#Monsta X fics
daebakinc · 1 year
Pretty Woman Finale
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Pretty Woman AU
Pairing: Kihyun x Reader
Word Count: 2.6 K
Synopsis: Rich business man, Kihyun Yoo finds himself lost driving in Los Angeles. Stopping for directions he meets you, a prostitute on Hollywood Boulevard. What starts as a one night stand soon becomes a weeklong proposition, as Kihyun needs arm candy for his visit in the city of angels.
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7
~Admin V
             You had trouble sleeping in your own bed. Partly because there were so many possibilities for you now and your mind was playing any and all ideas, and partly because you were spoiled by the Baverse mattress and couldn’t get comfortable.
As you lay awake, you worked out your plans for the next day. First, you’d have to stop by the library and use the computer to look up housing in San Fran. The idea of renting a car to get there seemed more comfortable with all your newly acquired belongings than toting everything on a bus.
Checking out schools for completing your G.E.D. was also on your list. You’d work on the job situation once you got there. The school could have programs to help you with that.
And Kihyun. You couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about him. His heartbroken face when you told him you weren’t going to spend the night with him. The way he nodded at the door when he screamed for K.Will to get the hell out. How his lips felt against yours the night before when you kissed him again and again.
At some point you’d finally dozed off. Frantic knocking on your door woke you. Looking at the clock it was a bit after 10a.m. The landlord must’ve been antsy for the rent. Sifting through the envelop from Kihyun, you grabbed what was due, but when you opened the door, it wasn’t the landlord standing before you.
His shoulders relaxed when he sighed with relief. “You’re here.”
Your jaw fell slack. “Kihyun? Aren’t you supposed to be on a plane to Korea?” You glanced around in the hall. “How do you know where I live?”
“Changkyun. When I was checking out, he casually mentioned that the limo driver took you home yesterday.” He took a deep breath. He must’ve run up all the flights of stairs to your floor.
Gesturing for him to enter your apartment, he took another breath of relief.
Facing you, he continued. “I’m an idiot.”
You smiled to that. “Yeah?”
He was flustered. It was clear there was so much he wanted, needed to express but didn’t know where to start. “You said this week changed everything for you. It changed everything for me as well. It just took me longer to realize it.” He began pacing in front of you, his words spewing out quickly. “Never, not in a million years would I have bought Honey Bear Records to save it. I was on the path of destruction and had absolutely no intention of ever getting off of it. But you,” he ran his fingers through his hair and looked you in the eyes. “You showed me I still have a heart. I don’t have to be the villain I’d turned myself into.
“When I told you I wanted to put you up in a condo and see you, that wasn’t my intention to have you waiting for me; waiting for money, waiting for me to use you. That was old me. How I dealt with past relationships. They’ve always been about me using them when I needed them.” He cringed at himself when he heard what he’d just said.
Stroking his arm to let him know it was okay and you weren’t running from him, you encouraged him to continue.
“I like who I am with you. And, it will be a learning process. I’m sure that I will still do and say things to fuck it all up, but I can’t let you go.”
Mouth agape again, you could only stare at him.
His confidence was back as he squared his shoulders and took your hands in his. “I can’t go back to South Korea, not without you. I don’t care if we stay here in Los Angeles, or even here in this apartment.” You noticed his grimace as he looked around but he quickly recovered to a face of sincerity. “I don’t care where I am, as long as I’m with you.
“I can understand if you don’t want me buying everything and doing everything for you. You’re a self-made woman and I respect that about you. But I do have money, and I don’t see why it can’t be used if it will help you.” He went back to pacing, seeming to have said something he hadn’t meant to.
“What’s wrong, Kihyun?”
He stopped and focused on you. “You’re not my personal prostitute or beck-and-call girl. I know you’re not.” Taking a deep breath, he stepped closer and looked into your eyes. “But I want you to be mine.”
Your heart beat sped and you felt a blush in your cheeks.
He lifted your chin with his fingers so you were looking him in the eye. “You said yesterday you wanted me to love you. Love you for you. I . . .” He took a sharp inhale, but it didn’t stop his lip from quivering. “I . . .” he tried again.
You couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across your face. “I love you, too.”
Though he looked comforted, it didn’t stop another tremble of his lips and you saw tears sitting in his eyes. They closed when you leaned up and pressed your forehead against his.
“You don’t have to say it back if you’re not ready. We’ve only known each other a week after all.” You kissed the tip of his nose.
Sighing, he pressed away from you to look at you. “It’s not that.” His voice was squeaky and it pulled at your heartstrings. He’d finally slowed down his words. “When I’ve said it before in past relationships, I never meant it. Not like I mean it now.” The tears overwhelmed him as they now trickled down his cheeks. “I’m scared,” he breathed.
Carefully, you held his face in your hands. “You don’t need to be. I am yours.”
When he smiled, you couldn’t help yourself from giving him a soft, chaste kiss. He pressed back, and the two of you took the moment to just savor the feeling, the closeness. Pecking his lips a few times, you pressed one more smooch before leaning your forehead against his again.
Kihyun caressed your cheek. “I don’t deserve such a pretty woman.”
“Then you’re quite a lucky man.”
 Six Months Later
You pulled your brand-new, sleek, cyan blue Dodge Viper in front of Honey Bear Records. Yes, you were a self-made woman, but you also needed a car. And with Kihyun offering to get you such a lovely one for passing your G.E.D., who were you to refuse?
Walking into a studio, Hyunwoo was sitting in the back of the room on a couch. He looked up when he heard your footsteps. “Hey, how’d the test in music production go?”
After retrieving the test in question from your bag, you handed it to him. His face instantly lifted. “Yeah! Look at you, big time college girl!” He gave you a high five then you plopped down on the couch next to him.
“How’s our boy doing?”
Both of you turned your attention to the front of the room. Jooheon was sitting in front of the sound board and recording equipment. Behind the laminated glass, Kihyun was in the zone, warming up his voice before the music started.
You couldn’t hide your smile as you watched him. He was so passionate as he got into the music. Then his lyrics started.
I can suddenly feel something has changed I am becoming an adult I don't hate myself Even when I see my weakness I tended to get anxious Thinking about me after a few years Rather than how I feel today I was like that at that time
I feel like I will miss those foolish Days, which made me work harder The days when I was young and cheerful And the heart that was pumping so fast after dancing hard I feel like the sky is beautiful nowadays
His voice cracked and he indicated for Jooheon to stop the music. Once he had a few swigs of water he kept repeating the note he couldn’t seem to get right.
Jooheon spun around in his chair toward you. “Queen! Tell me you aced the test!”
Getting up you handed it to him.
His face beamed when he looked at you. “That’s my girl.”
You nodded your head in the direction of Kihyun. “How many takes has he been doing for this one?”
“Just a few. You know he’s a perfectionist, so if it doesn’t sound the way he wants it, we start over.”
It was part of his passion for the music.
A mischievous smile appeared on Jooheon’s face. “You know, now that you’re here, I’m sure if he were to relieve some of that frustration, he’d be able to get his notes right.”
“Jooheon,” Hyunwoo warned, embarrassment causing him to blush.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Is that so?”
Hyunwoo got up and slapped the younger man in the shoulder. “Please excuse him. All this time in the studio has clearly deprived him of oxygen to the brain.” He pulled Jooheon from the chair and pushed him towards the door. “Go get some fresh air.”
Jooheon laughed and faced you. “I’m gonna get some coffee, you want your usual?”
“Yes please,” you couldn’t help but laugh with him. Once he was out of the room, Hyunwoo looked apologetic.
“Though I don’t agree with my partner’s exact suggestion,” he then motioned toward Kihyun, “I do think he could use a bit of a break and some words of reassurance.” The blush was still present as he bowed. “I’ll give you two some time.” He too left the room, leaving it to just you and Kihyun.
Knocking on the studio door, Kihyun looked a little surprised to see you.
“Hey,” he smiled. He looked through the glass and noticed the others were gone. “Where’d they go?”
“Coffee break. Jooheon heavily hinted you could use a release.”
His face turned red. “What did he say?”
You closed the distance between the two of you. “Oh, just that you might sound better if you let some of that tension go.”
The blush was gone and his confident power took its place. “What did you have in mind?”
Smiling, your hand reached down to touch him through his pants. “I was thinking blow job.”
A smirk formed on his face. “And what if you screaming my name will relieve the tension?”
Before you could answer, the studio door flung open. Both you and Kihyun watched as Jooheon walked in, hand over his eyes. “I forgot I had the headphones and the sound still on. Don’t mind me.” It was very clear he wasn’t at all ashamed of interrupting and he even peaked through his fingers at one point, trying to catch any action. When he dropped the wireless headphones in the chair, and made sure all the sound equipment was off, he left. Kihyun and you burst out into laugher. You each laughed so hard you had to sit on the ground until you calmed down.
When you were both back to normal breathing patterns, Kihyun moved so his back was against the wall and pulled you into his arms. He played with your hair as you played with his fingers. The laughing worked to get rid of his stress.
Looking up, you smiled at him. “The song is very pretty from what I heard.”
He smiled back at you. “You think so?”
“I’m very biased, of course, but yes.”
His grin widened. He looked from your eyes to you lips then bent down to kiss you. The musk of his cologne mixed with his sweet tastes made your head spin. You kissed him back until you felt breathless. If it were up to you, you’d never stop kissing him. When he bit against your lip, you couldn’t help the low groan it caused.
Shifting your position, you turned to better face him, crawling in his lap. You deepened the kiss as you breathed him in and he slid his tongue into your mouth. Your new spot in his lap allowed you to grind against him, feeling his growing hardon against your growing wetness.
Kihyun’s hands snaked up your back, under your shirt to unhook your bra.
You jumped when your phone vibrated in your back pocket. He grabbed it for you and you both looked at the screen. It was Jooheon.
He put it on speaker. “Wasn’t it your idea for her to help me blow off some steam?”
Jooheon laughed. “She ordered a coffee. I just wanted to know if it was safe to bring it in to her.”
“Unless you want to clean up the love stain we’re about to make, I suggest you and Hyunwoo leave the building. Now.”
There was stunned silence on the other line, and before Jooheon answered, Kihyun hung up.
He then held you as he again shifted your positions so that you were on your back and he hovering over you.
“A love stain, huh?” you chuckled.
“A big one.” He brushed hair from your forehead.
“Well, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t have a condom.”
“That’s not funny.”
“Well, I’ve changed my profession. I no longer have need to carry around a buffet of safety.”
The sad, puppy pout he gave made you crack up with laughter. You reached into your bra and retrieved a condom. Old habits die hard.
His pout was replaced with a smirk. “You’re going to be punished for that.”
Matching his smirk, you replied. “I better be.”
Kihyun nipped at your nose. His face switched from playful to serious. “I love you.”
Your hand reached to caress his cheek. “I love you, too.”
He leaned down to kiss you again. It was short lived as you pushed him away. “If Jooheon and Hyunwoo are going home, how are you gonna finish recording when we’re finished?”
“Didn’t you have a production test today?”
“ . . . Yeah?”
“Then maybe you can give it a shot.”
You pushed him off so you could sit up. “Are you sure? I’m still unsure about some of the equipment. I don’t want to mess anything up.”
Brushing a stray hair behind your ear, he gave an earnest smile. “The best way to learn is trying. I can help, too.”
He sounded certain, but you weren’t as confident as he was. “I just don’t want to mess it up. I know how you like everything. I don’t want to get lost in the equipment.”
He grinned wider and shook his head. “We’ll figure it out together. I promise to be on my best behavior and not snippy like I am with Jooheon. And if we get lost in the equipment, I do recall getting lost in Hollywood is how we both ended up here.”
Finally convinced, you smiled back at him. “Okay. But now I’m not in the mood to create a love stain with you.”
He jokingly groaned, but you could tell he was also more interested in getting back to the music. Helping you up, you both left the sound booth and sat in front of the recording equipment. Luckily, you did know a good portion of what to do, and what you didn’t Kihyun handled.
With everything ready, he went back into the other room. You spoke into the intercom. “Are you ready for the ride of your life?”
Shaking his head while chuckling, he gave you a wink. “Let’s do it.”
The End
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𝑼𝒑𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
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𝖏𝖚𝖑𝖗𝖊𝖎𝖓/𝖏𝖚𝖑𝖘 || 𝟗𝖝 𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖗 || 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖘 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 || 𝖎𝖓𝖋𝖕-𝖙 𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖗 || 𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖘' 𝖍𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒅: 22/09/23
𝑼𝒑𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅: 10/02/24
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mixtape: all i have left to give
i. how long can you stand the heat ii. fight off the light tonight and just stay with me (honey don't you leave) iii. i wanna see the sun rise (on your sins, just me and you)
i. avoust xxix ii. óutobre xxxi iii. nouvèmbre xv iv. desèmbre xxvi v. febrié xxiii vi. mai xiii vii. juliet xxii viii. ???
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there you'll be
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mixtape: all i have left to give
ending 1: i don't wanna look at anything else (now that i saw you)
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This masterlist is not final, and will be updated soonest. I'm just triggered by how disorderly my dash is and it's been itching my brain for so long lmao
Also, I know I write crossover fics, but the ones the ones under the artists listed are where they are the main focus
That's all for now kthx byeeeeiiii
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
Monsta X Masterlist
Story Key
Fluff 🎀 Angst 💔 Slice of Life 😊
NonHuman 🦄 Smut 🔞Dark 🚬 Hiatus 🛑
Writing ✍🏽 Complete 👍🏽 Mini Series 🤏🏽
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You’re pmsing 😊🎀
You sleeping on the couch after a fight 😊💔🎀
Blind date 🎀
Sharing food with their friend’s child 😊🎀
Right One Wrong Time 😊💔
↳ Seeing Each Other Years Later: Hyung Line • Maknae Line 😊🎀
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Tea Prompt
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Moodboard 1
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Lighten Up: Shownu is stressed and needs to relax a little 🔞🚬
Rainstorm: You spend the day with Shownu but it doesn’t go as planned. 🎀😊
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
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Moodboard 1
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
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The Scent of You: Hyungwon isn’t sure he can keep his secret hidden for much longer 🦄😊
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
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Moodboard 1 2 3 4
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Love You: Friends to Lovers where Y/N makes the first move 🎀🔞
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Hello, Again🎀😊✍🏽- coming soon
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
Asks For Your Number (request) 🔞
Pspsps 😊
Moodboard 1 2 3
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Welcome To Our House: 𝐾𝑖ℎ𝑦𝑢𝑛 𝑥 𝑌𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑥 𝐾𝑖𝑑𝑎🎀💔😊✍🏽
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
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Moodboard 1
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Missed Call ft. Bang Chan: Changkyun’s wife storms out after a fight 💔😊💉
Emotional Damage ft. Johnny of NCT: When two guys love the same woman things can only end in tears 💔💉
Stupid Love: You didn’t mean to fall for Changkyun  💔💉
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
Late Again: Prompt Challenge - 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 #2 - “𝘈𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘦’𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦.” 😊
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Moodboard 1 2 3
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Open Mind: You get the chance of a life time in South Korea 😊
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Best Kind of Hero - Wonho didn’t know his whole life would change when he decided to save Tosha’s life 💔🎀🦄👍🏽
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Hard Hours: Different 🔞 requests
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choicesthot · 10 months
i made a new monsta x side blog -> lone-lone-ranger
and since there is a drought of any good mx fics i'll work on a masterlist of tumblr writers i have found and liked. i'll mark which ones write for other groups as well, y/n vs oc, and blogs that are retired but who left their work up for us to enjoy.
