#Millie Milan
badmovieihave · 10 months
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Bad movie I have The Stylist 2020
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cobrakaisb · 1 year
ciao bella
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summary: you and theo spend a summer in italy, and some insecurities are revealed
word count: 849
author's note: the ending is lowkey shit, but i really liked the concept.
“theo,” you called, waiting for your boyfriend’s hum of acknowledgment before continuing. “can you rub some sunscreen on my back? i don’t want to burn.” he grumbled a response in that low tone of his, but you heard the sound of the lotion bottle, letting you know that he was fulfilling your request. 
you sighed in relief as theo rubbed the cool lotion on your back, arching ever so slightly as the feeling contrasted your sun kissed skin. he placed a gentle kiss on your shoulder, “relax love.” you sighed again, sinking further into the lounge chair set up on the balcony overlooking lake como. the stunning view, large villa, and established atmosphere reminded you just how rich your boyfriend was. 
when he approached you after the holiday break during fifth year with a letter and plane ticket to italy, you were shocked. it was a little unexpected, considering that your relationship was relatively new, so you found yourself hesitant to agree. it took pansy, millie, and daphne’s words of encouragement to convince you that this trip was a good idea. spending a month in italy didn’t scare you, in fact it was a bonus to get away from your own familial issues, and of course, some alone time with your boyfriend couldn’t hurt. it was the itinerary, rather, that made you question your sanity and willingness to go.
you were flying in from london to milan, via muggle transportation, where you were spending three days in a luxury hotel. from there you were going to his family’s villa at lake como, where you’d reside for two weeks, soaking up the sun and rich atmosphere. at the beginning of the third week, the two of you were taking a private car to spend the day in florence before heading to rome for another three days. the remainder of the trip would be spent between the amalfi coast and sorrento. 
the whole thing was a lot, and everything surrounding the trip exuded wealth. between the luxury hotels, first class tickets, private tours, designer outfits, and theo’s eagerness to take you on various shopping sprees, you felt like you were in over your head. granted, your family was well off, but not nearly as financially stable as theodore’s. maybe that’s why it was hard for you to truly relax; the worry about paying theo back was eating you away, slowly but surely. 
“you’re not relaxing,” he mumbled, drawing you from your racing thoughts to the serene environment. you huffed at his words. “i’m trying too,” you replied. theo could hear the worry in your voice; he could feel it emitting off you like the faint blue glow of a patronus. he set the bottle of lotion down, climbing off your back to sit in his own lounger. he turned to face you. “what are you so worried about, darling? tell me and i’ll fix it,” he begged. you knew his blue eyes were wide and pleading behind the dark frames of his sunglasses. 
“i don’t know how you’ll be able to fix it. it think i just need to figure it out on my own,” you explained softly, not wanting to hurt his feelings, or make him feel like you were withholding information from him. (even though you technically were.) by the end of your sentence, theo had moved from his chair back to yours, taking a hold of your hand. 
his olive skin was warm and a shade darker than usual, probably from all the sun you’d been getting these past couple of weeks. his thumb rubbed gently across the back of your hand, a habit that he developed as a way to soothe your nerves and anxiety. you sighed, a deep one at that, before opening your mouth to confess. before you could truly process what you were saying, filtering the things that you didn’t necessarily want him to know, you had told theo everything; how you felt like you’d never be able to pay him back, and how you wondered if splurging on you was really worth it.  
once you finished, you took another breath to calm yourself down. you risked a hesitant glance at theodore, who’s grip on your hand had tightened over the course of your rambling. it was silent between the two of you, and you were afraid to break it. finally, theo licked his lips before looking towards you. “fuck darling, don’t ever worry about that. you being here is all the payback i need,” he explained softly, his free hand tracing the bridge of your nose. 
“theo,” you trailed off, but he silenced you with a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “you’re wearing my ring, yeah?” he asked, gesturing to the silver ring that hung on a chain around your neck. “always,” you answered. “exactly. what’s mine is yours, and it forever will be,” he replied, kissing the back of your hand as you felt your cheeks heat up. 
“now sit back and relax.” maybe spending a month with theo, the boy you loved, in italy wasn’t such a bad idea.
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thearchercore · 6 months
Honestly I am just shocked with how Charles has all the time to do this?? Side quest no. 19384737.
Also the fact that it's in Milan, interesting (where Pierre lives..). And the article talks about a statement from Charles where he mentions a 'healthy' product. Is this is low fat, low sugar, dairy free gelato or something..
to be honest, i think now with a new (and possibly a better) contract, charles is finally taking the business opportunities he always wanted to invest in.
that being said, there's a team behind it and the brand being connected with charles' name does not mean he will be there to personally scoop the ice cream himself lol.
he most likely came up with the concept, assisted with the business pitch and his team took care of the rest. it's like celebrity brands -- you see millie bobby brown have her own skincare brand but she still focuses on acting and producing.
it's very easy to have business side quests when you know the right people -- it's sort of a collaboration (the celebrity name increases revenue and reach and then it can be ran by a different ceo/manager who makes sure the operation functions properly)
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thronescastdaily · 2 years
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MILLY ALCOCK attends the Tod's fashion show during Milan Fashion Week, February 24, 2023
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petalsfm · 1 year
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if you’re hearing I LIKE YOU (A HAPPIER SONG) by POST MALONE & DOJA CAT playing, you have to know MILAN “MILLY” EDWARDS (SHE/HER; CIS WOMAN) is near by! the THIRTY-THREE year old HOTEL MANAGER has been in denver for, like, ONE YEAR. they’re known to be quite OPINIONATED, but being ADAPTABLE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble LAURA HARRIER. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those SOUND OF A BELL RINGING, SIGHING AFTER A STUPID PHONE CALL, LIVING OFF TV DINNERS AND TAKEOUT, YEARNING FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the DOWNTOWN DISTRICT long enough!  
