#Mihai Bordeianu
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therealmrpositive · 9 months ago
Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave (2005)
In today's review, I find that mutant monstrosities like a good dance tune like the rest of us. As I attempt a #positive review of Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave #AimeeLynnChadwick #CoryHardrict #JohnKeefe #JennyMollen #PeterCoyote
A teenager’s stereotypically reckless behaviour can be great fuel for keeping a film going. As they’re all for excess partying, dangerous stunts, and everything in between, even when faced with threats, they persevere, from viruses to the living dead. In 2005, jointly filmed with its previous film, Tarman and his pals got a send-off that they won’t soon forget in Return of the Living Dead Rave to…
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antonlaub · 10 months ago
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Creatio ex nihilo (Bucuresti-Berlin: 1001 Articole), 2024/2015, chromogenic print on photo paper, 80x60 cm, from the eponymous video loop (00:01:00), 2015. Exhibition view: Alexandru Paul, 2/3 Galeria
𝗘𝘅𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗦𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀
Artists: David Barreiro, Bogdan Bordeianu, John Divola, Vladimir Florentin, Ion Grigorescu, Lina Ivanova, Anton Roland Laub, Ioana Marinescu, Andrei Mateescu, Alexander Rosenkranz, Emily Ryalls, Nadina Stoica, Anca Tintea
Curator: Laura Bivolaru
Project Coordinators: Claudia Retegan, Mihai Șovăială
Opening: September 5, 2024, at 18:00, 2/3 Galeria, Str. Franceza 4, Bucharest
September 6 – October 6, 2024
𝗩𝗶𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀: Thursday & Friday: 17:00-19:00 // Saturday & Sunday: 12:00-16:00
"Expanded Spatialities" problematizes the uniform image of the globalized city, asserting the human body as a creative agent of urban space. Through photography, collage, video, performance, and drawing, the city becomes a practiced space which residents and visitors alike occupy, build, remember and imagine across history.
The thirteen exhibiting artists use the past, both individual and collective memories, and their own bodies to expand and reinterpret urban space at the intersection of fiction and reality, between cartography and psychogeography. In their practices, the political, economic, and social aspects that impact the city are brought to light, investigated, and destabilised. Thus, the image is understood as more than just a mirror of the existing space; it becomes a tangible extension of past and future possibilities.
Partners: The Institute, Revista–Arta, Photography.Influx
Graphic Design: Vlad Mat
The cultural project is co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN). It does not necessarily represent the position of AFCN. The AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding recipient.
When I moved from Bucharest to Berlin, the sight of Karl Marx Avenue (formerly Stalin Avenue) immediately reminded me of the facades of Unity Boulevard (formerly Victory of Socialism Boulevard), so that memories of Bucharest gradually became associated with Karl-Marx-Allee. These memories, sediments, layers and maps still react to each other.
While photographing, I was reminded of Cicero's story of Simonides of Ceos, who discovered a new art of memory after a tragedy struck a banquet to which he had been invited to recite poetry. Just as the poet was called outside, the roof of the banquet hall collapsed, crushing all the guests beyond recognition. But Simonides was able to identify their mangled remains for family members because he remembered where they had sat at the table. Thus was born the mnemonic method of loci - places - which associates memories with specific places.
Karl-Marx-Allee is linked to the history of the former GDR, it was the flagship project of the East German reconstruction programme after the Second World War.  It was here that the 17 June Uprising (the first anti-Stalinist uprising) was bloodily crushed by the Soviet Army in 1953.
In the 1980s, Bucharest had to pay a high price for the ruthless 'systematisation' of the city: the demolition of a third of the old historic area, including buildings in the classicist, art nouveau, modernist and art deco traditions, as well as synagogues and churches. It was one of the greatest urban destructions in the history of Romania, even compared to the destruction caused by the bombs of the Second World War. Thanks to the efforts of the intellectual elite both inside and outside the country, UNESCO was able to intervene in this urban massacre of architectural and collective memory. As a result of the international pressure, sacral buildings were no longer demolished, but the dictatorial absurdity persisted. While the population was surviving on the edge of subsistence, massive efforts were made to put entire churches on rails and move them, sometimes only a few metres from their original location: away from the streets, in the background, behind a series of new propagandistic buildings.
