#Monsta x hyungwon
lubbuub · 1 year
hyungwon smut pls
just friends, right?
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the quiet ones are always the best ones.
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you're always hanging around the boys, its just you've never had an actual conversation with hyungwon, just some smiles and glances here and there. nobody would notice the way you both look at each other right..?
you both kept it cordial around the others, no one would ever assume you two would have anything going on. the heavy eye fucking you two were doing made it clear you both wanted each other, but you knew you couldn't have him anyways, you didn't want any type of drama between you or the guys.
you guys had been texting for about two weeks now, telling him how much you wanted to fuck him. you never knew he was such a freak, especially since he was just so quiet, he never said a word really. but when he told you to come over that night, you found out.
fucking him wasnt the ideal plan. you just came over to chill, but chilling turned into you wiping off the leftover cum painted over your face.
he watched your ass bounce perfectly, watching how you swallowed his dick, how you creamed on him. he bucked his hips up to match your rhythm, watching you crumble on top of him. he wanted to see your legs give out, wanted to see you struggling, knowing you were talking shit in the messages but of course not backing it up.
"you like when I stretch you out like this.. huh?"
no words could come out of your mouth, the only thing that was coming were you, and the moans spilling from your lips.
feeling both of his hands rest on each side of your hips as he drilled your shit even harder, your body could give out at any moment with the way your body shook, achieving your third orgasm of the night. his movements slowly stopped as he pulled out, you slowly fell back on the bed trying to regain yourself and your breath.
"if you think im done, im not."
he leaned forward, kissing your lips before sliding back into your sensitive pussy, hissing at the tight and wetness before him. he pushed your legs up to your chest, opening you up for him, wanting more access. he kissed you even more, down to your neck leaving his marks that were soon to bloom purple, down to your boobs sucking at your sensitive nipples. all emotions you had became blurry, the feeling of pleasure and pain mixed together felt like heaven. accepting the fact that he really was the freak he claimed to be.
your body arched off the bed as you reached your last and final orgasm, squirting all over him and his bedsheets and soon after he pulled out, stoking himself a little bit more, releasing all over your body.
tired, he laid down next to you hearing the words-
"were.. just.. friends."
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minhanniejoong · 2 months
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70 notes · View notes
lushta1es0nm3 · 6 months
Pairing: Yoo Kihyun x fem reader
Summary: “So,” he sighed, cutting you off again, “am I just a good fuck for you then?”
Warning: Mature! 18+ you have been warned
Genre: Fluffy smut
A/N: Read at your own risk and if you choose to read please feel free to give feedback and request. Also, I did not proofread any of this, I wrote a while back and was reading through my drafts and found this and decided to post it cause, why the fuck not. I miss MONSTA X. I also post with phone wallpapers I made for each storyline, feel free to use them if you like. Please, do enjoy 😊
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“What the hell are you doing here?” You asked the man sitting on your couch as you clutched your chest in surprise. You’d just walked in the door, thinking you be able to think about your future.
He sighed and stood up “what do you think,” he started, “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
“For what, we’re not a couple, remember?” You cut him off with a scoff.
“All that changed when I found out.” He stated angrily.
“Found out what, Kihyun, we broke it off, a week ago-” You started
“But your pregnant, right.” He stated matter of factly cutting you off.
You froze and stared at him, “How’d I find out?” Kihyun asked the question you were thinking, “this,” he pulled out a positive pregnancy test and tossed it on the table, “I found it in the master bedroom at the condo. I went back to clean things up before selling it. Why didn’t you tell me? I had to search high and low to find you, is this why you wanted to stop? Is this why you broke it off.”
You sighed and dropped your head, “We’re not a couple, this was supposed to be a no strings attached thing. It was an accident, it wasn’t-”
“Accidentally or not,” he cut you off, “I had to find out this way. Why didn’t you tell me-,”
“Tell you for what,” you yelled, “so you can tell me to get rid of it!”
“You know me better than that,” he yelled back, you watched as tears formed in his eyes, “yes, we’ve been fucking for over a year,” a tears slipped from his eyes as he blinked and lowered his voice, “regardless of that, why didn��t you tell me, when you know I’d be glad to have a family.”
“We don’t love each other,” you stated, “we get our fill and go our separate ways.”
“That’s a lie,” he countered, “how many nights did we spend together talking without the sex? Did we not tell secrets?” He was laying down facts.
“It doesn’t matter now,” you replied, “it’s gone.”
“It’s gone?” Kihyun asked, hoping it wasn’t what he thought it was.
“I got rid of it.” You said, “I’m not ready for a kid.”
Kihyun dropped his head and fell silent, he was hurt, but deep down he knew he had to respect your decision because it was your body. He took a deep breath and decided it would be best to just leave. He took a step and almost tripped, you instinctively reached out a hand to catch him, but he snatched away from you and left without saying another word.
This, this thing that you both had was good and bad. You both stumbled upon each other by chance at a very small bar you had begun to frequent, he was alone and you. Both of you shared a drink or two and exchanged stories, which led to sleeping together. Hoping it was a one time thing, you let it go at that. But you ran into each other a few more times and then decided to just use each other as a way to find some relief in this world of madness.
Relief with no string attached, he bought the place and you both paid the extra expenses to keep this good thing going. It was so good it last well over a year. So good that after one night of drinking and talking you both went at each other with no protection. But really, the only thing you lacked, that couples shared was, the dates and introducing each other to your friends and family. Let’s or forget to mention the fact that you only meet up in the late evenings and night. But this was something hidden in plan sight.
You sighed and sat down on your couch and rested your hands in your hair for a brief moment and then reaching out and grabbing the pregnancy test off the table and placing a hand on your stomach. You lied to him, it was still with you, meaning you hadn’t made up your mind on rather or not to keep it or to get rid of it.
Another sigh passed your lips as you put the test down and stood up. This was just too much at one time for you, you were thinking, how’d he find out where you live? Neither of you had ever been to the others house, so how in the fuck did he find you? You abruptly threw the test against the wall in aggravation, shattering it into pieces. With that being enough for the night, you decided to just sleep, sleep would be the best stress relief. But sadly for you it didn’t come so easily.
To be honest, you couldn’t fall asleep properly for a week. And that was because by then you’d started the early symptoms of pregnancy. So that being said you kept it, it became her, your baby had grown to be a year old. But it wasn’t easy, the sleepless nights and constantly feeling like you weren’t a fit mother plagued you some days. But still you toughed it out and held your head up all while working to keep a steady flow of income.
That being said, today was one of those tough days, you had meetings back to back and you’d kept getting calls from your sitter, who kept saying she had to leave. But you had to complete this one last meeting before running off, for the day. It had gotten dark out, one more and your out. You took a deep breath before walking into the conference room, telling yourself it wouldn’t take long. There were only three people, plus you and your two team members and your boss. Easy right?
The moment you turned away from the board to introduce yourself, you froze at the sight of Kihyun sitting at the table glaring at you. Ah fuck, be cool sis. You cleared your throat and started the meeting as if he wasn’t there. It went smoothly because you didn’t look at him because you knew that if you did, you stumble over your words and that wouldn’t be good for anybody.
Once the meeting came to and everyone exited the conference room, spilling out into the hallway. They were conversing while you were trying to get away. The moment you began walking away from the crowd, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You turned around, it was your sitter, she was frowning.
“Ms. Y/L/N,” she started handing you your little girl who smiled at you, “I’ve called your phone many times and you didn’t answer.”
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, “I’ll pay you extra,” you promised, “I’ve had meetings all day and I left my phone at my desk.” You apologized again after she complained about being late to hang out with her friends. She still agreed to come back the next day to babysit.
You sighed after she left and looked at child with a smile, “Let’s go Ki, mommy misses you.” You tossed her in the air a little making her giggle as if it’s the funny thing in the word. You kissed her cheek and started walking back to your desk to gather your things.
On your way out of the building, you froze at the sight of Kihyun sitting waiting on you. He approached you glancing between you and the child, you knew he wanted an explanation so, you spoke first.
“Let’s go somewhere and talk.” You suggested looking at your baby and then back at him, “it’s a little chilly out here, I don’t want her to get sick.”
Kihyun nodded and followed after you, to a small cafe. He didn’t say anything, he just stared at the little girl with eyes like his. He couldn’t fix his lips to say anything, he felt that he’d cry if he did.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, “I lied. I was lost and scared. I hurt you and I didn’t even think about your feelings at all. I was being selfish.”
“Why…….why didn’t you call me,” he started slowly, “you-,” he paused and looked away as he took at deep breath to control his emotions, “she looks just like me.” He stated the obvious. His eyes held longing.
You stood up abruptly and placed her in his lap, she immediately smiled at him and started baby babbling to him. A tear escaped his eyes as he finally smiled at his child, he apologized to her for not being there but that wasn’t his fault.
“Hi, I’m your dad.” He spoke softly as a small grin finally graced his face.
She giggled and stood up in his lap, before randomly giving giving him what was meant to be a kiss but ended up being a cheek full of baby drool. Kihyun let out a small yell as shock took over his face.
“You’re feisty.” He said looking at her with wide eyes, holding her a little distance from his face, to keep from her from doing it again, “where do we go from here?” He asked you.
“We can start slow,” you answered, “come and see her whenever you want, just let me know ahead of time.”
He agreed, you both slowly caught up that night, talking mainly about your child. At some point it felt like nothing happened as you two conversed back and forth like old times. Eventually you both parted ways, but he came by every chance he got. He wanted to see her as much as he could. And you, my dear, was fine with that.
A month turned into two and with it, you might as well say you were living together. Because somehow, Kihyun had begun to spend nights and days at your place, going so far as to leave some of his things there. Well ma’am, this was going on the third month, you woke up in a hurry. Both of you did.
