 2018 weren't the end of the scandal. They weren't even the scandal's start – they were the tipping point, the moment in which a long history of lethally defective planes "breached" from the world of aviation wonks and into the wider public consciousness:
Just like with Equifax, the 737 Max disasters tipped Boeing into a string of increasingly grim catastrophes. Each fresh disaster landed with the grim inevitability of your general contractor texting you that he's just opened up your ceiling and discovered that all your joists had rotted out – and that he won't be able to deal with that until he deals with the termites he found last week, and that they'll have to wait until he gets to the cracks in the foundation slab from the week before, and that those will have to wait until he gets to the asbestos he just discovered in the walls.
Drip, drip, drip, as you realize that the most expensive thing you own – which is also the thing you had hoped to shelter for the rest of your life – isn't even a teardown, it's just a pure liability. Even if you razed the structure, you couldn't start over, because the soil is full of PCBs. It's not a toxic asset, because it's not an asset. It's just toxic.
Equifax isn't just a company: it's infrastructure. It started out as an engine for racial, political and sexual discrimination, paying snoops to collect gossip from nosy neighbors, which was assembled into vast warehouses full of binders that told bank officers which loan applicants should be denied for being queer, or leftists, or, you know, Black:
This witch-hunts-as-a-service morphed into an official part of the economy, the backbone of the credit industry, with a license to secretly destroy your life with haphazardly assembled "facts" about your life that you had the most minimal, grudging right to appeal (or even see). Turns out there are a lot of customers for this kind of service, and the capital markets showered Equifax with the cash needed to buy almost all of its rivals, in mergers that were waved through by a generation of Reaganomics-sedated antitrust regulators.
There's a direct line from that acquisition spree to the Equifax breach(es). First of all, companies like Equifax were early adopters of technology. They're a database company, so they were the crash-test dummies for ever generation of database. These bug-riddled, heavily patched systems were overlaid with subsequent layers of new tech, with new defects to be patched and then overlaid with the next generation.
These systems are intrinsically fragile, because things fall apart at the seams, and these systems are all seams. They are tech-debt personified. Now, every kind of enterprise will eventually reach this state if it keeps going long enough, but the early digitizers are the bow-wave of that coming infopocalypse, both because they got there first and because the bottom tiers of their systems are composed of layers of punchcards and COBOL, crumbling under the geological stresses of seventy years of subsequent technology.
The single best account of this phenomenon is the British Library's postmortem of their ransomware attack, which is also in the running for "best hard-eyed assessment of how fucked things are":
There's a reason libraries, cities, insurance companies, and other giant institutions keep getting breached: they started accumulating tech debt before anyone else, so they've got more asbestos in the walls, more sagging joists, more foundation cracks and more termites.
That was the starting point for Equifax – a company with a massive tech debt that it would struggle to pay down under the most ideal circumstances.
Then, Equifax deliberately made this situation infinitely worse through a series of mergers in which it bought dozens of other companies that all had their own version of this problem, and duct-taped their failing, fucked up IT systems to its own. The more seams an IT system has, the more brittle and insecure it is. Equifax deliberately added so many seams that you need to be able to visualized additional spatial dimensions to grasp them – they had fractal seams.
But wait, there's more! The reason to merge with your competitors is to create a monopoly position, and the value of a monopoly position is that it makes a company too big to fail, which makes it too big to jail, which makes it too big to care. Each Equifax acquisition took a piece off the game board, making it that much harder to replace Equifax if it fucked up. That, in turn, made it harder to punish Equifax if it fucked up. And that meant that Equifax didn't have to care if it fucked up.
Which is why the increasingly desperate pleas for more resources to shore up Equifax's crumbling IT and security infrastructure went unheeded. Top management could see that they were steaming directly into an iceberg, but they also knew that they had a guaranteed spot on the lifeboats, and that someone else would be responsible for fishing the dead passengers out of the sea. Why turn the wheel?
That's what happened to Boeing, too: the company acquired new layers of technical complexity by merging with rivals (principally McDonnell-Douglas), and then starved the departments that would have to deal with that complexity because it was being managed by execs whose driving passion was to run a company that was too big to care. Those execs then added more complexity by chasing lower costs by firing unionized, competent, senior staff and replacing them with untrained scabs in jurisdictions chosen for their lax labor and environmental enforcement regimes.
(The biggest difference was that Boeing once had a useful, high-quality product, whereas Equifax started off as an irredeemably terrible, if efficient, discrimination machine, and grew to become an equally terrible, but also ferociously incompetent, enterprise.)
