#Might've missed the mark tho
jamiethebeeart · 3 months
Gore lineart by @tsubaki94 // it was so fun to back to my roots of "how many bruises and cuts can i fit on danny from ghost fighting" (cw: blood, bruises, cuts, cuts on inner forearm, bite bruise, restraint marks, blood/ectoplasm smear/splatter)
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(also shamelessly looking at @green-with-envy-phandom-event 's cw tags to use)
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
*crawling on the floor like the food water atmosphere fish from spongebob* please do you have any minedai fic recs
i have a humble amount my friend :) i'll list the SFW ones first and leave the saucier stuff for the bottom. i encourage yall to peak around the Dojima Daigo/Mine Yoshitaka tag on AO3  and find some other gems i might've missed (because i have def missed out on some great stuff, but if there’s any other fics that aren’t AO3 that are also good send em my way)
"if they all say so" by bio_at
literally one of my all-time fave minedai fics and fics Period i'm in love with this thing. it's just the gang teasing talking with mine about daigo in a reality where mine lives beyond 3. i'm selling it short on how lovely and feel-good this fic is like please read it i'm not good at selling things--
"Batter Up" by McEuropeskies
mine takes daigo to the batting cages and has to endure watching him make the worst swings of his life, inevitably leading to A Personal Favorite wherein he has to help him with his stance. as much as i love composed and calculating mine, it's also really fun to see him lose his cool a bit, and this fic's full of that in a way that also doesn't do it excessively. it's cute, it's short, it's funny, and it's got baseball. i love it.
"Only Him" by frozenCinders
i talked bout this one a couple weeks back but it's a short, cute, and sweet fic wherein mine and daigo go out on an impromptu dinner date to smile burger. i just love how casual and carefree daigo is and i love how mine Also loves how casual and carefree daigo is (even if he appears somewhat unprofessional, but that's a part of it isn't it)
"New Heights" by celadon_dreams
they get stuck in an elevator, wherein its the perfect time to be even remotely, subtly ballsy about the fact you're crushing on your coworker. in a twist though it's actually daigo having butterflies in his stomach and making a move, a nice switch up i really like to see from minedai fics
"Record" (marked as adult but nothing overly graphic happens) by gwyllgi
it's just mine and daigo waltzing, but it's written in a way that's just So. i really like it, it's a great vibe. it's very domestic That's the word i was looking for :)
"from the ashes of us" by jaigheart
REALLY GOOD Mine Lives is hard to write but the build up for this and the exploration into daigo's mind and feelings (PLUS BARTENDER BESTIE) was IMMACULATE. plus i ALWAYS love a daigo-centric fic...
"Bangkok Necktie" by Skysquid22
ANOTHER REALLY SWELL MINE LIVES FIC daigo and mine chatting after mine attempts suicide and tho it doesnt downplay the seriousness of the situation, it does a neat job of easing out of the tense circumstances into a more hopeful atmosphere for mine's future
"Sweet Tone" (+18) by frozenCinders
mine's down horrendous and just wants to shag daigo. fics exploring mine's obsession with daigo in one way or another are great to me, but i can prob save that rant for another post. since he can't get daigo, the second best thing he's got (aside from fuckin dudes who might vaguely look or sound like him) is having an innocuous phone call with him. just the way bro's really about to bust while daigo's talking about the most Not Sexy things ever is what makes me love this
"Always Be Prepared for Anything" (+18) by ravenselle
daigo gets stuck in a vent and mine has to get him out of it, and that alone was enough to make me wanna read. the way gwyllgi writes everything out really capitalizes on the humor factor for me, with the actual shagging being moreso a bonus (with a pretty goofy ending too. poor majima LMAO).
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Love Conquers Amnesia [Amnesiac!Eijiro/Takara(OC)]
Hiya! I saw This video and couldn’t help thinking about KiriKara (my name for the ship. I can’t think of a better one, so if you can, leave it in a comment below!), and this is the result!  Anyway, in writing it and trying to think of a realistic way for Kiri to lose his memory, I kinda veered from the video when I meant to practically quote it, but I also like this version, so here we are! Also, if you want more domestic KiriKara, send an Ask or message me and I’ll totally write it (as long as it’s not smut. Sorry!)!!
Real quick before I begin, @dailyojiromashirao is pretty much on my permanent MHA writing taglist, cus they’re always so sweet and supportive! Love you! And maybe @elite-guard-hardygal would enjoy this, too?? IDK. Feel free to ignore, lovey! 
Now that that’s done, I will only this before we begin; I hope you all enjoy! 
