#Much of the older “Ranma” fanfic is not actual fanfic
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ladylilithprime · 1 year ago
20 Fanfic Questions
I was tagged by @jazzforthecaptain for this right when I'm supposed to be going to bed. -_-U
How many works do you have on AO3?
172 currently posted, more to be imported and uploaded shortly....
What’s your total AO3 words count?
716,745 as of right now....
What fandoms do you write for?
Whew..... uh, lessee, Supernatural, Marvel Comics/MCU, Harry Potter, Animorphs, Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Little Mermaid, Gundam Wing, Smallville/DC Comics, Highlander, Star Trek, The Sentinel, Stargate SG1, Star Wars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Sailor Moon, Tomorrow People (New/90s Series), Fullmetal Alchemist, Gravitation, Yami no Matsuei, Weiss Kreuz, Ranma ½, Pirates of the Caribbean, Good Omens, Firefly, Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings et al, Daria, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Phineas and Ferb, Danny Phantom, ElfQuest, Rise of the Guardians, How To Train Your Dragon, El Goonish Shive (don't tell Dan!), Transformers, YURI!!! On Ice, Speed Racer..... uh, yeah, I think I'm forgetting some... or not mentioning them for Reasons.......
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
More Worthy Than Believed (MCU, Gen, Tony-centric, vague IronHawk)
Only Different In The Details (MCU, IronHawk plus Avengers ensemble)
Hel Hath Nick Fury (MCU, Nick Fury/Hela aka Darcy Lewis)
The Shadow You Cast Over Me (MCU, Gen, Tony-centric, unrequited Steve/Tony)
Broken Hallelujah (Supernatural, Sastiel)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Short answer is that I try to? I want to respond to comments, but sometimes I'm out of spoons and it takes me a while to work up the spoons to answer, and sometimes the comment is a demand for an update on a fic I just posted a new chapter for and I lose the motivation to write anything at all for a couple days because gods, I'm thrilled y'all enjoy my stuff but damned if I've usually got the time and energy to write fanfic around Real Life!
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably a toss up between The Shadow You Cast Over Me and A Wish Your Heart Makes. (If you didn't guess one of those, uh, well... ~offers tissues~)
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, hell, good luck trying to pin that one down! Seriously, I can't pick, go look for yourself.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not...exactly? I mean, I once got some dumbass complaining in the comments of my clearly tagged WinterIron soulmate AU that he wanted to read WinterWindow and "not this gay shit", which, dude, we're on AO3, not FanFiction.Net, the fic was very clearly tagged and you still clicked on it, so you reading "that gay shit" is all on you, buddy. Also, same fic, someone decided that because I talk about Natasha and Yasha being familiar with borscht that I was a Russian Imperialist? I dunno, people are weird.
Do you write smut. If so what kind?
.....Yes, hello, any kind of smut I write that's actually explicit rather than kept vague or Fade To Black has a separate psued. Click at your own risk, not that I have much posted there yet.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Hmmmm.... Do I have to stick with fics that I've posted and can provide links to? I've got a LOT of crossovers that either aren't posted yet or haven't been moved over to AO3 and tracking down the links on the wider web and defunct archives is difficult.... so, I'll just cop to Lethally Blonde, the MCU/stealth-Tropic Thunder crossover, for right now.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Sort of? Someone stole a segment of "More Worthy Than Believed" wholesale and tried to pass it off as theirs a few years back, but it got discovered pretty quickly by folks who'd read the original.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't know? I think someone offered to translate one of my older fics once, but I don't know if anything came of it.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I'm listed as a collaborator for The Cadbury'verse, but aside from Bang collabs and the vague plans @rodiniaorzetalthepenquin and I have plotted about at three AM that result in one or the other of us writing fics in the same narrative universe, I don't have any posted cowritten fics.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
~thousand-yard-stare at the above list of fandoms~ .....could you be more specific?
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Dude, I just updated Only Different In The Details with a new chapter and the last update previously was in 2013! If the fic isn't marked as complete, it'll get finished eventually. (Or I'll die, but it's more likely the fic gets finished before then.)
What are your writing strengths?
World-building. I seriously LOVE world-building, and I really enjoy writing full AUs that really let me flex that!
