#Medieval Bhutan
tanadrin · 1 month
medieval monks and accountants start using Italian millione ("one thousand" + augmentative suffix) to mean 10^6 by the 1200s; this spreads to other languages
Jehan Adam coins bymillion and trimillion to mean 10^12 and 10^18 in 1475
Nicolas Chuquet extends this scale up to nonyllion (10^54), with every step being another six orders of magnitude (million, byllion, tryllion, quadrillion, quyllion, sixlion, septyllion, ottylion, nonyllion) in 1484. Note that in this period, it was common to put the digit separator every six digits instead of every three.
Guillaume Budé refers to 10^9 as milliart in 1516, in a Latin text
But in 1549, Jacques Pelletier du Mans uses milliard to mean 10^12, citing Budé as a source
In the 1600s, people start putting digit separators every three digits. But some scientists and mathematicians define the numerical scale according to how digits are grouped, rather than the actual order of magnitude: thus, one billion becomes 10^9, one trillion becomes 10^12, etc, creating the short scale.
"Milliard" is eventually added to the long scale, meaning 10^9 (in keeping with Budé's usage); the first published example is from 1676
By 1729, the short-scale meaning of "billion" (10^9) has already crept into American usage
This is in keeping with French usage at the time: in 1762, the Académie Française dictionary cites billion as meaning 10^9.
By the early 19th century, France has almost completely converted to the short scale, and U.S. usage follows France; the long scale is referred to in some sources as "obsolete." But Britain is still using the long scale (and I assume Germany and most other European countries)
Over the course of the 20th century, the long scale begins to become more influential in France, presumably due to the influence of continental usage; while the short scale becomes more influential in Britain, presumably due to the influence of American English. Notably the SI system very specifically uses unique prefixes that are the same across languages, to prevent confusion!
In 1961, the French Government confirms that they're going to officially use the long scale from now on; in 1974, Britain officially switches over to the short scale, and many other English-speaking countries follow.
In 1975, the terms "short scale" and "long scale" are actually coined, by mathematician Geneviève Guitel.
One reason large number names could be so unstable for so long is, of course, that outside specialized usage they are rare, and were even more rare before modern science and large modern monetary amounts became commonplace points of discussion. Wikipedia says "milliard" wasn't common in German until 1923, when bank notes had to be overstamped during Weimar-era hyperinflation.
As it currently stands, English, Indonesian, Hebrew, Russian, Turkish, and most varieties of Arabic use the short scale; continental Europe and most varieties of Spanish outside Europe use the long scale. A few countries use both, usually in different languages, like South African English (short scale) and Afrikaans (long scale) or Canadian English (short scale) and Canadian French (long scale) . Puerto Rico uses the short scale in economic and technical usage, but the long scale in publications aimed at export.
Notably some languages use neither, having their own names for large numbers--South Asian languages have the Indian numbering system, and Bhutan, Cambodia, and various East Asian languages also have their own numbering systems. Greek, exceptionally, uses a native calque of the short scale rather than a borrowing.
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Stone Turtle of Karakorum, Mongolia, c. 1235-1260 CE: this statue is one of the only surviving features of Karakorum, which was once the capital city of the Mongol Empire
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The statue is decorated with a ceremonial scarf known as a khadag (or khata), which is part of a Buddhist custom that is also found in Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan. The scarves are often left atop shrines and sacred artifacts as a way to express respect and/or reverence. In Mongolia, this tradition also contains elements of Tengrism/shamanism.
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The city of Karakorum was originally established by Genghis Khan in 1220 CE, when it was used as a base for the Mongol invasion of China. It then became the capital of the Mongol Empire in 1235 CE, and quickly developed into a thriving center for trade/cultural exchange between the Eastern and Western worlds.
The city attracted merchants of many different nationalities and faiths, and Medieval sources note that the city displayed an unusual degree of diversity and religious tolerance. It contained 12 different temples devoted to pagan and/or shamanistic traditions, two mosques, one church, and at least one Buddhist temple.
As this article explains:
The city might have been compact, but it was cosmopolitan, with residents including Mongols, Steppe tribes, Han Chinese, Persians, Armenians, and captives from Europe who included a master goldsmith from Paris named William Buchier, a woman from Metz, one Paquette, and an Englishman known only as Basil. There were, too, scribes and translators from diverse Asian nations to work in the bureaucracy, and official representatives from various foreign courts such as the Sultanates of Rum and India.
This diversity was reflected in the various religions practised there and, in time, the construction of many fine stone buildings by followers of Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.
The prosperous days of Karakorum were very short-lived, however. The Mongol capital was moved to Xanadu in 1263, and then to Khanbaliq (modern-day Beijing) in 1267, under the leadership of Kublai Khan; Karakorum lost most of its power, authority, and leadership in the process. Without the resources and support that it had previously received from the leaders of the Mongol Empire, the city was left in a very vulnerable position. The residents of Karakorum began leaving the site in large numbers, until the city had eventually become almost entirely abandoned.
There were a few scattered attempts to revive the city in the years that followed, but any hope of restoring Karakorum to its former glory was then finally shattered in 1380, when the entire city was razed to the ground by Ming Dynasty troops.
The Erdene Zuu Monastery was later built near the site where Karakorum once stood, and pieces of the ruins were taken to be used as building materials during the construction of the monastery. The Erdene Zuu Monastery is also believed to be the oldest surviving Buddhist monastery in Mongolia.
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There is very little left of the ruined city today, and this statue is one of the few remaining features that can still be seen at the site. It originally formed the base of an inscribed stele, but the pillar section was somehow lost/destroyed, leaving nothing but the base (which may be a depiction of the mythological dragon-turtle, Bixi, from Chinese mythology).
This statue and the site in general always kinda remind me of the Ozymandias poem (the version by Horace Smith, not the one by Percy Bysshe Shelley):
In Egypt's sandy silence, all alone,
stands a gigantic leg
which far off throws the only shadow
that the desert knows.
"I am great OZYMANDIAS," saith the stone,
"the King of Kings; this mighty city shows
the wonders of my hand."
The city's gone —
naught but the leg remaining
to disclose the site
of this forgotten Babylon.
