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it's okay, next week will be the week the gwitch episode isn't extremely tragic (has been saying this for four weeks now)
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2023 highlights: life events, part 1
trying not to drown in my "case of the mondays" that actually occurs every day of the week this season, so i'm jotting down good things that happened this past year to stay afloat. idk if any of this is entertaining to anyone, but it's mostly for me to remember anyway
some good things that happened this year in sort of chronological order under the cut:
joined a committee working on developing anti-racist policy. it was challenging and meaningful and at times incredibly emotionally taxing. there were definitely some points where i thought about bowing out, but every time a person of color quit the group (or quit working entirely) i was like, "shit. i can't leave. it can't all be white people here!!" so i stuck it out. i feel like i've sort of just stumbled through this entire process, but i do want to help make my workplace just a little bit more bearable
one of my best friends turned 30 and we had a cowboy themed birthday party!! it was super cutesy and pink and decorated. our server initially thought this was a kid's birthday party and we were like, "HELL no!! our precious pink cowgirl princess turned 30 and we're all VERY happy for her!!" later, our server who was going to turn 40 sometime later said she wants to do something similar for her birthday now, which was awesome. it's so so so cool to stop giving a shit about what people think and do what makes you happy!!!!
i joined the pride planning committee this summer. i worked the booth last year, had a great time, was invited to join the planning committee this year. was able to bring up some points, boost others' ideas, and even helped with the design for our bookmark/pin/shirts!! looking forward to being a part of this again next year (look at that dragon!! that's my dragon! and the aliens!!)
helped out at the juneteenth festival at the library table. i didn't realize we had community outreach opportunities like this that i could help out with. it's not that i don't like my job as it is, but i really loved getting paid to do shit outside lmao
joined the "suletta sunday everyday" discord server in august (i think??). i have a hard time socializing with people i've never met, and this is the first time i joined a community server that i wasn't just a lurker in. i worry i talk too much sometimes there, but overall i've been having a blast, and i've talked with some pretty cool people over there. i don't know how to say this without sounding cheesy, but i feel like i've become a better person through being on there. just in little ways, you know - learning how to talk to people and sharing ideas and whatnot. god i'm embarrassing
part 2 whenever the hell i feel like it!!
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