What are your writing weaknesses?
.....forward planning. I can't seem to do it with any kind of reliability or regularity, and trying to write an outline is a scholastic exercise in futility, not to mention all the times I've gone looking for notes or scene snippets I could have sworn I wrote down or typed into chat somewhere and apparently sharing the vivid fever dream images in my head was yet another dream. On the other hand, I remember three different versions of those scenes in vivid technicolor, so I just have to pick one instead of starting three new WIPs.....
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
This is honestly why I'm slowly teaching myself seven different languages, and you can bet I prefer having a beta for those segments who is a native speaker. (Harder for Latin, Quenya, Vulcan, and Enochian, admittedly....)
First fandom you wrote for?
Trick question. The first fandom I ever wrote for and posted online was Animorphs, but I was writing fanfic as far back as second grade for Disney movies and the Sweet Valley Universe nominally by Francis Pascal. (Yes, I still have those notebooks. No, they will not be transcribed and archived online.)
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Always the fic I haven't written yet. Always. What I think is my favorite now will not likely still be my favorite next year, maybe not even next month! Hell, I can't even pick a favorite out of the ones I have posted to AO3 right this second! But then, isn't that part of the fun part of writing?
Tagging.... @rodiniaorzetalthepenquin , @karategirl80 , @slytherkins , @youarentreadingthis , @sageclover61 , @hyrulehearts1123 , and @mrswhozeewhatsis . Have fun!
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princesscolumbia · 1 year ago
tl;dr - I put ponies in another fic, but only for a few chapters
So, real quick, minor confession...this fic is actually one of my oldest, and it's not on this site.
Hey, easy, easy, let me explain.
So way back in 2005, I had a flash of inspiration. See, back in the 90s and carrying into the 00s, we didn't really go on forums or (even older) newsgroups if we wanted to avoid spam in our all the everything, we got on mailing lists. The Big One for fanfiction was the good ol' FFML, or "Fan Fiction Mailing List." What fanfiction? Yes. Which fandom? Yes. There was no division of franchises here. You were just as likely to encounter Trek as Xena, everything from Ah, Megami-sama! to Zoids. There was also no curation. The crap was flowing, and caught in the stream would be the occasional diamond, and it was up to YOU to determine which was which. And we called our porn "lemons." If the fic was leaning toward spicy we had a citrus scale. Orange was a little eechi, Lime was "there's plot, but expect to need some 'private time' later on." And so VERY much of it was anime-centric. (Sidebar: The late, lamented MythrilMoth and I first encountered each other while active on FFML)
One of the biggest fandoms in the FFML was Ranma 1/2, with Sailor Moon being a solid second place, though still trailing by quite a margin. It's not a stretch to say that, at the time, Ranma 1/2 was the largest single fandom active in the US-centric portions of the Internet (which, thanks to the heavy hand the USA had in creating the Internet, was a pretty sizeable portion of it). This was objectively provable, too. Not only was there the Penultimate Ranma 1/2 Fanfic Index, something none of the other fandoms needed, let alone had, you could go to fanfiction.net and show a list of ALL the fandoms sorted by number of fics, and the one having more works than any other by a LOOOOONG margin was Ranma 1/2.
So the fandom started curation, which is necessary when you have that many fics. (and the War of the Churches, which is one of the earliest online shipping wars, which is like talking about the Punic Wars when the subject of world wars comes up...and The Bet, which the less said about that, the better) There were so many fics that we had to split them into multiple meta-categories, some of which you'll easily recognize:
There was obviously some mixing between them, but relevant to this is the Crossover and the Fusion.
Crossovers are kinda obvious, and introduced one of the most enjoyable, if WAY overdone, tropes of the FFML: The Fukufic. Take some Ranma 1/2, add some Sailor Moon, and viola, one fukufic. The catch was, they were all crossovers (except for one notable exception...which I really should dig up again sometime, it's a fun one), simply because direct fusions would dilute too much of either Ranma 1/2 or Sailor Moon.
Now, not that anyone saw this as a problem, mind, we just kinda shrugged if the subject came up and moved on.
Until one day, I was pondering this. (I mean, c'mon, you know me by now) "Fusion is where you take two properties and 'fuse' them together in new but recognizable ways," ponders I, "...so what would fission look like in this context?"