We wonder —
and some Hunter may express wonder like ours,
when thro' the wilderness where London stood,
holding the wolf in chace,
he meets some fragment huge
and stops to guess
what powerful but unrecorded race
once dwelt in that annihilated place
Sources & More Info:
University of Washington: Karakorum, Capital of the Mongol Empire
Encyclopedia Britannica: Entry for Karakorum
World History: Karakorum
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brookston · 2 months
Holidays 7.31
African Women’s Day
Air Force Day (Nicaragua)
Always Live Better Than Yester Day
Apricot Day (French Republic)
Black Top Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day; UK)
Brunhilda Asteroid Day
Change Your Ringtone Day (Australia)
Cool Japan Day
Crossfire Hurricane Day
Devoted Couples Day
Emancipation Day (Belize)
Father’s Day (Dominican Republic)
George Jetson Day
Garda Asteroid Day
The Great Mullein Day
Gryphon Appreciation Day
Hapje Tapje (Leuven, Belgium)
Happy Potter Day
Hot August Nights begin (Reno, Nevada)
Insect Appreciation Day
International Lifeguard Appreciation Day
International Seriously Single Day
Joust of Quintana: La Sfida (The Challenge; Italy) [Pt. 2 in September]
Ka Hae Hawai'i Day (State Flag Day; Hawaii)
Law Enforcement Day (Louisiana)
Mac Davis Day (Lubbock, Texas)
Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh (Haryana and Punjab, India)
Milton Friedman Day
Mutt's Day
National Blood Donor Day (Iran)
National Commando Day
National Diana Day
National Eisteddford of Wales (Wales)
National Heatstroke Awareness Day
National #Love Day
National Mom Bod Day
National Mutt Day (a.k.a. National Mixed Breed Dog Day)
National Orgasm Day (UK)
National Parent a Biracial Child Day
Operation Motorman Anniversary Day (UK)
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Saui Sura (Javanese New Year; Suriname)
Saxophone Day
731 Day
Treasury Day (Poland)
Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day
U.S. Patent Day
Warriors’ Day (Malaysia)
World Day Against Electronic Torture
World MS Trend Day
World Ranger Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cotton Candy Day [also 12.7]
Jump for Jelly Beans Day
Make Homemade Ice Cream and Invite the Neighbors Over Day
National Avocado Day
National Raspberry Cake Day
National Spam Day
Rum Ration Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day)
Shredded Wheat Day
Independence & Related Days
Sovereignty Restoration Day (Hawaii)
Vanuatu (from UK/France, 1980)
Weimar Constitution Adoption Day (Germany; 1919)
5th & Last Wednesday in July
OSHC Educators Day (Australia) [last Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning July 31 (Last Week of July)
Oregon Brewers Festival begins [Last full weekend; Wednesday thru Saturday] (Now merged with the Portland Rose Festival in May and June)
Festivals Beginning July 31, 2024
Beyond the Gates (Bergen, Norway) [thru 8.3]
Grays Harbor County Fair (Elma, Washington) [thru 8.3]
Iowa Hunger Summit (Des Moines, Iowa)
Maine Lobster Festival (Rockland, Maine) [thru 8.4]
Montelago Celtic Festival (Serravalle di Chienti, Italy) [thru 8.3]
NC Watermelon Festival (Murfreesboro, North Carolina) [thru 8.3]
Northern Maine Fair (Presque Isle, Maine) [thru 8.4]
Ventura County Fair (Ventura, California) [thru 8.11]
Viagem Medieval (Medieval Journey) (Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal) [thru 8.11]
Feast Days
Abanoub (Christian; Saint)
Bill Gates Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Birthday of Nephthys
Cameons (Positivist; Saint)
The Clodhoppers (Muppetism)
Dress Up Day (Pastafarian)
Erich Heckel (Artology)
Feast of Joseph of Arimathea (Anglican; Roman Catholic)
First Sermon of Buddha (Bhutan)
Germanus of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Helen of Skofde, Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Ignatius of Loyola (Christian; Saint)
Jacques Villon (Artology)
Jean Denis Attiret (Artology)
Jean Dubuffet (Artology)
J.K. Rowling (Writerism)
John Columbini (Christian; Saint)
Joseph of Arimathea (Eastern Orthodox)
Ka Hae (Hawaii Flag Day; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Lammas Eve (a.k.a. ... 
August Eve
Hlafmesse (Loaf Mass; Anglo-Saxon)
Lammas, Day 1 (Celtic, Pagan) [5 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Lughnassad Eve
Lithasblot (Norse Harvest Festival)
Loki and Sigyn’s Day (Norse)
Lughnassadh (Grain Harvest)
Oiche Lughnasadh (Pagan)
Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh (Haryana, India)
Mary Vaux Walcott (Artology)
Neot (Christian; Saint)
Primo Levi (Writerism)
Real Ale Day (Pastafarian)
Seedy Birds (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Bad Animals, by Heart (Album; 1987)
BASEketball (Film; 1998)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Film; 1992)
Confidence (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1933)
Dad’s Army (BBC TV Series; 1968)
The Dark Tower (Film; 2017)
Death Becomes Her (Film; 1992)
Enchanted April (Film; 1992)
Ever After (Film; 1998)
Farmer Al Falfa’s Prize Package (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (TV Series; 2019)
Hang ‘Em High (Film; 1968)
Hot Shots! (Film; 1991)
I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson (Novel; 1954)
Lego Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Little Boy Blue (Castle Films ComiColor Cartoons; 1936)
The Living Daylights (James Bond Film, US; 1987) [#15]
The Lost Boys (Film; 1987)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (Film; 2015)
Murder Included, by Joanna Cannan (Novel; 1950)
The Negotiator (Film; 1998)
Night (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Only the Lonely, by Roy Orbison (Song; 1960)
The Pink Pill (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
Plenty of Money and You (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (Book of Poems; 1786)
Rascal Flatts, by Rascal Flatts (Album; 2000)
Rushing Roulette (WB MM Cartoon; 1965)
The Shadow (Radio Series; 1930)
Still the One, by Orleans (Song; 1976)
Urban Cowboy (Film; 1980)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (Film; 2017)
What a Night! What a Moon!, recorded by Teddy Wilson (Song; 1935)
The Wiggles (TV Series; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Hermann, Ignatius, Justinus (Austria)
Ignacije, Vatroslav (Croatia)
Ignác (Czech Republic)
Germanus, Helena (Denmark)
Ave, Meevi (Estonia)
Elena, Helena (Finland)
Ignace (France)
Herrmann, Ignatius, Joseph (Germany)
Iosif, Sifis (Greece)
Oszkár (Hungary)
Barbara (Italy)
Angelika, Renita, Rūta, Sigita (Latvia)
Elena, Ignotas, Sanginas, Vykintė (Lithuania)
Elin, Eline (Norway)
Beatus, Demokryt, Emilian, Ernesta, Ernestyna, Helena, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Justyn, Ludomir, Żegota (Poland)
Margarita, Marina (Russia)
Ignác (Slovakia)
Fabio, Germán, Ignacio (Spain)
Elin, Helena (Sweden)
Ignacio, Inigo, Reed, Reid (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 213 of 2024; 153 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of Week 31 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 26 (Bing-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 25 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 24 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 3 Purple; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 18 July 2024
Moon: 17%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 16 Dante (8th Month) [Cameons]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 42 of 94)
Week: Last Week of July
Zodiac: Leo (Day 10 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 7.31
African Women’s Day
Air Force Day (Nicaragua)
Always Live Better Than Yester Day
Apricot Day (French Republic)
Black Top Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day; UK)
Brunhilda Asteroid Day
Change Your Ringtone Day (Australia)
Cool Japan Day
Crossfire Hurricane Day
Devoted Couples Day
Emancipation Day (Belize)
Father’s Day (Dominican Republic)
George Jetson Day
Garda Asteroid Day
The Great Mullein Day
Gryphon Appreciation Day
Hapje Tapje (Leuven, Belgium)
Happy Potter Day
Hot August Nights begin (Reno, Nevada)
Insect Appreciation Day
International Lifeguard Appreciation Day
International Seriously Single Day
Joust of Quintana: La Sfida (The Challenge; Italy) [Pt. 2 in September]
Ka Hae Hawai'i Day (State Flag Day; Hawaii)
Law Enforcement Day (Louisiana)
Mac Davis Day (Lubbock, Texas)
Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh (Haryana and Punjab, India)
Milton Friedman Day
Mutt's Day
National Blood Donor Day (Iran)
National Commando Day
National Diana Day
National Eisteddford of Wales (Wales)
National Heatstroke Awareness Day
National #Love Day
National Mom Bod Day
National Mutt Day (a.k.a. National Mixed Breed Dog Day)
National Orgasm Day (UK)
National Parent a Biracial Child Day
Operation Motorman Anniversary Day (UK)
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Saui Sura (Javanese New Year; Suriname)
Saxophone Day
731 Day
Treasury Day (Poland)
Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day
U.S. Patent Day
Warriors’ Day (Malaysia)
World Day Against Electronic Torture
World MS Trend Day
World Ranger Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cotton Candy Day [also 12.7]
Jump for Jelly Beans Day
Make Homemade Ice Cream and Invite the Neighbors Over Day
National Avocado Day
National Raspberry Cake Day
National Spam Day
Rum Ration Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day)
Shredded Wheat Day
Independence & Related Days
Sovereignty Restoration Day (Hawaii)
Vanuatu (from UK/France, 1980)
Weimar Constitution Adoption Day (Germany; 1919)
5th & Last Wednesday in July
OSHC Educators Day (Australia) [last Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning July 31 (Last Week of July)
Oregon Brewers Festival begins [Last full weekend; Wednesday thru Saturday] (Now merged with the Portland Rose Festival in May and June)
Festivals Beginning July 31, 2024
Beyond the Gates (Bergen, Norway) [thru 8.3]
Grays Harbor County Fair (Elma, Washington) [thru 8.3]
Iowa Hunger Summit (Des Moines, Iowa)
Maine Lobster Festival (Rockland, Maine) [thru 8.4]
Montelago Celtic Festival (Serravalle di Chienti, Italy) [thru 8.3]
NC Watermelon Festival (Murfreesboro, North Carolina) [thru 8.3]
Northern Maine Fair (Presque Isle, Maine) [thru 8.4]
Ventura County Fair (Ventura, California) [thru 8.11]
Viagem Medieval (Medieval Journey) (Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal) [thru 8.11]
Feast Days
Abanoub (Christian; Saint)
Bill Gates Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Birthday of Nephthys
Cameons (Positivist; Saint)
The Clodhoppers (Muppetism)
Dress Up Day (Pastafarian)
Erich Heckel (Artology)
Feast of Joseph of Arimathea (Anglican; Roman Catholic)
First Sermon of Buddha (Bhutan)
Germanus of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Helen of Skofde, Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Ignatius of Loyola (Christian; Saint)
Jacques Villon (Artology)
Jean Denis Attiret (Artology)
Jean Dubuffet (Artology)
J.K. Rowling (Writerism)
John Columbini (Christian; Saint)
Joseph of Arimathea (Eastern Orthodox)
Ka Hae (Hawaii Flag Day; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Lammas Eve (a.k.a. ... 