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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(P.S: This guy is my headcanon/faceclaim for Adult!Eijiro, btw. I haven’t seen Bleach, but I know he’s a character in that show. This is the face Kiri makes when he sees his waifu but doesn’t remember her yet. She startles him with her beauty! XD)
Statistically, it was probably more shocking that it took so long for this to happen, given our profession.
But, it was still very shocking to get a call in the middle of a daytime patrol. “Are you Mrs. Takara Kirishima?” The person on the other end asks. I gulp.
“Yes, this is she. Who’s calling?” I ask as politely as I can.
“The receptionist at Sanno Hospital. I’m calling to report your husband’s admittance.” Instantly, my heart plummets into my toes, and the temperature seems to drop below freezing.
“O-oh...I...Is he..?”
“He’s in surgery. We’re still unsure precisely what happened, but more details are emerging the longer we have him. The doctors are very hopeful, however.” I can’t help but not feel comforted by those words. Something could always happen. It only took one wrong move, one instant, for everything to change.
“O-okay. I’ll be there in around thirty minutes. Thank you.” I say, then hang up. I race back to my agency. The one Kiri and I shared, like everything else. I rip off my headgear and toss it into the locker along with my belt, all while calling out the situation, before sprinting for my- -our- -car. We were supposed to drive home together and have a family movie night with our five-year-old son, Senshi.
This wasn’t supposed to happen! Kiri had an amazingly defensive Quirk. How could someone have hospitalized him?!
“The story we’ve pieced together from the data we’ve collected is this;” the doctor explains when I arrive. “your husband was fighting an unknown villain, and somehow suffered trauma to the head, resulting in the loss of the fight, and…”
“What?” I press urgently. I needed to know!
“Well, with brain injuries...memories are the easiest to lose, we’ve found. It appears your body automatically purges memories first instead of the knowledge of how to breathe, for example. I’m sorry, Mrs. Kirishima, but there is a strong possibility that your husband won’t remember much when he wakes up.” I thank him for telling me absently, eyes peeking into the room, to Kiri laying still on the bed. “And we’re not sure when he’ll wake up. We hardly had to use anesthesia on him for the surgery; he was unconscious when he was admitted, but without any real indication that we could find as to why. I’m sorry.” I nod.
“Thanks for doing what you could, doc.” I murmur, walking slowly into the room. The man smiles sadly at me and leaves me to sit beside Kiri. His hair had to be combed down and messed around so they could run tests to see why he was still out cold, and the black hospital gown looked incredibly odd on him. His chest rose and fell rhythmically. It seemed to lull me into a doze, one I tried to fight without much luck.
It’s only a few hours later that I wake up, and Kiri still isn’t awake. I hold in a groan and stand, stretching out my back and arms that were sore from sleeping in the chair.
I wasn’t planning on leaving til Kiri woke up and I could ascertain for myself his condition, so I watch him. His chest goes up and down and the heart rate monitor beeps incessantly as time creeps by. It was unknown how long I sat there before I started to fall asleep again. I shook myself. I wouldn’t fall asleep again until I saw Kiri awake.
So I stood again, deciding to leave briefly to get a cup of coffee and call people. Mainly Ma, Pa (what I call Mr. and Mrs. Kirishima) and Katsuki. They deserved to know what had happened.
It went about as well as expected. They were upset (Katsuki vowing to roast Kiri for being so sloppy as to let that villain get a hit on him), but promised to get here soon.
I then got my coffee and headed back to Kiri’s room, only to find him standing and gazing at the sunrise out of his window, his IV pole clutched beside him. 
I gulp. Time to see what was what with him. I grin and walk over. “Beautiful, huh?” I ask, sipping the coffee. He flinches, jerking his head to look at me.
“Yea- -uh...did...did the doctors send you?” He asks, stunned, cheeks red. I blanch. Of course. Memory loss was a high probability, the doctor had said.
“N-no.” I murmur, gulping the coffee to avoid talking. How was I supposed to deal with this?! How long would this last?!
“Wow…” He breathes, taking me in and smiling. “You must be the prettiest woman in the whole world.” It’s almost like he wasn’t aware he was talking out loud. I blush. Even without memories of our marriage, he was attracted to me. 
“Thanks.” I reply, chuckling. It then drops. “...Do you know my name?” I ask tentatively. Eijiro frowns, scanning me again.
“...I’m sorry, but no...should I?” I sigh. Of course he wouldn’t remember...
“Takara.” I reply. “It’s Takara Kirishima.” There. I’d kinda told him. He’d have to piece it together now. His eyes narrow in thought, then go wide.
“Are you my sister?” He asks. I snort.
“No. No, I’m not.”