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mykpopficblog · 4 months
my kingdom for some fresh monsta x fics
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fics-lovebot · 11 months
I love angsty fics, I really do.
But not "my dog died" or "I feel insecure" kinda angst. I'm talking about the cheating, the break up, the suffering, the tears, the begging, the pining, the stalking, the obsession UGHHHH, love me a fic where he fucked up and now has to do the most to get her back, it gives me a serotonin boost
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illneverrecover · 6 months
god dammit i like it (M) | changkyun
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➛pairing: Im Changkyun (I.M.) x reader ➛genre: card shark/gambling Changkyun, cocktail server reader, poker!AU, hurt/comfort, smut, angst, fluff (in that order). ➛word count: 9005 (oof) ➛rating: M ➛warnings: excessive alcohol use, cursing, dirty talk, very very soft femdomme energy, oral sex (female and male receiving), changkyun begging, unprotected sex, creampie, cock warming, very brief mentions of blood, more soft clown changkyun. ➛summary: One last game, he tells himself. Just one last game, and he'll have enough money to take care of you the way you deserve, to show you how much you mean to him, to give you the life that you want... as long as he doesn't get caught. ➛notes: My second time writing Changkyun and as always, it's for the one and only @taetaesbaebaepsae. She had commissioned me (back when I still did those) to write something based on the God Damn MV, and then patiently waited for me to get my life together. I thoroughly enjoy creating new ways to hurt you with your ult bias, so I hope you enjoy this one! I did edit this one, but just barely, so please be gentle with me. Let me know what you think! ➛song: God Damn - I.M | Habits (Stay High) - Tove Lo (Hippie Sabotage Remix) ➛tagging: @taetaesbaebaepsae @lvupmushroom @thiccasswonhoruinedmylife - thank you for letting me use your likeness for this, and for looking it over to make sure it would truly hurt Kristy's feelings. Teamwork makes the dreamwork, bbs.
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He’s an idiot, but you already knew that. 
The alcohol in his gut sloshes as he moves to stand, his glass painfully empty. Changkyun stumbles towards the bar, the thrumming in his head keeping pace with the bass thumping through the speakers of the club. 
His eyes are glassy, faraway when he reaches his destination, the cup fumbling out of his grasp as he indicates to the bartender he wants another. The bartender looks him over, seemingly debating on following through with the request, but he turns to grab the bottle of whisky regardless. 
Changkyun hates it. Hates that he’s so drunk, that you’re not here, that the guy serving him thinks he’s a mess. He knows he’s an idiot, that he should stop. Put down the glass and pick up his phone. That he should just call you and tell you he’s sorry for being such a moron all the time, and that he’ll listen to you from now on. That he does love you, and wants to take care of you, and he can fucking prove it, if you’ll let him.
But then he recalls the look in your eyes when you caught him – the disappointment, the pain – and he reaches for his now refilled glass, taking a swig before facing back towards the club. 
He doesn’t deserve it – doesn’t deserve you, to provide for you, to do any of it. Not when he’s such a jealous asshole, not when he’s such a fuck up. You deserve the world. Someone who can really give you what you need. 
Fuck, he wants to be that. There’s some moments when things are good, when you’re tucked into his arms in bed, sleeping softly beside him that he thinks he might be that – someone who can provide, be reliable, strong. But then he remembers your fights; his words of jealousy and anger, his avoidant nonchalant fake ass attitude, his fragile little ego shattering with a flick of your eyebrow and a sharp word. 
So he leaves his phone in his pocket, instead slinking back towards his booth before dropping into it. It was easy to ignore his friends’ questions, to insist that he was fine, to pretend to be more interested in the tray of shots being dropped off at the table. He accepted the small glass, slamming it down before he could think about the burn, about the empty churning in his stomach.
 It was easy to ignore his friends, but damn, Changkyun was tired of pretending he wasn’t fucking exhausted of trying to be okay without you. 
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It had always been push and pull with him.
From the minute Changkyun had walked into Yvonne’s, the lounge where you worked, you could feel the snap of electricity, the buzz of magnetism that pulled you to him. He would’ve stood out from his clothing alone; his lithe form draped in a bright red perfectly cut suit, shirtless under the vest to show off his tanned, broad chest. The combination of cut and color was lethal on him and he knew it, his dark hair swept back to allow the full potency of his sharp gaze. The group of men he was with were also impeccably dressed and attractive, but there was something about him that had your eyes following him, unable to look away.
Luckily for you, he had seemed to feel the same way.
His friends had gone to sit at the Baccarat table in Kat’s section, but he had stayed behind, noting which tables your body was sliding between as you delivered drinks before he made his selection at the blackjack table at the end of your section.
He couldn’t keep his gaze off of you, ordering more drinks than he was actually playing cards you were certain, but you weren’t going to stop a paying customer. The table he was at was pretty low stakes overall; the crowd was a bunch of casual players, but he had enough money to keep up with the table, so they were willing to ignore his flirting. 
You were also trying to ignore it, playing into him enough to ensure your tip would be secure, but also knowing that this was likely all just fun for the rudely handsome stranger. And if there is one thing you enjoy doing, it’s having a little fun – especially while at work.
But there was something in the way he looked at you, the way that he spoke to you, that had you hanging on a bit more than you’d care to admit. You wanted to tell yourself it was just the fact that he looked like that in that suit – that his tattoos and cocky smirk on top of it all was just too  much for you – but you knew it was more than that. 
It was when you were dropping off his umpteenth cocktail that he finally made a move, his tattooed hand wrapping around your wrist to stop you and slide a piece of paper into your palm. 
“When do you get off?”
You smirked, trying to ignore the sudden rush of blood in your veins at his skin touching yours. “Why? Who wants to know?” 
His face deadpanned, his mouth dropping to a pout, and the juxtaposition of such a cute expression on such a lethal man made you laugh.
“I don’t even know your name,” you clarified, pulling away from his grip and tucking the paper into your apron.
“You could call me whatever you wanted,” he replies, voice low, glare fixed on you, “but others call me Changkyun.” 
The same things that had drawn you to him also made you roll your eyes, his cockiness frustrating just as much as it was attractive. He insisted on waiting until you had finished your shift, ensuring that you  made it safely to your car before reminding you about the paper tucked into your apron pocket. 
“It has my phone number on it so you can text me and let me know what time you want me to pick you up tomorrow.” He had murmured, his face so close to yours that you had forgotten to breathe. 
“Pick me up, hmm? Well aren’t we feeling awfully sure of ourselves,” you replied in a shaky breath, hating how much he was affecting you.  “What are you picking me up for?”
“I was hoping to take you on a date, but if you have things you need to do - errands, work - that’s fine with me too. Just let me take care of you.” 
It was as easy as that, the way he slid into your life. You hadn’t believed the offer, not really, but decided to text him anyway. You had some things to do before your shift, why use your gas when you could waste his?
But Changkyun was effortless, showing up in gray sweats and a black t shirt promptly at the time you requested, ready to chauffeur you all over town. He kept up with your teasing about his sad fuckboy music he was listening to, and let you mess around with his AC without complaint, like he had been doing it for a hundred years. 
Maybe that’s how he broke your walls down – acting so nonchalant, while also being dependable, always showing up when and how he said he would, always ready with an easy smile and a light joke. 
It could have been days, maybe weeks, but it didn’t take long for you to realize you wouldn’t be able to stay away from him. That you didn’t think you wanted to. 
Which was a complete contradiction to what you had told him – that you weren’t interested in anything serious, but if he played his cards right, you could be convinced for an evening of fun. An offer he had declined, telling you that he would wait until you changed your mind and wanted him fully. An answer that had infuriated you to no end, but one that felt inevitable. 
It was the 14th or 15th day of hanging out that he finally said the words, putting the feelings out into the space between you. His “I love you” came out rushed, as if the words had pained him, but the flush of his cheeks and shimmering soft eyes had you cracking, reaching for him to smash your mouth into his own. 
The kiss was unlike anything you had ever felt; the intense rush of heat nearly choking you when his tongue traced the seam of your lips, seeking entrance. He groaned when you had opened, the feeling of his tongue on yours sending the kiss deeper, starved for each other. He tasted like whisky mixed with the faint hint of gummy bears he was always snacking on, and you were drunk on his mouth, drunk on him. You don’t even remember if you had said the words back, the volatile energy between you now snapped and now your full focus until it was fully satiated. 
Changkyun slotted into your life like he had always been there. The familiarity of it soothed you, brought you a deep peace that you didn’t know you needed – but there was the other side of you, the one that had never allowed anyone to get this close, that was terrified of what this would mean. That knew letting someone in also gave them the power to break you. 
It was always a push and a pull with him, an intoxicating desire to give in, to let your heart find a home with him – mixed with the fear that eventually, that home would be ripped away. 
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“Fuck,” Changkyun cursed, and your fingers tangled in the hair at his nape, tugging. 
“No marks,” you reminded him, though you would be lying if you said you didn’t love the feel of his mouth at your throat. His tongue was laving at the junction of your skin between neck and collar bone, suckling it between his teeth before soothing it with sloppy kisses.
You had been pressed against the wall of your apartment, him latched to you like a man starving until you had coaxed him down the hall towards your bedroom, letting him push you down onto the bed before resuming his work on your neck.
“Mmm,” he acknowledged, though he didn't stop his ministrations. “I wish I could mark you up, make sure everyone at Yvonne’s knows who you come home to.”
You had let out a breathy giggle, eyes rolling though he couldn’t see it. His silly jealousy over the stares you got while working at the lounge was just that - silly, nothing of merit - and yet, you couldn’t help but play into it just a little bit.
“Oh yeah? Who’s that?” you whispered, using your hand in his hair to guide him to your mouth, only stopping his descent when he was a breath away. 
“Don’t play games, sweetheart,” Changkyun leaned forward, nipping at your bottom lip, and your grip deepened. “We both know I’m the only one you’d let stick around this long.”
He was right about that. 
Closing the distance, you melted your mouth into his, letting him take control of the kiss for just a moment before you tug at his head once more, dragging him down your body. He complied quickly, pressing small kisses into your flesh as you guided him lower. 
“I don’t know,” you breathed, eyes hazy as Changkyun settled between your thighs, a groan leaving his throat when he saw you had forgone any kind of underwear beneath your skirt. “That one guy at table 7 was tipping really well, I bet I could-”
Your words were choked off with a moan as Changkyun dragged his tongue from the bottom of your cunt to your aching clit, giving it a singular swirl with the offending muscle before pulling back. 
“What was that?” he asked, but he didn't wait for a reply, not before delving back between your legs. He lapped at your center, taking his time tasting you before he settled up near your clit, sucking it between his lips. 
Any retort you had been working on died as he made quick work of you, sucking and licking until you were bucking up into his face, both hands tugging at his hair to hold him in place. He had become pliant beneath you, molding himself just where you needed in order to push you over the edge. Just when you felt like you couldn’t take any more, that you were going to snap, Changkyun slid two fingers inside of you, curling them upwards. 
“Please, come for me, sweetheart,” he begged, murmuring against the heat of your flesh. “I want it so bad.” 
His words were your undoing, and you find yourself doing exactly as he asked, moaning out his name as he takes you over the edge, his mouth and fingers working you through it in tandem. 
You exploded, white bursting behind your eyelids until you were boneless, unable to do anything but ride out your orgasm at the will of the man in front of you. Changkyun made sure to taste every drop of your release, slowly sliding his hand away from you only to quickly replace it with his tongue to lap at you until you were shoving him away. 
You wanted to make him feel as good as you did in that moment, wanted to return the favor, so you pushed him off of you and onto his back, switching positions to settle between his legs.
Hands tugging at his boxer briefs, Changkyun complied to your silent request, lifting his hips until you could drag them off. You were quick to palm his erection in your hand and squeeze, relishing in the hiss he rewarded you with, your thighs squeezing together. 
“Please,” he groaned, and fuck did he beg so prettily. “I just want to be inside you already, let me be inside you, yeah?”
Teasing the head of his cock with your lips, you hummed, playing as if you were considering his words. The truth was, having a beautiful man like him pleading you for anything was your kryptonite, and you would give him anything he asked for as long as he sounded like that.
Taking a final swipe of your tongue over his sensitive flesh, you gave him a smirk, moving until you straddled him, hovering for just a moment. Grasping his length, you line him up with your dripping cunt, sinking onto him slowly, tortuously. 
You may be giving him what he had asked for, but only because you wanted to, because you had deemed it aligned with your desires. Changkyun gave you full control over your pleasure, and you took it greedily. 
Once fully seated, you moaned, hips beginning to undulate and swirl against his. Pressing your palms into his chest, you began to work yourself over him, sliding back and forth until you were panting, thighs burning. 
His eyes searched yours, waiting for permission before he did anything more than take what you were giving him. “Fuck me, Changkyun,” you gasped, voice teetering into a whine. “Wanna come on your cock.”
Changkyun didn’t need to be told twice, didn’t need any more instruction before he was thrusting up into you, pelvis meeting yours. His hands tugged you down until your chest was flush with his own, his mouth seeking yours and coaxing it into a filthy kiss. 
“Fuck, yes, please come on my cock,” he rasped against your lips, his pupils blown as they make contact with yours. His gaze was intense, searing, but you couldn’t look away, didn’t want to. You wanted to be engulfed; consumed by him. “Use me, baby.”
Slamming down onto him, your pace began to turn frantic as he matched you thrust for thrust, each connection against your tender clit sending you further into oblivion. 
“You feel so good, Kyun,” you praised him, adjusting until your face was pressed to his neck. “So good for me, so perfect.” 
His answering moan reverberated in your chest, his arms tightening around you as his pace turned punishing, and it drove you crazy how something as simple as your words has him frenzied, falling apart beneath you.
Drunk on the power, you felt yourself hurtling towards your climax, nails digging into the skin on his back as he relentlessly slammed up into you. “Fuck, yes,” you cried, letting yourself go, giving in until you were over the edge, orgasm overtaking your senses. 
It was too much for Changkyun; the way your scent was all around him, intoxicating him, the way you were moaning curses and his name, the way you were clenching so fucking tightly against his cock. Before he could stop himself he was chasing his high right alongside you, shuddering as he pumped his release deep, unable to still his hips even when you were mewling from the sensitivity. 
Panting heavily against each other, you had tried to pull away only for Changkyun to roll you beneath him, pinning you under his weight. He was still fully lodged inside you, face nuzzled into the curve of your neck, his breath warm against your still sweaty-from-sex skin. 
“What are you doing, Kyun?” you chuffed, making a feeble attempt to lift his weight before letting him resettle against you. It was all for show, the response he expected from you. The truth was  you didn’t mind it - the feeling of him still inside you, the familiarity of his lips on your skin, the intimacy of it all - you didn’t mind it if it was with him. 
“Just let me hold you like this for a bit, hmm?” he mumbled against your neck, and you hummed your agreement, letting your eyes fall closed. He pressed a few lazy kisses to your throat before his breathing became measured, even, and you decided joining him in slumber wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
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“Promise me,” you murmured, voice thick and lazy. You were still naked and draped across his chest, listening to the calming beat of his heart. You had already woken and showered, deciding that clothes weren’t necessary before jumping back into bed together. That was several hours ago now. The smoke coming from his cigarette was curling up towards the ceiling, leaving a dreamy haze in the room. 
“I’d promise you anything,” he replied quickly, taking a drag, “but what specifically am I promising you this time, sweetheart?” 
“No more going to Kihyun’s high roller floors, Kyun. I know the pots are bigger, but you don’t know those men at those tables - not like I do.” You paused then, taking a shaky inhale. 