August Eve
Hlafmesse (Loaf Mass; Anglo-Saxon)
Lammas, Day 1 (Celtic, Pagan) [5 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Lughnassad Eve
Lithasblot (Norse Harvest Festival)
Loki and Sigyn’s Day (Norse)
Lughnassadh (Grain Harvest)
Oiche Lughnasadh (Pagan)
Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh (Haryana, India)
Mary Vaux Walcott (Artology)
Neot (Christian; Saint)
Primo Levi (Writerism)
Real Ale Day (Pastafarian)
Seedy Birds (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Bad Animals, by Heart (Album; 1987)
BASEketball (Film; 1998)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Film; 1992)
Confidence (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1933)
Dad’s Army (BBC TV Series; 1968)
The Dark Tower (Film; 2017)
Death Becomes Her (Film; 1992)
Enchanted April (Film; 1992)
Ever After (Film; 1998)
Farmer Al Falfa’s Prize Package (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (TV Series; 2019)
Hang ‘Em High (Film; 1968)
Hot Shots! (Film; 1991)
I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson (Novel; 1954)
Lego Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Little Boy Blue (Castle Films ComiColor Cartoons; 1936)
The Living Daylights (James Bond Film, US; 1987) [#15]
The Lost Boys (Film; 1987)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (Film; 2015)
Murder Included, by Joanna Cannan (Novel; 1950)
The Negotiator (Film; 1998)
Night (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Only the Lonely, by Roy Orbison (Song; 1960)
The Pink Pill (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
Plenty of Money and You (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (Book of Poems; 1786)
Rascal Flatts, by Rascal Flatts (Album; 2000)
Rushing Roulette (WB MM Cartoon; 1965)
The Shadow (Radio Series; 1930)
Still the One, by Orleans (Song; 1976)
Urban Cowboy (Film; 1980)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (Film; 2017)
What a Night! What a Moon!, recorded by Teddy Wilson (Song; 1935)
The Wiggles (TV Series; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Hermann, Ignatius, Justinus (Austria)
Ignacije, Vatroslav (Croatia)
Ignác (Czech Republic)
Germanus, Helena (Denmark)
Ave, Meevi (Estonia)
Elena, Helena (Finland)
Ignace (France)
Herrmann, Ignatius, Joseph (Germany)
Iosif, Sifis (Greece)
Oszkár (Hungary)
Barbara (Italy)
Angelika, Renita, Rūta, Sigita (Latvia)
Elena, Ignotas, Sanginas, Vykintė (Lithuania)
Elin, Eline (Norway)
Beatus, Demokryt, Emilian, Ernesta, Ernestyna, Helena, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Justyn, Ludomir, Żegota (Poland)
Margarita, Marina (Russia)
Ignác (Slovakia)
Fabio, Germán, Ignacio (Spain)
Elin, Helena (Sweden)
Ignacio, Inigo, Reed, Reid (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 213 of 2024; 153 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of Week 31 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 26 (Bing-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 25 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 24 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 3 Purple; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 18 July 2024
Moon: 17%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 16 Dante (8th Month) [Cameons]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 42 of 94)
Week: Last Week of July
Zodiac: Leo (Day 10 of 31)
0 notes
hondana · 3 months
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#39 Treasures of the Thunder Dragon: A Portrait of Bhutan - Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuk | Bhutan | memoir | 224 pages
Long regarded as the Forbidden Land, Bhutan—or Druk Yul, the Land of the Thunder Dragon—was virtually closed to the outside world until the 1960s. Even today, little is known about this remote Himalayan Buddhist kingdom nestled between two giant neighbours, India and China. Often described as the Last Shangri La, Bhutan is still a country of pristine forests, alpine valleys and glacial lakes, rich in rare flora and fauna such as the blue poppy, the golden langur and the red panda. As spectacular as its natural beauty are the architecture of its towering dzongs (fortresses) and the art treasures that fill its monasteries and temples. Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck’s portrait of her country is a captivating blend of personal memoir, history, folklore and travelogue. It provides unique and intimate insights into Bhutanese culture and society, with its vivid glimpses of life in Bhutan’s villages and hamlets, monasteries and palaces. Her engaging account of her childhood, growing up in a village in western Bhutan and the changes she witnessed when the country decided to end its isolation also tells a larger story—that of Bhutan’s rapid transition from a medieval kingdom to a modern nation within the space of a decade. The author shares with us her delight in some of the hidden treasures of her country, which she discovered during her journeys on foot to every corner of Bhutan—from highland villages in the shadow of the great Himalayan peaks to serene monasteries wreathed in myth and legend to the rainforests in the south and centre of the country, which are among the world’s richest biodiversity hotspots. This book, with its specially commissioned illustrations by young Bhutanese artists, and photographs from the author’s family album, is essential reading both for those who plan to visit the Kingdom of the Thunder Dragon and for armchair travellers who yearn to experience the magic of Bhutan through their imaginations.
from: Goodreads
0 notes
dreamstravel19 · 4 months
Top 10 Visa-Free Countries for Indians
Traveling the world is a dream for many, and for Indian passport holders, several destinations offer the ease of visa-free travel. Here are ten incredible Visa-Free Countries for Indians you can visit without the hassle of obtaining a visa:
1. Nepal
Neighboring Nepal is a treasure trove of natural beauty and cultural richness. From the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the spiritual serenity of its temples, Nepal is a must-visit for adventure seekers and peace lovers alike. Indians can travel to Nepal without a visa and even use Indian currency for transactions.
2. Bhutan
Known as the "Land of the Thunder Dragon," Bhutan offers a unique blend of ancient traditions and modern sensibilities. The country's stunning monasteries, lush valleys, and vibrant festivals make it a magical destination. Indian citizens can enter Bhutan without a visa, provided they carry either a passport or a voter ID card.
3. Mauritius
Mauritius, an island paradise in the Indian Ocean, is famous for its white-sand beaches, clear blue waters, and rich cultural heritage. Whether you're into water sports, wildlife, or simply relaxing by the sea, Mauritius has something for everyone. Indians can stay visa-free for up to 90 days.
4. Maldives
The Maldives is a dream destination with its overwater bungalows, coral reefs, and luxury resorts. It's perfect for honeymooners and beach lovers. Indians can get a free visa on arrival for a stay of up to 30 days.
5. Seychelles
Another gem in the Indian Ocean, Seychelles is renowned for its pristine beaches, lush tropical forests, and diverse marine life. It's an ideal spot for snorkeling, diving, and nature walks. Indian passport holders do not need a visa for stays up to 90 days.
6. Indonesia
Indonesia's is one of the best Visa-Free Countries for Indians, vast archipelago offers a variety of experiences, from the cultural richness of Bali to the bustling city life of Jakarta. The country's diverse landscapes and vibrant traditions make it a fascinating destination. Indians can obtain a visa on arrival, valid for 30 days.