With the ‘systematisation’ programme and the construction of Bulevardul Victoria Socialismului (Victory of Socialism Boulevard) - today Bulevardul Unirii (Unity Boulevard) - the churches and synagogues were no longer visible from the street. They were erased from the official cityscape, but not from the memory of the locals.
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dininimapentrumine · 1 year ago
Vești despre Familia Bordeianu!
Mihai și Tatiana dupa o lungă perioadă de spitalizare si intervenții chirurgicale, respectiv Mihai doua operații si Tatiana patru operații, au inceput perioada de recuperare medicală. În sfârșt, dupa o lună si trei săptamani au putut fi împreună si sunt internați la centru de recuperare Arcadia unde urmează un program stabilit de medici pentru recuperare ortopedică.Nici Mihai și nici Tatiana,…
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melidonium · 2 years ago
CĂLĂTORIE PRIN ARHIPELAGUL POETIC ROMÂNESC Ángela Gentile, ArgentinaTraducere din spaniolă de Carmen Bulzan Acești 20 de poeți români s-au adunat în frăția pe care o oferă limba – sunt călători de pe același continent: cuvântul. Ei sosesc ca un arhipelag până în sudul Americii, evocând o unitate componistică: frumusețea și spiritualitatea.Voi face o paranteză pentru a mă referi pe scurt la…
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ionutdragu · 3 years ago
Dan Bordeianu și Olimpia Melinte, pe marile ecrane, într-o poveste impresionantă despre viață și moarte: Căutătorul de vânt
Dan Bordeianu și Olimpia Melinte, pe marile ecrane, într-o poveste impresionantă despre viață și moarte: Căutătorul de vânt
Filmul este regizat de Mihai Sofronea și intră în cinema în luna martie Filmul „Căutătorul de vânt” spune povestea unui bărbat tânăr care se refugiază departe de oraș atunci când viața lui pare că se sfârșește, doar ca să descopere noi motive pentru a trăi. Un adevărat tur de forță și emoție pentru actorul din rolul principal, Dan Bordeianu, distribuția filmului este completată remarcabil de…
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smartseo4you · 3 years ago
CFR a oficializat două reveniri în Gruia
New Post has been published on https://reporterliber.ro/cfr-a-oficializat-doua-reveniri-in-gruia/
CFR a oficializat două reveniri în Gruia
După ce ieri a fost oficializată revenirea lui Dan Petrescu pe banca tehnică a campioanei României, astăzi au fost efectuate și primele transferuri de jucători.
Oficialii grupării din Gruia au anunțat astăzi revenirile la echipă ale lui Emmanuel Culio și Mihai Bordeianu.
Emmanuel Culio este un mijlocaș central în vârstă de 38 de ani, care revine la formația campioană după doi ani. El mai jucase la CFR și între 2007 și 2011 și 2017-2019.
A venit din postura de jucător liber de contract de la Flandria din liga a treia argetiniană, formație la care a debutat în fotbalul mare.
Anunțul transferului lui Culio a fost făcut pe pagina oficială de facebook a clubului:
“LEGENDA S-A ÎNTORS ACASĂ! Suntem bucuroși să vă anunțăm că Juan Emmanuel Culio, jucător cu peste 200 de meciuri în tricoul “alb-vișiniu”, s-a întors în Gruia! În decembrie 2019 Culio a părăsit România din cauza unor probleme personale, iar acum s-a întors să pună umărul la atingerea obiectivelor noastre. Bine ai revenit acasă, Culio! “
Mihai Bordeianu joacă tot pe postul de mijlocaș central și a revenit în Gruia din postura de jucător liber de contract după ce a încheiat socotelile cu saudiții de la  Al Qadisiyah.
Jucătorul în vârstă de 29 de ani a contribuit serios la ultimele patru titluri de campioană ale CFR-ului.
El a semnat un contract valabil pe trei sezoane. Este cotat de site-ul tranfermarkt.de la 1.4 milioane de euro.
De-alungul carierei el a mai trecut și pe la Ceahlăul, FC Botoșani, FCM Dorohoi.