This is the American story of the past four decades: accumulate tech debt, merge to monopoly, exponentially compound your tech debt by combining barely functional IT systems. Every corporate behemoth is locked in a race between the eventual discovery of its irreparable structural defects and its ability to become so enmeshed in our lives that we have to assume the costs of fixing those defects. It's a contest between "too rotten to stand" and "too big to care."
Remember last February, when we all discovered that there was a company called Change Healthcare, and that they were key to processing virtually every prescription filled in America? Remember how we discovered this? Change was hacked, went down, ransomed, and no one could fill a scrip in America for more than a week, until they paid the hackers $22m in Bitcoin?
How did we end up with Change Healthcare as the linchpin of the entire American prescription system? Well, first Unitedhealthcare became the largest health insurer in America by buying all its competitors in a series of mergers that comatose antitrust regulators failed to block. Then it combined all those other companies' IT systems into a cosmic-scale dog's breakfast that barely ran. Then it bought Change and used its monopoly power to ensure that every Rx ran through Change's servers, which were part of that asbestos-filled, termite-infested, crack-foundationed, sag-joisted teardown. Then, it got hacked.
United's execs are the kind of execs on a relentless quest to be too big to care, and so they don't care. Which is why their they had to subsequently announce that they had suffered a breach that turned the complete medical histories of one third of Americans into immortal Darknet kompromat that is – even now – being combined with breach data from Equifax and force-fed to the slaves in Cambodia and Laos's pig-butchering factories:
Those slaves are beaten, tortured, and punitively raped in compounds to force them to drain the life's savings of everyone in Canada, Australia, Singapore, the UK and Europe. Remember that they are downstream of the forseeable, inevitable IT failures of companies that set out to be too big to care that this was going to happen.
Failures like Ticketmaster's, which flushed 500 million users' personal information into the identity-theft mills just last month. Ticketmaster, you'll recall, grew to its current scale through (you guessed it), a series of mergers en route to "too big to care" status, that resulted in its IT systems being combined with those of Ticketron, Live Nation, and dozens of others:
But enough about that. Let's go car-shopping!
Good luck with that. There's a company you've never heard. It's called CDK Global. They provide "dealer management software." They are a monopolist. They got that way after being bought by a private equity fund called Brookfield. You can't complete a car purchase without their systems, and their systems have been hacked. No one can buy a car:
Writing for his BIG newsletter, Matt Stoller tells the all-too-familiar story of how CDK Global filled the walls of the nation's auto-dealers with the IT equivalent of termites and asbestos, and lays the blame where it belongs: with a legal and economics establishment that wanted it this way:
The CDK story follows the Equifax/Boeing/Change Healthcare/Ticketmaster pattern, but with an important difference. As CDK was amassing its monopoly power, one of its execs, Dan McCray, told a competitor, Authenticom founder Steve Cottrell that if he didn't sell to CDK that he would "fucking destroy" Authenticom by illegally colluding with the number two dealer management company Reynolds.
Rather than selling out, Cottrell blew the whistle, using Cottrell's own words to convince a district court that CDK had violated antitrust law. The court agreed, and ordered CDK and Reynolds – who controlled 90% of the market – to continue to allow Authenticom to participate in the DMS market.
Dealers cheered this on: CDK/Reynolds had been steadily hiking prices, while ingesting dealer data and using it to gouge the dealers on additional services, while denying dealers access to their own data. The services that Authenticom provided for $35/month cost $735/month from CDK/Reynolds (they justified this price hike by saying they needed the additional funds to cover the costs of increased information security!).
CDK/Reynolds appealed the judgment to the 7th Circuit, where a panel of economists weighed in. As Stoller writes, this panel included monopoly's most notorious (and well-compensated) cheerleader, Frank Easterbrook, and the "legendary" Democrat Diane Wood. They argued for CDK/Reynolds, demanding that the court release them from their obligations to share the market with Authenticom:
The 7th Circuit bought the argument, overturning the lower court and paving the way for the CDK/Reynolds monopoly, which is how we ended up with one company's objectively shitty IT systems interwoven into the sale of every car, which meant that when Russian hackers looked at that crosseyed, it split wide open, allowing them to halt auto sales nationwide. What happens next is a near-certainty: CDK will pay a multimillion dollar ransom, and the hackers will reward them by breaching the personal details of everyone who's ever bought a car, and the slaves in Cambodian pig-butchering compounds will get a fresh supply of kompromat.