Being in your line of work, you were no stranger to dangerous men, however you purposefully stayed away from serving on those floors of the lounge for a reason. Those men were the worst of the worst, and even if they weren’t, they rubbed elbows and served those who were. Either way, the money may be sweet, but the risk wasn’t worth it. You made better than you ever had at the lounge with the sections you served,  and that was fine with you. 
But Changkyun had always wanted more. 
Ever since you had told him about your lofty dreams - the ones that you had saved for yourself in the darkest parts of the night, when your mind was racing and you couldn’t sleep - he hadn’t let them go. Truthfully, you always loved the idea of retiring your waitressing shoes and being able to finally write full time, working on the novel you’ve been imagining for years in some quiet home somewhere, tucked away from the world. But it broke you to see Changkyun willing to risk his life to see it come true by hanging around that crowd, placing higher and higher bets at Yvonne’s most hazardous tables. 
It was strange for you to accept that he would even want to do this for you, to support you in this way, but he always knew how to soothe those concerns, promising you that he genuinely wanted to care for you before gently ribbing you to stop being so damn stubborn. 
However, it was his stubbornness that had been creating a wedge between you. 
“They’re bad people, Changkyun. And I don’t mean like - scamming old ladies for their pension money bad, either. I mean like extremely shady dealings with people who are involved with things that would get them sent to prison, bad.” 
His free hand fell to your head then, smoothing your hair back as he took another puff of his cigarette. 
“I know they are. I’m only just polite enough for the rules of the game, I never engage with them more than that. I’m not there for friends or connections, just the money.” He took a final pull before dropping the spent butt in the ashtray on the bedside table, his other hand moving to rest over the one you had placed on his heart.
“I get that, but it doesn’t take much to get on their bad side. It could be the slightest thing. Sometimes, just winning is all it takes.” 
He sighed, but let the silence linger, instead letting himself get lost in stroking your hair softly. You were about to say something again, to make sure he had heard you, when he finally spoke. 
“I just want to take care of you, you know?” His voice was low, thick with emotion, though he tried to swallow it back. “Give you what you deserve.” 
That pain came back, the one deep in your chest, and you sat up to face him. “I know that. But I already have everything that I need, right here.” 
You tap his chest once, twice - his hand still firmly resting on top of your own. 
He met your gaze, giving you a small, cocky smirk, as if his eyes weren’t shiny with unshed tears. “What, you mean this hot body?” 
You scoffed, eyes rolling. Maybe you should’ve called him out on his side stepping, forcing him to vocalize that look he had been giving you, but instead you fell back into step with your teasing. It was, after all, the familiar dance between you two. 
“No, stupid. I meant you - you’re all I need. The rest of this shit is just noise.” 
“I bet I can make you make some noise–”
“Okay okay,” he laughed as your soft touch turned into pointed jabs into his chest, sitting up to wrap his arms around you and stop your onslaught. “I hear you, sweetheart. You’re right. I’ll stay away,” he said, pulling you up and back until you’re leaning against his chest, arms still wrapped tight around you.
“Promise me?” This time when you say it, you made sure your eyes were locked on his, made sure the fear you felt was evident behind the words. 
“I promise.” 
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It felt like a sign from the universe. Well, either that, or a promise from the devil.
But sometimes, those can look the same. 
The posting for Kihyun’s upcoming game had just gone up, but it was already making the rounds. Games like these were advertised in a certain way - you had to know where to find it in order to play, and the regular gamblers all knew the common message boards to keep an eye on. Changkyun hadn’t been looking for it, wasn’t even checking the forums anymore – but had gotten a text about it from Joohoney, a screenshot of the flyer accompanying his message of “Bro, did you see this shit??” 
A high stakes game, in two nights. The winning pot large enough that he would be able to retire you permanently, and he wouldn’t be too far behind you, honestly. You were already off work that night, plans in place for a girls night with Kat and a few of the other servers, so you wouldn’t be at Yvonne’s. 
It would just be one last time.
One last game, and with enough luck, he could finally give you the life that you’ve always wanted, provide for you in the way a man should.  Sure, you wouldn’t like it – the idea of him going to the tables again –  but that was only if you found out, and the chances of that were slim.
He could win the money and set it aside, give himself a week or two of regular games to make it seem a bit more feasible. A few days of being off your feet and back on your laptop would have you forgetting about work anyway, and the top floor of Yvonne’s would fade quickly away from your memory. 
It had to be a sign. He could do it, could pull it off, could be the man that you deserve. 
His fingers hovered over his phone, the reply ready to be sent to Joohoney. It would be just as easy to delete it, to tell him that he’s done with that shit. To text his best friend back and tell him that he can’t, because he told you he would walk away and stay away from those men. Joohoney might give him some shit, but he would understand, likely wouldn’t push the matter. 
But the money…
It didn’t take long for Changkyun to do the math; it would take months at the regular tables to get this kind of money, and that’s only if he kept winning. Which didn’t seem like long in the grand scheme of things, but when he thought of how your eyes lit up at the idea of writing full time, made it seem like it was centuries. 
You wouldn’t have to know. It would just be one last time. 
He pressed send on the text, foot tapping nervously until he saw the read receipt pop up under his message. 
“I’m in - one last game.”
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You were mad at him again, but your friends didn’t need to know that. 
All they needed to know was that you were in the mood for a girls night out, and if they knew what was good for them, they’d be there in their sluttiest outfit ready to indulge with you. 
However, it only took you ordering the second round of shots to have Bri’s questioning stare fixed on your own.
“So, what did he do this time?” she deadpanned, sipping from her straw. 
“What? Who? I don’t know what you speak of,” you replied. “I’m just enjoying a night out with my friends.” 
“Sure, okay,” Kat nodded, giving a convincing performance of someone who actually believed your nonsense. “If he didn’t do anything, then why isn’t he here, buying us all drinks?”
She had you there. Changkyun was always wanting to show up on your nights out – not to crash them, but so that you and your friends could enjoy your time without having to worry about a single thing. He covered the tabs, made sure everyone was having fun, and ensured each person got home safely – all while staying tucked away at a nearby table until you needed him, never putting too much pressure on you. 
It had pissed you off the first time he had suggested it, but after he showed you what he meant, showed you how he could be supportive in the shadows while still letting you shine, you had slowly given in. Part of you loved being able to enjoy yourself with your friends while knowing he was always looking out, even if he wasn’t directly visible. 
“Maybe he’s busy.”
Twin glares pinned you to your seat, and you allowed several beats of the bass blaring in the speakers to pass before caving. 
“Okay, fine, yes. We’re having a slight disagreement,” you conceded with a sniff, “over something that happened at work.”
“Wait a minute - is this about what happened with Vanda?” Kat questioned, mentioning the newest server at the lounge. She had only started a few weeks prior, but had been making a lot of work for you - constantly acting like she knew what she was doing in front of management, only to flounder and follow you and the senior staff around asking a million questions the minute they weren’t on the floor. 
It wasn’t her confidence in her lacking serving skills that had bothered you, not really. It was more so how the minute she did get called out on a mistake, she was quick to try to throw you and your friends - the same people who had just been helping her ass - under the bus. 
You had told Changkyun about an incident earlier in the week of this exact scenario – she was flirting with another customer instead of checking on the tables in her section, and a patron of hers ended up getting up to go to the bar to order a drink. It wouldn’t have been a huge deal, mistakes happen after all, except she had immediately told the manager on duty that you had promised to cover that table. Which was news to you.
“Are you serious? After all the help you’ve given her?” Changkyun had shook his head, irritation evident in his voice. “Did you tell the manager the truth? Who was on?”
You had smothered a smile at the question, trying and failing to hide how much you loved him wanting to know more about your life. 
“It was Amy, and yeah, I told her. She believed me, but still. I don’t get it, I’ve never done anything to that girl.”
“Want me to show up to Yvonne’s and request her section with the guys, give her some shit? You know how annoying I can be when I want to,” he offered, brows raised in a teasing lilt, but you could tell by the line of his mouth that he meant it. 
“Yes, I do know how truly annoying you can be. It’s almost like a super power.”
He grinned then, a full one, and you wanted to kiss his stupid mouth. 
“But no, it’s fine. I got this. I know how to handle people like this, and having anyone else fight the battle for me will only make her more bold about it.” This wasn’t your first rodeo, after all - you had been serving a long time, and doing luxury serving at Yvonne’s for even longer than Vanda had been out of diapers. If there was one thing you knew how to do, it was handle people. 
But did Changkyun listen to you?
Well no, of course not. 
He did exactly as he had threatened - showed up the following day with his full group of rowdy friends, sitting in her section and dedicated to being the most obnoxious people Vanda dealt with all night. They didn’t do anything harassing or illegal, just toed the line of being pretentious drunk pricks gambling and drinking – sending back drinks for being made incorrectly, asking for complicated cocktails and shots, requesting a rundown of the entire menu before telling her they were no longer hungry.
Kat and Bri had found it hilarious, stating that your boyfriend’s malicious compliance of the rules while still making Vanda run around so much she was pouring sweat was truly an artform. And there was a tiny piece of you, deep in your soul, that was pleased at the lengths he was willing to go for you. 
But you were also pissed, because you had been exactly right. It did nothing to stop Vanda from sending bullshit your way; if anything, it had spurred her on, the following shift of yours even more annoying and mind numbing after hours of her questions and subtle sabotage.  
“Yes, it’s about what happened with Vanda! I told him to let me handle it, and he didn’t listen. I know he meant well, I get that, but still. He didn’t listen.” You had known his heart was in the right place - you hadn’t questioned that. But it didn’t negate the fact that it made you feel so small when he didn’t listen to your requests. 
“I thought that was hilarious,” Bri said, arm reaching out for another shot glass. She had one already prepped in front of her, but preferred taking her shots two at a time. “But I get it. Vanda’s been worse since.”
“I can handle Vanda, I don’t really care about that. But it feels like our fights are usually because he just doesn’t listen to what I’m telling him. It’s like he thinks he knows better than me.” 
Deep down, you know he didn’t mean it in this way, but it was like he didn’t trust you - your judgment, your read on the situation, whatever it is – and that hurt, especially when you had worked so hard to open up that piece of yourself to him. 
“And I know that I’m not always right, and it’s not like I don’t want to hear his opinions, but I don’t like the choice being taken from me. Or worse, dangled in front of me like he’s going to consider my feelings, only to have him do whatever.” 
Downing her two shots in rapid succession, Bri shook her head, reaching for her chaser before speaking. “I think that’s part of the problem, he thinks he is considering your feelings. He thinks he’s standing up for you and fighting for you. He thinks he’s taking some of that burden off your plate.” 
“I don’t need, I mean, I don’t-”
“When is the last time you let anyone fight a battle for you?” Kat interrupted, elbows leaning on the table to make direct eye contact with you. “You tell everyone that you got it, that you can handle it. And we’ve seen you do it, so it’s not that we don’t believe you. But sometimes, we want to help you, for no other reason than we love you. And we can.” 
The direct read into your defenses had your throat tightening, and you blinked back the tears that threatened to form and ruin your makeup. 
“He should listen and take your feelings into consideration, absolutely,” Kat continued, voice gentle, “but also, you should let him support you and help more. I think if you let him be there for you in smaller ways, he wouldn’t feel the need to be the knight in shining armor so much.” 
There was a lot of wisdom in your friend's words, and you had taken a moment of silence to chew on it, to let it sink in. 
“He really loves you, you know that, right? So stop being a dumb bitch about it,” Bri deadpanned, but her expression was soft, “and let him love you. And you know I say that with affection.”
“I know,” you said, nodding at your friends. As much as it wasn’t easy to admit, they had a point, which also meant that maybe Changkyun did, as well. “Thank you both, seriously.” 
It had only taken one text message, a quick “This tab isn’t going to pay itself” with a kissing emoji to have him showing up at the bar, settling into a table a few down from your own with a wink and a sly smirk, where he proceeded to wait out the evening, taking care of you and your friends as always when the time came. 
“I’m still annoyed with you,” you had panted against his mouth when you got home, letting him push you up against the wall and cage you in with his arms. He was on you like a starved man, and it had made your buzz intensify, making you drunk on him, his kiss. 
“Of course, I understand,” he mumbled, words barely intelligible in the urgency of his lips. 
You had to fight to pull away, using one hand on the base of his throat to push him back for a moment to catch your breath. 
“But, also, thank you. For what you did with Vanda. And for always wanting to protect me.”
If Changkyun noticed how soft your voice got, he didn’t say anything, instead leaning down to press his forehead against yours. You could tell he was going to say something – probably something devastatingly sweet – and you needed to finish what you were going to say, before the bravery lost you. 
“I’m not used to having someone who wants to fight with me, or for me, you know.” 
“I know,” he replied in a rush, like he had already known your confession, knew what you were going to say long before the words had formed.  “I know, and I also shouldn’t be an ass and push all the time. But I will always protect you, yeah?” 
Nodding, you fought back tears for the second time that evening, but this time you didn’t shy away from letting him see the emotion in your face. 
“You’re mine, and I will always fight for you, sweetheart.” 
This time when he kissed you, it was slow, purposeful, heated. Like he was going to  make sure you felt and wanted for nothing other than him, his touch, and that you could allow yourself to fall into him forever and would always have a safe place to land. 
Maybe it wasn’t so bad, to be vulnerable with someone, to let them in, if you could feel like this. 
Or maybe it wasn’t so bad, only because it was Changkyun. 
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Tonight was the night, and everything was in place.
So why did Changkyun feel a ball of anxiety forming in the base of his gut?
Everything had been going according to the plan so far, not that there was much of a plan for any of this. It mostly relied on you and your friends being away from Yvonne’s for the night, which was easy enough since you were all off on the same evening. A rarity that you all were going to take advantage of, and had planned for movie night with drinks and sushi take out over at Kat’s place, an event that was common enough that Changkyun knew it usually ended in a sleepover. 
He had dropped you off an hour prior, kissing you gently and shouting a greeting down the hall to the girls before heading back to the car, ignoring the feeling of guilt roiling in his stomach. He had just kept reminding himself that he was doing this for you, doing this so he could support you and give you the life that you deserved. 
It was one last time, one last game. 
But that pit didn’t dissipate as the evening went on, not even when he met with Joohoney who had insisted he take a shot when they arrived at Yvonne’s to help with his nerves. It had burned his esophagus, blurring the edges of his tension a bit, enough that he felt confident walking through the lounge next to his friend.. 
“You good?” Joohoney asked, slapping a hand on his shoulder. 
Changkyun nodded. “Yeah, just really wanna win some money, you know?” 
Joohoney had given him an understanding grin before guiding him past the tables in the lower section of Yvonne’s towards the stairs leading up to the high roller tables. 
“It's our lucky night, Kyun,” Joohoney said, pausing in front of the door leading to where the game was about to begin. Through the heavily frosted glass, Changkyun could see several bodies already seated at the few VIP tables, and he felt his pulse spike.  “We’re going to win.”
“I hope you’re right.”
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The sleepover at Kat’s had been just the reset you needed. 
A night of screaming at the television, drinking cocktails and eating your bodyweight in sushi with your friends was healing in more ways than one, and you had left the next morning feeling lighter and more content than you remembered in a while. 
 It was surprising to find your apartment dark and quiet when you returned, as you had assumed Changkyun would be there waiting for you, like he always was. You had given him a key long ago, figuring there was no point in pretending like he didn’t spend all of his free time glued to your side, but not fully ready to give up the independence of living alone quite yet. 
Sending him a quick text, you let him know that you’re home and about to catch up on sleep before your shift later. He replies quickly that he had fallen asleep at his place after a late night with Joohoney, but that he would be there once you got off work. 
