#Meeting President Recep Tayyip Erdo��an
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Israeli PM meets Turkish president, for the first time in 14 years
Israeli PM meets Turkish president, for the first time in 14 years
Jerusalem : Israel’s PM has met with Turkiye’s president for the first time in 14 years, the latest sign of warming ties bet ween the two regional powers after a long and bitter rift. The office of Israeli PM Yair Lapid said he met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo gan on Tuesday on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly now underway in New York . Israeli PM meets Turkish…
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In First Since 2008, Israeli Prime Minister and Turkish President Meet
In First Since 2008, Israeli Prime Minister and Turkish President Meet
By Aryeh Savir/TPS • 21 September, 2022 Jerusalem, 21 September, 2022 (TPS) — Prime Minister Yair Lapid met on Tuesday on the sidelines of the United General Assembly in New York with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, the first meeting between an Israeli prime minister and a president of Türkiye since 2008 and following the announcement of the restoration of full diplomatic representation…
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#Israel-Turkey Relations#Prime Minister Yair Lapid#Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan#United General Assembly
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Deutsche Medien werben für CHP und HDB und betreiben Anti-Erdogan-Propaganda
Update 22.6.2018: German media about Turkey: - Spiegel.de, print: 716.000 p.week. Online: 20million unique user per month - FAZ.de, print: 240.000 p.day. Online: 10million unique user per month - SZ.de, print: 350.000 p.day. Online 12million uupm - ZEIT.de, print:500.000 p.week. Online 13million uupm - WELT.de, print 160.000 p.day. Online: 20million uupm(These are the so called "serious media", not yellow-press like BILD) Since 2013 in these media: - most texts are pro HDP - many texts are pro CHP, iYi, Saadet - almost 0% of texts are pro AKP - almost all texts negativ about AKP/Erdogan - almost no texts negative about HDP, CHP ************************
Spiegel: "Turkish success author Cabas about Erdogan -The chances of a change of power were never bigger" www.spiegel.de/plus/tuerkei-experte-ueber-recep-tayyip-erdogan-er-ist-am-ende-a-6bdf4a05-ade5-445c-8d61-54cead840da0#/ Spiegel: Spiegel promotes CHP and Ince. They did not show one meeting of Erdogan --> https://twitter.com/SPIEGELONLINE/status/1010033090910138368 Spiegel: Five against Erdogan www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/tuerkische-praesidentschaftswahl-sie-treten-gegen-erdogan-an-a-1214303.html Spiegel: Why Erdogan must tremble - In Turkey, the unthinkable seems suddenly conceivable: Before the presidential and parliamentary elections on Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan must fear for his power. http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/news-des-tages-warum-erdogan-zittern-muss-a-1214378.html ---- FAZ: “Muharrem Ince: Erdogan's challenger attracts millions” http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/erdogans-herausforderer-muharrem-ince-zieht-millionen-an-15654125.html FAZ: "Erdogan shot himself in the knee" http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/erdogan-hat-sich-mit-wahlreform-selbst-ins-knie-geschossen-15652713.html FAZ: "Statistics before the election -This is how Erdogan changed Turkey" http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/vor-der-wahl-wie-erdogan-die-wirtschaft-in-der-tuerkei-veraendert-hat-15648106.html FAZ: "Turkey election: fear of manipulation" http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/die-tuerkischen-parteien-bruesten-sich-mit-ihren-vorbeugungen-gegen-wahlbetrug-15652549.html (This article was headline on the frontpage) ---- SZ: "Elections in Turkey - Erdoğan is scared" http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/tuerkei-wahlen-erdogan-opposition-1.4022249 SZ: "Reader discussion -How do you look at the election in Turkey?" http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/leserdiskussion-wie-blicken-sie-auf-die-wahl-in-der-tuerkei-1.4026207 SZ: “Human rights defender Kılıç remains in jail” http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/taner-kilic-haft-tuerkei-amnesty-international-1.4026383 ---- Zeit: Muharrem İnce: Millions of Turks on appearance of Erdoğan challenger In the election, the Turkish opposition pays off chances against the long-term