7. Fiji
Fiji is synonymous with stunning beaches, coral reefs, and a friendly local culture. This South Pacific paradise is perfect for relaxation and adventure. Indian citizens can stay in Fiji visa-free for up to 4 months.
8. Jamaica
For a taste of the Caribbean, Jamaica offers beautiful beaches, reggae music, and a laid-back lifestyle. Explore the island's rich cultural heritage and natural wonders. Indians can stay in Jamaica visa-free for up to 30 days.
9. El Salvador
El Salvador, Central America's hidden gem, boasts stunning landscapes, from volcanic craters to pristine beaches. It's a haven for surfers and nature enthusiasts. Indian travelers can enter El Salvador without a visa for up to 90 days.
10. Serbia
Serbia, a Balkan country with a rich history and vibrant culture, offers a mix of medieval architecture, bustling cities, and picturesque countryside. Indian citizens can visit Serbia visa-free for up to 30 days, making it an excellent European destination.
Tips for Visa-Free Travel
Check Entry Requirements: Even if a visa isn't required, ensure you meet all other entry requirements, such as valid travel insurance or proof of onward travel.
Stay Informed: Entry policies can change, so it's wise to check the latest travel advisories and guidelines from official sources before planning your trip.
Respect Local Laws: Each country has its own rules and regulations, so be respectful and adhere to local customs and laws.
Traveling Visa-Free Countries for Indians simplifies your journey and opens up a world of exploration and adventure. So pack your bags, grab your passport, and embark on a hassle-free adventure to these incredib
0 notes
keywordssearch · 4 months
Traveling Off the Beaten Path: Discovering Underrated Destinations
Discovering Underrated Destinations
In an age where travel often gravitates towards popular tourist hotspots, there lies a hidden charm in exploring lesser-known destinations. Traveling off the beaten path not only offers unique experiences but also provides a more intimate connection with local cultures and landscapes. Here’s why you should consider venturing into underrated destinations and a list of some hidden gems around the world that are worth your exploration.
The Allure of Off the Beaten Path Travel
Authentic Experiences: Smaller, less-touristed locations often offer a more genuine insight into local life. Without the crowds, you can engage more deeply with residents and experience traditions and customs firsthand.
Less Crowded: Popular destinations can be overcrowded, which can detract from the experience. Underrated spots often allow you to enjoy the scenery and attractions without the hustle and bustle.
Cost-Effective: Less popular destinations are often more affordable. From accommodation to dining and activities, your travel budget can stretch further.
Unique Stories: Traveling to lesser-known places often results in unique stories and experiences that you can share. It sets your travel narrative apart from the common tourist tales.
Top Underrated Destinations to Explore
1. Kotor, Montenegro
Nestled between dramatic mountains and the stunning Bay of Kotor, this UNESCO World Heritage site is a treasure trove of medieval architecture and natural beauty. Wander through its narrow streets, explore the ancient city walls, and take in panoramic views from the fortress of St. John.
2. Salta, Argentina
Located in the Lerma Valley, Salta offers a rich blend of colonial architecture, vibrant culture, and stunning natural landscapes. Visit the Museo de Arqueología de Alta Montaña, explore the colorful hills of Purmamarca, and savor local wines in the nearby vineyards of Cafayate.
3. Gdańsk, Poland
Gdańsk is a historic port city on the Baltic coast, known for its beautifully restored Old Town, maritime history, and vibrant cultural scene. Stroll along the Long Market, visit the impressive St. Mary’s Church, and explore the city’s role in World War II and the Solidarity movement at the European Solidarity Centre.
4. Luang Prabang, Laos
This serene town, located at the confluence of the Mekong and Nam Khan rivers, is a blend of traditional Lao culture and French colonial architecture. Witness the daily alms-giving ceremony, explore the temples, and take a boat trip to the nearby Pak Ou Caves.
5. Puglia, Italy
While Italy is a well-trodden destination, the southern region of Puglia remains relatively undiscovered. Known for its whitewashed hill towns, centuries-old farmland, and stunning coastline, highlights include the trulli houses of Alberobello, the baroque city of Lecce, and the seaside town of Polignano a Mare.
6. Matera, Italy
Matera, also in southern Italy, is famous for its ancient cave dwellings known as sassi. This UNESCO World Heritage site offers a unique glimpse into prehistoric and medieval life, with its stone-carved homes and churches. Wandering through its labyrinthine streets feels like stepping back in time.
7. Bhutan
Often referred to as the "Land of the Thunder Dragon," Bhutan is a kingdom steeped in tradition and untouched by modernity. With its breathtaking Himalayan landscapes, monasteries, and festivals, Bhutan offers a peaceful retreat and a unique cultural experience.
Tips for Exploring Underrated Destinations
Research and Plan: While these destinations may not have as much information available as mainstream spots, thorough research can help you make the most of your trip. Look for travel blogs, local tourism websites, and social media for insider tips.
Respect Local Cultures: Part of the appeal of traveling off the beaten path is experiencing local cultures. Show respect by learning a few phrases in the local language, understanding cultural norms, and supporting local businesses.
Be Flexible: Smaller destinations may have limited infrastructure. Be prepared for unexpected changes and embrace the spontaneity of travel.
Travel Sustainably: Aim to minimize your environmental impact by choosing eco-friendly accommodations, reducing waste, and being mindful of your carbon footprint.
Traveling off the beaten path can lead to some of the most rewarding and memorable experiences. By exploring underrated destinations, you not only escape the crowds but also discover unique cultures, landscapes, and stories that enrich your travel journey. So, the next time you plan a trip, consider stepping off the well-trodden path and uncover the hidden gems the world has to offer.
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brahmandtour91 · 5 months
Best Himalayan Motorcycle Tours
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Exploring the Himalayas on a motorcycle is a thrilling adventure that attracts riders from around the world. Here are some of the Best Motorcycle Tours in the Himalayas that offer Memorable experiences:
Leh-Manali Highway: This iconic route in the Indian Himalayas is one of the highest motorable roads globally, reaching altitudes of over 17,000 feet. The journey covers breathtaking landscapes, including snow-capped peaks, rugged terrain, and remote villages. Start in Leh, Ladakh, and ride through desolate landscapes, high mountain passes like Khardung La, and stunning valleys before reaching Manali.
Spiti Valley Circuit: See the Beautiful Spiti Valley in Himachal Pradesh, India. This circuit is famous for its raw beauty, ancient monasteries, and challenging roads. Ride through picturesque villages like Kaza, visit Key Monastery, and cross high-altitude passes like Kunzum La.
Bhutan Motorcycle Tour: Enjoy the cultural richness and natural beauty of Bhutan on a motorcycle. This tour takes you through pristine valleys, past Buddhist monasteries, and alongside the majestic Himalayan peaks. Experience Bhutan's unique culture and traditions while riding through Paro, Thimphu, and Bumthang.
Nepal Mustang Region: Ride through the  Mustang region of Nepal, known for its rugged landscapes, ancient Tibetan culture, and medieval villages. The route takes you to Lo Manthang, a walled city near the Tibetan border, offering a glimpse into a bygone era.
Ladakh to Kashmir: Start your journey in Leh, Ladakh, and ride towards Srinagar, Kashmir. This tour combines the beauty of Ladakh with the lush greenery of the Kashmir Valley. Ride through the Zoji La Pass and experience the unique blend of cultures along the way.
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gokitetour · 6 months
8 Best Places To Visit In Baku
Explore the enchanting blend of modernity and tradition in Baku Tour packages, Azerbaijan's vibrant capital. Wander through the UNESCO-listed Old City, marvel at the iconic Flame Towers, and indulge in the local cuisine at bustling markets. With tailored Baku tour packages from India, immerse yourself in the city's rich history, from the Palace of the Shirvanshahs to the Heydar Aliyev Center's futuristic architecture. Don't miss out on Baku holiday packages for an unforgettable experience in this dynamic metropolis.
Here are the 8 best places to visit in Baku, along with information on Baku tour packages from India, Baku holiday packages, and Baku tour packages:
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1. Old City (Icherisheher): Explore the historical heart of Baku, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, featuring ancient mosques, palaces, and narrow streets.
