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sorry i love reading these!
don’t be sorry, these were a lot of fun!! thank youuu 💖💖
🔫 Mickey’s crime kink headcanon
They make pretty good money nowadays, but every once in a while, when they're at a store picking up beers or something, Ian will whisper in Mickey’s ear 'Fuck it, let’s just go' while they're in line to pay, and then proceed to just bolt the fuck out of there, beers in hand. After a moment Mickey will follow, grinning wide and running fast after his husband while the store owner keeps yelling and swearing at them. Mickey manages to catch up with Ian and they run side by side laughing, until they eventually stop in a random deserted alley, where Mickey shows Ian just what his husband engaging in minor crimes does to him.
🩹 hurt/comfort or protective headcanon
Some of their neighbours are absolute assholes and always try to pin stuff on Mickey when something weird happens in the apartment complex or when residents' possessions go missing, basing their accusations solely on their prejudices towards his tattoos and coarse language. When a couple of them even try badmouthing Mickey to Ian, not knowing they're married, Ian gives them a piece of his mind, making sure they understand Mickey’s not the only one who can dole out creative swears and not-so-veiled threats, South Side-style. Ian knows Mickey’s not having an easy time adjusting to the West Side and their passive-aggressive douchy neighbours, so he tries to reassure him as often as possible that Ian's proud of who they are and where they're from, and that if Mickey wants to break the lease and find another place to live, Ian will agree without a second thought.
😳 embarrassing headcanon (could be something you find embarrassing or one of the characters)
Mickey always gets embarrassed when Ian can't stop singing his praises in front of people once he's had a few too many drinks. Ian tells anyone who’ll listen all about how Mickey basically single-handedly brought down a Mexican cartel, escaped prison only to get to pick his own cellmate once he turned himself in, and got their security business started while they were on parole, making them the successful ex-cons they are today. He also tells them how incredibly proud he is of Mickey for turning out to be such an amazing person and husband despite being raised by his hateful, abusive scumbag of a father. These should be all nice things to hear and a huge part of Mickey loves Ian for this, but he's also not great at accepting praise and hates that he finds himself unable to stop blushing every time this happens. There’s also the fact that Ian often ends up revealing details that still might very well get Mickey in trouble, so at that point he takes the opportunity to stop his blabbering husband and get him home so he can sober up. And then maybe in the morning, he’ll be the one making Ian embarrassed, by reminding him all the shit he said while drunk off his ass the night before.
😘 playful/flirty headcanon
A couple years into their marriage, Ian and Mickey get a little into role-playing. It takes them a few tries to figure out how not to break character immediately and to remember that they're supposed to act like they’re different people, but the more they do it, they more they get into it. Sometimes they meet at a bar and pretend they're strangers. Other times, Ian’s the sexy, nerdy librarian and Mickey’s the sexy bad boy from out of town who’s on a mission to rock his whole world. Sometimes they just act out the most clichéd of porn scenarios, and have a hard time trying not to burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of it all, at least until they manage to make it sexy again. Needless to say, the boys have a lot of fun with this.
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