president. Ince inspires (excites) the masses. https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2018-06/muharrem-ince-tuerkei-wahl-opposition-chp Zeit: "Many young people see Erdoğan as an authoritarian figure - Recep Tayyip Erdoğan wants a religious generation as the foundation of his new Turkey. Istanbul sociologist Demet Lüküslü explains why this is in vain." https://www.zeit.de/campus/2018-06/tuerkische-jugend-erziehung-recep-tayyip-erdogan-autoritaer ---- WELT: Interview with CHP-Ince:"Erdogan has no more solutions at all""Our women finally want to live without violence, without discrimination. They do not want to be second-class citizens anymore." https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/plus177959382/Muharrem-Ince-Erdogan-hat-keine-Loesungen-mehr-fuer-die-Tuerkei.html?wtrid=socialmedia.socialflow....socialflow_twitter ---- Handelsblatt “Turkey is in the onion crisis - Food prices have risen considerably in Turkey - especially for onions. Politicians are alerted shortly before the important election on Sunday.” https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/lebensmittelpreise-die-tuerkei-steckt-in-der-zwiebelkrise/22722702.html?social=tw-hb_hk-li-ne-or-&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1529662997 *******************
Spiegel: “Muharrem Ince wants to become Turkish President - The anti-Erdogan” Text: “Ince stages himself as anti-Erdogan: he lives together with his wife in a single-family home in Elmalik - and not like Erdogan in a palace with 1000 rooms. He announced that he would convert the government palace into a university if he won the election. The AKP tries to portray Ince as an abducted Kemalist. But the strategy does not work. Ince is emphatically close to the people. He goes to the mosque for Friday prayers. His people spread photos showing him at the folk dance or on a tractor."Muharrem is one of us," say the men sitting in a teahouse in the market square of Elmalik. "He does not make a fuss about himself, when he comes to the village everything is like he used to be when he was not famous." http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/tuerkei-wahl-muharrem-ince-koennte-erdogan-gefaehrlich-werden-a-1213780.html Spiegel: “"Deputy Andrej Hunko - Turkey refuses German election observers entry"”Andrej Hunko says in the article:"The fact that the Turkish government pretends that I travel to Turkey and make propaganda for the PKK as an OSCE election observer is, of course, absurd," Hunko said. "This shows the nervousness of the Turkish government in the face of the election." http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/tuerkei-verweigert-linken-abgeordneten-andrey-hunko-einreise-a-1214240.html Fact that is not in the text: Andrej Hunko is known for several photos with “Kurdistan”-flag. He claimed that PKK is not a terrororganisation.i.e. 1: https://twitter.com/myeneroglu/status/1009779291410849792 i.e. 2: https://twitter.com/proje2019/status/1009792429694881795 Same text in SZ: “Turkey refuses German MPs entry for election observation”http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/osze-mission-zur-wahl-tuerkei-verweigert-deutschem-abgeordneten-einreise-zur-wahlbeobachtung-1.4025829 and Welt: https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article177952384/Linke-Abgeordneter-Hunko-Tuerkei-verweigert-deutschem-Wahlbeobachter-die-Einreise.html?wtrid=socialmedia.socialflow....socialflow_twitter ---- FAZ: “Erdogan and the elections: the Turkish cacophony” “Erdogan's re-election as Turkish President is considered safe - but his party could lose the majority in parliament. What happens then?” http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/was-passiert-wenn-erdogans-partei-die-mehrheit-im-parlament-verliert-15650742.html FAZ: “Letter from Istanbul: The President is in his most difficult corner” http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/brief-aus-istanbul/brief-aus-istanbul-erdogan-ruft-zu-straftat-auf-15648346.html and the same text in turkish(!!!): “Erdoğan’ın en zor dönemeci““Türkiye’nin Watergate’i: Erdoğan’ın “HDP’nin barajı aşmaması için farklı çalışma yapma” talimatı ne anlama geliyor? @bulentmumay yazdı” http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/brief-aus-istanbul/i-stanbul-dan-mektuplar/stanbul-dan-mektuplar-erdo-an-n-en-zor-doenemeci-15649827.html The writer is Bülent Mumay from Cumhuriyet. He writes Anti-Erdogan.lies for FAZ every week. FAZ: German-Turkish voters: "The German reports on Erdogan are a joke" “On Sunday, the Turks will elect a new parliament - and