But on the plus side, the need to pay these huge ransoms is key to ensuring liquidity in the cryptocurrency markets, because ransoms are now the only nondiscretionary liability that can only be settled in crypto:
When the 7th Circuit set up every American car owner to be pig-butchered, they cited one of the most important cases in antitrust history: the 2004 unanimous Supreme Court decision in Verizon v Trinko:
Trinko was a case about whether antitrust law could force Verizon, a telcoms monopolist, to share its lines with competitors, something it had been ordered to do and then cheated on. The decision was written by Antonin Scalia, and without it, Big Tech would never have been able to form. Scalia and Trinko gave us the modern, too-big-to-care versions of Google, Meta, Apple, Microsoft and the other tech baronies.
In his Trinko opinion, Scalia said that "possessing monopoly power" and "charging monopoly prices" was "not unlawful" – rather, it was "an important element of the free-market system." Scalia – writing on behalf of a unanimous court! – said that fighting monopolists "may lessen the incentive for the monopolist…to invest in those economically beneficial facilities."
In other words, in order to prevent monopolists from being too big to care, we have to let them have monopolies. No wonder Trinko is the Zelig of shitty antitrust rulings, from the decision to dismiss the antitrust case against Facebook and Apple's defense in its own ongoing case:
Trinko is the origin node of too big to care. It's the reason that our whole economy is now composed of "infrastructure" that is made of splitting seams, asbestos, termites and dry rot. It's the reason that the entire automotive sector became dependent on companies like Reynolds, whose billionaire owner intentionally and illegally destroyed evidence of his company's crimes, before going on to commit the largest tax fraud in American history:
Trinko begs companies to become too big to care. It ensures that they will exponentially increase their IT debt while becoming structurally important to whole swathes of the US economy. It guarantees that they will underinvest in IT security. It is the soil in which pig butchering grew.
It's why you can't buy a car.
Now, I am fond of quoting Stein's Law at moments like this: "anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop." As Stoller writes, after two decades of unchallenged rule, Trinko is looking awfully shaky. It was substantially narrowed in 2023 by the 10th Circuit, which had been briefed by Biden's antitrust division:
And the cases of 2024 have something going for them that Trinko lacked in 2004: evidence of what a fucking disaster Trinko is. The wrongness of Trinko is so increasingly undeniable that there's a chance it will be overturned.
But it won't go down easy. As Stoller writes, Trinko didn't emerge from a vacuum: the economic theories that underpinned it come from some of the heroes of orthodox economics, like Joseph Schumpeter, who is positively worshipped. Schumpeter was antitrust's OG hater, who wrote extensively that antitrust law didn't need to exist because any harmful monopoly would be overturned by an inevitable market process dictated by iron laws of economics.
Schumpeter wrote that monopolies could only be sustained by "alertness and energy" – that there would never be a monopoly so secure that its owner became too big to care. But he went further, insisting that the promise of attaining a monopoly was key to investment in great new things, because monopolists had the economic power that let them plan and execute great feats of innovation.
The idea that monopolies are benevolent dictators has pervaded our economic tale for decades. Even today, critics who deplore Facebook and Google do so on the basis that they do not wield their power wisely (say, to stamp out harassment or disinformation). When confronted with the possibility of breaking up these companies or replacing them with smaller platforms, those critics recoil, insisting that without Big Tech's scale, no one will ever have the power to accomplish their goals:
But they misunderstand the relationship between corporate power and corporate conduct. The reason corporations accumulate power is so that they can be insulated from the consequences of the harms they wreak upon the rest of us. They don't inflict those harms out of sadism: rather, they do so in order to externalize the costs of running a good system, reaping the profits of scale while we pay its costs.
The only reason to accumulate corporate power is to grow too big to care. Any corporation that amasses enough power that it need not care about us will not care about it. You can't fix Facebook by replacing Zuck with a good unelected social media czar with total power over billions of peoples' lives. We need to abolish Zuck, not fix Zuck.
Zuck is not exceptional: there were a million sociopaths whom investors would have funded to monopolistic dominance if he had balked. A monopoly like Facebook has a Zuck-shaped hole at the top of its org chart, and only someone Zuck-shaped will ever fit through that hole.
Our whole economy is now composed of companies with sociopath-shaped holes at the tops of their org chart. The reason these companies can only be run by sociopaths is the same reason that they have become infrastructure that is crumbling due to sociopathic neglect. The reckless disregard for the risk of combining companies is the source of the market power these companies accumulated, and the market power let them neglect their systems to the point of collapse.
This is the system that Schumpeter, and Easterbrook, and Wood, and Scalia – and the entire Supreme Court of 2004 – set out to make. The fact that you can't buy a car is a feature, not a bug. The pig-butcherers, wallowing in an ocean of breach data, are a feature, not a bug. The point of the system was what it did: create unimaginable wealth for a tiny cohort of the worst people on Earth without regard to the collapse this would provoke, or the plight of those of us trapped and suffocating in the rubble.