Baku tour packages often include guided tours of the Old City, providing insights into its rich history.
2. Flame Towers: Iconic skyscrapers dominating Baku's skyline, offering panoramic views of the city and the Caspian Sea.
Many Baku tour packages offer visits to Flame Towers as part of city sightseeing tours.
3. Heydar Aliyev Center: Architectural masterpiece designed by Zaha Hadid, showcasing contemporary art exhibitions and cultural events.
Baku holiday packages often include visits to this landmark, providing a glimpse into modern Azerbaijani culture.
4. Maiden Tower: Ancient tower with mysterious origins, offering panoramic views of Baku and housing a museum on its history.
Guided tours to Maiden Tower are frequently included in Baku tour packages. Read more: Bhutan Tour Packages from India , Mauritius tour package from India , Bangkok Tour Packages from India
5. Baku Boulevard (Seaside Park): Picturesque promenade along the Caspian Sea, featuring parks, cafes, and attractions like the Baku Eye Ferris wheel.
Relaxing walks along Baku Boulevard are often part of Baku tour packages.
6. Palace of the Shirvanshahs: Medieval palace complex showcasing Azerbaijani architecture and history, including mosques, mausoleums, and a bathhouse.
Baku tour packages often include guided visits to this historic site.
7. Carpet Museum: Unique museum dedicated to Azerbaijani carpet weaving, featuring a vast collection of carpets and related artifacts.
Some Baku holiday packages offer visits to the Carpet Museum, providing insights into Azerbaijani craftsmanship.
8. Gobustan National Park: Archaeological site renowned for its rock art, mud volcanoes, and prehistoric artifacts, offering a glimpse into ancient civilizations.
Baku tour packages may include day trips to Gobustan National Park, allowing travelers to explore its natural and historical wonders.
For those interested in visiting Baku from India, various travel agencies offer Baku tour packages from India with different itineraries, durations, and price ranges. It's advisable to compare multiple packages to find the best fit for your preferences and budget. Prices for Baku tour packages can vary depending on factors such as accommodation, transportation, and included activities, so it's recommended to inquire about specific package details and inclusions before booking.
Baku emerges as a captivating destination, blending ancient charm with modern allure. With its rich history, iconic landmarks like the Flame Towers, and vibrant cultural scene, Baku Tour packages offers an unforgettable experience for travelers. Baku tour packages cater to diverse interests, ensuring a hassle-free exploration of this dynamic city. From exploring the UNESCO-listed Old City to indulging in the city's culinary delights, there's something for everyone. With competitive Baku Tour packages price, experiencing the magic of this Azerbaijani gem has never been more accessible. Embark on a journey to Baku and unlock its treasures for a truly memorable adventure.
Read more: Vietnam tourism packages from india , Bali tour package from India , Dubai Tour package from India , Maldives Tour Packages from India
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druk123-blog · 6 months
Bhutan Tour Itinerary- Essence of Mystical Kingdom.
The 'Essence of Mystical Kingdom’ cultural tour is ideal for those who want to discover the true Bhutan. This ultimate tour explores the cultural valleys of the west and the spiritual central Bhutan.
Explore Bhutan’s central valleys, rich with ancient historical and sacred Buddhist sites. Discover some of the most sacred Buddhist monasteries and temples in the Himalaya. Visit ancient palaces and museums featuring historical memorabilia of Bhutan’s Royal Family. Experience Bhutan’s unique culture up-close with farmhouse visits and village excursions. Drive over high mountain passes affording sensational views of the Himalayan peaks. Visit many cultural attractions including medieval fortresses (Dzongs), markets and museums. Hike up to the famous Taktsang Monastery, perched on a cliff 900m above the valley floor. Marvel at the elaborate and ancient wall paintings and carvings in Dzongs and temples. Traverse beautiful landscapes from lush valleys to dense forests. Incorporate a Value-Added Option such as a cooking lesson or meditation session with a monk.
Day 1- Phuentsholing - Thimphu. After your arrival at Phuentsholing you will be welcomed by our company’s host. Complete all immigration formalities and drive to Thimphu. Our drive will take about 5 hours to reach Thimphu. After reaching Thimphu check into hotel. We rest for sometime to get acclimatize with the weather. Visit National Memorial Chorten and statue of Buddha Dordenma at Kuenselphodrang to witness the tallest statue of sitting Buddha. Toward the evening visit Kaja Throm, a new set up for along the Thimphu. And stroll around Thimphu town . Dinner and overnight stay in Thimphu.
Day 2- Thimphu - Bumthang After breakfast we drive to the central Bhutan. Bumthang is one of the most historic and it’s blessed with many sacred sites. Its natural beauty and unique culture is often the pride of its valley. To reach Bumthang, we drive along the national highway connecting Wangduephodrang and Trongsa passing several high passes on the way. Since its a long drive we shall stop on passes for breather and photography. Dinner and overnight stay in Bumthang.
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Day 3- Bumthang - Phobjikha With early breakfast, we drive to Jambay lhakhang and Kurjey Lhakhang. We shall also visit Mabaer Tsho (Burning lake). Then drive towards Trongsa and visit National Museum in Trongsa. We shall then break at highways at different locations. Then continue our drive to Phobjikha. Dinner and overnight stay in farm house in Phobjikha valley.
Day 4- Phobjikha - Thimphu. After breakfast we shall do Phobjikha nature hike along the valley then visit crane informaiton centre. Phobjikha valley is beauty in its pure form. Beside the crane, the valley offers some of the most amazing landscapes. Then continue our drive to Thimphu. On the way stop for a while at Dochula for some tea and photography. Then drive to Thimphu. Upon reaching Thimphu, stroll craft bazar, kaja throm and visit some handicraft shops in the town. Dinner and overnight stay in Thimphu.
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Day 5- Thimphu - Paro Today before driving to Paro, we visit National Memorial chorten and then statue of Buddha Dordenma, one of the tallest statue of sitting Buddha. The statue overlooks the entire southern valley of Thimphu and is one of the most visited tourist sites in Thimphu. We can also visit National Postal Museum to create personalized stamps of yours. Have lunch and drive to Paro. Upon reaching Paro, visit National Museum of Bhutan where wide ancient collections are on display. Then visit Rinpung Dzong, the centre administrative house of Paro valley. Towards the late afternoon visit some of the handicraft shops and stroll around Paro Town. Dinner and overnight stay at Paro.
Day 6 - Paro - Taktshang Hike. Our day begins after an early breakfast for the hike to view one of the Bhutan’s most famous pilgrimage and a holy mediation sites, the Taktshang popularly known as the ‘Tiger’s Nest’. The hike offers spectacular views of this sacred monastery perched on a sheer rock face which is 900mts above the valley floor. We begin hiking by foot or on a pony ride to the cafeteria, which serves as a midway point and has wonderful views of the Tiger’s Nest. From here it’s about an hour’s walk through some stunning landscape to reach the monastery. After returning back check into hotel and take rest. Towards the evening, stroll around Paro town, visit new kaja throm and visit some handicraft shops in town. OR experience hot stone bath. Dinner and overnight stay in Paro.
Day 7- Paro - Phuentsholing (Departure) After breakfast we drive to back to Phuentsholing. On the way stop at different locations for breather and photography. Reach Phuentsholing and rest for some time then head toward the pedestrian terminal for departure. For Booking Enquiry please contact:
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travelpostblog · 7 months
Globetrotting Dreams: A Collection of Travel Stories
Embark on a journey of wanderlust and discovery with "Globetrotting Dreams: A Collection of Travel Post Blog Stories." In this captivating anthology, we delve into the exhilarating experiences, cultural encounters, and breathtaking landscapes that define the essence of travel. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene beaches of Bali, each narrative promises to transport you to distant lands and ignite your passion for exploration.
Exploring Tokyo: A Symphony of Sights and Sounds
In the heart of Japan's vibrant capital, Tokyo pulsates with energy, offering a kaleidoscope of experiences for the intrepid traveler. From the iconic Shibuya Crossing to the tranquil gardens of Shinjuku Gyoen, every corner unveils a new adventure. Dive into the bustling street food scene of Tsukiji Market or immerse yourself in the ancient traditions of Senso-ji Temple. With its blend of modernity and tradition, Tokyo captivates the senses and leaves an indelible mark on all who wander its streets.