full name :       milan ramona edwards
nickname(s) :     milly
birthplace :      miami, florida
date of birth :       01 / 01 / 1990
parentage :      elizabeth washington edwards & jeffrey edwards
relationship status :     single
gender identity :     cis woman ( she/her )
sexual orientation :     heterosexual
faceclaim :      laura harrier
born in miami, florida to two… trying parents.
in no way was milan planned. in actuality, milan’s conception was meant to be no more than one last hurrah before her father left salt lake city, utah to fort hood in killeen, texas to join the military base
however, two and a half months later, sergeant jeffrey edwards receives a letter from the one and only elizabeth washington saying she’s pregnant and it has to be his
trying to do things the traditional way, the two find a way to get elizabeth to killeen and situated. around elizabeth’s four month mark, elizabeth and jeffrey decide to elope, tethering themselves together forever.
it’s around six and half months that the edwards’ are told they’re being relocated to florida.
milan isn’t due until mid january, but decides she wants to spend new years with her parents. she’s born on january 1, 1990 to a twenty-four year old jeffrey and a twenty-five year old elizabeth.
she spends the first year of her life in florida, but it’s at age one the edwards’ are told to move to seattle, and age three they’re told to move to washington d.c.
stability had never been a word milan was all too familiar with, seeing how she never lived in the same town for longer than two years at a time up until the age of eighteen
despite attending numerous public schools both on and off bases, milan had to really rely on herself if she wanted to retain any information. jumping from schools in the middle of the year always left her at a loss. either she was joining a new school ahead or behind where everyone else was.
neither of her parents were educated past the secondary level, but her mom tried to help her whenever she had time
luckily, the books and work she did seemed to be a constant in her life, which motivated her to do the work on her own. while the content of the work may have been inconsistent based on relocations, the expectation remained the same.
if she can’t control anything going on around her, she can control her own person. her grades were always good, and she always took really good care of herself. as she entered her pre-teen / teen years, she began reading different fashion magazines to figure out what to do with her hair, skin, and makeup. something she’s always had, though, is an incredible care for her teeth. it’s at age thirteen she decides she wants to go into dentistry when she gets older.
when she’s fifteen years old, jeffrey edwards is discharged from his military services. after living on bases all around the country, he decides he wants to settle down in vancouver, bc.
living in vancouver from ages fifteen to eighteen meant she was going to have a new record for place she’s lived the longest.
it’s not until things have really settled that milan notices her parents don’t seem to have the connection she thought they did. with the chaos of moving all the time with two parents working, it was never apparent to milan that they might not be a good match.
things are tense, and she hears harsh whispers across the hall when her parents believe she’s asleep.
still, they refuse to divorce. milan is almost out of the house, then they can be free to live life as they wish. after giving her years of instability, the last thing they want to do is spring yet another new life change on her. sometimes she wishes they had.
to get away from it all and back to what she’s familiar with, milan looks for a school in the states where she can get a degree in dental hygiene.
at age eighteen she moves to sacramento, california to attend carrington college. the program promises licensure in less than two years, and the sooner milan can get herself to a normal life, the better.
when she’s twenty and unfortunately after some mishaps with fiscal services and payments, milan is halfway through her program. just one more year and she’s done. and that’s when she meets her first boyfriend. she’s never been in one place long enough to really care to meet anyone, so this man is both nerve-wracking and exciting.
he is good to her. in fact, she’s never felt more COMFORTABLE in her life. with his love and support, the last year of the program is a breeze and she passes her licensing exams with flying colors.
she’s twenty-three and a year into her new job when she messes things up ROYALLY. her boyfriend’s sister is now engaged, and milan begins to think. she begins thinking of her parents timeline versus where her and her boyfriend were. they were almost the age her parents were when they had her. her parents never had the heart to tell her the truth about her conception, and although she knows their relationship is not good, she has no one else to look up to. she didn’t meet many friends parents growing up, and her parents would talk to more people on each base than she could keep up with.
for the first time in her life, milan is not fully in control of herself. sure, for the most part, everything is her choice. but wanting to be married was a decision they both had to make, and it didn’t seem like he was going to budge. before she knows it, she’s pushed too hard and he’s moving his things out.
not long after that, her parents finally decide to pull the plug on their own marriage as well. a cherry on top of the shit cake life had seemed to hand her.
with everything she knows crashing down around her, she feels herself spiraling. being a dental hygienist is not nearly as fulfilling as milan had planned for it to be, but the gig did come with some pretty decent benefits.
it’s the only way she can afford therapy. while she desperately needs multiple years to unpack everything she needs to deal with, it only takes a year for her to decide she needs to find a new job.
when her and her boyfriend were together, she was always the one planning dinners and parties, and she always felt her calmest when doing so. her therapist suggests it gives her the opportunity to have control, something she’d lacked the majority of her life. so, getting a degree in hospitality management and seeking jobs in that field seems like a no brainer.
she’s twenty-nine when she finally finishes school for the second time. she knows through social media that her ex has found his way to denver, colorado, and seems to have found peace for himself.
they haven’t spoken since he in years, but she ( hesitantly ) reaches out to catch up. she asks how he’s liking the city and what it’s done for him. in the end, she asks if denver is big enough for the both of them. ❛ I WANT SOME OF THAT PEACE YOU’VE GOT, ❜ she jokes.
to her surprise, he says yes. she goes back to work as a dental hygienist while planning small events on her off time. that, and selling most of the things still remaining in the apartment she never moved out of, seemed to be a bit lucrative. she saves enough money to get her to denver by february 2022, and her parents were kind enough to chip in what they could to help.
she quickly found a job at a hotel-- a receptionist, but there’s always room for growth. she moves up fairly quickly. it’s not long before she’s promoted to hotel manager.
she’s currently still trying to find her footing of life in a new(ish) town with a new(ish) career. overall, my girl is strugglin !!!!!