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
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SS Construction Wonders | General Contractors in South Richmond Hill NY    
When it comes to tackling property improvement needs, we top the ranks as one of the most notable General Contractors in South Richmond Hill NY. Utilizing years of experience and extensive knowledge, we always strive to provide you with nothing but exceptional outcomes. Our team of well-trained workers possesses the relevant skills and tools to help you with all your home improvement tasks. Moreover, we have a well-earned reputation as one of the best Remodeling Contractors in South Richmond Hill NY. We possess the expertise to work on your idea and make improvisations to make your house look even better. Whether it’s an old bathroom or an outdated kitchen layout that you need help with, we are ever-ready to assist. So, if you need our assistance, call us.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
My dad sent me this.... is it bad that I laughed a little?
Submitted by @goat-yells-at-everything
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You're ok imho
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This wasn't mentioned in the article attached to this headline
Aramark, which has contracted with the university since 1976, made national headlines last year for serving students a Black History Month meal of ribs, collard greens and Kool-Aid, among other food that plays into racist stereotypes, critics charged.
The university claims it sought contracts for a new cafeteria operator before the controversy, but the decision to go with Chartwells was made last month.
The former general manager for NYU’s dining hall, Tim Hoben, was fired in the wake of the meal mishap and sued NYU and Aramark — alleging the company made him the scapegoat to save its lucrative contract.
The university shifted blame to Aramark amid the backlash, with President Andrew Hamilton saying at the time the meal choices “were not discussed with NYU beforehand. We were shocked to learn of the drink and food choices that our food service provider — Aramark — offered at the Weinstein dining hall as part of Black History Month. It was inexcusably insensitive.”
Aramark did not respond to The Post’s questions. _______________
So not totally clear who did it last time, gonna be totally different people involved too so there is a chance folks that did this had no clue.
I really like to give people the benefit of the doubt on things like this, gonna get some well meaning but ignorant person that thinks this is a good idea and then underpaid people in the kitchens making the stuff don't make enough money to risk their jobs by saying something.
Happens again there's gonna be issues, after this time there is going to be internal memos going to every single office about not doing this shit.
Stuff is all southern food, only gets the black moniker when you move out of the areas where it was the staple for everyone who was poor, remember freaking a friend out in high school because I could pronounce chitterlings correctly.
Stuff ain't exclusive to much of anything but economic class
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Business Name: NI Construction Corp
City: New York
State: New York (NY)
Zip Code: 10028
Country: United States
Business Phone: (718) 865-6395
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: http://niconstruction.com/
Business Description: NI Construction Corp. is a privately owned business based in New York City since 2005. We have successfully satisfied hundreds of residential and commercial customers in the metropolitan area. At NI Construction we believe that remodeling your apartment/home shouldn't be a hassle, and that is why we go above and beyond to release the burden from our customers.
Our customers consider NI Construction to be a fair and competitive business in our line of remodeling work. We believe in talking to each and every customer while working with them to figure out ways that best satisfy their goals and budget. With a combined total of over a quarter of a century experience, NI Construction Corp. has been servicing New York City / Manhattan since 2005.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=3508409912134488002
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 9am–5pm Tuesday 9am–5pm Wednesday 9am–5pm Thursday 9am–5pm Friday 9am–5pm Saturday Closed
Services: Kitchen Remodel, Kitchen Renovations, Bathroom Remodeling, General Construction, Construction Management, Renovations, Architectural Millwork, Fine Finishes, Painting, Handy-man and small repairs
Keywords: Kitchen Remodel New York, Kitchen Remodeling NY, Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation NYC, Kitchen Remodeling Contractors NY, Home Remodel Contractor NY, Home Renovation Company New York
Service Areas:
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gvsgvsgv · 20 hours
Construction Company Saratoga Springs NY
Clifton Construction proudly serves Saratoga Springs, NY, as a leading general contractor specializing in kitchen and bathroom remodels. We bring unparalleled craftsmanship to every project, transforming homes with custom designs and quality finishes. Trust us to create stunning, functional spaces that enhance the beauty and value of your home.
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robertomableagency · 9 days
Customizing Commercial insurance in Walton and Hobart, NY for Business Vehicles
Businesses in Hobart and Oneonta, NY, rely on vehicles to support daily operations across various industries. Whether it's delivering goods, transporting construction materials, or providing mobile services, commercial auto insurance is crucial for protecting these assets. The type of coverage that works best for one industry may not be suitable for another. Tailoring commercial auto insurance to meet the unique needs of each business ensures optimal protection and cost-efficiency.