maybe a new president. Voters living in Germany have already voted. They have told FAZ for whom and why.” http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/deutschtuerkische-waehler-deutsche-berichte-zu-erdogan-sind-frechheit-15646222.html?utm_content=buffer38f88&GEPC=s30&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=GEPC%253Ds30 ---- ZEIT: “Erdoğan suddenly makes mistakes -Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is worried about victory in the upcoming elections. The problem: He wants to seize all power and many voters do not want that.” https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2018-06/wahl-tuerkei-recep-tayyip-erdogan-praesidialsystem-unzufriedenheit *******************
Spiegel: “The system Erdoğan -Nobody laughs in his presence” “Turkish President Erdoğan is at the zenith of his power - yet he fears losing everything in Sunday's election. In his palace, the first prepare their escape.” http://www.spiegel.de/plus/recep-tayyip-erdogan-vor-der-tuerkei-wahl-endspiel-a-00000000-0002-0001-0000-000157896444 Spiegel: “Foreign Turks have voted -Record attendance at Turkey election in Germany” “Almost half of the Turkish electorate in Germany participated in the presidential and parliamentary elections. For Erdogan and the AKP, votes are traditionally important.” http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/tuerkei-wahl-rekordwahlbeteiligung-in-deutschland-a-1214049.html ---- FAZ: "Is integration failing because of Islam?" Is the subtext and central question of the work "The Power of the Mosque". The answer of the author Joachim Wagner, known as the former moderator of the political program Panorama (German state-TV), can be summed up to some extent: yes.” “The connection to the country of origin is maintained by the consumption of local media, that shows re-islamization, as it takes place today under President Erdogan.” http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/politische-buecher/alles-vergebens-15634491.html FAZ: “Member with a double passport: Why did I vote in the Turkish elections?” Text is about a german politician with turkish rootes who talks about why he votes HDP. "Anyone who strengthens democracy in Turkey will also strengthen Germany and Europe in a global world, and that's what drives me if I vote in the elections.” FAZ: “Books about converts: Satan in me is strong” http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/buecher/themen/esra-oezyuereks-und-susanne-kaisers-buecher-ueber-deutsche-konvertiten-15628218.html ------ SZ: “Presidential election under Erdoğan -.How Turkish people vote in Germany.” (today’s SZ-headline): “Only Gauland (German right wing populist) is less popular than Erdoğan, but the AKP still wins: How Turkey-Germans vote in Germany - and why. An overview in graphics.” http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/praesidentschaftswahl-unter-erdoan-wie-tuerkeistaemmige-in-deutschland-waehlen-1.4022236 ------- Zeit: “Open wounds -The Kurdish conflict has left deep traces in southeastern Turkey. Government and opposition emphasize their will to peace, but reconciliation is not in sight.” “The devastation in Diyarbakır reflects the policy of harshness that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been following since his renewed escalation three years ago. ... But before the parliamentary and presidential elections on June 24, Erdoğan's AKP suddenly wooed the Kurds again. Because the Kurdish votes could decide on the majority in parliament and even on Erdoğans whereabouts in office.” https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2018-06/tuerkei-wahl-kurden-cizre-diyarbakir-akp ------ Welt: “Erdogan orders the population exchange” “"They just steal everything," says Roj Moussa, a Kurdish activist from Afrin. "They take food from shops, steal furniture, gasoline, tractors, bring washing machines and generators from apartments and houses, which they then often quite appropriate." There are also reports of arbitrary arrests, torture and murder of Kurdish community representatives.” https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article177864174/Nordsyrien-Erdogan-ordnet-den-Bevoelkerungsaustausch-an.html?wtrid=socialmedia.socialflow....socialflow_twitter Welt: “Erdogan is organizing tens of thousands of Syrians as first-time voters” “In the months leading up to the election, the Turkish government allowed tens of thousands of Syrian refugees to be naturalized. The first voters should be grateful on Sunday. And vote exactly where Erdogan can really use