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday z! what are your favorite AU versions of sam and dean to think about (whether it’s ones we’ve seen in the show or a particular canon divergence you like to imagine). Do you have any headcanons about how their relationship with each other developed and/or fell apart?
eeeeeeeeeeeeve happy wincest wednesday and indeed happy wincest THURSDAY when you will be reading this, every day is wincest, etc --
Tricky tricky! I think there are two that most appeal to me: Steve Jobs!Sam/wanted!Dean, and the Frillies. For super different reasons, lol. And also pretty surprising for me, bc they're both from Dabb era, but in my thinking about this I think I realized that it's precisely because they're from Dabb era that they offer so much ficcy possibility -- that is, they're so poorly thought out and tossed away as a joke that you can/have to think of HUGE amounts of backstory to make either of them possible.
I already basically talked about Jobs/Wanted in that one fic, so let's talk about the Frillies instead, and oh my GOD, the FRILLIES.
My favorite thing about AU!thems is to think about how they were created, and for the Frilly AU to exist you actually have to go back further and think about who Frilly John was, and Frilly John is a Weird Creature. I always like to keep AUs as tight to real canon as possible, so here's my best guess: Henry Winchester disappeared off to the future like he always did, and then when Millie Winchester got remarried, instead of meeting a mechanic she met an educated/rich/bougie dude, and wee John was raised all business-minded fancy instead of blue-collar sturdy. From there, maybe he still went to Vietnam but he did so as an officer and not a grunt -- from there, he still met Mary, but he swept her off her feet with the thought that he could take her far away from all that grime -- from there, when she died and the supernatural world was revealed to him, John thought I have to get revenge but he also thought I can't do it without resources, and money, and by creating a system in which to work. Canon!John is an outsider, more or less; Frilly!John files for corporation status to make sure his search is well-funded. Like. Fuck.
So! His boys are raised in that environment. Not a gas-guzzler muscle car but a Lexus or something; a private plane and private accommodations, not seedy motels. Even with all that, though, from the very brief glimpse we see -- it still seems to be a world of two. Their daddy is still alive (and has the key to Dean's cock cage), but Sam and Dean are still hunting and working and living together, at age 40ish and 36ish, and that's STRANGE for people who had the resources to not be conjoined at the hip and heart. So -- what happened? Easy to imagine that even with all the extra resources, John was concerned for their safety, and made sure that their internal unit of CEO + two sons was isolated from too many external concerns. I'm sure he vetted any girlfriend (or boyfriend) and constantly reinforced the company. Of course, we know Dean would fold to that; that Sam folded to it is interesting, and whatever rebellion he had must have been crushed under layers of comfort and coddling, and I guess the apocalypse just couldn't happen because he's a feckless fashion boy who couldn't get together the stugats to break the world. Too bad, so sad.
So: rich bitch frilly!chesters, who still call their dad Daddy, who can't relate to anyone outside of the weird-ass family unit. Maybe they have FHoW threesomes, but they're definitely boinking each other between shareholder meetings and when they're flown out to Milan to model and/or destroy an Italian ghost. As long as Dean can make sure Sam's manicure isn't mussed. He'd have to call his girl, Dean. :/ Be careful.
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coloradohq · 1 year
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WELCOME TO DENVER, sunny! you’ve been accepted as achilles favreau (DREW RAY TANNER) & milan “milly” edwards (LAURA HARRIER)! please have your account sent in within 24 hours; don’t forget your CHECKLIST!
**SUNNY, TWENTY-FOUR, CST; SHE/HER. | if you’re hearing 1 LAST CIGARETTE by THE BAND CAMINO playing, you have to know ACHILLES FAVREAU (HE/HIM; CIS MAN) is near by! the THIRTY-ONE year old STEP CLASS INSTRUCTOR has been in denver for, like, THREE YEARS. they’re known to be quite RESENTFUL, but being DUTIFUL seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble DREW RAY TANNER. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those SMELL OF LAUNDRY DETERGENT TO COVER UP THE SMELL OF SWEAT THAT JUST WON’T WASH OUT, A HANDSOME BUT INCREDIBLY FAKE SMILE, A SIGNATURE “ YES MA'AM ” AND “ NO SIR ”, THE FEELING YOU’LL NEVER BE FREE, THE URGE TO DISAPPEAR AND GO OFF THE GRID vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the WASHINGTON PARK DISTRICT long enough!
**achilles is filling luna robinson-armstrong’s second roommate connection ! also he works at swolemates 💪💪
SUNNY, TWENTY-FOUR, CST; SHE/HER. | if you’re hearing I LIKE YOU (A HAPPIER SONG) by POST MALONE & DOJA CAT playing, you have to know MILAN “MILLY” EDWARDS (SHE/HER; CIS WOMAN) is near by! the THIRTY-THREE year old HOTEL MANAGER has been in denver for, like, ONE YEAR. they’re known to be quite OPINIONATED, but being ADAPTABLE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble LAURA HARRIER. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those SOUND OF A BELL RINGING, SIGHING AFTER A STUPID PHONE CALL, LIVING OFF TV DINNERS AND TAKEOUT, YEARNING FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the DOWNTOWN DISTRICT long enough!
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joessmoncler · 2 years
event in a monogrammed zip-up Moncler Sale windbreaker by the label
At Louis Vuitton's menswear fall 2022 show earlier this month, Venus Williams hit up the event in a monogrammed zip-up Moncler Sale windbreaker by the label. In New York we declared the suit was back, but after today in Milan it's a lock. Another designer could spend a year making the patchwork coat just sort of tossed over a bubble repp stripe midiskirt. The smallest plan offers basic closet access to more casual styles valued up to $300 and one shipment per month. Additionally, Cohen redoubled his efforts around sustainability. If I'm not mistaken, whoever first said can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, was referring to their SO, but I would argue that the saying rings just as true in regards to a certain undergarment: bras.