Here's a closer look at how businesses in industries like construction, logistics, and food delivery can customize their commercial insurance in Walton and Hobart, NY, to meet their specific operational risks.
Commercial Auto Insurance for the Construction Industry
Construction companies rely heavily on vehicles to transport workers, tools, and materials to job sites. As such, construction vehicles face unique risks, making tailored insurance coverage essential.
Types of Vehicles: Construction firms typically operate larger vehicles, such as pickup trucks, dump trucks, and flatbeds. These vehicles require specialized coverage to handle their size, weight, and load.
Liability Coverage: Construction sites are high-risk environments, so it's important to have comprehensive liability coverage. If a company vehicle damages another person's property while transporting heavy equipment, this coverage protects the business from financial ruin.
Cargo Coverage: Since construction vehicles often carry expensive tools and materials, adding cargo coverage is essential to protect these items from theft or damage during transit.
Physical Damage Protection: Trucks and heavy-duty vehicles are prone to damage, especially in rough construction environments. Collision and comprehensive coverage can protect the business from the high cost of repairs if an accident occurs on the job site or during transportation.
Commercial Auto Insurance for the Logistics Industry
The logistics and delivery sector in Hobart and Oneonta handles moving goods from one location to another. Businesses in this industry use various vehicles, including delivery vans, semi-trucks, and box trucks, and they must ensure that their policies cover a wide range of operational risks.
Types of Vehicles: Logistics companies operate a mix of small and large vehicles. Fleet insurance may be necessary for businesses that operate multiple vehicles, offering streamlined coverage for every asset in the fleet.
Liability and Cargo Insurance: For logistics companies, liability insurance is a must-have, as drivers spend significant time on the road, increasing the risk of accidents. Additionally, since these vehicles often carry valuable cargo, it's critical to have cargo insurance in place to protect against theft, loss, or damage while in transit.
Non-Owned Vehicle Coverage: Non-owned vehicle coverage is essential if logistics businesses rely on independent contractors or rented vehicles for deliveries. This protects the business if an accident occurs while using a vehicle that the company does not own.
Commercial Auto Insurance for the Food Delivery Industry
Restaurants and food delivery services in Hobart and Oneonta also require tailored commercial auto insurance. Whether they use their own vehicles or employee-owned cars, food delivery businesses face unique challenges when protecting their vehicles and employees on the road.
Hired and Non-Owned Auto Insurance (HNOA): Many food delivery services rely on employees using their vehicles for deliveries. In such cases, businesses need HNOA coverage to protect against liability if an employee's vehicle is involved in an accident while on the job.
Liability Protection: Since food delivery drivers are on the road frequently and often under time pressure, the risk of accidents is higher. General liability coverage protects businesses from legal claims and medical expenses resulting from accidents caused by their delivery vehicles.
Customizable Deductibles: Delivery services, especially small ones, can choose higher deductibles to lower their monthly premiums, which can help manage costs while still providing essential protection.
The Benefits of Customization
By tailoring their commercial auto insurance in Hobart and Oneonta, NY, businesses can ensure that they only pay for the coverage they need. Each industry faces unique risks, and customizing coverage to meet these risks can prevent overpaying for blanket policies that don't address specific business needs.
Every industry has its own set of operational challenges, and businesses in Hobart and Oneonta need commercial auto insurance that reflects their specific needs. From construction companies moving heavy equipment to delivery services ensuring timely food deliveries, the right insurance policy can protect assets, reduce risks, and keep businesses running smoothly.
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cakanilaw · 24 days
Seeking Justice for Yonkers Construction Accident Victims: The Importance of a Skilled Attorney
Construction accidents can have devastating consequences for workers, resulting in severe injuries, financial losses, and even death. In Yonkers, construction sites are a common sight, with numerous projects underway throughout the city. However, the risk of accidents is always present, and it's crucial for victims to have access to experienced legal representation.
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The Risks of Construction Work
Construction sites are inherently hazardous environments, with numerous risks and hazards that can lead to accidents. Some of the most common causes of construction accidents include:
Falls from heights Equipment malfunctions Scaffolding collapses Electrical hazards Exposure to toxic materials
When an accident occurs, it's essential to have a qualified Yonkers construction accident attorney who can help navigate the complex legal process and ensure that victims receive the compensation they deserve.