Nothing had felt out of the ordinary, and you felt energized enough from your nap to get ready quickly, getting to work much earlier than you normally would for a shift.
You should’ve known something was up the minute you walked into work and saw that Vanda had a shit eating grin on her face.
She kept sneaking side glances, watching you with a scrutiny that made you uneasy. She’s normally more obvious in her attempts to annoy you, and her passive aggressiveness is setting your teeth on edge. 
After the third glare and giggle on your way to drop off more drinks, you decide you’re going to confront her and ask her what her deal is, when she beats you to it.
“Did you have fun last night?” Vanda questions, a stupid smirk on her face. 
“Why do you care?”
“Seemed like Changkyun did,” she continued, like you hadn’t asked a question. Your stomach dropped.
Raising a brow, you wait for her to go on, not wanting to give her any more satisfaction. She clearly knew something that you didn’t, and she was already well aware of that fact. 
“How much did he actually end up winning last night? I mean, him and Joohoney were upstairs until last call, and he seemed pretty happy when he left.”
Instantly, your throat tightens, unease now unfurled into full blown anxiety. He was here last night? If he was here last night, and with Joohoney upstairs, no less…
“I didn’t manage to hear how much he won, just that Changkyun shouldn’t worry, because you would never find out.”
It was enough. You had heard enough. 
It was surprising how quickly you switched into autopilot, spinning on your heel and striding out of the room before your throat tightens, before your vision fully blurs. Vanda says something more behind you, a lilt of concern in her voice, but you can’t hear her, not anymore. 
 Your mind quiets as your body takes control, moving you to find your manager to tell her that you need to leave, before grabbing your purse and coat, and leaving the lounge. Turning towards your apartment, your rage fuels your step, gut churning with the betrayal of knowing the only reason why Changkyun would be upstairs at Yvonne’s last night, why he would be leaving looking so pleased with himself. 
The wind bit at your face, chapping your lips,  but you didn’t care; needing the night air in your lungs and for the anger to be burned out in your movement before seeing him. 
Because once you walked out your anger and faced the betrayal, you would need to deal with the deep seated fear for Changkyun’s safety, and how the hell you would be able to protect him now. 
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Changkyun wasn’t expecting you so early when you barged into the apartment, and the mix of confusion and excitement quickly bled away once he saw the look on your face. 
He strides towards you, grabbing your shoulders, concern knitting his brow. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
Blinking, you allow yourself a moment to stare at him, to drink in his full mouth and stupid handsome face, before you swallow around the knot in your throat. 
“Tell me it isn’t true, Changkyun.” 
You hate how your voice sounds; weak and strained and like you’re just bone deep tired, defeated. Maybe you are. 
“What are you talk-”
“Tell me that you weren’t upstairs at Yvonne’s last night,” you sigh, irritated with the ruse. “Tell me that you didn’t go and do the exact thing that you promised me you wouldn’t, and that I didn’t have to find out from fucking Vanda, of all people.”
Pulling away, you slide from his grasp, tucking your arms around your middle so that you wouldn’t be tempted to reach back out for him. It was tortuous, how much you want to reach for him, even when your heart is breaking. 
“Sweetheart, I just- it was just going to be one last time, one last game. The pot was too good, it was enough to get you set up, so you could quit,” he lets the sentence hang, almost waiting for you to interrupt, but when you stay silent, he continues. “Joohoney made sure everything was good, and we won just enough to get what we needed, not enough to rock too many boats. I had it under control.” 
Closing your eyes, you let the last sentence settle around your shoulders like a heavy weight, the same old feelings bubbling up. “It wasn’t about you being in control or not, Changkyun. It was about listening to me, actually listening to me. You promised.”
It was on the last word that you broke, that the tears started to fall, and for once you didn’t turn away, wanting him to see. 
“You promised me you would stay away, and then you didn’t. You hid it. You thought you knew what was best for me, instead of just listening to me.” 
Pain laces Changkyun’s face as he takes a step towards you, only pausing when you take an equal step backwards. “I’m so sorry, I don’t think I know better, I just-”
“Please leave. I’m done.” Your voice is low but measured, certain. 
“Baby, please, let me just explain, and- and-”
“I don’t want to hear an explanation. I want you to leave.” Tears continue to fall, but you don’t drop his stare, willing him to understand just how serious this all is, how serious you are. 
He wants to fight it, wants to say more, but something in your eyes must convince him, because he keeps his mouth shut. Instead, he moves back to the couch, grabbing his coat and phone, before making his way to the door. His gaze is mournful as he gives you one last look, lingering, before shutting the door behind him. 
You aren’t sure how long you stand there, unmoving, before the autopilot kicks back into gear, forcing your limbs to move. Heading towards your room, you place your phone on the charger before you curl into your bed, surrounding yourself with the blankets and the lingering scent of Changkyun. 
And then you let yourself break down. 
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Changkyun was drunk. Too drunk. 
He shouldn’t have taken that last shot, especially not after that last drink from the bar. It was too much, but fuck it. Who cares?
“I’m not sure what I’m doing,” he mumbles to himself, not caring how crazy he looks. He wishes someone would just give him some direction, tell him what he would need to do in order to fix this. 
He didn’t listen. He never listens. 
And now he’s lost the only good thing he’s ever fucking had, the only reason he got up each morning and what’s the point, if you’re gone? 
Fuck. Fuck. 
Sliding down low in the booth, he lets his head hang, the whisky glass precariously dangling in his hand. His body felt so heavy, so numb, and yet the anguish deep in his chest only worsened, throbbed along to music blaring in the club. 
If only he could apologize, he’d beg for mercy, he’d promise he’d never fuck up like this ever again. Explain how you were right - how he doesn’t need the money, or any of that shit, as long as he had you. 
He needs you.
His heart is in a vice grip, squeezing so tightly that he thinks he might explode from his body, his skin, until he’s nothing but red.
Pain suddenly licks up Changkyun’s palm, and he looks down to see the glass cup gone. In its place are thousands of tiny shards, twinkling in the dim club lights, reflecting everything back to him. More red, but this time welling in his palm, pooling in the deep lines of the skin. 
“What the fuck, are you alright dude?” 
Changkyun thinks it’s Joohoney who asks him, or maybe it’s Hyungwon? It doesn’t matter either way, because it’s not you.  
He goes to stand, to ask for a bandage or a rag or something, but instead his vision blurs, the room spinning. And then he’s flat on his back, blinking up at the cacophony of lights, faces coming in and out of focus, but not the one he needs, not the one he’s looking for. 
He can faintly hear his friends talking to him, feel them digging in his pockets for his phone, but he can’t be present anymore. It’s too torturous, too heavy. Much easier to close his eyes, to think about your face. To let himself get lost forever. 
He’s happy to die here on the floor of this stupid club, imagining your smile, your laugh, your lips as you say his name.
Changkyun just wants to take care of you, just wants to give you everything that you deserve. How can he do that if he’s here? If he can’t listen? 
He lets the darkness swallow him.
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Changkyun isn’t sure where he is. 
He feels like he got hit by a truck, his head specifically feeling like it had been trampled on, though it’s his right palm that's aching in time to his pulse. 
Without moving, he opens his eyes slowly, trying to take in his surroundings. It’s dark, wherever he is, and his head is propped on a pillow, body stretched out on a couch. He can see a small trash can directly in front of him, as if whomever brought him here wasn’t sure if he’d be capable of finding a bathroom if the contents of his stomach decided to make a reappearance, and he groans.
Fingers swipe through his hair, easing the pounding in his skull by a fraction.
“Hi, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?”
Changkyun thinks he has to still be sleeping, must be having a very good dream if it’s your voice he’s hearing, your scent he’s inhaling as he settles onto the pillow. He smiles to himself, not wanting to speak and having the dream fade too soon. 
“Changkyun? Are you going to answer me?” This time, you peer over him, leaning down to stroke his face. You let your fingers linger briefly on his cheekbone before lightly touching his lips.
His eyes snap open. 
“Is this real?” He asks, voice hoarse, gaze searching your own. He doesn’t feel strong enough to sit up quite yet, but you don’t seem to want to make him, either. “Are you really here?”
“Technically, you’re here at my place, but yes, it’s real.” You reply, your nails sliding back up to his hair to give his scalp a soothing scratch.
He swallows as he stares at you, as he drinks in the tenderness in your eyes that he thought he wouldn’t get a chance to see again. It took him a moment before he recognized your apartment in the dim light, and another more before realizing the pillow he’s laying on is settled in your lap. 
Even knowing that this was real, that you truly let him back in, he was still too scared to speak, not wanting to scare you off. Not wanting the moment to end. 
When he finally gathered enough courage, he cleared his throat.
“I’m so, so fucking sorry, sweetheart. You’re right. I don’t listen. I hear what you say, and then just act like an ass who thinks he knows everything.” Changkyun swallows thickly. “The only thing I do know is that you’re my everything. You’re all I need. Please, don’t give up on me yet.”
His pleas make your eyes well, and you force yourself to take an even inhale before speaking. 
You want to tell him that you couldn’t give him up, that you had tried because you knew it would be easier in the long run, but your heart wouldn’t allow it. You want to say that you had regretted telling him to leave the moment the words left your lips, that you hadn’t meant them. You want to say that you were just so tired of not being heard, of people making decisions for you.
Instead, you roll your eyes playfully. “Now why would I do that, after all the trouble I went through to patch up your hand while you were black out?”
You will tell him those things, but later. When the sting of last night had faded a bit from both of your memories, and the impact intended can land. 
He gives you a small grin, meeting your gaze. His hand - the bandaged one - raises slowly, tentatively, until it’s cupping your cheek.
“I just wanted to give you the world,” Changkyun murmurs, almost reverently. “I will give you the world, the right way. It might take me longer, but I will.”
His words soften you more, and you reach for his other hand, pulling him up until he’s facing you. He’s slow to move, the onset of a hangover taking hold, but eventually he settles sitting upright, eyes still intense on your own. 
He  is always trying to take care of you, trying to lessen your burdens. You know you’re not the best at accepting the help, but dammit, you were trying. For him. And he was trying for you, too. 
You lean forward until your foreheads are touching, breaths mingling. 
“I already have it, stupid.”
He kisses you then, a gentle press of lips that quickly builds, as everything always does with him. A push and a pull. Changkyun leans away slightly,  grins against your mouth. “I’m an idiot, but you already knew that.”
“You’re my idiot. The rest is just noise.”
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aettuddae · 3 months
hole in one — extras : 1.
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⌕ synopsis: at one of the most prestigious universities in the country, where everyone is battling to be the center of attention, yu jimin is just a regular. people want her because of her beauty, but all she cares about is sharing her freaky stuff with her friends and passing her subjects. although there's one thing that might push her out of her comfort zone, revenge. when nakamura kazuha, one of the richest and most well-known students of NCU, starts to spread gossip about her for thousands of followers to see, jimin decides to get back by taking away the thing kazuha cares about the most: her perfect girlfriend, the young golf star, kwon haru.
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masterlist | chapter 1
[half written chapter]
her elbows resting on the bistro counter, her eyes scanning the menu. the girl with long brown hair looked confused, still unfamiliar with the place after having only been there for two weeks. it was the first time that she approached one of the several options that the club offered for eating. she didn't want anything too heavy, but the light dishes that she had in front of her eyes didn't appeal to her at all. she had been reading and rereading the sheet that had been given to her for a couple of minutes, without reaching any resolution.
“oh! you have to try the pajeon they make here.” a boy's voice came from behind her.
when she turned to see who was talking, she found two people, both dressed in sports clothes, a tall boy with black hair and a girl who accompanied him. she looked familiar, somewhere she had seen that face of hers. the moment she laid eyes on her she couldn't help but find her beautiful. her eyes were big and she found light there, as if she had stars in them, and a smile rested on her lips, she seemed to be a genuinely radiant person.
the boy… he was there.
“the bibimbap here is also good.” added her.
“if she's going to order something to eat, it should be something really good, not bibimbap.” her friend complained, carefully hitting her shoulder to nag her.
"if she chose to eat here she clearly doesn't want anything highly produced, otherwise she would have gone to the restaurant.” she hit him back.
“ask for the pajeon, i know what i'm talking about.” the boy turned his attention back to the chestnut haired. “by the way, i’m lee minhyuk.” he held out his hand for her to shake. “keep the name in mind, it will help you if you need anything.”
“in case you need, you know, a lawyer…” his company continued. “or a cellmate.” she joked, making her laugh. “kwon haru.” she presented her hand for her to take as well, which she did after letting go of minhyuk.
she now remembered where she knew that face with angelic features. kwon haru. of course the name rang a bell in her brain. in front of her was the new promise of korean golf, the new discovery of the sport. if you liked and followed this hobby, then you had heard of haru. with her hawklike vision and precision in her swing, at 21 she had already earned a place among the country's future sports stars.
“i know that name.” she said shyly. “i'm nakamura…” she paused unconsciously, usually her last name was enough to get a reaction. “kazuha.” she finished, laughing at the awkwardness with which she said that.
"you are rich!" the taller one pointed his index finger at her and exclaimed.
"i imagine that you too." she replied simply, assuming that if you had made it into rottary, you must come from a well-off family.
“her parents are well-known businessmen.” he commented to the girl.
“i’ve heard the last name.” she nodded, but didn't seem to care too much. "are you new here? we don’t see many people our age around.”
“i've only been here for two weeks.” she informed, intimidated, for some reason, with kwon's attention.
"hello!" minhyuk greeted the cashier, who seemed to know him well. “two servings of samgyeopsal and…” he turned his head to look at the new girl and wait for her response.
“oh…” the sudden pressure took her by surprise. “a bibimbap.” she asked, finally, directing her gaze to haru, who smiled upon hearing that she took her recommendation.
“a bibimbap.” the boy added as he rolled his eyes. “you're missing it.” he shook his head.
the employee wrote down the group's order and gave them an approximate time the food would be ready, suggested they choose a table, and then walked away.
“will you sit with us?” the black haired man proposed.
“actually, i wanted to eat quickly and continue training.” she rejected him, lowering her head.
“oh, don't worry, it's okay.” he patted her shoulder reassuringly, earning a sideways glance from the girl, causing him to cut contact quickly.
“we will be seeing each other around.” haru gave her a kind expression. “look for us if you need anything.” she added. “it was a pleasure meeting you, nakamura…” she paused for a moment as she began walking towards the tables with her friend. “kazuha.” she finished, causing the named one to laugh, turning on their heel to leave.
“she doesn't like me.” minhyuk whispered towards haru once they were far from her.
"i don't think so." she dismissed him. “you're just being paranoid.” she rubbed his back with her hand to calm him down.
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“i'm sorry, haru,” the brunette spoke after seeing her ball land in the distance. “but i think i'm about to win this match.”
“after this, there is still one more hole, zuha." she replied confidently as she approached the tee. “i wouldn't claim victory yet.” she bent down to place her ball in the teeing area.
“i have fewer hits than you.” she recalled, following the girl's movements.
“and i am the next golf superstar.” she stood up and gave her a teasing smile.
kazuha opened her eyes in surprise and let out a dry laugh as she put her hand on her chest, pretending to be offended by haru's sudden ego. she lifted her club into the air, joking that she was going to attack her with it, to which the older girl ran off with the brunette chasing behind. kazuha dropped the object and concentrated on catching kwon, who was further ahead, eventually managing to close the distance enough to reach her sweater and pull it, making her stop running, and then jump on her back. haru held her thighs with her hands so she had something to lean on, and she wrapped her arms around her neck for support.