Naturally, my mind locked onto the fukufic, and the fanfic Fission was born.
Ranma is having A Day. The usual wacky relationship hijinks wind up with him tripping while running from his self-declared love interests (it has to do with martial arts, several foreign laws, and an okonomiyaki cart...long story) and falling off a roof (...again, long story) to pass through a stream of water from a broken pipe, triggering the magic that cursed him to turn into a girl with a splash of cold water. But today the wacky cranked right up into the weird when he DIDN'T collide with the other person who also happens to be standing in the spray of water. Usagi is having a pleasant day, actually. She's spending time with her boyfriend, taking in parts of Tokyo she doesn't normally get to, and in all enjoying herself when she gets a call about a monster attack. She ducks into an alley and starts to transform into Sailor Moon when a pipe bursts and sprays her with water right as someone...doesn't collide with her falling from the roof above. The destiny of both Ranma and Usagi has been altered by a random accident that nobody could have planned for or anticipated. Nobody around them is even remotely prepared.
The principal conceit is this: In the most unlikely of unlikely events, both Ranma and Usagi's respective magics to turn them into their other half are active at the same time when they collide. This "splits" their respective destinies, spinning off events and introducing characters that would completely rewrite their lives going forward. Ranma would get a Senshi team and their own "silver crystal" artifact and royal destiny, and Usagi would get a gender-swapping curse and a whole slew of romantic entanglements. Making this happen has been an incredibly fun challenge.
Plans and Schemes
I did not, I promise, intend for there to be a hiatus of any sort for Fission. I had, in fact, encountered a MASSIVE PILE of inspiration and jotted down a HUGE amount of notes for nine books worth of material about this new world in which there would be time travel shenanigans, a Xenomorph on an abandoned Mercury research base, and a look at the world of the Silver Millenium 1,000 years into the future.
But, as happens so often with me and in a recognizable pattern I wouldn't know about at the time because this was the first time it happened, I burned myself out. A move was involved, my marriage was experiencing challenges, and we were trying for a baby. This doesn't even factor in my career obligations, church activity, or social interactions which...yeah, most of it I wouldn't have chosen and only did because...okay, stopping there, this isn't a rant about my failed marriage.
I tried over the years, up to and including putting out a new chapter here and there, but I kept running into various forms of burnout.
Then the divorce happened.
Needing some sort of outlet, I started writing Double Trixie Trouble, and while it was just silly fluff, it was relatively easy to squirt out a chapter or three and just toss 'em up, but then the whole thing started getting complicated, and I started burning out again. By that time, though, I'd started writing Lost Little Wolf as a catharsis piece, and that wound up even more popular than DTT. And suddenly I couldn't not write LLW, it was metaphorically draining the ugly, puss-filled blisters that were my severely maladapted responses to the divorce.
On the plus side (and yeah, there's lots of plus sides), I did land on my soon-to-be-legally-changed new name of Chrystal Amber from the writing of it.
Then I went through my homeless period, and I've written about that quite a bit during the author's notes for My Empire of Dirt, as well as the severe injury I sustained during that time and the long road to recovery.
And during that period of time, I began to get nearly itchy to write more for Fission.
Outlines and Brainstorming
Fission has always, from day one, looked like this:
Pluto takes a vacation, this is widely considered to be a mistake
Ranma and Usagi 'collide' in a freak accident that could only happen to them. Owing to their already crazy lives, they don't realize how big a deal it is and promptly forget about it
Ranma and Usagi both start experiencing some "bleedover" from the other person, but since it's very minor and still within the realms of "crazy shit I have to deal with," they still don't think much of it.