At for fall 2021, Hedi Slimane showed hunter green windbreakers that made me think of Princess Diana back in the 1980s, when she wore a classic Barbour style in the same hue. The fashion-forward affair was first in the line of various upcoming summer music events, including Canadian festivals Osheaga and Veld. We're eyeing flag touches on backs of denim jackets for both men and women. The collection also includes some covetable pieces that take inspiration from classic American style too. When we Moncler Woman Jackets met for coffee on New York's Lower East Side-between stores like Bode, Cafe Forgot, and adjacent to the highly curated vintage emporium James Veloria, each of which represents the city's new style-Prost appeared like a vision in almost a dozen clashing and ethereal layers: vintage floral jeans worn under a pleated wool skirt inspired by my look at , a tie-neck blouse and crochet vest underneath a Collina Strada pink hoodie, and a long strand of pearls.
The unique design concept is derived from the iconic 1951 Ferragamo Kimo sandal, with its woven bucket and lightweight leather construction. Magugu never had the chance to meet Elbaz in person, but he was acquainted with his work growing up in Johannesburg. With so many jobs in the fashion industry, it's no surprise that he has killer personal style to boot. First released as a two toned leather bag, it's now available in a rainbow of solid colors with mini and full size options. For fall 2022 they teamed up with Melbourne artist Lara Merrett, an abstract colorist whose saturated surfaces translated powerfully from canvas to cloth.
Vogue's Phil Oh will be braving the elements on the street to capture all the best outfits from the City of Light. Emily Ratajkowski and Maluma star in Versace's eyewear campaign, Precious Lee and Barbara Palvin are sizzling Moncler Jackets Sale hot in Jimmy Choo's latest, Millie Bobby Brown gets shady for , and more. If I'm not mistaken, whoever first said can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, was referring to their SO, but I would argue that the saying rings just as true in regards to a certain undergarment: bras. I'm trying to do the most I can, personally, to help neighbors and to volunteer in the area.
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messicb · 2 months
terim doksanlarda Galatasarayla uefa avrupa lig şampiyonlar oldukları icin hâlâ rüya kuruyorlar. adamın prime zamanı saaaaten geçmiş bu saatten sonra gelmesin artik lütfen, zaman kaybediyorlar. evet yunanistana geçişi başarısızlığa uğradı ve tatsız bir şekilde irkci yunan götlerin sayesinde geriye döndü.
bir büyük Galatasaray sevdası var ülkede, çok abartılı ve aşırı gıcık. biz onunla finale de gecemezdik. coach ne alaka, bize çalışan forvetler lazım. bu bir hoca meselesi değil, bütün oyuncuları ve onlarin nasıl kullanılmalari gerektiğini sormaları gerekir. bizim genç - allah nazardan korusun - çok yetenekli oyuncularımız var. onların sayesinde yeniden tarih yazdılar 😄 bu tff teknik tarafını atsınlar big time lütfen 🙏
sen duydun mu bilmiyorum ama o hamit denen salak türk futbolun ona ihtiyacı var mış diye bahsediyordu - salakkkkk seni kim tanıyor ki
hakana cok haksızlık yaptilar. italyada saten problem cekiyordu, zlat*n ve ac milan fanatik taraflardan mobbinge de uğriyordu. kendi ülkede ona güven göstermediler, buda üzücü. kendini yendien ispat etti. hep güzel performansı vardi, onun yeteneği ülkede daha çok önemsemez lazım. inter milanda oynadi icin mutluyum. kenana karşı yapılan abartı yorumlar tabi kötü. sana dürüstçe söyleyim, oğlan binim gıcığma gitti. ama umarım toparlanır ve yeniden milli takimda ve avrupada goller attar. genç oyuncularla karşı bu kadar linç çok.
fatih prime doneminde iyiydi eyvallah ama adam HALA prime doneminde gibi davranmak tam bir akil tutulmasi.. bu ulkede inanilmaz bir galatasaray lobisi var, tff de buna dahil. galatada ne kadar basarili olduysa milli takimda da o kadar basarisiz oldu bunu da kabul etmek lazim… ama yok sorsan bunlara gore fatih bizi sampiyon yapmisti. bu fatih, 2013-2017 zamanlari takimin basinda olan fatihle ayni kisi degil mi? biz bu adamla gruptan cikamadik ya 2016’da. saka gibiler.
forvet konusuna gelince… ben de ilk basta takima forvet niye almiyo diyenlerdendim ama sonra fark ettim ki asil sormamiz gereken soru bu degil.. asil soru sen turkiye olarak nasil forvet yetistiremezsin? tamam semih var, cok da severim kendisini bir besiktasli olarak ama deneyimsiz bunu kabul etmemiz lazim. saf yetenekle bizi bir yerlere bir goturur ikincisinde goturemez, bu futbol isi biraz da tecrubeye bakiyor, mesela takimimizin korkusuzca oynayamamasinin sebebi cogu oyuncumuzun rakipleri gibi tecrubesi olmamasi… hollanda takimi kotu algisi yaratildi ama oyuncularinin profillerine bi baksin herkes adamlar nerelerde kimlerle oynamis… oyle oturup tarihin en kotusu hollandasi demek kolay (futbolu izlemeye dun basladim yorumu)
halit deluzyonlarindan bir an once ciksin bence… allah da tffyi galatasaraylilarin elinden kurtarsin ne diyelim🙏🏻
calha agabeyime o kadar uzuluyorum ki hic sorma… adam gercekten kendi pozisyonunun su an yasayan aktif oyunculari arasindan en iyilerinden biri. hatta abartmiyorum turk olmasaydi ya da alman milli takimini secseydi simdiden medya tarafindan efsane diye anlirdi. ama biz daha kendimizden olana sahip cikmiyoruz, yabancilar niye ciksin? onlar zaten bizden nefret etmeye yer ariyolar.. ama en azindan inter taraftarlari calhayi baya seviyolar, italyanlarin cok guzel yorumlarina denk geliyorum bizim veremedigimiz destegi veriyolar. hakan’a hep milli takim performansi uzerinden kizdilar ama hakan structure seven bir adam sizin kumar bagimlisi heriflerinizle nasil iyi oynayabilsin ki? hayir sanki inter kalibresinde bir milli takim cikardiniz da hakanin oynamasi kaldi… bir de o kadar linc yersem benim de hevesim kacar, ben niye beni sevmeyen bir millet icin cabalayim derim ben de. bu arada hakan’in hollanda maci sonrasi aglamasi bence herkese gereken cevabi verdi, adam ilk defa milli takimda kendisi gibi bir seyler basarmak isteyen 11 kisiye denk geldi ve bence bu sefer emindi basaracagimizdan.. yani vatanini sevmeyen gercekten basarmak istemeyen adam oyle aglar mi? iste bu mind sette olan adamin dans ettigi videolara bile calhanoglu>çalhanoğlu yazip linclediler… onu yazanlarin ne basarisi var acaba? ay bir de zlatan cok ucube bi herif, o nerede duruyorsa tam karsisinda dururum her zaman. asla katlanamiyorum ona. boyle futbolculari da hep ezik erkekler sever zaten.