“i could hit it while carrying you." she assured with plenty of attitude.
“haru, i can see your legs shaking from here.” she contradicted her.
“i'm just nervous in the presence of a pretty girl." she lied with a flirtatious tone. “it's not that i don't have strength.”
"how shameless." she shook her head.
haru approached her club bag, still carrying kazuha on her back with some difficulty, and took out a driver from it. she didn't have much strength, but she had great pride that was forcing her to show that she could make a good tee shot even in that situation. trying to keep the girl in place and not fall, she approached the tee box and got into position. kazuha's leg was in the way when lifting the club, but she still did her best to carry it high and not hurt her during the swing, managing to hit the ball with force and precision without touching the girl, and more importantly, without dropping her.
once she saw the small white object flying through the air, she collapsed, falling to the ground on her knees, unable to support the weight of a human on her back anymore, and being pushed flat when kazuha's body collided on top of her. leaving them both on the ground, they began to laugh at the event that had just happened.
“wow, you're really good at this." spoke nakamura, who was now lying on haru's back.
“it's my vocation." the oldest answered in a low voice due to the little air that was reaching her lungs, with her head on her side, her cheek against the grass.
kazuha let her head fall forward of her, her stare remaining directly on haru's profile. she looked at her for a moment, appreciating her features from up close, forgetting the position they were in. she leaned down and placed her forehead on the girl's temple, closing her eyes and holding them there for a moment while her game partner caught her breath.
she rolled her body to her side, getting off of the girl and facing the sky, enjoying the warm weather and sunny day for a second. she stood up, sitting on the grass, then looked to where haru was still lying, with the hand closest to her, she adjusted her hair, then gave short, soft caresses on her cheek, to finally bent down to leave a kiss on it.
“and that?” haru asked, surprised after the sudden display of affection.
“nothing." she replied simply. “it's just that you made me feel very happy just now and i wanted to thank you.”
haru raised, remaining in the same position as her, wiping the lawn off her clothes. she gave her a tender look and smiled sideways. “it makes me happy that you are happy.” her smile expanded, showing her teeth and causing her eyes to disappear, causing a mirror reaction in the brunette.
kazuha couldn't contain the emotion that haru generated within her. in those months since she had met her and they had become close, her smile had turned into her favorite thing in the world. she was all the time searching for it, telling the girl the best jokes, doing stupid things that she wouldn't do for anyone else just to see it. she couldn't contain the need to shower her with affection all the time, to show her how much someone could adore her.
with her hands against the earth, she pushed herself, landing on her knees and launching herself towards her older one, who hugged her around the waist. kazuha surrounded her shoulders and, since she was thus taller like that, she looked at her from above, meeting her eyes with her own, the shine that haru carried in them was reflected in kazuha's everytime they made optical contact, and in the way the brunette admired her with her eyes, you could tell who her world really was.
“do you know how else you can make me very happy?” she inquired, the excitement generated by the girl's simple existence painted in her tone.
haru nodded, the euphoria impossible to hide on her face, and she moved her body forward to the level where she could touch her mouth with hers, and therefore capture her lips to share their first kiss.
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"love." haru called from inside her apartment, walking towards the balcony, where kazuha was seated in a chair looking at the seoul skyline. “it's merely a job, you're not tied to this guy for the rest of your life.” she took a seat beside her.
“but i don't like him.” she took a couple of grapes from the bunch that haru had just brought in a bowl.
“you never like anyone.” she brought a unit of the fruit to her mouth. “there must be three people in total that you stand.” she gave her a scrutinizing look.
“the only thing that matters to me is that i like you.” the brunette leaned to her side to plant a chaste kiss on her girlfriend's cheek.
“and i like you.” this one responded straightforwardly. “but you need to learn to be more patient.” she advised.
“i'll attempt, but i don't guarantee anything.” she shrugged, to which haru replied with a knowing smile. “i was thinking we could got out for dinner tonight.” she changed the subject.
"sorry, love." she ate another grape. “the boy minhyuk met at the gym dumped him, so we'll go console him.”
“minhyuk gets dumped every week.” she sulked.
“it's not his fault he chooses the most idiotic men.” she defended her friend.
“i'm very certain that if the pattern recurs so frequently the issue must be him.” she reasoned.
“see that you detest everyone?” she remarked, but kazuha just rolled her eyes.
“why did he get broken up with this time? it seemed like this one it was real."
“the man told him he was going too fast.” she informed, making a displeased expression. “like, just say that you don't want any commitment and don't raise the poor boy's hopes.” she spoke with irritation.
"right?" her girlfriend agreed with her. “you wouldn't do that to me, would you?” she changed to a serious tone.
"love." she gave her an incredulous grimace.
“what does that ‘love’ mean?” she raised an eyebrow, interrogating her. “have you imagined a future with me? because i do." she confessed, and haru was silent momentarily. “baby, we're not marrying tomorrow, i just want to know if you see me in your future.”
“clearly i do.” she nodded. “every time i wake up beside you i think that is what i would like for my whole life.” her gaze was filled with tenderness.
“that's the response i was expecting.” she approved with a firm tone and brought another grape to her mouth.
"that's your answer?" haru shouted indignantly. “i admit to you that i wish you to be part of my day to day eternally and you say that?”
"you already know that my universe is you.” she mentioned laughing at haru's reaction.
“forget it, after that reaction i'm not so sure.” she lifted her hand, placing it between them and obstructing her face from looking at her.
"baby." she seized her girlfriend's arm and pulled it down. “you know how in love with you i am.” she slid her palm down kwon's forearm until they intertwined fingers. “you know my dream is to live with you, drive to the club with you every day, kiss you goodnight every night, get married… do you remember where i would like our wedding to be?” she looked at her with furrowed brows.
"in spain." she replied, smiling without realizing it when she heard her girlfriend.
"exactly." she rested her head on her partner's shoulder. “move to a house with a lovely yard, have a daughter, and fight about whether we'll give her a japanese name or not.” they both chuckled. “you know i can't envision a future without you, i didn't think i had to remind you.”
"i love you." haru expressed and then planted a kiss on her head. “the future i dream with is exactly what you just described.” she assured. “i don't wanna grow older without your head on my shoulder.”
"that will not happen." she vowed. “you will listen to me complain about minhyuk until i have to wear dentures.” kazuha envisioned making haru burst into laughter. “and i love you too, by the way.” she kissed her face.
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jae-bummer · 1 year
My Hospital Bed or Yours?
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Prompt: I feel like this could fit him really well - Changkyun and #15
15) You hurt yourself and your bias is in the hospital bed adjacent.
Prompt list can be found HERE.
Pairing: Monsta X Changkyun x Reader
Genre: Fluff
TW: Hospital setting. Mentions of fractures/appendicitis.
"Appendicitis," you muttered. "You're telling me it's appendicitis?"
"Unfortunately," your doctor sighed, tapping the side of your hospital bed.
"Well, I don't want it to be appendicitis," you grumbled, crossing your arms, only to cringe in pain from the movement.
"I certainly didn't want that either," the doctor chuckled. "But unfortunately, this is what it is."
"Sooo what's the next steps?"
"We'll have you stay the night and get you ready for surgery tomorrow morning," he nodded.
"Can't you just give me some antibiotics and I can go home?" you groaned.
"Not if you want to be back here in 6-8 weeks to try again."
You leaned your head back on the pillow and whined. "I don't like the hospital."
"I won't take that personally," the doctor chuckled. "I'll be back to check on you in a bit."
With that, your doctor sidestepped around the side of your privacy curtain and began talking to the patient who was in the room with you.
"How are we feeling today, Mr. Im?"
"Same as yesterday," a deep voice croaked. "My butt is numb and my leg is itchy."
"Would it be helpful if the nurse brought you a few more pillows to make yourself a bit more comfortable?"
"Comfort is an illusion here," he muttered bitterly. "I would however like my pudding cup at your earliest convenience."
The doctor let out a surprised laugh. "I'll have someone get right on that."
You heard the physician's steps exit the room and begin to retreat down the hallway. After a moment of silence, the voice on the other side of the curtain cleared its throat. "So, what are you in here for?"
"Appendicitis," you said weakly, but you guessed he had probably already heard that bit. "You?"
"Leg fracture," he sighed. "I'm currently in traction."
"In traction?"
"You know, where they put your leg into a tiny hammock and make it stay there for the rest of eternity?"
"Traction," you repeated. "Got it."
The silence lulled on for another moment. "Whatcha wearing?"
"I'm sorry?" you gasped, hardly believing your ears.
"Don't sound so scandalized," he laughed. "My vote is your hospital gown matches mine. Is it hideous?"
You looked down, furrowing your brow. "I mean...it's not the first thing I would pick to wear."
"Push the curtain back. Let's compare," he said. You could tell from the sudden fluttery motion of the fabric between you that he was attempting to grab at it with his fingertips.
You chewed on your lip, trying to decide if this was a good idea or not. You could just ignore the stranger, whoever he was. Surely he would stop trying to talk to you after some point. Then again, you would be stuck in a room with him for the next day or two. If you decided to stay silent, how awkward could things get?
"I'll make it worth your while," he tried again. "Half of this pudding cup could be yours."
"Fuck it," you thought before narrowing your eyes and focusing on the small pull stick that controlled the curtain. Trying to move as slowly and comfortably as possibly, you grabbed it and pushed it as hard as you could toward the opposite end of the curtain track.
The burst of movement maybe moved the fabric only four feet or so, but it was enough to expose your roommate.
You were shocked by the man you had uncovered. He was smirking mischievously at you, the smile reaching all the way up to his eyes. His hair was black, long, and disheveled, but it suited him. His tan skin had no pallor to it, which was a surprise considering he had been stuck in the hospital room since who knows when.
"Well hello to you too," he grinned, watching you as you took him in.
"Sorry," you squeaked, shaking your head. "I just...I... you weren't what I was expecting. That's all."
"Midsize, dark, and handsome?"
"I...well...midsize?" you fumbled.
"Yeah, I'm nowhere near "conventionally tall" so don't get your hopes up whenever they let me out of this hospital bed," he chuckled. "The adage of "tall, dark, and handsome" didn't quite work."
"Got it," you said quietly, your eyes still roaming his face.
"I'm Changkyun, if you were wondering. And my hypothesis has been confirmed," he nodded. "We are in matching hospital gowns. I've got to tell you, washed out mint is really your color."
"Thanks?" you pushed out. Was this guy for real? "I'm Y/N."
You allowed yourself to finally look away from him and face forward. Taking a deep breath of air through your nose, you slowly blew it from your mouth.
"I was eavesdropping and heard you have surgery tomorrow," Changkyun offered. "That's a bummer."
"Yeah," you said shortly, closing your eyes. You didn't want to even recognize that you were stuck in a hospital bed right now, let alone going in for a procedure.
"You okay?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern. "Sorry if I'm making things worse. I can shut up."
"Please," you said quietly. "And thank you."
After several beats of silence, he cleared his throat again. "It's okay to be scared."
"I'm not scared," you grumbled.
"Didn't say you were. Just saying it was totally okay if you decided to be."
You groaned, opened your eyes again, and turned to face him.
"I'm freaked out," you said quietly, admitting it more to yourself than this stranger.
"That's a synonym for "scared"," he whispered back with a small smile. You couldn't help yourself as you let out a laugh that hurt entirely too much. "Don't think on it too much though. Everything will go great and then they'll wheel you right back here."
"I can hardly wait."
"I can tell," he grinned. "Seriously though, if you don't have anyone else to be here for you, I'm as good a choice as any."
"Oh?" You quirked up your brows. "How so?"
"Well, for starters, I am an A+ cuddler."
"Who said I wanted to cuddle?"
"That's comfort 101, baby," he hummed. "Plus, I'm cute, you're cute, according to science, that makes sense."
You couldn't help but smile. "You're absolutely ridiculous. Do you realize that?"
Changkyun attempted to sit up a bit. "I do in fact live in my head 87% of the time, so i have some idea. Back to the topic at hand though, my hospital bed or yours?"
You choked out a laugh and instantly regretted it as your insides throbbed.
"Sorry," he winced. "You can tell me to shut up again."
"Please don't," you said quietly. This man was absolutely wild, but he was turning your discomfort into something else entirely. You could appreciate that. "You're an excellent distraction."
"You know what else is an excellent distraction? Kissing," he said confidently. "I've heard it works wonders."
It was your turn to sit up now. With wide eyes, you tried to find words. "I don't even know you."
"You could."
Shaking your head. "I think your pain medication is doing the talking right now."
"Is not!" he gasped indignantly. "I know beauty when I see it, and I want your face on my face!"
"Yep," you nodded. "Definitely the medication."
"I will tell them to stop these pills right now and prove to you these are my stone-cold sober thoughts!" he whisper-yelled.
"You're telling me, you just enjoy kissing strangers?"
"If they're beautiful."
You felt heat travel with alarming speed up your neck and to your ears. You knew you weren't at your visual best right now, so any compliment came across well. "You're a flirt, Mr. Im."
"But," he said tapping his chin. "Is the flirting working?"
"I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of knowing."
"Oh, just wait until I get freedom to move again," he gasped. "I am so hopping on one foot over there and suffocating you with unwarranted affection."
"And what if I'm discharged before you are?"
"I'll bar the door with my hospital bed if you don't leave me your number," he said simply.
"And then what?"
"Then we ride my electric wheelchair off into the sunset."
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daebakinc · 2 years
Pretty Woman Pt.7 (M)
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Pretty Woman AU
Pairing: Kihyun x Reader
Word Count: 4.6 K
Synopsis: Rich business man, Kihyun Yoo finds himself lost driving in Los Angeles. Stopping for directions he meets you, a prostitute on Hollywood Boulevard. What starts as a one night stand soon becomes a weeklong proposition, as Kihyun needs arm candy for his visit in the city of angels.
TRIGGER WARNING: Attempted rape *** this is solely based on the movie and not a reflection on ANY of the idols used as characters
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6
~Admin V
             Your lips pressed against Kihyun’s. You hadn’t meant to do it. Your body just moved on its own.
             But they were soft and oh so inviting. Parting your lips, you breathed him in.
             Kihyun startled awake.
             Backing off slightly, you both looked into each other’s eyes. His eyes fell to your lips. Before you knew it, you were kissing him again.
             Now awake, he pressed back, forceful like you thought he’d be, but much needier. His fingers reached for your face, holding it gently as he kissed you. He seemed to breathe you in as you’d done to him earlier.
             Lips parted, you poked your tongue against his bottom one, still minty from brushing his teeth before. He opened his mouth wider to allow you better access. Dipping in a bit, you licked the tip of his tongue.
             Following your lead, he glided his against yours. Taking control, he lifted himself from the bed and leaned into you until you were on your back.
             Your arms snaked around to grab at his shoulder blades, deepening the kiss as you pulled him closer to you. His taste was addictive, and you didn’t think you’d ever get enough of his kisses.
             Making you lightheaded with his tongue, he moved his left hand from cupping your cheek down to your neck, continuing until it rested over your breast.
             You gasped as his thumb pressed circles over the fabric of the negligee against your nipple.
             Kihyun lifted from kissing you, making sure it was a good gasp. “You’re okay?”
             Eyes wide, you licked your lips and nodded.
             He gave a small smirk, then pushed his lips on yours once again, his grasp of your breast firmer and circling of the nipple faster.
             You moaned into his mouth, and you could feel him smile. When you moaned again, he lifted his hand back up to your neck, then moved his right hand down to your other breast, circling the nipple in the same way.
             Pressing your head back to break the kiss, you exhaled, “Shit, Kihyun.”