“Cousin?” I smile.
“Not a cousin, either.”
“...Then...what?” He asks shyly. I roll my eyes.
“I’m your wife, dummy.” I chuckle, ruffling his hair. He blinks several times, then grabs my left hand. I slip the glove I hadn’t taken off and he stares at the simple sterling silver band around my ring finger.
“...We’re married?” He exclaims, staring at my face now. I grin proudly and nod.
“Yeah. For almost six years now.”
“Whoa, really?! How do I not remember that?! Man, I hit the jackpot!” I chuckle, scratching the back of my head, cheeks scarlet. Wow...
“The doctors aren’t really sure. You were admitted to the ER unconscious and had to go into a brief surgery to try and determine what happened. They still don’t know, but my guess is a Quirk’s to blame.” Kiri nods.
“I have one, too, right? A Quirk?” I nod.
“Yup. You can harden your body using your body’s carbon. Downside is you can’t do it forever.” He frowns, then grins happily.
“I think...I think I remember that!” He cries. “I use it to fight, don’t I?”
“Yup. You’re a hero. You help a lot of people at our agency.”
“Our agency?” Eijiro asks, head tilted. I grin.
“Yeah!” Just then, I hear the door open behind us. I glance over and see Katsuki glaring from the doorway, only halfway out of his costume, as well.
“Hey! Shitty Hair! Remember me?!” Kiri turns.
“...You know me?” He asks. Katsuki does a double-take, then scoffs.
“Right. Forgot. You let a villain hit you with some dumb memory loss Quirk. Your wife called me. I was closer than your parents are, but they’ll be here.”
“Oh. Thanks.” Kiri murmurs, looking at Katsuki’s outfit. “...Are you a hero, too?” Katsuki flinches in irritation, then deflates.
“Yeah. So’s your wife, dumbass.”
“Katsuki, thanks for coming, but don’t be mean.” I warn. I knew, however, that this was just Katsuki being Katsuki. He didn’t really mean it.
“Ground Zero, right? That’s...that’s your hero name?” Kiri suddenly asks, eyes lighting happily. Katsuki smirks.
“Finally, you remember something!” I roll my eyes.
“He remembered his Quirk and that he was a hero before you got here.” I point out.
“I don’t remember my hero name, though. Or yours, Takara. Sorry.” I wave that aside.
“No worries! You wanted to model your hero image after Crimson Riot, so you chose Red Riot as your hero name as an homage.” Eijiro’s eyes light up.
“Oh, right! He’s so manly and hardcore! What’s yours?” I chuckle and rub the back of my neck awkwardly. It always sounded weird when I explained it out loud.
“Well, I’ve always liked foxes and wolves, so I chose Kitsune as my hero name.”
“That’s awesome!” I laugh.
“You had that reaction the day we chose our hero names, too.” I reminisce fondly.
“Yeah, back when you two made dopey heart-eyes at each other in class and we all pretended we didn’t see and wanna puke.” Katsuki adds, scoffing and crossing his arms. His smirk betrays his happiness, though.
“Really?” Eijiro asks, eyeing me.
“We-well, it was more like I made the heart-eyes and then, ah- -do you recall something called the USJ incident? It happened almost nine years ago…” Eijiro frowns.
“I...I think so. We were in some huge building, right? Combat training?” I shake my head.
“No.” I grimace. Even now, the memory was painful, my ribs recalling that day easily. “We were supposed to be doing rescue training.” I murmur. “Then villains attacked. My mom nearly died. She was our teacher.” Eijiro frowns.
“Oh. Right. I was the one who found you, right? Against a fountain with a nearly collapsed ribcage?” I nod.
“Yeah. That was a tough week.” He nods.
“Ah, you babies got over it.” Katsuki muses. “If you ask me, that’s when you two nerds started liking each other and making everyone around you nauseous with your mushy attitude.” Eijiro then blushes and tilts his head, scratching the back of his neck.
“Uh...Takara, I’ve been meaning to ask...do we have kids?” I smile, pulling my phone out. I pull up a picture of Senshi at his fifth birthday (just a few weeks ago), sharp teeth on display as he grins at the camera.
“Yeah; a son, Senshi.” My hand goes to my stomach subtly. I’d planned to tell him the revelation I’d had this morning, the one still waiting on our bathroom sink. But not now. I’d wait til he had more memories to tell him, though. Eijiro stares at the picture for a long minute or two, gently taking my phone.
“He’s just like me…” He murmurs. I nod.
“Yeah.” His black hair came from his father, but the large brown eyes were from my side. It was adorable, and an instant recipe for success on his end when he gave me the infamous ‘puppy eyes’. “He’s a good kid.”