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Chasing Sunsets in Santorini: A Greek Island Paradise
Nestled in the azure waters of the Aegean Sea, Santorini beckons with its whitewashed buildings, stunning sunsets, and picturesque villages clinging to cliffsides. Lose yourself in the labyrinthine streets of Oia, where every step reveals postcard-perfect views of the caldera below. Indulge in the local cuisine, savoring fresh seafood and crisp Assyrtiko wine as the sun dips below the horizon in a blaze of orange and pink. In Santorini, time seems to stand still, inviting you to savor each moment and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Unearthing History in Rome: A Journey Through the Eternal City
As the eternal capital of Italy, Rome exudes an undeniable sense of grandeur and history. From the iconic Colosseum to the magnificent Vatican City, the city is a living testament to the legacy of the ancient world. Step back in time as you wander through the ruins of the Roman Forum or marvel at the exquisite frescoes of the Sistine Chapel. But Rome is not just a relic of the past; it is a thriving metropolis where past and present collide in a symphony of culture, cuisine, and tradition.
Trekking Through the Himalayas: A Quest for Adventure
For the adventurous traveler, few experiences rival the thrill of trekking through the majestic Himalayas. From the snow-capped peaks of Nepal to the rugged trails of Bhutan, the Himalayan region offers a wealth of opportunities for exploration and discovery. Embark on a journey to Everest Base Camp, where every step brings you closer to the roof of the world. Or lose yourself in the pristine beauty of the Annapurna Circuit, where towering mountains give way to lush valleys and cascading waterfalls. In the Himalayas, adventure awaits at every turn, promising an experience that will push your limits and leave you forever changed.
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Sailing the Islands of Croatia: A Mediterranean Escape
With its crystal-clear waters, secluded coves, and charming coastal towns, Croatia's Dalmatian Coast is a sailor's paradise. Set sail from Dubrovnik and navigate the azure waters of the Adriatic Sea, stopping to explore ancient ruins, swim in hidden bays, and dine on fresh seafood caught that day. Discover the enchanting island of Hvar, where lavender fields stretch as far as the eye can see, or lose yourself in the medieval streets of Korčula, birthplace of Marco Polo. In Croatia, the sea is your playground, and every island offers a new adventure waiting to be discovered.
"Globetrotting Dreams: A Collection of Travel Stories" is more than just a book; it is a passport to a world of adventure, discovery, and wonder. Through the pages of this anthology, you will journey to the farthest reaches of the globe, immersing yourself in the sights, sounds, and sensations of travel. Whether you're a seasoned explorer or a first-time adventurer, these stories will inspire you to pack your bags, hit the road, and embark on your own globetrotting adventure. So, what are you waiting for? Let the journey begin.
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The Top 5 Underrated Travel Destinations You Need to Visit
As travel enthusiasts, we all seek new and unique experiences to broaden our horizons and enrich our lives. While popular tourist destinations have their charm, it's the off-the-beaten-path places that truly capture the spirit of adventure and exploration. 
In this blog post, we'll take a look at the top 5 underrated travel destinations that you need to visit. From hidden gems to unique experiences, these destinations are perfect for those who are looking for something different.
Destination 1: Bhutan
Bhutan is a small landlocked country nestled in the Eastern Himalayas. Often referred to as the "Last Shangri-La," Bhutan is a land of pristine beauty, untouched by the ravages of modernity. With its unique culture, stunning landscapes, and friendly people, Bhutan is a must-visit destination for any traveler seeking a unique and authentic experience. 
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The country is home to some of the most beautiful monasteries and temples in the world, including the famous Tiger's Nest Monastery. Visitors can also enjoy trekking in the Himalayas, exploring traditional villages, and indulging in the country's delicious cuisine.
Destination 2: Slovenia
Slovenia may be small, but it packs a big punch when it comes to natural beauty and adventure. From the majestic Julian Alps to the crystal-clear waters of Lake Bled, Slovenia is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. The country is also home to some of the most charming medieval towns in Europe, such as Ljubljana and Piran. 
Visitors can indulge in local cuisine, sample local wines, and explore the country's many castles and fortresses.
Destination 3: Namibia
Namibia is a land of stark beauty and incredible wildlife. From the towering red sand dunes of Sossusvlei to the vast Etosha National Park, Namibia is a photographer's dream come true. 
The country is also home to some of the most unique wildlife in Africa, such as the desert-adapted elephant and the black rhino. Visitors can go on safari, explore traditional Himba villages, and marvel at the country's stunning landscapes.
Destination 4: Northern Cyprus
Northern Cyprus is an often-overlooked destination in the Mediterranean, but it has a lot to offer. The country is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the region, as well as charming medieval towns and ancient ruins. 
Visitors can explore the historic city of Famagusta, relax on the beaches of Kyrenia, and indulge in delicious Cypriot cuisine.
Destination 5: Laos
Laos is a land of stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. The country is home to some of the most beautiful waterfalls in Southeast Asia, as well as charming colonial towns and traditional villages. 
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Visitors can explore the ancient city of Luang Prabang, go kayaking in the Nam Ou River, and indulge in delicious Laotian cuisine.
These underrated travel destinations may not be on everyone's radar, but they offer unique experiences that are well worth the journey. From the pristine beauty of Bhutan to the stark landscapes of Namibia, these destinations are perfect for travelers who are looking for something different. 
So why not step off the beaten path and explore these hidden gems? You won't be disappointed.
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brookston · 5 months
Holidays 5.2
Astronomy Day
Ba Ba Ba Booo Day
Baby Day
Battle of Hogwarts Day (Harry Potter)
Bird L.A. Day (California)
Brothers and Sisters Day
Childhood Depression Awareness Day
Coarse Fishing Season begins (Medieval UK)
Day of Madrid (Spain)
Dos de Mayo Uprising Anniversary Day (Spain)
Fire Day
Flag Day (Poland)
Good Housekeeping Day
Holiday of the Region of Madrid (Spain)
International Harry Potter Day
International Loch Ness Monster Day
International Market Research Day
King James Bible Day
Mad Festival
National Babies Day
National Byron Day
National Curly Hair Day (UK)
National Day of Hiring
National Education Day (Indonesia)
National Fire Day
National Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome Awareness Day
National Life Insurance Day
National Play Your Ukulele Day
National Report Homeland Security Fraud Day
National Sandra Day
Natural Joy Day
Peasant's Day (Burma)
Placebo Day
Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad Day
Robert's Rules of Order Day
Rowdy Friends Day
Sam Winchester Day (Supernatural)
Sappho Asteroid Day
Scurvy Awareness Day
Sibling Appreciation Day
Take a Baby to Lunch Day
Teachers’ Day (Bhutan, Iran)
Third Druk Gyalpo Day (Bhutan)
Trade Unions House Fire Anniversary (Ukraine)
Wallflower Day (French Republic)
World Bloggers Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Green Tea Day (Japan)
National Matcha Day
National Truffle Day
World Tuna Day (UN)
1st Thursday in May
Idaho Gives Day (Idaho) [1st Thursday]
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
Make-a-Book Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
Martin Z. Mollusk Day [1st Thursday]
Mom's Night Out [Thursday before Mother's Day]
National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
National Day of Prayer [1st Thursday]
National Day of Reason [1st Thursday]
National Student Nurse Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
Thank a Dance Teacher [1st Thursday]
Thank a Youth Worker Day [1st Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
World Password Day [1st Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 2 (1st Week)
Children’s Book Week (thru 5.8)
Screen Free Week (thru 5.8)
Independence & Related Days
Hudson Bay Company (Founded; 1670)
Richensland (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning May 2, 2024
Earth Frequency Festival (Queensland, Australia) [thru 5.6]
Festival Accès Asie (Montreal, Canada) [thru 6.2]
LSR Wine Stroll (Chicago, Illinois)
Mushroom Festival (Richmond, Missouri) [thru 5.4]
Strawberry Festival (Cabot, Arkansas) [thru 5.4]
UK Asian Film Festival (London, UK) [thru 5.12]
Vinton County Wild Turkey Festival (McArthur, Ohio) [thru 5.5]
World Art Dubai (Dubai, UAE) [thru 5.5]
Feast Days
Ahudemmeh (Syriac Orthodox Church).
