#Mokuba dark Side of Dimensions
2012-04-18 · 30 days
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ygo merch design
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qurolo · 1 year
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I will post this separately as well
All extra villains/antagonists ever tbh
OG post here
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sunshin3babeart · 11 months
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Little doodle for Kaibob's birthday~~~
Tfw your boyfriend and your little brother are small enough to carry like luggage. 🤣🤣🤣
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seekerbr · 3 months
Today I finally managed to watch DSOD dubbed in portuguese, and I really enjoyed it, the dub is pretty good, but I couldn't help but notice that a certain someone's voice was quite different on it than on the other dubs i've seen before
If anyone wants to know why, is because Mokuba was voiced by actual preteens/teenagers back in the original show, unlike the JP/EN dubs where women voiced him, and they brought one of his VAs back, but obviously his voice changed quite a bit over the years...
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nightfurylover31 · 4 months
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OOOOH! Sera is sassy!
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DSOD is such a funny movie. Kaiba comes on screen in his giant fucking space station molded into his company logo and I just laughed. He’s so dramatic. He misses his rival and is so obsessed with getting some closure for once in his goddamn life that he spent well over a billion dollars to excavate a cursed puzzle and build a space elevator to the afterlife but the minute anyone says anything about ‘hey maybe that’s a little unhealthy’ he’s snapping and snarling and telling them to fuck off. Except the cube guy. He’s has a duel disk and is also full of unprocessed grief so he can stay. Yugi Moto looks them dead in the eye and says “first of all, I’m only here because you both blackmailed me. Secondly, fuck you both for that, by the way. Thirdly, I’m gonna kick your ass”. Card games ensue, meanwhile Yugi tries his absolute best to show Kaiba the pharaoh is gone and maybe he needs to spend some time reflecting on his emotions and yes the invitation is still open to talk about Him BUT THEN THE NARRATIVE PROVED KAIBA RIGHT?!! AND THE PHARAOH COMES BACK AND YUGI HAS TO LOOK KAIBA IN THE EYE AND TELL HIM THAT HES SORRY FOR DOUBTING HIM?? WHAT. What Kaiba takes from all this is that a) his horrid coping mechanisms work after all, b) if he just fucks around enough and spends all his money he really can be king of the world and c) the best option is definitely to finish that space elevator and fucking. Go to the afterlife I guess. To duel his “hated rival” or whatever. Fuck off
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p0mm3grung3 · 1 year
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Rebecca but dsod-ified ‼️ I lov her 🦈
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rintherebel · 9 months
After all these years I finally solved the meaning of Kaiba's last line in Dsod. Watch now for answers on his line
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sweetchaosjc · 6 months
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Kaiba smiling, make a wish.
300 layers
My OC who I ship Kaiba with after an explanation book in my fanfic I haven't published it yet).
I used a base that I saw around, I'll put it in the comments.
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setokaibassoulmate · 1 year
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Huge Seto Kaiba haul!😍I got the newest Kaiba and Blue-Eyes goods from the KC Store and almost the whole rest was just one huge Kaiba&BEWD merch bulk that someone was selling and that I luckily was able to get💙
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dallieart · 1 year
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A drawing for Mokuba's birthday in 2021. I love his design in DSoD!!!
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2012-04-18 · 5 months
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pistol design ref) H&K USP compact
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jotunvali02 · 2 years
watching DSOD again...
Boy, I can't wait for LittleKuriboh to do his abridged version of it!
There is so much he can play with, even aside from the heavy Prideshipping! I wonder what he'll do of Diva. And I'm sure he'll have a lot of fun with Kaiba and make a very emotional thing when Yugi tells Kaiba that Atem won't return.
Pharaoh Ex Machina.
Next to that, what Shadi says about conflict and fear, it's totally KAIBA he's describing!
We could think it's about Diva, but sorry not sorry, somone who's so afraid to lose (duels or people he loves) he does absolutely everything to prevent it like:
desecrating tombs,
theft of ancient artifacts,
attempted murder,
mass control and surveillance,
exclusion of non-Duellists (while preaching peace and inclusion, like shut up, you wealthy drama queen!),
having his own fucking secret police,
building his own private space station to revive a dead guy because he still craves to deafeat him (or because he's madly in yandere love with him!), it's SETO KAIBA!
Even Diva says so! He's a "tyrant who has turned crazy"!
Yes! HE IS!!
He brags about peace and inclusion but dude, if you exclude certain castes of people from "your" land, arbitrarily arrest people, blackmail others, mass-watch them and do some nasty antiquities-trafficking with an obviously corrupted foreign government, HOW can you expect war and social exclusion will stop??
I mean, is there no political power in Yu-Gi-Oh's Japan?? No powerful or influencial people to say "hey! look Seto Kaiba is a little shit who does shit!" ?? Or does he own the Japanese police and governement too?? wouldn't surprise me
How come no one arrested him after all his bullshit?? Oh yeah! Because HE is the police! He's the cockiest, jerkiest, maddest rich bastard ever yet I love him so much!!
Diva and Kaiba have many common things to talk about together in fact. If neither of them had a monstrous narcissistic ego that is.
Ah. And Kaiba is the villain of the movie. I still wonder how it would've looked like if HE had put on the Millenium Ring.
*shudders* (would have turned R18 because horrors and blood and gore.)