             He chuckled above you, the thumb from his other hand tracing your bottom lip. “You like it?”
             You nodded your head quickly.
             “Tell me.” He pinched your nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
             Crying out in pleasure, you looked into his eyes. “Yes, I like it.” He pinched harder, making you cry out louder. “It feels good, Kihyun.”
             Satisfied with your answer, he leaned down as if to kiss you again, but his lips rested against your neck.
             Whimpering at the loss from his lips on yours, your hands moved up to tangle in his hair.
             Still working your breast, he kissed down from your neck, moving until his mouth rested on the opposite nipple. Kissing over the fabric, his attention didn’t last there long, and he continued to move downward until his mouth was below your belly button.
             Bringing both hands down, he lifted the negligee above your hips. Your body shook as he kissed a trail at your panty line. He massaged your hips as he did, causing new shivers to wrack through you.
             Slowly, he pulled your panties down, his lips moving down as well. He placed soft, delicate kisses over your mound. Lifting to pull your panties all the way off you, he opened your legs and stared between them.
             You watched as his eyes widened, becoming blown with need. He looked back to your face. “So wet for me, baby.”
             Biting your lip, you nodded at him.
             Kihyun pulled your legs until your butt was at the edge of the bed. He knelt on the floor, fitting your thighs on his shoulders. His right hand reached up to hold yours, fingers lacing. The other held onto your thigh.
             He rubbed his cheek against your thigh, making goosebumps go across your arms.
             Your breath quickened in anticipation. Finally, he moved his lips between your legs. He kissed lightly from the top of your lips down to your slit. The feather-light touch was maddening. He kissed up from the slit back to the top and you could feel your slickness on his mouth. He teased you a few times doing this until you just couldn’t take it.
             “Please Kihyun.”
             He looked up, and eyebrow quirked. He wanted you to tell him exactly what you wanted.
             “Touch me.”
             He kissed the top of your lips above your clitoris once again. “I am touching you.”
             A shiver went up your spine. “I need more. Please, Kihyun. Touch me more.”
             He squeezed your hand in his. His face leaned in as if to kiss you again, only this time his tongue licked between your lips down to your slit. Your body jerked in reaction, your moan loud in the room. Licking you up and down like he had with the kisses, he slowly started changing his pattern, pressing his tongue between one side of the labia upward and moving it down the other side. He licked around your vulva, avoiding your opening and clitoris. His ministrations were precise and you could feel the white heat settling in your tummy.
             His eyes met yours. “You’re getting wetter.” Your body shuddered at his words, making you squeeze his hand tighter and grab at the bedding with your other hand.
             His mouth on you again, his tongue lapped against your entrance. Your back arched as you cried out, tingles rushing all the way to your toes. He touched you like this again and again, your moans filling the room, until he replaced his tongue with two fingers and slid them in.
             Your legs trembled as he pumped his fingers in. He pulled them out enough to leave just the tips in, then pushed back in at a slow pace. His mouth finally hovered over your clitoris and you moaned out in pleasure. He sucked on your bud, hard, his fingers caressing your g-spot.
             “Fuck,” your head pressed back. You were getting close to orgasm. Your body shook as he was sending new sensations of bliss through it.
             He stopped sucking and began licking your clit, lapping at it, moving his tongue in circles, slow then quick, until you screamed out in orgasm and came on his fingers.
             Your chest moved up and down as you panted, your body still humming from the climax.
             Kihyun pulled his fingers out, covered in your ejaculate. He sucked the tips into his mouth, then crawled back on the bed above you. “You taste good,” he whispered, then rested his fingers against your mouth. Parting your lips, you tasted his fingers as he pushed them in.
             He didn’t keep them in your mouth long, as he pressed his lips to yours to kiss you again. Your spicy taste mixed with his sweet and musky.
             As you continued tasting him, your tongue massaging his, you reached down to pull off his boxers. He helped you to rid them all the way off, then lifted your negligee until it too was removed. After pulling you to be more centered in the bed, he reached over to the nightstand for a condom.
             “Can I do it?”
             Handing you the condom, Kihyun looked down and watched you. He looked at your face, your body, your hands as you unwrapped the condom and slid it down his length, making him gasp slightly. You took the chance to cup his balls gently and give them a light press, causing more of a reaction out of him.
             Reaching for your hands, he pinned them next to your face and gazed into your eyes. You stared at each other for a long moment.
             “You’re so pretty.” He bent down and nipped at your lips. “So beautiful.” He let go of your wrist to push your sweat-slicked hair from your forehead, and rested his forehead on yours. It lasted only a moment before he lifted back up to look you into your eyes once again. “Ready?”
             Holding his gaze longer, you finally nodded. “Yes, I’m ready Kihyun.”
             He guided himself to your entrance, both of you letting out a loud groan as he slipped in. With how wet he’d made you along with the lubrication of the condom, he glided in so smoothly. Because of it he moved a little faster than his usual slow and sensual pace. It didn’t stop his thrusts from being earth-shatteringly rough.
             His body rested against yours, allowing you to feel his skin along yours with every pump of his hips.
             Reaching up, you grabbed the back of his head and pulled him to you, kissing him like it was your last breath. You simply couldn’t get enough of him.
             Unconsciously, he started thrusting faster, both of you crying out in result.
             As you were getting dizzy from kissing, his movements started to become sloppy. He was close.
             You reached for one of his hands pressing into the mattress and moved it down to your clit. “I want to cum with you.”
             You inhaled sharply with the sudden speed of his fingers on your clit. They moved in the same pace as his thrusts. “Holy fuck, Kihyun.”
             He smirked to that, but he was losing control to his own pleasure and let out a low grunt. “Not until I say.”
             You nodded, but couldn’t quite think clearly. The friction of his fingers on your bud and his thrusts slamming into you, the white heat was right on the precipice.
             “Not yet,” he warned. Your moans were growing in number and volume. You were close, so close. You grabbed at his shoulder blades as your breath was beginning to hitch.
             With one final, hard thrust into you, Kihyun screamed, “Now!” He shuddered above you and you below him as your climax exploded. Both of you shook and cried out for several moments.
             You’d never came so strongly like that before. Your body felt like it was vibrating, skin warm from endorphins. Kihyun was still shaking above you, taking deep breaths until his strength gave out and he collapsed on you.
             Surprised you let out a low groan, but then the two of you chuckled. You helped him roll off, but both whimpered when he pulled out.
             You and Kihyun seemed to pant in sync, inhaling and exhaling next to each other.
             “Wow,” he breathed.
             “Yeah,” you agreed. “Holy shit.”
             That made him laugh. He reached for your hand, lacing his fingers with yours, then bringing your hand up to his mouth to kiss.
             Both of you laid there until the sweat on your bodies cooled. Kihyun started getting up, which made you groan. “Please don’t tell me you’re getting up to shower.”
             He chuckled to that. “I’m just going to clean up. I won’t be long.” He looked you over. “You should probably clean up, too.”
             A small blush filled your cheeks. “I don’t think my legs are functioning at the moment.”
             Kihyun’s head fell back as he laughed. “I’ll clean you up then.” He disappeared into the bathroom. You heard the sink running. After a few minutes he came out, condom gone and steaming washcloth in hand. He leaned over you, wiping the washcloth across your forehead, wiping the wet hair away. He then took his time to drag it down your body. When he got to between your legs, he was careful, gentle, though touching the still-sensitive area made you jump.
             A blush came over him, which made your eyebrow quirk. It was cute seeing his cheeks turn pink. “You okay?”
             Looking sheepish now, he gave a small smile. “I uh . . . I need to wring out the washcloth and go over you a second time. You . . . you came quite a lot.”
             You laughed, making him laugh, too. “You made me cum that much.”
             His chest puffed up with pride as he hurried back into the bathroom.
             Once both of you were cleaned, you crawled under the blankets, Kihyun holding you against his chest with his arms wrapped around you. Your arms wrapped around his arms, your hands stroking against his skin.
             Playing with his arm hair, you continued running your fingers up and down his arms until his breath slowed and you were sure he finally dozed off.
             A sudden feeling came over you. It was there when you kissed him for the first time, and when he leaned his forehead against yours before pushing inside you, and once more when you laid together in the afterglow. Knowing he was sleeping, you felt brave enough to say it. “I love you.” Tracing his arms a few more times, you finally closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep as well.
                         Kihyun was already dressed and eating breakfast when you got up.
             “Good morning,” you grinned at him.
             “Good morning,” his smile was just as wide and earnest. Spending the week with you, he knew what foods you liked for breakfast and had a plate ready for you at the table.
             You sat together in comfortable silence. After last night, the food tasted especially good today.
             Before sipping some coffee, Kihyun spoke up. “It’s our last day together. I go back to South Korea tomorrow.”
             “So any special plans today?”
             His smile fell a little. “Unfortunately I have to close the buy of Honey Bear, so no events in the works.”
             “Ah,” you couldn’t help but feel disappointed.
             “However, I’d like to see you again.”
             You perked up to that. “Yeah?”
             “I was thinking, I could get you a condo in the city,” Kihyun continued talking but you’d stopped listening.
             He wanted to get you a condo. Him. He would pay for it. You interrupted him. “And you’re just going to drop some money off on the night stand every time you’re in town?” He still wanted you to be his beck-and-call girl.
             His smile fell this time. “It wouldn’t be like that. I just want to get you off the streets.”
             But be his mistress to fuck and pay as he comes and goes. “That’s just geography.”
             His expression became hard. “What do you want?”
             Scoffing, you got up from the table and walked out onto the balcony. To be honest, no one ever asked you what you wanted before. Expectations were always put on you. Resting against the balcony wall you turned to face him, as he now stood in the doorway. “Do you remember why I came to L.A.?”
             He stared at you for a moment. “You followed a boy.”
             “Yeah, I followed a boy, because I thought I wanted a boyfriend. Thought I wanted love. A big Hollywood romance, but you know, I’ve learned, there’s no love in L.A. Certainly no love when you’re a hooker.
             “And then you come in, Mr. Prince-Charming to turn me into a real-life Cinderella. Only, there’s one problem.”
             His phone started ringing. He looked to it, then back at you, but as it rang again, he gave a quick apology and answered it.
             K.Will was on the other line with news about Honey Bear Records. “No, no,” Kihyun was looking around now, for his wallet it seemed, “If he’s serious about selling I want to get Hyunwoo down to the office now before he changes his mind.” He grabbed his jacket and put it on. “I’ll be down there in ten.”
             Hanging up the phone he looked to you apologetically. “Only there’s one problem?” He tried to continue the conversation.
             You shook your head. “Don’t worry about it.” He needed to be focused on Honey Bear, which was the reason he was in L.A. to begin with and not worry about you.
             He reached for your chin. “Only there’s one problem?”
             Sighing, you looked sad as you said, “I don’t need to be rescued.”
             The frustration was clear on his face, almost identical to the first night you met him and he couldn’t figure out the stick shift. “I understand what you’re saying,” he looked down at his watch. “But it’s all I can think of right now.”
You felt yourself going back into robot mode. “It’s a really good offer for a girl like me.”
His thumb traced under your chin. “I’ve never treated you like a hooker.” Giving you one last look, he then turned and left the suite.
             Maybe it was a slip in the language barrier, but he’d definitely treated you like a hooker on more than one occasion. You left it to he was in a rush and not thinking clearly, just trying to show you he meant no disrespect.
             No longer interested in food, you decided to lay down again and sleep some more.
             After getting another two hours, you forced yourself up. Since it was truly the last day, no events were happening, and Kihyun was leaving tomorrow, it meant you had to pack.
             Luckily, for the most part, almost all of it was still packed up. You didn’t think you’d need all of it, especially since you hadn’t even worn half of it, but then you thought of the conversation you’d had with Kihyun the night of the yacht party.
             You had $8000 coming your way. Were you really going to continue streetwalking in L.A. Maybe you could go back to school. San Francisco seemed like a cool place while you were there for the concert. The new wardrobe could be perfect for there, albeit you might need to pick up a sweater or two.
             Dressed in shorts and a blouse and almost finished packing up the makeup and accessories, the doorbell rang. You assumed it was Kihyun, forgetting his keycard in his rush out the door. Regrettably when you opened the door, it was K.Will standing there. Your stomach dropped.
             “Hi.” His smile was very obviously filled with fake charm. “Is Kihyun here?”
             “Kihyun’s not here. I thought he was with you?”
             Walking in uninvited, K.Will acted like he owned the place. He made his way to the bar and started making himself a drink. “No,” he scoffed, “No. Kihyun’s not with me. When Kihyun was with me, Kihyun didn’t blow off billion-dollar deals.”
             He blew off the deal? He wasn’t going to destroy Honey Bear?
             “No,” K.Will continued. “I think Kihyun is with you, that’s what I think.” He offered you the drink he’d just made.
             “No thanks.” You were uncomfortable with him in the room. As he sat at the bar, you decided to sit in the living area away from him and try to make yourself look busy with a notepad. “You know, Kihyun should be home any minute.” If he wasn’t at his company, you could only assume he’d not be far behind K.Will.
             “Home,” he scoffed and sipped his drink. “This isn’t your home. It’s a hotel. And you’re not his wifey. You’re a prostitute.”
             Flinching at his words, your unease grew as he got up from the bar stool and walked over to sit next to you on the couch.
             “Maybe you’re a very good prostitute.”
             You dropped the notepad on the coffee table, in case you needed to make a quick escape.
             “Maybe if I screw you, I wouldn’t care about losing millions upon millions of dollars, ‘cause I have to tell you; I do care, I really do.”
             What were you supposed to do in this situation? You wanted to stand up and move, but he was bigger than you. What if he moved quicker and it gave him a better advantage.
             He scootched closer to you on the sofa. “Right now, I am pissed. I am freaking out.”
His fingers brushed against your bare knee. When you pulled away, he grabbed your thigh harshly. “So maybe if I fuck you and take you to a concert, I can be happy, too,” he forced himself on you.
             “No, stop.”
             He didn’t hear you, getting more in your space.
             “I said stop. Get off me.”
             K.Will started grabbing at your clothes.
             Using all your strength, you were able to push him away and make him stumble backwards. “Stop it!” The effect made you slip from the couch onto the floor.
             A crazed look was in his eyes. His arm stretched back as he prepared to hit you, but when he tried to move it forward, it didn’t budge.
Kihyun had appeared behind him and held his wrist. “What the hell are you doing?”
             The two men were suddenly wresting on the floor.
             Pushing the other man away, Kihyun stood up. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
             “I don’t know how to tell you this, but you already did.” K.Will came forward looking at Kihyun and pointing at you. “She’s a whore, Kihyun. A goddamn whore. And you’re going to throw millions of dollars away because of her?”
            Kihyun punched the older man square in the nose resulting an unnerving crunch sound.
            K.Will dropped to the floor, grabbing at his nose. Blood was oozing from it. “I think you broke it. You broke my nose.”
            There was nothing but disdain in his voice as Kihyun spoke. “Get out.”
            “What is wrong with you? I worked with you for years, dedicated my life to your company . . .”
            Putting his hand up, Kihyun interrupted him. “This is bullshit. It’s such bullshit. You don’t love me, or my company. You love the revenge. Making them pay for what they did to you. Well, you’re rich now and had your revenge so we’re done. You’re done. Now get out.”
            K.Will tried pleading with Kihyun, but the younger man simply cocked his head to the door. “Get out!”
            It was clear there was no more negotiating. K.Will picked himself up from the floor and walked out the door, still open from when Kihyun came in.