Scrabbling to get dressed and ready for work, the sitter would arrive at any minute. You tossed your earrings in your purse as Kihyun fought with his necktie. He swore as you made your way over and helped him quickly. He kissed your cheek and said thanks. You paused after a second to realize what had just transpired. While Kihyun was oblivious to what he’d just done.
You opened your mouth to say something but the front door opened and your sitter walked in. You spoke to her hurriedly, trying to explain to her what was where and why, when Kihyun spoke cutting you off briefly.
“Good morning,” he greeted the sitter as he kissed the top of the babies head, “I’m leaving now honey, I’ll see you later tonight,” he spoke to you, “I’m going to be late, their so much going on. Bye.”
He full on pecked you lips before leaving, you stood there in a little shocked, the sitter grinned thinking it was cute.
“Stop that,” you told her, “we’re not together,” you explained, “what the hell is wrong with him?”
“Nothings wrong with him,” your sitter smirked, “what’s wrong with you?” She pointed and picked up your kid before walking away leaving you a little shook.
The day progressed slowly and as dinner time rolled around, you realized you’d be seeing Kihyun earlier than anticipated because your companies agreed to have a dinner gathering. I mean there was a joint project going on.
But all things were good and dandy as you sat at the large table alone scrolling on your phone looking at cute clothes to order for your baby. The chair beside you slid out and you looked up into Kihyun’s face.
“Oh that adorable.” He pointed out, taking a seat, he himself pulled his phone out to show you something he’d found, “take a look at this one,” he showed you as you leaned over to get a better look, “yellow would be so cute on her right?”
“Yes,” you answered, “adding a little bow would be to die for.” He swiped away from the item and you caught a glimpse of matching family wear. You sighed before speaking, it was just the two of sitting at the table anyway, “Kihyun,” you called his name and he looked at you curiously, “why’d you kiss me this morning?”
He thought for a second, “I don’t remember kissing you.” He honestly replied with a small shake of his head.
You were about to speak but was cut off by the sudden chatter of the others coming to join. You smiled and so did he but he didn’t miss the look of pure annoyance when a guy you work with made an appearance. He wasn’t working on the project so why was he there? To make matters worse, he sat next to you and Kihyun didn’t miss you rolling your eyes and letting out a low huff.
Halfway through dinner, when everyone was talking about dating, for some fucking reason. Your coworkers brought up the fact that you and said annoying coworker were both single. It was as if they were trying to hook you up with him. But as if on cue, Kihyuns coworkers also pointed out him and another guy being single and asked you which of the men you’d pick.
“I have a whole cute little baby girl,” you smartly answered, “I don’t think any one can top that.”
The table erupted with laughter, but the question was reiterated, almost as if they were pressing for an answer. But none came, so everyone went back to chatting about whatever. It was almost over when you let out a small sigh. As you did, Kihyun put his cup down after drinking from it, he got a little food on his sleeve.
Now bitch, as if on instinct, you reached over and started cleaning his sleeve with a paper towel. He smirked as you two started exchanging whispers. You made a remark about your child being clumsy and he giggled before saying that she got it from you. After a small bit of playful back and forth, you felt a tap on your shoulder, with that, your smile dropped as you turned to see what your coworker wanted.
“What’s so funny?” He asked looking between the two of you, “do you two know each other?” He added when he saw the look on both your faces.
“None of your business.” You answered coldly.
He smirked “Don’t be like that Y/N, you know how I feel about you.” He added.
You rolled your eyes, “I’ve told you no multiple times.” You flat out rejected him.
He sighed and went to speak, but you stood up and excused yourself to the restroom. Or more like to get some air, outside you stood taking a deep breath. The sudden presence beside was only one person.
“Are you alright?” Kihyun asked taking in your tired demeanor.
“I’m fine,” You replied, “I just wanna go home to our little cutie.” You looked at him and smiled a little.
“Honey,” he called you sweetly and unknowingly as pulled you into a hug, “the day will be done in no time, it’s almost over.”
“You just did it again.” You remarked pulling away from him.
He looked at you and for a second as shock took over his face, he apologized. Just as he did, your coworker appeared, he completely ignored Kihyun as he spoke directly to you.
“Are you okay,” he asked, “I don’t want anyone bothering the things I like.”
“Funny,” you huffed, “bye.”
You walked away and went back inside, after sometime of drinking a little bit, you could finally go home. But good old Kihyun offered you a ride in his car because, I mean of course you weren’t driving in that state. Him being caring and looking good while he was doing so brought back memories and with memories came feelings….the feelings brought up a flame, that you thought was put out and away. But no, this flame had begun to burn.
So imagine Kihyun’s expression when he tried to get you into his to take you home. You stopped him and pulled him closer by his tie and took a deep breath. Damn he smelled good.
“Y/N,” he bargained, “stop, this isn’t fair.”
“Why not,” you urged as one of your legs slowly moved up and around his waist, “you want it, just as much as I do,” your hand wrapped around his neck, pulling him even closer as you whispered in his ear, “I’ve missed you, I still remember everything about you. Especially your touch, please, burn me up, like only you know how.”
By now, he’d pulled away enough to lock eyes with you. So close to his lips and wanting so bad to taste them, you kissed him gently, but quickly.
“Y/N, you always like to tease,” he stated, by his tone, you knew he had folded, but he was holding back, “now isn’t the place for this.”
You scoffed and pulled away from him, opening the door to the back seat, you pulled him inside like some kind of alluring sagacious succubus. Once the door closed, you climbed on top of him and embraced him in a kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
It didn’t take but a moment for Kihyuns hands to find your bra and undo it. He took off easily as he felt you up and down leaving no parts of you untouched. His hands cup your face he kissed you gently, damn you both were in a trance.
“Why are you doing this to me?” Kihyun muttered pulling away to get some air.
But you didn’t want to breathe, so you instead kissed his neck while his hands played in your hair. You began began to grind on him, feeling how hard he was through his pants, that had long since become uncomfortably tight. You wanted it, you wanted to feel him and experience his sinfulness.
You took it upon yourself to pull his member out and push your panties to the side. You slipped down onto him and let out a soft moan and a whimper. Fuck you missed him you thought as you buried your face into his neck again as his hands found your waist. He let out low grunts as you rode him steady and slow.
Damn you hadn’t been this needy in a long ass time. You let out a shaky “fuck,” you were so tight around him as he filled up. Your legs trembled the moment you felt his grip on your waist tighten as he started fucking up into you.
You wanted to let out a loud moan but stopped yourself by covering your mouth, luckily Kihyun pulled you into a kiss and slowed down his pace just in time. Outside, a group of people were walking and stopped at a car nearby.
Kihyun’s hand found the back of neck, he pulled away as he kept bouncing you up and down on his cock slowly as to not draw attention. All the while he’d locked eyes with you. Your face was scrunched up in pure bliss as you bit your bottom lip.
“Don’t make one fucking sound.” Kihyun lowly gritted out, making you take all of him. He kissed you and slapped you cheek before gripping your chin with his free hand, “fuck me,” he demanded, kissing you again, you did but couldn’t take how hard he was, “take all it,” he ordered thrusting into hard making you let out a soft muffled whimper.
You did the best you could, taking all of his stiff cock, he let go of your neck and your head fell backwards. You were about to come, so you put your hand over your mouth to stop the sound from coming out. You couldn’t see where the group of people were standing and they couldn’t see you but by the sound of their voice, they were close.
You legs began to shake and your body began to tremble, you wanted to stop. But Kihyun had other ideas, he again gripped your waist. Holding you in place, he kept thrusting into you hard, deep and slow. Until you creamed on him and your body began to convulse. Tears streamed down your cheeks, you wanted to moan, Kihyun knew that. So he kissed hard and let you go just as the group of people outside began walking away.
As the did, his slow thrust turned into a quick rough fuck that made you moan and grip his shirt for dear life “Take it,” he stated, “look what you made me do,” he gritted fucking you harder.
Kihyun’s grip remained tight as he used one had to rub your clit. He fucked you into another orgasm as he came finally, you panted as you shivered. Kihyun shoved you off of him, out of breath himself. You both fixed yourselves quickly, regardless of how fucked out you were. You stayed in the backseat as Kihyun got into the drivers seat. By his demeanor, you knew this wasn’t over………..
When you woke the next morning, you were baffled as you recounted the events of last night. Finally you sat upright in bed and looked around, why was it so quiet? You hurriedly jumped out of bed and rushed into the living room.
You were meet with the sight of your sitter watching tv on low volume as your baby slept quietly. She looked at you puzzled and confused as to why you woke up distraught and running through your apartment like that. When you asked where Kihyun was, she informed you that he’d left very early as he was the one to call her in so early.
You checked the time, damn it was a little passed nine. Letting out a sigh, you knew you needed to talk to him. So you pulled out your phone and was met with his voicemail. You shot him a text and quickly got dressed for work. You kissed your kid on the way out and made it to work.
You were instantly asked a million questions as to where you disappeared off too and with whom. You managed to lie your way out of the conversations and went right to preparing for the meeting you had later that day.
The time rolled around and you checked your phone for what felt like the millionth time, Kihyun still hadn’t answered or text back. You huffed and cursed at him in your head as you walked into the conference room to girlish giggles and flirting.
You looked up, Kihyun, the culprit of why you had an attitude, was chatting it up with a girl from your department. The stack of files you were holding, somehow managed to slam down on the table loud enough to startle the two.
“What the hell are you doing?” You asked without thinking.
“He was just showing me a cute picture,” she answered, not realizing you were talking to Kihyun, “you want to see?” She offered.
“No thank you.” You declined and plopped down in a seat. She shrugged and went back to gushing and giggling over whatever it was on his phone. With frustration you huffed and went about flipping through files and slamming down paperwork………Bitch don’t be jealous.
“Ms. Y/L/N are you okay?” She asked you full of concern. You went to speak, but someone called her out into the hallway, leaving you and Kihyun alone.