Ranma turns into a new, not quite mirror version of Sailor Moon and gets her first senshi, Mercury, who winds up being Konatsu, the "Genius Kunoichi" as a not-quite-mirror to Ami's "Genius." Meanwhile Usagi gets her first suitor
Mars appears, additional bleed happens between the two "sides," Usagi experiences her first gender swap
Venus appears, more bleed, Usagi encounters another rival
Jupiter appears, Usagi can't hide her changes from the rest anymore, plans are made to meet
Ranma's "Inners" unite as a team, Usagi gains a new suitor
The two groups of Inners meet, the meeting is sabotaged by the BBEG but they wind up fighting along side each other and start to compare notes
Shampoo encounters Hotaru, offers to train her, coincidentally becomes the new Saturn
Ryoga receives a package promising to cure him of his curse. It changes his cursed form to a girl and becomes the new Uranus
Ranma receives a package with a key and a cryptic note saying he/she will know who it goes to
Akari initially rejects Ryoga's new cursed form, prompting Ryoga to go on a suicide mission. Trying to rescue new-Uranus, new-Moon realizes that only Akari can save Ryoga and the key is for Akari. They rescue Ryoga and Akari admits she still loves Ryoga, no matter the form
Ami advises the BBEG that's been after both teams is The Doom Star, named Nemesis by some consipiracy theorists in the 70s
They split into teams, do a three pronged assault, find Nemesis has a senshi, crack the Dark Planet, big space battle scene, huge martial arts, much wow
The day is saved, the teams start interacting, epilogue
This has been, from day one of writing the first words on the screen of the job I was holding at the time, the way things were going to go. I knew even then pretty much exactly what I wanted to do with this story.
Let's drill down a bit (I'm going somewhere with this, I promise):
Jupiter appears, Usagi can't hide her changes from the rest anymore, plans are made to meet
As with everything else, waaaay back in 2005 when I first started this monster, I had a specific idea how Ukyo would be introduced as Sailor Jupiter:
Ranma's team gets an invite to a concert in Jubaan
Three youma disguised as human pop stars reveal they've been siphoning energy for the entire concert tour, they get the upper hand on the senshi
Three members of the audience step up to do a counter-song to the youma
Ukyo turns into Jupiter, tipping the scales
Senshi win, headlines next day are about the Senshi openly appearing on video, but they aren't the usual senshi
Like I said, this has always been the plan, all the way back in 2005-2006.
Another Fandom Enters the Chat
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic entered the scene in 2010, and you all will know that part of the story.
But sometime around the time I started coming out of my trauma haze from being homeless and injured, I started re-reading my old fics and starting to figure out next-steps to continue the stories.
And I'm looking at the three monsters that are set to appear as energy draining singers at a concert... ...waaaaait a minute!
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It was...PERFECT! I just needed three kids to step up, and heeeey...
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Of course, if you know me at all then research will be involved. Thanks to pony names being, for the most part, based on nouns, this wound up being cake. I will say the names for the Sirens were more of a challenge, simply because the modern Japanese music scene uses a LOT of loan words from English and so I had to really dig to find the actual Japanese words for "Adagio," "Aria," and "Sonata," but I did find them.
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Oh yeah? Fine! *conforms your gender*
2005 was...a different time for the queer community. It legitimately felt like we were on the verge of fracturing off the gender presentation parts of the community from the sexual attraction parts, and asexuality wasn't a thing most of us even heard about. (I wouldn't for another 2-ish years after that) Compounding that is the fact that my fanfic is built on a foundation from the 1980s, and yes, everything you've heard about how bad it was worldwide for queer folk is true. We barely made it out of that decade. Ranma 1/2 is a product of its time, but even for that it's VERY subversive. The whole thing is practically a study of teenage gender issues and nonconformity, by the end of the anime Ranma basically declares they're NB using the language available at the time, and Konatsu is known to be AMAB, but is treated as a woman. Any time the NWC tries to make Ko-chan 'act like a man,' it's shown just how very bad at it she is.
When I was writing Fission back in the mid-2000s, it wasn't a big deal to have Ranma be a guy who turns into a girl and back and that was that. There was no "they/them" we could use without looking like absolute weirdos. Konatsu was a pre-op transexual at best, so when writing for the ninja, you used he/him, end of story. If you review the chapters I wrote prior to my unplanned hiatus, you'll note that while Konatsu is in "civilian" guise, I use he/him. When a senshi, I had to do freakin vocabulary and grammar acrobatics to not use a pronoun at all. I wanted it to be clear that being a senshi in this universe is pretty much the ultimate form of femininity. Yes, they can crack a planet on accident and one of 'em can sneeze at the wrong time and alter history, but they're girls who are feminine and can kick your ass.