kenan konusunda ben de sinir oldum yalan yok. 3 mactir cok kotuydu. ama normalde gercekten cok iyi oyuncu ve sadece 19 yasinda. almanya gibi inanilmaz pr yapabilecegi, daha cok network, daha cok para, daha cok tecrube edinebilecegi bir takimi secmek varken bize gelmesi bile cok ozel. cocugun telefon kilifi bile turk bayragi… bize bu tarz adamlar lazim. ben bu basarimizin ardindaki sebebi kesinlikle takimdaki turkluk bilinci ve milliyetci ruhlarina bagliyorum. hepsi vatanini seven cocuklar masallah umarim bozulmaz boyle giderler🧿🤍❤️ bu cocuklari kusturmemiz degil takima kazandirmamiz lazim. ama bizim erkekler duzgun elestiri yapmiyolar ki. cocuktan nefret etmelerinin en buyuk sebebi kizlarin sahiplenmesi. erkekler gercekten kadinlardan ilgi goren erkeklerden nefret ediyolar. yakisikli erkeklere ilgi gosteren kadinlardan da nefret ediyolar.
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pazaryerigundem · 3 months
Bakan Bak'tan milli yüzücü Sakçı'ya tebrik
Bakan Bak'tan milli yüzücü Sakçı'ya tebrik
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Sırbistan’da devam eden Su Sporları Avrupa Şampiyonası’nda milli yüzücü Hüseyin Emre Sakçı, 50 metre kurbağalamada altın madalya elde etti.
ANKARA (İGFA) – Türkiye Yüzme Federasyonundan yapılan açıklamaya göre, başkent Belgrad’daki Milan Gale Muskatirovic Spor Salonu’nda düzenlenen organizasyonda Hüseyin Emre Sakçı, 50 metre kurbağalama finalinde yer aldı.
Finali 26.92’lik derecesiyle birinci sırada bitiren Fenerbahçeli milli yüzücü, Avrupa şampiyonu oldu.
Gençlik ve Spor Bakanı Dr. Osman Aşkın Bak, Avrupa Şampiyonu Sakcı’yı tebrik etti.
Bakan Bak, sosyal medya hesabından yaptığı paylaşımda, “Avrupa Su Sporları Şampiyonası erkekler 50 metre kurbağalamada altın madalya kazanan millî yüzücümüzü tebrik ediyorum” ifadelerini kullandı.
Avrupa Su Sporları Şampiyonası erkekler 50 metre kurbağalamada altın madalya kazanan millî yüzücümüzü tebrik ediyorum.🇹🇷👏🏻
— Dr. Osman Aşkın Bak (@OA_BAK) June 22, 2024
Öte yandan 17-23 Haziran 2024 tarihleri arasında Sırbistan’nın başkenti Belgrad kentinde düzenlenen Avrupa Yüzme Şampiyonası’nda Berke Saka, 200m Karışık Yarı Finalindeki 1:58.56’lık derecesi ile 3. olarak *Final* yüzmeye hak kazandı.  
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Aynı tarihlerde Avusturya’nın Graz şehrinde düzenlenen 26. International Diving Meet müsabakasında ise Genç A Erkekler Senkronize 3 Metre Tramplen Disiplininde Milli Sporcumlar Barış İkinci ve Bertuğ Demir 1. olarak Altın madalya, Genç C Erkeklerde 3 Metre Tramplen Disiplininde Milli Sporcumuz Ahmet Ufuk Erol 1. olarak Altın madalya kazandı.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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whatsonmedia · 8 months
Brace Yourself for a Sports Bonanza: From T20 Battles to Soccer
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Get ready for a weekend where sporting spectacles collide like tectonic plates, delivering an earthquake of excitement! Buckle up, sports fans, because this week's calendar is overflowing with epic clashes and nail-biting action across cricket, football, basketball, and even the Women's FA Cup! Cricket's T20 Extravaganza: New Zealand and Pakistan lock horns in Christchurch for the final two T20Is of their thrilling series. Will the Black Caps regain their dominance, or will the Tigers roar to victory and claim the series? >New Zealand vs Pakistan (4th T20)০ Date :  Friday, 19 January 2024০ Time : 12:10 BDT০ Venue : Hagley Oval, Christchurch>New Zealand vs Pakistan (5th T20)০ Date : Sunday, 21 January 2024০ Time : 06:00 BDT০ Venue : Hagley Oval, Christchurch Future Stars Shine: The ICC Under-19 Cricket World Cup heats up! Witness rising stars from South Africa, West Indies, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan battle it out for cricketing glory. >South Africa Under-19 vs West Indies Under-19 (Match 2)০ Date : Friday, 19 January 2024০ Time : 14:00০ Venue : JB Marks Oval, Potchefstroom>Bangladesh Under-19 vs India Under-19 ( Match 3)০ Date : Saturday, 20 January 2024০ Time : 14:00০ Venue : Mangaung Oval, Bloemfontein>Pakistan Under-19 vs Afghanistan Under-19 (Match 5)০ Date : Saturday, 20 January 2024০ Time : 14:00০ Venue : Buffalo Park, East London Serie A Scuffle: Italian giants AC Milan and Juventus go head-to-head in Serie A. Expect fierce tackles, dazzling footwork, and a passionate fight for