You stared at him as he started flipped through paperwork of his own, almost ignoring your existence. You frowned and huffed and just as you went to start swearing, the annoying guy coworker came into the room. Now it was Kihyun’s turn to get jealous, his was instantly though.
“Y/N,” the guy started sitting on the edge of the table looking down at you, ignoring the fact that Kihyun was in the room, “I was worried last night after you walked away,” you looked at him and it took everything in you not to roll your eyes, “I really like you, please, just go out with me just once.”
From the corner of your eye, you saw the quick look of anger on Kihyun’s face. But you weren’t one to play games. You sighed and stood up finally and took a step back.
“No thank you,” you answered calmly , “I’ve told you, I’m not interested,” you sighed and turned to walk away.
“Y/N,” he called your name as he grabbed your arm. He pulled you closer and began speaking lowly, so Kihyun wouldn’t hear, “I don’t think you understand. Go out with me and I’ll make sure you get a promotion and a raise. Why work hard when you can do it easily.”
This prick, all while speaking had begun snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you even closer, “I mean your really pretty, even with a bastard kid.”
That part, Kihyun heard, the book he was writing in somehow flew across the room and hit the guy in the back of the head. You shoved away from him and slapped him as hard as you could. All of these actions occurred simultaneously and quickly. You wanted to claw his eyes out, but Kihyun wanted him to bleed.
Thankfully what kept him from getting his ass whooped at that very moment was the others coming in, all them being very loud and chatty. Someone asked what was going on, but the guy dismissed himself and returned shortly. You rolled your eyes and sat down, you were pissed and annoyed beyond belief.
Alas the meeting went smoothly, despite the icy look that Kihyun was giving the asshole. It was during this meeting that you learned that he’d be joining the project and that he was paired up to work with you. It was already decided by the higher ups, leaving you no room for any say in the matter.
Two week later with more of Kihyun ignoring you, the only time you saw him was at work and briefly at home. He’d stop by to see y’all’s kid when you were out and then leave, claiming he was too busy to talk.
Adding to the fact that you had to work with the asshole. Whom you kept at arms length at all times, if it wasn’t at work around people or even about work for that matter. You kept interaction with him at bare minimum.
Well bitch, again, another company dinner was planned at you had no choice but to attend. You walked into the restaurant venue and instantly spotted Kihyun sitting at a table with the same woman from the other day, giggling it up.
You walked over and sat down on the other side of him and the moment you did, she got up and left, mumbling something about your attitude being bad lately. Kihyun scrolled through his phone, again ignoring you.
You huffed and tapped his shoulder, “What’s your problem?” You asked when he finally sat his phone down and looked at you.
“Be honest with me Y/N.” He started cutting straight to the point, “what do you see me as.”
“It’s hard to place,” you answered honestly “I couldn’t place my feelings about you into any specific category before.”
“So,” he sighed, cutting you off again, “am I just a good fuck for you then?”
“No, it’s not like that-,” you tried.
“So, you have no emotional attachment to me at all.” He cut you off.
“Kihyun,” you fumed “what do you want me to say? If I don’t see you, I get mad. If you don’t say anything I get worried. I hate seeing you sad and upset! Most importantly, damn it, why are always laughing and talking to her?”
“Why are you upset about it?”
“Because you’re making me feel complicated and fucking confused.” You huffed.
He went to speak but a certain person’s presence stopped him. The prick sat on the other side of you and throughout the entire dinner, you were doing a solid job of ignoring him and not dragging Kihyun out the door to yell at him.
You thought you were completely safe until…..
“Y/N,” a coworker called your name as you sat down your cup after taking a sip of water, you hummed at her in response, “why are you two not dating yet?”
You choked on invisibility because excuse me what the fuck, “I’m fine,” you choked out, “we’ve talked about this already guys.”
Instinctively Kihyun handed you your water and patted your back. He followed up by giving you a paper towel and asking if you were okay. Your coworker pricks hand somehow, someway thought that it would a good idea to put his hand on your leg.
Kihyun had turned his full attention towards the man, while everyone else was conversing oblivious to what was happening. Before you could reach over and shove his hand off, Kihyun did it for you. When your coworker looked in your direction, he was met with a glare Yoo Kihyun.
“Let’s get out of here,” you whispered to Kihyun noting how visibly pissed he was becoming.
It take but a moment to get him outside, the moment you thought you were in the clear, Kihyun went on a full rant.
“Who,” he started passing back and forth in front of you, “who the fuck is he? Huh? What right does he have to touch those legs…..my legs,” he pointed at your legs, and made an up and down motion with his hand “I should’ve punched him in the face instead of throwing a book across the room. Ugh! Also,” he redirected his thoughts towards you, “what are you wearing that skirt anyway, I thought I hid it.”
“You’re the one that hid it,” you cut him off, pointing a finger, “this is one of my favorite skirts.”
“Mines too, that’s why I hid it, you look too damn good in it!” He huffed.
“So, that’s the purpose!” You countered
“To look good for other guys or is it for yourself?” He asked.
“It’s your favorite color, you do the math.” You folded your arms and took a step towards him.
“It’s f-for me,” he stuttered out, lowering his voice the moment you got in his face, “well when you put it that way,” he cleared his throat, “I’m sorry for hiding it.”
You went to speak but was cut off by the sound of your name being called. You took a step back from Kihyun to see who it was. Low and behold it was the prick from work. You both sighed and swore. You told Kihyun not to say a word. But, he can only hold back so much aggression.
“Is he bothering you?” He asked gesturing toward Kihyun, who’s hands were on his hip.
“It’s none of your business, take a hint and leave me alone.”
You took a step and he stopped you, “why are you being difficult?” He asked.
You went to speak, but Kihyun cut in, he looked at your coworker and scoffed “Are you deaf, she said get lost.”
“I think you’re the one who should get lost.” He demanded.
This side of Kihyun, you’d only seen once and you didn’t want to see him like that again. You noted how his ears had begun to turn red. So you grabbed his hand “Nope,” you started, “not today.”
“Baby,” Kihyun started raising his voice a little, “this man, is bothering you and me, at this point-,”
“So what,” you went back at him, “that doesn’t mean start a riot.”
“Says who,” he yelled finally pulling his hand away as he expressed himself, “you can’t stop me.”
“Ummm, Yes I can!” You frowned.
“Ha,” he laughed at you, “how, you can’t even tell Y/baby’s/N to stop throwing her food.”
“Hey,” you yelled back, “she’s stubborn because of you!”
“I’m not stubborn!” He huffed.
“Than what are you being right now?” You asked.
“Being protective over my wife!” He yelled with his whole chest.
“I’m not your wife!” You stated.
“Then marry me already!”
“We’re already married!” You replied
It fell silent as you both registered the entire conversation or argument….
“Y/N, Kihyun…” you heard your names being called and looked up. Both of groups of coworkers all stood there stunned at what they had just heard.
“This is your fault!” You yelled at Kihyun, for no reason.
“How,” he countered, “it’s his fault to sticking his nose in our business.” He pointed.
“That’s bullshit,” you countered, “you’re the one that hid my fucking skirt and gave me the silent treatment for two damn week!”
“Honey,” Kihyun started after sighing again, ignoring everything else you said, “stop swearing, pretty lips shouldn’t curse.”
“These are my lips!”
“But they’re shaped like our little angels.” He stated matter of factly
“What you going to do about it,” you tested his patience like a dumbass, “ass, bitch fuck shit motherfucker!”
He just started at you with a unreadable expression for all of two seconds before you took off running. He called after you, apologized to everyone and then chased you down the street, leaving everyone shocked, speechless and confused…….
No shit, when he finally caught you, you begged for forgiveness as he picked you up and carried you to your apartment and took you to your bedroom. Where, let’s just say, he fixed your potty mouth.
Sometime later you both were sitting in the bathtub. Kihyun was sitting behind playing with you hands, while you rested you head in his chest. It was quiet for a while, then he sighed and you looked up at him.
“This is going to be fun to explain in the morning,” He started.
“Wanna just say we kept it a secret to keep our work separated from our personal lives?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he agreed as you stood up to get out of the tub, “sounds like a good idea.” he added getting out of the tub as well.
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aewinse · 5 months
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· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
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── ۪ ♡ ۫ Hʏᴜɴɢᴡᴏɴ Mᴏᴏᴅʙᴏᴀʀᴅ
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blizzardfluffykpop · 1 year
Summary: A lazy movie day turns into something more as Hyungwon can't get enough of your lips. 
Fluff, Smut, Established Relationship au
Word Count: 1,330
Hyungwon X Afab! Reader
Imagine Version
If you are a minor, please do not read/engage with this post. This is an 18+ work. 
As you laze around on your couch, you get a text from your boyfriend that says, “Wanna come over?” And you smile as you text back, “I’ll be there in ten.” You throw on your shoes and walk over to his dorm. You knock, and he opens the door and kisses the top of your head. You smile and kick off your shoes as he leads you to the living room. And you both collapsed onto the couch. 
You lay your head across his lap as he turns on the television. “You know I was doing the same thing at my apartment?” He shrugs and looks down at you, “Yeah, but isn’t it more fun together?” You laugh and nod, “Always.” He asks, “What movie tonight?” “Something we’ve seen before?” He hums and flips it onto the notebook, “Why do we always watch this sad movie?” He shrugs, “You said something we’ve seen before.” You sigh, “I did say that.” He laughs, and you both watch on. He grabs a pop can from the coffee table, hands it to you, and grabs his own. “Thanks.” He smiles, and you crack it open before leaning up to drink a few sips before putting it back onto the coffee table and collapsing back onto his lap. He groans, “Jeez,” and sets his can down, you laugh, “Sorry.” He smiles down at you and kisses your forehead, and you both return to watching the movie. 