On this side of a transition, being where Konatsu would want to go if she could do so and afford it in the 1980s, I just couldn't bring myself to continue with the joke. It's ultimately kinda mean and I didn't feel comfortable with it. This "chapter" (consisting of chapters 10-12 on AO3) was me taking steps to address this in a plot-conforming, in-universe way and not break the flow of what I'd already written.
You're still here?!
Go read the fic!
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kingdomsaurushearts · 5 years ago
What’s your story behind all the things that you like? What I mean is how were you introduced to all the things you find enjoyment out of (video games, anime fanfics etc). How’d you find quote on quote “geek culture” or how did it find you?
The majority of what I enjoy was via introduction by my older sister, or a friend. (This includes music. Nova is always exposing me to new stuff and giving me culture) Or. The old fashioned way, TV. Lol I survived off morning cartoons and cereal. In short, sister, friends, cartoons, fanfics, and CONVENTIONS.
My older sister had played KH1 up to the Deep jungle and then she quit. It was maybe 2004 at the time. But I remembered it well enough, that when my friend showed me KH2 lent his copy that I’m like. Ah hell yeah, I kinda remember this? (KH2 was the first I played, never even saw anything after Deep Jungle until I played KH1 later. But honestly KH2 pretty much gives you a recap, CoM exempt so it was fine. Sora didnt remember, so.. we were on the same page. Lol)
Same thing with Zelda. My first exposure was Majora’s mask, watching my sister play. (She wouldn’t let me play.Older sibling complex.) My first game was Twilight Princess, love that game, it’s beautiful and amazing. Dont @ me lol
Miraculous Ladybug was on Netflix, and I had seen @philsterman01 ’s comic dubs so I was like, yeah, I can finally watch it. (It wasnt what i expected AT ALL, but I still frickin love that cornball of a show. It’s ridiculous and cute.)
Sailor Moon was a huge part of my life, and I still adore it, my First OC was based off that and Tokyo Mew Mew.
Toonami was a huge thing way back when. Yu Yu Hakusho, Cyborg 009, Dragonball/DBZ, a liiiiittle Naruto. There was Fox Kids with Digimon, Shaman King, Winx Club, KidsWB had Yugioh, Pokemon, Cardcaptors, etc. (Adult swim had Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo and Scry-ed)
A lot of what I enjoyed actually starts at the library. I would ride my bike to the library and check out the limit of Manga and DvDs, I’d read them all and return them the next week and do it all over again… the internet was still foreign to me. Lol
My library didn’t really carry the “POPULAR” manga series, I got stuff like Iron Wok Jan, Skip Beat!, CLAMP stuff (to this day I still don’t understand Clover), Maison Ikkoku, Angelic Layer, but they still had like Fruits Basket, Bleach, Death Note, Chrono Crusade, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, etc. Anime was Rurouni Kenshin, X (1999), Tenchi Universe, Ranma ½, Vampire Hunter D, a lot of arbitrary anime I can’t remember but they were weeeeird.
When I was 13 I got a GaiaOnline account, and a FFNet, where I actually met my best friend and current roommate. (We bonded over our love for Hiei.) Lots of new stuff was introduced there.
A coworker of my Mom’s from a past job lended me Trigun, Raxephon, Fullmetal Panic, Generator Gawl, Arc the Lad, Kiddy Grade, Noir.
My mental library is pretty small all things considered. And I’m definitely more of a Casual Geek. I enjoy things in passing.
I think Kingdom Hearts is the thing I’ve held onto the longest, besides Yu Yu Hakusho and Cardcaptor Sakura. But I definitely love it the most.