them.” https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article177856338/Tuerkei-Recep-Tayyip-Erdogan-organisiert-sich-Zehntausende-Syrer-als-Erstwaehler.html?wtrid=socialmedia.socialflow....socialflow_twitter Welt: “This is how Syrian refugees become Erdogan voters” Video: https://www.welt.de/politik/video177858460/Wahlen-Tuerkei-So-werden-aus-syrischen-Fluechtlingen-Erdogan-Waehler.html?wtrid=socialmedia.socialflow....socialflow_twitter Welt: asks every hour: “Will Mesut Özil play again for Germany? Ask us:” https://twitter.com/welt/status/1009427458783924227 https://twitter.com/welt/status/1009405034067644416 https://twitter.com/welt/status/1009397992204402689 https://twitter.com/welt/status/1009389993104732160 https://twitter.com/welt/status/1009422148161679362 *******************
FAZ: "Turks in Germany: dwindling support for Erdogan" http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/wahlen-in-der-tuerkei-schwindende-ueberzeugung-15647555.html FAZ: "A victory for Erdogan would be the end of democracy" http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/ali-ertan-toprak-sieg-erdogans-waere-ende-der-demokratie-15638053.html ---- Spiegel: "New airport Istanbul - Erdogan's deadly project" http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/flughafen-in-istanbul-recep-tayyip-erdogans-toedliches-prestigeprojekt-a-1213774.html Spiegel: HDP Demirtas writes to Cem Özdemir [Green Party Germany]. "I hope to see you in freedom" http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hdp-kandidat-demirtas-schreibt-gruenen-politiker-oezdemir-a-1213672.html ---- SZ: "Nobody can be worse than Erdogan" http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/wahlen-in-der-tuerkei-schlimmer-als-erdoan-kann-keiner-sein-1.4017621 ---- Welt: “Erdogan's master plan for the Mediterranean” https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/plus177387164/Expansionsdrang-Erdogans-Masterplan-fuer-das-Mittelmeer.html Welt: “If Erdogan wants to win, he needs the foreign Turks again” https://www.welt.de/debatte/kommentare/article177702844/Tuerkei-Erdogan-hat-viel-von-Putin-gelernt.htm ---- Focus: “Turkey votes - Has Erdogan gambled? His sure victory in the election varies” https://www.focus.de/politik/experten/tuerkei-waehlt-hat-erdogan-sich-verzockt-sein-sicherer-sieg-bei-der-wahl-schwankt_id_9113525.html?rnd=d4fd863b50be1440ee0d2e8eb3b2dd81 Focus: Basler against Özil: "Poor, body language as of a dead frog!" https://www.focus.de/kultur/kino_tv/focus-fernsehclub/tv-kolumne-hart-aber-fair-ruepel-basler-rueffelt-oezils-koerpersprache-ist-die-von-einem-toten-frosch_id_9116673.html?basler ---- Tagesspiegel: "Turkey: 124 arrests ahead of the presidential and parliamentary elections on Sunday, and those arrested should be supporters of the Gülen movement." https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/wahl-am-24-juni-124-menschen-in-der-tuerkei-festgenommen/22708218.html ---- Zeit: “A Muslim with a two in the testimony has the same chances of being invited to a job interview as a Christian with a three. This shows a new study” "If you omit your involvement in a Muslim association on the curriculum, this could increase the chances of being invited to the job interview." https://www.zeit.de/arbeit/2018-06/ruud-koopmanns-studie-rassismus-vorstellungsgespraech-migrationshintergrund
#german media#germany#Media#Spiegel#FAZ#SZ#Zeit#Welt#Focus#Tagesspiegel#Erdogan#Elections#Press#German Press#Turkey#Türkei#Deutschland#Deutsche Presse#Propaganda
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Erdogan or Erdo-gone in Turkey?
Erdogan or Erdo-gone in Turkey?
“Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad” — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow “Prometheus”
It looks like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is headed for the political gallows a lot quicker than I ever thought.
His offensive in Idlib has bogged down. And a day before he’s scheduled to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow Erdogan Turkish parliament degrades quickly as…
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Turkey's Purchase of a Russian Missile System, Explained
Turkey's purchase of the Russian S-400 missile system, explained
Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey meet in Saint Petersburg, August 9, 2016 (Presidential Press and Information Office)
Russia sent Turkey a seventh batch of components for the S-400 missile defense system over the weekend. According to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, all S-400 missiles will be deployed by April 2020.