supremacy. >AC Milan vs Udinese০ Date : Saturday, 19 January 2024০ Time : 19:45 GMT০ Venue : Bluenergy Stadium>Juventus vs Lecce০ Date : Sunday, 21 January 2024০ Time : 19:45 GMT০ Venue : Stadio Comunale Via del Mare Premier League Powerhouse Clashes: Arsenal host Crystal Palace in a London derby, while Liverpool travels to Bournemouth for a potential goal-fest. Can the Gunners maintain their momentum, and will the Reds rediscover their winning touch? >Arsenal vs C Palace০ Date : Saturday, 20 January 2024০ Time : 12:30 GMT০ Venue : Emirates Stadium>Liverpool vs AFC Bournemouth০ Date : Sunday, 21 January 2024০ Time : 16:30 EST০ Venue : Vitality Stadium Queens of the Pitch: Don't miss the Women's FA Cup action! Leicester and Aston Villa, and Arsenal and Everton clash in what promises to be a display of grit and athleticism. LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 14: Sam Kerr of Chelsea in action with Millie Turner and Maya Le Tissier of Manchester United during the Vitality Women's FA Cup Final between Chelsea and Manchester United at Wembley Stadium on May 14, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Marc Atkins/Getty Images) >Leicester Women vs Aston Villa Women০ Date : Friday, 19 January 2024০ Time : 19:00 GMT০ Venue : Pirelli Stadium>Arsenal Women vs Everton Women০ Date : Saturday, 20 January 2024০ Time : 14:00 GMT০ Venue : Meadow Park Africa Cup of Nations: The prestigious Africa Cup of Nations continues with Senegal facing Cameroon and Tunisia taking on Mali. Buckle up for high-octane football and passionate displays of national pride. >Senegal vs Cameron ০ Date : Friday, 19 January 2024০ Time : 17:00 GMT০ Venue : Stade Charles Konan Banny de Yamoussoukro>Tunisia vs Mali০ Date : Saturday, 20 January 2024০ Time : 20:00 GMT০ Venue : Amadou Gon Coulibaly Stadium Basketball Buzzer Beaters: The NBA action sees the Knicks clash with the Wizards at Madison Square Garden, the Bulls lock horns with the Grizzlies, and the Magic take on the Heat. Prepare for electrifying dunks, three-pointers that swish through the net, and nail-biting finishes. >Knicks vs Wizards০ Date : Friday, 19 January 2024০ Time : 5:30 AM০ Venue : Madison Square Garden>Bulls vs Grizzles০ Date : Sunday, 21 January 2024০ Time : 7:00 AM০ Venue : United Center>Magic vs Heat০ Date : Monday, 2 January 2024০ Time: 5:00 AM০ Venue : Kia CenterSo, clear your schedules, gather your friends, and prepare to be swept away by this week's sporting spectacle! From the electrifying cricket clashes to the passionate football rivalries, this weekend promises to be a non-stop thrill ride for every sports fan. Let the games begin! Read the full article
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nothannjo333 · 8 months
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petalsfm · 1 year
LOCATION: as you wish bookshop STATUS: closed / tamara @andante--andante
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the jingle of the door is one that's all too familiar to milan. she visits the bookshop at least once or twice a month. she tells herself it's for her own sanity-- there's some healing powers within the scent of a bookshop that she just can't explain. milly smiles as she sees tamara, offering her a small wave. "hey! that last book was amazing. it didn't even feel like four hundred pages, which, i think, makes a good book. it was definitely not one of my normal reads, but perhaps that made me like it more?"
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theclubhero-blog · 8 months
EA Sports FC 24: conheça as indicações ao Time do Ano
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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Os indicados ao Time do Ano, o famoso TOTY, de EA Sports FC 24 estão aqui. Neste domingo, foram revelados os jogadores escolhidos para a votação , que definirá os 11 titulares da aguardada seleção do Ultimate Team.
Alguns brasileiros estão na disputa: Alisson, Ederson, Dante, Marquinhos, Bremer, Bruno Guimarães e Vini Jr. E a novidade é que uma relação TOTY de mulheres também foi feita, seguindo estes mesmos moldes de indicadas em enquetes para a comunidade decidir as melhores. Entre elas, estão Debinha e Kerolin.
Após o término da votação, os vencedores ganharão cartas especiais (e bem roubadinhas), que serão disponibilizadas em packs. A EA também deve fazer DMEs especiais com outros jogadores e ICONs.