Alexandre Antigua (Artology)
Athanasius of Alexandria (a.k.a. Athanasius  the Great; Western Christianity)
Blessing of the Deosil (a.k.a. Sunwise; Celtic Book of Days)
Boris I of Bulgaria (Bulgarian Orthodox Church)
Conrad of Seldenbüren (Christian; Saint)
Demosthenes (Positivist; Saint)
Eve of the Finding of the True Cross
Exsuperius and Zoe (Christian; Martyrs)
Feast of Osiris (who taught the Egyptians how to brew beer)
Feast of Ysahodhara (Consort of Buddha)
Fertility Festival featuring a Man wearing a hobbyhorse costume, a devil’s mask, and pointed hat (UK; Everyday Wicca)
Fiesta Dei Serpari (Cocullo, Italy)
Germanus of Normandy (Christian; Saint)
Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni (Artology)
Humane Day
Jerome K. Jerome (Writerism)
Junior (Muppetism)
Listen to Your Heart Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Mafalda (Christian; Saint)
Media Ver I (Pagan)
Nina Hartley Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Ramen Day (Pastafarian)
Scurvy Awareness Day (Pastafarian)
Ultan (Christian; Saint)
Waldebert (Christian; Saint)
Wiborada (Christian; Martyr & Virgin)
Zoe (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [25 of 71]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [24 of 60]
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Film; 2014)
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (Film; 1997)
The Awful Tooth (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1952)
Ballyhooey (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1960)
Bulldog Drummond (Film; 1929)
The Cute Recruit (Phantasies Cartoon; 1941)
Daffy’s Southern Exposure (WB LT Cartoon; 1942)
Disintegration, by The Cure (Album; 1989)
A Dog’s Dream (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Coleman (Book; 1996)
The Firm, by John Grisham (Novel; 1991)
The Holy Bible, King James Version (Religious Book; 1611)
Iron Man (Film; 2008)
I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me), by Whitney Houston (Song; 1987)
The Jack Benny Program (Radio Series; 1932)
Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling (Film; 1986)
Let It Be Me (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Living With War, by Neil Young (Album; 2006)
Made of Honor (Film; 2008)
The Magician’s Nephew, by C.S. Lewis (Novel; 1955) [The Chronicles of Narnia #6]
Miracle on 34th Street (Film; 1947)
Money Heist (TV Series; 2017)
My Favorite Wife (Film; 1940)
No Ordinary Time, by Doris Kearns Goodwin (History Book; 1995)
The Odd Couple (Film; 1968)
The Old House (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1936)
Peter and the Wolf, by Sergei Prokofiev (Symphonic Fairy Tale; 1936)
Pontoffel Pock, Where Are You? (DePatie-Freleng Animated TV Special; 1980)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (Film; 1946)
Ragtime Romeo (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1931)
The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu (Film; 1930)
The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis (Novel; 1942)
Southern Fried Rabbit (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
The Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1594)
Tell Laura I Love Her, recorded by Ray Peterson (Song; 1960)
10,000 Days, by Tool (Album; 2006)
Triplanetary, by E.E. "Doc" Smith (Novel; 1948) [Lensman #1]
The Vanishing Duck (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1958)
The Wacky Rabbit (WB MM Cartoon; 1942)
Waitress (Film; 2007)
Wonderful Tonight, recorded by Eric Clapton (Song; 1977)
X2: X-Men United (Film; 2003)
Today’s Name Days
Athanasius, Boris, Siegmund (Austria)
Boriana, Boris, Borislav, Borislava (Bulgaria)
Atanazije, Boris (Croatia)
Zikmund (Czech Republic)
Athanasius (Denmark)
Maaja, Mai, Maia, Maie, Maiu (Estonia)
Viivi, Vuokko (Finland)
Boris, Zoé (France)
Boris, Siegmund, Zoé (Germany)
Avgerinos, Esperos, Matrona (Greece)
Zsigmond (Hungary)
Atanasio, Efisio (Italy)
Laris, Sigismunds, Visvaris, Zigmunds (Latvia)
Atanazas, Eidmantas, Meilė (Lithuania)
Åsa, Åse (Norway)
Afanazy, Anatol, Atanazy, Longin, Longina, Walenty, Walter, Witomir, Zygmunt (Poland)
Atanasie (Romania)
Tamara (Russia)
Žigmund (Slovakia)
Atanasio, Zoe (Spain)
Filip, Filippa (Sweden)
Bing, Zoe, Zoey, Zolita (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 123 of 2024; 243 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 18 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 24 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 24 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 23 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 3 Magenta; Threesday [23 of 30]
Julian: 19 April 2024
Moon: 37%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 11 Caesar (5th Month) [Ptolemy Lagus]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 45 of 92)
Week: 1st Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 13 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Holidays 5.2
Astronomy Day
Ba Ba Ba Booo Day
Baby Day
Battle of Hogwarts Day (Harry Potter)
Bird L.A. Day (California)
Brothers and Sisters Day
Childhood Depression Awareness Day
Coarse Fishing Season begins (Medieval UK)
Day of Madrid (Spain)
Dos de Mayo Uprising Anniversary Day (Spain)
Fire Day
Flag Day (Poland)
Good Housekeeping Day
Holiday of the Region of Madrid (Spain)
International Harry Potter Day
International Loch Ness Monster Day
International Market Research Day
King James Bible Day
Mad Festival
National Babies Day
National Byron Day
National Curly Hair Day (UK)
National Day of Hiring
National Education Day (Indonesia)
National Fire Day
National Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome Awareness Day
National Life Insurance Day
National Play Your Ukulele Day
National Report Homeland Security Fraud Day
National Sandra Day
Natural Joy Day
Peasant's Day (Burma)
Placebo Day
Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad Day
Robert's Rules of Order Day
Rowdy Friends Day
Sam Winchester Day (Supernatural)
Sappho Asteroid Day
Scurvy Awareness Day
Sibling Appreciation Day
Take a Baby to Lunch Day
Teachers’ Day (Bhutan, Iran)
Third Druk Gyalpo Day (Bhutan)
Trade Unions House Fire Anniversary (Ukraine)
Wallflower Day (French Republic)
World Bloggers Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Green Tea Day (Japan)
National Matcha Day
National Truffle Day
World Tuna Day (UN)
1st Thursday in May
Idaho Gives Day (Idaho) [1st Thursday]
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
Make-a-Book Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
Martin Z. Mollusk Day [1st Thursday]
Mom's Night Out [Thursday before Mother's Day]
National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
National Day of Prayer [1st Thursday]
National Day of Reason [1st Thursday]
National Student Nurse Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
Thank a Dance Teacher [1st Thursday]
Thank a Youth Worker Day [1st Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
World Password Day [1st Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 2 (1st Week)
Children’s Book Week (thru 5.8)
Screen Free Week (thru 5.8)
Independence & Related Days
Hudson Bay Company (Founded; 1670)
Richensland (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning May 2, 2024
Earth Frequency Festival (Queensland, Australia) [thru 5.6]
Festival Accès Asie (Montreal, Canada) [thru 6.2]
LSR Wine Stroll (Chicago, Illinois)
Mushroom Festival (Richmond, Missouri) [thru 5.4]
Strawberry Festival (Cabot, Arkansas) [thru 5.4]
UK Asian Film Festival (London, UK) [thru 5.12]
Vinton County Wild Turkey Festival (McArthur, Ohio) [thru 5.5]
World Art Dubai (Dubai, UAE) [thru 5.5]
Feast Days
Ahudemmeh (Syriac Orthodox Church).