Erdoğan has also said he is planning to…
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When Omar met Erdogan: The unearthed report from their 2017 meeting
When Omar met Erdogan: The unearthed report from their 2017 meeting
{$inline_image} U-Rock Newspaper
conservativereview.com – About a year and a half ago, on Sept. 18, 2017, a relatively unknown Minnesota state representative flew to New York City to hold a closed-door meeting with the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdo…
Tweeted by @marklevinshow https://twitter.com/marklevinshow/status/1108122421738000384
 {$excerpt:n} Source: U-Rock Newspaper
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The Constitutional Conflict in Turkey: Is There Still an Effective Remedy for Human Rights Violations?
The Constitutional Conflict in Turkey: Is There Still an Effective Remedy for Human Rights Violations?
by Massimo Frigo
[Massimo Frigo is the Senior Legal Advisor of the International Commission of Jurists, Europe Programme.]
A legal dispute between first instance ordinary courts and the Constitutional Court in Turkey is leading the country into a major constitutional conflict and severely limiting the chance of people in Turkey to access effective remedies for human rights violations.
On 11 January, two criminal courts in Istanbul refused to apply the rulings of the Constitutional Court ordering a remedy for breaches of the right to liberty and freedom of expression of two journalists, Mehmet Altan and Şahin Alpay, detained on remand while under trial for terrorism offences and alleged links to the attempted coup of 15 July 2016.
As reported by Professor Başak Çalı, the lower courts based their decisions on their finding that the Constitutional Court had exceeded its scope of competence when assessing the reasons for the pre-trial detention of the journalists. They held that the Constitutional Court “has not been given powers to review and assess evidence in an ongoing trial”; that “review of the reasons for detention was contrary to the law that established the right to individual petition”; and that “first instance courts do not have to write all the reasons for continuing detention in an ongoing trial, as this may constitute evidence of judicial bias as to the outcome of the case.”(Başak Çalı, Will Legalism be the End of Constitutionalism in Turkey, Verfassungsblog). In addition, they refused to execute the rulings of the Court because they had not been published on the Official Gazette yet. This ground is now moot following publication on 19 January.
The soundness of the main ground of challenge, the lack of competence of the Constitutional Court, that closely tracks the prior statement by the Deputy Prime Minister, Bekir Bozdağ, must be seriously questioned.
As affirmed by article 148.1 of the Turkish Constitution:
The Constitutional Court shall examine the constitutionality, in respect of both form and substance, of laws, decrees having the force of law and the Rules of Procedure of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, and decide on individual applications.
The Constitutional Court has the power to annul laws on grounds of unconstitutionality when so requested by the President of the Republic, parliamentary groups of the ruling party or of the main opposition party, or one-fifth of the members of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, within 60 days from the publication of the law (articles 150-151 of the Turkish Constitution). Additionally, any Turkish courts may request the Constitutional Court to declare the unconstitutionality of a legal provision at stake in the case before it (article 152, Turkish Constitution).
Finally, in 2010, the Constitution was amended by popular vote to introduce a system of individual applications before the Constitutional Court for human rights violations. This reform enjoyed the political support of then Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. According the article 148.3 of the Turkish Constitution:
Everyone may apply to the Constitutional Court on the grounds that one of the fundamental rights and freedoms within the scope of the European Convention on Human Rights which are guaranteed by the Constitution has been violated by public authorities. In order to make an application, ordinary legal remedies must be exhausted.
By its plain language, this provisions means that if any individual in Turkey considers that his or her rights have been violated, she or he may bring this case to the Constitutional Court if no other effective remedy is available in the country.
If the Constitutional Court, in an individual application case, finds that a violation of human rights comes from a court’s decision, it must remand its decision to the lower court that must rule again in accordance with the ruling of the Constitutional Court (see, article 50 of the Law on the Constitutional Court).
This system was introduced to meet Turkey’s obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights and to resolve human rights disputes domestically before bringing cases to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The European Court has faced severe stresses arising from a case overload particularly from Turkey.
The individual application remedy started to function in 2012. The European Court of Human Rights has considered that, at least as formally designed, it fulfills the procedural requirements of an effective remedy for human rights violations for the last years and has been dismissing a considerable amount of cases on the basis that this remedy offered by the Constitutional Court must be resorted to first (see, among others, Uzun v. Turkey).
Some of these dismissed cases were brought by former judges and public servants contesting alleged violations of the Convention arising under the current state of emergency instated following the attempted coup d’Etat of 15 July 2016 (see, among others, Mercan v. Turkey). They arose from the thousands of dismissals and detentions that followed the coup attempt.