Joey still has wet dreams of Kaiba.
Shadi is the Buddha.
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nightfurylover31 · 4 months
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A potential friendship here is kind of nice.
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yugioh-kitty123 · 3 months
don’t mind me I’m going to rant about Prideshipping cause ahh this ships makes me sad and happy at the same time
When I watched dark side of dimension the very first time I didn’t ship Kaiba and yami at all but I loved their rivalry but the movie took it to a whole different level it made realize me Kaiba was in love with atem the he talks about him and everything he did for him it just so ahh 🥲 and the ending the way atem stood up and smiled at him
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what makes the ship more canon it’s the director who was making the movie confirmed it’s Kaiba love story of atem and one of the producers said no man would ever go that far for one person.
it’s the realization Kaiba and atem are in the afterlife together and Kaiba willing to sacrifice everything to see him again if that ain’t true love I don’t know what is
Enough about Kaiba let’s talk about atem / yami
What I love about Prideshipping it isn’t one sided relationship , atem does feel something towards Kaiba , the whole scene when he mind crush the “ ghost of Kaiba “ and sending a threat to Pegasus and the manga as well to the puppet master or whatever and scolding at Noah for Turing Kaiba into stone and cheating. their whole tag duel with the rare hunters and yami encouraging Kaiba during the duel against Isuzu
the whole season of 4 and Their tag duel against darts and season 5 kc arc
Atem and Kaiba sharing that smile 😏 and atem memory world when he saw Kaiba in danger fighting zorc atem jumps off the barcoly
let’s forget when atem said “ kaiba i felt the pulse of your soul , “ Kaiba our souls crossed it was passed onto me. Atem have said he could feel the beating of Kaiba heart and anyone who crossed Kaiba such as Pegasus and Noah, atem tells them he’ll never forgive them and he’s ready to take down anyone for him even noah have told yami that Kaiba hates him but yami said we may be enemies forever but he still fights for him . Even some characters in the show have ship them together for example pegasus said things that sound like the red string of fate towards Yami and Kaiba are relationship and ishizu telling Kaiba about the writing of the stone and Mokuba ships them :3
overall their relationship does feel very ambiguous to the point where one wonders if this was intentional but anyways Prideshipping is my otp and that Kaiba and yami are eternal rivals / lovers that not even death can part 🥹
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rainstormcolors · 2 months
A little (seemingly) one-sided Prideship ficlet:
Scattered on the shifting grey Pacific Ocean,
A thread of light, blurred sunset, part of the moon. An empty sky or a sky for flying things.
A traveler or a child inside the cockpit of a too-sharp plane.
Atem was gone now.
Seto Kaiba was home again now.
If he was weaker he might’ve cried at some point but he doesn’t cry. There isn’t a hell, but if there was he knew he would go to hell. Even if he went to hell, even if Gozaburo was there in hell too, Gozaburo wouldn’t look for him either. Seto might raw his tongue in anxiety so instead he worked in the manor’s basement, in wires and programs and holograph, trying to become a traveler. It was as if someone was playing an out-of-tune violin inside his brain.
The best part of this house wasn’t in all the space and the too-many rooms and it wasn’t in the autumn-toned opulence of furniture and artwork and walls and it wasn’t even in the ghosts. It was in the quiet and how Seto wanted to belong in the quiet, just for now.
He would eat dinner with Mokuba and he didn’t talk much. Mokuba’s hair was like the plumage of a raven. They would shuffle by each other to build their plates of food, to reach for something in the refrigerator, in the cabinets.
In the basement, in the laboratory, there were fingers reaching out from the keyboard. Just for a moment. Fingers touched Seto’s fingers.
“Are you okay?” Mokuba asked him one evening.
A burning sunset melted into the curtains of the windows as Seto was stepping back into the main chambers of their home from the kitchen area where they ate. The grey-dark inside edged with luster.
“What?” Seto asked quietly back, looking back to Mokuba.
“You just seem more… tired I think,” Mokuba said.
Seto wasn’t sure what to say at first and then he said, “I’m working on the new project. Duel Links will be extravagant.”
“I guess so,” Mokuba said. He kept a warm half-filled mug cupped in his hands.
“I can show you if you’d like,” Seto offered.
“Maybe later,” Mokuba said.
The letters of their words just brushing the tips of each other.
The basement’s computer would hum and beads of light sat in the dark. Clear blue light in his eyes. Seto was still alive and dreaming. He wouldn’t just be an onlooker.
The way the universe folded with light and time and energy. The unknown dark matter and dark energy that scientists couldn’t yet see and couldn’t understand. Seto would write this atlas of dimensions.
Lying in the dark of his bedroom, lying in his bed, his eyes gently opened as he sensed some presence watching him there. The being moved softly and Seto could recognize the Other Yugi’s eyes, his cheeks, his lips as he slowly bent down and pecked Seto’s own lips. Floating softness. Seto sat up and the Other Yugi was looking at him with kind eyes. Seto thrust out the back of his hand sharply at the Other Yugi and the Other Yugi spilled away into dust and stars. And then-- and then Seto flinched awake, his head resting on his curled arms in front of the monitor in the basement. He was alone.
It was raining, the early morning sky faded against the trees. Seto was looking out of a window after he’d gone upstairs for a drink of water. The greens of the world were luminously green in the rain.
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