“Yeah, that brat’s alright.” Katsuki admits, scoffing a little. Surprisingly, Katsuki handled Senshi well. He wasn’t usually too forceful and angry with the kid. He’d really come a long way since our high school days, when he’d terrified any child that dared look at him wrong.
“I can’t believe we’re married and have a kid..” Eijiro murmurs thickly, and I notice tears on his cheeks. “How could I have forgotten you? I’m sorry, Takara...I’m so sorry…” I hug him, tears forming in my eyes.
“Eiji, it’s okay.” I murmur, rubbing his back as he clutches me. “It’s not your fault.”
“If I’d just taken care of that villain, none of this would’ve happened.” Eijiro sobs. I blink.
“So...you remember?” I ask, drawing back just enough to look him in the eye.
“Bits and pieces. The more we talked, the more I remembered. The picture of Senshi was like the final key.” He says. “That guy’s Quirk wasn’t affected by my Hardening, and it only took a touch for it to work.” 
“Great, you remember, now stop dancing around each other and kiss already.” Katsuki grumbles before I can react. I laugh and hug Eijiro again. He’s blushing as we part a few moments later.
“...Can we?” He asks. “Can we kiss?” It was exactly what he’d said, the morning he’d confessed. We’d gone sunrise hiking and he’d asked that as we watched the dawn unfold. I smile and play with his hair, just like I had that morning.
“Of course you can.” I reply, continuing the reenactment, and he all but tackles me in elation, kissing me so eagerly, I’m pretty sure my lips are swollen and bruised.
“Oi! I know i told you to kiss, but come on! Knock it off!” Katsuki growls. I smile into the kiss and deepen it, knowing it would piss Katsuki off. Sure enough, he growls and is stalking over when Eiji pulls back to stick his tongue at Katsuki.
“Oh, lay off!” He replies. “You’re just jealous cus you’re still single.” Katsuki growls and grabs the front of Eiji’s hospital gown.
“What did you say?!” Katsuki growls.
“Oh, good; I see we were worried for nothing.” Comes the voice of my mother-in-law. I look behind Katsuki and wave.
“Hi, Ma!” I call. I generally call Mrs. Kirishima ‘Ma’ or ‘Mama’, and Mom...well, ‘mom’. “Turns out, Eiji got hit by a Quirk that knocks you out and gives you amnesia, but it’s nullified by showing the victim photos or talking about the missing memories, evidently. He remembers.” 
Ma nods. “Thank goodness.” Eijiro hugs his parents.
“Hey, guys.”
“Hello, Eijiro.” Ma replies. Pa smiles and ruffles his son’s hair.
“Gave us quite a scare there, son.” He says. “But, of course, you pulled through!” Eijiro nods.
“Cus Kirishima men always win!” He says proudly, fist-pumping his dad. I roll my eyes. That was part of the reason Kiri was so upset in Middle School; his father encouraged bravery and manliness in his son and when Eijiro failed to act in that attack, it whacked his self-esteem.
But, over time, he’d become every inch a brave, manly hero. And an even better man to be married to. I side-hug him and squeeze his side reassuringly. “And the Kirishima women will always support their man.” I add, chuckling as Ma nods.
“Agreed. Knew I liked you when I met you, Kara.” I grin.
This was what we’d always have; a family to fall back on, no matter how bad or weird things get. Family is priority. Always.
Crappy ending is crappy, but hope you liked the rest! XD
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tintinwrites · 4 years
above ‘em | Poe Dameron x Fem!Reader
A/N: This is loosely based on an episode of Schitt’s Creek and I admit that.
Rating: T
Warning: Naughty words. Sexual references. Poe is jealous but not like ‘you’re mine’ jealous more like ‘i wish that were me tho’ jealous. A broken heart.
Word count: 1,142, apparently!!
Summary: You rekindle a relationship with an old friend during a mission and decide to stay, but he’s definitely not all he’s cracked up to be. Poe knows your worth.
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GIF credit: I have no idea, but it’s not mine.
Poe wasn't jealous.
He didn't think of being the one whose hand you were holding on top of that table, or the one you were making dreamy eyes at from across said table, or the one you kissed with a smile on your lips, or the one whose jokes you giggled at, or the one you bumped your shoulder against when you walked next to him, or certainly not the one who made you moan all pretty in the room next to his.
That was reserved for the man you were doing it all with, an old friend who happened to still live on the planet where your mission was located.
And two pillows over his head hadn't been enough to muffle the sounds of your moans and the sappy names he called you.
Maybe he was a little jealous.
