#Munakata thinks it's very charming Fushimi-kun is so good with children
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Umi and Kai ask Fushimi why he loves Uncle Reisi so much.
Poor Fushimi, cornered by children and he has no idea how to answer. If Munakata asked him that Fushimi would just click his tongue or deflect somehow, or mutter that 'you're all right, I guess,' under his breath, but he can't say that to the kids. Like imagine Munakata and Fushimi have been dating for a while and Munakata's family is aware of it, obviously Munakata wishes to share the joy of his relationship with them as well. His parents invite the two of them over for dinner and Munakata is very pleased, Fushimi's probably a little on edge because he's not used to like the existence of supportive parents but Munakata is certain his family will treat Fushimi like one of their own. Fushimi's not even sure if he wants that, like this is all very new for him, but Munakata is clearly excited to 'show Fushimi off' now that they're officially dating so he's like fine whatever I guess we can go.
The dinner goes very well, obviously Munakata's family met Fushimi once before but now being introduced as 'Reisi's boyfriend' Fushimi is getting like extra attention, Munakata's never dated anyone seriously enough to bring them over and his family was perhaps secretly a little worried. Munakata does most of the talking, answering his family's questions about their relationship and how things progressed and all that while Fushimi picks at his food and tries not to look like he very much would like to leave. Eventually Munakata goes off to talk with his parents and brother in the garden for a bit, Fushimi happens to be otherwise engaged because Umi and Kai have pretty much already officially adopted him as their new favorite uncle. Kai is back on Fushimi's lap and Umi is running around all 'Uncle Saruhiko, Uncle Saruhiko~', very energetic and happy and it's making Fushimi tired just looking at her. Munakata figures Fushimi will be all right alone with the kids but then soon after he leaves Umi runs back over to Fushimi and hugs his leg all 'Uncle Saruhiko, why do you love Uncle Reisi so much?'.
Fushimi's caught off guard by that one and before he can say anything Kai's looking at him too, like yeah why do you. Umi leans in real close and is like is it because he's smart or he's handsome like a prince. Fushimi clicks his tongue and looks away, mumbling that it's not really that. Umi excitedly asks what is it then, she really wants to know. Fushimi tenses and shifts, all uncomfortable with the kids looking at him so eagerly and it's like every word he wants to say to blow off the question won't come out. Finally he manages this soft “I guess...when I'm with him, I feel safe.” Kai makes a questioning noise and Umi cocks her head all 'Safe?'. Fushimi mumbles that it's stupid, but that guy...he always makes Fushimi feel safe, and special, like he's the only person in the world. Fushimi isn't really good at loving people but Munakata doesn't care and when he says he won't leave Fushimi it sounds almost like something Fushimi can believe. Fushimi can't stop this small smile as he says that yeah, maybe he does love Munakata a lot after all. Umi and Kai are both staring at him with shining eyes and Fushimi gives this self conscious 'what?', Umi smiles like you really do love Uncle Reisi lots don't you. Before Fushimi can respond he feels this touch on his shoulder and Munakata is standing there, smiling gently as he says they do indeed both love each other very much, isn't that right Fushimi-kun. Fushimi's face is red and he doesn't look up but he gives this small nod of affirmation and this quiet 'yeah.'
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