Os indicados ao TOTY de EA Sports FC 24 Goleiros
Alisson – Liverpool Ederson – Manchester City Brice Samba – RC Lens Gregor Kobel – Borussia Dortmund Wojciech Szczęsny – Juventus Mike Maignan – Milan Jan Oblak – Atlético de Madrid Marc-André ter Stegen – FC Barcelona Defensores
William Saliba – Arsenal Trent Alexander-Arnold – Liverpool Virgil van Dijk – Liverpool Rúben Dias – Manchester City John Stones – Manchester City Dante – OGC Nice Marquinhos – Paris Saint-Germain Kim Min Jae – Bayern München Mats Hummels – Borussia Dortmund Lucas Martínez Quarta – Fiorentina Alessandro Bastoni – Inter Bremer – Juventus Theo Hernández – Milan Giovanni Di Lorenzo – Napoli Nicolás Otamendi – Benfica Jules Koundé – FC Barcelona Jesús Navas – Sevilla Gayà – Valencia CF Jonathan Clauss – Olympique de Marseille Jeremie Frimpong – Bayer 04 Leverkusen Grimaldo – Bayer 04 Leverkusen Federico Dimarco – Inter Meio-campistas
Martin Ødegaard – Arsenal Declan Rice – Arsenal Kaoru Mitoma – Brighton & Hove Albion Bernardo Silva – Manchester City Kevin De Bruyne – Manchester City Rodri – Manchester City Bruno Guimarães – Newcastle United Jarrod Bowen – West Ham United Alexandr Golovin – AS Monaco Florian Wirtz – Bayer 04 Leverkusen Granit Xhaka – Bayer 04 Leverkusen Jamal Musiala – Bayern München Leroy Sané – Bayern München Julian Brandt – Borussia Dortmund Vincenzo Grifo – SC Freiburg Nicolò Barella – Inter Federico Chiesa – Juventus Adrien Rabiot – Juventus Riyad Mahrez – Al Ahli Sergej Milinković-Savić – Al Hilal Pedri – FC Barcelona İlkay Gündoğan – FC Barcelona Aleix García – Girona FC Jude Bellingham – Real Madrid Toni Kroos – Real Madrid Luka Modrić – Real Madrid Aurélien Tchouaméni – Real Madrid Federico Valverde – Real Madrid Atacantes
Bukayo Saka – Arsenal Mohamed Salah – Liverpool Jack Grealish – Manchester City Erling Haaland – Manchester City Heung Min Son – Tottenham Hotspur Ousmane Dembélé – Paris Saint-Germain Lee Kang In – Paris Saint-Germain Kylian Mbappé – Paris Saint-Germain Randal Kolo Muani – Eintracht Frankfurt Harry Kane – Bayern München Loïs Openda – RB Leipzig Serhou Guirassy – VfB Stuttgart Lautaro Martínez – Inter Rafael Leão – Milan Khvicha Kvaratskhelia – Napoli Victor Osimhen – Napoli Domenico Berardi – Sassuolo Mehdi Taremi – FC Porto Karim Benzema – Al Ittihad Cristiano Ronaldo – Al Nassr Antoine Griezmann – Atlético de Madrid Morata – Atlético de Madrid Robert Lewandowski – FC Barcelona Vini Jr. – Real Madrid Takefusa Kubo – Real Sociedad Gerard Moreno – Villarreal CF Lionel Messi – Inter Miami As indicadas ao TOTY de EA Sports FC 24 Goleiras
Christiane Endler – Olympique Lyonnais Mary Earps – Manchester United Merle Frohms – VfL Wolfsburg Chiamaka Nnadozie – Paris FC Jane Campbell – Houston Dash
Wendie Renard – Olympique Lyonnais Mapi León – FC Barcelona Irene Paredes – FC Barcelona Sakina Karchaoui – Paris Saint-Germain Fridolina Rolfö – FC Barcelona Katie McCabe – Arsenal Millie Bright – Chelsea Selma Bacha – Olympique Lyonnais Ona Batlle – FC Barcelona Amanda Ilestedt – Arsenal Ellie Carpenter – Olympique Lyonnais Glódís Perla Viggósdóttir – Bayern München Niamh Charles – Chelsea Naomi Girma – San Diego Wave FC Olga Carmona – Real Madrid Jenna Nighswonger – NJ / NY Gotham FC Meio-campistas
Alexia Putellas – FC Barcelona Aitana Bonmatí – FC Barcelona Patri Guijarro – FC Barcelona Debinha – Kansas City Current Lena Oberdorf – VfL Wolfsburg Grace Geyoro – Paris Saint-Germain Keira Walsh – FC Barcelona Clara Mateo – Paris FC Caroline Weir – Real Madrid Georgia Stanway – Bayern München Leicy Santos – Atlético de Madrid Frida Maanum – Arsenal Gaëtane Thiney – Paris FC Janina Minge – SC Freiburg Kerolin Nicoli – North Carolina Courage Estefanía Banini – Atlético de Madrid Barbara Dunst – Eintracht Frankfurt Sam Coffey – Portland Thorns FC Atacantes
Sam Kerr – Chelsea Caroline Graham Hansen – FC Barcelona Kadidiatou Diani – Olympique Lyonnais Guro Reiten – Chelsea Alexandra Popp – VfL Wolfsburg Sophia Smith – Portland Thorns FC Ewa Pajor – VfL Wolfsburg Lauren Hemp – Manchester City Lea Schüller – Bayern München Salma Paralluelo – FC Barcelona Racheal Kundananji – Real Madrid Lynn Williams – NJ / NY Gotham FC Rachel Daly – Aston Villa Khadija Shaw – Manchester City Chloe Kelly – Manchester City Eugénie Le Sommer – Olympique Lyonnais Trinity Rodman – Washington Spirit Bethany England – Tottenham Hotspur Alba Redondo – Levante UD Tabitha Chawinga – Paris Saint-Germain Melissa Kössler – TSG 1899 Hoffenheim Linda Caicedo – Real Madrid
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nardogranata · 10 months
Una doppietta di Guadalupi stende la Gelbison.
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Nardò (3-5-2): Viola; Urquiza, Lanzolla, Gennari; Milli (28’ s.t. Rossi), Ceccarini, Guadalupi (42’ s.t. Mariani), Gentile (35’ s.t. De Giorgi), Russo; Dambros (28’ s.t. Addae), D’Anna (32’ s.t. Ferreira). A disp. Furnari, Ingrosso, Dammacco Ciannamea.
Trainer: Nicola Ragno.
Gelbison (3-5-2): Milan; Tazza, Sall, Russo (34’ s.t. Casiello); Tumminelli (22’ s.t. Dellino), Lollo (34’ s.t. De Pasquale), Manzo (39’ s.t. Rodriguez), Rodrigues, Ferrante (34’ s.t. Muratori); Bubas, Kosovan. A disp. Cirillo, Camilleri, Mettivier, Coppola.
Trainer: Alessandro Erra
Arbitro: Clemente Cortese di Bologna. Assistenti: Francesco Lanfredi Sofia di Bologna e Matteo Lauri Modena
Marcatori: Guadalupi (N) 11’, 40’ s.t., Sall (G) 48’ s.t.