Anunțul transferului a fost făcut tot pe pagina oficială de facebook a clubului:
“Bine ai revenit, Mihai Bordeianu! Suntem bucuroși să vă anunțăm că mijlocașul Mihai Bordeianu a revenit în Gruia! Sosit pentru prima dată la echipa noastră de la FC Botoșani în ianuarie 2018, Mihai Bordeianu a contribuit la câștigarea celor patru titluri ale CFR-ului din ultimii 4 ani, perioadă în care a bifat 98 de meciuri în tricoul “alb-vișiniu”. Bine ai revenit în familia CFR, Mihai, mult succes! “
Foarte aproape să semneze cu formația lui Dan Petrescu este și Florin Ștefan, fostul fundaș stânga al celor de la Sepsi Sf. Gheorghe.
Anunțul transferului acestuia este așteptat să fie făcut în orele ce urmează, Ștefan fiind liber de contract din Iunie anul acesta.
Sursa stire 27sportas.ro
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stireazileiuk · 3 years ago
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Primul transfer reușit de Dan Petrescu. Mihai Bordeianu revine în Gruia după ce fusese vândut cu 1,2 milioane de euro în Golf
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icon188 · 5 years ago
Prediksi Skor Romania vs Norwegia 16 Oktober 2019
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Pada hari Rabu, 16 Oktober 2019 pukul 01:45 WIB akan di adakan laga Pertandingan Kualifikasi UEFA Euro 2020 antara Romania vs Norwegia yang nantinya akan di laksanakan di Stadion Nationala. QQICON188 selaku Agen Bola Terpercaya akan memberikan prediksi bola untuk member dan player yang suka bermain betting sport bookie.
Romania mendapat kesempatan untuk menjadi tuan rumah pada pertandingan kali ini. Di pertemuan terakhirnya pada tanggal 8 September 2019, Romania berhasil mengalahkan Malta dengan skor akhir 1 – 0. Dari catatan 5 pertandingan terakhir, Romania bermain dengan cukup bagus dengan catatan 3 kali menang, 1 kali kalah dan 1 kali bermain imbang. Untuk pertandingan kali ini seharusnya Romania sudah menyiapkan strategi tim yang handal agar bisa membawa pulang kemenangan, serta bisa mengamankan 3 poin dalam pertandingan kali ini agar bisa meraih posisi yang aman dan terhindar dari deglarasi.
Norwegia yang akan bertanding ke markas Romania tidak akan gentar dalam pertandingan kali ini. Di pertandingan sebelumnya pada tanggal 9 September 2019, tim ini bermain imbang dengan Swedia dengan skor akhir 1 – 1, Jika di lihat dari 5 pertandingan terakhir Norwegia cukup bagus dengan catatan 2 kali menang dan 3 kali bermain imbang. Hasil ini tentunya akan membuat Norwegia lebih semangat lagi untuk menghadapi Romania. Untuk pertandingan kali ini seharusnya Norwegia juga sudah mempersiapkan strategi yang bagus untuk memenangkan pertandingan agar bisa merebut 3 poin dari markas Romania.
Berikut ini adalah data statistik dari beberapa laga terakhir head to head yang sudah dilakoni dan hasil dari 5 pertemuan terakhir masing – masing kedua tim sehingga dapat menjadi bahan untuk menganalisa skor pertandingan tersebut.
Data Statistik Romania vs Norwegia :
Head to Head Romania vs Norwegia 08/06/19 Norwegia 2 – 2 Romania 12/06/03 Norwegia 1 – 1 Romania 12/10/02 Romania 0 – 1 Norwegia 03/06/81 Romania 1 – 0 Norwegia 24/09/80 Norwegia 1 – 1 Romania
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Romania 08/09/19 Romania 1 – 0 Malta 06/09/19 Romania 1 – 2 Spanyol 11/06/19 Malta 0 – 4 Romania 08/06/19 Norwegia 2 – 2 Romania 27/03/19 Romania 4 – 1 Kepulauan Faroe
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Norwegia 09/09/19 Swedia 1 – 1 Norwegia 06/09/19 Norwegia 2 – 0 Malta 11/06/19 Kepulauan Faroe 0 – 2 Norwegia 08/06/19 Norwegia 2 – 2 Rumania 27/03/19 Norwegia 3 – 3 Swedia
Perkiraan Susunan Pemain Romania vs Norwegia :
Romania : Ciprian Tatarusanu, Alexandru Chipciu, Adrian Rus, Vlad Chiriches, Florin Stefan, Alexandru Cicaldau, Razvan Marin, Mihai Bordeianu, Ianis Hagi, Florin Andone, George Puscas.