            You were still in a bit of shock. Kihyun came to you, concern all over your face. When he checked that there were no physical ailments, he took you in his arms and hugged you tightly. When he let go, he held your face his hands. That’s when you noticed his bloody knuckles.
            Forcing him to sit on the couch, you grabbed the ice bucket to fill it. When you returned from the ice machine, you placed some cubes in a cloth napkin then used it to soothe his hand.
            Not looking at him, you smiled. “You didn’t buy Honey Bear?”
            He chortled a bit. “I like Hyunwoo, like you said. Decided to buy the company to save it, like you suggested.
            “It was a good move.”
            He watched you as handled his wound. “Are you alright?”
            Looking up quickly, you nodded. “I’m fine. Nothing happened.”
            He reached for your cheek with his other hand. “I’m sorry for what did happen. It should never have happened.”
            Taking a deep breath, you put the ice down and gave him his hand back. “Kihyun, there’s always going to be someone, some guy like K.Will who will think it’s okay to treat me like that. Think that it’s okay because of what I am. You gonna beat them all up?”
            His brows furrowed, but he didn’t respond.
            Brushing your hands against your shorts, you stood up. “I should get going.”
            Kihyun stood with you. “I noticed you’d packed. Why are you leaving now?”
            “It’s the last day. There’re no more events to make you look good. We did it.”
            He shook his head. “That’s not why you’re leaving.”
            Sighing, you looked him in the eye. “You made me a really nice offer. Maybe if you’d made it the night you picked me up, sure, I’d have taken it, no problem. But everything has changed. I’ve changed. You changed it, and it can be changed back.” You took a moment to gather your thoughts. “I want more.”
            “I understand wanting more.” He gestured to the hotel suite. “What is more to you?”
            “I don’t want to be your employee, your beck-and-call girl, your hooker waiting on my knees when you visit. I don’t want you to save me from my life. I want you love me. Love me for me, and accept me for who I am. Be with me despite knowing what I am.”
            He looked taken aback. His brows were back to furrowing. You’d stumped him for sure. In all honesty, you weren’t expecting him to jump up and down with joy and agree to love you. But with him leaving the country, you figured you might as well shoot your shot.
            Sitting on the steps, you put on your shoes.
            Kihyun reached in his briefcase and pulled out a fat envelope then sat next to you. He handed it to you. “Your $8,000. It’s all there.”
            You took it from him and gave a small smile.
            “Thank you,” he breathed.
            “You’re welcome.” You put the money in the pocket of your shorts.
            He then handed you a card. “If you ever need anything, snap-dogs, people sucking up to you, whatever, you give me a call.”
            Both of you chuckled to that. You turned and looked him in the eyes. “I had a good time.”
            “Me, too,” he smiled.
            Getting up, you draped a few of the dress bags over your arm.
            “You need a bell boy. I’ll call one.”
            “Yeah, thank you.” It would definitely be easier.
            He moved as if he were going to the desk to pick up the hotel’s phone, but then moved back to in front of the door. “Stay. Stay the night with me. Not because you have to because I’m paying you, but because you want to.”
            Your heart broke a little gazing into his eyes. He wanted the night to say goodbye, but not “I love you.” It would ruin the night you had with him last night. It would be like he needed to get you out of his system. You had too much respect for yourself. “I can’t.” Your voice hitched when you said it.
            He looked down at his feet. Not trying to persuade you, he went back to the phone and called for the bellboy. Once all your things were on the cart, the bellboy promised to meet you down in the lobby.
            You looked at him for the last time as he leaned against the desk, his head down. “Goodbye, Kihyun.”
            He didn’t answer, but just stared at you until you walked out the door.
            Down in the lobby you found Changkyun. Both of you smiled at each other.
            “Hey. I wanted to say goodbye.”
            “I take it you’re not accompanying Mr. Yoo back to South Korea.”
            You gave him a knowing look. “Come on, Kyun. You and me live in the real world, most of the time.”
            He grinned at you. He knew you weren’t the niece after all. “Have you arranged for transportation?”
            “I’m gonna call a cab.”
            “No, allow me.” He called over a limo driver and insisted he take you where ever you wanted to go. The limo driver and bellboy headed out to the limo, leaving you with Changkyun.
            You offered him your hand to shake.
            He took it and kissed the back of it. “It’s been a pleasure knowing you. Please come back again, any time.”
            Giving him one last small smirk, you replied, “Stay cool.”
            When you walked outside, all your things were packed in the limo.
            The drive back to your place seemed surreal. This was it. Your last time in this high-style life. Getting back into your neighborhood, everything looked familiar, but it no longer felt familiar.
            The driver helped you to carry all of your belongings up to your apartment. You handed him a large bill from the envelop to thank him, then you were alone.
            Looking around your apartment, it was like you said to Kihyun. Everything had changed. It all seemed different now, because you were different now. You no longer belonged here. It was time you rescued yourself.
26 notes · View notes
kcake555 · 29 days
Wonho cake 🍰
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catkyunie · 1 year
Drink You Deeply ♡
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: The tension has been building for weeks between Changkyun and the boss of their little syndicate. Stolen glances, timed brushes in passing. Finally, the tension snaps.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: mafia!changkyun x mafiaboss!reader
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut, smut, and more smut
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ(ꜱ): alluded criminal activity, oral (m! and f! receiving), fingering, pet names (angel/baby), thigh slaps, face fucking, pussy drunk changkyun (please let me know if I miss any!) MDNI 🛑
ᴡᴄ: 4.8k
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The room was exactly how Changkyun had left it. Numerous items worth varying degrees of wealth littered the large mahogany table, anything from precious gems to pieces of deconstructed tech. Beneath that? An intricate and precise map of Seoul, down to alleyways and backstreets that average cartographers didn’t even bother with. Nevertheless, in I.M. 's line of work, he made it his business to know every twist, turn, and secret corner their capital might have hidden. Whatever caused the maneuverability of his brothers to be as effortless and smooth as possible. However, standing languidly before the whiteboard at the head of the table was the most priceless treasure in the room—the boss. 
Her back was turned to him, eyes surely focused on the makeshift plans scribbled concisely over the face of the board, different colored notes representing the input and dictations of the members. The curtain of hair that Changkyun had imagined spilling over his body time and time again was tied loosely at the crown of her head, the planes of her slender neck peeking through with the subtle movements of her body as she studied. The thoughts of sinking his teeth into the pretty flesh, leaving his mark, and claiming, made I.M.’s throat bob as he swallowed past the thick taste of desire that bubbled up from his chest. She wore what looked like a pressed, white button down, rolled to the elbows and tucked into the waistband of a dark pencil skirt. Her arms were folded at her chest, her hip popped as she adjusted her weight from one foot to the other. Godammit. 
Changkyun mimicked her demeanor, leaning casually against the far wall. Arms folded at his chest, accentuating his bare biceps, one foot lazily crossed over the other.  He allowed his eyes to do one more quick sweep of her body above the table, thoughts of having her bent over its top darkening his gaze. Inhaling deeply and angling his chin, I.M. cleared his throat, pulling the young woman from her train of thought before asking simply, “We aren’t quite finished going over the logistics. Didn’t Shownu tell you as much?” 
The boss turned on her heel to face Changkyun, her painted lips pulled up into a grin. He could have sworn he felt all of the air leave his lungs. Time and time again, I.M. found himself floored by her beauty, by the utter presence she demanded when she entered and occupied a room. Though she stood a full head shorter against the backdrop of him and his brothers, her gaze's calm, deep onyx commanded and brought rival syndicates to their knees. It was her voice and cunning that threatened violence and pain on those that fucked around in their territory. While every member had their role within the small group, they knew that she was the driving force that had propelled them to their standing in the rankings within the inner workings of the Seoul syndicates. And god damn, did it turn him on.  
“Of course he did. But, when has that ever stopped me from peeking at plans?” Her voice was like silk, passing through his ears and massaging every bit of his brain that he never knew needed tickling. He replied with a quick, single-shouldered shrug, “It hasn’t. Just didn’t want you to think we were slacking off.” 
Changkyun observed as her full lips slacked into a mock sulk as she bent forward at the waist and rested her palms on the deep red of the table. The exact shade of red that colored her lips and that he wished with every bone in his body to leave printed on her ass. 
“Ever the perfectionist, Changkyunie.” she pouted. 
He physically had to stop himself from whining at her teasing. From matching her sulk with a very real one of his own and explaining to her, as he had repeatedly, that if he wasn’t, everything could and would likely go to shit. While everyone held the same level of serious precision regarding their selected roles, I.M. felt that he was the orchestrated music that each of their instruments relied on to execute symphonies properly. He was their appraiser and getaway. The one that not only found the jobs and weighed their payout but that also ensured their safe passage to and from the heist. If he failed, they all did. Regardless, he refused to play into her razzing. So, instead, he settled with a furrow of the brow, his shoulders tightening as the muscle in his jaw twitched slightly. 
Unfortunately, that was all she needed. Straightening from her position, arms crossing loosely beneath her breasts again, the boss clicked around the table. Stopping right in front of him and pressing a thumb to the crease in his brow, I.M had no choice but to relax beneath her touch as she spoke plainly, “You’ll wrinkle if you don’t learn to relax a bit, I.M. Didn’t Kihyun tell you as much?” Using his turn of phrase against him, she tilted her head in question, how her eyes softened despite the playful embers that glinted behind those black orbs. If her proximity to him hadn’t set his blood on fire, the care and sincerity behind her words certainly had. Without thinking, spurred forward on intuition and instinct alone, Changkyun’s hand went to her wrist, holding it tenderly as the thumb pressed to his brow now glided down the length of his nose and settled gently against his bottom lip. She tugged at it, making it fuller still, his grip on her wrist tightening slightly. 
I.M. lifted his shoulders from the wall, straightening to his full height. He had half expected her to step away, to allow space between their bodies for breath to pass but, to his surprise, she stood firm. She did not budge as the swell of her breasts pressed lightly to the planes of his chest, her thumb now leaving his lip and resting lightly on his chin as she took it between her fingers and examined his face closely. There was no hiding or denying the lust that darkened his gaze, his eyes watching as she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. Biting lightly and then licking at the swelling it induced. 
“You’re playing a very dangerous game.” The words were palpable in his throat, thick and honeyed, sticking to the inside of his mouth. The back and forth with the boss had been going on for months. Subtle brushes of flesh, stolen glances, innuendos that both considered missed but were very much received and understood. This was the first time Changkyun allowed himself to act on his impulses. To take the thoughts that swam in his head and give them life, a voice. Judging by how she fixated on the curves of his mouth, her eyes hooded and mirroring the lust that stirred within his own, I.M. couldn’t help but wonder how long her inclinations had whispered to her. 
“My favorite kind,” she said in response, her eyes finally meeting his. Inviting. Tempting. Challenging. Who would bend to their whims first? Break and fold under the gaze of the other? I.M.’s grip tightened further, his very bones feeling like they might snap under her continued contemplation. It was with his next inhale, a shudder that heated his blood and left his body quivering, that he knew. He was putty in her hands, to be molded, shaped, and used however she saw fit to please her cardinal needs. And she, being the perceptive leader she was, could see it, feel it, hear it in the way his very breathing seemed to bend to her. This was checkmate. 
Just as quickly as the fire had begun licking at the base of his spine and tangling itself in his veins, he willingly and gratefully accepted defeat, it was plunged into freezing water and smothered. The step she took away from him, the hand that followed her and fell to her hip, stole the heat from his body and left a cold chill. The inches between them might as well have stretched for miles. Changkyun had to physically stop himself from moving in time with her, to plant his feet solidly to the ground instead of following her into that space, into that distance. Was this a coming to senses, a realization on her side that mixing business with pleasure would only lead to unneeded complications? Or, perhaps, this was another level to their unspoken game. Regardless, I.M. needed that heat like a drunk needed their booze. She was the finest whiskey brand, and he had every intention of succumbing to his basest desires and drink her deeply. 
Changkyun’s hands met at his lower back, the palm that had previously held her wrist now wrapping around his own. Slowly, painfully so, he bent forward. Testing the space between them, watching to see how she responded. To no one’s surprise, she did not balk. Her face, her posture, gave nothing away. She stood firmly, one hand propped on a hip while the other hung loosely at her side. It wasn’t until I.M. had bowed to meet her at eye level, his mouth so close to her own, that their breaths mixed in a way that left his head spinning. At that moment was when he noticed the way her body responded. The sharp inhale, her bosom blossoming to steal his breath away and take it into herself. He grinned, despite himself, and on a whispered exhale, said against her lips, “Your move, boss.” 
There, a silent switch was flipped in that too-quiet space between heartbeats. One that catapulted them into a direction that there would be no coming back from. Thumbs curled into belt loops as Changkyun felt a tug at his waist, positions of power shifting as the boss yanked him and spun him on his heel. With a flourish, I.M. found himself pushed up against the table's edge, his hips pressed tightly into the frame by the boss's insistent hands. The consistent ebb and flow of energy between the pair left Changkyun’s head spinning with a drunken stupor that he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to recover from. Now he knew how delicious the conflict would be, based solely on the fragrant aroma of their shared lust occupying the same space. To think he was already this befuddled, and he hadn’t even tasted her yet– 
His thoughts were quickly smothered down by the overwhelming sensation of her digits whispering against his flesh. I.M.’s eyes followed her every movement as she lowered to her knees, the friction of her slender fingers tugging at the tank tucked into the leather of his pants. It was enough to pull a whimper from the depths of Changkyun’s belly. The sound only spurred her further, bunching the clothing up near his middle before trailing those manicured nails over the raised muscles of his abdomen. He was utterly enthralled with the look of her, eyes blown out with desire, cheeks and ear tips kissed with the softest shade of pink. All while kneeling before him, admiring his body, on the verge of devouring him whole. Akin to a position of worship. 
Before Changkyun could collect his thoughts and clear the fog of desire that had clouded his vision, he felt her fingers tugging at his hips, skillfully unbuttoning his trousers and pulling them from the cut of muscle at his pelvis. Slowly, languidly, those same fingers inched around his body to the seam of clothing that clung to his lower back, pushing past the fabric and down over the curve of his ass. And then, with one final tug, I.M popped free from the too-tight clothing. Now fully exposed, the head of his cock already swollen and weeping at the promise of what her hungry eyes entailed, he had to bite back a hiss as she leaned forward and drug her tongue over the slit, collecting the moisture there and savoring his taste. 
Gone was the air of light-natured teasing. Now, there was a sense of urgency in how she pushed forward on her knees, how her tongue hung past her full lips as she slipped him into her mouth. The boss left him no room to breathe as she hilted him between her lips, nose brushing his public bone as he twitched at the back of her throat. 
“Fuck–” he quipped, pushing up and into her throat, letting her feel his length, his girth, relaxing around him and adjusting her movements to accommodate him. As she worked her mouth over the shaft of his dick, taking his length and sheathing it between her lips, the boss’s eyes slowly and unconsciously slid closed. She was so engrossed in the feel of him filling her mouth, how his hips bucked to meet her throat, and the subtle taste of precum that coated her tongue and cheeks that she hadn’t even realized that her eyes had left his. She was chasing the high that came with knowing how Changkyun reacted to her touch and the feeling of her mouth milking him for everything he had to offer. However, unbeknownst to her, this was only half of the fun for I.M. He wanted her to witness how he came apart for her, to watch the subtle changes in him. He bit into the hem of his tank to keep his abdomen and hips exposed for her, one hand teasing at his puckered nipple as the other gently wrapped in her hair and tugged with encouragement. Her eyes on his body and experiencing firsthand how much of a whimpering, desperate mess he became, naturally submitting beneath her powerful gaze, did just as much for the man as being buried between those pretty lips. 