Alexandre Antigua (Artology)
Athanasius of Alexandria (a.k.a. Athanasius  the Great; Western Christianity)
Blessing of the Deosil (a.k.a. Sunwise; Celtic Book of Days)
Boris I of Bulgaria (Bulgarian Orthodox Church)
Conrad of Seldenbüren (Christian; Saint)
Demosthenes (Positivist; Saint)
Eve of the Finding of the True Cross
Exsuperius and Zoe (Christian; Martyrs)
Feast of Osiris (who taught the Egyptians how to brew beer)
Feast of Ysahodhara (Consort of Buddha)
Fertility Festival featuring a Man wearing a hobbyhorse costume, a devil’s mask, and pointed hat (UK; Everyday Wicca)
Fiesta Dei Serpari (Cocullo, Italy)
Germanus of Normandy (Christian; Saint)
Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni (Artology)
Humane Day
Jerome K. Jerome (Writerism)
Junior (Muppetism)
Listen to Your Heart Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Mafalda (Christian; Saint)
Media Ver I (Pagan)
Nina Hartley Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Ramen Day (Pastafarian)
Scurvy Awareness Day (Pastafarian)
Ultan (Christian; Saint)
Waldebert (Christian; Saint)
Wiborada (Christian; Martyr & Virgin)
Zoe (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [25 of 71]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [24 of 60]
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Film; 2014)
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (Film; 1997)
The Awful Tooth (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1952)
Ballyhooey (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1960)
Bulldog Drummond (Film; 1929)
The Cute Recruit (Phantasies Cartoon; 1941)
Daffy’s Southern Exposure (WB LT Cartoon; 1942)
Disintegration, by The Cure (Album; 1989)
A Dog’s Dream (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Coleman (Book; 1996)
The Firm, by John Grisham (Novel; 1991)
The Holy Bible, King James Version (Religious Book; 1611)
Iron Man (Film; 2008)
I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me), by Whitney Houston (Song; 1987)
The Jack Benny Program (Radio Series; 1932)
Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling (Film; 1986)
Let It Be Me (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Living With War, by Neil Young (Album; 2006)
Made of Honor (Film; 2008)
The Magician’s Nephew, by C.S. Lewis (Novel; 1955) [The Chronicles of Narnia #6]
Miracle on 34th Street (Film; 1947)
Money Heist (TV Series; 2017)
My Favorite Wife (Film; 1940)
No Ordinary Time, by Doris Kearns Goodwin (History Book; 1995)
The Odd Couple (Film; 1968)
The Old House (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1936)
Peter and the Wolf, by Sergei Prokofiev (Symphonic Fairy Tale; 1936)
Pontoffel Pock, Where Are You? (DePatie-Freleng Animated TV Special; 1980)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (Film; 1946)
Ragtime Romeo (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1931)
The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu (Film; 1930)
The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis (Novel; 1942)
Southern Fried Rabbit (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
The Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1594)
Tell Laura I Love Her, recorded by Ray Peterson (Song; 1960)
10,000 Days, by Tool (Album; 2006)
Triplanetary, by E.E. "Doc" Smith (Novel; 1948) [Lensman #1]
The Vanishing Duck (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1958)
The Wacky Rabbit (WB MM Cartoon; 1942)
Waitress (Film; 2007)
Wonderful Tonight, recorded by Eric Clapton (Song; 1977)
X2: X-Men United (Film; 2003)
Today’s Name Days
Athanasius, Boris, Siegmund (Austria)
Boriana, Boris, Borislav, Borislava (Bulgaria)
Atanazije, Boris (Croatia)
Zikmund (Czech Republic)
Athanasius (Denmark)
Maaja, Mai, Maia, Maie, Maiu (Estonia)
Viivi, Vuokko (Finland)
Boris, Zoé (France)
Boris, Siegmund, Zoé (Germany)
Avgerinos, Esperos, Matrona (Greece)
Zsigmond (Hungary)
Atanasio, Efisio (Italy)
Laris, Sigismunds, Visvaris, Zigmunds (Latvia)
Atanazas, Eidmantas, Meilė (Lithuania)
Åsa, Åse (Norway)
Afanazy, Anatol, Atanazy, Longin, Longina, Walenty, Walter, Witomir, Zygmunt (Poland)
Atanasie (Romania)
Tamara (Russia)
Žigmund (Slovakia)
Atanasio, Zoe (Spain)
Filip, Filippa (Sweden)
Bing, Zoe, Zoey, Zolita (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 123 of 2024; 243 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 18 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 24 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 24 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 23 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 3 Magenta; Threesday [23 of 30]
Julian: 19 April 2024
Moon: 37%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 11 Caesar (5th Month) [Ptolemy Lagus]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 45 of 92)
Week: 1st Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 13 of 31)
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thedalatribune · 2 years
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© Paolo Dala
Blaze A Trail
This year, resolve to get out on a path that reveals a lesser known destination or that brings a fresh perspective to a beloved favorite. The new, 250-mile Trans Bhutan Trail lures trekkers from this enchanting country’s famed Himalayan peaks to outlying regions with its dense forests and ancient fortresses. Other recently created trails span Armenia; circumnavigate Prince Edward Island, in Canada; and explore medieval Alpine history and culture around Zermatt, Switzerland.
Heather Greenwood Davis 5 Ways to Make Your Travel More Meaningful in 2023
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outfitterhimalaya · 2 years
Kathmandu Transit Tour: 03 Days
We offer Kathmandu transit tour package, we have designed 03-day tour and the 3-day Kathmandu Transit Tour has been designed for those visiting Kathmandu for a very short time period, especially for business people and professionals or the travelers in transit. If you wish to make an extended tour of the valley then we have some other longer days package as well, please do let us if you have longer holidays and want to extend Nepal tour to other cities then we will offer tailor tour itinerary as per your need and days you have for Nepal.
Krishna temple in Patan Durbar Square
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The Kathmandu valley, capital of Nepal Kathmandu is a meeting point of Hinduism and Buddhism, more over Kathmandu is the cultural and commercial hub of Nepal and the valley contains three fabled cities – Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur. Each city has temples, palaces, squires, courtyards, monasteries, and Stupa. Kathmandu has many sites recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage sites. We take you to some of the World Heritage Sites in this short tour on Kathmandu
This Kathmandu Tour and Sightseeing encompasses the true of experience of perfect holiday package.  You will be greeted with enriching experiences within very short time in this holiday tour in Kathmandu. The Hindu culture and the Buddhist way of life, medieval architecture, culture and traditions make this beautiful valley top tourist destinations for holiday, culture, adventure and study/ research purposes.
This guided tour of Kathmandu valley can be tailored according to your holiday schedule and there are enough things to make your holiday tour an awesome experience.
We have a wide range of cultural tour packages in Nepal. You can do short day tours to week-long tours with us. Some of our best tour packages are Taste of Nepal, Spirit of Nepal, Nepal Adventure Tour, Luxury Nepal Tour, and Glimpse of Nepal Tour.
Similarly, we also have cross-country tour packages like the Nepal Bhutan tour, Kathmandu Lhasa overland tour, Nepal Tibet Bhutan tour, and Nepal Tibet tour.
Itinerary detail:
Day 01: Arrive in Kathmandu and Sightseeing:
Upon your arrival in the Kathmandu airport (TIA), you will be received by our representative at the arrival gate then transferred to the hotel and check in to the hotel and we will start our guided tour to Kathmandu Durbar Square, an UNESCO World Heritage Sites - and the famous Buddhist monastery and Stupa named Swayambhunath also known as 'Monkey Temple' among the foreigners and return to hotel.
Day 02: Visit Pashupatinath, Bhaktapur & Patan.
After breakfast at hotel, we start a guided tour to another three UNESCO world heritage sites in the Kathmandu valley which includes Pashupati nath Temple, Bhaktapur Durbar Square and Patan Durbar Square and return to hotel.
Day 03: Visit Bouddhanath & then transfer to airport
After breakfast at hotel, we stat our guided tour to Bouddhnath, the Buddhists shrine of Bouddhanath is one of the largest stupas in the world, and one of the holiest Buddhist pilgrimage and tourist destinations in Kathmandu, after visiting Bouddhanath, we transfer to airport for your departure
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