Norwegia : Rune Jarstein, Omar Elabdellaoui, Havard Nordtveit, Tore Reginiussen, Haitam Aleesami, Stefan Johansen, Markus Henriksen, Sander Berge, Ole Selnaes, Martin Odegaard, Joshua King.
Jadwal Pertandingan Romania vs Norwegia :
Tanggal : Rabu, 16 Oktober 2019 Pukul : 01:45 WIB Stadion : Nationala
Bursa Taruhan Romania vs Norwegia :
Handicap : Romania 0 – 0 Norwegia Over/Under : 2 1/2 Tips O/U : Over Prediksi Skor Akhir Agen Bola Online : Romania 52% – 48% Norwegia ( 2 – 1 )
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gunungpoker88-blog · 5 years ago
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Prediksi Faroe Island vs Romania 12 Oktober 2019
Stadionbola.net — Prediksi Faroe Island vs Romania 12 Oktober 2019. Sabtu pukul 23.00 WIB yang akan di gelar di Stadion Torvollur.
Kepulauan Faroe kalah 4–0 saat bertandang melawan Spanyol dalam kualifikasi Euro 2020 terakhir mereka dan tetap berada di posisi terbawah Grup F dengan enam kekalahan dari enam pertandingan, sementara Romania, yang duduk di urutan ketiga dalam tabel, mencatat kemenangan 1–0 atas Malta di kandang sendiri di kualifikasi terbaru mereka.
Semua statistik menunjukkan kemenangan untuk mengunjungi Rumania dengan lebih dari 2,5 gol dicetak selama sembilan puluh menit dan kami telah mendukung skor akhir 3–1.
Rumania telah memenangkan semua tujuh pertemuan mereka sebelumnya melawan Kepulauan Faroe dan lebih dari 2,5 gol telah dihasilkan dalam lima dari tujuh pertemuan pasangan. Rumania telah mencetak lebih dari 2,5 gol tim dalam lima dari tujuh pertandingan mereka melawan Kepulauan Faroe dan kedua tim mencetak gol dalam dua dari empat pertemuan terakhir duo, sehingga Anda dapat melihat mengapa kami mendukung kemenangan 3–1 untuk tim tamu akhir pekan ini.
Bentuk kedua negara sejak Maret hanya menambah prediksi kami tentang kemenangan tandang dan Sabtu, karena Kepulauan Faroe telah kehilangan semua dari enam pertandingan internasional terakhir mereka sementara Rumania telah memenangkan tiga dari lima pertandingan terakhir mereka, dan tim tamu tidak terkalahkan dalam dua terakhir mereka di jalan.
Penampilan kedua negara selama enam pertandingan kualifikasi terakhir mereka memberikan banyak alasan untuk mendukung skor akhir 3–1, karena lebih dari 2,5 gol dihasilkan di lima Kepulauan Faroe dan lima dari enam pertandingan terakhir Rumania, sementara kedua tim mencetak tiga gol. Kepulauan Faroe dan empat dari enam pertandingan internasional terakhir Rumania.
Tim tamu memiliki yang lebih kuat dari dua regu dan tidak kehilangan terlalu banyak pemain reguler dari starting eleven mereka akhir pekan ini, sementara tuan rumah akan berharap bahwa striker Arminia Bielefeld Jóan Símun Edmundsson dapat membawa mereka ke hasil positif sebagai pencetak gol terbanyak mereka saat ini dan pencetak gol terbanyak. pemegang topi tertinggi kedua di pasukan.
Kami yakin bahwa Rumania akan menang dan lebih dari 2,5 gol akan dicetak pada hari Sabtu dan telah memperkirakan skor akhir 3–1. Tuan rumah telah mencetak gol dalam tiga dari enam kualifikasi terakhir mereka tetapi telah kehilangan semua pertandingan itu, sementara Rumania hanya mencatat dua clean sheet dalam enam pertandingan terakhir mereka tetapi memiliki rekor 100% melawan tuan rumah mereka dan akan diharapkan untuk mengklaim ketiga poin dengan relatif mudah akhir pekan ini.