And Miraculous Ladybug is sticking with me pretty strongly atm too. (But we’ll see. It’s still young)
I missed out on an lot of stuff in high school because I decided to ignore anime and instead get obsessed with Japanese and Korean Pop stars, of which I still need to get rid of my posters 💦💦💦 (they’re just… sitting in the closet lmao) and I was like… a YouTube nut. (I was absorbed into stuff like NigaHiga, Smosh, Mystery Guitar Man, Tobuscus, SMPfilms, Chonny, Bubsbeauty, Shimmycocopuffs, Equals3, stuff like that. Also the time I drew the LEAST and my art stagnated BAD)
I’m still playing catch up, but I’m more interested in creating, working on my OCs, animation/storyboards. Etc. It’s hard to get myself into new stuff cause I know I’ll be sucked in. *stares at Fire Emblem from a safe distance*
It’s also only in the last year or so, (2?) That I’ve actively been a part of a fan community, so it’s still a territory I’m treading lightly. And I’ve kept it to just the KH and ML fandoms. (And maaaaybe the MLP fandom but you didn’t hear that from me. *sweats*)
Long answer is long.
But it’s interesting to think back. Because everything is so VASTLY different now.
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corisanna · 6 years ago
As N Approaches Infinity is a big project for you (a monster of a fic at 70+ chapters, excellent job) and seems to be the main focus fic you're writing right now, but have there been other crossover ideas with Puella Magi and/or Bleach that you've considered exploring (but didn't for one reason or another)?
I did a shitload of fannish maladaptive daydreaming between 2008 and 2013 when I had spotty access to mood stabilizers and was basically reading fanfic to survive because I was too deeply depressed to connect to characters in new fiction. I conjured up an epic kudzu plot for Bleach that had multiple “if/then” branches that led in very different directions. Some crossed over with Harry Potter; my favorite of those was [insert Winter War shenanigans here] leading to a badly wounded Hitsugaya being dropped into a random forest, left for dead, found by Luna Lovegood’s family on a camping trip, and nursed back to health and “raised” by them because he has memory problems; insert Hogwarts batshittery and some other stuff. Some were massive crossovers with versions of characters from everydamnthing-- Soul Eater, Gurren Lagann, xxxHOLiC, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Higurashi no Naku koro ni, Blood+, Ranma 1/2, NCIS, video games, etc.as members in a renewed Gotei 13 after the war with Aizen escalated badly enough to cause Soul Society to collapse into the World of the Living and heighten the world population’s spiritual sensitivity; in that, the new Gotei 13 partnered with the UN and shenanigans were had. I don’t want to say much about the pure Bleach story at the very base of that sprawl because I might actually write it one day. A friend cajoled me into outlining the various branches and I need to see which bits to match into multiple separate stories. I didn’t write any of it out because that picking apart process will be uuuuughhhhhh and back then I was still really depressed.
I have a rough planning document for a PMMMxHP crossover in which Tom Riddle was a girl cunning enough to pry details out of Kyubey before contracting, finding the Soul Gem immortality thing appealing. She ended up not getting quite as bad a reputation at the orphanage because she was out hunting Witches or fighting weaker magical girls to exhaustion to turn them into Witches instead of tormenting the other kids. So Dumbledore found her odd, but didn’t have much to base it on. At some point she’d get pissy at the Blitz for making it harder to hunt and furiously use her magical girl abilities to just start attacking the planes. Another kid who had been locked outside during the air raid saw. Tom considered killing her but saw hero worship for the first time and decided to see where it went. As she got older, she found encouraging hero worship of her in various ways far more effective in getting her way than terror. It let her set up more girls to contract and become Witches for her to harvest and keep herself immortal. Kyubey would reveal that Horcruxes were based on Soul Gems. Didn’t write it because I’d want to reread HP first so I don’t write from fanon and ugh not in the mood.
What I do have some scenes for is a PMMM crossover with Archer in which Moemura is stealing weapons from the Yakuza again and is found by Archer and Lana while they’re on a mission to steal information. It turns out Lana is a magical girl and has many opinions about Homura’s bad choices of weapons and decides to haul her back to base in the US for some training. She passes Homura off as a stolen cyborg that didn’t get trained. Shenanigans ensue as cinnamon roll Moemura spends time with the batshit cast of Archer. She almost gets “studied” by Krieger but he gets distracted by her bombs and gives her a master class in bomb making. Etc. I poke at that one every once in awhile. I did a ridiculous amount of research on the world’s most expensive booze for the opening scene.
I basically live in my head. There are a lot of stories in here.
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kawaoneechan · 7 years ago
This is a callout post.