It’s halfway through the movie when you catch him looking down at you instead of the screen. You raise your eyebrow at him, and he whispers, “You need to stop looking so kissable.” You blush, “What?” He smirks before cradling your head and lifting your head to kiss you. You gasp, “Fuck, Hyungwon, you can’t just do that out of nowhere.” He smirks and shrugs, still holding you close, “And you can’t just look so kissable all the time.” You roll your eyes and lean up to kiss him again. “I don’t think this movie is that interesting anymore.” He smirks, “Really?” You shake your head, and you both readjust so you have your arms around his neck and sit on his lap to kiss him some more. 
He holds you close, fingers tangling into your head, “I can’t believe I get to have you all to myself.” You pull back to laugh before capturing his lips into another kiss, “I love you.” He groans, pulling away from the kiss, “Fuck, I love you too, babe.” You smile and tangle your hands into his hair, trying to bring him closer, “I can’t get enough of you.” He grins as he whispers against your lips, “I can’t get enough of you either.” Before capturing your lips in his again, you grind your hips into his, and you both stutter out a groan. He tightens his hold in your hair as he licks your bottom lip. You gasp, and he slips his tongue into your mouth. You give up and let him as you grind down harder on him. He pulls back from your lips, leaving a trail of saliva connecting you both, and you two can’t help but laugh before you bring him into another kiss. 
He moves his hands from your hair to your hips and starts controlling your movements against his hips. Against your lips, he whispers, “That’s it, baby.” You gasp as his lips move from yours to your neck. He starts sucking a hickey onto your collarbone, and you groan, and he continues nibbling on the skin until he finds the spot that has your hips stuttering against his. “Won, please…” “Hmm?” He murmurs against your neck, leaving you shivering, “Fuck, please... y’know?” He shakes his head, “Hmm, I’m not quite sure I do.” You groan out in frustration, pull back from his lips, move your hands down from his soft hair to his shirt, and tug on it. “Is that what you want?” He asks, all cocky with his eyebrows raised. You sigh and shake your head as you tug on it, “No, y'know what I want…” He smirks, “I'm still not sure I do…” He relinquishes his hold and allows you to pull the shirt over his head. You run your hands over his chest, and he shivers. 
He moves one hand back into your hair as he grinds his hips into yours. “What if we finish just like this?” You pout as he brings his lips to yours, “Huh? What do you say?” You whine, “No, Won, please…” He nods, and without a second word, he pulls your shirt up and over your head. “You look so beautiful, my dear.” You blush and kiss his nose, and he shakes his head, “If you want me to fuck you, you better kiss me right.” You nod and immediately kiss his lips. As you make out with him, you feel his hips stutter underneath you. And he asks, “Are you close, baby?” You nod, not able to form a comprehensible answer. 
He reaches into the side table beside him and pulls out a little packet, and you make a note in your blurry mind to ask him about that later. He has you sit up from him, and he quickly shoves his pants and briefs down enough for his cock to spring out. He quickly rolls the condom onto himself as you step off of him and slip out of the rest of your clothes. He brings you back into his embrace and carefully slips himself inside of you, “You still close, baby?” You nod, “Good.” You sigh as he slides completely into you, “Shi-shit, Hyungwon, I’m not- I’m not gonna last…” He groans and pulls you into another kiss. Against your lips, he mumbles, “Me neither.” As he thrusts up faster into you, you do your best to meet his pace before he pulls you down and slams your hips together in tandem. “I-I- Won- please… I’m…” He groans and starts thrusting inside of you faster, “C’mon, baby… You got this, cum with me.” You pull back from his lips, “Won, I’m going to-” “Fuck, me too.” You plant your lips against his as you cum together. 
He pulls away breathlessly, placing his forehead against yours as he grows soft. “Shit, that was so hot…” You agree as you try to catch your breath, “I know, you know, but you're a great kisser.” He smiles and kisses the side of your lips, “You’re not so bad yourself~” You roll your eyes and slip off of him, “If you want to kiss me, you better kiss me properly.” You settle back onto his covered thighs as he laughs. And he pulls you into another heated kiss. When you both pull away again, you ask, “You want to continue upstairs?” He nods, “This time you’ll do a majority of the work?” You shrug and give him a lazy smile, “Only if you carry me up.” He laughs, “I can live with that.” 
You lay back against the pillows and look at the ceiling, “I can’t believe we fucked while one of the saddest movies was on in the background.” He laughs, “It was better than fucking to the Bridge of Terabithia.” You nod, “You have me there.” You think back to him pulling out the condom from the sofa table. “Why did you have a condom in there?” He hums, “You mean in the console?” You nod, “Yeah.” He shrugs, “You never know when you’re going to need it~” You shake your head at him, “Why’s that?” You turn your head to look at him as he answers, “When you have someone like you around... You always have to be prepared.” You pout, “What’s that supposed to mean?!” He smiles and turns to look at you, “Just like your lips, I find you absolutely irresistible.” You smile, satisfied with his answer, “I love you.” He grins and kisses your forehead, “I love you too.”
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tinytinyblogs · 1 year
Changkyun As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Monsta x masterlist here
When you and Changkyun get a couple tattoo, he will love to touch it and take cute pictures of the two of you together. He will even set your couple photos as his lockscreen, and he will smile widely every time he opens his phone. He will be so proud of your couple tattoo, and he will love to show it off to everyone. He will tell everyone how much he loves you, and he will always be grateful for the special bond that you share. Your couple tattoo will be a constant reminder of your love for each other, and it will bring you closer together. It will be a symbol of your commitment to each other, and it will be a source of happiness for both of you.
He will set his photos as your lockscreen without you knowing it. and once you open your phone and you will see his face smiling back at you. You will be surprised and touched by his gesture, and you will know that he loves you very much. He will do this because he wants to be the first thing you see when you wake up and the last thing you see before you go to sleep. He wants you to think of him every time you use your phone. When you see his face on your lockscreen, you will feel loved and appreciated. You will know that he is thinking of you, and you will feel closer to him.
He loves to send you cute texts, asking you about your day and telling you how much he misses you. He will often start his texts with "How was your day, baby?" or "I miss you so much." He will also tell you to take care of yourself and to eat and rest. He knows that you are busy, but he wants to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. He wants you to be happy and healthy, and he will always be there for you. His texts are always full of love and affection. He will often use pet names like "baby" or "honey" to show how much he cares about you. He will also send you pictures or videos of himself to make you smile.
He will prepare a date with you, making sure that he doesn't mess up. Even though you've been together for more than a year, he will still be nervous. He will want to make this date perfect for you, and he will want to show you how much he loves you. He will start by planning the perfect location. He will want to take you somewhere that is special to both of you, or somewhere that he knows you will love. He will also plan the perfect activities, making sure that you will have a fun and memorable time. On the day of the date, he will be so nervous that he might even be shaking. But he will take a deep breath and remind himself that he loves you and that you will love the date. During the date, he will tell you how much he loves you and how lucky he feels to be with you. He will also let you hear a song that he created for you. The song will be a beautiful expression of his love, and it will make you feel so special. By the end of the date, you will know how deep his feelings are for you. You will also know that he is the one for you.
He will give you sudden hugs everywhere when he feels like he wants to. This man will be so soft only for you. Sometimes, he will hug you from behind when you are cooking in the kitchen. Other times, he will hug you from the front when you are sitting on the couch watching a movie. He might even hug you from the side when you are walking down the street. No matter where he hugs you, you will feel his love and affection. He will hold you tightly and squeeze you gently. He will whisper sweet nothings in your ear and tell you how much he loves you. You will melt in his arms every time he hugs you. You will feel so safe and secure, and you will know that you are loved. Changkyun is a soft-hearted man, but he is only soft for you. He is strong and protective with everyone else, but he is gentle and loving with you. He knows that you are his soft spot, and he cherishes you more than anything in the world. If you are lucky enough to have Changkyun in your life, cherish him. He is a rare gem, and he will love you unconditionally.
Every time he sees you, he greets you with his lovely smile and says, "Miss me?" He knows that his smile makes you blush, and he loves to see your face turn red as a tomato. Changkyun's smile is one of the things that you love most about him. It's so genuine and heartwarming, and it always makes you feel happy. He is a truly kind and loving person, and you are so lucky to have him in your life.
This man is smart, you will wonder how he can be so smart. He reads you like he reads a book. He understands you and all your problems really well. You don't need to hide anything from him, he'll know right away when you're not in good condition. He can tell when you're feeling down, even if you try to hide it. He can see the changes in your body language, and he can hear the changes in your tone of voice. He knows you better than you know yourself, and he always knows how to make you feel better. He is always there for you, no matter what. He will listen to you when you need to talk, and he will offer you his advice. He will never judge you, and he will always be there to support you. You are so lucky to have him in your life. He is a true friend, a loving partner, and a wise advisor. You can always count on him, and he will always be there for you.
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linos-luna · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you're taking requests? If so could to write some yandere + smutt stuff with Wonho? (If you're ok with it, could you try to write something really dark?)
Oh yay Wonho! Sure thing ☺️
A little Jealousy ❣️🔪
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Yandere!Wonho x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ , smut, yandere, violence, extreme jealousy, unprotected sex, possessiveness, fingering, overstimulation, light knife play, threats of violence, DUB CON
Your boyfriend was an interesting guy. Although he’s a fairly big muscular man, Hoseok gave off the impression of someone that could be taken advantage of. Someone that will just let things happen. Perhaps that’s the Pisces in him. But you knew that wasn’t the truth. He is very sweet and loveable but he’s also very obsessive. Sometimes he loved a little too hard and is easily jealous. This paired with his size made him very scary and you often tried to stay on his good side. But that’s not always possible.
Thinking back on it, you probably should’ve done more to stop it. Then again, you had been drinking a little, so your judgment could be impaired. But your boyfriend didn’t seem to care because here you were, in the passenger seat with tears rolling down your cheeks as you waited for him to get in the car. So what was your crime?