Berikut Prediksi Faroe Island vs Romania dan Statistik Kedua Tim :
Head To Head Pertandingan Faroe Islands vs Romania :
27/03/19 Romania 4–1 Faroe Islands
11/10/15 Faroe Islands 0–3 Romania
29/03/15 Romania 1–0 Faroe Islands
15/10/09 Romania 3–1 Faroe Islands
10/09/08 Faroe Islands 0–1 Romania
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Tim Faroe Island :
24/03/19 Malta 2–1 Faroe Islands
27/03/19 Romania 4–1 Faroe Islands
08/06/19 Faroe Islands 1–4 Spain
11/06/19 Faroe Islands 0–2 Norway
06/09/19 Faroe Islands 0–4 Sweden
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Tim Romania :
24/03/19 Sweden 2–1 Romania
27/03/19 Romania 4–1 Faroe Islands
08/06/19 Norway 2–2 Romania
11/06/19 Malta 0–4 Romania
06/09/19 Romania 1–2 Spain
Prediksi Susunan Pemain
Faroe Island : Gunnar Nielsen, Solvi Vatnhamar, Heini Vatnsdal, Atli Gregersen, Rogvi Baldvinsson, Viljormur Davidsen, Joan Edmundsson, Brandur Olsen, Hallur Hansson, Joannes Bjartalid, Klaemint Olsen. Romania : Ciprian Tatarușanu, Alexandru Chipciu, Adrian Rus, Vlad Chiriches, Florin Stefan, Alexandru Cicaldau, Razvan Marin, Mihai Bordeianu, Ianis Hagi, Florin Andone, George Puscas.
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masterprediksi33-blog · 5 years ago
Prediksi Spanyol vs Romania 19 November 2019
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Prediksi Spanyol vs Romania 19 November 2019 - Pada hari Pekan, 19 November 2019 pukul 02:45 waktu indonesia barat akan di adakan lomba lomba Liga Kualifikasi UEFA Euro antara Spanyol vs Romania. Pertandingan ini nantinya akan di laksanakan di Stadion Wanda Metropolitano.
Spanyol mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menjadi tuan rumah pada lomba kali ini. Di pertemuan terakhirnya pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2019, Spanyol bermain imbang dengan Swedia dengan nilai akhir 1 – 1. Dari catatan 5 lomba terakhir, Spanyol bermain dengan sangat bagus dengan catatan 3 kali menang dan 2 kali bermain imbang.
Untuk lomba kali ini mesti Spanyol sudah menyiapkan strategi regu yang handal supaya bisa membawa pulang kemenangan, serta bisa mengamankan 3 nilai dalam lomba kali ini supaya bisa meraih posisi yang aman dan terhindar dari deglarasi.
Romania yang akan beradu tanding ke markas Spanyol tak akan gentar dalam lomba kali ini. Di lomba sebelumnya pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2019, regu ini bermain imbang dengan Norwegia dengan nilai akhir 1 – 1, Jikalau di lihat dari 5 lomba terakhir Romania cukup bagus dengan catatan 3 kali menang, 1 kali kalah dan 1 kali bermain imbang.
Hasil ini tentunya akan membuat Romania lebih semangat lagi untuk menghadapi Spanyol. Untuk lomba kali ini mesti Romania juga sudah mempersiapkan strategi yang bagus untuk memenangkan lomba supaya bisa merebut 3 nilai dari markas Spanyol.
Prediksi Spanyol vs Romania 19 November 2019
Head To Head Spanyol vs Romania : 06/09/19 Rumania 1 – 2 Spanyol 28/03/16 Rumania 0 – 0 Spanyol 16/11/06 Spanyol 0 – 1 Rumania 19/11/97 Spanyol 1 – 1 Rumania 18/06/96 Rumania 1 – 2 Spanyol
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Spanyol : 11/06/19 Spanyol 3 – 0 Swedia 06/09/19 Rumania 1 – 2 Spanyol 09/09/19 Spanyol 4 – 0 Kepulauan 13/10/19 Norwegia 1 – 1 Spanyol 16/10/19 Swedia 1 – 1 Spanyol
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Romania : 11/06/19 Malta 0 – 4 Romania 06/09/19 Romania 1 – 2 Spanyol 08/09/19 Romania 1 – 0 Malta 12/10/19 Kepulauan Faroe 0 – 3 Rumania 16/10/19 Rumania 1 – 1 Norwegia
Baca Juga
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Agen Sabung Ayam
Prediksi Susunan Pemain Spanyol vs Romania : Spanyol : David De Gea – Daniel Carvajal – Sergio Ramos – Mario Hermoso – Jose Luis Gaya – Thiago Alcantara – Rodr – Dani Parejo – Suso – Rodrigo – Mikel Oyarzabal.