Secondly, and exactly because this is a remedy of individual application or amparo on the constitutionality of a concrete situation and not only an abstract point of law, the Constitutional Court needs to review the assessment of evidence by lower courts in the same way as the European Court of Human Rights does. For example, in the cases of the detained journalists that have been at the heart of the current constitutional dispute, the Court had to assess whether their right to liberty was violated.
Pre-trial detention, under article 5 of the ECHR and article 19 of the Turkish Constitution, may be ordered only if there is strong suspicion of the persons having committed the offence, among other criteria. For example, in Stepuleac v. Moldova, the European Court went into this level of detail to assess the existence of “reasonable suspicion”:
… the only ground cited by the prosecuting authority when arresting the applicant and when requesting the court to order his pre-trial detention was that the victim (G.N.) had directly identified him as the perpetrator of a crime … . However, it also notes that the complaint lodged by G.N. did not directly indicate the applicant’s name, nor did it imply that all the employees of the applicant’s company were involved … . Indeed, only T.G. and the applicant were arrested and not all the employees. …. It is to be noted that the applicant was never accused of condoning illegal activities on the premises of his company, which might have explained his arrest as Tantal’s director, but of personal participation in blackmail. …
Moreover, the Court notes that the domestic court, when examining the request for a detention order … , established that at least one of the aspects of G.N.’s complaint was abusive. In particular, his complaint of unlawful detention contradicted the official detention order issued by the deputy prosecutor of Chişinău. This should have cast doubt on G.N.’s credibility. The conflict he had with the company’s administration … gives further reasons to doubt his motives…..
How indeed could a court determine whether the right to liberty has been respected without reviewing the assessment of whether there was “strong suspicion” according to the evidence reviewed at first instance?
Thirdly, judgments of the Constitutional Court are final and “binding on the legislative, executive, and judicial organs, on the administrative authorities, and on persons and corporate bodies” (article 153, Turkish Constitution).
In countries that have constitutional courts, their judgments are always binding on all State powers and cannot be challenged, apart from bringing the case to a competent international authority, for example in respect of human rights violations.
It is far out of bounds for a lower court to tell a Constitutional Court what its scope of competency is. If lower courts are able to challenge the binding nature of the Constitutional Court’s decision – as happened in the Istanbul courts in January – a dangerous level of uncertainty runs throughout the legal system without any clear lines of legal authority. It means that no person may rely on a final judicial decision establishing what the law is in any domain regulated by law. The Turkish legal system in all its tenets, from criminal, civil, administrative and commercial law, becomes unpredictable, and open to arbitrariness in its functioning.
The Constitutional Court and its individual application system had represented a major advancement in terms of human rights protection in the Turkish legal system. Trusting its effectiveness, the European Court of Human Rights has since dismissed countless applications for violations of the European Convention on Human Rights for not resorting to this remedy first.
If lower judges in Turkey begin to disregard or distance themselves from the rulings of their Constitutional Court, the European is not likely to continue to regard the remedy as presumptively effective and there will be nowhere else for victims in Turkey to go to bring cases of allegations of human rights violations. Nowhere but Strasbourg …
[via Opinio Juris]
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Erdogan hosts Hamas leaders, including ‘designated terrorist’ with $5 million bounty
Erdogan hosts Hamas leaders, including ‘designated terrorist’ with $5 million bounty
Saleh al-Arouri, who attended the meeting in Istanbul, calls his organization’s abduction and murder of three Israeli teens in 2014 a “heroic operation.”
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an hosted a large delegation of Hamas leaders in Istanbul on Saturday.
According to NBC News correspondent Raf Sanchez, who posted a photo of the meeting on Twitter, the delegation included Hamas deputy leader…
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NATO Throws Austria Under the Bus to Appease Turks
#NATO Throws Austria Under the Bus to Appease Turks
NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg meets with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Ankara, April 21, 2016 (NATO) On the eve of a leaders summit in Brussels, NATO has found a way to salvage its partnership program with 41 nations in Europe and the Middle East that Turkey had threatened to suspend. A last-minute compromise sees Austria withdrawing from NATO peacekeeping operations in the…
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