The Importance of a Skilled Attorney
A skilled Yonkers construction accident attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of a case. They have the knowledge and expertise to:
Investigate the accident scene to determine the cause of the incident Gather evidence and witness statements Negotiate with insurance companies and other parties involved Represent clients in court if necessary
Proving Liability
Proving liability is a critical aspect of any construction accident case. A skilled attorney will work to establish that the accident was caused by someone's negligence or reckless behavior. This can include:
Proving that the site owner or general contractor failed to maintain a safe working environment Demonstrating that equipment was not properly inspected or maintained Showing that inadequate training or supervision led to the accident
Seeking Compensation
A Yonkers construction accident attorney can help victims seek compensation for their injuries and losses. This may include:
Medical expenses Lost wages and benefits Pain and suffering Permanent disability
Check out our site for more details.
Bronx Construction Accident Lawyer near me
Construction Accident Law Firm Yonkers NY
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firstchoiceins · 3 months
Need To Buy Car Insurance in Ozone Park and Deer Park, NY
Running a small business is undoubtedly pleasing, but the business owner must focus on the associated risks and ensure profitability. Inadvertently injuring a third party or damaging its property can result in liability claims. Trying to pay compensation from the pocket can be cripplingly expensive. Instead, it is essential to consider buying general liability insurance in Queens and Brooklyn, NY, by contacting insurance agencies or individual agents.
It is interesting to note that almost all insurance providers sell this type of liability insurance plan. The best insurance agencies will provide quotes giving details of the coverage and premium rates. It is advisable to request quotes from at least three agencies to make the selection process easier. The business owner may decide to buy the insurance coverage online as well. This is possible for businesses that earn less than $1 million in revenue.
It is astounding that some agencies provide coverage at a low rate of $11. Product liability may be included as required.
Being excited about paying a low rate for a premium is not the only criterion to consider. Instead, one must check the extent of coverage that is likely to include the following:-
· Bodily Injury- The insurance company will pay for medical expenses when a business entity is found guilty of causing the injury. Slips and falls, as well as falling objects, can result in liability for the business owner.
· Property Damage- An employee responsible for damaging the customers' or visitors' property is covered by liability insurance. The agency will pay for repair costs or the damaged item/structure replacement. ​ · Personal Injury- The insurance coverage will stretch to compensation for personal injury that is not physical. The business owner can thus be absolved of libel and/or slander against a third party.
· Product liability coverage- A product the business sells may hurt the consumers/customers. The insurance coverage will kick in here, with the insurance carrier making good the loss
· Product recall- There are instances of products being recalled due to inferior quality. However, such a recall will result in heavy losses for the business owner. Thankfully, general liability insurance will cover the losses and mitigate the financial impact. This coverage is an add-on to the liability insurance and is not always included in the policy.
· Contractual liability coverage- A contractor's life is challenging as there are multiple things to consider simultaneously. One can always add this coverage to the existing insurance policy and settle all contractor-related liability claims.
The state does not mandate general liability insurance. Being covered can help a small business owner remain protected from liability claims and legal costs. A contractor is well advised to buy this type of coverage. The landlord may also make it a prerequisite for running the business from a rented site.
A self-driven vehicle is a necessity for all Americans today. Buying the right car insurance in Ozone Park and Deer Park, NY, can enable one to drive as required without considering financial risks in the aftermath of an accident or vehicle damage.
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pmmechanicalny0606 · 3 months
P&M Mechanical Inc.
Over the past two decades, P&M Mechanical Inc. has met the mechanical demands of the Fairfield and Westchester counties. This group has previously helped those families.
Take a look at the safety features that P&M Mechanical, Inc hvac company near me has installed to keep your money safe.
There are three different maintenance plans from which you may choose the one that best suits your requirements, finances, and degree of security concern.
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You might be able to afford even the most costly replacements, repairs, priority status, and equipment safety evaluations with the help of our numerous discounts and programs. If you have any questions on how we modify our services to suit the specific requirements of each customer, please contact us without delay:  
No matter what's wrong with your HVAC system, we can fix it together. We promise that our services will meet every one of your needs. When it comes to service and staff, P&M Mechanical Inc. takes great pride in serving the Port Chester, NY area. We can help clients of any size with this.
After we clean your house, it will look brand new. Keep an open mind and don't jump to conclusions.
We shall always adhere strictly to safety measures since it is a fundamental concept. Our crew's exceptional capacity to work together was further enhanced by the thorough background checks and training we endured.The longevity of our family-run business is directly attributable to the devotion of our clientele. Everyone is eagerly anticipating this.