Well for starters, you had gone out with Wonho and his friends. Changkyun had invited you both and the rest of the friend group for a game night and some light drinking. After going out for dinner, you all came back to his place, pulling out the drinks.
It was in the middle of a game of uno that a lightly tipsy Changkyun was making more suggestive comments. The others saw it as light fun, not taking it serious. But your boyfriend didn’t see it that way. This playful flirting only made him even angrier when you playfully flirted back. At some point he got in between you both, his arm slamming on the table you were all playing on, he was facing his friend.
“Hey! You’re cheating!” Minhyuk called out laughing.
“Yeah… there goes our game.” Hyungwon said sarcastically while shrugging.
But Wonho paid them no mind.
“What’s up, man?” Changkyun said casually, looking up at the man.
Now your boyfriend wasn’t one to confront people like this, especially his own friends so this surprised you.
“Do you think this is funny?”
Changkyun looked at him confused and shook his head. “What are you talking about?”
“Do you think this is funny?!!” He repeated, now yelling and slamming his hand to the table again. This caused you to jump back and alerted all his friends at the table. Suddenly the fun atmosphere was gone.
“Hey baby-”
“Shut up!” He interrupted you, causing you to back up. The others got up from their seats and hyungwon went over to you after seeing how stunned and hurt you looked.
“Hyung, you can’t-”
Before hyungwon could finish, your boyfriend cut him off and glared at him. “Shut! Up! This little shit thinks he’s so sly! Flirting with my girl!”
“That’s not what I was doing! We’re just having fun” Changkyun tried reasoning.
Wonho grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him up before Shownu stopped him.
“Stop it!” He said sternly and Wonho complied, setting the youngest back down. The others were stunned to see him act this way.
“In the car….” He said, not looking directly looking at you, but you know who the message was for.
You quickly grabbed your bag and head out the door, ignoring the others who tried to stop you.
And now here you were, sitting in the car, cold and tears coming down your cheeks. It probably hadn’t been that long but you felt like you’ve been waiting in that car forever. You didn’t know what was going on inside, just assuming that your boyfriend was getting in a heated argument.
Soon he came back, slamming the car door as he came in. You only looked down at your hands as he started driving. It was an awkward ride. No one said anything but you could see just how angry he looked.
Once home, Wonho grabbed your arm and pulled you inside, you almost tripped over some steps but he was pulling you so hard at you would’ve continued being dragged along with no issue.
“Now you’re gonna listen to me.” He said, pushing you to your knees. “I don’t appreciate you being a little slut with my friends!”
“I wasn’t being-”
Suddenly Wonho kicked you in the stomach, causing you to topple over in pain.
“Why would you do that?!” You cried.
“I’m sick and tired of everyone taking advantage of me! You think you’re so slick?! Well you’re not!!”
He kicked you again, causing you to cry out before he left to the kitchen. You tried getting up but your gut was sore.
He came back with a small but sharp knife and you backed up as soon as you saw it. “Baby…? What are you doing…?”
The man crouched down to your level as you backed into the wall and held the knife to your chin.
“I’m not your baby.” He said bluntly. “I’m older, so try again.”
“Sir… o-oppa…?”
He nodded lifted to your feet then grabbing both your wrists in one hand.
“Bab- oppa please! I’m sorry I made you angry!”You were resisting but he continued dragging you.
“Get over here…” Wonho said, getting frustrated as he threw you to the bed, hard enough that you bounced right off to the floor.
You squealed as he grabbed you from the floor by your arm and laid you on your stomach, bending you over the bed.
“You’re gonna learn your lesson little girl.” Wonho said, almost laughing. This was terrifying and you couldn’t turn around to see what was happening.
He was unbuckling his belt and you looked to the side, noticing it being thrown along with the sound of his pants dropping. Before you could say anything you felt your pants being yanked off along with your underwear.
“O-oppa…” you’re voice was shaking, now deathly afraid of him. “W-what-”
Suddenly you felt a sting to your ass causing you to nearly scream.
“Shut it! You’re mine and I will do whatever I fuckin please!” He yelled.
He grabbed the knife from the nightstand and held it to your bare thigh. “Make any movements I don’t like and… well…” he paused and lightly cut your thigh causing you to cry out in pain. It was shallow enough to be nothing too serious but enough to draw just a little bit of blood. But it still hurt all the same since your thighs were pretty sensitive. You were trying to stay still but you were still shaking as he pulled off his boxers. At this point you were going to comply, you needed to really.
Wonho grabbed your arms and pinned your wrists to your back before rubbing his cock to your pussy. You breathing hitched as you felt him suddenly enter. “O-oppa-…”
“Hush baby. Let me do what I do best. I know you want it. Your such a slut for cock.” He replied smugly as he started thrusting. “Looks like you’ll take anyone’s cock…”
You weren’t exactly ready for that; you were still very tight although you found yourself almost feeling some pleasure in this sick punishment.
At this point you were being railed into the bed, you yelled out at first in pain but now in pleasure as you were getting violently fucked dumb. He was holding your wrists so tightly behind your back that they will definitely be sore afterwards.
“Oppa!” You panted.
“I know what you want.” He said, slowing down a little before reaching his hand down to your clit. He was violently rubbing it with his fingers, causing you to cum with a loud moan of his name. He also came.
For a moment you were relieved, thinking this was the end and he got all his anger out but this was before he suddenly flipped you around with his hand to your throat. He was choking you pretty hard and you felt really dizzy and disoriented, but before you could pass out he’d let go, then do it again. As he did this, he continued rubbing your clit, overstimulating you even more to the point where you’re crying and practically squirt.
He let go of your throat for a moment, letting you breathe and cough a little. You were weak and exhausted and of course, very sore. You could barely keep your eyes open and were in a daze.
“Please sir… no more…” you panted weakly.
Wonho grabbed and pushed you to the floor on your knees, you could barely hold yourself up.
“Do it…”
You weakly sat back on your ankles and grabbed his cock. It was huge and you knew you wouldn’t be able to fit it in your mouth completely. You took it in, sucking lightly and slowly bobbing your head. This is before Wonho grabbed your head and started thrusting, fucking your throat hard that it was causing you to constantly gag. You then slumped over after nearly choking on his cum.
Wonho grabbed you by the shoulders and laid you on the bed. At this point you were too weak to do anything and your boyfriend liked you like this. Your legs were spread and knees lightly raised.
“We got to lay some new ground rules…” he said, hovering over you. You could barely focus on him.
“First, don’t talk to any boys! I don’t care if they’re my friends or any of your once friends.”
You could barely nod but suddenly tensed up when you felt the tip of the knife at your thigh.
“Y-yes sir!” You replied quickly, closing your eyes.
“Second, you’re my baby… therefore I have to be with you at all times.”
“O-oppa-…” suddenly you were cut off by an intense feeling between your legs, causing you to gasp.
“Understand?!” He said sternly, now rubbing your clit again with his fingers.
“Y-yes sir!” You cried out, still feeling very overstimulated.
He stopped for a moment and smiled in satisfaction.
“Third… no talking back to me.”
“Y-Yes sir��” you said weakly.
“If you break any of these rules, you will be severely punished. Got it?!” He emphasized the last part and rubbed harder on your clit.
“Yes sir! Yes!” You cried out, your hips bucking a little. You were about to cum again.
“I’m glad we’ve reached an understanding…” Wonho said with a smile, rubbing your clit for the last time, watching you fall apart again when cumming. You were shaking and too weak to move.
Wonho then gently lifted you up and placed you further up the bed so you head could be in the pillows.
“Your my baby girl…” he said to himself as he watched you fall asleep.
“And I’ll kill anyone that gets in the way of that…”
Ngl, this one was a challenge. Wonho is like a soft bear. But I did my best 😅
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oyeixcher · 1 year
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Hyungwon ✧ Singles
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jooberry · 2 years
title : middle of the night 
next part : part II
pairing :  hyungwon x female reader 
genre : smut, friends with benefits, idol!au
word count : 3,5k 
It’s raining heavily outside. Raindrops crash against the windows in loud cracks, thunder reverberates menacingly, and trees sway and vibrate along with the wind. You were supposed to spend the night catching up on some work stuff, but your attention keeps coming back to the strings of lights cutting through the sky, on the violent rumbling shaking the city. You usually find comfort in the melody of rain knocking on glass, but tonight it makes you restless. Thunder reminds you of Hyungwon now – you’ve first met on a thunderous night like this one, and the memory of this makes you crave his presence every time. You reminisce about how he had told you that you were too old to be afraid of thunderstorms but had still stayed up with you all night. 
You’d lived through countless thunderstorms before meeting him, and you had a pretty solid routine to ease your mind on a night like this one; a good jazz record, noise-canceling headphones, your favorite cup of tea, and a cozy sweater had always seemed enough for you to get by until today. Today, you feel like something is missing. Hyungwon not being there to share his questionable music taste, to listen to you ramble on and on about your favorite books feels odd...almost sad. Him not being there to make you lose yourself in his touch feels so foreign. 
It dawns on you that you could text Hyungwon, ask him to come and hold you through the night – he was there, you knew that because he had posted about this coffee place he loved earlier today – but something, the distant murmur of a feeling that you have yet to identify is making you think twice about doing that. Hyungwon was the one to reach out every time, and it felt better that way; you liked the idea of him thinking about you, missing you, and having to bend to your schedule. Disturbing this fragile balance would be an admission of missing his presence and you don’t feel yet ready to let him know that – even though, there is no way he doesn’t know that you cherish those moments with him. 
Of course, Hyungwon knows. It’s so obvious. Everything from the way you’re always playing so hard to get, to the way you fold at the slightest of his touch screams that you’re enjoying those moments with him. There is no point in playing those games and putting up those facades when the truth always comes out when your bodies collide. You reach for your phone, but to your surprise, he has already beat you to the chase.  