Note: ammoniti: Tazza, Kosovan, Manzo, Rodriguez (G). Angoli 4-2 per il Nardò. Recuperi 1’ p.t., 6’ s.t.
Una doppietta di Guadalupi stende una coriacea Gelbison e avvicina il Nardò alla vetta. Non è stato facile per gli uomini di Nicola Ragno superare una Gelbison venuta sul campo del Nardò (a Matino) per superare una crisi tecnica dopo l'esonero di Monticciolo.
Il nuovo tecnico cilentano, Alessandro Erra, un ritorno sulla panchina rossoblu, ha accarezzato per tutto il primo tempo l'idea di poter sgambettare il quotato Nardò e deve recriminare su due episodi chiave.
Al 10' corale con sviluppo sulla fascia sinistra e apertura sulla destra per l'inserimento di Ferrante. Gran tiro e palla a stamparsi sulla traversa. Al 20' dopo un tentativo di tiro di Dambros arriva la più ghiotta delle occasioni. Ripartenza veloce, Bubas di tacco smarca in area Rodrigues, esce a valanga Viola e lo atterra. Rigore. Va sul dischetto Bubas che angola troppo la conclusione mandando fuori.
Doppio pericolo scampato per il Toro. Scoramento tra le fila cilentane. Guadalupi e D'Anna provano a dare la scossa al Nardò che va vicino al goal al 25' con Gennari. Colpo di testa respinto da Milan con Sall che sbroglia la mischia.
Il finale di tempo è di marca neretina ma Dambros, D'Anna e Gentile non riescono a centrare il bersaglio nelle mischie in area causate da cross e corner insidiosi. Si va negli spogliatoi sullo 0-0.
Nella ripresa il Nardò alza i ritmi e chiude i cilentani nella propria metà campo. Milan si produce in un grande intervento su tiro di Dambros, deviato in corner ma deve soccombere al 57' quando Guadalupi calcia al volo in diagonale dal limite dell'area e infila l'angolino basso.
Al 65' arriva la reazione della Gelbison. Cross di Tuminelli e colpo di testa di Bubas di poco fuori. Risponde il Nardò con D'Anna, tiro deviato in corner.
Al 70' Guadalupi pennella una punizione-cross per Dambros che, defilato, di piatto non riesce a centrare lo specchio della porta.
Ci riesce al 74' Jacopo Russo da distanza ravvicinata ma gli si oppone col corpo Lollo. Al 76' è Ferreira a impegnare la difesa rossoblu. Tiro del brasiliano deviato in corner dall'ex Francesco Russo.
Con gli ingressi di De Giorgi e Addae il Nardò acquisisce il controllo del match e trova il raddoppio all'87'. Ferreira appoggia a Guadalupi che dalla stessa posizione del primo goal fa partire un preciso rasoterra ad infilarsi nello stesso angolo alla destra di Milan. 2-0.
La partita sembra chiudersi qui, invece la rivitalizza al 93' Sall, abile a risolvere in rete una mischia in area neretina. Al 96' l'ultimo brivido del match. Dellino prova a riacciuffare il pari con un diagonale ma Viola è sveglio e para a terra.
Finisce 2-1 con un Nardò più vicino alla vetta e una Gelbison ridimensionata nelle ambizioni primarie di questo campionato.
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suspensefulpen · 10 months
At Fault
TW: Mentions of Suicide
Part 1
“Did you ever consider that, maybe Jackie was…suicidal?”
Milan and Cara shared a look of pure shock. Milan shook her head. “No, why…why would Jackie be suicidal?”
“Well you said Jackie was acting differently, right?”
“Maybe there was something going on that you didn’t know about? Maybe they were hiding things from you? Or avoiding questions? Anything like that?”
“Like we said, they’ve been sleeping a lot more than usual lately. We thought that was weird but we didn’t say anything about it. In terms of hiding things, they’re already a kind of reserved person. There’s some things about them that we still don’t know. But not so much that we wouldn’t know if something like this was bound to happen.”
The doctor winced. “Well, some of these cases are like this. The people around them have no clue about what’s going on. Until it’s too late. But in your case, you may have just saved your friend’s life. The possibility of Jackie surviving is somewhat slim but, there’s a chance this goes well.”
Milan looked over at her unconscious friend. Not once did she ever think she’d have to see Jackie like this. It broke her heart to know that her friend didn’t want to wake up. Tears welled in her eyes. She shook her head. “I don’t believe it. There’s no way.”
“While we were working, we found the wound on Jackie’s torso was self-inflicted. We also found a high concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream. The wound was pretty deep. And it was obvious it wasn’t an accident.”
“I still don’t believe it. Jackie would never do something like this.”
The doctor stayed silent, pressing his lips into a line. Cara placed her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “I know this is hard to believe Milli, but like you said, we don’t know a lot about Jackie. We wouldn’t know that they wouldn’t do something like this. But now we do. So the best thing we can do, as Jackie’s friends, is be here for them.”
Milan shifted uncomfortably in her seat at the coffee shop. She stared down into her cup, her mind wandering.
She couldn’t wrap her head around what happened. She was still stunned by the state she and Cara found Jackie in. What if they had never gone to check on Jackie? What would’ve happened to their dear friend? Even in spite of not knowing much about Jackie, Milan never would’ve thought something like this would happen.
“What’s wrong?” Cara asked. She sat across from Milan with her own cup.
“I just.. I can’t believe that. I kind of feel like…it was my fault.” Tears filled Milan’s eyes.
The former gave her a look of shock. “What makes you feel like that? Like I said before we wouldn’t have known for us to prevent this from happening.”
“Because I was the one who forced Jackie to be our friend. Jackie only stuck around because I met them and started hanging out with them, even when they didn’t really want to be bothered.”
“Well, Jackie isn’t very social to begin with. But think of it this way, imagine where they’d be if we weren’t friends with them. We wouldn’t have been there to save Jackie in the first place.”
A tear rolled down Milan’s face as she began to imagine the alternate outcome. “I guess you’re right…”
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