Being thorough, persistent, and pleasant are the three things that have contributed to the firm's long-term reputation and client loyalty. Our conviction remains unwavering to this day. Its importance has always been clear to everyone. Almost everyone seems to be in agreement now. If you ever feel the need to start afresh, don't hesitate to contact us. If you have any questions at any time about this procedure, our specialists are here to help. Feel free to contact them at any time. We can't go forward without you here today. Doing this will allow you to restart.
The wealthiest people in the world, including those in New York and around the globe, have nothing but admiration for one HVAC business.
Do you live in the New York/Connecticut area and could use HVAC repair services? Contact P&M Mechanical Incorporated on their website. In order to back up your argument, you need do extensive research. P&M Mechanical Inc. repairs HVAC systems of any make or model. Our team of highly skilled experts is determined to complete the task at hand in order to reach our objective. Before winter even arrives, if you happen to live in a really cold area, you must contact a reliable heating specialist hvac contractor near me Following these steps will ensure that your home maintains a comfortable temperature all winter long. Nobody knows for sure until this takes place. When it comes to heating systems, P&M Mechanical Inc. is the firm to call for installation, maintenance, and repairs. Because their advice is legitimate, it should be carefully considered. If you want to enjoy each episode to the fullest, please do your best to adhere to these regulations. Our experts have extensive knowledge of all the leading heating system brands, so you can trust them. So far, no similar finding has been made.
When your air conditioner stops working and you live in or around New York City, call P&M Mechanical Inc. This caused the brand's popularity to skyrocket. The general public has it all wrong; actually, it's not that tough. This guarantee can be viewed by going here. Throughout the summer, it will remain in force. This service includes new installations in addition to routine maintenance and repairs. We are always prepared to go the extra mile since we know how crucial it is for our customers' comfort that their air conditioners work properly. The importance of this proposition makes its implementation absolutely necessary. For many years, we have been New York's preferred HVAC service because of our unwavering commitment to our clients and our spotless reputation. Utilizing cutting-edge tools and techniques, we assess the effectiveness of your HVAC systems. Your HVAC system's efficiency will be exposed when you do this. 
Get in touch with P&M Mechanical Inc. for any and all mechanical needs, whether it's routine maintenance, unexpected repairs, or a complete system overhaul. Their steadfast dedication goes beyond that. This business is reliable. For all of your HVAC needs, contact P&M Mechanical Inc. You may be confident that I will strive to go above and beyond your expectations. People in my town and the surrounding areas of New York and Connecticut go to our HVAC company for all of their needs because of our extensive product catalog and great customer service. Despite our unwavering resolve, nothing has happened thus far. Our triumph seemed like a happy accident in comparison to their meticulous planning. Feel free to contact P&M Mechanical Inc. at any time with inquiries about the services we offer.
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Can a General Contractor Do Plumbing? Construction Company Brooklyn NY
Curious whether general contractors in Brooklyn, NY can handle plumbing tasks? This blog delves into the capabilities and limitations of general contractors when it comes to plumbing, covering legal requirements and the importance of hiring licensed professionals. Learn when it's appropriate to hire a general contractor and when you need a licensed plumber for your project. Discover tips for finding top contractors in Brooklyn and ensure your home improvement projects are safe, compliant, and successful. Get expert advice to make informed decisions and find reliable professionals for your next renovation. Read more to get all the details!
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Top Construction Contractors in Deer Park, NY: Infinity Construction Corp
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Introduction to Top Construction Contractors in Deer Park, NY
In the bustling world of construction, finding a reliable contractor is paramount. Whether it's for residential, commercial, or renovation projects, the expertise and professionalism of a construction contractor can make all the difference. Deer Park, NY, a vibrant community nestled in Suffolk County, has its share of construction projects, each demanding the touch of skilled professionals.
Infinity Construction Corp: A Leading Name
Among the plethora of Top Construction contractors in Deer Park Ny, one name shines brightly – Infinity Construction Corp. Established with a vision to redefine construction excellence, Infinity Construction Corp has carved a niche for itself in the industry.
Introduction to Infinity Construction Corp
Infinity Construction Corp boasts a legacy of delivering top-notch construction solutions tailored to the needs of its clients. With years of experience under its belt, the company has earned a stellar reputation for its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
Core Services Offered by Infinity Construction Corp
Infinity Construction Corp offers a comprehensive range of services, including new construction, renovation, remodeling, and general contracting. Whether it's building a dream home from scratch or revamping an existing space, Infinity Construction Corp ensures impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail.
Unique Selling Points of Infinity Construction Corp
What sets Infinity Construction Corp apart from its competitors is its unwavering dedication to excellence. The company prides itself on its team of skilled professionals who bring expertise and passion to every project. Additionally, Infinity Construction Corp places a strong emphasis on communication and transparency, ensuring that clients are kept informed at every stage of the construction process.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Construction Contractor
Selecting the right construction contractor can be a daunting task. However, by considering a few key factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and expectations.