HW, 01:37 
I know you’re afraid of thunderstorms   I’m coming to save you  
You can’t help a smile, the kind of those you always try so hard to hide in front of him – the distant murmur of unidentified emotions was progressively becoming louder in your mind recently. At first, there was nothing, just an unescapable attraction that you hadn’t tried to suppress, then it became a burning sensation in the pit of your stomach every time Hyungwon showed up at your door, and now it felt like a fire – a beautiful and comforting thing, but also something dangerous and impossible to control. You know better than to play with fire, yet here you are, expecting not to get burned.  
You, 01:41 
I’m waiting for you then 
You get up, taking the headphones off your ears. You were listening to one of Hyungwon’s songs anyway – one of those where you couldn’t help but ask yourself what it was all about. Was it only a fragment of his twisted imagination? You? Someone else? You had thought about asking him about it, but there was simply no way to ask him this question without bringing up a bigger issue that you want nothing to do with. It would either mean overexaggerating your importance in his life and thus exposing some sort of delusion he would have no choice but to squash and thus breaking something in you – or exposing yourself to the revelation that you were just one of many girls who had found your way into Hyungwon’s bed, and thus breaking something in you; and who could tell if what was broken today could be recovered later?  
Well, Hyungwon‘s songs were explicitly talking about love, and whatever was between you and him was not love, you knew that much. There was lust and desire, a whole lot of it, and possibly appreciation, some form of friendship, but love? That was ridiculous. As you set to fix your appearance before he arrives, you let your mind wander on a question that is making your heart beat a thousand times per second: what will you do if you’re not the only one? What could have led you to believe that you could have been the only one? You were obviously not the only one sensitive to Hyungwon‘s charm. If you were ready to compromise a job and shit ton of money over a night with him, what were others willing to sacrifice? The realization is terrifying, and by the time you’re done getting ready, all that you can feel is bewilderment. While you were originally wearing the sweater he had forgotten the last time Hyungwon was at your place, you ended up throwing it in the pile of dirty laundry.  
You only have time to get the kettle going before your doorbell rings twice. Sighing, you make your way to the door to open it, and without surprise, it’s him. All the upheaval you were feeling towards him disappears when you see how drenched he is, and how he doesn't seem to mind as he smiles at you in an oddly cute way. You watch him take off his beanie, before ruffling his equally sodden hair. Hyungwon‘s jacket is dripping water on the floor, but he casually takes it off before shoving it into your clothes dryer.  
“You didn’t have to come,” you say, as he bends down to take off his shoes. You can see his body shivering slightly from the cold, as he rubs his hands together to warm them.  
“I was nearby” Hyungwon replies, following you into the living room area. “I only got caught in the rain when I got off the car, don’t worry” he smiles again, checking something on his phone, before putting it away on the coffee table. You always ask that of him every time he comes, and it’s funny that he’s been here enough times already to have picked up this habit. 
“You were at the studio?” you ask, not able to shake off the fact that you want to know what Hyungwon‘s doing when he’s not working and he’s not with you.  
“Yes” he replies, running his hand through his hair “I spent the day trying to finish that one song, but nothing came. I ran out of ideas”Hyungwon crashes on the couch next to you, grabbing a cushion before closing his eyes. 
“Is that why you wanted to come?” you ask, scooting closer to him so you can play with his still-damp hair. He doesn’t reply, and for a moment, you think he has fallen asleep.  
“No. I just wanted to see you”Hyungwon says, relaxing into your touch. You hum at his response, and it hits you then: you will never have any insight into his day-to-day life. You’re bound to take his word for it and believe whatever he tells you. For all you know, he could have spent the day with another woman, and you’d be none the wiser. 
“Am I supposed to believe that?” you ask, massaging his shoulders. He chuckles, turning his head towards you. 
“Why not?”Hyungwon asks, massaging your thigh.
“We both know that’s a lie” you whisper, straddling his lap. You’ve made a mistake by introducing this topic, and the only way to get him to forget about it is to give him what he really came for. You pull on his hair to make him tilt his head back and kiss him. Hyungwon kisses back immediately, grabbing you by the waist to press your body tighter against his.  
You can feel the fire you were picturing in your mind earlier burn your skin, and your whole body ignites. It’s been countless days since the last time you’ve seen Hyungwon, and it’s not until he touched you again that you realize how much you had missed this. His cute and chill attitude was only a façade because in no time he has you on your knees and ordered you to suck him off. You’re happy to follow his orders, relieved that he chose to get rid of his frustration rather than entertain your silly little feelings. You make quick work of his jeans, which he kicks under the small stone table in front of your couch, and immediately back to your task. Your eyes meet as you take as much of him as you can in your mouth, but it’s not enough – Hyungwon  grabs your hair and presses your head on his cock so deep you can feel him in your throat. You barely have time to adjust to his size and he starts rocking his hips against your mouth, you can barely breathe and your eyes feel with tears. 
He lets you go as you moan, and he falls back groaning against the couch. You go back for him, and this time he doesn’t have to do anything; you’re chasing the feeling so hard he hits the back of your throat every time. Hyungwon grips your hair a little softer this time and orders you to look at him. Once again, you follow his order, looking at him through teary eyes full of adoration, while he completely devours you with his gaze. His desire is so deep, so dark, that you can’t help but fear for what he’s going to do to you this time – he always manages to do the craziest things to you, to bring you places you didn’t even know your body could go. But tonight, Hyungwon has no time to play. He’s annoyed and frustrated, and your body is the perfect outlet to vent all those emotions. He gets up and throws you where he used to sit on the couch, then drags your shorts along with your underwear down to your ankles. He doesn’t even bother taking them off your body and plunges right into you. You gasp at the intrusion, your vision blurred by the sudden rush of pleasure; the grip Hyungwon has on your neck is painful and breathing is a little hard but coupled with the way he’s already fucking you so hard, it feels so good.  
You’re lost in his eyes, as your mind gets cloudier and cloudier, and the pleasure gets too much, too soon, and that apart from your hand over his, from your nails against his chest, there’s nothing you can do. Hyungwon starts asking you how good he feels, how deep you can feel him, how much of a good girl you are – and it drives him absolutely insane when you do this, when you try to speak but can only form high-pitched moans and incoherent cries. It drives him insane how deep your voice gets the harder he goes; he lives for this. Hyungwon feels you clenching around him, and starts to rub your clit with his thumb, fast-charging the orgasm that was building up in the pit of your stomach for a while. It only takes a few minutes for you to gush all over the couch and on his face with a loud scream; body shaking uncontrollably off the couch – he’s pushed out of you but immediately comes back to pin you down and starts eating you out. 
You’re way too sensitive for this, but Hyungwon doesn’t care, his strength is enough to lock you in place as he gives your body way more than it can handle.   Your head is buzzing, and you can’t focus on anything but the feeling of his mouth sucking on your clit like his life depends on it. The pleasure is consuming and overwhelming, and yet you keep craving more, you make sure that his head is pressed against your core as hard as possible, which prompts him to insert two of his fingers inside of you and to start pumping. It’s enough to push you over the edge once more. This time you’re gushing so hard you can feel some of it spill on your face, and even with his two strong hands pinning you down, you’re shaking off the couch. When you look down at Hyungwon, the lower half of his face is covered in your juices, as well as the tip of his hair.  
“Please” you start begging, but you barely manage to open your mouth that he’s back between your legs, devouring you so hard you’re fighting for your life to push him off you. You’re screaming and pushing back against him so hard, but Hyungwon remains unmovable, and with the fatal dance of his tongue and fingers, you’re overwhelmed by pleasure yet again. He manages to grab your legs before they give up on you and put them on his shoulders, you’re begging again – voice weak and tears filling your eyes, but he whispers a quick “shh” and slowly slides inside of you. 
The moan that escapes from his lips is so beautiful, so deep, you can’t help but bite into your hand to muffle your screams. You want to hear him, only him. His pace is fast and punishing, but you want to hear and see him, no matter how hard it is. Hyungwon bends down and kisses you for the first time tonight and you can taste all of yourself on his tongue, on every part of his mouth, and just the thought of it drives you absolutely insane. You push a strand of black hair away from his face, as your gaze is lost in his; half-lidded eyes too afraid to look away, to lose the beauty of his face when he looks at you like this – like he absolutely hates every single thing about you, like he wants to destroy you. You want to be destroyed, though, so you grab one of his hands and place it around your neck.  
“Faster” you beg, which makes him smile wickedly. Hyungwon closes his hand around your throat and picks up his pace. Your mouth forms a perfect o, and keeping your eyes open becomes impossible. You can feel him so deep it feels like he’s all up in your guts; you can’t suppress your moans anymore, and neither do you want to. He must know how good he makes you feel. “Faster” you repeat, even though you already can’t handle his current pace.  
“You’re such a fucking slut” Hyungwon spits with a wicked grin, pressing his palm harder against your windpipe. “Begging for more of my cock when you can’t even handle this much” you put your hand over his, mirroring the smile on his face. Hyungwon keeps going, pressing his forehead against yours.  
He’s caught off guard when you close your other hand around his throat, before ordering through batted breaths “I said faster.”Hyungwon chuckles, pushing your legs further onto the leather, he reaches deeper inside of you and starts fucking you even harder than before. You scream, so hard it resonates through the entire living room, and probably through the entire apartment as well. Had the floor not been yours, neighbors would have probably been knocking on your door and calling the cops by now, trying to save you from whoever was trying to hurt you. They wouldn’t know this was exactly what you wanted, being brought to this place where pleasure and pain met to form one overwhelming sensation – something you couldn’t help but crave each time you were laying with him. Your breath was stuck in your throat, and your body was right on edge, ready to fall headfirst into the most crushing orgasm since that last time in his studio. Just then, Hyungwon reaches down and starts rubbing on your clit, giving you just what you needed to sink for good. 