I recently wrote and published a Ranma ½ oneshot fic, I’m a Kittycat, on FFNet and AO3. I got two anonymous guest reviews on the FFNet version, both of which were just so off the mark I couldn’t bear to let them pass the moderation queue.
I would’ve sent a private message to explain why every single sentence in both of them were wrong, but you can’t do that on guest reviews as there’s no account to send them to. Public it is.
So yeah, I deleted them, but kept unaltered copies for later. It’s later now, so let’s see what’s wrong with the shorter of the two. Because of spoilers, I’ll put the actual thing and my reply under readmore.
(Sidenote: what I find particularly interesting is that the two non-anonymous reviews are both positive, and these anonymous reviews were both negative...)
If you are the anonymous guest who wrote this so-called review, please do both of us a favor and don’t reply. I don’t want to know who you are.
Remember, this is as-is.
You had me all the way until the incredibly tired fanfic cliche of engaging Ranma to all three sisters so that he can "decide." As if his opinion is the only one that should matter. Nabiki and Kasumi already made their opinion clear by pushing the engagement on Akane. Why should they even be involved after that? And if you're that determined to have them as part of it, you should have just changed their initial reaction like you did with Ranma's.
Anonymous guest reviewer, if you had actually read the story well enough, you would have noticed that even your very first sentence is wrong. Starting from the canon event where Ranma is told to pick one of the sisters to be his fiancée and Akane is pushed onto him...
Ranma declines to accept what just happened -- it was supposed to be his choice, and he doesn’t want to make any while barely even knowing the girls. But does that mean his is the only opinion that matters? No, because...
In fact, he outright states he’d rather not “pick the one he wants” at all, as if he’s picking out the best product on the market. His opinion on who to engage is thus made to matter less.
Soun, called out on his bullshit, agrees that an informed choice is the better choice and there’s no hurry.
From that point on, there is no engagement at all. Not to Akane, not to Kasumi or Nabiki, not to all three.
Should all three sisters get to know Ranma better with some time unengaged in any way, their opinions could conceivably change. Kasumi likes older men? Ranma may be younger than her, but just by the above he shows maturity to compensate. Keep that up, and Kasumi might well agree. Nabiki’s only stated criterion is that he has to be cute. Well, cat’s in the bag.
Given enough time, Ranma could make a decision that takes the sisters’ feelings and opinions in account, so after some unspecified time has passed the four of them could come together and agree that an engagement with so-and-so would be the best. Keeping up appearances to their fathers and making it look like it’s Ranma’s own decision optional.
Even with all that, Ranma would be in Akane’s class at school. For want of a nail and all that...
As much as I like shipping Ranma with the other two sisters (as per my other two fanfics, and I just realized I basically have one fic for each sister)... there is an implied harem by the end of the fic, but it involves only one Tendo sister. Not two, and certainly not all three.
So yeah, anon basically got the whole scene totally wrong. I might counter the other one later, I don’t know. That copy I made before deleting them isn’t going anywhere.
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petite-neko · 8 years ago
For the fanfictions thing: 6, 9, 10, 20, 31, 41 and 50 please (yes I'm curious 😇)
Just Bombarding me with questions, aren’t ya?
Fandom Questions
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.?
Dear god.... Um let’s start from the beginning? Naruto: kaka sasu//Saso dei. Ze//lda: Sh//ink DBZ: Truhan - but with Mirai and present Trunks. Danny Phantom: Let’s just go with Vlad/Fenton parents, shall we? And of course for One Piece: Lawlu
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
I COULD GO ON FOREVER ABOUT IT BUT I’LL STICK WITH THIS: It’s what a fandom SHOULD be. I don’t see too many wars. People don’t persecute another for liking a certain ship(s) or character(s). Or the way they write the character(s) or ship(s). That people don’t try and force their ideas or headcanons onto others or try and say their ideas are more canon than another. There isn’t all this comparison to see who is better. It’s just ‘you enjoy what you enjoy. If I like some of it sure, sweet stuff! If I don’t, no biggie, you continue enjoying it!’