Reputation and Experience
When evaluating construction contractors, it's essential to consider their reputation and experience in the industry. Infinity Construction Corp boasts a long-standing reputation for delivering exceptional results, backed by years of experience and a proven track record of success.
Range of Services
Another crucial factor to consider is the range of services offered by the construction contractor. Infinity Construction Corp offers a comprehensive suite of services, ensuring that all aspects of your project are expertly managed from start to finish.
Client Testimonials and Reviews
Client testimonials and reviews provide valuable insights into the quality of service offered by a construction contractor. Infinity Construction Corp takes pride in its long list of satisfied clients who attest to the company's professionalism, reliability, and superior craftsmanship.
Pricing and Budget
While cost should never be the sole determining factor, it's essential to consider pricing and budget when choosing a construction contractor. Infinity Construction Corp offers competitive pricing without compromising on quality, ensuring that your project stays within budget without sacrificing excellence.
Projects Completed by Infinity Construction Corp
Infinity Construction Corp has a proven track record of successfully completing a wide range of projects across Deer Park, NY, and beyond.
Residential Projects
From custom-built homes to luxury estates, Infinity Construction Corp has the expertise and experience to bring your vision to life. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to quality, the company delivers homes that exceed expectations.
Commercial Projects
Infinity Construction Corp has also made its mark in the commercial sector, undertaking projects ranging from office buildings to retail spaces. With a focus on efficiency and functionality, the company ensures that commercial projects are completed on time and within budget.
Renovation Projects
In addition to new construction, Infinity Construction Corp specializes in renovation projects, breathing new life into existing spaces. Whether it's updating a kitchen, remodeling a bathroom, or renovating an entire home, the company approaches each project with creativity and precision.
Client Satisfaction and Testimonials
At Infinity Construction Corp, client satisfaction is paramount. The company takes pride in its ability to exceed client expectations, delivering projects that are not only visually stunning but also built to last. Don't just take our word for it – hear what our clients have to say:
[Insert Client Testimonials]
Awards and Recognitions
Infinity Construction Corp's commitment to excellence has not gone unnoticed. The company has received numerous awards and accolades for its outstanding achievements in the field of construction.
Sustainability Initiatives
Infinity Construction Corp is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. From utilizing eco-friendly materials to implementing energy-efficient practices, the company strives to minimize its environmental footprint while delivering sustainable solutions to its clients.
Future Prospects and Expansion Plans
As Infinity Construction Corp looks to the future, the company remains committed to its core values of quality, integrity, and innovation. With plans for expansion and continued growth, Infinity Construction Corp aims to solidify its position as a leader in the construction industry.
When it comes to construction contractors in Deer Park, NY, Infinity Construction Corp stands head and shoulders above the rest. With a proven track record of excellence, a commitment to customer satisfaction, and a passion for innovation, Infinity Construction Corp is the go-to choice for all your construction needs.
Unique FAQs
1. How long has Infinity Construction Corp been in business?
Infinity Construction Corp has been serving clients in Deer Park, NY, and beyond for over [X] years, establishing itself as a trusted name in the construction industry.
2. What types of projects does Infinity Construction Corp undertake?
Infinity Construction Corp specializes in a wide range of projects, including residential, commercial, and renovation projects. Whether it's building a new home, remodeling a kitchen, or constructing a commercial space, Infinity Construction Corp has the expertise to deliver exceptional results.
3. How does Infinity Construction Corp ensure client satisfaction?
At Infinity Construction Corp, client satisfaction is our top priority. We achieve this by providing personalized service, maintaining open communication throughout the project, and delivering superior craftsmanship that exceeds expectations.
4. Is Infinity Construction Corp licensed and insured?
Yes, Infinity Construction Corp is fully licensed and insured, providing clients with peace of mind and confidence in our ability to deliver quality workmanship and professional service.
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summitremodeling · 5 months
Summit Remodeling Inc | Premier Construction & Remodeling Services in NY
Your trusted women-owned general contractor in Nassau & Western Suffolk. Elevate your space with innovative designs. We are a women-owned full-service construction / remodeling company serving all of Nassau and Western Suffolk Counties. We excel in all areas of home renovations, creating innovative contemporary or traditional designs made to your exact specifications. Our full architectural service brings your plans to life, and we welcome inquiries from residential and commercial customers.Transform your space with Summit Remodeling Inc, the leading provider of premier construction and remodeling services in NY.
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