But he wasn't the sort of jealous where he was going to walk over there and slam you over the table to mark his territory or something.
The thought might've been pretty hot, but you weren't his.
His jealousy was more like this hollow ache in his chest at the sight of your sweetness directed at someone else, yet being okay with it since this guy seemed to make you really happy and Poe Dameron wanted you to be happy.
It was time for the two of you to wrap up and head back to the base anyway, and he walked through the cantina to let you know.
You'd giggled in a girlish way he'd never heard and wanted to hear always as your lover pressed a kiss to your knuckles.
Then you followed him, but didn't walk out. "Hey, Poe?"
He downed the last of his fire whiskey. "Mm?"
You smiled, looking down at your hands shyly. "I think you should go on without me and I will probably fly back in a few days maybe?"
His jacket was halfway on when he paused, eyes wide. "You what?"
Both your arms wrapped around one of his as you leaned your chin against his shoulder, looking at him with eyes he'd never been able to deny even when he was only your commander.
"It'll be no more than a few days."
"You're allowed to do whatever you want, Y/N."
"I love you."
"Right back at ya."
His voice tight with the knowledge that he would probably be in love with you if you let him try it out, he pulled his jacket completely on and watched you return to your man.
He walked out of the cantina.
And you stroked sensually over the man's hand, playing with his thumb. "I'm gonna stay with you for a few more days."
The man eyed you, sipping from his drink. "You didn't finish the mission yet?"
"I thought we could spend more time together."
"Oh, babe...you know I've missed you, right?"
"As much as I missed you based on how passionate you were touching me for the first time in a long time."
"I'm married."
"This was really fun, Y/N/N, but I wasn't looking for any sort of commitment...I'm sure you're stressed with the war and all...and you'll find someone—"
"Don't. Um. Congratulations on your marriage. Kinda wish you'd told me when I slept with you, but..."
Your words were clipped and shaky, and you knew you'd cry if you said anything more, pretending you didn't hear him calling you with his fake guilt as you walked out of the cantina.
Poe saw you walk fast by him, furrowing his brow slightly. "Y/N?"
You paused your steps and glanced over your shoulder at him, then quickly looked down at the damp ground. "Let's go."
He moved to stand next to you.
"What about your guy?"
"It's irresponsible for me to be distracted by some little fling."
"Seemed a little more romantic to me...there aren't missions planned if you want to hang out until Leia tells me—" He noticed the tears in your eyes, your gaze not meeting his once.
"I wanna fucking go."
He gripped your chin and lifted your head, and your eyes looked pointedly to the side. "What did he do?"
"Nothing. Kriff." You tried pulling away.
"What did he do?" He tugged you back.
"You think I can't tell when you're lying?"
"He's married!"
Tears fell down your cheeks the moment Poe let you go in his shock. "He's married and this has all been a bit of fun to him and I thought..."
He didn't need to hear you say it to know you thought this guy was the real deal when all you were to him was something to have sex with.
His hand moved to the side of your neck where he squeezed you gently, apologizing for something he didn't do.
But he wasn't going to apologize for what he was about to do.
"Go to your ship. I forgot something in the cantina." He was a pretty bad liar, but you were too emotional to notice his forced nonchalance as you walked to where your ships were.
That son of a bitch was ordering himself another drink, pressing his glass to lips that touched yours with false appreciation.
Poe wasn't trying to be some hero to make you want him; he'd kill this guy for you if all you were was one of his pilots. "Hey, buddy."
He turned to look, recognition and then confusion in his eyes, and then no look at all as Poe's fist collided with his face and he fell back against the bar.
His question of ‘what the hell are you doing’ was cut off the moment it began, Poe fisting the guy's shirt and pulling him to get in his face.
"You think it's cute to lie to girls to get what you want? Do you realize the woman you had or is your skull really that thick? I want you to go home and tell your wife what a fucking sleaze you are. She and Y/N are above you." Then he shoved the guy away and didn't look as he stumbled over a chair, walking out to meet you by the ships.
"What did you forget?" You asked when he walked up empty handed.
"Need to speak to someone about something."
"Oh. Okay."
"You wanna stop to buy some chocolates?"
"I guess."
He stopped at his ship's ladder to look at you, then brushed his fist across your chin much more lightly than it 'brushed' that jerk's. "You're above 'em all."
You tilted your head. "What?"
"Him. Everyone. Above 'em."
"Oh? You?"
"Especially me. You'll find someone worthy. And they'll still be a little below you."
"Thanks, Poe."
You watched him climb into his X-wing.
You liked it when he told you that you'd find someone; it sounded like he really meant it.
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