“Please…” he begged through the cloth and gritted teeth, the fingers that had previously been tangled in her silk curtain now brushing gently against her jaw, pleading for her to place those beautiful eyes on him. And, just as he’d hoped, she entertained his request and did just that. From beneath those long lashes, her eyes found him. Watching the way they darkened upon seeing him in such a state, how he, quite literally, felt her cheeks tighten and suck at him harder, vacuuming him into the back of her throat, damn near sent Changkyun over the edge. 
Feeling the way she adjusted beneath him, I.M’s eyes snapped down to the floor, her legs naturally spreading so she could place her center of gravity in her hips and thighs. When their eyes met again, he felt her hands trailing up the back of his thighs, nails dragging along the hardened muscle. The sensation pulled a groan from deep in his belly, eyes rolling to the back of his head as goosebumps littered his skin. Goddamn, this was better than he could’ve ever dreamed. He could feel the tight fist of climax grip his lower spine, but he had no plans to slow its impending arrival. She just felt too fucking good. That was when he felt it. Hands gripping at his firm ass, nails digging into the tender flesh and pulling him deeper into the depths of her throat. 
“Oh, what the fuck…” he gasped, the hand in her hair tightening. Eyes locked on eyes once again, and as he held himself there at the back of her neck, waiting to see what she had planned, he felt her swallow against his dick with a slight nod of the chin. 
“Can I fuck your face, angel? Is that what you want?” he breathed. 
His answer came in the form of her pulling off of him slightly, centering herself, and once again pressing the tips of her fingers into his backside, urging him. That was all he needed. Readjusting his hand in her hair, his fingers grazing the nape of her neck and holding tightly, he nodded. 
“Hold on tight, baby.” 
Caution was thrown to the wind as Changkyun began to pump himself into her wet mouth, hips rolling forward and back steadily. With each thrust, the coil in his spine tightened further. Coupled with her nails in his skin and the look of absolute fucked out bliss on her face, I.M knew it wouldn’t be long before he emptied himself down her throat. She took each stroke like a professional as the force of his hips began to quicken. He was lost in his sea of need, the desperate and quickening pace he took evidence enough as he chased that high and the surge of dopamine that would come with it. He could feel his knees quake as lewd pants were pushed out of his throat. His eyes were clouded with an unspoken question that the boss answered with a slight tilt of her head, one of her hands snaking back to the front of his body as she palmed and kneaded his balls. That was what broke the dam. 
I.M. had to brace himself against the edge of the table as his body arched and found release, fingers white knuckling against the wood surface and in the length of hair he had been gripping in euphoria. He felt the knot in his lower back tighten as he emptied into her mouth, her cheeks filling with his cum before she greedily swallowed it and savored every drop he gifted her. Quivering and breathless, he felt his body finally relax against the table as she pulled him from her mouth. The grin that tugged at the corners of her mouth had him hardening almost instantly. She was smug. And he wanted nothing more than to wipe that shit-eating grin off her face. 
Bending at the waist with little warning, Changkyun’s lips found her in a hungry embrace, the hands at her waist quickly tugging her from the floor as they switched places. He didn’t have time to play this little back-and-forth they had established. Not now, not after he had found his climax and regained his head. Tasting himself on her tongue only elevated his need. He needed her, craved her. He was ravenous, and the slick heat between her thighs was the only thing to satiate his appetite. Gingerly placing her back against the mahogany table, a hand at the back of her neck to support how tightly he pressed his mouth to hers, Changkyun’s other hand was already working at her blouse. Deftly undoing the buttons straining against the rise of her chest, his teeth nipped at the bottom lip he sucked into his mouth as he quickly pulled away the brassier that held her breasts. Finally releasing the vice from her mouth, Changkyun straightened his spine as he peered down at his first in command and her state. He hadn’t even touched her yet, and she was already trembling. Her cheeks flushed, nipples perked, the skirt scarcely covering her lower half, riding up her legs and clinging to the plush flesh of her thighs. 
“You’re perfect,” he breathed, his hands quivering as he reached for the seam of her skirt, pushing it up and around her waist. I.M’s hands now held her hips tightly as he bent before her covered slit, the boss’s legs unconsciously pulling away to give him the access he needed to admire. There was no hesitation in her movements, nothing showing that she was timid or uncertain. She knew what she wanted, and he always intended to give it to her. 
Peeling his eyes from the moist cloth that covered her cunt, Changkyun met her gaze as she pushed up on her elbows and considered him. Licking at his lips, he turned his cheek into the hand she now offered him, pulling in a sharp inhale as the same hand quickly slid up and tangled in his dark locks. 
“Be a good boy and tend to your mess,” she spoke lowly, eyes sharp and expecting. 
That was all the encouragement he needed. Turning his attention back to her core, he pulled a hand away from her hip and quickly hooked a finger around the cloth of her panties, pulling them to the side and being welcomed by the most beautiful specimen he had ever seen. Every one of Changkyun’s senses was locked in. The world could have been burning down around them, and he wouldn’t have cared or bothered to notice. Seeing firsthand how swollen and plump the entrance of her body became from having him in her mouth, the feeling of her arousal coating and slicking his fingers as he traced his knuckles loosely over her entrance. Teasing. Enticing. The smell of her lust amalgamated with his saliva as he flattened his tongue over her slit, his nose pressed against the bundle of nerves at her apex. Hearing the sounds he elicited from her throat with every lick, lap, and stroke of his tongue and fingers set his blood on fire and drove him deeper into the folds of her cunt, as if smothering himself in her desire would bring him closer to God. And Christ Almighty, the taste of this woman. It was as if her flavor had been explicitly formulated to satisfy I.M.’s needs and desires. The richness of her, how she fully coated his tongue and throat and left him desperate for more. It was a brand she was unaware she had left on him, one that had tied their bodies together in ways that would send Changkyun to the ends of the Earth. To pleasure this woman, to kneel at the altar of her body and hear how she sang when met with his worship and devotion. He would give anything. He would give his life, his soul. He would give everything.
“Changkyun…” her voice was little more than a breath as he felt her fingers curl tighter in his hair, nails dragging over his scalp and causing him to groan into her cunt. His response had her back arching like a cat, her hips grinding into his nose and tongue as she gasped for air, desperate for friction and inching closer and closer to the edge of release. As desperately as I.M. wanted to tease and prolong their time together, pulling his face away from her sex left him trembling and fiending. His need to please her, to have her cum on his tongue and flood his mouth with her essence, smothering him between her thighs and completely encapsulating him in her own need, won out over his want to have her beg and plead for liberation. The line of desperation blurred between them, becoming a hazy daydream as they each crawled closer to their shared, common goal. Release. 
The build-up was beginning to send tremors through the boss's body, her spine now permanently affixed in a seductive curve, her legs curling into her body as her thighs began to tremble. Changkyun knew she was close. He could feel how her hands tousled his hair, her hips rocked back and forth on his tongue, and her voice elevated from breathless pants to lewd sounds of pleasure and bliss that echoed in his mind. His hunger for her orgasm chased closely on its heels, driving him to bury his face deeper still as he lifted his shoulders and readjusted his angle. Both hands reached forward and tightly grasped her thighs, burying his fingers into the soft flesh and pushing her knees to her chest. Temptation pulled at his yearnings, and, answering the call that stirred deep in his belly, Changkyun pulled his face away from her cunt long enough to experience this new perspective. Lips that were slick and flushed a bright pink, that same gloss painting his mouth, nose, and chin, shimmering off her pale thighs. He pressed her legs together, causing the folds of her pussy to follow suit, and the view made him groan. Supple and juicy, the most delicious fruit he had ever had the pleasure of tasting. Lifting a hand and bringing it down with force against her thigh, Changkyun reveled in the bright pink stain that colored her skin. Bringing his hand back down against the abrasion, I.M. squeezed at the plush flesh, leaving indentations with his fingers. Gripping both thighs once more, he opened his mouth above the boss’s glistening cunt, allowing a dribble of spit to fall from his full lips and cover her entrance before diving head-first back into her folds and finishing his feast. 
He pressed his tongue past her labia, the length of it finding and lapping hungrily at the bundle of nerves that made her thighs quiver beneath his palms. Bringing one of his hands down to chest level, Changkyun prepped one at her entrance, teasing at the opening before slipping past her wet folds. He felt her body jerking beneath him, her hips pushing down for the friction, her breath hitching as she choked out a beg. 
“More…Kyunie, please.”
Slipping another finger into her, Changkyun drug his fingers upwards in a curl, feeling the pillow patch of flesh that sent her reeling. Massaging the tips of his fingers over it, his tongue steadily teasing and lapping over her clit, I.M continued the motion until he could feel her body tense and her breathing catch. Pressing his face into her, he propelled her over the edge, a cry passing through her lips that damn well almost made his twitching cock spill over the floor. It was hands down the sexiest thing he had ever heard, her pants of pleasure being a close second as the muscles of her cunt tightened around him, riding out her orgasm. 
As the boss’s fingers loosed in his hair and he felt her coming down from the climax, Changkyun slowly removed his fingers from her core, planting one final kiss on her cunt before erecting his spine. Taking a step back, I.M admired her form as he sucked his fingers clean. Her body was still being rocked with aftershocks, her perfectly placed hair now sticking to her forehead as her head lolled lazily to the side. He bent forward, slowly wiping her bangs aside and kissing her forehead. As he went to stand, readjusting her clothing, he felt a hand at his wrist. She had rolled her head back, eyes finding his, pleading, as her legs began to spread again—a silent request. 
“Greedy, aren’t we?” he teased, a lazy smile pulling at the corners of his lips as he stepped forward, stroking his firm cock as her legs easily rested against his hips. Just as he lined himself up with her pussy, he heard voices from up the hall. 
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“You knew I was going for that last bit of gimbap,” Hyungwon sulked, close at Minhyuk’s shoulder as his hyung shrugged and continued down the hall. 
“You didn’t vocalize it, how was I supposed to know?”
“Min, stop teasing Hyungwon,” Shownu spoke over his shoulder, a grin playing at his full lips. 
“You’re only saying that because if Minhyuk hadn’t gotten to it, you would’ve,” piped up Jooheon, throwing an arm over Shownu’s shoulder lazily as they rounded the corner into the conference room. 
The four of them found Changkyun and the boss at either side of the room, one inspecting the board closely and scribbling notes as the other was seated at the table, thumbing through notes. An unmistakable tension hung in the air, one that was palpable enough to slice through. Kihyun, not far behind and clinging to plastic bags, elbowed his way through the group before shooting the men an incredulous look and setting the load on the table in front of the boss. 
“Could you not crowd the doorway, please? Especially since you all left me to carry the takeout and drinks. Alone.” he stated pointedly. 
“Thank you, Ki.” the boss said quickly, standing from her seat and going to trifle through the bag and remove the styrofoam containers. Peeking over her shoulder, she motioned to the dinner spread before stating simply, “Dinner’s here, Changkyun.” 
As the men shuffled into the room and took their places at the table, I.M joined them and reached for the drink labeled with his name, nodding in thanks. 
“Not hungry, Chankhyunah?” Jooheon asked simply, sipping from his drink and shooting a glance in the boss’s direction. 
“Nah, I’ve had my fill for now,” he answered lowly, scribbling notes over a piece of looseleaf that sat to his right. With that being said, and one last glance shared amongst his brothers, an easy conversation began to filter through the room, consisting mainly of Hyungwon’s sulks and tandem teasing from Jooheon and Minhyuk. Beneath the table, he felt a hand on his knee, a firm squeeze from the boss. Grinning to himself, he took another sip of his tea and shook his head off the thoughts that began to cloud them again. The squeeze was a confirmation that she had heard his veiled promise. One that he planned to see through again, again, and again.
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jeon-ify · 9 months
smut prompts!! pick some and send me a request with an actor/idol :)
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1. open up, baby
2. so fucking pretty like this
3. shh, baby its okay, it’ll feel good i promise.
4. please, i can’t take anymore
5. stop doing that or i’ll make you
6. youre my favorite girl
7. best feeling ever, my love
8. wanna fuck you in the back seat
9. i’ll spend every dime on you, even if i have to sell myself to please you
10. you act so high and mighty, wonder what theyd think when they see you on your knees half naked for me
11. look at me, wanna watch you come all over me
12. youre so hot when you talk back
13. hands behind your back
14. so messy
15. you smell so good baby, your skin is so smooth
16. stop fucking crying
17. i’ll buy you a hundred new ones baby
18. does that feel good, my love?
19. yeah? you get off on me talking down to you?
20. right here? that feel good?
21. atta girl, taking it so deep in your stomach
22. enough— please, i cant take anymore
23. put my necklace on, wanna fuck you in my jewelry
24. what would he say if he saw you on top of me losing your fucking mind hm?
25. thats it, just like that
26. the day you leave me is the day i’ll fucking slit my throat
27. cant you see youre made for me?
28. fuck, baby, i feel you everywhere i go.
29. you nasty girl.
30. my love, my baby, don’t leave me.
31. i will sell myself to you, i belong to you.
32. you belong to me, understand?
33. whose is it?
34. louder.
35. seeing me on stage gets you all worked up, hm?
36. its not enough.
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fics-lovebot · 5 months
one thing you will NEVER catch me reading is stuff about “xyz finds out you read smut about him” or “xyz reads your smut” or anything of that nature bc I would D I E right there on the spot if it ever happened to me like,,,,,
not him finding out I read rev harem werewolf fantasy smut about him and his friends 💀💀💀
The secondhand embarrassment I feel when I even THINK about it is tew much
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imonanotherlebel · 7 months
🌟Hey there, loves! Welcome to imonanotherlebel🫶🏼💐💕✨️
🚨 Warning: This blog contains explicit content intended for mature audiences only. If you are a minor, please refrain from interacting. Your safety is our priority.
Dive into some spicy stories where love, lust, and a whole lot of mischief collide! 📖✨ But hey, quick heads up – this place is 18+ only. So, if you're not there yet, bookmark us for later! 🚀
Let's keep it fun, consensual, and full of good vibes. Happy reading, lovelies! 💖🔥
Asks are open!!!
In bloom together- Florist San x reader romance PT. 1
Text imagines
Texting the wrong member, your dirty thoughts - Ateez hyung line
Texting the wrong member, your dirty thoughts - Ateez maknae line
Tracing You - Jungkook x gn reader drabble (Fluff, slightly suggestive)
Jake x reader smut - Whispers in the moonlight (best friends to lovers)
Sunghoon x reader smut - Don't test me
Seventeen reaction to S/o with size kink
Seventeen reaction to their s/o initiating sex at an unusual time
Seventeen reaction when their S/O tells them, "I'm super horny right now, and I can't wait."
Aftercare with seventeen
Oneshots, imagines
Scoups x reader smut/fluff - Featherlight touches
Mingyu x reader smut - Look where the night led us 1
Mingyu x reader smut - Look where the night led us 2
Hoshi x reader fluff - He helps you relax
Vernon x reader smut - Making out in a car
Text imagines
Hyung line x reader text imagines - "She's busy bro" pank text on bf seventeen.
Maknae line x reader text imagines - "She's busy bro" prank text on bf seventeen
"What are you wearing right now?" Prank text on bf SVT hyung line
"What are you wearing right now?" Prank text on bf SVT maknae line
Fictional characters
Gentle Love - Jacaerys Velaryon x reader smut
Promise in Flames - Jacaerys Velaryon x reader smut
Passion - Jacaerys Velaryon x reader smut
56 notes · View notes
sungsetport · 10 months
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★ — apostando alto.
90 notes · View notes