#Mike and Steven are both transmasc and this is something we've also drawn about
themissingnumbers · 4 months
Hey, guys! I just had a quick question that I hope isn’t bad. I always get scared when asking questions like this because I feel that by asking, it will come across as me having a problem with it—which I don’t, I swear. I’m just curious, and I don’t want to get anything wrong about the characters. (It’s taken me four rewrites and a week of anxiety to finally get the courage to ask this question.)
Is Blue trans?
I’m curious because in that one older piece of art, Blue was referred to as a “shithead tboy twink,” and when looking at his reference art, it kinda looks like he has some top surgery scars. (At least, I think that’s what it is? I’m not the most well-versed when it comes to topics like this.)
I’m so sorry for asking this. I just didn’t want to make any assumptions about it because it felt wrong to do so. Feel free to ignore this if it’s offensive. Have a good day.
[ahh, don't worry, you're all fine!! never be afraid as ask little questions about the faces of missing numbers and stuff about their identity :]
yes, blue is a trans man! this has very much been then case since day one. (in fact, the in-universe explanation for why prof oak couldn't remember his name is because he figured it out young and gramps didn't want to deadname him but forgot what he'd chosen.)
missing numbers- though it's got a primary focus on horror and worldbuilding- is also a very queer story with a lot of queer people. the topic is something pretty casual to us, but gender identity and sexuality are things that have bearings on how people in mn have experienced their lives and relationships.
heres some transgender blue art for u ♡ thank you for asking!]
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BONUS: the brothers watanabe are BOTH transmasc as well!
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Mike fully transitioned once the two moved into palette, whereas the younger Steven took a bit longer to figure himself out. Mike's starter was given Steven's deadname so if someone tried to misname him they could act confused about "why are you talking about squirtle?? 🤨🤨🤨"
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He might've been awfully corny, and not always the smartest, but he was a pretty great big brother.
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