This time there’s a deafening silence, during which your body is limp, unable to move except for your nails digging hard into his hand and his neck. You feel out of time and space, unable to think or to stand on your own. Hyungwon picks you up and makes his way to your bedroom, where he drops you on the bed before sinking two of his fingers back inside of you. You moan at the burning sensation, before gushing all over the sheets only after a few thrusts. He plunges right back, and resumes his fast, deep, punishing pace from before; you’re nothing more than a ragdoll at this point, submitted to the extreme violence of his desire without being able to push back against it – not that you wanted to. You couldn’t look at anything other than him, and how he was so focused on making you cum over and over again until you couldn’t take it anymore; until all that was left was pain. 
When you start to shake uncontrollably again, Hyungwon flips you on your back and dives right back, fucking so deep and hard that your body is sinking into the mattress – he has to push you against the headboard because you keep running from him. It’s overwhelming, him inside of you, his groans mixing with your screams, his hands slapping your cheeks, his heart beating against your skin; too much at the same time. You have no idea of how long you were doing this at this point, but you just wanted to take what he was giving you. Hyungwon grips your hair, forcing your head back against his chest, before grabbing your neck with his other hand. By the way he was breathing, you could tell that his end was close and that he was giving you everything he had left. Your arms gave up on you though, and you fall back on the sheets, but instead of picking you up, he lays on top of you.  
Hyungwon nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck, breathing hard against your skin before stopping after a few more thrusts. You feel him coming and grab his hand, as you feel his cock twitch inside of you. The moan he lets out is the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard from him, it sent shivers down your spine, and you moan as he slowly fills you up. You try to turn over to lay on your back, but Hyungwon pushes your arm and starts kissing your neck and your shoulder. You stayed like that for a while – you couldn’t tell how long, but you were slowly drifting in and out of sleep when he finally got up. You finally turned over just as he’s back in the bedroom, holding a glass of water and towel in each hand. He puts the glass on your bedside table before kneeling before you on the bed. It’s the first time Hyungwon is cleaning you up, and it feels oddly intimate yet incredibly awkward; you grab the glass when he exits the room again, hugging your knees against your chest.  
To be fair, Hyungwon has never come inside of you like that before – even though the contraception topic had been dealt with early on in your relationship. But what really bothers you is why you grabbed his hand earlier? It had felt so wholesome, so warm that you could almost think that it was lovemaking and not fucking. He startles you out of your thoughts when he comes back and slips under the sheets next to you.  
“You okay?” Hyungwon asks, bringing you against his chest. His heart was still beating relatively fast, but so is yours so you don’t think too much of it. You hum in response, awkwardly holding your empty glass as if you were afraid of moving. You stay like that for a while, listening in on each other’s breathing without a move. You thought you could just fall asleep like this and rest until he had to go in the early morning, but his voice broke the silence.  
“I was being serious, you know. I really wanted to see you tonight” Hyungwon starts, putting his head on yours. “The thunderstorm reminded me of you” 
“Forget about that, I was just joking around” you sigh, running the tip of your nails along his skin. “You don’t have to justify yourself” Hyungwon furrows his brows, puzzled at your reaction, but he lets you talk nonetheless. “This was never meant to be more than just sex, so let it be just that...let’s not complicate things”  
Hyungwon purses his lips and pretends to ignore the complex mix of emotions clouding his mind at your words and plays along. You look up at him, and he fakes a faint smile; when you nuzzle your head back in his chest, he starts playing with your hair, nursing you to sleep. When your breathing finally slows down, he sneaks out of your bed and puts on his clothes before disappearing without a word.  
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I never paid much attention to him. But oh my, the military has changed him.
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minhanniejoong · 2 months
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lushta1es0nm3 · 4 months
You Make Me Sick
Pairing: Im Changkyun x reader
Summary: “I’m not joking,” he told you, “in all seriousness, I want to give it to you.”
Warning: Mature! 18+ you have been warned
Genre: Fluffy smut 💋
A/N: Read at your own risk and if you choose to read please feel free to give feedback and request are always open. Thank you. Please enjoy. 😊
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Walking passed the couch, a familiar hand connected with you ass causing a loud smack to echo across the room. You huffed turned around with unimpressed look.
“I’m not in the mood to fucking play.” You stated with a small roll of your eyes.
“I’m in the mood to fuck though.” Changkyun smirked at you and bit his lip.
“Boy,” you started, “stop playing.”
“TMI,” Kihyun frowned, cutting you off as he walked passed you, towards the kitchen with a cup in his hand, “nobody needs to know that, and damn where are the rest of your pants?”
“Hey, I’m not the one wearing booty shorts,” Changkyun started in his defense.
“Okay,” Minhyuk cut in appearing out of nowhere and sitting on the other end of the couch, “we get it, she has a nice ass, the shorts are doing there job,” he sighed scrolling through his phone, “but the furthest you’ll ever get is just touching it.”
“I should throw something at the both of you.” You scoffed, “you both know it’s not like that-,”
“Well than what’s it like,” Kihyun asked standing in the doorway, “you guys wrestle all the time, it’s like you’re in a none relationship relationship.”
“We wouldn’t fight if he’d keep his hands to himself,” You stated.
The two men both let out a loud sigh, “Denial is a river in Egypt.” Minhyuk stated.
Just as you were about to say something back, Changkyun grabbed a handful of your ass. You swing at him, he dodged and took off running.
“Comeback here!” You hollered out chasing behind him. Ignoring the remarks the other two men were making.
They had a point though, every since you guys moved in together, you and Changkyun always fought. It started with little comments, then to full on randomly feeling you up. It always ended with you both wrestling, with Changkyun doing his best to dodge your hits and you having a your legs somehow wrapped around him so he wouldn’t get away.
An every other day occurrence, because he liked teasing you because you were somewhat insecure about your appearance sometimes. He started to like you, so this was his main method to get your attention. Sure he had chicks falling head over heels for him, but not you, you lived with him and saw him everyday. So his looks meant nothing to you.
After finally catching him, you held him down and pulled his ears, a string of swears lift your lips in the process. He retaliated by breaking free and gently squeezing on your belly fat. So you tried to bite him, failing miserably. He laughed at you making you more annoyed, now aiming to give him a purple nurple. He yelped and grabbed your hands, you went to swear. Just as he bit a mouthful of one of your boobs.
Hot and now angry, you let out an unexpected sound and snatched away from him. He smirked at you, licking his lips. Both of you were out of breathe now “I’m going to kill you!” You yelled on outrage diving back on to him now going full force.
Why, because he’d bit down on your tender zone, something he’s never did before, what made it worse was the fact that the bra you were wearing was thin. So bitch, you felt every last bit.
A set of strong arms pulled you off of him, “Alright, that’s enough.” Hyunwoo stated holding you back with one arm. Watching as Changkyun got off the floor and began dusting himself off with a giant smile.
“Y/N,” Hyunwoo called your name stopping you from swearing, “it’s over, stop it.” you huffed in anger and looked away folding your arms, “please,” he continued, “stop fighting.”
“He started it.” You grumbled like a grown ass child.
“Those shorts are illegal!” Jooheon remarked from a distance.
“Hey,” you replied in defense, “I thought everyone was gone, I just wanted some water.”
“Here, put these on before they faint” Hyungwon handed you pair of sweats, “guys, chill.”
You did as instructed, putting them on over your shorts, still glaring a whole at Changkyun, who was eyeing you like candy. You really wanted to body slam him regardless of height and weight difference. Peeved off and slightly turned on, how dare he?
“Y/N,” Hyunwoo sighed looking at you sternly, “it was agreed that you wouldn’t wear such a thing around the house. In the privacy of your room of course it’s fine but not outside.”
“I know,” you frowned, “I seriously thought everyone was gone,” you pouted a little because you felt it was unfair, “I won’t do it again, I’m sorry guys.” You apologized to the others.
“Changkyun,” Hyunwoo looked at him with the same expression, “stop pecking on her, if she smacked your ass for no reason you wouldn’t like it,” he sighed, “apologize and please leave her alone.”
He did as instructed after hearing the seriousness in Hyunwoo’s voice. Hyunwoo had everybody apologizing for being rude to each other. After which you dismissed yourself to your room to figure out how to knock Changkyun out for playing too damn much.
The a few days later, you made it home just before dark, you changed quickly and went into the kitchen to figure out what to make for dinner. It was quiet so you assumed everyone was out handling their schedules. You’d been out for the past few days, because of the location you decided to stay out until you were done.
You sighed and closed the refrigerator door and turned to head to your bedroom. Your heart left your chest at the sight of Changkyun standing in the doorway, looking half asleep with his hair in disarray.
“Dude what the fuck!” You managed to let out holding your chest.
He just yawned at you and rubbed his eyes, “what time is it?” He asked you sounding stopped up.
“I don’t know, it just got dark.” You answered, deciding to go to your room to for your charger before you started cooking. You walked passed him, texting Kihyun as you did so, just to see if you need to cook enough for everyone. You were not paying attention to the fact that Changkyun was following you.
You reached for your door handle but he stopped you by grabbing your hand and quickly dragging you to his room. You managed to pull your hand out of his grip just as he entered his room.
“Man, I’m not in the mood for you games.” You started as he went around you and closed the door.
“Me either.” He agreed as he again grabbed you and pulled you into bed with him.
“Let me go.” You demanded, putting up a fight.
He coughed before be shushed you, wrapping up with you “let’s just sleep.”
“Dude are you sick?” You asked now taking a closer look at him.
He shushed you again while holding you tight and let out another cough. You frowned and used your free hand to check his temperature.