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Bahaha. Yeah. A number of them. I tend to delve into the Tales of series (If I’ve completed the game) And sometimes older fandoms I’ve always enjoyed. (Ranma 1/2 // Inuyasha... Also enjoy Kyo Kara Maoh!) Most of the time as long as I won’t get spoiled forthe series and the concept interests me, I’ll read it, as long as I’m familiar with it :D
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Lawlu, honestly. Like, yeah I have my casual ships (Zolu, Zosan, Nami/Vivi) but they are more ‘sure, why not, it’s nice’ and the other ships that are ‘eh, okay, sure.’ that I can see happening. (Practically, most of the ships that don’t fall under my ‘notp’ section -- which is really just ‘stuff I don’t/won’t ship’ as opposed to an actual ‘notp’)
Mostly because I never really saw myself shipping Luffy with anybody. Like, sure, Zolu to me was ‘okay then, sure, I can see it. Interesting concepts. Artwork’s nice. No smut plz.’ but I’d never thought I’d actually SHIP somebody with Luffy. Like ever. Where I’d wanna write a bajillion ideas, or read more and more stuff. Or rant about ideas with friends and see all these pretty artworks and just get IMMERSED into it so wholly.
Author Questions
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
I’m going to put a disclaimer on this: There’s probably nicer things, but due to ‘recent’ (Within the last year) occurrences this takes the cake.
People telling me how in character I am when I write. Due to old stuff that was a mixture of drama, wars, and RL issues, I really doubted how accurate I wrote my characters. I’m more or less over it, but when I started writing for this fandom, when I was told how good my writing is, and how in character the characters seemed? It just... lifted a weight off of my shoulders. It was like somebody shone the light on me and pulled me out? Because I just... I enjoy writing so much and to have it almost ripped away from me like that was hard. And to know that people enjoy my writing. That they want me to continue and that I do get the characterisations right was what got me going again. And honestly, I don’t think I’d be able to ever forget that. Eventually, I probably would have gotten here by myself - I like writing too much - but that help was just something else.
So thank all of you guys :3 If it weren’t for your comments and likes and just everything, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
Oh dear me.
I am really enjoying Black Gold right now
And there’s always The Greatest Adventure (So amazing. And yes, I know I’ve linked it at least 5 times already but)
How to Snare a Life is also pretty good - one of the few AUs I actually read :D
And the other AU I read: Wrong Number
Annnnd while I’m not CURRENTLY reading it, this is the first thing I’m going to finish once I get back into the fandom: Congruent It’s an amazing Sh//ink fic.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
Okay folks. Get out the popcorn. Let’s see a black and white film about me getting into the fandom world. (Really though, it started like 13-14 years ago.)
I’m going to start out with a few years before I even got into being a fanboy: What got me into writing.
Tldr; version of it is, back in grade 5/6 I had some close online friends, and they convinced me to start writing poetry. I used it as an outlet for emotions and stuff. I was an angsty teenager. I was apparently ‘really good’ at it and so I continued. (PS: Also got published in grade 9 for a poem I wrote in grade 6 SNORTS)
Anyway, ended up losing contact with those friends over the years // broke up the friendship with one of them and eventually I just stopped writing poetry. Mostly because I didn’t have anybody to really show it to.
Now, I’m still just enjoying shows on TV, and gradually getting into watching anime online because of my older brother. It wasn’t until the end of grade nine that I became involved (reading/writing/drawing/etc.) in what is known as ‘the fandom’
Now I had a friend, and he was a big old nerd. Nerdier than I. The one who declined to hang out with friends because I wanted to game. We got along great, but soon, I fell. And I never got back up. Because, you see, he introduced me to all these ‘weird’ and ‘strange’ fandom things. At first, there wasn’t fandom things. At first we started making our own characters in their own world and oh look. Roleplaying.
But then these things called ships. and what’s that? Yaoi and Yuri? and What? People ship Naruto and Sasuke together? wth? And then, one day, I had decided to just (not a smart move at all, I must say) google search (Or Deviant Art search, I can’t remember) ‘Naruto Yaoi’ for shits and giggles, before I stumbled upon my First ship. And there was just no going back from there. Soon I began to look up everything on that ship: Drawing, and what’s this? People write stories about this? Holy shit. I need to check this out! Before one day, I decided to take my newfound writing skills of roleplaying my OCs into: Writing fanfiction.
Many different ships and fandoms later: Here I am. And yes, I still ship my first ship.
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