Romania : Ciprian Tatarușanu, Alexandru Chipciu, Adrian Rus, Vlad Chiriches, Florin Stefan, Alexandru Cicaldau, Razvan Marin, Mihai Bordeianu, Ianis Hagi, Florin Andone, George Puscas.
Prediksi Nilai Spanyol vs Romania: 2 : 2 Handicap : 0 : 2 Over/Under : 2 3/4
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dininimapentrumine · 1 year ago
Vești despre Familia Bordeianu!
Câteva vești despre Familia Bordeianu!Tatiana urmeaza astazi, luni 09 Octombrie sa intre in a treia intervenție chirurgicala. Daca toate lucrurile merg bine, va fi operata la piciorul drept si la brațul drept. Ne rugam sa reziste la anestezie si rezultatul operației sa fie pozitiv. Mihai a fost externat. Este acasa. Incepand cu aceasta saptamană intra intr-un program de kinetoterapie la…
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years ago
Gallant Malta undone by Puscas’ second-half strike
Romania 1
Puscas 46
Malta 0
George Puscas saved Romania’s blushes as the prolific striker headed home the all-important goal that handed Romania a 1-0 win over Malta in a Euro 2020 qualifier in Ploiesti on Sunday.
The Romanians might have picked up all three points that kept them in the running for a top-two finish in Group F, but the Maltese left the Stadionul Ilie Oana with their heads high after producing a remarkably lively display.
Though Malta left the stadium empty-handed, the performance of the Maltese players against one of the rising nations in European football will surely have filled coach Ray Farrugia and his coaching staff with a huge dose of optimism.
As expected Romania saw more of the ball and created several scoring chances but their hopes of securing a goal-fest, as coach Cosmin Contra demanded on the eve of the match, never materialised thanks primarily to some excellent goalkeeping from Henry Bonello and the excellent defensive display of the visiting side.
But the most pleasing aspect of Malta’s performance yesterday was the fact that contrary to the match against Norway, when the boys in red rarely ventured outside their half, the team managed to play some positive football and created a number of scoring chances.
A huge chance fell to Juan Corbalan late in the first half, when he was denied by a fine save from Romanian goalkeeper Ciprian Tatarusanu, which could have given a completely different outcome to the match.
It was satisfying to see that Malta’s vibrant performance was acknowledged also by the home fans at the end of the match who applauded the visitors on their way out of the stadium.
Coach Farrugia and his players can look with a positive frame of mind to next month’s qualifiers at home to Sweden and more importantly the crucial trip to the Faroe Islands where the team could assure themselves of avoiding finishing bottom of the group for the first time after several years.
Farrugia effected two changes from the team that lost 2-0 in Norway as Luke Gambin and Jean Paul Farrugia were preferred to the not fully fit Paul Fenech and Jake Grech.
The Malta coach was also boosted by the news that defender Zach Muscat recovered from the dead leg he suffered against Norway in Oslo on Thursday. The Olhaense defender kept his place in a three-man defence alongside Andrei Agius and Steve Borg.
Romania coach Cosmin Contra fielded almost a different team to the one that lost to Spain in midweek.
In fact, the former Milan wing back only reconfirmed goalkeeper Ciprian Tatarusanu, defender Vlad Chiriches and forward George Puscas.
Among the players who were recalled was Ianis Hagi, the son of former Romania legend Gheorghe, and Ravzan Marin, who is on the books of Dutch giants Ajax.
Romania, spurred by a vociferous home crowd, pressed on the accelerator right from the outset and after six minutes central defender Vlad Chiriches but the former Tottenham defender miscued his shot when under pressure from Andrei Agius.
The home side had an even better chance on nine minutes when Hagi played in Florin Andone but the former Brighton forward was denied by Bonello.
Romania had the ball in the Malta net on 11 minutes when George Puscas showed great skill to turn past Steve Borg before laying the ball to Marin who chipped the ball past Bonello but the last touch came from Andone, who was in an offside position, and the goal was annulled.
The pressure was now increasing on the Malta defence and on 14 minutes Andone burst through but was denied by Bonello’s extended foot.
The Malta goalkeeper again distinguished himself on 22 minutes with a fine diving save on Marin’s shot from the distance.
