#Munakata has to make S4 handicap accessible though Fushimi is not going to deal with those stairs
ridiasfangirlings · 2 months
Wheelchair user Saruhiko because I have to use a wheelchair and want comfort.
Wheelchair Fushimi and the first thing S4 has to do when he’s hired is make the place more accessible because all those stairs are not disability friendly, Munakata you should be ashamed. Imagine Fushimi who has always needed to use mobility aids in some capacity, maybe he can stand if needed for short periods but largely he needs the wheelchair for day to day life. He has a ton of trouble at home though because his giant house also has a huge staircase and you know Kisa wouldn’t even care that her kid can’t physically get up the stairs, his bedroom is on the second floor and if he has to literally drag himself by his arms to get there then oh well. Since normally no one is home Fushimi just commandeers one of the first floor rooms to be his, sleeping on a couch because he can’t bring the futon down from the other room by himself. Niki probably enjoys causing Fushimi a lot of trouble with the wheelchair too, hiding it when Fushimi’s sleeping or throwing it down the stairs and breaking it and Fushimi has to drag around this rickety wheelchair held together with duct tape because he can’t get a new one.
At school he’s allowed to just coast through because no one expects anything of the kid in the wheelchair and Fushimi figures if they think that way then why should he even try. When Yata saves him from being bullied Fushimi assumes it’s pity for the poor wheelchair kid and throws that in Yata’s face. Yata ends up troubled by it because he didn’t expect Fushimi to have such a sharp tongue and was he assuming stuff on his own. Imagine once they become friends though for Fushimi it’s like this is the first time someone’s seen past the chair and treats him just like anyone else. If anything Yata thinks the chair is cool, like Saruhiko’s so good at maneuvering it and you can go so fast, with the right tools Yata’s sure Fushimi could make a super awesome futuristic wheelchair. And because of this Yata is the first one Fushimi ever allows to help him too, like anyone else who touches the handles of Fushimi’s wheelchair gets a glare (imagine he puts spikes on them or glues knives on) but he’ll sometimes let Yata wheel him around when he’s feeling lazy and doesn’t want to push himself. (Yata also visits Fushimi’s house, sees Fushimi sleeping on a couch in a side room, and brings the futon down from upstairs without needing to be asked.) When they move in together imagine Yata being really conscientious of what Fushimi needs too, like they took a room on the first floor but there’s a single step to get in the doorway and Yata gets some wood and nails and bangs together a ramp so Fushimi can easily get around in his chair on his own.
In Homra is when all the old feelings of uselessness come back, Fushimi feeling like of course Yata thinks Mikoto is so amazing, Mikoto can walk. I imagine a lot of the Homra members at least initially being wary of Fushimi being a member too because of his chair. Even Kusanagi is hesitant for a moment, like them being middle schoolers already gave him pause but he’s really not sure about putting Fushimi in danger this way. Fushimi just glares when he starts to say anything though, and Kusanagi quickly realizes how competent Fushimi is regardless of the chair. Despite that trust Fushimi pushes himself more and more to be stronger, imagine he gets super skilled at maneuvering his chair in a fight and his chair is probably just decked out in hidden knives (oh imagine he can even pour his power into the chair too, Fushimi would totally be willing to run over anyone who pissed him off). 
When Munakata first shows interest in him Fushimi assumes it’s just being patronizing but it turns out that no, Munakata thinks he’s useful even with the chair. I imagine once in S4 Munakata gets Fushimi like the best chair money can buy and maybe Fushimi even customizes it too, like it’s got a computer built-in and Fushimi has fun with that. He adds more hidden knife compartments too, it’s pretty much a combat wheelchair at this point (and then he has a second more ‘normal’ wheelchair for when he’s in the office doing paperwork, and he can ‘accidentally’ run over Doumyouji’s feet with it when Doumyouji doesn’t finish his reports on time). Fushimi won’t admit it out loud but it’s important to him that Munakata sends him on missions alone and doesn’t act like he’s fragile or can’t do things, and even the squad think he’s super amazing. There’s probably some grumbling when he becomes third in command due to both his age and disability but anyone who works with him quickly finds out that the wheelchair in fact just makes Fushimi more dangerous.
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