“Bruh,” you sighed, “your burning up, I don’t want to get sick-,”
“Y/N,” Changkyun mumbled his grip loosening a little, “please, I won’t do anything, just cuddle with me,” he coughed again but kept talking, despite his sore throat, “your soft and comfy. Just this once, don’t fight me.”
You sighed, dropping your arm and thinking for a second, “if you so much as.” You’d topped talking the moment he grabbed a helping handful of your ass, “I’m out, let me go before I break-,”
“This is as far as I’m going,” he acknowledged, cutting you off, “any further and you can kick my ass.”
He coughed again and by the sound of it, you could tell that his throat was burning. He sniffled, his eyes were closed but he still held you close. With one of your legs around his waist, you lay on your side facing him, while he held a handful of one of your soft ass cheeks.
“Fine,” you sighed out feeling bad for the sick man, “but if you do anything else I’m kicking you in the nuts.”
“Thank you,” He whispered his voice now vibrating through you as his hold tightened up around you a little.
You couldn’t be too mad, because no lie, you were comfortable. So comfortable you didn’t complain about how every now and again he’d squeeze your ass and caress it. Bitch, you were so comfortable you dozed off and when he moved to take off his shirt and sweatpants before assuming the position again, you said not a word of protest, that is until you felt his hand go further.
With it you felt him twitching between your legs, you groaned softly the moment you felt Changkyuns hand make contact with your clothed folds.
“Bruh, stop it.” You sighed barley opening your eyes, “let’s just sleep.”
He hummed out a response as he rubbed you twice and opened his eyes to look down at you. He himself was asleep and unaware of what he was doing, “Shit,” he mumbled in response with a small cough, “I’m sorry, I thought I was dreaming.”
He went to close his eyes, but as if on autopilot he’d began rubbing gentle circles on your folds. Don’t lie, you were wet, he was doing it right, just like you liked it, making you grow needy instantly.
“Changkyun,” you sighed out, “chill before I bit your titty.” you warned.
He finally looked down at you, his voice vibrating through again, “You say that but I can feel how wet you are through your clothes.” He smirked at you as he kept going.
“So what,” you huffed, not in the mood to play, “we’re not dating, I’m not letting you fu-,” your words caught in your throat as you sucked in a breath and bit your lips. He’d begun to steadily apply pressure, making you want to moan.
He kept going as you locked eyes with him, you went to pull away but your hand landed on his arms. Your chest began to rise and fall rapidly and your grip on his bicep tightened. He stopped and moved his hand away, still looking at you.
“You make me sick,” you breathe out letting go of his arm.
“But, you some me to finish.” Changkyun stated the obvious, watching your facial expression, enjoying the now needy look in your eyes.
“You ass,” you huffed because you wanted to feel the relief after chasing a high, “I should’ve known better.”
“I’m not joking,” he told you, “in all seriousness, I want to give it to you.”
Girl, you thought it over a for a second, but the sudden feeling of how hard he was, was now pressing between your legs made you throw caution to the wind. You nodded your head and he kissed you, gently and firmly, gently grabbing the waistband of your pants, leaving you in your underwear as he began pulling them down, allowing you a moment to kick the off.
Changkyun pulled away and kissed at your neck, his hand going back to your wet folds. He pushed your underwear to the side and began to he rub firm circles on your clit. Never changing from the position you were in, laying on your side facing each other.
Changkun made his way down, to the point where your breast were in his face, he left your wetness for a brief moment to left your shirt and take a breast out to suck on generously. Returning to the neediest part of you he fingered you steadily with added pressure.
Your head were in his hair, you bit your lip to keep from making a sound. Your body was tingling and trembling, you wanted to feel more as the heat of your walls screamed for mare pleasure. Unbeknownst to you, as you thought Changkyun began to do it. Making his way back up. He kissed your lips, eating at them as he began rubbing his length against your clit teasingly.
You whimpered, now realize how big he was, thinking that you may not be able to take it. You felt Changkyun pressing at your entrance, just the tip was in, you were right around him. You sucked in a breath and let out a low whispered moan as he began thrusting into you gently, feeding more of cock with each thrust.
Until he was deep inside filling you to the brim with his length, your walls were so tight around him, he allowed you both a moment to get used to the tight fit. Going back to eating at your breast, swirling his tongue around your nipples as he sucked each of them.
You let out a low whine as Changkyun started back thrusting deep into you, with one hand on your hip, holding you close as he kissed you. Knowing that you wanted to be vocal about how good it felt. Squeezing your ass, he picked up the pace, pulling closer wanting to go deeper into the heat that squeezed his length tight.
Your were gripping onto his arms as he fucked you slowly in the dark room. Until you felt your stomach clench and your body shiver. You creamed as he held you in place, waiting until you were done to continue, a little harder and faster. You felt him twitch inside you, right before he let out a low groan from the back of his throat. Changkyun came and kissed your lips, despite how dizzy he felt.
Pulling out, slowly he let out a sigh followed by a cough bringing you back to realization that he was sick, “I knew you were right, but not that tight.” He commented lowly holding as close as possible.
“And now I want to smack you, I can’t breath.” You huffed.
No remark came from him, so you looked at him, his hold on you had loosened up a little. He’d fallen asleep, you sighed to yourself and touched his forehead. He was still burning up, you huffed, too tired to complain about the fact that he fell asleep right after or the fact that he was sick. You just sighed and laid back down, it didn’t take long for sleep to come. So again, you both were comfortably sleeping, facing each other. With one of your legs wrapped around his waist and a very generous hand on your ass.
Morning came, or better yet midday, you a woke thinking you heard a camera shudder. To your surprise, Changkyun was laying on your stomach out cold with a hand full off one your boobs. You sighed and shook his arm a little walking him up, he groaned but opened his eyes anyway. Looking up at you like you’d committed a serious crime, with a tissue shoved up one of his nostrils.
“Get up,” you yawned sitting up, “your head is big and heavy.”
He frowned and checked the time, “Your stomach is pudgy but I like it cause it’s soft.” He remarked sitting up.
You grabbed a pillow and hit him with it, causing him to fall over dramatically, “Wounding a sick man won’t change a thing.”
“You are so annoying.” You went to stand up but he’d wrapped a arm around you and pulled you into his lap.
“It’s too early for this,” he sighed burrowing his face in your back.
“It’s literally the middle of the day.” You sighed unknowingly leaning into him.
“It’s early for us,” he kissed your neck, “no one else can touch you.” He added.
“Excuse you, but this isn’t a relationship.” You sighed softly.
“Maybe not, but that belongs to me.” Changkyun warned calmly with a sniffle.
“And if I rejected that idea and start dating someone?” You challenged, allowing him to continue to kiss and nuzzle your neck. Low key lulling you into comfort.
“I’ll loose my shit so bad, Kihyun will nag you to death.”
“I admit defeat!” You folded not wanting to hear to sort of nagging, “are you going to date someone?” You asked curiously.
“Why would I do that when I have you?” He asked he stopped and you slowly stood up, turning to look at him, “you just let me know when you’re ready.” He added with a small cough.
You pursed your lips and reached out a hand to check his temp, still hot but not as bad. You dropped your hand “I’m going to get your some medicine.” You stated as you left his bedroom and closed the door.
In the living, you spoke to Minhyuk and Hyungwon who sat on the couch, both switching between their phones and the tv. Jooheon walked passed you with a bowl of food, he looked at you and smirked making you pause in confusion.
“Look who’s finally awake,” Kihyun stated coming out of the bathroom, “did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, I guess I did,” you answered with a sigh, “why’d you guys leave the sick man here alone, did anybody give him any medicine?”
“Yes, we did,” Minhyuk answered as you let out a yawn and began to stretch, “but apparently you have a special remedy.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked puzzled, just as Changkyun appeared, “what are you doing?” you turned attention to the disarray Changkyun.
He smirked and as he walked passed you, he smacked your ass, the sound echoed as he walked into the kitchen.
“We saw you this morning,” Hyungwon told you, “Changkyun ran us off, so are you guys an official couple now?”
You looked at Changkyun and he looked at you, “they were going to find out eventually baby.”
You blinked and took a deep breath, “I should punch you in the throat.” You threatened.
“You guy’s just started dating and you’re fighting already?” Shownu asked coming from his bedroom.
“When did they ever stop fighting, it’s just out in the open now.” Kihyun sighed.
You pointed a finger at Changkyun, “I told guys she’d be mine.” He said with confidence.
You launched a couch cushion towards him, he dodged it and took off running with you behind him. He started coughing and worried little old you began patting his back and asking if he was okay. He snickered at you and pulled you into a hug, kissing the top of your forehead, he earned an “awe” from the others.
“You play too much.” You huffed trying to deny the fact that you were melting and hugging him back. You hit him hard and he let out a yelp and let you go.
“Ouch,” he complained, “why are you continuously wounding a sick man?”
“Sorry,” you gave a false apology, “go back to bed,” you demanded, “I’ll bring you medicine.”
He pursed his lips staring at you for a second, and as he walked past you, he smacked your ass again, earning a loud complaint from you. The others clowned both of you really quickly.
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club-cheongyang · 9 months
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lisanamjoon · 2 years
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hyungwon | marie claire korea | march ‘23 ♡
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hwchaey · 1 year
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𔘓 𝓛 ִִֶָ 𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗐𝗈𝗇 : simple ✿
ㅤ ⊹ㅤ 𓈒 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𖹭 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀⠀ ۫ ꒱
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aewinse · 7 months
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𝖡𝗎𝗍 𝗆𝗈𝗌𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝖨 𝗁𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝖨 𝖽𝗈𝗇'𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎
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𝖭𝗈𝗍 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 𝖼𝗅𝗈𝗌𝖾, 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 𝖺 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝖻𝗂𝗍, 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 𝖺𝗍 𝖺𝗅𝗅
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── ۪ ♡ ۫ Hʏᴜɴɢᴡᴏɴ Mᴏᴏᴅʙᴏᴀʀᴅ
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