Malta were trying to push forward and had a few openings with little success due to a poor final ball.
Bonello continued to frustrate the home side when he showed great reflexes to push away Hagi’s shot in two attempts.
From the resultant corner, taken by Hagi, Puscas juped over his marker but headed just wide.
Malta had a glorious chance to take the lead when the Juan Corbalan robbed a good ball in midfield and was put clear by Farrugia but with only Ciprian Tatarusanu to beat the Gżira winger saw his shot blocked by the Romania no. 1.
Romania were growing increasingly frustrated as the minutes passed as the visitors where pressing high giving the home side little chance to manouvre.
Just before the half-time interval, Mihai Bordeianu hit a thumping drive that whizzed past the upright as the first half ended goalless.
But that all changed at the start of the second half as Romania took less than a minute to forge ahead.
They won a corner from which Hagi picked Puscas and the Reading striker headed past Bonello.
The goal provided a much needed relief to the home fans and players who were now hoping their team would go on and rubberstamp their victory.
But the Maltese refused to panic and on 65 minutes Gambin let fly a thumping drive that Tatarusanu was forced to push to a corner.
Malta coach Farrugia tried to inject some fresh legs up front when he roped in Alfred Effiong for Nwoko.
On 73 minutes, Gambin picked Farrugia who turned past his marker but his low drive was neutralized by Tatarusanu.
As the minutes passed, the Romanians were looking increasingly short of ideas when pushing forward.
Two minutes from time, Effiong’s diagonal shot was pushed into an empty net by Farrugia but the Maltese players’ celebrations were cut short as the assistant referee raised his flag to signal that the Malta striker was in an offside position.
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fiara7-blog · 8 years ago
📹 VIDEO: Marin Condescu a rămas singur în sectorul rezervat galeriei, dupa infrangerea de la Botosani. ⚽ FC Botoşani - Pandurii Târgu Jiu 2-1 (0-0) • Etapa 14 Play-out. 👟⚽ Marcatori: (Golofca 87, L. Fulop 90+4 / F. Ilie 90+1 🔵 FC Botoşani: Cobrea - Patache, Burcă, Tincu, Muşat - Vaşvari, Bordeianu (Endrick 71) - M. Roman, Moruţan (L. Fulop 51), Golofca - Kuku (Hergheligiu 84) ⚪️Pandurii: Popescu - Negoiţă, Ene (F. Ilie 85), Erico, Buşu - Cioinac, Zaina - Firţulescu, Păcurar, Hlistei (Hamed 62) - Negruţ (Pârcălabu 80) 🔴 Istvan Kovacs l-a eliminat pe Mihai Roman după o fază în care jucătorii au fost la un pas de o bătaie generală (90+6), iar fluierul final a venit după 9 minute de prelungiri. 🔝FC Botoșani termină sezonul pe locul 4 în clasamentul Play-out-ului și se desparte si de Leo Grozavu după patru ani petrecuți sub culorile roș-alb-albașitri. 📼 repost ▶ www.DigiSport.ro
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smartseo4you · 5 years ago
Preliminarii Euro 2020. Jucătorii convocați de Cosmin Contra pentru meciurile cu Spania și Malta
Selectionerul reprezentativei Romaniei, Cosmin Contra, a anuntat, vineri, lotul final pentru urmatoarele doua jocuri din preliminariile EURO 2020. Cosmin Contra a chemat 24 de jucatori pentru ‘dubla’ cu Spania si Malta, printre care se regasesc si Adrian Rus, Mihai Bordeianu si Adrian Paun, aflati la prima selectie. In schimb, pe… , citeste tot articolul https://is.gd/Da97Eb
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dininimapentrumine · 1 year ago
Câteva vești despre fam. Bordeianu, Mihai si Tatiana
În primul rând mulțumim tuturor celor care susțineți în rugăciunile voastre pe Mihai si Tatiana.Mihai – Săptămână trecută a fost operat pentru fractura de femur. Operația a decurs bine si medicii sunt optimiști în ce privește evoluția lui Mihai. Urmează operația pentru genunchi si fractura de calcaneu. Tatiana – Tot săptămână trecută si Tatiana a fost operată la un picior, operația pentu celălalt…
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stiri-noi · 7 years ago
O noua lovitura pentru CFR! Liderul Ligii I negociaza cu un jucator important de la revelatia Ligii I - Sport.ro
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